ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e21 Episode Script

Summer Fun Day

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[all whimpering]
Once these Vulcan fools
finish our mini-drills,
we'll dig under
the ThunderCats lair
- [loud thud]
- [gasps]
Not on our watch, Mutants.
- ThunderCats, HO!
- [all] HO!
- [groans] Get 'em.
- Got ya.
- [Cheetara] Take that.
- [both] Smoke bombs!
- [growls]
- [Tygra] Mind your manners.
[all groaning]
That takes care of them.
[mutant laughing manically]
Once we blow up the sun
with this laser,
everyone will have to buy
lamps from us, the Mutants.
Not on our watch, Mutants.
Didn't we just deal with them?
- ThunderCats, HO!
- [all weakly] HO.
Have some more smoke bomb.
You'll never
defeat us, Mutants.
[groans] Stop it.
That takes care of them.
[mutant sighing grimly]
I don't know.
Maybe if we make
this decoy Snarf
Not on our watch, Mutants.
ThunderCats, HO!
Okay, here we go,
fighting Mutants again.
Ow! Ow! Ow!
[both groan weakly]
Sheesh. I better
get out of here.
[both snoring]
Have it the [sighs]
Well, that takes care of them.
Let's go, Snarf.
Huh? Oh. [grunts]
Okay, new plan.
Oh, come on.
We haven't even left yet.
[sighs] You know what? Come on.
- [all groan]
- This is fine.
That takes care of them.
[laughs] That was great.
Those Mutants didn't know
what hit them. Whoa!
Hey, what's with you guys?
[Tygra] We're burned out
is what, Lion-O.
All we do every day is fight bad guys.
It's exhausting.
Yeah, I'm sick of fighting,
and I love fighting.
That's how bad this is.
We're running off
to do battles so often,
I don't even bother putting the
Thundertank in park anymore.
Hmm. I know what we need.
A summer fun beach day!
- Great idea, Lion-O!
- Let's all go to the beach.
Whoa! Hold on!
If we're gonna have
a summer fun beach day,
I need you all to promise
no fighting.
Yeah, sure.
That's the whole point.
I mean it. No matter what kind
of crazy things we might meet,
or what kind of evil schemes
someone might have,
no fighting today. Promise?
- [Panthro] Sure, we promise.
- [WilyKat] You got it.
[man] Promise!
Great! Then, let's go!
[all cheering]
[upbeat music playing]
Well, we're driving
To the beach ♪
Hope to get there fast ♪
'Cause when The surf's in
reach Gonna have a blast ♪
Have some fun in the sun ♪
Fight no one ♪
Oh, now we're at the beach
Got groovy plans ♪
As you'll hear from each ♪
Gonna get a tan ♪
Gonna spike a ball ♪
Gonna have a float ♪
Gonna lay a towel ♪
Gonna dig a moat ♪
Oh, a summer fun day
And we won't fight ♪
We're gonna catch some rays ♪
Why are you [yelps]
just standing there?
What happened to
our no fighting
summer fun day, Tygra?
You promised.
I'm not trying to fight him.
And the Crabman
just attacked me.
We did promise, Tygra.
Besides, this is probably
just a misunderstanding.
You probably just want to be
friends, don't you, Crabguy?
Uh, Crabman?
[both grunt]
Ooh! Look at
that seashell. [groans]
- Guess it's our turn.
- [both groan]
Oh, now you've
gone and done it.
You're crab salad, Crabmen.
- Stop!
- [all] What?
Guys, what are you doing?
We all promised
not to fight today.
You're breaking a promise.
They started it. [grunts]
I don't care.
This is a big beach.
I'm sure if we just ignore these
Crab people, they'll leave us alone.
- [all agreeing]
- [groans]
Maybe a little less sand
up top.
My castle!
[sighs] What an ignorable
thing to do.
I guess I could
always rebuild it.
[yelps] Right in the center.
Okay, Snarf, get ready.
When they return the ball,
I'll bump it to you,
you send it back to me,
and I'll spike it over.
- Got it?
- Uh-huh.
- [laughs] Fat chance.
- Spike!
Volleyball, HO! What?
Uh, okay, then.
- Guess we'll call that a do-over.
- [claws snapping]
That's fine. Whatever.
We don't need a net to play.
Actually, we're done
playing volleyball,
but because we want to be.
Now, this is how you do
a summer fun day.
Oh, you surf, do you?
Well, see if you can
keep up with this.
Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Oh, yeah,
I'm unstoppable. Whoa!
Whoo-hoo! That was awesome.
You've got
some real moves, Crabby.
Sure is a relaxing day
at the beach.
[claws snapping]
[chuckles nervously]
Uh, hey, there, everyone.
Just doing
some, uh, sunbathing.
Oh, [chuckles nervously]
I'll just go back this way.
Nah, here's fine.
Just a little sunscreen.
[shrieks] Not the face!
Oh. Um, actually,
could you get the face?
After you've finished
my back, of course.
Ah, that's great.
- Thanks. Oh, okay.
- [thumping harder]
That's getting a little hard.
It's getting harder! Too hard!
Much too hard!
Oh, no!
[claws snapping]
[all groaning]
Well, it wasn't exactly
the summer day I envisioned.
But we should still feel good,
not physically, of course.
- Definitely not.
- I can't feel my face.
But we should be proud that we
kept our promise and didn't fight,
no matter how much
the Crabmen punched us,
or kicked us, or slapped us,
or pushed us around,
or made us eat our beach towel.
[coughs] And sand.
[Lion-O] And so much sand.
So, let's put that all
behind us
with a good old-fashioned sing-along.
[clears throat] Oh
- Oh!
- Come on, Lion-O, give it up.
- Summer fun day is over.
- I know.
So, there's nothing keeping us
from putting these crabs
back in their shells.
- You mean
- ThunderCats, HO!
Time for some payback.
Ah-ha! Oh.
[grunting] No, there's just
too many of them.
[laughs] I think I can handle
a crustacean or two.
Or three or
[Wilykat] Smoke bombs.
- The smoke bombs do nothing.
- [both scream]
My little whip will teach ya.
Uh-oh. [screams]
No, not the sunscreen.
Not the sunscreen!
It's no use.
There's too many of them.
- Where's Panthro?
- [coughing]
I've seen some stuff, man.
Looks like this is
the end for us.
I'm sorry I ever suggested
a beach day in the first place.
Leave us alone. We're just
trying to have some fun.
Hey, they stopped.
Ugh! He hugged me!
I did?
Why'd you have to
go and do that?
You hugged him, after all the
nice stuff we've done for you.
Nice stuff?
What are you talking about?
You spent the entire day
beating on us.
- Mercilessly.
- Uh, yeah.
But fighting is how
Crabmen makes friends.
Don't you know anything?
We was so excited
when you showed up.
I can't remember the last time
we had new friends to fight.
Hold on, tiger sharks.
It turns out you're huggers.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Before, when you
pulled off my eyebrows,
that was you being friendly?
Uh, yeah.
[both chuckle]
[all] Hmm.
Typical violence doesn't work
on these guys, then
[all gasp]
[Thundercats] Nice fight!
I'm gonna hug you.
Ugh! Yuck!
Looks like you could use
a back rub.
Ooh! This shade of blue
- looks great on your claw.
- No!
Hey, Crabbies,
I've got something for ya.
- A fruit basket.
- [gagging]
Now, it's time
to wrap things up
with a nice, fuzzy scarf.
[all grunting]
- I hope you like it.
- [snarls]
- Don't you look at me!
- Don't touch me!
Behold the might
of my friendship rainbow.
I love you all.
[all screaming]
Now, that was one fight
we can all feel good about.
- Let's go home.
- Yeah, I'm done with the beach.
- Yeah, this place stinks.
- I'm over it.
Goodbye, beach.
And see you next time, Crabmen.
Hey, look at that. Is that the
Mutants going to the beach?
[Mutants singing] We're going to
the beach and we're gonna have fun ♪
Come on! We deserve
some summer fun
for all those beatings we take.
Who are you?
I think the Crabmen
are about to meet some friends
they're really going to
get along with.
[all laughing]
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