7th Heaven s01e22 Episode Script
Dangerous Liaisons (2)
Last time on 7th Heaven: I've missed you so much.
Annie, this is my girlfriend, Ginger.
Ginger, this is my little girl, Annie.
It's like he has no respect for my mother's memory.
Just plain disrespect.
- Can I put some rinse in my hair? - Yeah, it's fine.
Hi, Heather.
I'm Matt Camden.
I saw you at the airport.
Have you ever gone out with a deaf girl? No.
- Luce? - Why did you let me do this? Mary met a boy at the park.
She gave him her phone number.
Oh, no.
Just ignore these guys.
They're huge jerks.
- Is it beauty and the beast night? - Whatever.
Mary Billy isn't my little brother.
He's my son.
Mom, wait.
Mary! It's not fair.
We're always getting left out of things because we're too young.
Mary's at the hospital having surgery.
Mom and Dad want us to hang out here.
Must be serious if you're toeing the party line.
Whatever happened to Mr Rebel, Mr Bad Boy? Mr Rule Breaker? I like to be in the group.
- Hello? Hey, Dad.
How's Mary? - Still in surgery.
How are things? - Fine.
- Uh-huh.
Why don't you take them out and feed them? Nobody's real hungry.
It'll be good for everybody to get out of the house for a while.
- Have you heard from Heather? - No.
I have a feeling I probably won't.
I'm sorry.
Sounds like you could all use a little distraction.
There's a new café on Tenth Street.
Why don't you guys try it out? - I don't know.
- I don't want you just waiting around.
Any word from the cops on the guy who hit her? No, not yet, but I'll call you later.
OK, we're going out to dinner.
Be in the car in five minutes.
- Who is it? - JIMMY: It's me.
- Who? - Jimmy Moon.
I heard about Mary's accident.
I dropped by to - What happened to your hair? - My sister is having surgery.
All you're worried about is my hair? No, no.
I'm sorry about Mary, too.
- Is that hair thing permanent? - If we're totally lucky.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Could I get an update on Mary Camden? Patient information is only available to family.
That's OK.
I'm her brother.
She's not out of surgery, but your parents are in the waiting area.
- OK.
Thank you.
- May I help you, sir? No, my grandson has pretty much covered the bases.
I don't recall your getting your grandpa a birthday present.
I'm a large.
I look good in blue.
I'm easily impressed by expensive things.
I'm sorry.
I'm Wilson West.
Mary and I had our first date last night.
I'm sorry I lied.
I had to know if she was OK, you know? - Yes, I do.
How'd the date go? - Not so great.
Well, yesterday wasn't a great day for me, either.
Today could stand to be a whole lot better, too.
There's always tomorrow.
I may break into song any minute.
- Any news? - Not yet.
I wish I knew what was taking so long.
How's Annie holding up? Go ask her.
She's in the waiting room.
- You think that's a good idea? - Yeah, I do.
Where's Ginger? - At the hotel, packing.
- Go talk to your daughter.
You might as well go on home, too.
I don't think Mary's gonna feel up to any visitors.
I know.
I was just worried about her.
They wouldn't give me any information over the phone.
Can I get something for you and Mrs Camden? You can't get all your meals out of that thing.
Actually, a burger would be great.
You're welcome.
Do they know who the car belonged to yet? No, but they will.
It's only a matter of time.
- I'll be right back.
- OK.
- I asked you not to come, Dad.
- She's my granddaughter.
My grandbaby.
I love her.
I know you blame me for the accident.
- I never said that.
- You never had to.
Mom died six months ago and there are moments when I still feel like it was yesterday.
I don't see you for months and then you bring another woman to church.
- What were you trying to do? - Be a part of the family again.
A family filled with faces that remind me of your mother's.
I was hiding from memories, Annie, nothing more.
Ginger's been through all this already.
I just wanted her support while I did it.
I hear Ginger's family wasn't that crazy about meeting you either.
You should've had a good idea how I'd react, Dad.
Why? I thought we brought you up better than that.
I've seen you be kinder to strangers and more polite than you were to Ginger.
Sorry to interrupt.
Mary's gonna be back in her room in a few minutes.
I hope you'll do me the kindness of letting me know how she is.
I heard about this place on the news.
It's run by people who are deaf.
Even with Mary in the hospital, Dad can still try to teach me a lesson.
Well, you kinda gotta admire him for that.
Hey, anyone want turtle soup? I know the sign for turtle.
What's the sign for soup? - Order a hamburger like you usually do.
- How am I supposed to do that? Point, Brainiac.
Mr and Mrs Camden? Robert Wolf.
- I hope you haven't been too worried.
- Well The damage to her knee was a little more extensive than we thought.
The corrective procedure was complicated.
But she did great.
Her muscle tone is good.
She's strong.
With physical therapy, she should heal quite nicely.
- Thank you.
- I'll be back in the morning.
OK, thank you.
It's OK.
It's OK.
Mom and Dad are here.
It's OK, baby.
We're here.
It's over.
The surgery's over.
You're gonna be fine.
I smell hamburgers.
Yeah, well, a friend of yours delivers.
- Hi.
- Hey.
How are you feeling? - Really out of it.
- That's OK.
Get some rest.
I'll call you tomorrow.
I hope the accident didn't scare your son.
- I think she means your little brother.
- Don't worry about Billy.
He's fine.
Close your eyes, get some sleep.
Oh, Wilson.
- Thanks for dinner.
- You're welcome.
If she's not OK, I'll never forgive myself.
It was an accident.
It's not your fault.
She'll be OK.
She has to be OK.
- That's Heather.
- Talk to her.
Maybe she'll come up and say hi.
Or maybe she'll just blow you off.
OK, finish your stuff.
We're leaving.
Look, I'll be back in a couple of days.
What do you say to giving an old man a ride home from the airport, huh? Actually, Charles, I think we ought to take a break for a while, see how we feel in a couple of months.
I think it's for the best.
People always say that, but it never is.
- Hey, do you have a pen? - Sure.
Are you gonna write her a love note? I'm asking the waiter how to sign "I'm sorry".
- Oh, that's so romantic.
- Yeah, smooth.
Very smooth.
- We should call you Dr Love.
- Yeah, Dr Lovey Love.
Do you mind? I know some other signs from Sesame Street.
Wanna use them? Later.
Sit tight.
I'll be right back.
That didn't go so well.
Crash and burn.
Poor fool.
- I can help.
- Ruthie, no.
He loves you.
- Mom, help.
It won't come out.
- It looks fine.
It doesn't look fine.
You should've seen Jimmy's face when he saw it.
You didn't do it for Jimmy Moon.
You did it for you.
- You talked me into it! - You were smart to listen.
It looks great.
With this hair, you can be a new you.
A you that doesn't care what other kids think, that has more fun.
- I'm not having any fun! - You're still in a brunette mind-set.
Honey, it does look different, but it looks nice, really.
Yeah, I think it looks kind of sexy.
Sexy? You think it looks sexy? Well, you know, not sexy sexy, but Any sexy's OK.
- How's Mary? - Tired, but fine.
And coming home day after tomorrow.
I told her you'd be there by lunchtime.
Thanks for recommending that restaurant.
How'd you know Heather would be there? It's the only restaurant in town run by people who are deaf.
I took a shot.
- Your hair looks nice, Luce.
- Nice or sexy? Definitely nice.
If my 13-year-old daughter had sexy hair, I'd shave her head.
- There's my girl.
- Hey, Grandpa.
I just wanted to make sure you were OK before I headed back to Phoenix.
So where's Ginger? She already left.
We decided we needed some time apart.
If I did anything to make you decide that, I'm sorry.
- You had nothing to do with it.
- Hello there.
- Hey, Mrs Bink.
- How are you feeling? - A lot better, thanks.
Hey, have you met my grandfather? Oh, I've seen him around.
I have not had the pleasure.
Gladys Bink.
- Charles Jackson.
- A pleasure to meet you officially.
- You're Annie's father.
- For some time now.
And a quipster.
I like that.
We were all so sorry to hear about Annie's mother.
Thank you.
Well, I brought you some junk food.
You're never gonna get better if you eat that stuff from the cafeteria.
And here's some flowers from the garden.
Odeile Hinkle's garden.
She'll never miss them.
Now There.
That'll brighten up your smile, if you ever feel like smiling.
My grandpa's had a tough day.
One of his friends went back to Phoenix.
She did? No one said my friend was a she.
If you want to stick with that, that's fine by me.
I'd better get going.
I gotta pick up my luggage before I catch my flight.
I'm gonna give you a lift.
I drove my convertible down here.
Now that I've got my medication straightened out, I'm back on the road and I'm loving it.
I appreciate the offer, but maybe some other time.
There's no time like the present.
Besides, once you ride with the top down, you'll never go back.
Bye, sweetie.
- You sick or something? - Hardly.
The new me is just free.
I would never have done something that radical without discussing it with you.
It was an impulse thing.
I thought you liked impulsive women.
- Impulsive brunettes.
- It's no big deal.
It'll wash out.
Call me when it does, when you've come to your senses.
I'll find someone who likes me as a blonde.
Good luck.
I talked to your dad last night.
Ginger left.
She should never have come here in the first place.
We could debate that for years, but she did come and she's your dad's friend and maybe we just need to accept that.
It's too soon for him to even ask me to accept it.
Annie, it's not that unusual for people who were once happily married to remarry quickly.
They know the joy a relationship can bring and they want that again.
You're so happy with me that if I die, you could be remarried in six months? Thank you very much.
I'm gonna go to the hospital.
- Could I drop you somewhere? - No, thanks.
Maybe I'm not saying this in a way you can hear it, but I know you loved your mom and how hard it was to lose her.
I just don't want you to lose your dad, too.
Are you sure that you wanna take a cab? Well, I appreciate the offer, but I just wanna be alone.
OK, Charles.
Just one word of advice.
Listen to your heart, not your daughter.
- She's very hard to ignore.
- Well, they all are.
But she'll get over it.
She'll adapt.
I know my daughter would have if I'd had the backbone to ignore her.
Instead I I let her run off a sweet man that I was in love with.
Within days, she was home again with her husband and her kids, like everything was back to normal, while I was stuck knowing that for me nothing nothing would be the same again.
Thank you.
You're a very wise woman.
Yeah, sometimes I scare myself.
- A little something from Wilson? - Yeah.
- He seems like a nice guy.
- You think so? Well, I only met him yesterday, but so far, so good.
Mom, did you ever go out with a guy and just have that feeling that he was pretty special? Well, just your dad.
That makes me one for one.
Why? You think Wilson might turn out to be pretty special? Maybe.
As long as you and Dad don't have a problem with him.
- Why would we have a problem with him? - I don't know.
Hey, Wilson.
Well, who's this? Is this Billy? - You wanna hold him? - Sure.
- Thanks.
My arm could use a break.
- Hey.
Well, what's up? What can I do for you guys? - I was hoping to run something by you.
- Sure.
Come on in.
Is this about you or a friend? - A friend.
- Well, everybody's got at least one.
Well, my friend was stupid.
He was 15 and dating a 16-year-old girl with a car.
He started to think he was pretty cool, cool enough to have - Sex? - I didn't think I should say that here.
It's OK.
So now your cool friend had a pregnant They got their parents to sign for them to get married.
My friend thought that was the right thing to do and he's glad he did it.
Only there were complications and the girl died in childbirth.
I I didn't even know that could happen.
I mean, my friend didn't.
- Wow, that's a tough one.
- Yeah.
Anyway, she gave my friend an incredible son.
- Billy? - Wilson Junior.
- His name is Wilson Junior.
- I see.
If anybody understands the consequences of premarital sex more than me, I'd like to meet him.
- I'll never make that mistake again.
- Uh-huh.
I'm just a guy who's supporting his son, living with his parents who help him.
And under whatever conditions you set out, I'm also a guy who'd like to continue to go out with Mary.
Mary's fine.
- What do you want? - Is Mary OK? - What do you care? - Hey, look, it was an accident, OK? - I didn't mean to do it.
- What? OK, I wasn't speeding.
The cops'll swear to that.
One second the street's empty, the next your sister's in it.
You hit my sister and take off and it's OK because it was an accident? - What's wrong with you? - You wanna kill me, cool.
Don't do it here.
They'll kick you out.
I don't need that on my conscience.
- I'm worried about your conscience.
- Name a time and place.
You left my sister in the street.
Excuse me.
Let me through.
Hey! What's going on? - Nothing.
I just fell down.
- And your face broke the fall? Yeah.
He was just helping me up.
Anybody? Go see the nurse.
Hi, honey.
Guess what? I've got a big surprise for you.
A big surprise like ferrets in the house or a big surprise like a beautiful picture that you drew at school? Yes.
Close your eyes and put out your hands.
Open 'em.
- Good one, huh? - Yeah, good one.
- I thought you went back to Phoenix.
- I was going to.
But then I remembered you once accused me of running away from my emotions, so here I am, proving once and for all that you can teach an old dog new tricks.
- I'm so sorry.
- I am going back to Phoenix.
And I am going to continue to see Ginger if she'll let me.
I can't let you run off someone I care for, like Mrs Bink's daughter did, even though I understand why you want to.
I love you, kiddo, but this is something I have to do for me.
I love you, too, Dad.
What's her number? [PHONE.]
Hello? Mrs Bink, this is Annie Camden.
- Did you talk to my dad earlier? - I might have.
I talk to a lot of people.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
He's a wonderful man.
I know.
You don't have a daughter, do you? No.
I was working in the moment, going with the flow.
- I love you, Mrs Bink.
- I love you too, honey.
They're all nuts.
What are you doing here and what happened to your face? - It was me.
I was driving the car.
- You? You hit me? Yeah.
Your parents didn't press charges, but Matt did.
I'm sorry.
You have to believe me.
I didn't mean to hit you.
Everything happened so fast.
- You left me in the street.
- I panicked.
I figured everyone would think that I did it on purpose, with our history, the pool hall and everything.
But I swear I didn't.
I'm a jerk, but not a psycho.
I was there, remember? I know you didn't mean to hit me.
- I ran into the street.
- I wouldn't blame you if you hated me.
You're a jerk, and an apology and a teddy bear aren't gonna change that.
I know.
But this accident, the whole thing, it just kinda woke me up, you know? Yeah.
Listen, I'm sorry about hassling you the other night.
I better get going.
- I don't hate you.
- Thanks.
I can't believe you're so nice to that guy.
Yeah, if I hadn't been, I would have just felt worse.
- How's the wheel? - It's OK.
- I just wanna be in my own bed.
- I don't blame you.
- I talked to your dad.
- How'd it go? He was a little shocked.
A lot shocked.
He's a minister, not a saint.
Well, he's not our biggest problem.
My mom is.
She's a lot tougher than Dad.
I don't know if we can ever really be in love.
- We're so different.
- You're talking.
You scared me when you beat up that guy.
I'm sorry I scared you.
I can explain.
Write to me at school and we'll get to know each other, OK? I don't like to talk.
I've never heard my voice and I have no idea what it sounds like.
It sounds beautiful.
Lucy's crying.
Dad, do you mind if I take a crack at this? I think it's about the hair.
- Just go away.
- Maybe I can help.
Jimmy went to The Varsity with Ashley.
You think you can help that? - No.
- Everybody knows we broke up.
Tomorrow's gonna be the worst day of my life.
I don't even have a best friend or a big sister at home to talk about it with.
- I'm here.
Talk to me.
- You? This whole thing is your fault.
I know.
But no matter what colour your hair is, you're always still the same wonderful, weepy, wacky Lucy you've always been.
I gotta tell you, I never liked that Jimmy Moon guy anyway.
Since when? He saw your new hair, you stormed out and he didn't go after you.
- So? - So When you and Dad have a fight, you storm out, but he goes after you and makes you talk to him, so you can settle things.
Jimmy's not Dad.
I know, but once you see how you're supposed to handle things, it's hard to settle for less.
You deserve the best.
How'd you get to be so smart? I don't live in a cave, just down the hall.
Any time you need me - Hey, Luce.
- Yeah? Thanks.
- How'd it go with Heather? - OK.
I think I still have a shot.
Speaking of shots, Michael Towner's mother called.
- Did you hurt him? - Not enough.
I know you're angry and frustrated.
Join the club.
You need to understand that this family doesn't solve its problems that way.
- Got it? - These were extenuating circumstances.
You'll have extenuating circumstances for the rest of your life, so get in the habit right now of solving your problems as a mature and honourable man.
Tomorrow apologise.
Michael's mother also said that everyone at school thinks that he meant to hit Mary.
Do what you can to clear that up, too.
Mom, he hassled Mary, tried to start a fight with her date and left her after he hit her with his car.
I know.
But sometimes when somebody does something this terrible and people are still forgiving, that person can learn from it and change.
What if he moves on to someone else and tortures them? Well, if that happens and I find out about it, I'll hunt him down myself.
- Does Dad know about this? - Not yet, but don't worry.
- I'll find the right time to tell him.
- Oh, great.
I'm worry free.
Two weeks from today we'll take a look and talk about physical therapy.
The sooner I start, the sooner I'm back in the game.
- I'll see you then.
- OK.
- What? Is there a problem? - More of a challenge.
Your daughter has a tough road ahead.
What are you talking about? I thought you said the surgery went fine.
- The surgery is not the problem.
- So what's the problem? - Mr Camden - What? If something's wrong, why let her leave? - Calm down.
Let's not get upset.
- Just for once, let's.
What's going on? So, what's the big emergency? No emergency.
Just something important.
I think it's important for Mary's family to be here when she comes home.
- I think so, too.
- Annie called me and I flew in.
Well, I could use some help with the decorations outside.
Simon isn't much help.
He pulled something blowing up the balloons.
I'm all yours.
- Did you tell the school we'd be late? - We're all gonna play hooky today.
Oh, and there was also a call from Heather's mother.
Really? What was the message? - Please say you didn't forget.
- I might have.
No, wait.
- She's going back to school a day late.
- And? And oh, she's waiting for you in the living room.
I'm back.
Blondes have more fun.
Dad, what did you and Dr Wolf talk about when they took me to the car? Stop thinking up an answer and tell me the truth.
And remember, I live with Lucy and you're as bad a liar as she is.
He said that your recovery process might be a little slower than we'd hoped.
Am I going to be able to play basketball? Dad, I wanna know what the doctor said, exactly what he said.
He said that in a week or two you'll be out of your wheelchair and up on crutches, but that it'll take some time before you can put your weight on that knee again.
And then what? And then it'll still be some weeks or months before we'll know if you can play basketball again.
If? Dad, he's not saying I'll never play again? He didn't say that.
- He said that's a possibility.
- How big of a possibility? I don't know, honey.
But no one knows.
I know that this stupid accident is not gonna change my life.
It can't.
It just can't.
I won't let it.
Dad, I thought they fixed everything.
I thought the surgery fixed everything.
It's gonna be OK.
No matter what, it's gonna be OK.
I know you better than any doctor and you can get back to where you were.
You might be scared right now, but at the very core of you, Mary, you're as fearless as anyone I know.
- You really think that? - Oh, yeah.
You're an amazing person, Mary, the way you take on the world.
You can get through this.
I know you can.
Yeah, you're right, I can.
Or at least, I'm gonna try.
Maybe you could start praying for me like right now, maybe call in a favour or something.
Consider it done.
- You ready to head in? - Yeah.
But don't tell anybody about this, OK? - OK.
- Let's just have a party.
- So, look like you're happy.
- OK.
That face definitely needs some work.
- OK.
- Better.
Let's go.
So did you tell your kids you were coming back here? Were they mad? Are they mad at you or mad at Grandpa? - Well, a little of both, I think.
- We're in this thing together.
For better or for worse? Well Did the reverend have a chance to talk to you about my situation? He did, and you can visit Mary while she's at home recuperating.
That'll give us some time to get to know you better.
- And then we'll get back to you.
- Thank you.
- You won't be sorry.
- I'd better not be.
Hey, you guys.
Hey, I'm open.
- Take a shot.
- Here we go.
Come on, Mary.
Come on.
Make the shot.
What aren't you telling me? The doctor doesn't know if she'll ever play basketball again.
What does he know? She's playing right now.
Three, two, one Score.
Annie, this is my girlfriend, Ginger.
Ginger, this is my little girl, Annie.
It's like he has no respect for my mother's memory.
Just plain disrespect.
- Can I put some rinse in my hair? - Yeah, it's fine.
Hi, Heather.
I'm Matt Camden.
I saw you at the airport.
Have you ever gone out with a deaf girl? No.
- Luce? - Why did you let me do this? Mary met a boy at the park.
She gave him her phone number.
Oh, no.
Just ignore these guys.
They're huge jerks.
- Is it beauty and the beast night? - Whatever.
Mary Billy isn't my little brother.
He's my son.
Mom, wait.
Mary! It's not fair.
We're always getting left out of things because we're too young.
Mary's at the hospital having surgery.
Mom and Dad want us to hang out here.
Must be serious if you're toeing the party line.
Whatever happened to Mr Rebel, Mr Bad Boy? Mr Rule Breaker? I like to be in the group.
- Hello? Hey, Dad.
How's Mary? - Still in surgery.
How are things? - Fine.
- Uh-huh.
Why don't you take them out and feed them? Nobody's real hungry.
It'll be good for everybody to get out of the house for a while.
- Have you heard from Heather? - No.
I have a feeling I probably won't.
I'm sorry.
Sounds like you could all use a little distraction.
There's a new café on Tenth Street.
Why don't you guys try it out? - I don't know.
- I don't want you just waiting around.
Any word from the cops on the guy who hit her? No, not yet, but I'll call you later.
OK, we're going out to dinner.
Be in the car in five minutes.
- Who is it? - JIMMY: It's me.
- Who? - Jimmy Moon.
I heard about Mary's accident.
I dropped by to - What happened to your hair? - My sister is having surgery.
All you're worried about is my hair? No, no.
I'm sorry about Mary, too.
- Is that hair thing permanent? - If we're totally lucky.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Could I get an update on Mary Camden? Patient information is only available to family.
That's OK.
I'm her brother.
She's not out of surgery, but your parents are in the waiting area.
- OK.
Thank you.
- May I help you, sir? No, my grandson has pretty much covered the bases.
I don't recall your getting your grandpa a birthday present.
I'm a large.
I look good in blue.
I'm easily impressed by expensive things.
I'm sorry.
I'm Wilson West.
Mary and I had our first date last night.
I'm sorry I lied.
I had to know if she was OK, you know? - Yes, I do.
How'd the date go? - Not so great.
Well, yesterday wasn't a great day for me, either.
Today could stand to be a whole lot better, too.
There's always tomorrow.
I may break into song any minute.
- Any news? - Not yet.
I wish I knew what was taking so long.
How's Annie holding up? Go ask her.
She's in the waiting room.
- You think that's a good idea? - Yeah, I do.
Where's Ginger? - At the hotel, packing.
- Go talk to your daughter.
You might as well go on home, too.
I don't think Mary's gonna feel up to any visitors.
I know.
I was just worried about her.
They wouldn't give me any information over the phone.
Can I get something for you and Mrs Camden? You can't get all your meals out of that thing.
Actually, a burger would be great.
You're welcome.
Do they know who the car belonged to yet? No, but they will.
It's only a matter of time.
- I'll be right back.
- OK.
- I asked you not to come, Dad.
- She's my granddaughter.
My grandbaby.
I love her.
I know you blame me for the accident.
- I never said that.
- You never had to.
Mom died six months ago and there are moments when I still feel like it was yesterday.
I don't see you for months and then you bring another woman to church.
- What were you trying to do? - Be a part of the family again.
A family filled with faces that remind me of your mother's.
I was hiding from memories, Annie, nothing more.
Ginger's been through all this already.
I just wanted her support while I did it.
I hear Ginger's family wasn't that crazy about meeting you either.
You should've had a good idea how I'd react, Dad.
Why? I thought we brought you up better than that.
I've seen you be kinder to strangers and more polite than you were to Ginger.
Sorry to interrupt.
Mary's gonna be back in her room in a few minutes.
I hope you'll do me the kindness of letting me know how she is.
I heard about this place on the news.
It's run by people who are deaf.
Even with Mary in the hospital, Dad can still try to teach me a lesson.
Well, you kinda gotta admire him for that.
Hey, anyone want turtle soup? I know the sign for turtle.
What's the sign for soup? - Order a hamburger like you usually do.
- How am I supposed to do that? Point, Brainiac.
Mr and Mrs Camden? Robert Wolf.
- I hope you haven't been too worried.
- Well The damage to her knee was a little more extensive than we thought.
The corrective procedure was complicated.
But she did great.
Her muscle tone is good.
She's strong.
With physical therapy, she should heal quite nicely.
- Thank you.
- I'll be back in the morning.
OK, thank you.
It's OK.
It's OK.
Mom and Dad are here.
It's OK, baby.
We're here.
It's over.
The surgery's over.
You're gonna be fine.
I smell hamburgers.
Yeah, well, a friend of yours delivers.
- Hi.
- Hey.
How are you feeling? - Really out of it.
- That's OK.
Get some rest.
I'll call you tomorrow.
I hope the accident didn't scare your son.
- I think she means your little brother.
- Don't worry about Billy.
He's fine.
Close your eyes, get some sleep.
Oh, Wilson.
- Thanks for dinner.
- You're welcome.
If she's not OK, I'll never forgive myself.
It was an accident.
It's not your fault.
She'll be OK.
She has to be OK.
- That's Heather.
- Talk to her.
Maybe she'll come up and say hi.
Or maybe she'll just blow you off.
OK, finish your stuff.
We're leaving.
Look, I'll be back in a couple of days.
What do you say to giving an old man a ride home from the airport, huh? Actually, Charles, I think we ought to take a break for a while, see how we feel in a couple of months.
I think it's for the best.
People always say that, but it never is.
- Hey, do you have a pen? - Sure.
Are you gonna write her a love note? I'm asking the waiter how to sign "I'm sorry".
- Oh, that's so romantic.
- Yeah, smooth.
Very smooth.
- We should call you Dr Love.
- Yeah, Dr Lovey Love.
Do you mind? I know some other signs from Sesame Street.
Wanna use them? Later.
Sit tight.
I'll be right back.
That didn't go so well.
Crash and burn.
Poor fool.
- I can help.
- Ruthie, no.
He loves you.
- Mom, help.
It won't come out.
- It looks fine.
It doesn't look fine.
You should've seen Jimmy's face when he saw it.
You didn't do it for Jimmy Moon.
You did it for you.
- You talked me into it! - You were smart to listen.
It looks great.
With this hair, you can be a new you.
A you that doesn't care what other kids think, that has more fun.
- I'm not having any fun! - You're still in a brunette mind-set.
Honey, it does look different, but it looks nice, really.
Yeah, I think it looks kind of sexy.
Sexy? You think it looks sexy? Well, you know, not sexy sexy, but Any sexy's OK.
- How's Mary? - Tired, but fine.
And coming home day after tomorrow.
I told her you'd be there by lunchtime.
Thanks for recommending that restaurant.
How'd you know Heather would be there? It's the only restaurant in town run by people who are deaf.
I took a shot.
- Your hair looks nice, Luce.
- Nice or sexy? Definitely nice.
If my 13-year-old daughter had sexy hair, I'd shave her head.
- There's my girl.
- Hey, Grandpa.
I just wanted to make sure you were OK before I headed back to Phoenix.
So where's Ginger? She already left.
We decided we needed some time apart.
If I did anything to make you decide that, I'm sorry.
- You had nothing to do with it.
- Hello there.
- Hey, Mrs Bink.
- How are you feeling? - A lot better, thanks.
Hey, have you met my grandfather? Oh, I've seen him around.
I have not had the pleasure.
Gladys Bink.
- Charles Jackson.
- A pleasure to meet you officially.
- You're Annie's father.
- For some time now.
And a quipster.
I like that.
We were all so sorry to hear about Annie's mother.
Thank you.
Well, I brought you some junk food.
You're never gonna get better if you eat that stuff from the cafeteria.
And here's some flowers from the garden.
Odeile Hinkle's garden.
She'll never miss them.
Now There.
That'll brighten up your smile, if you ever feel like smiling.
My grandpa's had a tough day.
One of his friends went back to Phoenix.
She did? No one said my friend was a she.
If you want to stick with that, that's fine by me.
I'd better get going.
I gotta pick up my luggage before I catch my flight.
I'm gonna give you a lift.
I drove my convertible down here.
Now that I've got my medication straightened out, I'm back on the road and I'm loving it.
I appreciate the offer, but maybe some other time.
There's no time like the present.
Besides, once you ride with the top down, you'll never go back.
Bye, sweetie.
- You sick or something? - Hardly.
The new me is just free.
I would never have done something that radical without discussing it with you.
It was an impulse thing.
I thought you liked impulsive women.
- Impulsive brunettes.
- It's no big deal.
It'll wash out.
Call me when it does, when you've come to your senses.
I'll find someone who likes me as a blonde.
Good luck.
I talked to your dad last night.
Ginger left.
She should never have come here in the first place.
We could debate that for years, but she did come and she's your dad's friend and maybe we just need to accept that.
It's too soon for him to even ask me to accept it.
Annie, it's not that unusual for people who were once happily married to remarry quickly.
They know the joy a relationship can bring and they want that again.
You're so happy with me that if I die, you could be remarried in six months? Thank you very much.
I'm gonna go to the hospital.
- Could I drop you somewhere? - No, thanks.
Maybe I'm not saying this in a way you can hear it, but I know you loved your mom and how hard it was to lose her.
I just don't want you to lose your dad, too.
Are you sure that you wanna take a cab? Well, I appreciate the offer, but I just wanna be alone.
OK, Charles.
Just one word of advice.
Listen to your heart, not your daughter.
- She's very hard to ignore.
- Well, they all are.
But she'll get over it.
She'll adapt.
I know my daughter would have if I'd had the backbone to ignore her.
Instead I I let her run off a sweet man that I was in love with.
Within days, she was home again with her husband and her kids, like everything was back to normal, while I was stuck knowing that for me nothing nothing would be the same again.
Thank you.
You're a very wise woman.
Yeah, sometimes I scare myself.
- A little something from Wilson? - Yeah.
- He seems like a nice guy.
- You think so? Well, I only met him yesterday, but so far, so good.
Mom, did you ever go out with a guy and just have that feeling that he was pretty special? Well, just your dad.
That makes me one for one.
Why? You think Wilson might turn out to be pretty special? Maybe.
As long as you and Dad don't have a problem with him.
- Why would we have a problem with him? - I don't know.
Hey, Wilson.
Well, who's this? Is this Billy? - You wanna hold him? - Sure.
- Thanks.
My arm could use a break.
- Hey.
Well, what's up? What can I do for you guys? - I was hoping to run something by you.
- Sure.
Come on in.
Is this about you or a friend? - A friend.
- Well, everybody's got at least one.
Well, my friend was stupid.
He was 15 and dating a 16-year-old girl with a car.
He started to think he was pretty cool, cool enough to have - Sex? - I didn't think I should say that here.
It's OK.
So now your cool friend had a pregnant They got their parents to sign for them to get married.
My friend thought that was the right thing to do and he's glad he did it.
Only there were complications and the girl died in childbirth.
I I didn't even know that could happen.
I mean, my friend didn't.
- Wow, that's a tough one.
- Yeah.
Anyway, she gave my friend an incredible son.
- Billy? - Wilson Junior.
- His name is Wilson Junior.
- I see.
If anybody understands the consequences of premarital sex more than me, I'd like to meet him.
- I'll never make that mistake again.
- Uh-huh.
I'm just a guy who's supporting his son, living with his parents who help him.
And under whatever conditions you set out, I'm also a guy who'd like to continue to go out with Mary.
Mary's fine.
- What do you want? - Is Mary OK? - What do you care? - Hey, look, it was an accident, OK? - I didn't mean to do it.
- What? OK, I wasn't speeding.
The cops'll swear to that.
One second the street's empty, the next your sister's in it.
You hit my sister and take off and it's OK because it was an accident? - What's wrong with you? - You wanna kill me, cool.
Don't do it here.
They'll kick you out.
I don't need that on my conscience.
- I'm worried about your conscience.
- Name a time and place.
You left my sister in the street.
Excuse me.
Let me through.
Hey! What's going on? - Nothing.
I just fell down.
- And your face broke the fall? Yeah.
He was just helping me up.
Anybody? Go see the nurse.
Hi, honey.
Guess what? I've got a big surprise for you.
A big surprise like ferrets in the house or a big surprise like a beautiful picture that you drew at school? Yes.
Close your eyes and put out your hands.
Open 'em.
- Good one, huh? - Yeah, good one.
- I thought you went back to Phoenix.
- I was going to.
But then I remembered you once accused me of running away from my emotions, so here I am, proving once and for all that you can teach an old dog new tricks.
- I'm so sorry.
- I am going back to Phoenix.
And I am going to continue to see Ginger if she'll let me.
I can't let you run off someone I care for, like Mrs Bink's daughter did, even though I understand why you want to.
I love you, kiddo, but this is something I have to do for me.
I love you, too, Dad.
What's her number? [PHONE.]
Hello? Mrs Bink, this is Annie Camden.
- Did you talk to my dad earlier? - I might have.
I talk to a lot of people.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
He's a wonderful man.
I know.
You don't have a daughter, do you? No.
I was working in the moment, going with the flow.
- I love you, Mrs Bink.
- I love you too, honey.
They're all nuts.
What are you doing here and what happened to your face? - It was me.
I was driving the car.
- You? You hit me? Yeah.
Your parents didn't press charges, but Matt did.
I'm sorry.
You have to believe me.
I didn't mean to hit you.
Everything happened so fast.
- You left me in the street.
- I panicked.
I figured everyone would think that I did it on purpose, with our history, the pool hall and everything.
But I swear I didn't.
I'm a jerk, but not a psycho.
I was there, remember? I know you didn't mean to hit me.
- I ran into the street.
- I wouldn't blame you if you hated me.
You're a jerk, and an apology and a teddy bear aren't gonna change that.
I know.
But this accident, the whole thing, it just kinda woke me up, you know? Yeah.
Listen, I'm sorry about hassling you the other night.
I better get going.
- I don't hate you.
- Thanks.
I can't believe you're so nice to that guy.
Yeah, if I hadn't been, I would have just felt worse.
- How's the wheel? - It's OK.
- I just wanna be in my own bed.
- I don't blame you.
- I talked to your dad.
- How'd it go? He was a little shocked.
A lot shocked.
He's a minister, not a saint.
Well, he's not our biggest problem.
My mom is.
She's a lot tougher than Dad.
I don't know if we can ever really be in love.
- We're so different.
- You're talking.
You scared me when you beat up that guy.
I'm sorry I scared you.
I can explain.
Write to me at school and we'll get to know each other, OK? I don't like to talk.
I've never heard my voice and I have no idea what it sounds like.
It sounds beautiful.
Lucy's crying.
Dad, do you mind if I take a crack at this? I think it's about the hair.
- Just go away.
- Maybe I can help.
Jimmy went to The Varsity with Ashley.
You think you can help that? - No.
- Everybody knows we broke up.
Tomorrow's gonna be the worst day of my life.
I don't even have a best friend or a big sister at home to talk about it with.
- I'm here.
Talk to me.
- You? This whole thing is your fault.
I know.
But no matter what colour your hair is, you're always still the same wonderful, weepy, wacky Lucy you've always been.
I gotta tell you, I never liked that Jimmy Moon guy anyway.
Since when? He saw your new hair, you stormed out and he didn't go after you.
- So? - So When you and Dad have a fight, you storm out, but he goes after you and makes you talk to him, so you can settle things.
Jimmy's not Dad.
I know, but once you see how you're supposed to handle things, it's hard to settle for less.
You deserve the best.
How'd you get to be so smart? I don't live in a cave, just down the hall.
Any time you need me - Hey, Luce.
- Yeah? Thanks.
- How'd it go with Heather? - OK.
I think I still have a shot.
Speaking of shots, Michael Towner's mother called.
- Did you hurt him? - Not enough.
I know you're angry and frustrated.
Join the club.
You need to understand that this family doesn't solve its problems that way.
- Got it? - These were extenuating circumstances.
You'll have extenuating circumstances for the rest of your life, so get in the habit right now of solving your problems as a mature and honourable man.
Tomorrow apologise.
Michael's mother also said that everyone at school thinks that he meant to hit Mary.
Do what you can to clear that up, too.
Mom, he hassled Mary, tried to start a fight with her date and left her after he hit her with his car.
I know.
But sometimes when somebody does something this terrible and people are still forgiving, that person can learn from it and change.
What if he moves on to someone else and tortures them? Well, if that happens and I find out about it, I'll hunt him down myself.
- Does Dad know about this? - Not yet, but don't worry.
- I'll find the right time to tell him.
- Oh, great.
I'm worry free.
Two weeks from today we'll take a look and talk about physical therapy.
The sooner I start, the sooner I'm back in the game.
- I'll see you then.
- OK.
- What? Is there a problem? - More of a challenge.
Your daughter has a tough road ahead.
What are you talking about? I thought you said the surgery went fine.
- The surgery is not the problem.
- So what's the problem? - Mr Camden - What? If something's wrong, why let her leave? - Calm down.
Let's not get upset.
- Just for once, let's.
What's going on? So, what's the big emergency? No emergency.
Just something important.
I think it's important for Mary's family to be here when she comes home.
- I think so, too.
- Annie called me and I flew in.
Well, I could use some help with the decorations outside.
Simon isn't much help.
He pulled something blowing up the balloons.
I'm all yours.
- Did you tell the school we'd be late? - We're all gonna play hooky today.
Oh, and there was also a call from Heather's mother.
Really? What was the message? - Please say you didn't forget.
- I might have.
No, wait.
- She's going back to school a day late.
- And? And oh, she's waiting for you in the living room.
I'm back.
Blondes have more fun.
Dad, what did you and Dr Wolf talk about when they took me to the car? Stop thinking up an answer and tell me the truth.
And remember, I live with Lucy and you're as bad a liar as she is.
He said that your recovery process might be a little slower than we'd hoped.
Am I going to be able to play basketball? Dad, I wanna know what the doctor said, exactly what he said.
He said that in a week or two you'll be out of your wheelchair and up on crutches, but that it'll take some time before you can put your weight on that knee again.
And then what? And then it'll still be some weeks or months before we'll know if you can play basketball again.
If? Dad, he's not saying I'll never play again? He didn't say that.
- He said that's a possibility.
- How big of a possibility? I don't know, honey.
But no one knows.
I know that this stupid accident is not gonna change my life.
It can't.
It just can't.
I won't let it.
Dad, I thought they fixed everything.
I thought the surgery fixed everything.
It's gonna be OK.
No matter what, it's gonna be OK.
I know you better than any doctor and you can get back to where you were.
You might be scared right now, but at the very core of you, Mary, you're as fearless as anyone I know.
- You really think that? - Oh, yeah.
You're an amazing person, Mary, the way you take on the world.
You can get through this.
I know you can.
Yeah, you're right, I can.
Or at least, I'm gonna try.
Maybe you could start praying for me like right now, maybe call in a favour or something.
Consider it done.
- You ready to head in? - Yeah.
But don't tell anybody about this, OK? - OK.
- Let's just have a party.
- So, look like you're happy.
- OK.
That face definitely needs some work.
- OK.
- Better.
Let's go.
So did you tell your kids you were coming back here? Were they mad? Are they mad at you or mad at Grandpa? - Well, a little of both, I think.
- We're in this thing together.
For better or for worse? Well Did the reverend have a chance to talk to you about my situation? He did, and you can visit Mary while she's at home recuperating.
That'll give us some time to get to know you better.
- And then we'll get back to you.
- Thank you.
- You won't be sorry.
- I'd better not be.
Hey, you guys.
Hey, I'm open.
- Take a shot.
- Here we go.
Come on, Mary.
Come on.
Make the shot.
What aren't you telling me? The doctor doesn't know if she'll ever play basketball again.
What does he know? She's playing right now.
Three, two, one Score.