Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e22 Episode Script

Rescue Team

(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Episode 22)
come back as soon as you can.
Sir, let me help you up, come on.
Be careful.
Be careful.
Take them to an open area.
Let's go to the Transfusion Area
in case there are any patients who need assistance.
Let's go.
- Help! - Doctor!
- Hurry, Doctor! - Help!
Thank you, Doctor.
There was an earthquake, right?
Yes. I'll take you to a safe place now.
- It's okay. - It's so scary.
Be careful, everyone.
Evacuate the people first.
(Benevolence and Integrity)
Excuse me.
Give me a hand.
Everything is fine. Don't worry.
There's no signal.
Is there no signal?
I got a signal.
I got it.
I got a signal.
(Urgent! 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Wangxiang, Yancheng)
The magnitude is 6.5.
It's already like this here.
Isn't it worse at the epicenter?
The epicenter is in Wangxiang.
The magnitude is 6.5.
Gosh, it's such a big earthquake.
That doctor from Neurosurgery
seems to be from Wangxiang too.
Dr. Tian.
- Right. - By the way,
Dr. Wei from Orthopedics is from there too.
One, two, one.
One, one, two, one.
One, one, two, one.
Turn right.
(Party Loyalty, Strict Discipline, Defy Danger and Death)
Face left.
Align to your right.
Eyes front.
Shilitai Fire and Rescue Station Combat Squad is assembled.
Please give your command.
All are present and accounted for.
Face right.
Comrades. Brothers.
Each minute that passes by
in the critical 72 hours
is equivalent to a loss of lives.
A disaster is a command.
We save people from difficulties and danger.
We must complete this mission.
Squad One, copy.
Squad Two, copy.
Squad Three, copy.
The earthquake's occurrence
touched the hearts of all circles in society.
(Wangxiang Earthquake Emergency Mobilization Meeting)
Under the guidance of municipal committee leaders,
all units
have already taken action.
Based on what I know,
the Fire and Rescue Department
immediately sent
an elite team
to Wangxiang.
Natural disasters are merciless.
Humans are compassionate.
Our hospital
will also send an elite team
to the frontline.
Members of the party
must charge ahead.
I'm a member of the party.
I'll sign up.
I'll sign up too.
Me too.
I'm in too.
Thoracic Surgery. I'm signing up.
I'm from Pediatrics. I'm in.
I'm from General Surgery. I'm in.
We're in.
I'll sign up too.
Each department
should go back and do a headcount
and prepare supplies.
After an hour,
we'll set off.
Pack as much as you can.
Transfusion needles, transfusion pads,
swabs, and alcohol.
Pack a lot of these.
Dong Dong, what's the progress here?
I'm done.
I have hazmat suits
and disposable scrubs.
Should we prepare a change of clothes?
How long are we staying?
Xiao Xi.
How many clothes did you bring?
I saw that people from the other teams
brought two sets of clothes,
so I just prepared a few.
Dr. Xu, what if we've got no change of clothes?
We'll see.
Should we prepare some food and drinks?
It'll take 4 to 5 hours to get there.
But we don't even know the situation there.
Have you told your families?
Not yet.
There's no time.
We still have 10 minutes before departure.
Call your families.
- Okay. - Okay.
Hi, Dad.
Hello, Dad.
Qin Qin.
I joined the hospital's medical team
that's going to visit Wangxiang.
How long will you be gone?
I don't know yet.
It might take a while.
Be careful.
Before you go to bed every night,
let us know that you're safe.
I got it.
Regarding Mom
I'll tell her.
Don't worry.
You must be careful.
That's all for now.
Bye, Dad.
I joined the hospital's medical team
that's going to Wangxiang for a few days.
I can't talk on the phone there.
Leave me a message if you need anything.
Hello, the subscriber you're calling
(The First People's Hospital of Yancheng)
Attention, all units.
There's a landslide ahead.
Prepare to get off.
There's a landslide.
Be careful.
This way.
Let's go through here.
Be careful.
Song Yan.
What's the situation up ahead?
The landslide area is huge.
We won't be able to clear it quickly.
The vehicle can't go through.
But we have to go through it.
Let's get going.
I'll report this to the headquarters.
- Yang Chi. - Yes.
Let the driver stay and watch the vehicle.
The rest of you,
bring all the equipment
you can carry.
We'll leave in five minutes.
- Yes. - Everyone, get off
and pack your equipment.
We'll leave in five minutes.
Watch your step.
Be careful.
Be careful.
Watch your step.
Class Monitor.
Is magnitude 6.5 very serious?
Some houses must have collapsed.
I hope everyone got out.
Every minute of the critical 72 hours of rescue
is very precious.
Pick up the pace.
- Yes! - Okay!
Can you manage?
Give it to me.
I'll do it.
Preserve your energy
to save people.
Come on, guys!
We can do this!
- Messenger. - Present.
(Yancheng Fire)
We're already in Wangxiang.
The houses in town
have collapsed very badly.
We don't know the extent of the casualties.
The visual assessment
doesn't look good.
Start the rescue immediately.
You're here.
This is great.
I'm the secretary here.
The town hall
also collapsed.
We set up a temporary shelter
at the school across from it.
I'll take you there to get some rest.
There's no need.
Saving lives is more important.
Which areas do you have trapped people now?
Follow me.
Let's go!
This is a video
from the Fire and Rescue Team.
From the video, we can see
that the houses in town have collapsed very badly.
The firefighters who arrived first
had already begun their rescue operation on the spot.
We found out from the command center
that a large number of rescue teams
are on their way to Wangxiang.
Hello, Yan Chen.
Hello, Qin Qin.
Why aren't you picking up the phone?
The signal is very bad.
Where are you?
Qin Qin.
I'm still on the road.
Be careful.
If you need anything,
call me anytime.
Got it.
Don't worry.
Let's split up.
Yes. This way.
Life detector.
- Follow me. - Come on.
- Let's go. - Keep up.
Everything is in place.
- Jiang Yi. - Done.
Chief, there's someone trapped down here.
The rest, keep searching.
Come on, let's do it together.
- One, two, three. - One, two, three.
- One, two, three. - One, two, three.
- One, two, three. - One, two, three.
Be careful.
- Excuse me. - Move.
Excuse me.
There's a sign of life!
Everyone, go!
- Yes. - Yes.
Save him!
Come on.
Is anyone there?
Is anyone there?
Is anyone down there?
Help me.
Over here.
Don't worry.
We'll get you out of there.
Right now,
you have to conserve your energy.
Don't fall asleep.
I'll get the hydraulic ram.
Why don't we just use a hammer to break it open?
We can't.
There's someone down there.
It's dangerous if we break it.
This wall is a bit troublesome.
If things go wrong,
there's a risk of it collapsing again.
Clear the rocks on top first,
then move the wall.
- Yes! - Remember.
Be careful, understand?
- Yes. - Yes.
Come on.
Another team borrowed the hydraulic ram.
Can't you save me anymore?
Don't go.
I'm begging you. Don't go.
Don't go.
Don't be afraid.
We won't leave.
I'll do it.
Come and help.
Break this big wall first.
- Come on. - I'll hold it.
Come on.
Jiang Yi!
Haven't you had enough to eat?
How many people are waiting down there?
Break it!
Don't cry.
There's nothing to cry about.
What do you do?
I'm a doctor.
What kind of doctor?
Surgery. General Surgery.
I know my hand is useless now.
From now on,
I won't be able to hold a scalpel.
So many people
can't even make it today.
If you can't do that,
just find another job.
You're still young.
What matters is that you're alive.
You're a man.
No matter how hard you fall,
you must find a way to get back up.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Lift his butt.
Come on.
Put him on Pi Pi.
Hold him. Slowly.
(Yancheng Emergency Medical Rescue Team)
Did you hurt your hand?
Is there a surgeon?
There's a serious injury here.
Come with me.
Be careful.
Hang in there.
Endure it a bit.
Don't cry.
Give him anesthesia.
Can you save my hand
and make it as it was before?
I'm a surgeon too.
I'll do my best.
Hang in there.
I'll give you anesthesia.
A lot of people
lost their lives today.
You're still young.
After today,
live well.
I know.
Just now,
the firefighter who saved me said the same thing.
Am I mistaken?
I can't believe Dr. Xu is comforting him.
Dr. Xu never talked to anyone
when she was operating before.
We can perform the surgery now.
Get ready for surgery.
Let's go.
Hurry up.
This way. Hurry.
We've searched this entire area.
There are no signs of life.
Should we go to the next area?
Everyone has been working continuously
for over 10 hours.
Let's take a break here.
Those from Shilitai.
Rest here for 10 minutes.
- Yes. - Yes.
Pi Pi, Da Peng.
Ge Zheng.
- Bring some water for everyone. - Is anyone else here?
Respond if you can hear me.
Is there anyone else?
Respond if you can hear me.
Jiang Yi.
Let's take a break.
You guys rest first.
Don't worry about me.
Respond if you can hear me.
That's an order.
I'm begging you. Leave me alone.
Let me save a few more people.
Is anyone else here?
Something's up with you.
I noticed it on the way here.
Something's bothering you.
Tell me.
Our house collapsed too.
I couldn't reach my mom.
Isn't your family in Liyang?
My aunt lives in a village at the end of Wangxiang.
She wasn't feeling well.
My mom is here to take care of her.
Since yesterday afternoon,
I haven't been able to reach her.
Which village?
What are your mom and aunt's names?
I'll call the branch now.
Houmiao Village.
My mom's name is Gao Chun Rong.
My aunt's name is Gao Chun Yan.
There's an aftershock!
Put on your helmets!
- Let's go. - An aftershock!
Stay away from the walls.
Monitoring equipment.
Heart rate and blood pressure are all good.
Continue the surgery.
Dr. Xu.
Did you save his hand?
Several tendons and nerves were severed.
It's impossible for him to hold a scalpel anymore.
But if his rehabilitation goes well,
he can regain some of his grip strength.
His hand is badly injured.
He's already very lucky not to get an amputation.
Hold the gauze.
Dr. Xu.
There's another victim with an open fracture.
It's very serious.
You should treat him.
Okay, I'm coming.
Let's go.
Dr. Qin, come with me.
(Yancheng Emergency Medical Rescue Team)
I'm so tired.
Slow down.
Bei Bei, is there any food?
- What else is there? - Yes.
I'm about to faint from hunger.
It's ready.
Here, eat this first.
It's freshly made.
I want something sweet.
Do you have chocolate?
Egg yolk pie is fine too.
Now is not the time to be picky.
I gave the supplies to the hospital next door.
They came in a hurry.
They didn't bring anything.
Thank you.
All right, just bear with it for now.
More supplies are coming.
Wipe your hands first. Here.
This afternoon was quite touching.
Someone secretly came to deliver supplies.
A big pot of boiled eggs.
Yes, they're ready.
I'm soaking them up for you.
They're still warm.
Thank you.
One for each of you.
- Okay. - Okay.
Aren't you eating?
I already ate.
- Dr. Xu. - All right.
Serve the people then.
At a time like this,
we can still eat eggs.
We can see
that we're very lucky to be alive.
The earthquake lasted for 20 to 30 seconds yesterday.
The whole town was destroyed.
Many people died just like that.
That's how small and fragile
people are
in the face of nature.
Now that I think about it,
the trivial things I used to fuss about
don't seem so important anymore.
I've decided.
I'll reconcile with my boyfriend when I return.
I'll forgive him magnanimously.
If I can be with the one I love,
what's there to complain about?
I don't think you're hungry.
- You're even showing off your love? - Is that so?
I don't think she wants to eat.
It's not easy to have this.
- Yes. - That's right.
Hello, the subscriber you're calling
Have a bite.
You haven't eaten anything since last night.
How can you have any energy?
Yang Chi.
I'm not hungry.
Trust me.
We saved so many people.
God is watching.
Our moms will definitely be lucky.
They'll be fine.
Eat a bit.
Be strong.
The branch head
has already contacted the headquarters
for the search notice.
We'll find out soon.
Thank you, Chief.
Eat your noodles.
There are a lot of people
waiting for us to save them.
Here are your noodles.
It's freshly made.
Good night, Dr. Xu.
Dr. Xu.
Your feet are so swollen.
I'll get you some medicine.
Spray some on it.
People's Hospital Medical Team.
They need medical support at the scene.
Which one of you can go now?
Dr. Xu, I'm Xu Qin.
I can go.
Okay. I'll arrange a car for you.
It'll be there at once.
Bring medical equipment and a stretcher.
Bring two nurses with you too.
Got it.
Dr. Xu, I'll go with you.
Me too.
Prepare a medical kit.
Is your foot okay?
It's fine.
Let's go.
Set up the terminal.
There's a sign of life!
Save him!
Hurry. Go.
Squad One, break the board.
Squad Two, clear the area.
Hurry up.
You have to weigh the pros and cons.
You don't know how deep he's buried.
There's no way to save him.
Let's hurry
- to go to the next place. - Hurry.
We can save more people.
You spend so many hours
saving one person.
We don't even know if he's dead or alive.
We might even encounter a second collapse
and die from it.
Is it worth it?
Those from Shilitai.
Do you remember the oath you took
on the way here?
- "A solemn promise" - "A solemn promise"
- "to every life" - "to every life"
- "that we will never give up." - "that we will never give up."
Let's do it then!
- Yes. - Yes.
Captain, let's go to the next place.
Give me the ax.
Take this.
Please go to town and get some people.
Call everyone who can help.
Thank you.
Be careful.
Slow down!
Song Yan!
One, two, three.
Steady, Yang Chi.
Be patient, everyone.
It'll be unblocked soon.
Don't be anxious.
Li Meng.
Why are you here?
I'm settling
and evacuating people around here.
The station knows you're coming,
so they told me to pick you up.
Did you just walk here?
There was an aftershock.
It was all unblocked before.
Now it's blocked again.
We'll have to walk for a bit.
No problem.
I'll get my bag.
Let me take it.
- I can manage. - I'll take it.
Come on.
Thank you.
- Come on, let's go. - Let's go.
I rushed here after the meeting.
I didn't have time to change.
Slow down.
There are more rocks here.
I'm fine.
Slow down.
Did you major in psychology?
During my internship in college,
I was a psychotherapist.
That's why the boss sent me here
to help you in counseling
the people in the disaster area.
It's also an essential part
of disaster recovery.
the sooner we start, the better.
Have you taken a break
in the past two days?
We took turns resting for half an hour.
We're short-staffed.
We're working hard in the critical 72 hours.
Come in, give me your hand.
Thank you.
Be careful.
You're right.
Right now,
time is of the essence.
Look ahead.
Just a bit further
and we'll reach the headquarters.
- Okay. - This part isn't an easy route.
Come on, I'll carry you.
No, I can walk.
I'll carry you.
I can really do it.
I can do it too.
I can manage.
Let's go. It's okay.
Jiang Yi's mom and aunt
couldn't be reached.
This is their information.
Thank you.
Come on, let's go. One, two, three.
Come on.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Let's go up and help.
Song Yan, we'll help you.
Don't come up.
Wait down there.
It's dangerous up here.
Go down.
Don't come up. It's dangerous.
Don't worry.
Let's go down.
Come on.
Come on, move it.
Be careful.
Let's go.
I found her!
We found her!
- Let's go. - Okay.
Dr. Xu.
- Let's go up. - Go up.
We've done the tests.
It's safe for now.
I suggest we rescue her quickly.
Be careful.
Chief, be careful.
Help me.
Save me.
Come on.
How are you doing?
Help me.
One, two, three.
Her legs are fine. Carry her out first.
Jiang Yi.
Miss, hang in there.
Chief, be careful.
It's okay.
We're coming out.
Come on.
Jun Ping, Pi Pi.
Don't cry.
- Pi Pi. - It's okay. Come on.
- Come on. - Come on.
- Hold her. - Come on.
All right.
Let go.
We have the best physician
to bandage you.
All right.
- Don't cry. - Come on.
Be careful.
Pi Pi, over there.
Don't move.
I'll do it.
She's already gone.
Let's save the others.
She's pregnant.
Turn her over.
Usually, 5 to 8 minutes after the mother dies,
the baby dies too.
There's a heartbeat.
The baby is alive.
Can we save him if we take her to the hospital now?
It's too late. I have to do a C-section now.
Are you confident?
I'll try.
Lay her down flat.
Be careful.
Come on.
Dr. Xu.
Thank you.
Prepare the scalpel.
- The baby's out! - The baby's born!
Be careful.
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