All That Glitters (2023) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22

We should be all right once
we're out of this, right?
Liu Mu.
I feel a bit cold.
Was I shot?
I think the car is breaking down.
It's about to stall.
Go on without me.
I'm taking you to hospital.
-Liu Mu.
-I'm taking you to hospital.
I'm just bleeding
a little more than normal.
I'm fine. Go on without me, Liu Mu.
Go on without me, Liu Mu.
I didn't kill anyone.
I'll just go to jail
for a few years at most.
Get up!
Go on without me, Liu Mu.
-Just go, Liu Mu.
-Get up.
No, it hurts.
Don't drag me.
Just go. I'm tired.
Don't sleep
-I'm tired. Let me have a rest.
-Don't sleep.
Liu Mu.
I'm lucky to be buddies with you.
It was destiny
that brought us together.
Take it.
I said I'd buy you
the thickest gold bar there is.
But time isn't on my side.
With a gold chain comes a gold bar.
Wear it round your neck.
It'll be like having me around you.
Just go.
I'm not leaving you behind.
Just go.
Just go, Liu Mu.
I'm all right.
I'm all right.
Just go.
Go. I'm all right.
I'm a little bird
I want to soar
But I can't fly high
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm all right.
Why am I called Jintiao?
I don't have any gold bars (jintiao).
Yes, you do.
You call this a gold bar?
Liu Mu, when I'm rich,
I'll get you a thick one.
Sure, I'll be waiting.
You must be buddies forever.
Hear that? You must look out for me.
With Liu Mu around, no matter what I do,
I won't feel I'm stupid!
It's all your fault!
If you hadn't gone to jail,
Grandma wouldn't have passed on.
What are buddies for?
We share joy and sorrow.
And we'll go to jail together.
If we must die,
do we die together too?
If we must die, we'll die together.
If we must die, we'll die together.
The three judges will arrive
in Singapore the day after tomorrow.
I'll leave them with you.
I gather the betting for the new season
will be over
US$2 billion.
We either make a few tens of millions
or lose the same amount
in just one match.
nothing must go wrong.
Don't worry, I know what to do.
I like the confidence you exude.
Are you done talking?
Sure. I'm coming down.
Wait for me, belle.
Musen will be out of prison soon.
What are your plans?
Musen? Who is he?
Lin Musen, Thunder.
I can't recall.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
-The water is so cold.
-It is?
That's right.
Done with your work at last,
my dear lawyer?
Sorry, I'm late.
I have a client who's super long-winded.
He's always harping on
about trivial matters.
You must be starving. What would you like?
You decide for me.
I need to reply to an email.
All right then.
May I have your order, sir?
One of these, an orange juice
and a house wine.
-Sure, one moment, please.
Okay, done.
It's not easy to be a lawyer.
That's an understatement.
This isn't a job fit for humans.
You know, I'm working 16 hours a day.
I have to work
on Saturdays and Sundays too.
I dare not even look at myself
in the mirror now.
Well, I've become so ugly.
I don't even
have time for facial masks these days.
You just love compliments, don't you?
All eyes were on you
the minute you stepped in here.
Trying to do a good deed a day?
I'm serious.
Every time I see you,
I feel you've grown prettier.
You must be rolling in money.
That watch you're wearing
must be worth a six-figure sum.
And I heard just because you can afford it
doesn't mean you can get it.
You have to wait in line for it.
I didn't know that.
It was a gift from my boss.
Wasn't your boss generous.
He said I helped him build his empire.
But I feel I'm more like a good horse
that helps him rake in winnings.
A good horse needs to be fed good fodder.
We're both slogging our guts out
for our bosses.
When a man is rich,
women will cling to him.
Come clean with me.
Do you have any women around?
two, three, four
Countless women?
-Eight altogether.
-I don't believe that!
A cook, two maids,
a secretary and four staff.
Yeah, eight of them altogether.
You're awesome, He Jianzhi.
They say men who work there
have no lack of women.
I don't believe you can
resist the temptation.
I can
because there's this person
who's always in my heart.
I've been waiting for her.
My order is here.
Thank you.
I'm really starving.
I've only had a sandwich today.
Dig in.
I won't stand on ceremony then.
What are you doing here, Richard?
Your girlfriend?
We're good friends.
Let me introduce you, Zhenting.
My boss, Richard.
Your boss?
So young?
You think every boss is advanced in age?
Please give me your guidance.
You're a lawyer?
I've met many lawyers,
but not one as pretty as you.
I've met many bosses,
but not one as honey-tongued as you.
What a sharp tongue.
You are indeed a lawyer.
Good timing. Drink with me.
Thanks for making the trip.
It was my job.
Enjoy yourself and rest well, okay?
Long time no see.
I told you he'd react this way.
What's with that reaction?
Are you shocked or jealous?
Why did you say that?
I have the company
of such a pretty lawyer.
Any man would be jealous
and want to devour me.
That's only normal.
Agreed, Jianzhi?
Zhenting, I'll go and prepare dinner.
Sometimes I feel I'm like a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
What's the matter, Grandma?
I'm out of breath.
No need to push me around next time.
You're old.
If I don't push you around,
how will you busk?
I can push myself around.
It'd take you ages to get here.
I haven't eaten, that's why I feel weak.
Let me fill my stomach and I'll even
be able to fly, wheeling you around.
You're hungry?
Why didn't you want to eat there?
The economy rice here is cheap and nice.
Just S$2 for two veggies and one meat.
Why eat here?
We'd just save a few cents to a dollar.
It's not like you're making a lot.
You only earned S$4
after singing the whole day.
Go buy the food if you want.
I'll wait here.
Relax, I won't pass by
Xiaomei's coffee shop.
I already said I'm not going.
I'll wait here.
But you like that "saur" drink, don't you?
Dinosaur peng?
Yeah. It's your birthday.
I'll treat you to it.
No, Grandma.
I only want dinosaur peng made by her.
The dinosaur peng others make is bland.
Suit yourself.
What are you looking at, Granny Thunder?
-Did you lose something?
Hello, Weihao?
Will you be home for dinner today?
Not again.
You aren't home for dinner the whole week.
Store-bought food is oily.
Too much of it is bad for you.
It's bad for your health.
Okay, you and your excuses.
All right, come home
when you have time. Bye.
Sir, are you all right?
I'll help you.
Do you live around here?
What's your address? I'll push you back.
Have you lived here for some time?
I've never seen you before.
Want to go to Xiao Mei Coffee Shop
for a coffee?
Shall I push you there right now?
It's my treat.
-Granny Thunder.
-Your mom's not around?
She's gone out.
Kopi-o gao as usual for you?
Jintiao used to get me
kopi-o gao made by you.
I like the kopi-o you make best.
You haven't been here for so long.
Actually, I often come to this area
to buy lunch.
-You do?
But you never came in here for coffee.
I wanted to, but your mom was around.
I felt embarrassed.
You overthink things.
My mom is not a person who bears a grudge.
It was my fault. I sinned.
I'm back, Mom.
Got the thing? Did you pay for it?
Uncle Yan didn't want to
take my money at first.
I said my mom would scold me,
so he took it.
She's my daughter. Greet Granny.
-Good girl.
You're married?
What a strange thing to ask.
If my mom hadn't got married,
she wouldn't have a daughter.
-Don't be rude, Beibei.
She's right. I'm getting old.
Like mother, like daughter.
You're both so pretty.
What's your name?
Wang Beisi. My Mom and Dad call me Beibei.
What a bright child you are.
Here you go.
Granny is giving me money, Mom.
-Take it.
-Don't do this, Granny Thunder.
It's something for her
on our first meeting.
Take it.
I don't have a red envelope with me.
Say thank you.
-Thank you, Granny.
-You're so sweet.
Go and wash the cups.
She's such a dear,
helping you despite her tender age.
She doesn't have school today.
I didn't want to leave her at home alone,
so I brought her here.
Her dad will pick her up
when he's done with his work.
Who's her dad?
He sells fish at the market.
What about Liu Mu then?
Are you asking me
whether he knows about it?
He's aware.
I wrote him a letter.
What a heartless woman.
But she can't be blamed.
Who'd want to marry a convict?
Had I not rejected Xiaomei for her age,
he wouldn't have picked that witch.
Old woman!
Who's calling me "old woman"?
-Who is it?
-Old woman!
You're here to buy economy rice too?
Come on, I came to look for you.
-Where is he?
Stop pretending. Huang Jintiao!
He's over there.
He must've gone to the washroom.
I have a tummy ache too.
Lady boss.
You're back, Mom.
Careful, Beibei! Come down.
I've told you umpteen times, Zhenyu.
Don't let Beibei do dangerous chores.
She's just a kid.
Sit down.
Washing a few cups isn't a chore.
There's hot water and the oven here.
It's hazardous.
Sit here, Beibei.
Your dad will be
here soon to take you home.
I'll be careful, Grandma.
I just went to get a cake on my own.
Zhenyu, why did you let her
go by herself to buy food again?
I want her to be independent.
Come on, she's still a kid.
What if she got abducted?
It's just nearby, Mom.
Should anything happen to her,
you'll regret it.
Okay. What did the doctor say?
What else but the usual words?
That I'm going through menopause
and I need to take the meds.
I must admit that I'm getting old.
I helped someone push his wheelchair
for a short distance just now.
And now, my hand is a bit numb.
Give Grandma's hand a massage, Beibei.
Sit down, Grandma. I'll massage your hand.
You're such a dear.
I'll give you some money
to get something to eat.
No need. I have S$20.
How come you have so much money?
Granny Thunder.
Why did she come, Zhenyu?
It's been a long time.
She only popped by for a chat.
It's not like we have
anything to talk about.
Given her vicious tongue,
she wouldn't have anything nice to say.
It happened so long ago, Mom.
No wonder she's been avoiding you.
She doesn't dare come because I'm around?
Yeah, but I told her
you're not the petty sort.
She shouldn't overthink things.
It's been so many years
and Jintiao is married.
Why mention him?
The very mention of the grandma
and the grandson irks me.
That man
That witch is here. Let's run.
Huang Jintiao!
How come you're able to run,
old woman? Stop!
I said I'd come look for you.
Where did you go?
Why look for me?
You wouldn't have
anything pleasant for me.
You're even talking back now.
Let's go home, Grandma.
Who says you can go back to my place?
Your place? I bought it with my money.
Exactly. We forked out money too.
Grandma threw in her nest egg.
So how is it yours?
Your money is my money,
and my money is mine alone.
So your home is actually mine.
And old woman,
when you kick the bucket,
you'll need me to get a coffin for you.
I don't need you to do that!
Who'll buy the coffin then? Him?
Look at his leg that cannot bend.
He'll die earlier than you for sure!
Fancy cursing your own husband!
How wicked you are!
You'll be struck by lightning!
I'm not afraid.
Oh, for Heaven's sake!
Strike me, lightning!
I'm not even afraid of
being struck by lightning.
Would I be afraid of you?
I'll hit you this minute!
That's enough!
Hit Grandma and you'll get it from me!
So, you're so capable now?
Trying to play hero?
I'll hit you instead!
-How dare you hit my grandson!
-Go away!
-Go away!
-Let go!
-Let go!
Are you crazy?
This is no way to treat an old lady.
-What did I do?
Everybody, did you see
how she treated the old lady?
Do you think she's right?
You'll be sorry when we get home!
You okay, Granny Thunder?
I'm fine. Thanks.
I'm such a poor judge of character.
Where's Jintiao?
That witch became a different person
after they got married.
Before the wedding, she called me Grandma.
But now, she wouldn't stop
calling me "stupid old woman."
She says I'm filthy and I stink.
She won't even allow me to sleep in a bed
and makes me sleep on the floor.
Don't say any more, Grandma.
Be quiet.
You can get sick if you bottle things up.
Go on, Granny Thunder.
You're the one who's good to me.
Had I known, I'd
That's enough, Grandma!
Hold on, Granny Thunder.
I have something to ask him.
Go ahead.
Why do you keep hanging your head?
You're a big man.
Stop behaving like you're so pitiful.
However difficult life may be,
you have to hold your head high.
That's right, hold your head high.
Huang Jintiao, how did you
end up in this plight?
And why are you using a wheelchair?
Let me tell you what happened.
I got a call one day
asking me to go to the hospital.
When I got there,
he was lying in bed motionless.
I'm useless.
I'm the most useless man in the world!
Liu Mu is to blame for it!
What has it got to do with him?
Why did he have to go to jail?
Had he not gone to jail,
I wouldn't have become like this.
He knew I was a dumbo who
couldn't tell left from right.
With him around,
no matter how stupid I am,
No one would dare to bully me.
He's to blame for the state I'm in!
Don't you recognize me?
Ms. Xuemin?
You've grown up.
Isn't it obvious?
But you're still the same character-wise.
Stop trying to play cool.
I heard my dad had got you
the best lawyer he could find.
Why did you turn him down?
There wasn't a need
since I already pleaded guilty.
The lawyer could've helped
shorten your sentence by a year or two.
I deserved to go to prison
for breaking the law.
Serving time one day less would mean
owing them a day.
I'd have had to pay back eventually.
What are you laughing at?
Do you really believe in
what comes around goes around?
I didn't in the past.
Having served time, I do now.
If there were justice,
the world would be paradise.
Get in.
My daddy is waiting for you.
Remember this place?
You're miles away.
What are you thinking of?
Everything has changed.
Mr. Lin.
-How are you, Bro Gen?
-I'm fine.
Miss, Boss and Ma'am are here.
Got it, thanks.
Here are some clothes for you.
What's up?
My daddy wants to buy you a meal.
Are you going to say no?
I'm glad you're finally out.
I'm glad you're finally out.
You were just going through the mill,
young man.
It's how a sharp sword is forged.
I got the boss to close for a day
to prepare this meal for us.
In the past, people strode across
a fire to get rid of bad luck.
Times have changed.
Instead of a fire pan,
we've got a hot pot.
Your future will still be a blaze.
Thunder, it's been hard on you.
Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Mo.
Do you take me for an acquaintance?
I still prefer you to call me Boss.
It doesn't sound so distant.
Don't stand on ceremony. Let's sit down.
-Have a seat.
Today, I've come solely
to apologize to you, Mr. and Mrs. Mo.
I'd like to thank
Ms. Mo for picking me up too.
Allow me to toast you with tea.
What's the meaning of this, Lin Musen?
My dad already said this meal
is prepared specially for you.
Stop behaving like you're somebody.
Mr. Mo is somebody, so are you,
while I'm just a nobody.
-Don't be ridiculous.
Let him go, Daddy.
The Lin Musen I know
wouldn't talk like this.
I let him down.
I can understand why he's fed up with me.
He asked for it.
You're right, Ms. Mo.
I brought it upon myself.
But Mr. Mo,
I don't hold it against you.
You're a loyal friend
and you took the blame for everything.
But did I tell you that
I'm also one who values loyalty?
Yes, you did.
You said you value loyalty,
but you're also a ruthless person.
Am I loyal or ruthless to you then?
I know you care about me, Mr. Mo.
Good. Sit down.
Let's put the past behind us.
What are your plans?
I don't have any yet.
Found a place to stay?
It won't be difficult since it's just me.
In other words, you haven't.
I've got a condo unit ready for you.
Gen will take you there after this.
Have a good rest.
I'll arrange for a job for you.
Don't trouble yourself, Mr. Mo.
You don't have to
worry about all that for me.
I can't stand it anymore.
What is it now?
A few years in prison
has taken all the grit out of him.
If that's not the case,
then he's bearing a grudge against you.
Lin Musen, if there's anybody
you should blame, it's not my dad.
He warned you, but you ignored him.
Richard was the one who
That's enough, Xuemin.
Please excuse me.
-Lin Musen.
He no longer trusts me.
I can understand.
This isn't the outcome you want, Daddy.
It's all Richard's fault.
Here's your coffee.
Kopi Gah Dai, I'll make kopi for you.
You're right, You're-so-Pretty
will not sell coffee to me.
She'll treat me to it.
This is a treat
from your prospective sis-in-law.
Hey! What "Mrs. Lin"?
My prospective wife.
Kopi Gah Dai.
It has been a long time
since I last wrote something.
There are many characters
I've forgotten how to write.
But I have to
write this letter, word by word, to you.
I'm with child.
You're the father.
Remember that day at the condo?
I'm not changing my mind
about the wedding.
You're not dumping me so easily.
I already collected the bridal gown.
We're going ahead with the ceremony!
No matter what,
I, Li Zhenyu, am your wife.
If you go to jail, I'll wait for you.
One year, two years, three years,
four years, five years.
I'm your wife,
and I'm sticking with you all my life,
Lin Musen.
I've decided to keep the child
and give her a complete family.
I want her to
grow up healthily and happily
like other children.
I have to go back on my word.
I will not wait for you.
By the time you come out,
the child will be five already.
These five years are too important
to a child.
Between keeping my promise
and doing my part as a mother,
I have chosen the latter.
Right now, to me,
nothing is more important than our child.
I'm not writing to you
to discuss it with you.
I'm just telling you my decision.
There is something else I must tell you.
I am getting married.
You know him too.
It's Bro Ming,
the fishmonger at the market.
He is aware of our relationship,
and that I am with child.
He is a good man.
He will cherish me and our child.
I am sure of that.
You may visit
our child after you come out.
But I will not let
our child know you're her dad,
as she will have a normal family by then.
Wait for me, You're-so-Pretty!
Wait for me!
We are no longer meant to be.
I can't wait for you anymore.
I'll have the ring returned to you.
Check my cellphone. What's the date today?
It's July 8, Mom.
July 8.
A lot of smoke, Mom!
Don't come in, Beibei! Just stay there!
Be careful, Mom!
Don't come in!
I'm home.
Help Mom, Dad!
What is it?
What happened?
Are you hurt?
You've always been careful.
What got into you today?
Did Beibei misbehave
and clamor for attention?
Nothing of the sort.
I'm very well-behaved, Dad.
You're protesting.
All right, it's my fault for accusing you
before getting my facts right.
I'm sorry, darling.
Okay, I accept your apology.
Go do your homework, Beibei.
Sure your hand is all right?
She's getting more and more articulate.
He's out.
Is that why you're so worried?
I'm not worried.
How did you burn your hand then?
You shouldn't have told him
he fathered the child.
That'd have been too cruel.
He'd have found out sooner or later.
What was I to tell him then?
Having learned the truth,
will he let us off?
What if he?
What if he demands to have Beibei back?
What will we do?
He wouldn't do that.
Even if he doesn't take Beibei back,
we can't stop him from coming to see her.
We all have feelings.
What's more, she's his child.
After multiple visits,
he might start expecting Beibei
to call him Dad.
I know him. He wouldn't do that.
That was Lin Musen a few years ago.
How do you know what he thinks now?
A few years can change anyone drastically.
What's more,
he spent so many years in prison.
You said
you'd written to him about marrying me,
but got no response from him.
You don't know what he's thinking.
Back then, you promised to wait for him.
Will he think you were unfaithful to him?
Will he bear a grudge
and try to break us up?
Right now, to me,
nothing is more important than our child.
You may visit
our child after you come out.
But I will not let
our child know you're her dad,
as she will have a normal family by then.
We are no longer meant to be.
I can't wait for you anymore.
Subtitle translation by: S Lin
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