365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e22 Episode Script

Sun Ho Is Arrested

Hyeong Ju.
(Episode 22)
How did you
Hyeong Ju
He wire tapped my house.
What should we do?
We could use this opportunity.
Mr. Choi Kyung Man's lottery ticket, Ms. Seo Yeon Soo's phone,
and Mr. Cha Jeung Seok's music box.
Do you remember them?
But last time
We can't call it a serial murder because
a few common items like a phone and gloves disappeared.
Yes, but I don't know whose gloves they were.
Are you saying he was collecting the disappeared items
as if they were trophies?
If he really did
store victims' items somewhere,
that would be conclusive evidence.
Can you think of a place?
I'm going to make him
lead the way.
Do you have proof?
I can find one if you help me.
After I turn myself in,
please send Sa Kyung to Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon's place.
Don't tell her about this talk we're having.
- Where are you going? - To meet Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon.
I was wondering if she knows anything about this situation.
Ko Jae Young's headphone has a GPS tracking device
that's connected to his phone.
If the real culprit has his headphone
or hid it somewhere, we can find where it is.
And this.
This is Ji Hyeong Ju's alibi.
Ko Jae Young stopped recording at 10:07pm.
Detective Ji arrived at Bae Jung Tae's place
at 10:10pm.
He isn't the detective who was mentioned in the recording.
But he could be an accomplice.
What What are these?
I found them at Bae Jung Tae's place.
These photos were on the USB.
We were carrying out an internal investigation
because we suspected the killer to be among us.
I know who the killer is.
And I know how to catch him.
There was no GPS.
Did you say that on purpose because you knew I was wire tapping?
Is that why you turned yourself in?
How did you know the passcode?
It was your badge number.
We were such great partners.
Did you come here alone so that I could kill you off?
Kill me. Kill me!
Don't you move.
Why did you have to come here?
Now, I have to kill you!
Don't come near me.
Hyeong Ju
Hyeong Ju.
- Stop right there! - Hyeong Ju.
Hyeong Ju, are you okay?
He said he's only going to speak with you.
You're the one who knows the best about this case,
so please help us.
I can't believe we're face-to-face in this room.
Life is full of surprises.
Why did you kill them?
Why did I?
There is no reason.
It just happened.
And it started from
(Letter of Appointment, Sergeant Park Sun Ho)
Excuse me. Hey.
Help Help me, Detective.
Help me.
If that jerk didn't say, "detective",
I wouldn't have killed him.
- Lieutenant Park Sun Ho? - Yes.
We have to install guard rails here.
It took me 12 years to get promoted.
I couldn't ruin my life
because of this mere accident.
So you killed him?
But on the case report,
there's no mention of "murder".
When he was driving the motorcycle, he wasn't looking ahead.
The cause of death,
the skull fracture caused by the fall.
Most of these cases were closed as accidents.
I killed them,
but my murder wasn't considered a real murder.
Isn't this awesome?
It was fun.
At last. I can't believe I finally won the lottery.
Heart attack.
(327th Lottery)
Falling accident.
(I hope you'll be happy in your next life)
(and not meet someone like me.)
I staged the scene with a lot of creativity.
And everyone believed it.
I completely fooled everyone.
Except for you, Ji Hyeong Ju.
"My gosh, why wouldn't this guy believe me?"
"Why does he keep suspecting more?"
I gave that a lot of thought.
And I found out why after meeting Bae Jung Tae.
I knew why you didn't fall for it.
Are you saying you and Hyeong Ju came from the future?
It's not just us two.
There are a few more.
The people who travelled time with you.
I killed them.
Jang Jin Ho wasn't among them.
The deliveryman.
(Handong Logistics)
Darn it.
(Handong Logistics)
(Handong Logistics)
Darn it. Where did I put the gloves?
I didn't know who he was,
but he was Park Young Gil's replacement.
That's when
I believed in the reset completely.
I thought,
"They are destined to die anyway."
"I'm destined to kill."
I didn't see why I should rack my brain on this.
After realizing that,
I just killed without a reason.
Why did you frame me?
You should have just killed me too.
I couldn't imagine
killing you.
So if you get caught and are locked up here,
I wouldn't even have a chance to kill you.
Then, you might not end up dead.
That was
my way of showing my consideration for you.
I was being considerate.
But when I saw how you were on the run without getting caught,
I thought to myself I might end up killing you with my own hands.
Thank you for saying that.
I regretted like crazy
that I came
to save a scumbag like you.
But I came back to catch you.
What are you talking about?
Are you telling me that I died?
Isn't that fascinating?
Think long and hard about it in prison.
You dirty murderer.
Mr. Park Sun Ho.
I'll take this as your confession to all the charges
and end the interrogation here.
Darn it.
(Lieutenant Park Sun Ho)
- What's your name? - Kim Eung Sam.
Let me see.
I see. Did you do this to him?
Look at this jerk.
- Hey, you! - Sun Ho.
- No. - What's wrong with your hand?
- Your hand - Hey.
- He didn't hit me. - Park Sun Ho!
- Park Sun Ho, what's up with you? - My gosh.
- Hey, get out! - You piece of trash!
- Get out. - That jerk!
After he became a lieutenant,
he was really happy.
He bragged to everyone that he was going to be a good cop.
But that's when it started.
He didn't even have
a proper reason behind his murders.
It was just a game to him.
A game that proved how perfect he was.
That kind of game.
He did prove
that there's no perfect crime.
And that he's bound to face
the punishment one day.
You set that straight, Hyeong Ju.
No, you changed it, Ga Hyeon.
I arrested Park Sun Ho.
I see.
I read the news article.
You said that you were experimenting
if people could change their destiny.
You have your result now.
Your experiment
will end with us.
I will do whatever it takes to stop you from undergoing the reset.
I'll do everything in my power
and stop you.
So you don't have to go through the trouble
of looking for your next victims.
Things will be interesting
before the reset.
I'll look forward to it.
Mr. Park, an active detective at Seoul Makang Police Station,
was revealed to have murdered the son of Ko Seok Gyu,
the former nominee for the Ministry of Education,
- A comment, please. - Why did you kill him?
According to the RIU's investigation,
it's been confirmed that there had been additional 11 victims
which shocked the public even more.
- Say something. - Anything?
Say something.
How did you know my dog's name is Maru?
Right. That's so interesting.
I just named the dog after a webtoon artist I like.
I should give him an autograph, right? It's the right thing to do.
Let's go. Hold on.
- Hyeong Ju. - Hey.
Happy birthday.
I didn't know you follow the lunar calendar.
But it is still my birthday today.
This feels strange.
It's nice to celebrate my birthday alive.
In light of that, I got you a present.
A present?
It's made of silk.
I want you to live a long life.
There's one more for Maru. It's a matching item.
This is touching. Thank you.
Right. Bring the book, "Hidden Killer" next time.
I'll sign it.
- What? - It made me wonder
why I didn't get it signed already.
Bring it next time.
It's made of silk. I want you to live a long life.
You think this is over, right?
How's the café owner doing these days? Is he good?
Take care.
Look out for each other.
Yes, Hyeong Ju. He's not at the café.
Could he still be at the sanitorium?
Something happened to my wife,
so I had to hurry to the sanitarium.
That's the day
he said that he was at the sanitorium.
(Something happened to my wife.)
(It's okay, Ga Hyeon. Are you okay? Let's talk tomorrow.)
(It's okay, Ga Hyeon. Are you okay? Let's talk tomorrow.)
The period.
(It's okay, Ga Hyeon. Are you okay? Let's talk tomorrow.)
(I had to hurry to the sanitarium I'll contact you later)
There's no period.
He always ends with the period.
The name of the guardian is Hwang No Sub.
Can you tell me when his last visit was?
There's no such guardian.
Do you know the name of the patient?
Hold on. Hwang No Sub?
Are you looking for Professor Hwang No Sub?
It's this man.
Yes, it's him. It's Professor Hwang No Sub.
He's running a clinical trial with patients from here.
He comes here at least once a week.
- A clinical trial? - His wife isn't staying here?
I heard that his wife is running a business in the States.
I didn't want to leave my wife in the sanitorium
when I realized I don't know when I'll die.
How is she doing?
Ever since that day, her condition has worsened.
She couldn't even recognize me yesterday.
Then, if he's a professor,
can you tell me where he works?
He used to work at Sejin Hospital.
But now, he's an advisory director for Samo Pharmaceuticals.
Sejin Hospital?
The sanitorium and a wife with dementia.
They were all lies.
Why would he lie about this?
If he was a professor at Sejin Hospital,
it means that he knew Ms. Lee Shin before the reset.
Let's not talk about this here.
Let's go somewhere else and chat more.
I used to be a regular here.
My wife loved drinking coffee
and wanted to open one later on in life.
So I was able to buy this place, thanks to the reset.
did Ms. Lee Shin order him to gather us at the café
from the get-go?
He was here this Monday.
Monday? That's after Sun Ho got arrested.
Hyeong Ju.
Why is Ms. Song here?
This is Professor Hwang's secretary.
- His secretary? - Yes.
If you can help us,
we'll be able to
get rid of Ms. Lee Shin and the killer as well.
I beg you.
It was all an act.
It's as if she knows the future. She knew everything about me.
The person Ms. Song was terrified of
wasn't Ms. Lee Shin. It was Professor Hwang.
From the beginning, he made Ms. Lee Shin take the front line.
And he had been watching the whole thing from the back.
You're back, Professor Hwang.
Everyone must be utterly shocked.
I'll go back soon.
Yes, Professor.
I know that very well. Don't worry.
(Samo Pharmaceuticals)
Professor Hwang No Sub?
Are you Detective Ji Hyeong Ju?
Yes, I am.
Please follow me.
Don't you think
it's time for us to prepare for the next reset?
You were always busy around this time of the year
because of Young.
That's why
I'm thinking of getting help from someone else.
Someone else?
(Emergency Transport, Ministry of Justice)
There was no one who overcame their destined death.
Not even one.
That means you'll be safe
until everyone else dies.
My gosh.
You'll find out soon.
It always happened.
(Advisory Director Hwang No Sub)
What's this?
He told me to give this to you when you two come.
So he must have known that we would come to him.
(365: Repeat the Year)
Who on earth are you?
I can meet Young again?
I'm enjoying the time I have.
What do you think will happen if this guy is gone?
- Who are you? - It will be a fun year.
- Park Sun Ho escaped. - The three of us will
do this together.
It wasn't over yet.
She said our destined death won't change.
You'll end up doing it as you have always done.
Tell me an objective reason that can help me understand.
Most importantly, I don't want to eat with you anymore.
What? What's she doing?
Misfortunes don't have eyes. They randomly pick their targets.
Who is that crazy jerk?
He's all of the above. He's the ultimate crazy man.
That reminds me of a crazy woman too.
(Is it a beginning of an ill-fated relationship or destiny?)
I'll never be alone without you from now on.
I want to start again. Let's date, Hae Kyung.
Did I surprise you?
Do you believe in destiny?
Then, are you saying that man could be my destiny?
Where on earth is he? Where?
If you want, do you want to have dinner with me?
("Would You Like to Have Dinner Together" premiers in May.)
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