Little Einsteins (2005) s01e22 Episode Script

Duck, Duck, June

We're going on a trip
in our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five! Four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
Duck, Duck, June.
Art by John Atkinson Grimshaw.
[horn plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
Hello. I'm June.
We're visiting the Great Lakes today,
and I just found the most amazing thing.
Do you want to see what it is?
Wonderful! Come take a look.
It's a Mama Duck with her eggs.
Let's count the eggs.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Eight eggs! Good counting!
[Annie] Look, look, look!
The eggs are moving!
I think something really big
is about to happen.
What do you think is going to happen?
They're going to hatch?!
You're right! They're hatching!
[clarinet plays notes]
[Quincy] Hey! That duck just hatched!
Aww, they're cute!
[Leo] Annie, you should take
a picture with your camera.
[Annie] Yeah! Good idea, Leo!
Smile, ducklings!
Mama duck wants the ducklings
to follow her into the water.
And here they come!
One, two,
three, four,
five, six,
But that's only seven ducklings.
Where's number eight?
Yeah, it's over there!
The last egg didn't hatch yet.
Well, what's it waiting for?
Look! Here he comes!
He did it!
[Quincy] Way to hatch, little guy!
[June] Hello, there, Ducky.
[clarinet plays notes]
[alto clarinet plays]
Hey, Ducky, I think
your mama's calling you.
[alto clarinet plays]
You'd better go with her.
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
[Leo] Look! Mama Duck is teaching
her ducklings how to swim.
[alto clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
They're following
everything their mom does.
[alto clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
Ducklings are good
at playing follow-the-leader.
Look. I can swim and waddle
like Mama Duck.
I'm following the leader.
Waddle with me.
La la-la la la-la la la la la ♪
La-la-la la-la la-la la la ♪
La la-la la la-la la la la la ♪
La-la-la la-la la-la la la ♪
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
Now we're all playing follow-the-leader.
La la-la la la-la la la la la ♪
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
[Leo] Blast-off!
[music continues]
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
Who's singing that song?
A duckling? Where?!
[gasps] You're right! It's Ducky!
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
Ducky followed us into Rocket!
[clarinet plays notes]
Look. Ducky's playing
follow-the-leader with June.
[clarinet plays notes]
He thinks June is his mom.
No, little Ducky, I'm not Mama Duck.
[clarinet plays notes]
I'm June. I'm a kid.
You belong back home
with your mom, brothers, and sisters.
Here, Ducky, look.
[clarinet plays notes]
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
But don't worry.
We'll get you home, I promise.
We've got a mission!
We need to bring Ducky back to his family.
Wow! Look how excited Ducky is
to go back home!
But how are we going to get Ducky
back inside Rocket?
We need to blast off.
I know what to do.
We have to play Ducky's favorite game,
[clarinet plays notes]
Ducky loves follow-the-leader.
This way, Ducky. Follow us.
We've got a mission ♪
Yay, Ducky!
It worked! Come on!
Welcome aboard.
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled!
Prepare for blast-off!
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
Ducky's patting.
Good following, Ducky.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Faster! Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "Blast-off!"
[all] Blast-off!
[Annie] Hold on tight, 'cause here we go!
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
Up, up, Rocket, and through the clouds!
Hey, Annie, sing a follow-the-leader song.
Yeah, Annie! Do it!
We're taking a trip
To bring Ducky home ♪
Bring Ducky back home to his family ♪
We're taking a trip
To bring Ducky home ♪
To his brothers and sisters and mom ♪
[clarinet plays notes]
[all giggle]
Don't worry, little Ducky.
I have a plan to get you home extra fast.
Rocket, use your backup booster.
Uh-oh! Ducky
is pushing buttons just like me!
[Annie] He thinks we're still playing
Uh-oh. Now's not a good time
to play follow-the-leader, Ducky.
[all] Wh-o-o-o-o-o-o-oa!
I'm getting dizzy!
Rocket, let's land!
[xylophone plays notes]
Where are we?
This looks like a dark, spooky forest.
We need to find
a way out of here, and fast!
Come on, everyone. Follow me.
[clarinet plays notes]
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
[wolf howls]
Yikes! What was that?
It sounded like
a wolf!
[clarinet plays notes]
Let's hurry up before the wolf gets here.
But look!
How are we going to get over those rocks?
I know a way, we could dance over them.
Everyone, do what I do.
Play follow-the-leader!
[clarinet plays "Charge Cheer"]
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down ♪
Can you move your arms up and down?
Wonderful! Do it with me.
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down, down
Down, down, down ♪
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down, down
Down, down, down ♪
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down ♪
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down ♪
-[all] Yay!
We made it!
And look-- Ducky's trying to follow us!
[Annie] But those rocks are really big.
Come on. Let's help him.
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down ♪
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up ♪
Down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down ♪
[clarinet plays notes]
Little Ducky is thanking us.
[all] Yay!
We got over all the rocks!
[timpani plays]
That sounds even scarier than the wolf.
It sounds like
A bear!
[clarinet plays notes]
Guess we're not out of the woods yet.
We need to move faster. Follow me.
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
[clarinet plays notes]
There's a stream in our way.
[timpani plays]
And the bear
sounds like it's getting closer!
I know how to get over the stream,
but I need your help
playing follow-the-leader.
Do what I do.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Keep patting the beat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
That was excellent! We made it!
Now let's keep the beat for our friends.
Follow me.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Ducky is following,
and the team is following.
Rocket is following!
That was great,
and we got away from the bear.
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
[Annie] Ducky found
the way out of the forest.
[clarinet plays notes]
Nice going, Ducky.
Come on, everyone. Follow Ducky!
Let's hurry and bring Ducky
back to his family.
[all] Blast-off!
We're taking a trip
To bring Ducky home ♪
Bring Ducky back home to his family ♪
We're taking a trip
To bring Ducky home ♪
To his brothers and sisters and mom ♪
Look! It's the musical roller coaster!
Everyone, hang on tight!
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
Look, look, look! There's a sign.
[Leo] It says, "Ritardando."
That means the music
is going to get slower and slower.
[tempo slows]
[June] Uh-oh.
We're moving slower and slower,
like the music.
[clarinet plays notes]
Hey! Ducky found another sign.
It says, "Accelerando."
When we get to that part
of the roller coaster,
the music is going to get
faster and faster.
And then we'll go faster and faster!
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
What's that, yo?
[tapping rhythmically]
Uh-oh. It's a rhythm gate,
and it's not letting us through.
[xylophone plays notes]
[tapping rhythmically]
But we need to get through
to get Ducky back home.
[tapping rhythmically]
There's only one way
to open up a rhythm gate.
Someone needs to copy that rhythm.
I can clap the rhythm.
[Leo] All right!
[Annie] Go, Quincy!
[clapping rhythmically]
[clapping rhythmically]
It looks like Ducky
wants to play the rhythm with you, Quincy.
Yeah! He wants to play follow-the-leader.
Will you play follow-the-leader with us?
[tapping rhythmically]
[clapping rhythmically]
Clap the rhythm with me!
[clapping rhythmically]
Yeah, that's it!
[Annie] It's working!
[tapping rhythmically]
Clap it again.
[clapping rhythmically]
Once more!
[June] Awesome!
We did it!
Nice clapping.
[clarinet plays notes]
[Leo] We made it to the accelerando sign!
Go, Rocket!
We're going faster and faster!
[tempo increases]
[Quincy] Whoo-hoo!
Hey, look down there.
[June] We can see
the Great Lakes from up here.
That's where Ducky's mom
and brothers and sisters live.
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
[Leo] But there are five of them.
Which lake is Ducky's home?
[xylophone plays notes]
[Quincy] Rocket's putting out
his look-and-listen scope.
Great idea, Rocket!
We can listen for Mama Duck.
Ducky, what does your mom sound like?
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
We know that song.
Rocket, see if Mama Duck
is at Lake Superior.
[mid-tempo classical music plays]
Is that Mama Duck's song?
No. That's not it.
Rocket, zoom in on Lake Michigan.
[clarinet plays notes]
[up-tempo classical music plays]
Does that sound like Mama Duck's song?
No. That's not the song either.
What about Lake Huron?
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
Is that Mama Duck's song?
You're right! That's Mama Duck's song!
Ducky, we found your home!
Your mom is at Lake Huron.
[clarinet plays "Charge Cheer"]
[Quincy] And there she is!
Ah, we can see Ducky's mom.
[Annie] She's looking for you, Ducky.
And so are your brothers and sisters.
Hurry, Rocket.
Ducky needs to get back to his family.
[xylophone plays notes]
Here we go!
Everyone, hold on tight!
Go, go, go!
[all] Yay!
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
La-la-la la-la la-la la la ♪
Uh-oh! It's a fence!
And it's way too big
for any of us to get over,
even for June!
[clarinet plays notes]
What are we going to do?
I have a plan.
Ducky, I can't get over that fence,
but you can.
You have wings.
[clarinet plays notes]
Your wings are for flying, Ducky.
You can fly if you try really hard.
[clarinet plays notes]
Just play follow-the-leader one last time.
I know you can do it.
I need your help showing Ducky how to fly.
Can you flap your arms
to the beat of the music?
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
Okay, Ducky, follow the leader!
We're taking a trip
To bring Ducky home ♪
We're taking a trip
To bring Ducky home ♪
[clarinet plays notes]
[Leo] Way to go, Ducky!
[Annie] You're flying!
[Quincy] Whoo-hoo!
I wonder if Ducky
made it back to his family.
[Annie] I see Mama Duck!
She's swimming with her ducklings.
Is Ducky with them?
I don't know.
Do you remember
how many eggs Mama Duck had?
How many?
Eight? Oh, yeah!
Well, let's check and see
if there are eight ducklings.
Count the ducklings with me.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
Eight! Ducky is number eight!
[Quincy] He's back with his family!
[clarinet plays rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]
[Leo] There he is! He's waving to us!
Let's wave back. Wave to Ducky.
Hi, Ducky!
We're very proud of you!
[music continues]
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
[cheers and applause]
Let's clap for our team!
Clap with us!
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June!
[all] Leo!
[xylophone plays notes]
And Ducky!
Clap for Ducky!
[clarinet plays notes]
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for "On the River Greta,
Lake District, England,"
by John Atkinson Grimshaw.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for,
let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today!
[rondo from
"Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat" plays]
The rondo from
the "Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
[all] Yay, Mozart!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on! Clap for yourself!
Hooray for you!
See you on the next mission!
[cheers and applause continue]
[clarinet plays rondo
from "Horn Concerto Number 2 in E-flat"]

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