Theodosia (2022) s01e21 Episode Script

What Big Teeth You Have

Nigella, we trusted you. That
might have been a mistake.
Thank you. Ugh!
Magic? Theodosia's powers?
It's all true. Yeah.
Come on, we've got my parents to
rescue and an ancient evil to stop.
Mr and Mrs Throckmorton!
Chaos is coming.
Oh, no.
Please, no!
Theo. We have to
go. Will, we can't!
We have to go after Aapep!
OK?! I can stop him!
Have you not seen that thing?
We wouldn't stand a chance.
OK, your mum and dad are
safe. We need to be safe too.
Ah! Go, right now!
Ancient powers?
All real?
My family in danger?
If Aapep gets free
..all of us.
So much I I never knew.
From Theodosia
..from all of you
..from Harold, most of all.
Leave me, Safiya.
But Please.
You should have
trusted me, Harold.
How much more did you hide?
Henry. Waiting for Theo
and Will to get back
really wasn't working for me.
Believe me, hanging with your
granny wasn't much fun, either.
I'll bet. Look, anyway, I
checked out Nigella's room.
..a great idea, actually.
Did you find anything?
Books, teaching things.
Oh, come on!
No-one's that boring.
Where's Serpent girl
hiding the bad stuff?
Maybe here.
The bad stuff is, she's
even more boring than Clive.
Look. Rosalind. Remember?
The key from snake guy's flat?
No way I'm forgetting that!
You you are a genius.
A hug.
You know, it's good when people
remember I'm the smart one
as well as the good-looking
and incredibly brave one.
Ooh! Not turned to stone.
Always a win.
You're back. Mum? Dad?
They're safe. Aapep?
Saf, I had to save mum and dad.
Theo, you were supposed to
save everyone's mum and dad,
you were supposed to stop
Aapep from getting free.
Saf, we haven't lost yet, OK?
I'll make this right.
Aapep was locked up before.
We can do that again.
OK. I'm working on that,
but, look, there's got to
be a clue somewhere, right?
Like this?
Vincent's flat.
I'll bet you that's where they
took Nigella to brainwash her.
And left her with the key?
She wasn't brainwashed,
she's one of the bad guys.
How'd you find this, anyway?
I'm a genius. Didn't you know?
No, I'm so not
hugging you again.
Come on.
We're still here, darling.
We're still here.
Looks like we managed
to escape somehow.
Let's get back, darling. I'll
be at the Pyramid in no time.
No, no - back home.
Right now. I don't
feel like I can.
Me neither. Truth be told,
I can hardly see straight.
Of course you're right.
Home, we'll see to it.
Come on. OK, here we go.
Arm around me.
Come on. Yes.
Wasn't there a snake
in that flat last time?
Not a fan.
And now we've got a
snake called Nigella.
I still say she can't
be a true Serpent.
Not in her heart.
You know, I'm pretty sure I heard
her say she was to your face.
Well, what if she got hypnotised,
like Yaret did to Henry?
Hey. Don't remind me.
People, how is this helping
with the giant evil snake thing?
OK, you're right. Will and I
can go check out Vincent's,
you two stay here and
see what you can find.
I know it seems like
everything is going wrong.
But I will
We will fix this.
Can't you feel it?
The world knows it's
about to be changed.
There's much to be done yet.
The Great One was
imprisoned so long.
He'll regain his
strength soon enough,
with our help.
After all, who's
going to stop us?
Don't underestimate your cousin.
She defeated Yaret.
I'm surprised you forget that.
He favoured you so strongly.
She was defending herself.
And as for Theo's
power, don't forget,
she had Osiris's
staff to help her.
She didn't need the staff
to free her parents.
But rescuing them kept her nicely
busy while I freed the Great One.
Don't worry, Miss Krait.
It'll take more than one girl's
magic to defeat immortal Aapep.
All these secrets I never knew.
"My dearest Lavinia
"it seems you've found my diary.
"And that means a time
has come I long feared,
"the time for you
to learn things I
"I hoped to hide from you
and little Alistair forever."
OK. It's OK, like I told you.
There's definitely no snakes.
I just don't like them, OK?
Yeah, I get it. I've
got a thing about slugs.
Slugs? Wait.
This coming from the girl who
faced down a magic serpent-wizard?
Yeah, but he wasn't squishy.
Come on, can we please get
this search over and done with?
This place creeps me out.
It is so weird being back here.
Not as weird as Nigella coming.
They definitely
controlled her somehow.
Hey! I think I've got something.
Mm. I didn't see Vincent
as the scrapbooking type.
You know, he's more of a
lurking-in-the-shadows kind of guy.
That's my uncle Andrew.
Nigella's dad.
Caught smuggling
artefacts out of Egypt.
Got prison for it! You
never told me this.
I-I never knew!
That must have been why
Nigella stopped coming.
Can't imagine your granny putting
up with that kind of thing.
"Dear Lord Snortington, you must
meet my nephew, Prisoner 72365."
I mean, come on.
That's Nigella, isn't it?
That's Nigella all right.
Look, there's a
Hello, Head of the Serpents.
We had to get the pyramidion
as far from the Serpents
as we could, you see.
It was Augustin who came up
with hiding it in the museum.
You should have told me.
I should have told you.
But I know you too well.
You'd have tried to stop me.
Or worse, you'd have
tried to join me.
I couldn't risk that,
not if I didn't have to.
Now, though, I think
I'm onto something,
an artefact that
even Aapep fears.
I hoped you'd be in my
arms as I told you this.
Looks like Nigella
didn't change much.
Apart from the whole wall
of stuff about the Serpents.
She was really into this stuff.
Almost makes you look normal.
I was wrong.
I was wrong about everything.
I trusted Nigella,
I didn't stop Aapep.
I even convinced Safiya and Henry
to attack that magician of yours.
Neville? No, I can worry about
him after Aapep's locked up.
I mean, he could be
doing anything right now.
"Yes", you're losing your hair?
A small clue, I'm not blonde.
I'm hoping it's Nigella's,
because I know a spell
that can help me find
where people are.
Where we find Nigella,
we find Aapep.
Uh, that's the one.
I still can't believe
Theo let Aapep out.
She's usually the one who's telling
us how dangerous snakebreath is.
Just give her a break, Saf.
She's trying to fix things.
We all are, or supposed to be.
I can moan and fix at the same
time, it's called multi-tasking.
Can you multi-task us a clue?
Cos there's nothing downstairs.
That's why we're trying
upstairs again, genius.
Come on.
I should've known.
Throwing things on the display.
You've no respect for history.
After what history's
been doing to us?
What on earth are
you talking about?
Take this back to
where it belongs.
Sure, in a minute, only
Do you want me to speak
to your grandmother?
So not a good idea right now.
That's better.
What are you doing down there?
Wouldn't know your
artefacts from your
Most unusual.
Hathor of the Four Faces,
show me the one I seek.
Theo? WHISPERS: This isn't
what you meant to happen?
No. I can hear you, you know.
Nigella, this has to stop.
We've been through this, Theo.
You don't have to do
everything what Aapep wants.
I want what Aapep wants.
Nigella, he will get rid
of everything and everyone,
including yourself.
That's why I'm going to stop him,
and I will stop you, if I have to.
Theo, you need to stop.
You can't stand against
an immortal power.
You should worry about
dangers closer to home.
Is that some kind of threat?
A warning.
Mess with snakes, they bite.
No, no, no, no. Nigella!
Yeah. That could have
gone better than it did.
Let's just hope they're having
better luck at the museum.
The museum"dangers
closer to home".
You don't think
that? Come on.
Did I hear you
talking to someone?
News from the Great One?
Nothing that need concern you.
I leave it all to you, Lavinia.
My notes, these finds secrets.
I've had to be careful
to hide everything
in case the Serpents
might find it.
But if I'm gone and
Aapep threatens
..well, you're the brightest,
bravest person I've ever met.
You'll find the way
through, I know you will.
But all this's so much.
How can I possibly?
I'm to go to Berlin, then?
And Paris for me.
So much of Egypt's
magic has been stripped.
Thanks to the likes
of your father.
He became a true Serpent.
Besides, museums were hoarding
Egypt's treasures long before him.
So we take them all back
to Aapep to feed on.
Wherever the Great One is,
if he's found while
he's still weak
He'll be safe.
And we'll find all
the magic he needs
for him to regain his strength.
You don't know
where he is, do you?
He hasn't chosen to
share that yet.
Not even with you?
Doesn't look like Nigella
left anything here, anyway.
Did you hear something?
We should investigate,
shouldn't we?
Together? Together.
Oh, the children.
What? Clive?
Clive. What's happened to him?
Magic, what else?
Soon he could be a
god off a tomb fresco.
I'm guessing one of the angry
ones. Look, Clive, it's me, Henry.
How well do you and
Clive get along again?
OK, I'll admit, that wasn't
the best way to calm him.
But, if at first
you don't succeed
Run away?
I really wish he'd stop.
Come on.
Roaring, or chasing us?
Both would be good. Ah!
Children?! Watch out, Granny.
Clive's gone wild, literally.
No, the children, the children.
Clive. Desist at once!
You are an assistant
curator and an Englishman.
This is no way to behave!
What's she doing? She makes
Clive angry when he's normal.
Normal for Clive, anyway.
Clive. Stop. Granny!
Children, follow me!
Quick, quick. Close the door!
There. Now hold fast.
Granny, that was great.
Who knew there was an
umbrella martial art?
It seems I did.
Surprise, that's the trick.
Learnt that when Harold
and I were in Africa.
Now, help me build a barricade.
Too much running.
We should be used
to that by now.
Are you sure something's up?
Everything looks normal to me.
GROWLING Normal for
us, unfortunately.
Come on, let's go!
That should suffice to
keep us safe a while.
Oh! Ah!
Or maybe not.
We need more
chairs. More chairs!
That looks bad.
OK and that looks worse.
Oh, no. That's Clive?
That was Clive.
Is it just me, or does he seem
extra-angry, even for Clive?
Ha. Funny, but how are
we going to stop him?
In a way that'll amaze you.
Well, he's a big cat, right?
Do you think a bowl
of milk might help?
Did Grandad ever mention anything
about a secret exit in this office?
Cos we could really
do with one right now.
Sadly, your grandfather
mentioned rather less
than he might about
a lot of things.
Keep pushing!
OK, I think Clive's been turned
into an incarnation of Shezmu.
That's the god of blood.
The thing is, Shezmu is
basically a good guy.
Uh, "god of blood"? He's just
under the influence of Aapep.
Well, that's what you
said about Nigella.
OK, this time I'm right.
Here kitty, kitty!
That's it. Go to
the window, quick!
What is she doing?
Clive, it's OK, I'm
getting you back. I hope.
She can't stand up
to that creature.
You'd be surprised, Granny.
Look, I hate to admit it,
but my sister's kind of amazing.
But Henry is right.
Theo's the only one who
can stop that thing.
Mighty Shezmu.
Punisher of wickedness,
blade of righteousness.
Shezmu, god of blood, I bow.
Hear me, mighty Shezmu.
The vessel you have taken, he cares
for this museum, he guards it,
just as you guard the righteous.
Shezmu, Aapep has deceived you,
he cast you into the
body of an innocent.
Fierce Shezmu, look into
this man's heart! Theo!
What? What's going on?
What are you two doing here?
What have you done to my museum?
There are a great many things
I don't understand, Theodosia.
A great many things
I've misjudged too.
Not least my granddaughter.
But duty
..that's something I was taught
about since I was a girl.
It seems your duty is
a heavy one, my dear.
This Aapep must be defeated.
It's OK, Granny. I know.
But never think the
burden is yours alone.
You have friends.
And now you have me.
Harold fought this creature.
I will, too.
We can do this, Granny.
I believe there's
a chance we can.
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