Three-Body (2023) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

Countdown counter ♪
Hidden in eyes ♪
Explore deep dreams in the dark ♪
What is waiting for me at the end
of the mysterious space-time ♪
Don't break the hope
given to the world ♪
The sun still sets every day ♪
=Episode 21=
(Tuesday, July 10th, 2007)
I had a talk with Shen Yufei.
Talk about what?
You know we both are members of
the Frontiers of Science, don't you?
Haven't you found out about this?
I also found out that
you threatened Wei Cheng.
Wei Cheng.
He's a math lunatic.
He probably thinks that the whole world
wants to persecute him.
You destroyed his computer.
I just tried to stop him from
working on the Three-Body problem.
What he and Shen Yufei did
were meaningless.
You were the last person
Shen Yufei met before she died.
Luckily, she got cameras in her house.
I would be the suspect.
(Tuesday, July 10th, 2007)
Pan Han had left before Shen Yufei died.
She sat alone for a long time,
then shot herself.
The autopsy proved it was suicide.
She saw the truth and made a choice.
You may not understand.
But, there's nothing incomprehensible.
Captain Shi, you shouldn't smash this.
The Finance would make you pay for it.
I should have taken the alcohol away.
Don't wake him up.
He has to know it sooner or later.
He's her husband.
Wake up.
Did I make it?
Are you OK?
There must be something wrong.
I should be able to
find out the problem.
There must be something wrong.
I'm sure I can find
I should be able to
find out the problem.
I can still calculate.
One hour ago,
(Shen Yufei, Physicist)
she was talking with you.
In an hour, she became a body.
Though I called her an enemy,
I can't bear to see a living person
turn into a body.
Five years ago,
when I was hunting drug dealers
at the China-Myanmar border,
I had a colleague
two years younger than me.
20 minutes ago, he lost
a pack of cigarettes to me in a bet.
In only 20 minutes,
he stepped on a mine
and got blown to smithereens.
I couldn't even retrieve his body.
But I didn't have time to feel sad.
I must strike immediately.
Because if I hadn't kept calm, I or the rest
of us might have been the next to die.
That's the war.
We don't have time to mourn.
So that's why you're becoming
more and more emotionless?
The enemy is more emotionless than us.
Was she the enemy?
Would an enemy kill herself?
That's why the two of us have to
find the answer through investigation.
What exactly happened in the game?
Shen Yufei and I made our last efforts,
only proving that
the Three-Body problem has no solution.
(Mr. Wang: Welcome to attend
the meet-up for Three-Body players.)
(We sincerely invite you
and hope you will arrive on time.)
Meet-up for Three-Body players.
The email came.
(Address: Yunhe Theater Time: 19:31)
Tomorrow night.
(Yunhe Theater)
Go ahead, Professor Wang.
We don't have time to mourn.
There are not many people, right?
Perhaps we're early.
I thought people would begin
a lively discussion when they met.
It may because
we work in different areas.
Have you attended to
a meet-up like this before?
My first time.
I'm a reporter.
But I know a little
about the people here.
Is the old man holding a pipe
Mr. Bai, the famous scholar?
He has imbued modern science
with Eastern philosophy.
I benefited a lot interviewing him.
That woman is a famous writer
who just won the Puli Prize.
I've read her book.
She writes in an avant-garde style
and has many readers.
You could start
one of her books on any page.
That's a vice president
at China's largest software company.
The one next to him is a high-level executive
at the State Power Corporation.
None of those players who have reached
this level is an average person.
Would you mind telling me
your working field?
I research nanomaterials.
I'm Wang Miao.
I'm a student,
studying for a Ph.D.
in earth management sci-tech.
As I expected,
the people here
are all high-level intellectuals.
We're connected by the game.
Everyone got here early.
You're just like I imagined,
all social elites.
Three-Body is intended
for people in your class
because the common crowd cannot
appreciate its meaning and mood.
(The organizer is Pan Han.)
To play it well requires
knowledge and understanding
that ordinary people do not possess.
Everyone here is an excellent
Three-Body player.
You have the best scores.
I believe that Three-Body has already
become an important part of your lives.
It's part of what keeps me alive.
I saw it by accident
on my grandson's computer.
He abandoned it after a few tries,
saying it was too abstruse.
But that was what attracted me.
Three-Body has very profound mysteries.
(One new message from Shi Qiang)
I find it
(We also see him. No worries. Carry on.)
strange, terrible,
(Play the fanatic in front of them,)
(but not so much that you can't pull it off.)
but also beautiful. It's very logical.
Under the seemingly absurd representation
is hidden much information
and amazing data.
That's what makes it spectacular
and fascinating.
I like the literary elements
of Three-Body.
The rises and falls of
Three-Body civilizations
are like magnificent epics.
I'm a bit sick of the real world.
Three-Body is already my second reality.
Compared to vulgar reality,
Three-Body is really more fascinating.
It's too bad that it's only a game.
Very good.
I'm glad you have such a consensus.
I have a question that
I think everyone wants to know
the answer to.
Go ahead.
Is Three-Body only a game?
What if the world of Three-Body,
or Trisolaris, really exists?
Then where is it?
Some questions I can answer.
Others I cannot.
But if you are meant to be
with Trisolaris,
I believe all your questions
will be answered someday.
If Trisolaris does exist,
what do Trisolarans look like?
In every cycle of civilization, the
appearance of Trisolarans is different.
Does the game really
portray Trisolaris accurately?
The ability of Trisolarans to dehydrate through
its many cycles of civilization is real.
In order to adapt to the unpredictable
natural environment,
they can completely expel
the water in their bodies
and turn into dry, fibrous objects.
That's how they avoid extreme environmental
conditions unsuitable for life.
Then, did the Trisolaran-formation computer
also exist on Trisolaris?
I thought that was the most unrealistic.
I conducted a test with more than
100 employees at my company.
Even if the idea worked,
a computer made of people
would probably operate at a speed
slower than manual computation.
You're right.
But if of the 30 million soldiers
forming the computer,
each is capable of raising and lowering
the lamps 100,000 times per second,
and if the cavalry on the main bus
can run at several times the speed of sound,
or even faster,
the result would be very different.
You asked about
the appearance of the Trisolarans.
According to some signs,
the bodies of the Trisolarans
who formed the computer
were covered
by a purely reflective surface,
which probably evolved as a response
to survival under extreme
conditions of sunlight.
The mirror-like surface
could be deformed into any shape.
Then, what's the use of deformation?
They could communicate with each other
by focusing light with their bodies.
This kind of light-speech
could transmit information rapidly
and was the foundation
of the Trisolaran-formation computer.
Though it was still
a very inefficient machine,
it could complete calculations
that couldn't be performed manually.
Think about it.
If the computer first appears
as formations of people,
before becoming mechanical
and then electronic, isn't it a great idea?
Do the three suns really exist?
Yes, they do.
They're the foundation
of the Trisolaran environment.
The game isn't profitable.
What's the goal of it?
The goal is simple and pure,
to gather those of us
who have common ideals.
What ideals do we have in common?
If Trisolaran civilization does exist,
and they are looking for a new home,
I need to know how you would feel.
Since everyone is
thinking about this question,
I think we need to discuss it
with a bit more depth.
I want to know your impression
of the Aztecs.
Dark and bloody.
Blood-drenched pyramids
lit by insidious fires
seen through dark forests.
Those are my impressions.
Very good.
if the conquistadors didn't intervene,
what would happen
to this civilization?
You're calling black white.
The conquistadors
who invaded the Americas
were nothing more than
murderers and robbers.
Even so,
at least they prevented the Aztecs from
developing without bound,
turning the Americas into a bloody,
dark great empire.
Then civilization and democracy
in the Americas and the world
wouldn't appear until much later.
Maybe they wouldn't
have appeared at all.
This is the key to the question.
No matter what the Trisolaris is like,
its appearance will be
good news for human race.
But have you thought that
the Aztecs were destroyed
by the so-called
advanced Western civilization?
I think the thoughts we're discussing today
are very dangerous.
They're profound!
I had the same thought,
but I didn't know how to express it.
You said it so well!
If Trisolaran civilization does exist,
and it needs to find a new home,
I'll be happy.
I hope that it'll come to the earth.
See for yourself.
See what happened over the years.
I'm completely disappointed
with human race.
Human society
has come to a hopeless situation.
We cannot achieve improvement
or evolution by ourselves.
At this time,
we need external forces to reform us.
I agree.
What's human race?
What an ugly thing it is!
In the first half of my life,
I've been using literature as a scalpel
to expose such ugliness.
I'm now tired of exposing it.
I'm yearning for
I'm yearning for Trisolaran civilization
to bring true beauty to this world.
The other six have all
given their views.
What about you?
I stand with them.
Very good.
The two of you
are no longer welcome at this meet-up,
and you are no longer
appropriate players for Three-Body.
Your IDs will be deleted.
Please leave now.
Thank you for coming.
Welcome joining
the Earth-Trisolaris Organization.
We are comrades now.
(The Empires of Spain and Portuguese)
Did you spend your time
discussing children's world history
at the meet-up?
The theme was that advanced civilization
would eventually replace
backward civilization.
Where is the advanced civilization?
Why is it advanced?
It can project the countdown on the sun,
on the retina.
And you?
You can only make it into a bomb.
The civilizations we saw in the game
were primitive and backward.
You've played it many times.
Which of their civilizations
was more advanced than ours?
The destruction of each civilization
would leave fresh experiences and lessons.
The present Civilization No. 192
is almost the same as ours.
If the game continues and
advances to Civilization No. 1,920,
can you imagine
what they will evolve into?
Have you been brainwashed?
Are there really Trisolarans?
Before these things happened, if you had
asked me whether there were aliens,
as a scientist, I would have told you
it was possible, but I wasn't sure.
But now, the countdown
is right in front of my eyes.
Nobody told me the reason.
Nobody could explain it.
The most precise and accurate collider
on the earth was out of order.
Physics no longer exists.
And then someone told me,
I was just a turkey.
The Battle Command Center,
with the most cutting-edge forces
in the world,
couldn't find out
who developed the game.
This game, which couldn't be
developed by turkeys,
showed us the world of the farmer.
Although the game is fictional,
it shows the reason for its existence.
In the game, I witnessed again and again
how civilizations
were reborn from destruction.
It was a miracle to us.
Every reconstruction was a miracle.
But they turned the miracle
into necessity.
Gradually, I began to believe
there was really
such a planet in the universe.
And now, I'm sure it exists.
Now, if you ask me
whether there are aliens,
I'll say yes with certainty.
They are on a planet
surrounded by three suns.
They have great civilizations
that don't die out.
You were not brainwashed.
I've been brainwashed by your words.
Now I can puzzle out many problems
that I didn't understand before.
Guessing from this perspective,
they are the Lord of Shen Yufei.
So the countdown, universe flicker,
and scientists' suicide
are all related to them.
Perhaps with their help,
Shen Yufei, Pan Han and Ye Wenjie
could do anything without being caught.
They just want to make you
and the other elites become
Trisolarans through
the Frontiers of Science
and the game of Three-Body.
You mean the people of the ETO,
Earth-Trisolaris Organization?
You call each other comrade?
Common ideals make the same minds.
The same minds make comrades.
What does that mean?
Comrades mean those
who have common ideals.
What ideals?
The Three-Body problem has no solution.
The Trisolaris will never have
a precise calendar.
So finding a new home
is their best choice.
Finding a new home?
If my house wasn't windproof
or rainproof,
and I couldn't get it repaired,
I would also have to move.
Where to?
The Trisolarans will be doomed.
How should I put it?
They don't have good geomancy,
or stable foundations,
or good building structures.
They'll definitely move,
and move to the earth,
otherwise, they wouldn't have
asked for so much trouble.
The universe flicker, the countdown,
and all other messy things
were designed for us.
We finally know who our opponent is.
It's better not to know. Aliens. Lord.
That's unbelievable.
The locations of your safe houses
were absolutely a secret,
but they got it in a second.
Chang, if nothing else, in the information war,
we'll be defeated completely.
You know that?
Chang, don't worry too much.
Though we can't defeat them,
we should at least call on the turkeys
to stand up and resist them.
Of all the assumptions we made,
this is the last one we want to face.
The enemy is an alien civilization.
The living conditions on their planet
are very harsh.
They're eager to find a livable planet.
Based on what we know,
their target is probably the earth.
Otherwise, we can't explain
why they would infiltrate and
influence the earth at such a level.
If they're a space civilization,
and much more advanced than us,
this will explain a lot of
our previous problems.
I guess at this point,
there's not much we can do.
We don't know when they will come,
or how they will come.
But the ETO probably knows it.
They may also know
what Trisolarans will do when they come.
That's right.
We have to do everything we could
to tackle this organization down.
I hope that
all our sectors around the globe
will unite as one and move together.
We've always been united.
We've been cooperating
since the beginning,
sharing information with each sector.
I mean, this time,
we must really unite as one,
trusting each other in the operation,
and being completely transparent.
After tackling the ETO,
with any discovery or progress,
we must share it
with each other in sync.
How was your business trip?
Not bad.
After the meet-up,
Pan Han has been busy.
He met with many members
of the Frontiers of Science.
Today he went to Mu Xing's studio.
- Mu Xing?
- Yes.
Mu Xing was abroad in the past few days.
She just returned home today.
You didn't go abroad
just for collecting data, did you?
I also interviewed
several foreign scientists,
who I believed were the members
of your organization.
They all believed that Lord would come
to transform human's evil deeds.
I've never lied to you.
I've looked through all their call logs
and checked the time
of Mu Xing's report, based on which,
I can say that Mu Xing
got her information from Pan Han.
do you know Lord?
Captain Shi, do you think that Mu Xing
is also a member of the organization?
Keep an eye on Pan Han.
I remember you said
you were a master of decryption, right?
I have a favor to ask
What have you got?
What have you got?
(Air Pollution in Submarines Causes
Degeneration of Central Nervous System)
(The Harm of Science to the Environment)
Would you like a cup of coffee?
No, water is fine.
On June 14th,
all the observatories around the globe
with proper conditions
observed the universe flicker.
But, the reports on this phenomenon
were completely blocked.
So, why did the universe flicker?
Did Pan Han give you the information?
Have you found anything about Pan Han?
Of course I have.
As a biologist,
he can give you so much information.
Can you believe that?
I've checked.
He has an organization behind him.
I don't think he only
has one organization behind him.
- Have you got that, too?
- Of course.
What is it?
You tell me.
What have you got?
Behind Pan Han's organization is Lord.
What is the Lord?
It seems that Pan Han only used you
to run errands for him
and spread gossips.
So what exactly the Lord is?
Let me think.
How can I put it to make you believe?
If I tell you, Lord really exists,
and it will come to the earth
with new ideas, systems
and civilizations, will you still think
the process of civilization
is to replace the weak with the strong
and the advanced with the backward?
If the Lord
really comes from an alien civilization,
I can accept that.
Aliens, really?
Do you dare to report the news?
Who would believe it?
Even if it's true,
people would think it's a stunt.
All right, let me tell you about
the history of world civilization.
There was once an Aztec Civilization
I know.
Advanced civilizations
will replace the backward ones.
You know?
That saves me the trouble.
So, who do you stand with?
Do I have a choice?
We are the backward.
We can only wait to be destroyed.
That's the attitude.
We can cooperate.
You've met with Pan Han a lot recently.
Can you get from him some
Implant a Trojan Horse in his computer.
Good idea.
Then find a way to get
What's this?
These are reports
on the universe flicker
observed by the global observatories
at 1:00 AM on June 14th.
(It might be just equipment failure,)
(but two or three astronomical
observatories, this region,)
(the whole country,
and we believe the entire world)
(have observed this strange phenomenon,)
(which is enough to
explain the questions.)
(However, the strangest thing is,)
(this matter has not been
reported by any media so far.)
(It is sole information blockage.)
(Under all the governments' silence,
to obtain all the truth,)
(we came here for a special interview.)
(The file is encrypted.
Enter password to view or edit)
I've implanted a Trojan horse
in his computer.
This is the linker.
You're efficient.
But, his computer is encrypted.
I can't open it.
Don't worry.
Let me handle it.
We have resources.
How much has it been deciphered?
There's still 5% to decipher it all.
OK. Hurry up. Time waits for no man!
- The target is deciphered.
- Thanks.
We're in the same boat.
Don't thank me.
The first part is deciphered.
The experts have decoded
a part of the files.
They found a list of the names.
Confirm them as the ETO,
most located in Europe.
The second part has been decoded.
Have you ever thought that some of them
could actually become one of us?
That might be possible.
But those people
who think they can save the Lord
have never been as pious as
we are in my point to be.
Shen Yufei was once an Adventist,
but still, she was lost,
failed to see
the essence of human nature.
You're taking advantage of human nature.
We'll take care of Europe.
If you find anyone in our sector,
send it to me immediately.
I suggest we proceed with unconditional
arrests for all the names on the list.
Seize the time to decipher other files.
Once the Battle Command Center
gets the list,
they will be eager to perish them.
It will be a great victory for us.
But Commander isn't on the list.
Because as you said,
Commander doesn't need to choose.
So I don't know which faction
she's standing with.
There's another idea I have been
thinking about it for quite a while.
The game was supposed to allow us
to select targets
to have access to
know about the Trisolaris.
But people are absurd.
They always want to be Survivors
that could solve every problem.
This I reckon was exactly the very driving force
of the growing Redemptionists faction.
So I suggest
shutting down the game servers.
Are you only suggesting?
Dad, I want to watch this.
Do you know what it is about?
Yes. Mom once watched it with me.
It's about aliens.
Dad, do you think
there are really aliens?
Maybe there are.
Maybe there are not.
Is that yes or no?
Maybe there are.
The universe is so vast that it's beyond
our cognition and imagination.
Then will they come to the earth?
Maybe they won't.
Maybe they will.
In front of the universe,
we are all pupils.
There are many things to learn.
Just like you, Dad is a pupil, too.
So I can't answer your questions
with 100% certainty.
I'm going to put on the movie.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
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