Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21

His Majesty
is staying over there.
Just do as we agreed.
Go in and take a look.
Take one look and come back.
I'll ask someone to send you back.
I got it. Where are you going?
I'll go see Ye Qingyu.
I'm worried he broke his head.
His head is already broken.
Or else, how could he like you?
Be quick and neat.
Come on.
Keep going.
How is your injury?
It's fine. Thank you.
You're just in time.
There's something that bothers me.
-Captain Pianran.
-Captain Pianran.
-What did I teach you?
-Captain Pianran.
You've forgotten everything
in just a few days.
I don't care
whatever kind of imps you were.
Even I carry my tail between my legs
since we got on board.
If you keep going like this,
the king might kill you
for your elixirs!
Your Majesty.
Little Devil God looks fine.
-How's the task
-He doesn't seem seriously injured.
-going so far?
-Has he recovered?
-Your Majesty.
-Thankfully, he's fine.
If something goes wrong…
But why is my head so heavy?
What's that sound?
Are the chefs killing pigs?
Your Majesty,
the crow said it had just seen the devil
who asked them
to deliver letters eight times a day.
I fled fast.
Little Devil God couldn't have seen me.
Ye Xiwu.
Why are you here?
I hid in the troops.
Pianran doesn't know about it.
Don't punish her.
I just wanted to see you.
I heard you were injured
and I haven't heard from you for days.
A spike.
Ye Xiwu.
You smell bad.
This dress looks beautiful.
Not bad.
Baiyu, ask the physician
to bring some medicine.
The camp isn't as good as the palace.
If we don't treat your wound timely,
it will worsen.
It's done.
Is there anywhere else you feel unwell?
Thank you.
I feel much better.
I'll go back now.
Be careful.
The demon soldiers
couldn't have shown up coincidentally.
What exactly is Xiao Yi up to?
I can't wait
for your demon soldiers to be ready.
Do you have a faster way?
If you're willing to take risks,
my lord can give you an idea.
Take the bones of a close relative
of Tantai Jin as a medicine inducer,
nine pairs of boys and girls,
as well as Tantai Jin's loved one
as the sacrificial offerings.
Then your wish will come true.
However, the conjuration requires
the bones of his close relative.
All right.
That's easy.
I'll send someone to get it.
As for Tantai Jin's loved one,
I'll have the mad maid here.
There's a sign of thunder tonight.
It's a good time for the conjuration.
Once the conjuration is finished,
Tantai Jin will die for sure.
These tents all look the same.
Why do I feel like
I've been circling this place?
The military region
has a complex topography.
If you're lost,
you can follow the Golden Crow.
Tantai Jin.
Don't you blame me for leaving the country
and secretly coming to the camp?
Why did you have to walk here?
That fox was deliberately
giving you a hard time
to make you quit.
Couldn't you see that?
So what?
Should I go back?
I never go backward.
I said I would come to see you.
So I kept my word.
But you're late.
My injury
has been healed.
What did Pianran tell me?
I should play hard to get.
Since you're well,
I'll go back tomorrow.
You're not allowed to go anywhere
unless your foot recovers.
That makes no sense.
You didn't want me to come.
Now you don't allow me to leave.
Do you think I'm such an easy girl?
Ye Xiwu, don't go too far.
You left without saying goodbye
and came to Jia Pass,
leaving me alone in the palace
and making me worry about you.
All right.
I won't do it again.
All right.
Pianran's method worked.
The Soul-Slaying Teardrop
is burning again.
I'll go back to sleep then.
Be careful.
Why do I feel unsettled tonight?
Ye Xiwu.
Ye Xiwu!
Gosh, you…
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Every minute of tonight is precious.
What are you doing in my bed?
Do you want me
to be assassinated by Tantai Jin?
Go to his bed.
I'm not going.
-You told me to play hard to get.
We're in the army camp,
so we must always be on guard.
Tantai Jin is the leader of the army,
so he should set an example
for his soldiers.
Ye Xiwu, you…
I'm amazed by you.
I thought
you would run back in tears.
I didn't expect you to stick it out.
Ye Xiwu.
You really like Tantai Jin, don't you?
Not very genuinely.
I'm just stupid.
I mean
I'm a dumbhead.
Ms. Fox.
Let's sleep together.
Good night.
Your Majesty.
What's going on?
The king of Sheng, Xiao Yi,
stole the skeleton of Empress Dowager.
Quick. Hurry up!
Tantai Jin.
Tantai Jin!
-Tantai Jin.
-Ye Xiwu.
Why is he suddenly leaving the camp?
-What happened?
-No idea.
I haven't been told either.
Stay in your tent.
Don't come out. Understood?
How much longer?
Your Majesty.
The spell will be done in a quarter.
Is your spell
really as good as you said?
I dare not lie to you, Your Majesty.
The spell is super powerful.
No one can get rid of it.
The skeleton of Yue Ruanruan
has been crushed into ashes.
With Tantai Jin's maid as the sacrifice,
I'll burn them all together
when the time comes.
Tantai Jin will head for his doom.
He'll die of a sudden illness
within three months.
Three months is too long.
It's the fastest way.
All right.
Be quick. It's thundering.
Your Majesty, what's that?
Your Highness.
There's a woman outside wanting to see you
for something important.
Let her in.
Xiao Lin.
Ms. Xiwu?
Are you all right?
What do you mean?
Did anything strange happen tonight?
Did you come to send a message?
I'm afraid…
I'm afraid the Sheng Kingdom
will lose another battle tonight.
Your army is the last army
of the Sheng Kingdom.
I heard
they followed my father in many battles.
If they're killed,
-I'm afraid the Sheng Kingdom--
-What did Tantai Jin do tonight?
He left the camp two hours ago.
I thought he would do a night raid.
I've sent out all the scouts
but received nothing from them.
The Jing Kingdom's military is quiet too.
Tantai Jin.
What exactly are you trying to do?
This is bad.
Ms. Xiwu, get on your horse.
Pang Yizhi will escort you back.
We can't let Tantai Jin know you're here.
Zhong Tai, Chen Xian.
-Ask Dragon Guards to defend the capital.
-The palace of Sheng.
It has been a long time.
How did you get in?
What's the demonic hex?
Xiao Yi.
You ordered someone
to excavate my mother's graveyard
and take her skeleton
to the Sheng Kingdom.
Tantai Jin, you want to beat me?
Do you think I didn't know
you ganged up with Prince Xuancheng?
Given your crime,
how can I forgive you?
When you killed your brother,
did you think of getting punished?
It seems like
it was really you who gave the order.
What about these warlocks?
You asked them to cast a spell
on my mother's skeleton
to kill me.
What are you doing there? Keep going!
Kill him.
Xiao Yi.
For your own prestige,
you caused the deaths
of innocent civilians.
In order to kill me,
you sacrificed your own people.
What's the difference
between you and demons?
I originally planned
to let you live a few more days.
Unfortunately, you're asking to die.
Shut up!
The Sheng Kingdom is thriving now
and needs your head as a sacrifice.
Since you delivered yourself up,
I'll dispose of you.
At dawn, the army of my kingdom
will conquer the capital of Jing
and I'll rule the world.
You want to kill me?
Capture him!
What's wrong with you? Go!
Demonic art.
You learned demonic art!
No wonder Tantai Wuji kept you
in the palace
and left you to die.
Tantai Jin.
You would have been killed by him
if you hadn't been a hostage
in my kingdom.
Is this how you repay your debt to me?
I truly regret having shown mercy on you.
I raised you in the palace.
Instead of feeling grateful to me,
you're being aggressive.
Xiao Yi, you're mistaken.
There's not even
a trace of affection between us.
In the palace of Sheng,
I had been living like an ant.
If there's anyone I hate the most,
that person would be you.
Xiao Yi.
Kowtow to my mother
and apologize to her.
Then I'll leave your torso alone.
No way!
-Drop to your knees!
-Dream on!
I'll kneel.
I'll apologize.
Tantai Jin, you're doomed!
You monster.
Why did you come back?
Why are you still alive?
You want me to apologize to her,
but it's you who should apologize!
Everybody knows
that your mother died giving birth to you.
You caused her death!
Tantai Jin, have you forgotten?
You should thank me
for calling for the rain
-and washing up everything.
You're left with nothing.
You jinx, you're doomed.
Die! You monster!
You promised my mother to take care of me.
I'll repay you with the stab.
You've suffered too much.
Death is a merciful release
for you.
Ms. Bingchang.
Ms. Bingchang, where can we go?
You're right.
The Sheng Kingdom is conquered.
Where can I go?
Give me your valuables
or I'll kill you.
We don't have anything valuable.
Please let us go.
Ms. Bingchang.
I only wanted to rob you.
I never intended to kill.
You monster.
Why did you come back?
Why are you still alive?
You jinx, you're doomed.
Your Majesty, watch out.
Dragon Guards?
You work for Xiao Lin.
Prince Xuancheng will be here in a second.
Tantai Jin, you can't escape.
News surely spreads fast.
it's not your place
to decide my fate.
I won't kill you.
Xiao Yi is dead.
I'll definitely
rule the world.
Your Majesty.
Tantai Jin.
The most powerful person in the world
is Tantai Jin.
Ye Bingchang.
Why hadn't you thought of it?
The safest place
is the palace of Jing.
Your Majesty, I'm Bingchang.
Your Majesty.
Back off.
Your Majesty, I'm Bingchang.
Ye Bingchang.
What do you want?
Your Majesty.
Now that the Sheng Kingdom is conquered,
you've ruled the world.
I'm a weak woman
who has no one to depend on.
I beg for your mercy.
Please take me with you.
All right.
Take her with us.
Prince Lin, they all fainted.
I'm late.
Your Majesty.
There's another thing.
The crow reported
that Ms. Xiwu
went to Xiao Lin's camp alone
after we set off.
After that,
we encountered the Dragon Guards.
Ms. Xiwu
is suspected of treason.
Ye Xiwu.
Could it be
that you wrote to me every day
because you were worried
about the Sheng Kingdom?
Did you hurry to my camp
to protect Xiao Lin?
I can't believe
you betrayed me for Xiao Lin.
Why is Bingchang here?
Little Devil God is fond of her.
Did you see my medicine?
Did you find out what happened last night?
They went deep
into the Sheng Kingdom's territory.
The Sheng Kingdom will be destroyed soon.
By that time,
Tantai Jin probably won't need me anymore.
Maybe he will let me go.
Do I sound too delighted?
I forgot you were from the Sheng Kingdom.
It's all right.
By the way,
I heard Tantai Jin came back with a woman.
A pretty one.
You should be careful.
All men are unreliable.
You know what?
Ye Qingyu got himself bruised
from head to foot.
He even got wet in the rain.
I found it.
Tantai Jin went to the capital of Sheng.
What exactly happened last night?
Why did he suddenly become like this?
Tantai Jin.
Were you waiting for me in the camp
after I left last night?
Were you worried about me?
You left the camp abruptly last night.
What happened?
Do you want to know what happened to me
or what happened to Xiao Lin?
Or do you want to know
what happened to the Sheng Kingdom?
Tell me everything.
All right.
I'll tell you.
Last night,
I went to the palace of Sheng
and killed someone.
Ye Xiwu.
You're afraid of me.
I'm not afraid of you.
Why should I be?
Look me in the eyes.
Don't lie.
Who did you kill?
A lot of people.
Some of whom are familiar to you.
Let me think.
-The king of Sheng, Xiao Yi,
-Die! You monster!
and Yingxin.
I cut Xiao Yi to pieces
and summoned the blood ravens.
The ravens gnawed him clean
and ate up his bones.
I strangled Yingxin to death
and burned her to ashes.
By the way,
I want to thank you
for tipping off Xiao Lin
and bringing him to the gate.
I was so close
to killing him last night
and feeding him to the blood ravens.
Tantai Jin.
-I thought…
-What did you think of me?
Did you think I was a righteous person?
That I was not insidious?
That I wouldn't kill anyone?
Did you think I would forgive them
and let them go?
Or did you think
I was not a heartless freak?
Devil God is born to be heartless.
I actually thought he would mend his way
and become a wise king.
You never changed.
You're always that Tantai Jin.
So do you regret it?
You regret staying with me.
You regret saying you liked me.
I was blind.
How could I believe
human nature can be changed?
What nature?
I was so stupid
for wanting to be with you,
cook for you every day,
and serve you.
Yet you killed someone at midnight!
I would rather
feed a dog than you.
Well said.
That's well said!
I've told you.
I was born to be heartless.
I get it now.
Tantai Jin.
Whoever is around me,
whoever serves me,
whether they are you or others,
or no one,
it makes no difference to me!
Do you think I'm willing to serve you?
Then get out of here!
Listen, Ye Xiwu.
Don't be too arrogant.
Watch your tongue.
Don't think I'll spare your life.
Your Majesty.
Please don't move around.
You're seriously injured.
Yingxin almost stabbed your heart.
Take the medicine.
We'll get a physician
after arriving at the capital.
Keep it a secret.
Physicians can't cure the injury.
A spell was attached to her sword.
What can we do?
It will be scabbed
after eight to ten days.
Put down the medicine
and get out.
Is he here?
Yes. Do you want to go inside?
Who said I wanted to go inside?
This ointment is good
for external injuries.
-Don't tell him I brought it.
Why can't I tell him?
Just do as you're told.
Don't be so curious.
If General Ye asks me about it, I…
Tell him you found it on the ground
or in the water,
or from the clouds.
You're just as obtuse as your general.
Who's outside?
-Who is it?
-Don't misunderstand.
General Ye's eldest sister
came to visit on His Majesty's order.
Why does she have
to see her brother by order?
General Ye.
It's her.
General Ye, Captain Pianran
brought you an ointment.
Thank you. Keep it.
Pianran, this is my eldest sister.
Her name is Bingchang.
Bingchang, this is Pianran.
She's my…
My comrade.
Are you dumb?
Bingchang, thank you for visiting me.
You must be tired after the trip.
Have a good rest.
Your Highness.
The Jing soldiers
outflanked us last night.
We got caught up.
After the capital was conquered,
we had to escape here with the civilians.
Did you count our troops?
Yes, nearly half of them are casualties.
The wounded have been captured.
Half of our army remains.
They're our last soldiers.
The scout reported
that the captured soldiers
had been disbanded.
Side Consort Ye is safe too.
Tantai Jin brought her
to his camp and accommodated her.
She's a woman.
I guess she was cornered
into going with him.
You don't need to comfort me.
I'm glad that Bingchang wasn't blindsided.
This war has nothing to do with them.
No matter who she took refuge in,
she's lucky to have survived.
Her family is in the Jing Kingdom.
She can reunite with her family there.
Let's forget about these annoying matters.
The king has died.
What's your plan?
That's right, Your Highness.
The Sheng Kingdom is at stake.
We can't do without a mainstay.
That's right.
The Sheng Kingdom
doesn't need a king anymore.
Where are the people
who escaped with the army?
-Your Highness.
-Your Highness.
I have failed to defend the capital
and disappointed you.
Your Highness, don't be guilty.
Every country has a destiny.
It's not your fault.
-Yes, Your Highness.
-Yes, Your Highness.
Your Highness, we got news.
We got a secret report
that the king of Sheng failed.
He failed the formation
and infuriated Tantai Jin.
He was killed in his palace at night
and burned to ashes.
He's dead, which is none of my business.
I gave demon soldiers to Xiao Yi
because I needed him
to cover for my formation
and to start the war
to pin down Tantai Jin for a while.
It's all right that he's dead.
The two kingdoms are against each other.
No matter who's defeated,
it's not a bad thing.
Now that the formation is almost done,
the entire southern border
will soon become a poison fortress
and no life will survive.
Even if Tantai Jin
is able to converse with animals,
there won't be any messengers.
You're brilliant, Your Highness.
Let's go
to see our inventions.
Have a taste.
I cooked it for a long time.
Please make an exception for me.
I want to thank His Majesty in person.
You can't.
I left the Sheng Kingdom in a hurry
and didn't have much money with me.
Buy yourself some things.
Nian Baiyu.
Let her in.
Your Majesty.
Are you feeling unwell, Your Majesty?
I came
to thank you in person.
I'm much obliged to you
for rescuing me from disaster.
I really don't know
how to show my gratitude.
Since you're in a bad mood,
I won't disturb you.
Do you want to repay me?
Stay with me,
accompany me day and night,
and never leave me.
Yes, Your Majesty.
It was surprisingly smooth.
Now, go and make white fungus soup.
From today on,
I want you
to make me a meal once a day.
I'll go right away, Your Majesty.
Tantai Jin still has feelings for me.
Ye Bingchang.
You can make any man love you
if you want to,
including a monster like Tantai Jin.
I'll try to please him
to gain his trust
and become his concubine first.
But I mustn't let the secret
of the love lines be discovered.
There's only one left.
Luckily, not all of them have dissipated.
No, Li Susu.
You didn't come here
to quarrel with Tantai Jin.
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