Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e22 Episode Script

Doorway to Helen

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Where is it?
It's gonna be okay,
We just got to retrace
our steps from yesterday.
It's not like your math homework
just grew legs and walked off.
So this ain't it?That's a caterpillar, JP,
and it's not gonna tell us
where Craig's homework is.
Those guys never break.
Oh, it's got to be
around here somewhere!
That's a pH level of three.
Wren, are you
getting that?
Yeah, yeah.Hey!
This is a highly
controlled environment.
Get your foot
out of the creek!
Um, have you guys seen a piece
of paper with some math on it?
What are
we talking about here?
Calculus? Statistics?
It's a worksheet,
about decimals.
No gold star on it yet
[Chuckles] but there will be.
Have you seen it?
I know
where your papers are!You do?
You see, all matter
is simply an assembly
of subatomic particles
that arrange
and rearrange themselves
into all possible matter
in existence!
The atoms that were once created
in a star,
now make up the atoms in --
umm -- this leaf!
I don't
Therefore, if everything
is everything,
then this leaf
is your math homework!
Uh, I don't think you're getting
that gold star, Craig.
Wren, come on,
we need to find out
who's peeing in the creek,
not solve string theory!
Oh, actually, I think I saw
a worksheet over there.
There it is!
Okay, it's due tomorrow,
but at least this leaves me
tonight to work on it.
What is it?
Someone filled in
all the answers.
They're all correct?
Who would do this?Hmm.
Clearly, an elven mathlete
has chosen Craig
to be his apprentice.
You'll probably have to live
in the woods now.
Aww, I'm so jealous.
You're gonna get to eat bark
and take a bride who's a deer.
Wait! Wait, there's -- there's
something written on the back.
What does it say?I can't read it.
It's written all weird.
look at that writing.
We got elves for sure,
you guys!
Let me see.
Similar to elven,
but no, this is cursive!
I recognize it from
my bubbie's birthday cards.
"I did your homework.
Hope you don't mind.
Pretty tough stuff."
And it's signed "Helen."
"Helen"? Well, that doesn't
sound like a name for an elf.
More like
a stay-at-home nurse.
Yes, it's old-fashioned.
I like it!
Well, it was really nice
of Helen to do that.
I should write her
a thank-you note.
Hello, Helen.
I'm Craig.
Thank you so much
for doing my homework.
I'd like to give you
a Choco-Roll as thanks.
Meet me here after school?
From Craig
and his friends Kelsey and JP.
[ Clears throat ]
And Mortimer.
Hey, Craig,
thanks for reading out loud
so we all felt included.
Okay, guys, let's meet back here
first thing after school.
Maybe we'll get to see Helen
in person.
I don't know,
I guess I just felt like,
I found the rat,
I should be allowed to touch it.
Am I right?
Hey, Craig.
Where's Helen?
I don't know.
We must've just missed her.
But she left another note.
Give it here.
[ Clears throat ]
"Hello, Craig. I'm sorry.
I must've missed you.
I left my house as soon
as my school lessons ended."
She left her house?
"I would've come sooner,
but my mom's a strict teacher."
Her mom's the teacher?
"I've never heard
of Choco-Rolls,
but if they're anything
like chocolate,
they would be forbidden
for me to eat."
"I do appreciate
the offer, though.
Thank you for writing back.
What on Earth is that girl
talking about?!
None of that
made any sense.
The ancient handwriting,
mom teachers, no Choco-Rolls.
Maybe we should just ask
someone what's going on.
I think the explanation
is obvious.
This Helen must live
in another dimension!
Another dimension?
Yeah, I don't know
about that.
I'm a little skeptical.
Yeah, me too,
and I believe everything.
Allow me to explain.
Normally alternate dimensions
exist apart from each other,
its inhabitants living
completely separate existences.
But I believe that clearing
has somehow become a gateway,
a rift in time and space
that's allowing your letters
to travel back and forth
and back and forth
and back and forth
between our dimension and hers!
Oh, sweet Sagan.
Someone's got her yapping
about multiple dimensions again.
M-theory is purely
a mathematical concept.
There's no experimental evidence
for it.
Not yet, there isn't.
I need you to get into contact
with that Helen girl
and ask her about her world.
Please, Craig!
I need supporting evidence!
CRAIG: "Dear Helen,
I'm writing to inform you
that we believe you are
in a different dimension.
Your customs sound strange,
and we'd like to request more
information about your world.
Please write back soon.
Dear Craig, that certainly is
an interesting theory.
I'll help
however I can.
Do you have a trading tree
in your dimension?
It's this huge oak tree
in our world
where you can
come trade stuff.
Kids from all over the creek
unite there
with one common desire --
to snack.
I know that oak tree.
I call it the ghost-town tree.
I always sensed there
must've been kids there once,
but in my world,
it's an abandoned wasteland.
It's probably
for the best.
I'm a little shy
around lots of other kids.
I'm always afraid they'll think I'm toodifferent.
Being different here
is more than welcome.
I can be just as weird
as everyone else.
That's why
I love the creek.
You never
have to feel alone.
It can be lonely
at my creek,
but that's the best part,
if you ask me.
Here, I'm the queen
of my own kingdom.
The creek comes alive
when no one's here.
Animals sing happily, and the
creek water flows like music.
I listen to it
at the Sun Rock,
my favorite spot
at the creek.
It might be a little silly,
but I wrote a poem about it.
I thought you might
like to hear it.
Beloved creek,
beloved rock,
under the sky,
but up so high,
so I may sit with the sun
and warm my buns.
[ All shivering ]
Our sun rock isn't as warm here as it is in your dimension.
It's actually
pretty chilly.
But I still really
like your poem.
You write about the creek
so beautifully, I feel like
I'm seeing it again
for the first time.
It figures.
I finally met someone
who loves the creek
as much as I do,
and they live
in another dimension.
Well, we managed to get
our letters to each other.
Maybe it's not impossible
for us to meet in person.
If there is a way,
we'd have to find it fast.
The seasons are changing,
and my allergies
will be acting up soon.
I'm going to have to leave
the creek for a month.
Kelsey, am I reading this right?
Let me check.
[ Mumbling ]
that's what it says.
Oh, geez!
A month is way too long!
What if she forgets
about us by then?
What if the rift disappears?
I got to meet her
before it's too late.
[ Snoring ]
Wren, you were right!I knew it!
What was I right about?
The other dimension!
I knew it!
But I need your help.
If we follow these blueprints
we should be able
to create a doorway
between our dimensions.
There's a big storm
coming up Friday morning.
The electrical currents
should create just enough power
to allow us to cross
dimensions for a few minutes.
It's your only shot, Craig.
CRAIG: "Dear Helen, my friends
and I have figured out a way
to cross over to your world.
We're doing all the complicated work on our end,
so don't worry
about the details.
Just meet us here at sunrise.
Bring a bag of cool stuff
from your dimension,
and I'll do the same.
Then we can trade!
I'll see you soon.
Sincerely, Craig."
"It sure sounds like
you and your friends
are going through a lot
of trouble just to meet me.
However, if things don't turn
out the way you planned,
I hope you won't be
too disappointed.
Gratefully yours,
[ Laughs maniacally ]
[ Electricity zapping ]
Lift those arms.
There. That way you won't
get lost on the other side.
If anything goes wrong,
JP will be your anchor.
When you're ready, Craig.
Bundle up.
It can get a little chilly
between realities.
Hey, tell Helen I say,
"What's up?"
[ Thunder crashes ]
It's me -- Craig!
A-Are you there?
The link is established
to the other side!
I've proven the existence
of alternate dimensions!
[ Thunder rumbling ]
Craig! Hurry up!
We don't know how long this
thing's gonna hold together.
Helen! We should hurry.
I can't.
I -- I'm afraid.
It's okay!
The ion field generated
from these old Christmas lights
will keep us safe.
No, I mean
I'm afraid that --
that you're not
gonna like me.
I'm afraid you're gonna
be disappointed.
That's impossible.
I like you already.
I like your name
and your poems.
[ Thunder crashes ]Huh!
Forget about the storm.
Forget about the
interdimensional doorways.
We're just two kids
in the creek saying hello.
My name is Craig.
Hi, Craig.
My name's Helen.
[ Thunder crashes ]
And my name's Wren!
The door's in danger
of overloading!
You're gonna have to
come back!
I need more time!
[ Grunts ]
The field matrix
is destabilizing!
Hurry! Or else you'll be lost
in the void forever!
Helen! I'm sorry!
I have to go back!
You should too!
Don't forget!
This is it!
[ Grunts ]
Ah! Helen!
Yes! I have proof!
Ha ha ha ha!
I hope she made it back okay.
Open it up.
JP: Aw, dang!
Is that
a three-ring binder?
Sugar-free Chunkies?
Nice friendship bracelet.
Oh, hey.
Look, guys.
It's starting.
Do you guys think
it's like a-a sign from Helen?
She's saying hi from
just one dimension away.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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