Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e21 Episode Script

Episode 21
Why do you think I have a secret son?
When I went to visit my mother..
Basulu Hatun was
wanering about a secret son.
Who is this child, who
was borne by Basulu Hatun?
Who is Tapar's brother, whom he
doesn't know about his existence?
Don't you know my mother is sick?
She says such things
because, she is confused.
And are you telling me this, as if
you found something important?
How can't I, my Sultan?
If it had been known that you had a child
from Basulu Hatun, while she was exiled
no one would have accepted
your ascension to the throne.
If such a thing is proved today
it means your sultanate is questionable.
You are coming here with
just deliriums of a sick person.
Do you have any evidence
that I had a secret son?
I don't.
Then, don't come to my
presence with such rumors again!
And don't confuse anyone, too.
Otherwise, I'll punish you dearly
because you caused disorder.
As you order, my Sultan.
Send away the soldiers
of Tekis from Isfahan!
Seize their weapons and
assign soldiers to check them!
Until you move your soldiers where
we want, you will stay in the palace
where I can see you.
I won’t let you cause any frenzy.
As you order, my Sultan.
My uncle almost kept us as prisoners
by keeping us in the palace, father.
Why didn't you object?
It's better for us to be inside rather
than being outside for now, son.
Let's see what kind of an order my brother
has established for years in the palace.
What has he done?
Let's meddle with the order of the palace,
so that we can get the sultanate easily
when the time is right.
And there's no smoke without fire.
And that secret son matter
won't be ended immediately.
We'll investigate it thoroughly.
This matter
will be our greatest
leverage to get the throne.
My Sultan. Melik Tekis comes up
with this rumor to cause disorder.
Yet, he can't dare to open this
subject again, after your words.
Yet, this matter is not closed for me.
For I don't have a secret brother
then, how can he claim such a thing
with such confidence?
I warned your uncle not
to cause any disorder!
And are you affected by
that disorder now, Tapar?
Of course, I'm not, my Sultan, I just-\N-You
know what can such an rumor cause!
This matter won't be mentioned again!
Otherwise, I won't forgive whoever he is!
As you order, my Sultan.
Tapar is right, Hace.
How can my mother
wander it without knowing
that I have a secret son?
this secret reached some others
and you still don't know about it?
My Sultan.
There is no explanation for this
apart from Seferiye Hatun's sickness.
Most probably, Melik Tekis
spread this rumor by himself
by using Seferiye Hatun's deliriums.
My Sultan. The news has come about
the caravan coming from Melik Berkyaruk.
The caravan was raided.
-All the goods were stolen.
-Who? Who did this?
It's not known yet, my Sultan.
We've sent soldiers to the incident scene.
Those goods were crucial
to the campaign preparations!
The absence of the goods
means the delay of the campaign.
This is not an ordinary
attack, my Sultan.
Obviously, it was committed
by the ones, who know about our
This matter was under
Zubeyde Hatun's responsibility.
Call her here quickly.
As you command, my Sultan.
The longing I had for my
mother was already hard on me
I found strength in your existence.
You would never leave me alone, father.
And now you left me alone too.
It won't be understood
that we poisoned him, right?
Be at ease, there is no
possibility for them to understand.
Did you do the necessary examinations?
Is there anything else behind his death?
He died of an heart attack, my Bey.
They couldn't find anything else.
I'm sorry for your loss, Turna Hatun.
Emir Ilteber was a good person.
I wish you were aware of
that when he was alive too.
I lost my father too.
-If you want to share your sorrow
-There is no need, thanks.
My loved ones are with me to ease my pain.
Be strong, my Turna.
You won't be alone.
We will be your family.
I warned you about this matter. I told you
that those materials were too important!
Yet you didn't take the
necessary precautions.
We made a mistake by trusting you!
My Sultan.
I took the necessary precau
The materials are captured
by the enemy because of you!
The campaign has almost
come to an end before it begin!
How can you still defend yourself!?
And I'm going to make Berkyaruk pay too!
He is also responsible for this mistake!
Berkyaruk has not done
anything wrong, my Sultan.
I'm the one that's responsible
for this failure.
Don't let there be a resentment
between father and son in
He is my son, as much as yours!
Who do you think you defend from me!?
Everyone will pay for their mistakes!
You are right to say anything, my Sultan.
I will accept the necessary punishment.
I can only comply in this matter.
My Sultan, Terken Hatun wants to see you.
Call her in.
The greatest punishment
that can be given to you,
is not to give you serious
responsibilities again.
Now leave my presence!
My Sultan, I have heard that steel
materials important for war have been stolen.
I want to talk to you about that.
If you allow me, I want to replace the
stolen steels from the Karahanli lands.
Even though we are not on good
terms with Karahanli right now
I can use my royalty influence,
and make the necessary connection.
Thanks for your good intention, Terken.
But it's not just about steels.
In that caravan that was raided, there
were special springs for big catapults.
Special springs
I thought there were only steels.
Making one takes a long time.
If we cannot take them back, it means that
this campaign is over before it begins.
For now, we have no other choice
but to take back the stolen materials.
I understand, my Sultan
Excuse me.
You deserve this victory wine, warriors.
You ended the great campaign
Meliksah planned before it began.
Meliksah, Who couldn't conquer Kuvel, and
protect Caucasus, won't be able to go to
He won't even be able to leave Isfahan!
We'll take the booty to a safe place now.
When Prince Isaakios secures the road,
he will inform us through Father Petrus.
That's when we'll go to Kuvel.
We'll attack Meliksah with his
own weapon when it's the right time.
I raise my glass for Jerusalem.
For the holy Jerusalem.
For Jerusalem!
My Sultan.
Sencer sent news from Selemzar.
Emir llteber has passed away.
Do they know why he died?
His daughter examined
him. He died of a heart failure.
May Allah rest his soul.
Turna Hatun is left alone. We must
give her the necessary care and support.
Expedition materials
Emir llteber's death
The issue about Selemzar
We need to take care of all
those as soon as possible, Hace.
Tell Sencer to come to my presence.
As you order, my Sultan.
There were not only steel
materials in the stolen caravan
 but also special springs
for the catapults, Jaculmulk.
I didn't know that those special
springs were on the caravan.
Obviously, this was a very
confidential information.
The plan we made for
Zubeyde Hatun to fall into
disfavor caused problems
for us because of you.
And it harmed our state!
You'll make up for your
mistake as soon as possible.
Where is the caravan
now? Who has the materials?
Some bandits who steal
for gold have the materials.
You'll immediately go and take the materials
from those bandits you cooperated with, Taculmulk.
Don't worry, I'll take it
back just as I gave it to them.
When the springs are found
we will both compensate for the
damage we have given to the state
and gain the appreciation of our Sultan.
And from now on
Sultan Meliksah will trust
me, not Zubeyde, Taculmulk.
Do you understand?
Didn't I tell you to take
all the safety precautions?
How could they ambush that caravan?
You made me a fool in
the eyes of our Sultan.
We didn't understand either,
my Head Hatun. The precautions
I don't need your excuses!
Get out of my sight.
The caravan's route was confidential.
How could the ones that ambushed
the caravan learned the route?
Only we knew the information about
the way the caravan was going to pass
and also the officers responsible
for security in the palace knew it.
Officers responsible for
security in the palace
Emir Taculmulk is one of them.
Taculmulk had done bad things before.
He can't be trusted.
But we need to be sure.
Start following Emir Taculmulk and
other security officers immediately.
If we're right in our doubts
one of the security officers we
follow can lead us to ambushers.
The mind of man is not enough
to grasp the secrets of existence.
For this reason, a mentor is required to
whom everyone will surrender their minds.
Since the prophets
passed away from the world,
even they are not
considered as mentors today.
The only mentor is the Great
Imam and his deputy living on earth.
I have good news, father. Ilteber
won't be a problem for us anymore.
We killed him as you ordered
and no one got suspicious.
Very well.
Batinis, Qarmatians and others
who are loyal to the Great Imam so far.
But the true heir of
the Great Imam will be..
the holy state that we will establish
which takes its essence from the Batinihood.
This state will rise from Selemzar.
And you planted its first seed.
In Mecca and Medina a Khutbah will be
We removed Abbasid
Caliphate from these lands.
And now we will remove Seljuks
who move in the name of Muslims and
the idiots that surround
them from these lands.
I await your orders to take down the devil's
sanjac in Selemzar and raise our own father.
Tuma will act in the
name of llteber for a while.
You must make her fail her at once.
So that Meliksah can
assign a new Emir to there.
Don't worry father.
I will give Turna such
a big trouble that
she will drown as she struggles.
I fell like my father will..
walk through that door and hug me.
It's hard for someone to get
used the loss of a loved one Turna.
I know because of my father.
But time heals everything.
We will get through this hardship together.
Sencer Bey. We have news from the palace.
Our Sultan awaits you.
It's urgent.
It must be about Ilteber's death.
I must go. I'll be back soon.
Mother stay here.
Sencer Bey. Emir ilteber was supposed to
inspect the stores and welcome the new traders.
I have the necessary information. I
will do the necessary arrangements.
It is not necessary for now Erbatur.
Selemzar's matters can wait one more day.
You must keep my mother and
Turna safe. I will deal with it tomorrow.
But Emir llteber wouldn't
want to leave things undone.
I know it best. I've
been his helper for years.
Today is a day to mourn Erbatur.
There is no urgent matter.
I will deal with it after I return.
Selemzer will be left to
incompetent and Turna Hatun.
Everyone must save
themselves in this situation.
Turna Hatun is mourning. It is
not right to do this Faysal Bey.
If you don't ask for what you're
owed now, you'll never get it.
Turna Hatun has Sencer Bey backing her.
She will not give you a dime.
I took everything I was
owed when Emir llteber
was alive because I
thought this day might come.
If you come to ask me for a
loan, I won't give you anything.
So you better take your money today.
Drink this my girl.
Turna Hatun.
I know you are in pain. But
a few traders who your late father
owes money to wants to see you.
Let them come.
They can come later my girl.
This is not the time for money.
Don't worry Mother Basulug.
Let's see what they want.
Our condolences Turna Hatun. We wouldn't
want to disturb you at such a time.
But your father owed us a lot of money.
We want to know when we'll get paid.
We buried my father today.
We just came from the
funeral. Have you no heart?
We have a heart.
However we have families
to feed and businesses to run.
Emir llteber was late on his payment.
We want our money today.
My father never wronged
anyone til this day.
You will be paid what you're owed soon.
We can't wait any longer Turna
Hatun. we want our money today.
Or we will issue the securities.
They want to destroy our reputation.
It is my duty not to let that happen.
Those who think I am hurt a little girl
will see how I take care of Salemzar.
I found out the steels and springs
for the preparation of war were stolen.
My soldiers are good at tracking leads.
If you wish we'll find who did this.
And we'll bring back the supplies.
Or the enemies will think the
Seljuks are weak and helpless.
We will show the Seljuks
power. We don't need you Tekis.
My Sultan.
Sencer Would like to be
accepted to your presence.
My Sultan.
My condolences, Sencer.
We are all upset with the
sudden death of Emir llteber.
Is there anything
suspicious with his death?
It's been investigated, my
Sultan We couldn't find anything.
The Emirate of Selemzar
is so important, Hace.
Make sure the necessary
investigations are done.
We need to designate the
new Emir as soon as possible.
As you command, my Sultan.
I have never heard your
name before, Sencer Bey.
Which tribe are you leading?
I am the Bey of Kinik Tribe.
Kinik Tribe?
How could you be chosen
as the Bey of Kinik
which is the tribe of
the rulers, suddenly?
I'm surprised honestly.
You won't of heard of me
because, I haven't struggled
for my reputation but for
my state until now, Melik
But you'll hear it a lot more.
So, you can understand soon
how I became the Bey of Kinik.
The reason why I called you
 is about the steel and bows we were
bringing for the campaign preparations.
The caravan was raided on the road.
All the goods were stolen.
The ones who did this
are Byzantines and Batinis.
They want to stop the campaign.
If we can't get the goods back
the campaign will end, before it starts.
The ones, who did such a big attack,
don't leave any trace behind, my Sultan.
We need to make a plan that
lead us directly to the target.
I'll make such a plan that
I'll plan it, you will practice it.
Did you both call me for a meeting and send
soldiers to capture me at the same time?
I didn't know they were following me.
Besides, I spread the soldiers
with me around to meet you.
I'll cut your lying tongue, Taculmulk.
I've come here to get you out.
We told you neither Pope nor
Christian kings would leave us alone.
Comparing the Sultan Meliksah's
will, none of them has any importance.
And I've come to get you out
with the will of Sultan Meliksah.
Of course, if you help me find Markus.
Tell Sultan Meliksah that
we never sell our friends!
But your friends have already sold you out.
Didn't they try to kill you at the meeting?
Didn't the compassion of Sultan Meliksah
save you from the evil of your friends?
Neither Pope, nor Christian
kings and emperor cares about you.
If it was the case, they
would offer ransom.
You are not even worth of
some gold in the eyes of them.
You've already deserted.
You can only find
treachery in your friends.
But Sultan Meliksah offers you a new life.
Markus stole important equipment from us.
If you help us capturing him
you'll be greatly rewarded.
And you can make them
pay for their treachery.
Even though, the ones, we
considered as friend, betray us
even though the
ones we trust desert us
helping you is not easy for us.
What are you saying, Count Albert?
This is not an answer.
Move aside!
Our friends didn't betray us.
Neither Pope, nor kings
and the emperor deserted us.
There must have been reason
behind everything they did.
You won't be able to buy us.
We don't know where Markus is,
and even if we know, we'll never say it.
Now, get out of here!
As long as you stay here, you'll die,
either because of captivity or betrayal.
Give us the traitors, and Sultan
Meliksah will give you your freedom.
You don't have much time.
Make your decision before evening.
These are Zubeyde Hatun's soldiers.
It looks like she suspected me after
the caravan raid, so she had me followed.
Would I meet you to get you caught?
Wouldn't they ask me why I met with Sabbah?
If you can risk killing your
greatest ally, then kill me!
You cannot get any information
from the palace without me!
Now put that sword down, Sabbah. There
is an important matter we need to talk.
There were springs for
big catapults among the
materials that were
coming for the campaign.
Give them to me, and you can have the rest.
Are you crazy?
Those springs are what really matters.
Meliksah's campaign will be postponed
with the absence of those springs.
I cannot give them.
I told Terken Hatun that I
had bandits do the attack.
I promised her that I would take them back.
Since when Terken Hatun
started to care for her state?
She should enjoy the major blow she dealt
on Zubeyde Hatun. That's enough for her.
If I give the materials we stole back
to you, that raid would be for nothing.
We struck a great blow on Meliksah.
How can we let him get the materials back?
Is this what you think of vengeance?
But what will I say when
I get back to the palace?
How am I going to answer to Terken Hatun?
And Zubeyde Hatun will suspect me more
when she learns that her soldiers are dead.
If the bandits that stole
the materials wound you,
then you can get away
with this matter without a
Emir Taculmulk risked his life to get back
the materials that were stolen from the state.
When the bandits martyred two soldiers
he fought against all of them.
Now you will be a hero
in the palace, Taculmulk.
Sencer Bey.
We couldn't talk enough
in Sultan's presence.
But there are things I'm curious about.
You are not the son of a Bey.
You are not of the Bey lineage either.
Who are your mother and father?
I'm the son of a martyr.
Nizamulmulk and our Sultan have
the necessary information about me.
No private soldiers that Nizamulmulk
trained have been favored as much as you.
Why does Nizamulmulk protect you this much?
I can't understand why.
How were you chosen as the Bey?
What makes you privileged?
I'm not privileged, but
capable, Melik Hadrath.
That is what made me chosen as
the Bey, and be accepted by the Sultan.
Would being capable
be enough for all these?
Why not?
While our Sultan is on the
throne, you are still a Melik.
It looks like everyone becomes
what they are worthy of.
Didn't you hear what this
disrespectful man said, father?
It looks like anyone that gets under
Meliksah's protections, become spoiled.
You have become the Kinik
Bey without giving any fight.
Sultan is supporting you for now
but that position is
not given that easily.
There will come a day, and someone
that wants to fight for Beylic will appear.
Then we will see if you are "capable".
I showed my capability by slaughtering
all my enemies, Melik Hadrath.
It wouldn't be hard to
get rid of another one.
Also, when I draw my sword,
it is not unsheathed easily.
Why did you allow him
to talk this much, father?
Who could say anything
to us if we beheaded him?
Act with your mind, not with your anger!
Don't you see? He is favored
by both Sultan and Nizamulmulk.
It is obvious that there are
things we don't know about Sencer.
When the time comes,
we will learn who he is.
Merchant Faysal.
What is it, Turna Hatun?
You have unpaid taxes.
I'm here to collect them.
What unpaid tax you are talking about?
The tax of those mines you run.
You are indebted to us for
678 coins, with 5 days of delay.
We agreed with Emir llteber,
my taxes were postponed.
Do you have a written document
stating that they are postponed?
There is no written document, but
Then you will pay your debt!
What will happen if I don't?
Not paying taxes in Seljuk
lands cannot be forgiven.
You'll be punished.
Wait, Turna Hatun. What are you doing?
Don't you think that you can do whatever you
want just because the city doesn't have a leader.
I'll send you to the dungeon now.
The Sultan will punish you when I
tell him that you didn't pay your taxes.
Why do you want the taxes so soon?
I need to pay the merchants.
The merchants?
Pay our debt with the golds in the mine.
Send the crates to the pavilion.
So, you're using my game against me, huh?
You're smarter than I thought, Turna Hatun.
But I'll make you pay for this.
How did this happen?
I went to search for the
stolen expedition materials as
an officer responsible for
internal security, my Sultan.
While I was following the
tracks, bandits crossed my path.
I took all of their heads
but my leg got hurt.
We didn't find any bandit heads
where the incident happened.
They must not have wanted to leave their
dead there and leave a mark behind them.
Why didn't you take any soldiers with you?
Why did you go out alone?
There were soldiers with me,
my Sultan. I spread them around.
They killed two soldiers of
Zubeyde Hatun near my location.
We're responsible of
this incident, my Sultan.
I personally assigned
my soldiers to search.
They even ambushed the Emir of
the state. What are we waiting for?
If you give me the order, I'll search
for it everywhere with my soldiers.
Apparently, Sencer Bey couldn't
fulfill the duty you gave him.
We haven't gotten any results yet.
We will get a result near the the
evening, my Sultan. Don't worry.
I'm out of patience now.
If the enemy has
those materials
our conquests will be interrupted
and the enemy will get powerful.
Get the results as soon as possible.
Could you take the
materials from the bandits?
Unfortunately we couldn't.
The bandits also played
with us, Terken Hatun.
They cooperated with the Crusaders.
Do you hear yourself?
What do you mean they
cooperated with the Crusaders?
How could you be such a fool? How could
you cooperate with the wrong men?
Pray that we can make up for
this so that it won't cause us trouble.
Otherwise, you will be
exposed to my sword
not the bandit's sword.
You should know that!
not the bandit's sword.
You should know that!
Father Petrus.
Why did you come so quietly? I
almost thrust you with my sword.
Then, I would be sorry not for killing you
but for killing a priest and committing a sin.
I brought news from
Prince Isaakios, Markus.
They secured the road to Kuvel. They want
you to bring the steel and the springs.
They are in a
safe place, right?
Don't worry, they are.
They are around the caves.
It's not far from here.
Get ready.
We're going to take the stell and the
springs. Then we'll take them to Kuvel.
You should go back to
your church in Isfahan
and pray to God for
that I didn't kill you, priest.
You couldn't even answer Sencer properly.
You didn't feel like going against him.
What happened? Did you give up on your
cause and start feeling closer to Turks?
Which of the things Sencer said was wrong?
I didn't give up on my cause.
But the people we think are our
friends have already sold us out.
Accept that.
Even though you are in the dungeon
of the enemy, you're still praising them.
You are like a despicable pig
rubbing against the shepherd's knife.
I made my decision.
I'll get out of this dungeon.
But I will no longer keep
blind people like you with me.
Your soul is already damned.
You're not one of us anymore!
You are no different from those
who betrayed me, you inglorious man!
I will send you to hell with my own hands.
With the Christian enemies there.
I will make you pay
for all the betrayals
What have you done?
Open the gate.
Come here. Come here.
Here take one. You too.
Go on.
Count Albert?
I thought-
I escaped the dungeon Petrus.
How did you do that?
I dressed as the guard.
No time to talk about this.
I need to get to Markus immediately.
I have to get to Kuvel
with them. Take me to him.
He's bringing the steel
and the spring to Kuvel.
He's moving in the cavern region.
We must get to them now.
Come quick.
What's going on Faysal?
Why did do call me here?
Take a good look at Selemzar, Erbatur. This
might be the last time you're seeing it.
You might miss it.
What are you saying? Be clear.
Sencer wants to be the Emir
of Selemzar by using Turna.
Then he will put his own men everywhere.
And you will be kicked out.
I've served Emir llteber for years.
Turna Hatun will not
allow me to be ignored.
That's not true. Sencer is taking
care of everything even now.
She will not care about you.
And Turna Hatun will
always listen to Sencer.
Do you think she will go
against Sencer because of you?
You've been serving
Selemzar for years Erbatur.
Now Sencer and his Alps will benefit
from everything in here. Is this right?
He can't do that easily.
If you leave everything to Turna
Hatun, he most certainly will.
What will I do?
You will out Turna in such
a difficult situation that
she will fail at handling
Selemzar's matters.
I will make the new Emir accept you.
You know that I am the
most powerful trader here.
Everyone listens to me.
You have many soldiers working
for you who listen to you Erbatur.
If you don't make a move now, Turna
Hatun and Sencer will destroy all of you.
We will take all of
these supplies to Kuvel.
Then we'll make weapons
that will destroy Meliksah.
Count Albert.
Thank God.
I am finally out of that Turkish hole.
How did you get out?
killed the guard at the palace dungeon
and I wore his clothes as a disguise.
It was very difficult for me but I did it.
How did a count as important as you..
escape from Meliksah's palace?
Did you hear?
Meliksah is such a failure that
he couldn't even keep a
count this important in his palace.
What are you saying Markus?
I'm sorry count but I am not .
Naive enough to believe you.
You think I am working with Meliksah?
Even if you are not working with them, you've
been their captive for a very long time.
We can't trust you now. You're
better dead to us than alive.
Turks said that too.
You left me and betrayed me.
Our betrayal is better
than the Turk's mercy.
You'll pay for your betrayal, Markus!
Protect the equipment!
You are too blind to see the betrayal!
You will also die!
Commander Markus! Commander
Markus, we need to leave. Now!
No, I can't leave the equipment to them.
There is nothing to
do. We are going to die!
This way. Follow me.
-Is Markus among the corpses?
-He ran away, my Sultan.
Wherever he runs, he will
end up right before my sword.
Thank Allah.
We've saved our steel and bows.
We have no obstacle for
campaign preparations now.
We were able to find Markus thanks
to you, Count Albert. Thank you.
I just paid for the kindness
and compassion you showed me.
And made my friends pay for their betrayal.
It's all thanks to your plan.
Even my friend in the
dungeon has tried to kill me.
I see that everyone that
betrays me needs to pay a price!
That's why, I will help you.
Now we will release you and act
like you escaped from the dungeon.
You will use the necessary
information and go to Markus.
And we will follow you and raid them.
Wear the clothes of a guard.
Open the gates.
Tapar, prepare the workshop
for weapon manufacture.
And you will control
the progress there.
As you command, my Sultan.
And the materials will be
brought there tomorrow.
My Sultan, if you allow me, the materials
can wait in the tribe until tomorrow
We will make sure of their safety.
And me and my alps will take
them to the workshop tomorrow.
It is appropriate.
And you can walk freely
in our lands, Count Albert.
No one can take you from us
and we won't give you to anyone.
It's no good that Tekis
has learned the secret.
He is going to look more
into it to dethrone Meliksah.
There is no way for this
matter to be closed, Hace.
We need to be prepared
for a battle over the throne.
In the end, either Meliksah will kill his
brother, or Tekis will dethrone Meliksah.
The secretive men of Meliksah,
Nizamulmulk and Omer Hayyam.
Peace be with you.
-Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you.
You are whispering in dark corners.
Is there an information that is
kept secret from everyone else?
We only keep the state matters as secrets.
And those who have a high
position in the state, can know it.
If even Hayyam knows the state secrets
then it's a pity for this state.
He either looks at the sky and be
or read rubaie and become drunk.
Why don't Sultan Meliksah sends his
firmans written in couplets from now on?
I look at the sky, and see the
secrets of the universe, and myself.
Those who don't know
themselves, cannot understand.
I pour my emotions into rubaies.
Those whose souls are slave to
ambition, rather than emotions, cannot
Many jewels are seen in a mud. Those
who are wise see the jewel, not the mud.
If there are eyes that see the mud
it must be because they
are blinded by malicious intents.
To learn secrets, it's enough to have a
key, rather than a position, Nizamulmulk.
As long as you know well
the road that goes to the lock.
Then all the locks will be
unlocked, and secrets be revealed.
By the way, that Sencer.
By the way, that Sencer
It looks like he is privileged by
you He talks more than he should.
And he couldn't handle the
matter about campaign materials.
I don't know what will
Sultan do for this failure.
But if he continues to cross the line, I
will cut his head, and hang it on his tribe.
Know this.
Sultan Meliksah Hadrath!
My Sultan.
The plan we set up has worked.
We attacked the heathens and
took the expedition materials back.
Thank Allah. We’re relieved, my Sultan.
We could to this thanks to Sencer the most.
He has more reputation in our eyes now.
My Sultan, as you order
Kasim El-Horasani, one of
our veteran dervishes, who
is the imam of the Arab
in Constantinople, which Sultan
Tugrul put his symbol, has arrived.
We keep him in the mill so
that he does not attract attention.
I have important things to tell
him about the great expedition.
You left me a memory
that I can't forget, Meliksah.
But I'll make you pay
a heavy price for this.
So Albert was the one who helped Meliksah.
We lost the materials because of him.
Turks' mercy is more
dangerous than their swords.
And we left Count Albert to Turks' mercy.
If that emperor, who is your brother,
was a little interested in these issues
instead of having fun
with women in the. palace
How could you talk like
that about the Emperor?
I'll kill you even before Meliksah!
Stop fighting with each other.
Don't you see how Meliksah harmed us?
He will now become
even more angry after this.
Preparations for the expedition will begin.
He'll attack all of us like a
roaring lion. We need to stop him.
Tell us if there is
a way to do that.
There is.
Meliksah will definitely set
up a workshop to make swords.
If we attack there, we'll
ruin his preparations.
Where will they set up the workshop?
I'll tell you when I
learn it from my spies.
I'll get my soldiers ready
to attack the workshop.
Whatever Meliksah does, I will
respond to him a thousand times worse.
He'll never go to Kuvel.
Constantinople will remain as a
dream for both Meliksah and the Turks.
It will soon be the time for
you to pay the price, Meliksah.
We admire your efforts in Constantinople.
Kasim El-Horasani.
Our merchants, who travel to the
city, speak highly of your actions.
What do you do in this masjid?
Muslims should behave in such a way that
everyone who want to see
decent people should look at Muslims.
Thank Allah..
our merchants became the epitome of
righteousness against the deceivers and tyrants.
Seeing that the truths they saw
in them originated from Islam
the non-Muslim people started to come
to our mosque and wonder about Islam.
And this situation is such that
when the foreign traders
in Galata want to solve
their disputes with righteousness,
they came to our Masjid.
This is spirit we would
like to spread all around.
The righteousness and
justice can only be judged
in the eyes of Haqq
without any cruelty and
Fatimis and their
allies Batinis, are
among us and they are
poisoning the Seljuks.
And the crusaders and byzantines
have sneaked into our land like
snakes and they're showing themselves.
In this situation, you have a very
important mission in Konstatiniye.
What would you like me to do my Sultan?
We can't be cruel like the byzantines.
Our goal is to let
everyone be judged by the
eyes of Haqq with
righteousness and justice.
You will..
keep on gaining people's trust using
Islam and humanity like you always did.
we arrive at the
Konstantiniye borders
all the people of Konstaniye
will know the Muslims
who come through the
gates are. Everyone will
open their hearts to us.
When my brave men
arrive at Konstantiniye
you will meet them at Halic
and await my instructions.
What you have to do is
to show them the way
and help my brave men
to destroy the cruel
plans and keep them safe.
Like my ancestor
Abu al-Hassan al-Kharaqan
I am a soldier in this
noble cause my Sultan.
May Allah protect the wise men like you.
Good evening Terken Hatun.
Thank you Tekis.
Since I arrived
I haven't asked how you are. I'm sorry.
As I've heard, Head Hatun is Zubeyde Hatun.
We will obey our Sultan's will.
Zubeyde Hatun is the mother
of the sultanate heir Berkyaruk.
This must've played a role
in her being the Head Hatun.
May Allah
grant me a sultanate heir.
InshAllah. However
you are from Karahan.
His son Berkyaruk is the favorite Melik.
And Tapar There's him and his child.
When there's all these rivals,
How can the heir you'll give birth to
be ahead of them?
Have a good evening, Tekis.
What's going on Tekis?
Since you came here you
keep talking to everyone.
I congratulated Terken Hatun.
She will give birth to
another child for our dynasty.
Or are you praying
it's not a boy in secret?
What are you saying Zubeyde Hatun?
On the contrary, I said if it
becomes an heir to the sultanate
he would have a chance
like Berkyarut and Tapar.
What is it to you Tekis?
You can never own the sultanate anyway.
Whoever ascends to the throne,
you will obey his command.
Of course.
Above all
there is Berkyaruk
like mountain before me.
So, pray that Allah bestows
a long life to Berkyaruk.
I hope no untimely calamity
happens to him, Zubeyde Hatun.
I heard traders came to the mansion today.
They demanded Turna Hatun's debts from her.
It's true, Sencer Bey.
How could you allow such a thing?
Weren't you awake, when they came?
What kind of rudeness
is this while she mourns?
What could I do, Sencer Bey?
Was it better if I dismiss
them from the mansion?
You should dismiss them, if it is needed!
You are responsible for the security
and soundness of Turna Hatun.
Anyone can perform the orders!
Then, why do I even need you?
I'd been Emir llteber's
assistant for years.
I know very well what I should
in every condition, Sencer Bey.
This is the second time I
noticed your mistake, Erbatur.
Obviously, Emir llteber
was too tolerant towards you.
I won't forgive your third mistake.
Sencer wants to be the Emir of
Selemzar thanks to Tuma Hatun.
Then, he will be able to
put his soldiers everywhere.
And he will kick you to the curb.
If you don't take action now, Sencer and
Turna Hatun will erase you all by uniting.
My Turna.
I can't stand even seeing
a drop of your tears.
I realized my father have this
gown made for the wedding.
He died before seeing my marriage.
I'm trying to control myself,
but my heart is aching.
You'll dress this gown in our wedding.
You'll shine like a star.
You'll show up like a swan.
Your father will be proud of you.
I'm glad you are with me, Sencer.
If you weren't with me, I don't
know how would I stand this pain.
You will no longer stand alone, Turna.
We'll start such a family together that
we will always give the
strength we need each other.
I couldn't ask about you because
of my trouble. How are you?
Was your mission successful?
It was, Turna.
We took the equipment from the heathens.
I've brought them all to the tribe.
Now, I need to protect them.
We'll take the goods to
the workshop in the morning.
You were a bold warrior.
And you are a powerful Bey.
You are struggling with many troubles.
Yet, you also don't neglect to see me.
Go back to your duty.
My Basulu mother is with me.
When I see you together
my heart eases.
You are not only delicate flowers
but you are also
courageous Hatuns.
I am proud of you.
Whenever I come to the council
room, I remember the bairams.
Whole dynasty would gather, we would kiss
your hand, and exchange bairam greetings.
These kind of memories feel
more warm when you are little.
The mothers of the children from the
dynasty would prepare their children.
Mothers would prepare
their children, hold
their hands, and take
them to bairam ceremony.
Right, Tapar?
Most of those kids have grown
up, and got a position somewhere.
InshAllah we will see Tapar get
out of the palace, and be an Emir.
The good things Tapar did for this state
is more than what is done by
all the members of our dynasty.
He is going to manage the workshop
we prepared for the great campaign.
Until today, he showed
bravery in many fights.
The greatest glory of the great
campaign will be my lion like son's.
If I believe that you
are capable of fulfilling
a duty, I will give you
a firman too, Ahmet.
Then you will have a
chance to catch up to Tapar.
And your father will see something done by
his son, which he can be proud of finally.
Speak, Erbatur.
We have a problem, Turna Hatun.
What is it?
Our soldiers were restless
during Emir llteber's rule.
We want you to find
a solution for that now.
We want our salary we got during
Emir Ilteber's rule to be doubled.
With the condition of
instant payment as well.
And we want the responsibility of
Selemzar's protection to be given only to us.
No one else but us should govern.
Including Sencer Bey.
Do you hear what you are saying?
You earned a living here for years!
What you do is be ungrateful!
Me and the soldiers want
what is our right, Turna Hatun.
And we demand the coins
we want to be paid immediately.
What you do is become an opportunist.
You are trying to make use of hard
times, and gather here like vultures!
But Selemzar is not a carcass,
I won't let you eat it!
And we won't let Sencer
Bey eat here, Turna Hatun!
Know your place!
No one is greedy like you!
They are trying to help
us during our hard times!
Stop this nonsense, Turna Hatun!
We know yours and Sencer Bey's intentions.
We worked for this place for years,
and we won't let anyone have it.
And the soldiers are growing restless.
I'm barely holding them back, know that!
Get out of my sight! And do your best!
You were accomplishing great deeds, father.
Who could know that you were fighting
against this many enemies and traitors!
I swear that I won't let these hyenas
devour what you left in my care.
"The mothers of the children from the
dynasty would prepare their children."
Didn't you sleep yet?
I will sleep now.
Did you cry?
Did you remember your mother?
How did you understand?
You only become like this
when you remember your mother.
This is a wound that
will never heal, Gawhar.
Whenever I touch it, it bleeds.
She was not a spy.
My mother was not evil, Gawhar.
The games in the palaces caused her
demise. And those games made me an orphan.
Of course she was not evil.
How can the hatun of
a Sultan like your father,
and the mother of a
brave one like you be evil?
She cannot be, right?
We will have a child soon.
I have only one request from you.
Always stay away from the palace games
that broke up our family.
Don't let our child..
to be an orphan like me.
I will always live for our child.
Our baby will not be left
without a mother and father.
I'll be such a good
mother to our child that
as you look at our child, the
wound left by your mother will heal.
Come on.
It's time for you, me
and our child to sleep.
I haven't seen you in a
long time, Mahmelek Hatun.
However, we heard what people
say about you even in Horasan.
What do they say about me?
They say that you are a
Sultan's daughter who hides
behind her mother Terken
Hatun and isn't skillful at.
I wonder if you really are like that.
Of course not!
Aren't they ashamed of talking
about the Sultan's daughter that way?
I didn't believe them actually.
I said that a daughter of the
Seljuks wouldn't be like that.
However, they say that both you
and Terken Hatun fell into disfavor
especially since
Zubeyde Hatun came here.
I think Zubeyde Hatun's
men spread these rumours.
No one spreads rumours
about anyone in this palace.
No privilege is given to
anyone while our Sultan is here.
Don't talk to me about
such things again!
What happened, Mahmelek?
Why are you like this?
Ahmet is saying bad
things about me, brother.
He said that I'm not skillful at
anything and I hide behind my mother.
How dare he talk like that
about the Sultan's daughter?
How dare you speak ill of my sister?
I just said a few things.
Since she told them to
you immediately, she
must be a very weak person.
You still don't hear
what you're saying.
I'm her brother, of course
she will complain to me!
You've been saying poisonous
things ever since you're here.
You won't say such things again!
What I talk about or whom with
I talk is none of your business.
What will you do if I
say such things again?
What's going on in here?
What do you think you're doing?
How dare you hit Ahmet?
How dare your son speak ill of
her? How dare he argue with me?
If you won't teach your son
how to behave in the palace, I will.
Are you taking your anger
towards your Sultan father out on us?
Show your anger, not to us, but to your
father who has deceived you for so many years.
Be careful with what you say, uncle.
Why would I be angry with my father?
I know that you feel
suspicious ever since the
issue of your mother and
your secret brother came.
Our Sultan said that
there was no such thing.
Do not insist on your poisonous lies.
When your mother was in exile
your father met
her many times.
I know that.
People don't say he has a son for nothing.
Meliksah has always kept
something about your mother from us.
Maybe even your mother is alive.
Maybe your father left you without a mother
just because of his love of Sultanate.
What if you believed a
lie for all those years?
Didn't you think about that?
Don't talk about
this again.
I'll make you pay for it
before my father does
The springs and steels ready to
be taken to the workshop, my Bey.
We secured the road, my Bey.
Eyvallah. Let's go, then. We should
take them there as soon as possible.
Maybe your mother's alive.
Maybe your father left you
without a mother for the sultanate.
What if you believed
in a lie all this time?
You ordered to see
me Melik Hadrath.
You are my most trusted man.
Now you have to do
something for me in secret.
As your order Melik Hadrath.
My mother's grave
is next to an old house
beneath the Zuhtu Hill.
You will go there in secret.
You will dig up the grave.
Dig up the grave?
Dig up the grave.
And see if there is a
corpse and let me know.
As your order.
No one
will hear or know about this order.
Be very careful.
I will go to the workshop.
Let me know what you find.
As your order.
I learned where the workshop
of Meliksah is from my spies.
It is written here.
When the workshop is destroyed
all his games will be ruined.
Meliksah will get hurt
He will pay the heavy price for this.
The arrow Meliksah shot
will find its way back to him.
I will gather the soldiers Isakios
gave me and make a move.
What's the situation in Selemzar?
Turna is resisting father.
But I provoked Erbatur.
The rebellion will begin today.
Meliksah will never be able to put
down the fires that will surround him.
Very good.
Then let the Seljuk fire begin.
Tapar is the head of the
workshop. We must go inspect.
You are right my Sultan.
As your order Melik Tekis's
soldiers left the hunting spot.
Our men are keeping them.
Tell Tekis he can leave the palace.
he will not take another
step from the place he goes.
He will stay where we think is proper.
I asked you to look into
Selemzar's Emir situation.
Is there any men you think
is appropriate to be Emir.
I will give you a list of all the people I
think are appropriate as soon as possible.
I have someone in my mind.
He has been working hard to
be Emir. And his success is clear.
You will make the decision my Sultan.
Go on.
Turna Hatun has ignored us
ever since she came into power.
She has Senver backing her up.
Will we give them Selemzar, the city
we have worked so hard for for years?
We won't.
She didn't give us our
right and she kicked us out.
Now it's time to get
what we deserve by force.
We will raid the mansion and plunder.
If Turna Hatun tries to stop us
we will make her hang right in
the middle of Selemzar as a warning.
We will.
Go brave men.
Turna Hatun.
Erbatur has gathered his men.
They are about to rebel.
Traitor dog. Does he think I'll let him?
They will want to plunder the mansion.
Tell the soldiers to line up before the
gate and the streets. Do not let them pass.
Go on.
What's going on my girl?
The soldiers are about to rebel mother.
Now we can only stop
them with swords not words.
If this is a day to protect our
honor, I am with you my girl.
Send word to Sencer now.
Maybe your mother's alive.
Maybe your father left you
without a mother for the sultanate.
What if you believed
in a lie all this time?
Don't you ever think about this?
Ta par.
My Sultan.
I couldn't stop working. I
thought I might have done a sword.
You thought well.
May the sword you make
be devoted to the right path.
May it hurt the heathens.
Yet, obviously
you are hurting the sword
with anger you have inside.
What is it, son?
I'm thinking about the
orphaned children, my Sultan.
The martyrs for our state.
With the allowance
of Allah, this great
campaign will finish the
cruelty of the heathens.
For the sword is not finished yet
let's make it together.
So, it might be appropriate
for the one I will gift it.
Who are you going to gift it, my Sultan?
For a son of a father
who struggles for
the state day and night.
Sword must be made from
the ore of the strongest steel.
I hope the one, who I'll gift it
will be someone with strong essence.
Sword must be exposed to a great
deal of fire to come into its proper shape.
I hope the one, I'll gift it
will find his proper shape.
The durability of sword
increases with water.
I hope that person will be
durable and stand strong.
And son
sword gets sharper as it gets hit.
I hope the one, I will gift it
gets stronger with the blows he gets.
The one, I'll gift it
is your son, who will
be born in the future.
Thank you, my Sultan.
He will not only wield sword
but also the honor of
his grandfather, Meliksah.
As long as he has this sword on
his belt, no enemy can defeat him
just like you.
Then, let's call in the name of Allah,
the merciful, the beneficent together.
In the name of Allah, the
merciful, the beneficent.
O Allah!
O Allah!
O Allah!
O Allah!
O Allah!
O Allah!
Soon, your swords will be
blessed with the blood of Tapar.
The fire of revenge inside us
will be eased with the
Meliksah's grief of losing a child.
Long live Commander Markus!
Commander Markus.
Sultan Meliksah
has come to the
workshop with his troops.
Really bad timing!
There must be crowded
like a military camp now.
It would be suicide to go there.
We need to wait for
Meliksah to leave there.
Okay. You go back to your place of duty.
Let me know the moment Meliksah leaves.
We'll go to our soldiers now.
Are we returning to
Khorasan, father?
I won't return until I make
my brother lose the throne.
We'll establish our tribe
around Isfahan for now.
Don't you know that child's mother
pain that you keep hurting his wound?
You confuse him with your poison.
-Tapar acted- You shut up!
Tapar did less than you deserve.
I remember Berkyaruk also gave
you many beatings in the past.
Obviously, you won't get smarter
until all the sons of Meliksah beat you up.
What is it to you, Zubeyde Hatun?
Are you calling me to account for Tapar?
I'm doing it because, Meliksah is not here.
If he was here
he would call you to account,
just as he did to his son, Tapar.
Don't enrage me, Zubeyde Hatun.
If you are the Head Hatun,
go and take care of Hatuns.
Whoever has a problem with me,
let him come and talk to me.
You are not someone I should address.
Since you came, you've
been messing with the Hatuns.
You've been with Terken.
Or you've been
listening to Basulu.
And your son has been around Mahmelek.
I always take care of Hatuns.
And you need to know what a man should do.
Act like a man.
Make sure you hear what you say.
The price of these words will be heavy.
I won't stay in the palace any longer.
I'll establish my tribe right before you.
And my return to the palace
won't be like this again.
I'll mess with anyone I want to mess with.
Sencer Bey! Basulu Hatun
sent me, there is a rebellion
in Selemzar. Erbatur and
his soldiers are going to
Alps, you take the materials to the
workshop, we will go to Selemzar!
We need to get there before a
catastrophe occurs, come on!
You can't pass here!
We are going to get what's our right!
Be an honorable soldier, and join us.
I'm honorable enough under
Turna Hatun's command!
Don't make us spill blood, Erbatur!
The rebellion has started.
But the soldiers will waste their time.
The rebellion won't get serious
unless there is bloodshed.
I know how to make them be furious.
They have spilled our blood now! It
is halal to us now to spill their blood!
To the mansion! It's
Turna Hatun's turn now!
Before you were born, I made
yo sword with my own hands too.
Thank Allah, I had the chance
to make your child's sword too.
InshAllah he will grow
up healthy, and take this
white sword in his hand,
and be a good son for his
May he earn victories after
victories just like you son.
What is it Hace, what
did the soldier tell you?
It's not important, my Sultan.
If it's not important, why
did he whisper in your ear?
Why are you sulking like that?
Tell me quickly, what did he say?
It's about Melik Tapar, my Sultan.
What is it?
A soldier he tasked
was caught while going
towards Basulu Hatun's grave.
Melik Hadrath
wanted Basulu Hatun's
grave to be opened.
Fortunately, our watchmen
around those parts
stopped this unfortunate
event from happening.
What does this mean, Tapar?
Are you acting like a graverobber now?
I just wanted to make my
suspicions go away, my Sultan.
What suspicion are you talking about?
I learned that you met with
mother even when she was on exile.
My uncle Tekis told me.
He told me that you could have hid that
too, in order not to endanger the state.
I had to do it since there is a lot
of suspicion around, my Sultan.
You know how much Melik
Tekis meddle with this matter.
While that's the case, trying to do this
only makes his hand stronger, Melik Hadrath.
Would I hide it from you
if your mother were alive?
Would I let you grow up
without a mother deliberately?
Do you think I'm that cruel?
I have told you many
times not to bring this
matter up, and make
our wounds bleed again.
And you lost your mind to the
degree to open your mother's grave!
And after believing the poisonous lies
of Tekis! Is this the Tapar I praised?
You didn't grow up
without a mother, my Sultan.
You cannot understand me.
There are many rumours
and suspicions going around.
Maybe you hid her to protect your throne.
It's my right to know this!
Look what that poison you drank made you.
But it's not your fault. The fault
is Tekis' who made you like this!
And I will give him his
punishment as soon as possible!
Turna's dead body will
come out of there in a moment.
I don't care about her dead, or live body.
After I get the documents I want,
I will turn her into a living dead.
Kill those traitors!
Either them or us will
survive in this pavilion!
Commander Markus! Sultan
Meliksah has left the workshop.
Our Lord.
Meliksah's son Tapar
is in the workshop now.
Good. This is the moment I was waiting for.
The grief of losing his
child will devastate Meliksah.
The blood and steel you were
promised is very close now.
Don't leave anyone alive.
It's time to take revenge from Meliksah.
The workshop will be
ruined and Tapar will die!
Stay here, I'll go to the room.
Don't let anyone come here.
These documents are
the lifeblood of Selemzar.
You'll lose Selemzar when you
lose these documents, Turna Hatun.
The more the sword is
used, the sharper it gets.
I hope the person I will gift this sword to
becomes sharper as he survive from attacks.
The person I will gift this to
is your child to be born, son.
Turn this place into a bloodbath!
He stole the documents!
I won't let you take them.
Stop them!
I'll find you no matter where you go.
I'll send your father a nice gift.
He'll embrace his son's dead body.
A soldier is approaching, my Sultan.
What happened? Why are you like this?
We were patrolling
around the workshop.
The Crusaders were
heading there, my Sultan.
We wanted to stop them.
Patrol soldiers were martyred.
We came here to inform you.
Tapar! Tapar!
Let's go back!
You have nowhere to run from my sword.
Damn it!
Did you think you could
seize these lands by treason?
You're the real traitor.
You gave your father's lands to Sencer.
A man like you is not brave
enough to plan such a revolt.
Tell me who told you to do that.
I don't need anyone to
tell me to do something.
I sought my right. I didn't try to take a
place that I don't deserve like you did.
Now, my sword will give
you what you deserve.
Apparently you won't talk.
But I'll hang your head on
Selemzar's gates so that
those who told you to do this
will see how they would end up.
Until our Sultan appoints a new Emir
I take over the safety of
Selemzar as the Bey of Kinik.
What will the fate
of these rebels be?
The first thing my father taught me is
mercy to a traitor
is cruelty to justice.
If they betrayed me
they must pay for it.
This is you last fight Tapar.
I hope you enjoyed it.
I will make my men drink
your blood in a minute.
Let's see what happens if you
don't run away like a coward again.
The sword must face fire to get into shape.
I hope the person I gift this to
will find their true
self and not lose it.
The sword will be strong if you water it.
I hope that person
 is strong enough to stand.
And son, sword gets sharper as you hit.
I hope the person I gift this
to will sharpen with the hits.
I will fight you dogs until
the last drop of my blood.
It's over Melik Tapar
son of Sultan Meliksah.
But you're lucky.
That last drop of blood will
be taken by the holy spear.
Destroy this place.
My Sultan
The raiders have already left My Sultan.
Where is Tapar?
Where is Taper?
Where is Tapar?
My son. My son.
My son.
I'm here my son. I'm here.
Send word the doctors at the palace. Now.
My son.
Hang on my son.
Hang on. You've survived
many fights. Hang on.
My son. Hang on. Open your eyes son.
Come on get up.
Get up son. Get up son.
Get up son. Open your eyes.
Open your eyes for
your unborn child. Tapar.
Thank Allah.
I'm dying
Take care of my child father.
It's hard to understand
My son. My son.
My son.
Tapar. Tapar.
My son. Open your eyes. Son.
Open your eyes Taper.
Tapar. Your sultan is
speaking. Open your eyes.
I lost your mother. I won't let
you die too. Did you hear me?
I won't let you die too.
My son.
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