Thundercats (1985) s01e21 Episode Script

030 - Dr. Dometone

Come on.
I'll race you.
Look at the sky.
A storm's coming.
Let's go in.
You're just afraid you'll lose.
Try and catch me.
You'd better come in.
Kit, you'd better What? Kit! Look out! She She's gone.
Where am I? - Who are you? - Do not be afraid.
I will not harm you.
In fact, I came here to ask for the Thundercats' help.
A water giant with green skin swallowed her whole.
I saw it.
Slow down, Wilykat.
We were swimming, and this green, scaly giant swallowed Wilykit.
Then it came after me.
- Where was this? - On the beach, beyond the Unicorn Forest.
Come on, show me.
Snarf, tell the Thundercats to stand by.
This is where I saw it last.
Look there.
I told you.
That giant has to be 50 feet tall.
- Maybe.
- Maybe? There it is.
- That giant's big, Wilykat, but not 50 feet.
- Oh, yeah? That's because it's sitting down.
Great Jaga! You're right, it's enormous.
Too big for us to handle.
Let's bring up the ThunderTank and blast it.
No, Wilykat.
We don't just go blasting things for no good reason.
No good reason? That thing swallowed Wilykit.
- We have to find out why.
- Why? Because it was hungry.
That's why.
There's something strange about the way it sits there.
It somehow looks - What's that? - Look.
Unhand me, varlets! Where's Wilykit? What have you done with her? Who are you? What are you doing here with that thing? Don't you dare touch Dr.
- Dr.
Who? - Dr.
One of Third Earth's great scientists, thinkers and gentlemen.
But I saw you get swallowed by this thing.
It was my fault.
I swam right into poor Herky's mouth.
- What? - Herky? Herky is the robot.
Dometone, Wilykat says you were pursuing him in the Unicorn Forest.
- You'd better explain yourself.
- I was pursuing him.
I came here for help.
I am director and principal guardian of the Great Oceanic Plug.
- The who? - Of the what? Centuries ago, a fissure developed in the surface of the sea floor.
A fissure? You mean, a big crack? Exactly, Wilykat, a big crack in the ocean bed.
And unless it was sealed the ocean would empty into the very core of the Earth and put out its fires.
In the greatest engineering feat of all time, the hole was plugged.
We are now under attack.
And there is a real chance the plug will be pulled out.
But why would anyone do that? Without the Earth's fire, the planet will turn into a block of ice.
A thousand light years away is a planet called Blue Plunder.
It is fueled by a common rock found by the billions under the sea.
They have sent a salvage expert to pull the plug drain the sea, and harvest the rock.
This salvage man is a cold-hearted brute called Scrape.
Since the beginning, two robots, Hercules and Samson have guarded the plug.
Last month, I took Hercules Herky here, and went ashore for supplies.
While we were gone, Samson was attacked.
I arrived too late.
It was an electric robot eel.
I knew then Herky wouldn't have a chance.
So I came looking for help.
And that's why I'm here.
There's a full crew in there.
If I don't get back with supplies, they'll starve.
And if they try to break out, the eel will break in.
And pull the Great Plug.
We can't let this happen.
I have a plan.
Will you help me in the name of remaining humanity? We've got to get to your crew, and fast.
And we have to fix some kind of emergency rig.
All right, then.
Let's go.
Thundercats, ho! Wake up, Herky.
Eyes open.
Time to activate.
Good boy.
Course: North by northeast.
Walk, Herky.
The eel's no longer there, number two.
This makes a full day he's been missing.
Yes, but how can we be sure it's not laying in wait? We ran out of food a week ago.
Dometone is obviously not coming back.
If we don't go for help now, we'll be too weak to attempt it later.
You're right.
Now hear this.
Stand by to elevate observation tower.
It looks all clear.
Shall I suit up and order the propulsion sub? All right.
Let's go for it.
I'll try to get help.
Sub ready.
Take the elevator up and stand by for launch.
The autopilot has clicked off, so we're almost there.
The Plug Dome should be coming up on our right.
Is that it? Oh, yes, but something's wrong.
Herky, stop.
On the top of the dome.
It looks like This is your captain speaking.
You have 10 minutes to abandon ship before I pull the plug.
I suggest you get into your escape pods now.
They're abandoning ship.
Scrape has taken over.
- He's won.
- No, he hasn't.
We can stop him yet.
You said you had a plan, doctor.
What's this? The early warning alarm? These shark suits were designed so our divers could move among other fish without attracting attention.
If you can get close enough to that electric eel and attach this grounding cable, then it will neutralize his charge.
Well, blast my britches.
They've got another of those old retread robots.
We'll just have to give him a shocking end.
Stand by.
Dometone, look.
When the eel comes past, I'll make a grab for his tail, Wilykat.
With luck, I'll loop the ground cable around it.
What's this? I don't remember any sharks in this area.
Well, I'd better put it in high gear just to be safe.
Here it comes.
They didn't stop it.
Defend us.
It's up to you now! Herky, let him come to you.
Keep your guard up.
Counterpunch, Herky.
Dometone, look.
Evening, folks.
Looks like you're in a tight squeeze.
Herky, he's exposed the eel's neck.
Grab it.
I underestimated him.
Got to reach the electric-charge switch.
- Hooray! Herky won.
- With a little help from his friends.
Your put-put is going to come in handy.
Time to man the lifeboats.
Sorry I can't take you with me, chum.
You got him, Lion-O.
Brilliant work, my boy.
Where's the other lad? He should be right behind me.
A sub has just ejected from the eel.
- Scrape is loose.
- And he's heading straight for the plug.
- I'll get him.
- No.
Don't try it alone.
Don't worry.
I'll shove it off course until you get here to help.
There's only one thing to do with a pushy fish, and that's to catch it.
It's time for a little help from my friends.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! Thundercats, ho! Tygra ready, ho! Cheetara ready, ho! Snarf ready, ho! Reactor engaged.
Traction locked.
All go.
The windows are ain'tight.
Control room pumped dry.
Let's see if the machinery still works.
Ready, sonny boy? When I push this button, it'll be the first time in 17 centuries that the Great Oceanic Plug has been moved.
This is Scrape speaking, chief salvage engineer of Blue Plunder.
To whom it may concern I am about to empty the ocean.
Stand by.
Listen to that.
We'll have it emptied in nothing flat.
Look at that, will you? It's Wait a minute.
Hey, it couldn't have drained that fast.
What's going on here? That's all of the ocean you're going to get, Scrape.
We've enclosed the dome in a compressed-air bubble.
You're an engineer.
You can understand that.
Yeah? Well, you wise guys are gonna have to come and get me.
- Hit the vacuum-suction button.
- Will do.
Hope you had a pleasant trip.
Scrape is in custody, Wilykat's safe, and the Oceanic Plug's secure.
- Hooray! - You saved the ocean, doctor.
And the planet.
Let's go home, Herky.
Just think, Wilykit, when Herky first swallowed you I wanted Lion-O to blast him to bits.
And you'd have blasted me and Dr.
Dometone to bits too.
Scrape would have pulled the plug.
And that would have been the end of everything.
What will happen to Scrape? He's been turned over to Mandora for transportation to the Grey Prison Planet.
Dometone has made all the repairs to the dome of the plug including an interference-free communication hookup with Cats' Lair.
What's happened to the food? I'm starved.
It may take a while.
We're having fish.
- Fish? - Oh, no, not fish.
- Who's idea was that? - I never wanna see another fish in my life.
Well, how do you want me, boiled or fried? - Get out of here.
- Some joke.

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