Dating in the Kitchen (2020) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22

Looking into your eyes ♪
I see myself holding close to you ♪
Wherever I go ♪
I will never find someone like you ♪
So much in love tonight ♪
I know that it feels so right ♪
So special you and I ♪
You make my world go round and round ♪
Falling to you ♪
I’m falling to you ♪
All I ever want is to be with you ♪
Love is for you ♪
My love is for you ♪
You are my everything in my life ♪
Falling to you ♪
You’re the only one ♪
My love is for you ♪
= Dating in the Kitchen =
= Episode 22 =
= Inpatient Building =
All right. Have some rest.
I’ll get you some water.
= Fussy Lu =
= Fussy Lu =
The subscriber you dialed
cannot be connected for the moment…
Mr. Lu,
something goes wrong with Mingting’s case.
The other buyer keeps raising the price.
Now it’s three percent
higher than we expected.
Shall we raise the price?
I gotta take Mingting this time.
I’ve got someone to check
the background of that buyer.
We should have the result
within next week.
Li Man.
Keep an eye on this.
I want no surprises.
Six! Six!
Does it have to be so ceremonious
for a toy car race?
They are so tiny. Can they see it clear?
Lu Zheng.
Lu Zheng.
Shengnan, you are here.
I brought two of my best friends
to root for you.
You gotta cheer up!
Let me introduce.
This is my uncle, Gao Quan’an.
Hi, Uncle. I’m Lu Zheng.
He’s always with that damn face.
This is my bestie, Xu Zhaodi.
Gorgeous and graceful.
Call me Celine.
What a beauty.
I’m counting on you guys later.
No problem.
Help yourself. Beers are on me.
I’ll go prepare.
Just go.
Six! Six!
Go for it!
On the lovely motorbike ♪
There’ll no longer be a traffic jam ♪
Mr. Lu,
well raced.
Let’s do it next time.
Go have supper with us.
Okay, wait for me in the car.
I’ll be there soon.
Be quick.
Hurry up.
Is it fun?
I have made up my mind
to learn this.
I’ll teach you.
Let’s go have supper together.
I can’t. I got another arrangement.
I gotta go.
See you.
Take care.
Bye handsome.
Bye beauty.
I’m not going either.
It’s a party for you young people.
I’m not going either.
Next time.
It’s early.
Go if you want. Go back home early.
Okay, I’ll go with them.
Be safe.
Bye, Uncle.
Shengnan, I almost forget.
Grandpa asked us to go home.
He said he got something to talk with you.
Go home then.
Come to me tomorrow.
I’ll show you how to race a car.
Let’s go to Grandpa.
Get him out for supper?
You said he is looking for us.
Nothing important.
Let’s go. My treat tonight.
Take it.
Come on.
This car is yours now.
Put it anywhere?
Anywhere you like.
This button is the throttle.
Tap on it.
Slow down when you make a turn.
Accelerate when you go straight.
One, two, three!
Come on.
Well done.
You’ve been playing the whole day.
Come on and eat something.
Wow, puff.
Make do with it.
I only got this.
It’s good.
You’re overreacting.
You got cream on your lips.
I have other matters. I gotta go.
You’re overreacting.
You got cream on your lips.
It’s not what I think.
What is that attitude?
What is that face?
I’m here to eat.
Can’t you pretend to be happy?
Put pretending aside,
your attitude
says everything.
My mind was wandering.
You quarreled with Lu Jin?
Who’s fault? Who started?
How can I answer so many questions
at one time?
Answer them one by one.
Why don’t you come home
after work?
What is your attitude?
What’s wrong with an uncle
checking on his niece?
Are you here to get your money back?
Maybe you’re right.
I’ve been…
No, no, no.
Who is it so late?
Who is it?
You left hurriedly yesterday.
I thought I might have
done something wrong
that might cause some misunderstanding.
So I’m here to apologize.
Nothing is wrong.
I got an emergency at home.
So I left in a hurry.
Are you really not mad at me?
You think I’m that narrow-minded?
Who is it?
Uncle, it’s me.
Yesterday I found Shengnan loves puffs,
so I bought some for her.
Would you like some, Uncle?
Don’t uncle me.
Sit. Come on.
You had dinner?
No need.
I had.
Sit down.
You two just met days ago.
Why did you meet again yesterday?
Mr. Lu,
why are you seeing
our Shengnan so frequently?
Don’t worry, Uncle.
Shengnan just hanged out
at my place yesterday.
Of course,
I won’t worry.
Shengnan loved dropping around
since she was a child.
She’s been to every neighbor’s house
in that food street.
I never worry about her.
But you…
You don’t have to deride me, Uncle.
Okay, let’s stop talking about you.
Let’s talk about him.
Mr. Lu…
Who is it now?
Your parcel.
It’s mine. I’ll go get it.
Please sign here.
Thank you.
For you.
What is it?
Open it.
A car.
Look at this. This is cool.
Go eat first.
I’ll help you assemble it later.
No need. I can do it myself.
Can you?
Who knocked
my cup down yesterday?
I said I will pay you.
Stop bringing it up.
This model…
I’m at Shengnan’s place.
Hospital? What happened to you?
Okay. Stay cool.
I’ll go there right away.
Zenan is in the hospital
for acute gastroenteritis.
I gotta go check on him.
Just go.
Mr. Lu,
don’t stay too late.
It’s not good to stay in a girl’s room
in the middle of the night.
Don’t worry, Uncle.
I’ll leave as soon as
we finish assembling it.
Be careful.
Got it.
Motor cover.
Let me help you.
I can do it myself.
You have to dismantle this first.
There is something I gotta remind you.
There is a boy around Shengnan.
His last name is Lu. Do you know him?
Lu Zheng?
Yes, that’s him.
He is my little brother. What’s wrong?
I just met this boy
at Shengnan’s place.
As far as I know,
Shengnan has
been hanging out with him lately.
Okay, thanks.
Let me help you.
This should be installed here.
Let me know how much it costs,
I’ll transfer the money to you
from WeChat.
All right.
= Fussy Lu =
Are you home?
Are you alone?
Yeah, I’m alone.
What’s up?
It’s just, I miss you.
Wanna hear your voice.
When will you be back?
In a couple of days.
I got some tricky things on hand,
A couple of days?
Okay, then. You take care.
I gotta go.
How come you are back?
You said you will be back in a few days.
Yes, I did.
Are you tired from flying?
You flied over ten hours.
I’m fine.
Is your waist all right?
Are you hungry?
What would you like to eat?
I’ll cook for you.
A glass of water.
You drank so fast.
Do you miss me?
What is this?
Who forged that?
If it’s not forged, then it must be shot
from a forced perspective.
I did go to
Lu Zheng’s garage days ago
and played cars with him.
But nothing happened between us.
You don’t believe me?
I do.
If you say it’s a misunderstanding,
then it is.
It will stop here.
you are my girlfriend,
and my fiancée.
Try to keep a distance from them,
It’s okay.
It’s okay.
I’ll take care of the photo.
Stop thinking about it.
I’m tired. I gotta go.
Are you leaving now?
I’ve been on the plane
for more than ten hours.
I couldn’t get my eyes shut.
I’m too tired.
I’ll go home and sleep,
Stop here.
Okay, I see.
If he got further moves,
let me know immediately.
You guys used to be good talkers.
Why are you all dumb
after I became the director?
We have worked with this brand before.
They got small budget
but are very demanding.
As the service party,
where is your professionalism?
Who makes you think
you can pick on our client?
I’ll ask you again,
who is willing to take this project?
Shouldn’t we
give this project to Celine Xu?
Celine Xu
has a way with this kind of
foreign customers.
No matter it’s from Finland or Germany.
If we give this French project
to Celine,
there should be no problem.
Yeah, right.
Celine Xu would surely
do it well.
Celine, what do you think?
I really want to help,
I’m about to work in the branch office.
I’m afraid I don’t have time for this.
Don’t worry about this.
The personnel transfer
might need to be re-planned.
Your transfer won’t be approved so fast.
You just
focus on this project.
It’s okay to leave after finishing it.
Let me worry about
your transfer application.
The person in charge of this project
is a Chinese.
So there is no communication problem.
Don’t worry and just do it.
All right.
Celine will be on this project then.
you help Celine to complete it.
You have worked with this brand before,
it should be easy for you to start.
- Okay?
- Okay.
That’s it for today.
No, Director.
Why me? How can I do it?
These people…
Waiting for you.
I got some things to deal with,
couldn’t come tonight.
What brought you here?
What’s up?
You did this?
Who took this photo?
I don’t care who took this.
I’m here to remind you,
this trick is very silly.
Stop it.
Stay away from Shengnan.
This will end here.
I will leave it be.
I like Shengnan.
And she likes me too.
We are in love with each other,
so we get affectionate sometimes.
We can’t help it.
Do you know what are you talking about?
I’ll give you a chance
to take it back.
I’ll pretend you never said it.
Shengnan and I are made for each other.
We are about the same age
and have similar interests.
I have seen all of Shengnan’s relatives.
They all think
we will make a perfect couple.
So does my mom.
She likes Shengnan very much
and treats her like her own daughter.
But you are different, Brother.
I know Aunt Zheng doesn’t like Shengnan.
Shengnan has compromised a lot for you.
Lu Jin, what are you doing?
Are you all right?
What are you doing?
Why can’t you talk nicely?
He is your brother.
Why are you here?
I want to ask you the same question.
You said you believe me.
Now you come here to start a fight.
You never trust me, do you?
Shengnan, stop.
This is a misunderstanding.
Go home with me.
Then we will talk.
There is nothing to talk.
I explained it to you.
I told you very clearly.
What else to talk when we got home?
I’m sorry, Shengnan.
I know it must be the photo thing
that caused you trouble.
I don’t know
why we’ve been taken photos.
Since my father died,
there are many directors in the group
refused to accept me.
They think I don’t deserve this position.
it must be them.
I’m sorry for
getting you involved.
Let me take you to the hospital.
Do you think
Lu Jin went too far this time?
You deserve it.
How do I deserve it?
Lu Jin thinks too much every day.
no matter what,
you can’t hit people, can you?
He hit you?
He hit his brother.
He hit Lu Zheng?
He did go too far.
did Lu Jin call you
after I left your home the other day?
Yeah, why?
What did you tell him?
Did you tell him that
Lu Zheng was at your place?
He’s too busy recently and I thought
if I told him I was with Lu Zheng,
he would think too much.
So I didn’t tell him about this.
Lu Zheng and I…
What is it?
Let go.
You know I left your home
because Zenan was in the hospital.
And on the way to the hospital,
I called Lu Jin and told him
Lu Zheng was at your place.
That’s why
Lu Jin thinks that you are
hiding something from him.
Gao Quan’an!
I wanna kill you!
We will leave this room to you then.
Okay, thank you.
we are gonna meet the client tomorrow,
let’s hurry up and
make another version of the plan
for the boss.
Relax, Celine.
The plan is not what matters,
what does is the client.
How can I explain to the client
if we got no plan?
You know how to do it
better than anyone else, do you?
I heard that our client
is an old rich man.
You are the best at dealing with
this kind of clients, are you?
Can you help me with it?
This is not my own project.
Is this my project?
You can report to the branch office
with this achievement.
I couldn’t get anything from it
after putting all my efforts in it.
All of us work for money.
Don’t you feel guilty
letting me be a volunteer?
I’m sorry.
I was being impulsive.
I shouldn’t have hit him.
I’m sorry too.
I didn’t
keep a distance with Lu Zheng,
that made you misunderstand.
I made a lot of troubles.
I came here to tell you
that I trust you
the whole time.
I do.
I was just…
I was upset seeing you with
other men.
Because I love you.
I love you so much.
I will never do anything
that will make you upset anymore.
I won’t see Lu Zheng anymore.
I swear.
= Lu Zheng =
I bought it myself.
I assembled it with him.
Seeing you walking up to me ♪
You just make me wanna smile ♪
Only for you
You’re the only one My love ♪
Okay, let’s stop being mad at each other.
Your pretty face and lovely kisses ♪
I won’t ever let you go
cuz you’re the one ♪
Trust me baby this is real
This is real ♪
You have no clue how much I love you ♪
I fall in love in love
in love with you ♪
Please don’t be shy Trust me ♪
= Lu Zheng =
Don’t leave me hanging ♪
Mr. Li,
this is our scheme.
I’ve heard of Miss Xu long time before.
I’m really impressed
seeing you in person.
You heard of me before?
Everyone in Suhai’s
public relations circle
knows that you are
the most beautiful and capable woman.
About the scheme…
So be it.
I trust
your competence.
But you’re working
unworthy of your talents in this company.
What a pity.
Come work for me.
I’ll offer you better.
Are you trying to hunt me, Mr. Li?
20,000 a month.
How about it?
Kiss my ass.
= Lu Zheng =
Mr. Lu,
the file Ms. Li sent to you.
Anything else?
What is it?
I want to ask for a leave.
I’m gonna take
an MBA class.
How long can you last this time?
Love makes you grow up again?
I’d like to talk with you
about this love thing.
I really envy you sometimes.
For what?
I’m living a miserable life.
There are two kinds of men in this world.
The first kind protect love with career.
The second kind spend time with love.
It’s not that only a successful man
deserves love.
So you are the second.
What were you gonna say?
Never mind.
Thank you, Mr. Lu.
I can’t do this project.
Give it to others.
Don’t care what they say.
Being pretty
is your advantage.
You have to make the most of it.
What do you mean?
In the adults’ world,
result values way more than process.
Finish this project
and earn what’s yours,
this is something that matters the most.
The Celine Xu I knew before
was never indecisive like this.
What’s wrong with you now?
Have you changed after falling in love
with the driver?
Think about it.
= Chengdeli =
I can’t tell if this is real love ♪
But I know how I feel ♪
To be very honest with you love ♪
I wanna get close to you ♪
I don’t know how you gonna take it ♪
But I keep on thinking about you ♪
You’ve been on my mind ever ♪
Since I saw you smiling at me ♪
Your smile ♪
Baby I’m just falling to you ♪
You don’t need to say anything special ♪
Cause I’m pretty sure ♪
You’re the morning dew
that has fallen soft ♪
During the night on me ♪
So naturally ♪
Like we’re meant to be together ♪
That’s how I see it ♪
Though it seems illusive ♪
Can you tell how much my love is pure ♪
You can’t buy it or sell ♪
To be very honest with you love ♪
I wanna get close to you ♪
I don’t know how you gonna take it ♪
But I keep on thinking about you ♪
You’ve been on my mind ever ♪
Since I saw you smiling at me ♪
Your smile ♪
Baby I’m just falling to you ♪
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