Thunderbirds (1965) s01e21 Episode Script

The Duchess Assignment

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (French accordion music) Six, noir.
Six, black.
Beg pardon, m'lady.
It's all right, Parker.
This isn't your night! I'm going to take over.
Twelve, red, please.
Yus, m'lady.
Messieurs, dames, faites vos jeux.
Place your bets, please.
- After all, it IS my money! - Yus, m'lady.
Rien ne va plus.
Rien ne va plus.
Twelve, red Twelve, red Twelve, red I wanted seventeen, black.
That makes 750,000 I've lost.
- Are you sure you're not mistaken? - Positive, madame.
I'll make it up this time Good heavens! The Duchess of Royston.
I haven't seen her for years.
Douze, rouge.
Twelve, red.
- Twelve, red.
- But but, m'lady you've won! Your winnings, madame.
- Sit in for me, Parker.
- 0h yus, m'lady! Seventeen, black Seventeen, black Oh, come on, seventeen, black Dix-huit, rouge.
Eighteen, red.
(0nlookers gasp) Oh, dear! She's so stupid, she can't see the table's fixed.
Penelope! What a delightful surprise! - I'm doing rather badly, I fear.
- So I see.
You must be desperate! I'm a desperate woman.
All I've got left now is my painting.
My Picasso.
Thank goodness I left that at home.
I'd be gambling it away, too! Picasso.
Did you hear that? Yeah! This character's a walkover! Deborah, how have you been keeping? - Rien ne va plus.
- Shh, dear! Seventeen, black Seventeen, black Quatorze, rouge.
Fourteen, red.
Now I've really lost everything! Everything! Just a moment, monsieur.
This table is fixed.
Parker? - You are mistaken, madame.
- I saw it with my own eyes.
(Buzz) (Women scream) Not so fast, mon ami! (Gunshot) The game's up, mon ami.
We've got witnesses to prove it.
- What are you talking about? - Those tables are fixed.
- Don't try to deny it.
- What if they are? Can't we come to some understanding? Er understanding? But, of course! You are human, I presume? - Parker? - In 'ere, m'lady.
I'm afraid he got away, and he took his money, I regret to say.
I regret to say I lost the duchess when they threw the lights.
- Let's get after him.
- Yus, m'lady.
Quick! That's 'im, m'lady! It looks as if the croupier's with him.
Come on! They will never catch us.
You'd better prepare, Parker, just in case.
Quite, m'lady! I can see them just ahead, m'lady! They're gaining on us.
Never mind.
I shall be ready for them.
Pathetic, isn't it, m'lady? Quite, Parker.
Try to get his tyres first.
We may as well try to reason with them.
It's no good, m'lady, there are too many bends.
Never mind, Parker.
C'est fantastique! This automobile of theirs is impenetrable.
We're nearly there.
Well that appears to be that, m'lady.
- We've lost 'em.
- 0h, dear.
How tiresome.
Let's go and console the duchess.
I expect she's staying at The Grand.
Non, madame.
I am afraid the duchess is no longer here.
She left this evening.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Any idea how I can trace her? Yes, madame Royston Castle, England.
We're too late, m'lady.
Oh, dear.
Poor Deborah.
She wasn't joking then.
- M'lady? - She said she'd lost everything.
I wish we could help her.
I'm glad Jeff's coming over for the air display.
Perhaps he'll think of something.
Rescues are his forte.
Where has that son of mine got to? I can't find him anywhere.
The last time I saw him he was carrying the parcel that came for him today.
- The one with the Saville Row label? - That's the one! He's taking his visit to the London air display seriously! The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
Bang on! Jolly good show! Oh, bang on! Jolly good show! - How am I doing, Penny? - 0h splendidly, Jeff(!) This is what I've been wanting to see - the new carrier craft.
I say! Isn't that a bit close? I say, old boy, what do you make of that? Dashed clever, what? Well done! Remarkable! They're not finished yet.
- What are they going to do, Jeff? - Just wait and see.
It's the pilot.
The other machine will guide them both down.
Absolutely first class! First class.
Yes, Percy, but International Rescue do this sort of thing all the time! They ought to have THEM on display.
to New York tomorrow? I'm afraid so, Penny.
All good things come to an end.
- What are you gonna show me now? - This is art of the last century.
I promised a friend that I'd come along.
Poor Duchess of Royston - she's fallen on hard times.
Sorry to hear that.
What happened? She went to the South of France to try and corner the market there.
But the stakes were against her.
- Anything we can do? - I wish there was.
She lent a precious possession to the gallery to try and recoup her losses.
That's it over there.
"Portrait of a Gazelle" by Picasso.
Gazelle! "Portrait of a Gazelle"? - I've G0T it, Penelope! - What do you mean? I know how we can help the duchess.
There's someone in New York I must see.
(Computer) 'Good morning.
Welcome to the Gazelle Building.
' 'Whom did you wish to see? ' I have an appointment with Mr Wilbur Dandridge the Third.
'Thank you.
' '0ne moment.
'That is correct.
'You are Mr Jeff Tracy.
Kindly take a seat.
'The voice you are listening to 'is the product of Gazelle Automated Secretaries.
'The elevator you are travelling in is manufactured 'by Gazelle Elevators Incorporated.
' Thank you(!) - 'You're welcome.
' - What?! Jeff Tracy! Where have you been all these years? Come on in, take a seat.
That's some elevator you've got there! You haven't seen ANYTHING yet! At Gazelle Enterprises everything's automated.
- How about a cigarette? - All right then.
Thanks! Now, er how about a drink, Tracy? - What will you have? - I'll have a whisky on the rocks.
Heh, heh No problem.
- Here's mud in your automated eye! - Good health, Tracy.
Oh, er is that sun too bright for you? I can soon fix that! that blind fixed some time What was this about a portrait of a gazelle? Knowing your fondness for gazelles, I thought you'd be interested.
I'm fascinated! Where can I see it? I just happen to have a reproduction of it here.
Portrait of a Gazelle.
Oh it's SENSATl0NAL! Look, Tracy, I've just got to have this picture.
Portrait of a Gazelle This could be the symbol of the Gazelle organisation! That was, er what I had figured.
But you know, Dandridge, the duchess may not want to sell.
She'll sell! Portrait of a Gazelle It's a gem a perfect gem.
Now, I don't know much about art, but I know what I like.
This is sensational! Do you agree, Lady Penelope? Oh, yes.
It's a good example of his middle period.
It's an honour to have it in my home.
It's sweet of you to look after it now the exhibition is over.
Well, let's have tea, shall we? Four hundred and seventy-five thousand.
I beg your pardon.
I don't quite understand.
Duchess I mean, your Grace.
Four hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds - for the sale of the painting.
- Sale?! But my dear Mr Dandridge, I'm afraid the picture's not on the market.
Not on the market? Er, thank you, Parker.
Kindly pass the Duchess the sandwiches.
Yus, m'lady.
Now, now, Your Grace you can't put me off.
I know a good investment when I see one.
I set my heart on it, and I must have it.
Mr Dandruff Dandridge.
I beg your pardon.
I'm not casting aspersions on your business ability, but the offer you have made seems so disproportionate Cucumber sandwiches, how delicious! Very well, your Grace.
You drive a hard bargain, but I'll advance my figure.
I will give you six hundred thousand pounds for the painting.
No, thank you, Mr Dandruff.
That picture is a precious family heirloom and I couldn't sell it.
I came all the way from the USA for the picture! Why don't we drink our tea and try to find a good old British compromise? A solution to make both of you happy.
For example, the duchess could let you have the painting for, say, six months on a rent basis.
- Rent?! - Rent?! Um well Say! That's a GREAT idea! Will passengers on Fireflash flight 681 to New York join their hostess in two minutes at walkway number three.
Number three! Do you suppose that's a lucky number, or not? Now, that will do! I've a present for you that'll give you luck.
Oh, Penelope! How sweet! What is it? It's a St Christopher, for a safe journey.
Parker's seeing to the loading of the painting, so don't worry.
A car will meet you at New York.
Thank you for bearing with me, Penelope.
I must sometimes appear like an eccentric old woman, but that painting is precious to me, and I'd feel happier if I took it over to Mr Dandridge.
I understand.
The Duchess of Royston? We're ready for you now.
Oh, thank you! Goodbye, Penelope.
Goodbye, Deborah.
Don't forget to wear the brooch! I won't, dear! And I mustn't forget THIS either.
Fare thee well, dear! (Sonic boom) Through the sound barrier.
Mach 1.
2, 40,000 feet.
Mach - 2.
8, 2.
Mach - 3 Mach - 5.
3 Height, 200,000 feet.
Level off.
So nice of Penelope to give me this.
How pretty! There she goes! It'll be nice to keep a check on the duchess.
Quite, m'lady.
I'm sure Mr Dandridge will give her a great welcome.
All right, Hendrix, you'd better go to the airport.
The duchess should be in soon.
- '0K, Mr Dandridge.
' - 0h, er, Hendrix? 'Yes, Mr Dandridge? ' 'Don't forget the cheque I made out for her.
' - I've got it.
- 'It'll show we mean business.
' - In case she changes her mind.
- See you later, sir.
That takes care of him! That uniform is going to fit me perfectly.
Yeah! It'll be a cinch to get the duchess.
There it is, dear.
That case and that hatbox are mine, too.
OK, lady.
The, er, Duchess of Royston? You must be Mr Dandridge's chauffeur.
That's right.
Can I take your bags? Say is that the painting? Um, yes.
But there was a certain arrangement.
You mean this? (0wl hoots) The duchess has reached New York all right.
Yus, m'lady.
In fact 'er Grace is already leaving the city.
You're right.
I hope everything's going according to plan.
- Is this Central Park? - No, madam, this isn't New York.
And why not, pray? Mr Dandridge asked me to take you to his country house.
I don't like it.
Mr Dandridge was to take her to his office to see the painting being hung.
Get him on the videophone, please.
At once, m'lady.
Are we there? Is this Mr Dandridge's country house? Yes.
This is Mr Dandridge's country house all right (!) Lady Penelope, what a coincidence.
I was about to contact you.
The plans have gone wrong.
Where is the duchess? 'I regret to say I don't know.
' 'My chauffeur was to bring her here, but they're late.
' I regret to say that she must have been kidnapped.
'Kidnapped? But how could that ' Parker! Something's happened.
We've been cut off.
And the signal has led deep into the country.
She's been intercepted by someone posing as the chauffeur.
Don't worry.
We'll find her.
Scott? I'm on my way.
I'll get John to trace the signal.
Then he'll contact you when you're airborne.
Virgil, take off in Thunderbird 2.
There's no knowing what may be in store for the duchess.
Right, Father.
'Parker's reported that the signal has stopped moving.
' That'll make it easier for John to get a precise fix.
Launching A-0K, Father.
Now we'll see how soon John can trace the duchess.
Thunderbirds 1 and 2 from Thunderbird 5.
- Loud and clear.
- What's the verdict? She's at map reference alpha zeta 9, beta beta 4.
'Thanks, we're on our way.
' Gee that's a lonely spot.
this is where I take a powder.
Before you go, please tell me what it is you want.
If it's the painting you can take it.
Don't worry, we have it.
I gave it to my buddy at the airport when you were changing your currency.
You won't get away with this.
We will.
Like those casino crooks got away with your dough.
So that's where I've seen you - at the casino.
I thought I'd seen your face before.
What's that smell? It's gas! It's gas, all right.
So I shouldn't go striking matches if I were you.
a nasty explosion.
So long! Oh, dear Oh, dear.
What will become of me? Thunderbird 5 from Thunderbird 1.
What's the latest? Still the same.
The signal is coming from the same location.
We can only hope she's still wearing the brooch and that it's not a trap.
It's leaking all over the place.
Somehow I've got to get out of here.
(Coughing) I've I've got to get out of here.
Father, I think I can see where she is.
It's a solitary spot.
- Father! - What is it? She's still transmitting, Scott.
I'm going in.
I hope we can do something.
(Computer) 'The Duchess's representative to see you, sir, 'with a "Portrait of a Gazelle".
' The painting? That's impossible! All right, he can come up.
Get the police over here right away, Miss Godolfin.
I think we've caught the guy who took the painting.
- I'll try to keep him talking.
- 'Very good, Mr Dandridge.
' Good evening, Mr Dandridge.
I'm here to deliver the painting and collect the second instalment - in cash, as was agreed.
As agreed.
Um Miss Godolfin, would you be so good as to send in the cash payment for the painting? 'Certainly, Mr Dandridge.
By the way, that other matter is now in hand.
' - 'Thank you.
' - What other matter? Can I see the painting, please? "Portrait of a Gazelle" all right.
And here comes your money.
Miss Godolfin is so efficient! Put your hands up! (His gun goes off) Oh! 0h! The painting! Oh the painting! Virgil! I've traced the signal to the cellar.
(Explosion) Virgil, we'll need the Mole.
- 'We must get into the cellar now.
' - FAB.
Virgil, here's your brief: Course - 079 degrees, angle - 30.
' I'm gonna get the restraining outfit.
'When that wall goes over, the basement won't stand the weight.
' Oh, dear I shall never get out alive.
- 'How's it going, Virgil? ' - No snags yet.
As long as I can hold that wall.
Virgil, you've gotta hurry up! That wall's gonna give way any moment.
'It's the soil there's a vein of solid rock.
' This heat it's fantastic! What on earth is that?! Oh, dear What CAN this be? AAARGH! Quickly! Virgil! This wall's going over at any moment.
'0K, we're on our way up.
' Scott, calling the Mole.
Virgil, are you 0K? Scott calling base! (Bleeps) Go ahead, Scott.
'Virgil was on his way up but the building's fallen.
'I can't get any reply.
Either his radio's smashed, or he's in a bad way.
' Is the signal still registering? 'Yes, but I can't tell if it's moving or not.
' - Stand by in case Virgil needs help.
- '0K, Father.
' If only we'd known about the conditions.
We'd have used the fire-fighter.
Don't blame yourselves.
If you'd waited any longer it would have been too late to attempt a rescue.
Father! The Mole's surfaced again.
But was he able to save the duchess? D'you know, Penelope, the property development company backed out when the project was dropped, and the agent couldn't sell my home.
Oh, dear.
You were rather relying on that, weren't you? But, Penelope, it was ideal, dear.
I was able to buy back my home! - I don't understand.
- With Mr Dandridge's cheque, dear.
Well, Deborah - I'm afraid I've got sad news - Now, Penelope! You're not to depress me, dear! I've been rescued by those romantic young men from International Rescue.
And the FBI have got the man who posed as Mr Dandridge's chauffeur.
And Interpol have arrested the men who were running that crooked casino.
AND I'm going to get back all the money I lost.
So don't spoil my day, dear! Mr Dandridge! Your Grace I'm, er, glad to see you so well How nice of you to come all this way.
The truth is, your Grace, I have some rather sad news about the Gazelle picture.
Indeed? I'm afraid so.
The brute truth is that the picture is destroyed.
And it was my fault.
Destroyed, Mr Dandridge? Are you positive? I'm afraid so, your Grace.
Here, Penelope.
Open that for me, like a good girl.
The truth is, that I have news for Y0U, Mr Dandridge! THIS is the "Portrait of a Gazelle" by Picasso.
Then it was a C0PY that I accidentally destroyed? Precisely! If you will kindly oblige me with the second half of the loan payment, the picture is yours for the next six months, as agreed.
Excuse me, but there's a glossy magazine on the videophone for your Grace.
They want the rights to your life story.
Is £35,000 enough? Tell them I'll take £50,000, nothing less.
- Very good, your Grace.
- 'Parker? ' What about the 3.
30? (Parker) Bad news, I'm afraid.
The 3.
30 was won by "Desperate Intruder" - a rank outsider.
Oh, dear What a pity.
Still I just know my luck is changing.
there's a little trip I want to take.
Oh, yes? Where to, Deborah? Come on! Fifteen, black! Come on! Fifteen, black.

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