Firebuds (2022) s01e22 Episode Script

Star Vehicle/Firebuds Fever

(alarm rings)
-BOTH: Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or you need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our siren squeal ♪
Out the front door on the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through our rescue crew ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden and Piston ♪
Violet and Axl
Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come and here's our theme ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll!
BO: "Star Vehicle."
Ahem, young thespians,
it's time for our school play!
The Three Little Rigs.
The beloved children's tale
about three small vehicles
who try to protect their garages
from the Big Bad Garbage Truck.
Mr. Wexell, can I be the director?
I know how to be in charge.
And I already have a megaphone.
I like the enthusiasm, Bo,
but I already found a director.
A famous actor
who will brilliantly guide
this production.
I was in that commercial on TV.
You know the one. Show them, Rod.
Got mud on your flaps?
Bugs on your glass? ♪
Can't wash them out?
Don't call it quits ♪
Just lather up
And scrub-a-scrub ♪
With Rub-a-Dub
Car wash mitts ♪
What a performance!
So Iggy will be the director.
Bo, you can be the assistant director.
Everyone else, get ready
to try out for the parts
you wanna play in the show.
Hey, Bo, I'd like to try out
for the part of the Third Rig.
That's my favorite character.
He proves that anyone
can stand up and be a hero.
My vroomie is perfect for the part.
He sure is. Good luck with the tryout.
(door opens)
(engine revving)
I've canceled tryouts.
I already know who will be best
for each part.
Jayden and Piston, you two will
be in charge of sets and lights.
Oh, yeah.
Aimee, you're the costume designer.
I've already made some sketches.
Violet will narrate the story.
Axl will play the First Little Rig.
Flash, the Second Little Rig.
And the heroic Third Little Rig
will be played by
my vroom-mate Rod.
But what about me?
Well, you'll play
the Big Bad Garbage Truck, of course.
Uh, Iggy,
Smush actually wanted to try out
for the part of the Third Rig.
Why? He's a garbage truck.
He doesn't even need a costume.
I already learned the Third Rig's song.
But you're still a garbage truck,
so you should play
the Big Bad Garbage Truck.
See everyone tomorrow at rehearsal.
Now I need you two
to build me a giant ramp,
so Rod can swoop down onto the stage.
Sorry, Smush, but at least
you got a huge part.
The Big Bad Garbage Truck
is the villain of the show.
(sighs) Trust me, I know.
(ratchet cranking)
Rehearsal time, everyone!
Okay, actors, let's hear your lines.
With feeling.
I'm the First Little Rig,
and I'm building my garage out of straw.
I'm the Second Little Rig,
and I'm building my garage out of twigs.
I'm the Third Little Rig,
and I'm building my garage out of
uh, cake mix?
-Oh, yeah, bricks.
Stop, stop. There's something missing.
Something Rod needs
to make this scene soar.
To remember his lines?
A bigger costume.
Bigger Third Little Rig costume
coming right up.
Great. Now let's get back to rehearsing.
The gross, mean,
and scary villain arrives.
Um, I'll thrash it
and crash it
and smash your garage down.
Stop. You gotta be grosser,
meaner, scarier.
Like the Big Bad Garbage Truck
in the story.
I'll thrash it and crash it and
Smush, come on.
The Big Bad Garbage Truck is a mean,
grimy bad guy who smashes and crashes.
You're a garbage truck.
This should come easy for you.
But I'm not mean.
And the garbage trucks I know
are nice and neat.
It's like all we do is pick things up.
Well, this is how the story goes.
So I need mean, grimy, and scary.
Here's the water you wanted, Mr. Director.
I'll thrash it
and crash it
and smash your garage down.
No, it's just pretend. Oh.
-Don't be sorry.
That was perfect.
You're supposed to be scary.
Okay, moving on.
What's wrong?
I don't like this part.
It just doesn't feel right.
Do you not wanna do the play?
The show is only a few days away.
I'll stick it out. It'll be fine.
(audience murmuring)
Places for the start of the show.
Our tale tonight is extremely well known,
of the Three Little Rigs
who built garages of their own.
I'm the First Little Rig,
and I'm building my garage out of straw.
(engine revving)
Little Rig, Little Rig, let me in.
Not by the shine of my chrome-plated rims.
Then I'll thrash it and crash it
and smash your garage down.
-He's mean.
Are you sure about
these bigger smokestacks, Iggy?
I can barely move.
Bigger is always better.
Now get ready to make your big entrance.
Help, brother rig!
Come hide with me.
We'll be safe in my garage of twigs.
Little Rigs, Little Rigs, let me in.
BOTH: Not by the shine
of our chrome-plated rims.
Then I'll thrash it and crash it
and smash your garage down.
-No! Ah!
-Our garage!
That garbage truck is so mean.
I don't like him.
(sobbing softly)
Smush, where are you going?
You got to go back onstage any minute.
I can't keep playing
the Big Bad Garbage Truck.
Did you hear what those
wee-hicles said about me?
They thought I was mean and scary.
Because you're playing the villain.
It's just pretend.
Right now, it is,
but there's been lots of times
where kids didn't wanna be friends with me
-because of this story.
They see the way
the Big Bad Garbage Truck acts,
and they think all garbage trucks
are like that.
Iggy wouldn't let me play
the Third Little Rig
even though I was better
because of how I look.
It's not fair.
You're right, Smush. It's not.
The two trucks sped to their brother,
the Third Little Rig.
Time for your big entrance, Rod.
Oh, yeah.
Uh, I'm stuck.
His smokestacks are too big.
If we pry them off his costume,
he'll fit through the tunnel.
Let's hit it.
Rod's not coming. What do we do?
Make stuff up until he gets here.
Oh, our silly big brother.
He just loves to, uh, play hide-and-seek.
He sure does.
Ready or not, Third Rig, here we come.
-What's going on?
-Rod's stuck in the tunnel,
and the Third Little Rig
needs to be onstage now!
-What do we do?
-Let Smush play the Third Little Rig.
And after we get Rod unstuck,
he can play the Big Bad Garbage Truck.
But the Third Little Rig is the hero,
and Smush looks like the villain.
So what? It's not how he looks
that matters,
it's how he plays the part.
And Smush would make a better Third Rig
than Rod could ever be.
But he'd still need a costume.
I made an extra one, just in case.
And just my vroomie's size.
(sighs) Fine, go.
Now go out there and show them
who you really are, Smush.
I will.
There's only one scene
before the Big Bad Garbage Truck shows up.
We got to get Rod down now.
It is I, the Third Little Rig.
And I've built my garage out of bricks.
Come inside and you'll be safe.
-You got it, bro.
-Thank you.
Hey, Smush is playing my part.
We just got word.
You're gonna play
the Big Bad Garbage Truck.
-After we free you.
But how can we beat
the Big Bad Garbage Truck?
We're just three little rigs.
Little rigs may be what some folks see,
but we are so much more.
So there's a big, big bad ♪
Thinks he's all that ♪
Laughs at you little rigs ♪
Takes your sticks and twigs ♪
Crushes them to the ground ♪
Thinks he can bring you down ♪
Don't believe his point of view ♪
Only you know you ♪
Little rig ♪
Or fancy car ♪
No one can tell you ♪
Who you are ♪
Anyone can be a hero ♪
Anyone can be a star ♪
Anyone can be a hero ♪
Anyone can be a star ♪
Stay still, Rod.
You're shaking the tunnel too much.
(groans) I got to get on stage.
He's doing my part
and he's better than me.
-What do we do?
-How should I know?
This is a disaster!
Just, uh, make something up
while we rescue him.
Look, it's
uh, the Big Bad Garbage Truck
and he needs our help.
Flash, raise your ladder to Rod
to stop the swinging.
Then Piston and Jayden can use
the cables to lower him.
Let's roll, Firebuds!
Don't judge who someone is ♪
Based on how they might appear ♪
A Big Bad Truck could need your help ♪
A little rig might have no fear ♪
You can play any part ♪
Be whatever you desire ♪
Don't let nothing hold you back ♪
Show them all by aiming higher ♪
Show them all by aiming higher ♪
Little rig ♪
Or fancy car ♪
No one can tell you ♪
Who you are ♪
Anyone can be a hero ♪
Anyone can be a star ♪
Anyone can be a hero ♪
Anyone can be a star ♪
Anyone can be a hero ♪
Anyone can be a star ♪
Anyone can be a hero ♪
Anyone can be a star ♪
The Little Rigs had saved
the Big Bad Garbage Truck.
He was so grateful
that they all became friends
and lived happily ever after.
The end.
-(applause, cheers)
-Ha! Beautiful.
You were incredible, vroomie.
Smush, I was wrong to think
you could only play garbage trucks.
You were a great Third Little Rig.
You really showed them who you are, Smush.
Thanks for believing in me.
(gasps) Smush! Smush!
I've never seen a garbage truck
be the hero before.
I like this story better.
Me, too.
(cheers, applause)
JAYDEN: "Firebuds Fever."
Oh, man.
Jayden, maybe this invention should wait
until you feel better.
What are you talking about, P?
I've never felt better,
because I just finished my latest,
greatest rescue gadget, the J-Lift.
With this, we can safely lift
or lower someone who gets stuck.
Indoor safety test, check.
Now all we need to do
is the outdoor safety test.
Right after I grab us some snacks.
Wait, don't leave me hanging.
Earth to Piper.
Come in, Piper.
Today's hike with the Firebuds
will be the perfect place to test
Jazzy, what is this?
A space phone. Piper's on the moon.
How else are we supposed
to talk to each other?
JENNA: Hey, kids.
I've gotta host
a community event at the park,
so, Jazzy, listen to
your big brother while I'm gone.
-Aw, Mom!
-I can't watch her.
We're hiking with the Buds. (sneezes)
Hold up, was that a sneeze?
-Are you sick?
-No, Mom.
Oh, looks like you have a slight fever.
You must have caught a cold.
All right, you know the drill.
According to my
How to Be Healthy handbook,
you need to rest,
drink liquids, and most importantly,
stay away from others
so they don't get sick.
I can't miss a hike with my Buds.
I don't even feel sick. (sneezes)
Sorry, Jay-Jay, but it doesn't
matter how you feel.
You have a cold which is caused by germs
that you could give to others
if you get close to them.
BO (over radio): Come in, Jayden.
Did you finish the J-Lift?
We can't wait to try it out.
Please, Mom. I got to test my J-Lift.
Piston can do the test.
Your job is to get well.
Now, Bo's mom is next door
if you need her,
and Jazzy will make sure
you stay put and rest.
Space Rangers Jazzy and Piper
will keep him from going anywhere, Mom.
(sighs) Sorry, Bo. I'm sick.
(sniffles) I can't come on the hike.
But I'll send the J-Lift with Piston.
Roger that. Feel better, Jayden.
Keep your J-Talkie on.
I'll tell you everything, I promise.
Piston to Jayden.
I am now with the Firebuds on the trail.
So far, it's just trees and rocks.
Trust me, you're not missing a thing.
Look at that view!
-FLASH: Cool!
-AXL: So beautiful.
Jayden sure is missing out.
JAYDEN (over radio): Radio's still on, P.
Oops, sorry.
AIMEE: Ooh! Wowie-zowie!
Pass me the red crayon.
Aimee? Smush? What you doing?
Hey, Firebuds. We're doing rubbings
of this fabu-licious sandstone.
Nature is so inspiring.
And messy.
Ooh, that rock tower is made of quartzite.
Aimee, watch out for the ravine.
But I wanna do a rubbing of the quartzite.
How about I jump you over there?
Then we can go home right after.
I really need a wash.
It's a deal, vroomie.
(engine revving)
Smush, are you sure
you can jump that ravine?
-(Smush screams)
-(loud crash)
-PISTON (over radio): Jayden, come in!
-What's going on?
Aimee and Smush are stuck in a ravine.
Ooh, you can use the J-Lift to save them.
-I'll talk you through it.
-Roger that.
Don't worry, we're gonna use
Jayden's J-Lift to rescue you.
These quartzite walls
are totally gorgeous,
so no need to rush.
Actually, it's a long drop,
so there's every need to rush.
JAYDEN: Okay, Buds.
Look for a place higher
than Aimee and Smush
to launch the J-Lift up to.
It's got to be secure.
Uh, how about that rock overhang?
Okay, what next?
Now, lower the cable.
Have Aimee fasten it around herself,
-and then you lift her up.
Thanks, Buds.
PISTON: We got Aimee.
All right, now it's time for Smush.
The cable's attached. Lift away.
Hey, you know, that overhang
is made of sandstone,
which is kind of crumbly,
and Smush is a heavy truck,
so it might just break
-(all gasp)
-like that.
Welp, I'm still stuck.
PISTON: Jayden, the overhang
gave way and the J-Lift broke.
I'm already working
on a new and improved J-Lift.
I'll bring it over
as soon as I'm finished.
Absolutely not.
You can't leave your room. You're sick.
Rescuing Smush is too
important. See you soon.
All right, this rescue crew
is on the move
-JAZZY: Halt!
Mom said you had to stay in your room.
But the Buds need my help with a rescue.
I'll call Mom if you don't go back.
You wouldn't. (sneezes)
We have to keep our distance.
You don't wanna catch his cold.
What's it gonna be, Jayden?
Getting healthy or getting in trouble?
Ugh, fine.
Jazzy held me up for a sec,
but there's another way out.
PISTON: Jayden, no, we've got a plan.
Well, I'm too smart
to fall for that again.
JAZZY: Nice try, Jayden!
I guess I got to take it up a notch.
Jazzy, get ready to meet the J-Jayden.
Maybe Jayden's finally resting.
It's so quiet.
Too quiet, if you ask me.
-How'd he get outside?
That takes care of them.
Time to motor.
He went behind the trees.
How'd he get so fast?
There he is.
We've been J-tricked.
I'm just getting on my J-Wheels.
Be there in a few minutes.
It's okay. Our plan is going great.
(metal creaking)
-(both grunt)
Look out! (grunts)
I got it for now.
Did things just get worse? It feels worse.
JAZZY: You're busted.
I'm calling Mom.
Ah ah
Oh, I don't feel so good.
You have a fever.
(gasps) I think you caught my cold.
I told you to keep your distance.
No, I should've stayed in my room.
All right, let's get you inside.
I'm sorry, Jazzy.
I wasn't thinking that I could
give my cold to someone else.
That's how colds work, Jayden.
That's why you have to stay home
when you get sick.
You're right. (sniffles)
Scoot over.
I think I'd better sit down too.
PISTON (over radio):
Jayden, we've got a problem.
(both grunting)
We need to figure out how to get
this rock off of Flash and Axl
before it falls on Smush.
My new J-Lift could do it,
but I can't risk getting y'all sick.
Hold on. Jazzy, you got any ideas?
(gasps) You're asking me?
You're pretty crafty.
Those traps you set were no joke.
Yeah, until you figured out
how to be in two places at once.
Jazzy, you're a genius.
Yeah, I know it.
Wait, why?
I can drive the new J-Lift
over to the Buds
while staying in my room.
Why drive when you could fly?
Oh, yeah.
(all groaning)
Can you carry it out of the way?
There's no room to move it.
We need a new plan.
JAYDEN (over radio):
One new plan flying right up.
All right!
But we have to attach it to a rock
that won't crumble this time.
That's quartzite up there.
It's really strong. And pretty.
Jayden, attach the J-Lift
to the strong, pretty pillar.
JAYDEN: You got it.
(upbeat music playing)
(all cheer)
Smush! You're all right!
-We did it!
-Yeah! We did it, Jazzy!
-It worked!
Uh, what's going on here?
We rescued Jayden's friend from a ravine.
While staying in my room
and not getting anyone else sick.
Except Jazzy.
Right, except her. Sorry.
Okay, it's time for some real rest now.
For both of you.
Come in, Jayden. We have
an urgent chicken soup delivery.
Oh, thanks, Buds.
But I'd better stay up here.
I still got a cold.
Then how is he gonna get
Look what the Buds brought us.
That's sweet, but this is sweeter.
Boom! I win.
Oh, man.
I'm feeling better already.
(closing theme playing)
(alarms blaring)
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