Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22

The Beijing time right now is
What's your answer?
Excuse me?
Don't be so loud.
Other people don't know it yet.
Can you two date with each other
in a normal way?
(Oh my God!)
(Why is Jinyang involved in this?)
From today on,
no matter how hard
the road ahead is,
I will never look back.
(YQCB midsolo slept with his fan?)
(Or is it that the fan slept with him?)
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 22=
(We can see in this game,)
(YQCB's topsolo Rong has chosen Aobouzu.)
(Group Match of Group B - Game 7)
(The jungler Kim Eun-seok uses Itsumade.)
(The midsolo Ai Jia has locked on Higanbana.)
(And the shooter Hierophant has also
chosen Youko, which he is good at.)
(While the support Liang Sheng uses Ebisu.)
Hierophant, Hierophant, Hierophant.
So far in the match,
(YQCB has already destroyed)
(Alpha's first turret of the bottom lane.)
Come here, Liang Sheng.
Come to me.
(Is there going to be a team fight?)
(That's right.)
(Look, look. It's really happening!)
(It's really happening!)
There is a team fight.
Liang Sheng, make an ult.
I'll do it.
(But Alpha's shooter and support)
(have come to support.)
(Liang Sheng makes an ult)
(in front of Hierophant.)
I'm coming.
(That's right.
Look, Ai Jia also rushes to support.)
(Before Mannendake could rush to Hierophant,)
(Ai Jia preempts the attack.)
(He directly stuns Mannendake.)
Hierophant managed to get away.
If Higanbana had been a little late,
Hierophant would have really been in danger.
Ai Jia did a great job in the team fight.
How did this cameraman give Ai Jia
such a big shot?
He's been in a state of worry
for the past few days,
and so has a big pimple on his forehead.
All right, great job.
Jinyang, even I felt concerned about
how Ai Jia did just now.
Can't you feel the tension?
If he loses this game,
you'll have to take the blame.
But I don't understand it.
Then why are you sitting here?
Heng, look.
The overall state of YQCB's players
is very relaxed,
as if they have a foolproof plan.
(Yes, that's right.)
(YQCB's advantage
is still quite obvious at the moment.)
♪You know how good we'll be
when we're at our best♪
Here comes Higanbana. Let's go.
Just confront her.
(Ai Jia's Higanbana)
(first seduced the shield
of the opponent's support, Yama Usagi)
(and Liang Sheng's Ebisu went for the stun.)
(Great, great!)
(I didn't expect that move at all!)
(Alpha's shooter couldn't react at all.)
(Hierophant's first blood
is a great morale booster!)
(Yes, yes!)
(YQCB caught the opportunity with this move.)
(Hierophant surely has
a good strategy up his sleeve.)
Nice, nice, nice.
Ai Jia. Ai Jia.
♪I am the warrior♪
I don't know if you've noticed.
Hurry up.
After Hierophant came to YQCB,
he led them to change the way
they played before.
Want to leave?
Here we go.
We can play.
YQCB is likely to win
the championship this year.
Don't fight yet.
(We can do it. )
(Come on. All in one breathe.)
(Make room for attacking the damage.)
♪If I'm pressed, I'll make you pay for it♪
♪Yeah if I'm pushed, I'll take it all back♪
You know that's my way ♪
(Hierophant sent signals again.)
(It looks like they're going to
destroy the turret.)
Ai Jia's Higanbana has really
picked a perfect team fight.
He did a really good job.
(Look, they're about to destroy the base.)
(The base. The base!)
(It's time for the final effort!)
(In one breath.)
(It's really the final effort.)
(It's too late!)
- Exploded!
- Nice, nice!
(It exploded!)
(Congratulations to YQCB
for winning the game!)
(That was great! Congratulations!)
(Bravo! )
(It's was such an excellent fight.)
YQCB is really gaining momentum
in this season.
Yes, it seems that within just a few months,
they've already bonded very well.
(Not only did Hierophant find the right support for him,)
(even the midsolo Ai Jia's style of play)
(was also changing.)
Ai Jia really carried the game.
The game went on so well.
Can you be a little more serious?
(This is your boyfriend's highlight moment.)
(Look how excited his fans are next to you.)
What highlight moment?
You know
when I met him,
he was just a little kid.
It's not like I was with him because…
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it.
What are you doing?
What's wrong with me?
Some people are just so confusing.
She can't understand the game,
and she doesn't know how to play it either.
She was with him
just because of the player's celebrity effect
and is so proud of herself.
Keep your voice down.
His girlfriend is not…
I'm not talking about her.
Now the reputation of female fans
has been stained
all because of these kinds of people.
Look at that Hsu Dragon
and that Guo.
If you like the players,
just feel free to watch them play the game.
Why do you have to seduce them?
What you're saying makes sense.
If we're about to fight with them,
save it for after the game.
Look at that idiot
who is playing so optimistically on stage.
If I fight with his fans offstage,
what a mess would that be?
But you can't let them say that about you.
Don't worry, don't think too much.
(The second game has officially begun.)
(The present score is one to zero.)
(YQCB leads by one point.)
(Okay, the BP part has been completed.)
(Shikigamis of both sides
have been confirmed.)
(As we can see,)
(Alpha has taken Ryomen,)
(Higanbana, Youko and Ebisu.)
They're not continuing the tactic
where the jungler and support
are both roaming-styled.
YQCB chose Yama Usagi and Palm Civet.
Ibaraki Douji is for jungler.
Ai Jia is using Yuki Onna.
It's obvious
Hierophant's Hakurou
is used by the four preserving one.
They probably want to test the tactic.
But I think they're
not fully skilled
at this four-preserving-one system.
Alpha's jungler uses Kosodenote,
which is also hard to fight.
Once they can see through
the intention of the opponent's lineup…
The situation in the bottom lane
will be terrible.
Alpha's jungler
can do relatively little in an inferior game.
But he is a world-class player
in a superior game.
Now their speed of advance is very fast.
(Look, now we can see)
Alpha's jungler Zero
(is about to gank the bottom lane,)
(making a surprise attack.)
(Yes, but look,)
(Ai Jia's Yuki Onna
doesn't seem to be aware of that.)
(She didn't go to support.)
(- We can take the fight.)
(- Go.)
(Come on.)
(Look at the fight now.)
(Hierophant's Hakurou seems to be in danger.)
(It's not going to last much longer.)
(We can see that now)
(YQCB is following
a four-preserving-one strategy.)
(Double Kill)
(Hierophant was killed first.)
(It's a great slash of morale.)
(Kosodenote didn't return to the jungle)
(but went straight
to the middle lane instead.)
(Could it be that he wants to
pull the carpet out from under feet?)
Ai Jia, watch out!
(I was right, wasn't I?)
Ai Jia didn't react to it at all.
Instead, Kim Eun-seok came to support him.
He got ganked too.
(YQCB changed their play style this time.)
(There's no tacit cooperation at all.)
(Ai Jia's performance was embarrassing.)
(That's true.)
(It's like Ai Jia went back to
his old style of play.)
It's almost the same opening
as the last game.
(He frees the support to gank
in the middle lane together with him,)
(and catches YQCB's combination
of midsolo and jungler.)
(They should choose the top lane next,)
(and gank the topsolo)
(or wait for the refreshed monster
and take it.)
(According to statistics,)
(they're more likely to catch the topsolo.)
(Rong's Palm Civet
is on its way to support Ai Jia.)
(He hasn't had a chance to turn back yet.)
(Chase them.)
(And the jungler intercepted him.)
(Directly chase him to death!)
Five minutes.
Five deaths in five minutes.
The two bottom shikigamis
haven't even reached level six.
YQCB didn't follow the right rhythm.
It seems that four-preserving-one tactics
won't work in this season.
But Cheng and Hierophant
really just follow the exact same tactics.
No matter what the lineup is,
they just go up and start a fight.
Hierophant is a little more
aggressive than Cheng.
Since Hierophant collapsed,
I don't think they can win the game anymore.
With Yuki Onna being the midsolo,
there won't be any damage.
To be honest,
I don't really understand
why he would choose Yuki Onna?
Any attack-oriented shikigami
should be better than it.
Sometimes you can't ignore
the version.
If you want to take out
a four-preserving-one lineup,
the opponent will have a strategy
to deal with your tactics.
(Ai Jia in this game)
(has completely lost the right rhythm.)
(Hierophant has no chance to attack damage)
(and is too far behind in gold.)
We can take this. Go.
Come here, protect me.
(Protect the attack.)
(We can take this.)
(We can take this.)
(Come on. Hurry.)
(Chase after them. Follow up.)
(Not full-blooded anymore.)
(Shut Down)
(YQCB's four-preserving-one tactic)
(has already been figured out by Alpha.)
(After the shooter is killed,)
(the other players are like)
("fish on a chopping board
to be slaughtered.")
(There isn't enough attack of damage.)
(It's like being strung-up
and beaten, isn't it?)
(Double Kill)
(That's right.)
(But I'm afraid it's too late)
(to change the tactics.)
(Alpha has pushed up to the base turret.)
(Support needed for our junction)
(Hierophant is coming back to life soon.)
Hierophant is back.
But I don't think there is any chance.
(Hakurou didn't get developed in the early stage.)
(There is no way to fight back.)
(Without having killed a single Minion,)
(he died in his own base.)
(Congratulations to Alpha
for winning the game!)
(Congratulations to Alpha!)
I said they couldn't play like that.
(It's okay. Next game.)
(Ai Jia didn't perform well in this game,)
(forming a stark contrast to the last game.)
Your boyfriend has lost the game.
What's wrong with that? It's just one game.
It's not like I haven't seen him lose before.
He hasn't won even a few times
during the whole Spring Playoffs.
Why is this one unacceptable?
It doesn't matter.
There's still another game, right?
It'll be fine if he wins the next game.
What are you doing?
What does she mean by that?
What does she mean it doesn't matter?
Why doesn't it matter?
That's right.
It's all because of people like you
that the contestants
would be so indifferent to matches.
We came all the way here
just to see them win.
Please don't say such
annoying things.
Ai Jia.
Ai Jia.
My friend
didn't mean…
Let's go.
- What are you doing?
- Go.
Why do you bother about such people?
No, what? What do you mean such people?
I'm a fan of yours!
Yes, you heard it right.
I've never said
such harsh things to my girlfriend.
Who are you to go on rambling here?
What does she have to do
with how well I played?
If there is a problem,
come to me.
Let's go.
That's so cool!
That's super interesting.
I've never seen such a boyfriend.
So handsome.
Good for him.
Nice, nice.
So cool. Such a spotlight.
Really so cool.
Put me down.
Are you crazy?
Why did you jump off the stage?
Did I have to stand by?
Of course.
I can put up with anything
for your competition.
Why do you have to put up with it?
Let me tell you.
I've been angry for days.
Gaming is my own business.
Being in love is my own business.
Winning or losing is also my own business.
I just can't stand
them blaming you.
If they want to criticize you,
they should judge me too.
I don't spoil them.
Why does my girlfriend
who's been spoiled by me
has to be bullied by those
who don't know us at all?
they did this
in the name of defending me personally.
How can I put up with that?
And why should you put up with it?
Do we owe them?
Who are they?
What are you, a fool?
It's as if I'd be cut off
just by being judged by them.
Stupid, aren't you childish?
I'm childish?
I told you.
As long as I'm with you,
no matter if it's a mountain of fire
or an abyss of ten thousand feet ahead of me,
I will wade through even with my eyes closed.
At first
I didn't understand your dream of e-sports.
But since I returned to China,
and after the opening game,
I've watched you play games
step by step until now.
Although I still don't understand
all those operations,
such as turret breaking…
It's turret crossing.
No matter what turret it is,
I just know
you're not going to leave the stage of gaming
at least for the first half of your life.
I also know,
you can't leave me, for your entire life.
I won't play a bitter drama,
making you choose
between gaming and your girlfriend.
Since I have already made up my mind,
I won't regret.
If I can't even bear this little fight,
how could I fall in love with you?
Being together with people like you,
I just need to accept
the attention and judging, right?
My boyfriend is so capable.
He's a star in the e-sports industry.
Whether they give their blessings or not,
our future
has nothing to do with them.
I'm not kidding.
Whether it's a mountain of fire
or an abyss of ten thousand feet,
That's tough.
It is indeed tough for Jinyang.
These keyboard warriors
are short of oxygen tanks again.
(What the hell is with Ai Jia?)
(Did he come to play the game
or play in a South Korean drama?)
- Yes.
(- Yes, I now believe)
(that woman is a rich girl.)
(Make a lot of money
in order to get with girls.)
(with his identity as a contestant.)
What are you thinking about?
Ai Jia didn't do anything.
He just spoke a little loudly.
He won't be banned, right?
He won't be punished, right?
Jinyang didn't do anything either.
She usually can't take any losses.
Today, she suffered all the grievance
so that Ai Jia could rest assured
in playing the game.
What more do they want?
They're just in a relationship.
How can there be so many reasons?
How can there be so many schemes and tricks?
If you really like a person,
who cares if the person
is a famous player or a star?
You just like the person, that's it.
Players are human too.
They also have their own loved ones,
who they want to be with.
What's wrong with that?
Or is it fundamentally wrong
to think that way?
Because as a public figure,
your body, hair and skin
all don't belong to you in the first place.
The reason we exist
is to win the game,
to please the fans
and to play for the team.
So we will do whatever it takes
to accomplish all these things.
This seems to be very right.
Of course, there are many people
who think this way.
But if even the players themselves
also think so,
that'll be bad.
Winning and losing is of course important.
But compared to the fans'
satisfaction with the results,
we are the ones
who should face the results frankly.
So, to put it selfishly,
this is our business.
Thank you for your love and support.
But whether we win or lose
really doesn't seem to be your business.
That's the right thing to say.
You're too sensible.
Unlike me,
I'll always be affected by them.
I'll have a psychological collapse.
I'll be sad. I'll be upset.
Everyone is like that.
But you don't seem to be like that.
Are you really so strong
that you're fearless?
Yes, I am.
Because I have to protect you.
Forget it.
Give me a hug.
Why do you sound
as if the world was coming to an end?
When I think about the fact that
such good pectoral and abdominal muscles
may not belong to me anymore tomorrow,
it's really like the end of the world.
I feel so sorry for the team next door
for losing this game.
Good thing they won it back later.
After all this,
what tactics will we use later?
I have an immature idea.
Can we use
the four-preserving-one tactic again?
Four-preserving-one tactic?
No reason.
Now such a lineup is very controversial.
Everyone thinks
the team that
sticks to this tactic this season
won't be able to win.
But the last time we played against DQ.Five,
we used this tactic in the second game.
And we played quite well.
So I want to try it again.
I wonder if we can still use it.
Isn't there a saying that
"practice is the only criterion
to test the truth?"
You want to take Yuki Onna?
Yuki Onna?
Didn't Ai Jia take Yuki Onna just now
and lost.
The fact that they lost the last game
has nothing to do
with Ai Jia taking Yuki Onna.
Shooter is the key
in the four-preserving-one system.
Tong Yao.
You seem to be doing it for someone.
With so much bullshit,
you just want to
do justice to your bestie to show that
whether they lost the game or not
has nothing to do with
whether Ai Jia has a girlfriend or not.
That's fine.
Hierophant is so popular.
No matter what the result is,
someone will defend him.
They lost the last game.
He's the one who will take the biggest blame.
It's good to show him
what a real four-preserving-one lineup is
and let him lose two or three days of sleep.
It may be a good thing.
I agree.
Okay, okay, okay.
I'll take Ibaraki Douji later.
Let's go back to the Spring Playoffs.
Use obsolete shikigami regardless of version.
Use outdated tactics regardless of version.
You guys have really
got your heads in the clouds.
How did I end up with such a messed-up team?
You've messed up too!
You can take Ichimoku Ren.
Cat is right.
Take Ichimoku Ren later.
You go support Cat.
I'll play alone at the bottom lane.
Just like dreaming about going back
to the Spring Playoffs.
Spring Playoffs.
Go back to the Spring Playoffs.
(Group Match of Group A - Game 8)
(ZGDX vs. Orcs of Doom)
Tong Yao.
Are you sure?
(Onmyoji Arena)
(Okay, now the ten players on the field)
(have chosen their shikigamis.)
(Let's take a look
at the final lineup of shikigamis.)
(ZGDX's topsolo, Cat)
(has got Kuro Douji.)
(For the jungler, K is Ibaraki Douji.)
(The midsolo Smiling is Yuki Onna.)
(The shooter Chessman is Hakurou.)
(The support Chubby is Ichimoku Ren.)
(As for Orcs of Doom,
the topsolo is Shuten Douji.)
(The jungler is Youtou Hime.)
(The midsolo is Menreiki.)
(There are Doumeki and the support Higanbana
on the bottom lane.)
About these ten shikigamis,
(what do you think of them, Qiu?)
I think today ZGDX
(seems to want to stir up trouble.)
(Smiling has chosen Yuki Onna.)
(What is going on in today's game?)
(Maybe this is the case with Smiling.)
(She was influenced by YQCB's last game.)
She is like, you took Yuki Onna,
and you didn't play well, right?
Then I'll take Yuki Onna
to teach you how to play it.
Smiling isn't as good as Ai Jia
at playing this kind of
functional midsolo shikigami.
If she thinks so,
she's a little too condescending.
I'm just I'm just kidding.
ZGDX is still going to play
four-preserving-one tactics in this game.
What's wrong with
a four-preserving-one lineup?
What's wrong with
the four-preserving-one lineup?
Didn't you see
YQCB followed such a tactic
to protect Hierophant
and failed in the last game?
That was Hierophant.
He is not worse than Cheng.
Let's go!
Go for it!
(Don't say I didn't remind you
not to talk such nonsense.)
(After the game,)
(look at your Weibo after going back.)
(You'll know what's going on.)
(Okay, let's start the game.)
(Now the shikigamis of the both sides)
(have arrived at their own lines.)
(Yuki Onna at the middle lane will be facing)
Let's go down the lane.
(Menreiki and Youtou Hime)
(have already started to move down.)
(They'll target Chubby and Chessman)
(together with Doumekiand and Higanbana.)
Wait for me. Wait for me.
- Chubby, withdraw.
- Okay.
(They're about to block ZGDX's players
on the bottom lane,)
(and won't let them go.)
(Look, now Chubby and Chessman)
(have to stay under the turret.)
Go over the turret. Don't let them go.
We can fight, we can fight.
(As expected of Higanbana,
she directly went into the turret.)
(These three people of Orcs of Doom)
(went over the turret to kill.)
(First Blood)
(This is an extraordinary cooperation.)
- Nice. Nice.
(- Nice.)
(Menreiki and Higanbana)
(unleashed an ult on Chessman
at the same time.)
(K's Ibaraki Douji)
(controlled Doumeki who was coming.)
I'll hold on. I'll hold on. It's okay.
I'm on. I'm on. I'm on.
The opponent's jungler is on.
- Good.
- That was good.
- Good for you, young man.
- Very good.
ZGDX is really inferior in this game.
If I were playing like this
in my usual ranking,
I probably would give up long ago.
But apparently ZGDX didn't give up.
Cat, you go too.
Come on, let's go too.
(The snake pit.)
(Is the snake pit about to
experience a chaotic fight?)
Come on, come on.
(Menreiki has been attacking damage
with her ult.)
(K and Cat both have little blood left.)
(Do they still have to fight again?)
Ult, ult!
(Shuten, Shuten, is in!)
(Hit him! Hit him!)
(They're about to kill several people.)
(Orcs of Doom cooperated well,)
(killing Cat and K.)
(Double Kill)
Nice, good.
Not bad.
Chubby, Tong Yao, lead the pace
and give me time to develop.
Chubby, follow me.
Here we go.
(Smiling! Smiling makes an ult,)
(blowing up the low-blooded
Menreiki and Higanbana.)
Counterattack, counterattack, go!
-Go after them.
- Go on chasing them.
(Chubby accelerates in a flash
and stroke them right off the board.)
(Menreiki and Higanbana were killed.)
(ZGDX started a nice zero-for-two fight.)
(It's not a bad move!)
(It's really not bad!)
(What a great switch of deaths!)
(It's really awesome!)
Smiling grasped
the rhythm and timing super well just now.
And Chubby was tacit too.
You can see that
Yuki Onna can still be chosen.
We can see
Chessman took the advantage very well.
(He's already begun to collect the line
to make up for his development.)
(Yes, that's right.)
(Why? Because Chessman)
is the preserved one
in the four-preserving-one lineup,
and is in the core attack position.
When being left behind in gold,
(he can only let Smiling lead the team)
(to play some small team fights)
(and ensure his development time.)
(But Orcs of Doom found this out…)
We can confront this.
I'll go around.
I'll go down. I'll go down.
Youtou Hime is already in an ambush position.
(Chessman's Hakurou is in danger again.)
(Youtou Hime appeared
in a flash to attack Hakurou.)
(Chessman quickly reacted to dodge it.)
(Yes, put out skills to hit him instead.)
(Chessman's operations
are as fierce as a tiger.)
(Kill back!)
(What happened to Chessman?)
Surprisingly, he was able to
kill Youtou Hime with Hakurou alone.
(It's amazing!)
- Cool.
- Cheng. Good for you.
(Now we can see the player of Orcs of Doom)
(has already made it to the snake pit.)
(They seems to be trying
to stabilize their gold first.)
The midsolo is gone.
The two on the top lane are also gone.
They want to make money with the Orochi?
Cheng, are we going to ambush?
Okay, you guys go ambushing first.
- Okay.
- Let's go.
This way.
(Orcs of Doom are already
hitting the Orochi.)
We can pick the fight.
(ZGDX has also arrived,)
(preparing to ambush near the Snake Pit.)
(Is this a way to steal the gold?)
I'm already in position.
Me too!
Skills are refreshed.
(Chessman is still
in the middle lane clearing the line.)
(Are they not going to fight?)
Are they going to give up the Orochi to them?
(Chessman is still in the middle lane.)
Cheng, we're about to lose the Orochi.
(If they give up this Orochi,)
(it's like giving away)
(the victory of this game.)
Cheng, it's really too late.
Cheng, come over here.
It's up to you to turn the tables.
Come on, Cheng!
Wait a little longer.
We can make it.
(Orochi has ran out of blood.)
(Chessman is still
in the middle lane, not coming.)
(What's he waiting for?)
(Orcs of Doom have an advantage
in gold at this moment.)
(Take the Orochi,)
(and once the army line comes up,)
(ZGDX will have a hard time
turning the tables.)
- Cheng.
- Still not going?
I'll reach full-leveled in three seconds.
Wait for me.
What did I see?
Chessman's Hakurou is almost fully leveled.
Then it looks like
they're likely to take the Orochi.
Hakurou has a long attack distance
after reaching level 18,
and also has a high burst of damage,
making it difficult to be ganked.
Feels like the tide is going to turn.
(Just one more Minion, just one more Minion.)
(Just one more Minion.)
- Can he catch it?
- Can he catch it?
We can start the team fight. Go.
- Keep an eye on my position.
- Good.
- Let's go!
- K, get your Subdue prepared.
Chubby and I will go together.
- Here we go. Tong Yao, take an ult.
- Let's wait and see.
Cheng, I'll block for you. Go!
Cheng, watch out!
I'm coming!
(Congratulations to ZGDX
for winning this game!)
Yes, yes, yes!
(Congratulations to ZGDX
for turning the tide!)
(Yes, that's right.)
(In this match,)
(Chessman succeeded
in making the most out of Hakurou's)
(horrific outburst of damage
in the mid-late stage)
after the equipment was formed,
leading ZGDX to win the game.
And of course,
the performance of Smiling in this game
was also very impressive.
She successfully proved that her Yuki Onna
can be taken on the field.
who says you have to
believe in the version, right?
I'll tell you what.
The tactic of four-preserving-one
seems to work.
(Onmyoji Arena)
First of all, congratulations to ZGDX today
for keeping your winning streak intact.
Thank you. We may fail next time
because of what you said.
I'm also very surprised that YQCB
didn't leave the site even after the game,
giving us this special
post-match group interview opportunity.
Actually, we wanted to leave.
But the coach wouldn't let us.
He held us down in the lounge
just to show us how to play
the four-preserving-one tactic.
Because it was a new tactic.
So we weren't very skilled at it.
Hello, I want to ask ZGDX:
the four-preserving-one strategy
doesn't really work
in the current version where the ADC is weak,
so why did you
still insist on this tactic
after the failure of YQCB?
Our midsolo said
she also wanted to try out
the four-preserving-one tactic
and try playing Yuki Onna.
I thought it would work.
I thought I could teach
other shooters how to play the tactic.
So we played two games of it.
Okay, thanks.
He said he wanted to teach you
how to play a four-preserving-one lineup.
I'd like to ask YQCB:
After the second game today,
there was a little accident.
In the third game, player Ai Jia
didn't appear in the starting lineup.
Have you been banned from the game?
Fans would like to know the answer.
Actually, it goes like this:
In the third game,
it was the result of a discussion
between the coaching staff and the players,
to put the substitute on the field.
I know
there are a lot of people
spreading rumors on the Internet,
saying that Ai Jia acted like a diva
and refused to play.
Actually, it's not true.
Please stop saying that.
In fact, it was because
Ai Jia was not in a good mood.
We thought it would be more appropriate
for the substitute to play.
That's why we replaced him.
Let me ask you.
Why would he be in a bad mood?
Didn't you see?
Ai Jia.
Stop it.
I want to ask.
All this time
there has been constant talk of the players'
private love lives.
As professional players,
what do you think about this?
Let's just let nature take its course.
We don't think too much about that.
We spend most of our time training every day.
We don't have much time
to meet people outside.
So most of us are still single.
That doesn't mean we're in a monks' temple.
It's not that we can't find someone
nor that we don't want to…
It's not that we aren't allowed to either.
Anyway, you'll have to figure out
what's going on here.
But many fans still hope that players
can focus on the game
and win the world championship
at the world tournament.
They shouldn't think
too much about other things.
For example,
during the live ranking training,
they might as well just look
through the match data.
And during the ranking match,
they shouldn't play other weird mini-games.
In places like special group,
aren't there always posts about this?
Fans want you to play the game seriously,
and win the world championship
striving to achieve good results.
Let me repeat what you just said
and see if it makes any sense.
Don't make any trouble.
There are many parents who
want their children to study hard,
and strive to be able to enter
Tsinghua University or Peking University
after the future
college entrance examination.
So they don't need to
think about anything else.
Just like they always hope
that when you take a break in class,
recite more English words
instead of playing those
weird little games.
Parents often discuss such topics.
But their original intention
is to inspire you to focus on your studies,
get good grades
and live a good life.
So it sounds reasonable.
But generally,
most of the fans who give that kind of advice
are of this age,
or maybe are working adults.
When asking professional players
who are also normal human beings to do this,
I'm not going to judge those
who are always ridiculing professionals
for not training properly
and only focusing on love affairs
or playing other games during breaks,
do they themselves take out their cell phones
to doodle and surf the Internet
in class
or at work?
I just hope
you can place yourself in our positions.
We are all very young.
Who hasn't spaced out in class?
Who hasn't slept in class?
Who hasn't peeked at
the prettiest girl in class?
Although I don't have similar experiences,
I want to ask, what's the difference
for professional players?
They have to be perfect, like saints?
No one is perfect.
It's very boring
if you judge the players all day long
for playing Tetris one day,
playing snake chasing tomorrow
or being in love the day after tomorrow.
We spend most of our time training.
Even the time we spend on training
is longer than some people's study time.
There are many people who have to break up
because of long-distance relationships
after graduating from high school.
And we who play professionally
can get dumped while playing e-sports.
Who do you think Cheng is talking about?
I suggest you go and interview
CK's jungler Yang.
He will tell you why.
He's talking about Smiling's ex-boyfriend.
You seem to know a lot about this.
I'm not young anymore
in this industry.
I've been playing professionally
for many years.
I've seen a lot too.
In that case,
Cheng has no objection
to players falling in love?
If it's not too much,
I'm not against it.
I've heard
the legendary story of a boy and a girl
getting into Tsinghua University
and Peking University together.
Do you want to do the same, Cheng?
I already have someone I like.
Who is she?
Cheng also has someone he likes.
This is big news.
Big news.
He's got a crush on someone.
Oh my God!
He's got a crush on someone.
(He didn't say anything.)
(You didn't hear anything.)
(Don't blush. Don't blush.)
(Don't hyperventilate.)
(Calm down. Be calm.)
To some fans who are overly demanding,
do you have anything to say?
I'd like to thank you
for your support and love.
I will work hard for future matches.
If you can,
I hope that you can come to the scene
of the matches more often to support us.
And I'd like to say,
if you really like a professional player,
stay closer to his gaming stage
and stay away from his life.
Thank you.
You can't play like
you did just now, can you?
I'll teach you when you're free.
Forget it, I'll tell you.
Shorty, let's go.
Let go of me.
Come on.
Without my wonderful playing
with the four-preserving-one lineup
in such an inferior game,
Ai Jia wouldn't have
been able to clear his name.
How will you thank me?
I'll kowtow to you.
No, you're being perfunctory again.
I'm not.
You are.
(Because I have to protect you.)
(Some people say)
(the meaning of love is probably)
("suddenly, there is a person in the world)
(who can give you everything you want.)
(He does everything he can)
(without fear)
(at all times and places.")
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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