Transformers: Earthspark (2022) s01e21 Episode Script

What Dwells Within

[ominous music]
[blasters zapping]
[alarm blaring]
- Run, you fools!
- Ugh!
- We shoulda just stuck
to the original plan
and waited for
- Plans change, Swindle!
We've been given
an unprecedented advantage.
[blasters zapping]
- Some advantage!
[alarm buzzes]
- Starscream,
you can't leave us!
[tense music]

- Can't you warp us
out of here?
- You know I can't warp
through solid objects.
[transforming pulses]
[engines whooshing]

[electronic beeping]
[engines whooshing]
- [panting]
[blaster zaps]
[loud explosion]
[rocks crashing]
[engines whooshing]
[rocks clattering]
[alarm blaring]
[transforming pulses]
[electricity crackling]
[gentle music]
- Admit it. We're lost.
- Just 'cause you can't feel
my confidence
doesn't mean I'm wrong.
- Just 'cause you can't feel
my doubt
doesn't mean you shouldn't
have any.
- Siblings,
if this Cave Water
has the rejuvenating powers
you boast,
it might be able to heal Robby
and Mo's cyber-sleeves.
- I wish I wouldn't have to
always prove everything
to you all the time.
- Yeah?
Well, it was your idea
to come here
in the first place.
- Don't you just have
any confidence in me?
- I wish you could feel
how frustrated I am.
- Have I been wrong before?
- Maybe if I could feel
[loud thudding]
[transforming pulses]
[loud thudding]
- Hashtag? Hashtag?
Are you with us? Cave Water?
- Right. Cave Water.
Help Robby. Gotcha.
- [sighs]
- Robby, how are you feeling?
- I'm all right,
just a little tired.
- Come on, you two.
I think I see the cave.
- [groans]
[engines whooshing]
- These tunnels are ancient,
predating GHOS
and this whole pathetic town.
[engines whooshing]
[together] Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
We made it!
- Whoo! Ha-ha-ha!
[transforming pulses]
- Told ya.
[blows raspberry]
[loud rumbling]
- What was that?
[loud rumbling]
- There it is again.
[loud rumbling]
[ominous music]

- No. No.
No, no, no, no, no!
What's happening?
- Hashtag, what do we do?
- Ahh!
- Augh!
- Help us!
- Augh!
[both grunting]
- [coughing]
- Ohh
- Wait.
- Ahh, ahh
- Keep your arms up.
Lie on your back.
[muffled chatter]
[engine whooshing]
[energetic music]

[electronic beeping]
- Uh-oh.
[transforming pulses]

- What are you doing?
You sonic booms are gonna cause
a cave in.
- Cave in?
Yeah, right.
[loud rumbling]
[rocks clattering]
[all groaning]
- Remember, the most important
thing is to remain calm.
[rock music]
[transforming pulses]

- Hey, isn't that
- Ahh, so you're the Maltos.
- Where'd they
- Come from?
- It doesn't matter.
They're here now, and they'll
make perfect hostages.
[ominous music]
- Yeah, that's not happening.
[transforming pulses]
- Back off.
[all groaning]
- This way!
- Later, Seekers!
- [growls]
- Look out!
[tense music]

- I got this.

Did I get it?

- Did you see that?
These tunnels are reacting
to our presence
opening hidden doors for us.
[transforming pulses]
- [grunting]
- Then why is this one locked?
- Stop right there,
you little brats.
- [grunting]
- Uh, we gotta make
something happen here.


- [gasps]
- [gasps]
[loud rumbling]
both: Close it! Close it!
Close it!
- [growling]

- [gasps]

- [whimpering]
- [growling]
- Bleh!
- Ugh!
- Trash, are you okay?
- [growling]
- Don't just stand there.
Open fire!
[blasters zapping]
- Ahh!
- No, thank you.

- [groaning]
- [gasps]
It wants Energon.
- No! Help!
- [gasps]
[transforming pulses]
- [cawing]
[transforming pulses]
[energetic music]

[transforming pulses]

- [groans]

- Ugh! Get up and run!

- We gotta go back
the way we came.

- Ugh!
- [caws]

- [roars]

- The prisoners have escaped.
- Starscream is
too unpredictable and dangerous
to be out there.
We must assemble
a retrieval team and
- It would be pointless.
Starscream and the other
Seekers have entered
an unmapped cave system.
Our best option is to use
our Energon scanners
for when they resurface.
- This is Starscream.
We cannot waste another second
hoping he walks into a trap,
not when we could go after him.
Optimus Prime,
constant insubordination
has been tolerated thus far.
I fear what I'll have to do
should you fail
to keep him in check.
- [growls]
- No one is to go down
into those tunnels.
Do you understand me?
[ominous music]
- This was his escape route.
- I know you have a complicated
history with Starscream.
Just promise me you'll return
him without excessive force.
[ominous music]
- Whoa, does anyone know
what that monster was?
- It's called the Dweller.
- A deep-space predator who
would attack Cybertronian ships
and drain everyone on board
of their Energon.
- Oh, please.
The Dweller isn't real.
- Well, it felt real.
- You'd know that
if you helped us!
- Well, what did you expect?
Starscream's as selfish
as they come.
- Yeah, you should go back
to following Megatron.
He wouldn't leave anyone behind
like that.
- Oh, naive child.
Is locking Decepticons
in prison while we walks free
not "leaving us behind"?
You don't know
the real Megatron,
the ruthless tyrant
who ruled over us
with fear and intimidation.
- [growling]
- [whirring]
- [growling]
- Run, you fools!
- [roars]
[tense music]


- It's going after Starscream.
[tires squealing]
- Wait for us!
[engine revving]
[tires squealing]
- [panting]
[tires squealing]
- Ahh!
[tires squealing]
[transforming pulses]


- [roars]
[engine revving]
both: Ugh!
- [roars]
- Ugh!
Whoo! Ha-ha!
- Well,
we can't go back that way.
Come on.
[ominous music]

- Ooh, what's this?
Some sort of central hub
with its very own map.
Hmm, this is us, and
an exit!
- What?
We can't leave everyone else.
- Of course we can.
They were clearly willing
to abandon us.
- That's not true.
- Forget about them.
I need you to do
your little door trick
and get us out of here.
- No, I won't.
- You have to, or else I
- Is this how Megatron
treated you?
- You believe me?
- I believe he hurt you.
- You don't know me.
You couldn't possibly
what I've been through.
- Then tell me.
When bad things happen,
it isn't always our fault.
There was this Mandroid guy,
and he hacked my systems.
And I
[electronic beeping]
The Dweller.
[ominous music]

- The Dweller.
It's right on top of us.
- That abomination won't eat me
without a fight.
Get ready.
- Hashtag!
[uplifting music]
- Oh, I'm so glad you found us.
- It appears you discovered
some sort of map room.
- We've got a problem.
- The Dweller.
Looks like it's getting
super close to the surface.
- Uh, what if it gets out
and blindly attacks Witwicky?
- There's got to be a way
we can lock it up down here.
- Well, good luck with that.
- The boy is right.
If that thing gets out,
no Cybertronian
will be safe, including us.
We make a stand.
We bury this thing
down here forever.
Let's get to work.
[ominous music]

- Heads-up, Hashtag,
The Dweller's coming your way.

- [growls]
- [gasps]
- [growls]
- [grunting]
- Great job, Team Alpha.
Nova Storm, you're up next.
It's headed your way.
Prepare to close Tunnel B.
- [roars]
- Ahh! Ahh!
Ahh! I hate this plan!
[tense music]
What are you doing?
Shut the door!
- I didn't work.
I don't get it.
- Ahh!
- We have a problem.
The doors aren't closing
for Thrash and myself.
It's imperative that you three
trap the Dweller
with the last door.
- The doors won't work
for us either.
- You gotta get out of there.
The Dweller's coming.
- [gasps]
I can't take it anymore
down here.
I gotta get out of here.
[electronic zapping]
- [growling]
- [whimpering]
- [roars]
- [gasps]
- [growls]
[tense music]
- I'm okay.
there's this water here,
and it seems toahh!
[electronic chirp]
- We're doomed.
- Have you ever tried
positive thinking?
- Hashtag, Starscream,
it's coming back for you.

Wait, that's not the Dweller,
is it?
[whirring, zapping]
- Ahh!
[blaster zapping]
[transforming pulses]
[saw whirring]

- Leave him alone!
The real enemy
isn't Starscream.
It's the Dweller.
- The Dweller?
That's only a myth.
[muffled screams]

- No!

- Ahh!
- Augh!

- Augh!
- Ahh!
- [gasps]
- [whirring]
- Hey. Hey!
You watch me.
get out of here.
- [growling]
[blaster zapping]
all: Ahh!
- [whirring]
[blaster zapping]
- Get back, you fiend.

[blaster zapping]
- [groaning]
- Hashtag?
- Argh! Argh!
- [roaring]
- Yeah! Eat that!
- There they are!
[uplifting music]

- The sleeve
still isn't working.
I don't feel anything.

- We've been though
some really difficult times.
But we're going
to get through ittogether.

[bird chirping]
- I won't let you put me back
in a cage.
- What if you could go
somewhere safe?
- Nowhere is safe
if it's with you.
- Hashtag
Remember to take care
of yourself.
- Is something wrong, Robby?
- Mo, I was hoping the Cave
Water would fix this, but
It's getting worse.
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