The Assassins (2024) s01e22 Episode Script

Selected Group

Hassan killed his son, Hussein.
For the dawah and faith
in the man of justice.
For the dawah and faith
in the man of justice.
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
So Al-Hadi will be the only successor.
Al-Hadi grew up and it's time
to be educated and trained.
At the hands of the
greatest preachers,
Zaid Bin Sayhoon.
But Zaid taught him
his way to drink wine.
You can indulge in
a world of fantasy.
We forget Hassan
Al-Sabbah and his castle.
The son of Hassan
Al-Sabbah drank wine.
The son of Hassan
Al-Sabbah drank wine.
And Hassan Al-Sabbah decided
to avenge the one who did this.
Zaid Bin Sayhoon,
Let him frolic and play in
Hassan Al-Sabbah's test gardens.
And prepare for
the journey of jihad
With Yahya.
And there is no revenge
Better than him sending Zaid with his
enemy Yahya on a dangerous journey
To support Bin
Al-Hafiz in his castle.
A journey to death.
Episode 22
" The Chosen Group"
I don't think the time
of my death has come yet.
And I don't think your
heart will be happy if I die.
And I still have the
ability to forgive you.
Next time it'll be in your heart.
If I knew my death was
in your hands, I'd be happy.
But I know, I'm not
going to die like this.
Even if I can't manage to kill you.
Even if I can't manage to kill you.
I'll expose you.
I'll expose you to the whole world.
And say you killed my son.
You killed my son, Hussein.
You have tried to kill
me several times before.
And I still love you.
All that remains of my life, I
devote it to hurting you, Hassan.
I'll pray for your
peace and guidance.
Pray for yourself.
Pray a lot.
Because God will not answer you.
Because God will not answer you.
Because he is just
and you are unjust!
Love is the oppressor.
That's what still makes me unable
to get my rights from you justly.
Your command, my lady.
You called for me.
Juriah and Nourhan must die.
My lady, you command.
And their fate will
be like Kdejar and Naz.
Our lord refused to
kill Yahya and Nourhan.
But if Nourhan,
Goes out alone,
The guards would
kill her without orders.
The guards would
kill her without orders.
And what will make her go out?
If she knew her
lover is going to die.
Alinar gave the
order to kill your lover.
What did she tell you?
Alinar will kill Yahya.
Where are you going?
I'm going to kill Alinar.
Get behind me with
two chosen ones.
Let Yahya lead the way.
Let Yahya lead the way.
I'm behind you, Yahya.
Our master's orders.
There's no closeness anymore.
I need another place to sleep.
I'll sleep somewhere else.
Do you know, Hassan, why I
despise you and wish for your death?
Because you are a liar.
And I was the one
who believed you the most.
And I was the one
who believed you the most.
I believed you when
you said you love me.
And I believed you
when I married you.
I said this is my husband,
my man, the father of my children.
I believed you when you
dreamed your dangerous dream.
And said this is Hassan.
The one who seeks the truth.
The one who doesn't want
the world or fame or power.
The one who doesn't want
the world or fame or power.
Nor to become a power holder
like his friend, the Nizam Al-Mulk.
Nor to become a famous
poet like Omar Khayyam.
Hassan wants the truth.
And he wants God's satisfaction
and our Master the Imam.
I traveled with you and carried our
children from one country to another.
Because I follow a great man.
Because I follow a great man.
A believer.
Who saw misery for his faith.
Who paid a price that
no one else could pay.
I was imprisoned.
I escaped death once,
twice, and ten times.
And with one word
I could've lived a
more comfortable life.
And you were my partner in
the journey and witnessed it.
I believed you.
And followed you until I
found out who you really are.
You crave power more
than the Nizam Al-Mulk.
He wanted earthly power.
But you wanted
power over people.
In world and religion.
You wanted fame and immortality
more than Omar Khayyam.
And you don't love Doniazad.
Nor do you love your children.
Nor do you love your children.
You love your insane self.
Which was not moved by faith. No!
It was moved by the devil.
Which tells you, you're
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
The great preacher.
The owner of the key to
heaven, the Imam's beloved one.
And sometimes he tells you,
You are the Imam.
You are the Mahdi.
It might even tell you
that you are God!
May God forgive you.
And I forgive you too.
You are an illusion.
You are not a god.
You are a walking lie.
And I hate illusions.
And I despise lies.
Do you know why I hate you now?
Your words are the
hardest attempt to kill me.
Because they reveal
you don't know me.
You want me to believe you?
Only if you do two things.
I would do anything
to calm you down.
First, you should repent.
Repent to God from yourself.
And tell everyone that you were
wrong when you killed my son.
And that you killed
him for yourself.
To prove that
you're more important.
Than them and others.
You won't be able to.
And the second request?
Tell me where my son's grave is.
Which mountain did you bury him in?
And which hole?
And which hole?
Or you didn't ask?
The Imam Hassan Al-Sabbah
His business is more important and bigger
than knowing where his son's grave is.
Tell me where it is.
I want to go and
sit next to his grave.
And cry.
And pray for God to curse
you until he and I rest.
Please don't distance yourself.
Your attempt to kill me is
lighter to me than our distance.
There is no more closeness.
And I will never
stop trying to kill you.
But the next time,
With planning
and intelligence, Hassan.
Let the horses rest
a bit then we'll move.
It's gonna be a big group
Why did you
come in without permission?
Why did you
come in without permission?
I'm checking if our
master needs anything.
No, I don't need anything.
Anyway, I'm around all the time.
Our master.
Shall I let our master rest a bit?
No, stay.
Who are you?
How rude to enter the room of the Sheikh
of the Mountain and break his wife's space?
You are the devil's wife.
Are you a girl?
Did Hassan send you to kill me?
But I'm supposed
to kill someone else.
But destiny brought me here to kill
you and take revenge on your husband.
If you're going to do that,
do it in the worst way.
So mercy doesn't befall me.
I was the devil's wife.
His partner on this journey.
And his support.
I wished you could get what you want
and take revenge on him through me.
But Hassan was quicker.
He killed me the day he
took my son from my hands.
Your husband kidnapped
me and wants to kill my lover.
What's your story?
Who is responsible
for the girl's escape?
Now you're telling me
that she's with Doniazad!
And that you can't handle it!
It was your mistake
from the beginning!
I was sure she would do this.
I was certain she would risk
her life even if death was her fate.
I was certain she would risk
her life even if death was her fate.
That's why I increased her guards.
How did she manage to deceive
them and escape? I don't know!
You've put us in a predicament and
its consequences will harm everyone.
Me, Sir!
Who is this, mom?
She's a victim of your
father's oppression.
Just like you.
How can I reach Yahya?
If Yahya is really as you say
This means he is not
one of Hassan's followers.
And entered the
castle with a purpose.
But what I know about the castle's
Sheikh is that he reads people's faces.
He knows what's going on in their
hearts without them saying a word.
How could he not know till
now that Yehia is his enemy?
No, he surely knows.
But Hassan likes to test.
And he surely sees
something in him that he wants.
And how can I save him?
You have to escape.
If Yehia's aim is to save you
Your escape is his salvation.
Nourhan is with
Doniazad and Khadija!
Big mistake from Alinar.
Let her stay with Donia.
We do not need the girl until
her lover returns from his journey.
If he returns alive.
At that point, we'll have
a nice story with them both.
And we'll get to know more
about Yehia through his lover.
Alinar must be punished.
What punishment?
The biggest she will
ever face in her life.
We'll marry her to
Zaid Bin Sayhoon.
Move on to the Kirkuk castle
So, it's the end of Bin Al Hafiz.
It's as if I'm witnessing the
world's destruction, Sahban.
What can I say!
As long as we're alive and we eat
and drink, there is no destruction.
Destruction comes from this.
Eating, drinking, and life
Are qualities enjoyed by
every animal, Sahban.
An animal, Sahban!
But just so you know
A comfortable and content animal
Is better than a
gloomy and anxious human.
Is better than a
gloomy and anxious human.
Anxiety is the human trait.
Without it, man would never
have become a master of the earth.
My reign over the
spa is enough for me!
You're lucky to be at peace.
Just look around.
No one is troubled as you are.
Well then, try to think
logically and behold the wonder.
What wonder?
An Abbasid Caliphate,
with a Caliph only by name.
And the Seljuk Sultan is
the one who protects him.
And the Sultan himself
Is a Sultan over
a crumbling sultanate.
Surrounded by its
enemies on all sides.
Having once been the
strongest Sultante on earth.
Factions ruling over
cities and catels.
And another Caliphate in the West.
And little states.
Crusaders' attacks and
the Almoravid state.
What divided the world like this?
How could it divide people
into sects and nations?
Despite monotheism
being the original principle.
Despite monotheism
being the original principle.
You are the reason
for the ruin, Omar.
And who are we?
People of thought.
Reason and thought are
the cause of the ruins.
Each of you has an idea in his head
and follows it leading to fanatics
spreading ruin across the world.
Reason and thought
are humanity's advantage.
They give the power
to change everything.
Nonsense words.
I'm a simple man.
And many people are like me.
None of us ever think of
ideas that create
all these problems.
ideas that create
all these problems.
But you want to rule us by reason
and we're following you like sheep.
Waiting for someone to
win so we can live and eat.
Reason is the door
that leads to a better life.
Well then, what is
the reason for the ruin?
Every mind not guarded
by a sound nature
leads to ruin.
Reason without nature
is a devil walking on earth.
And nature without
reason is Sahban.
Anyone can guide him
Anyone can guide him
as long as he feeds and drinks him.
Reason and nature!
So how do they come together?
By what connects
them being light, not fire.
When the light
connects reason
with sound nature.
Great civilizations are born.
And when fire unites them
a strong nation is born at first.
But then its fire
makes it eat itself.
Then that's it
There's neither growth nor ruin.
Such is life.
Such is life.
That's her nature.
Light and Fire.
It seems, masseur, with one sentence
you can answer the
dilemma of Khayyam
Drink Sahban, drink.
I swear, I'm afraid
after all the knowledge
you are preoccupied with
your name might be
written on a wine bottle.
God bless your return, our master.
I don't understand their delay
in responding to our requests.
Is it a sign of salvation
or a sign of ruin?
They allowed very
little food and drink.
Anyway, waiting
means we are still alive.
Because a direct
confrontation is not in our favor.
Until when?
How long do we wait?
If master orders a
fight, we are ready.
What fight?
Fighting means
the end of all of us.
Fighting means
the end of all of us.
Fighting is the
noblest solution.
Not always
Not always, Yahya.
If you are in a
position of weakness,
it is honorable
to preserve your life.
I think we should resort
to the weapon that never fails.
A message indicating
that we rely on religion.
The secret of the war is that
they see us on a false doctrine,
and we also see them the same way.
Then let's resort to arbitration.
Then let's resort to arbitration.
They send scholars to enter the
castle and discuss details and branches.
If we are convinced that they
are right, there is no war or siege.
And if they are convinced
that we are right,
there will be no war or siege.
But the doctrine is not achieved
through debate or discussion.
We need to buy more time.
And debates and
discussions never end.
Every argument has
a counter-argument.
We are masters of
discussion and dialogue.
They won't agree.
They will.
Because the proposal is sensitive.
People trapped in a castle are
pleading for religion, law, and knowledge.
We hold them accountable on judgment day,
that we offered a discussion with reason.
Before they bear the guilt of innocent
people who desire the real faith.
But it depends on the
intelligence of the message.
Write after me.
From the Bin Al-Hafiz to
the Sultan of the Muslims.
From the Bin Al-Hafiz to
the Sultan of the Muslims.
When we used to worship one God,
And follow the guidance of one prophet, may
God's peace be upon him and his family.
May God's blessings
and peace be upon him.
For we hope that
before blood is shed,
and before someone carries the burden
of killing a Muslim on judgment day.
A sin that can only be
punished with hellfire.
We appeal to you
with our religion's honor
to save our blood and your blood.
And we entrust ourselves
to God's law and religion.
We ask you to send the scholars and
religious jurists you choose to the castle.
To debate our scholars
in principle and in detail.
If your scholars have the upper hand in
religion and law, we will be on your side.
And our castle will become a
castle among those of our sultan.
And if our scholars have the upper hand in
religion and law, you will be on our side.
And we will accept you as brothers
in religion, creed, and school of thought.
And God is a witness
over us and you.
And here we are,
extending our hand to you,
Making God a judge
between us and you.
Peace be upon our great sultan,
and God's mercy and blessings.
I am the messenger
of my lord, Bin Al-Hafiz.
I am the messenger
of my lord, Bin Al-Hafiz.
And I bring a message.
Then what about this devil!
Why not? We have
the greatest scholars.
Why not? We have
the greatest scholars.
Are we coming to finish
them or to have debates?
Our Sultan has a historic offer.
But, my lord
Maybe he will be the first Sultan
Able to eradicate
their misled ideas.
And his name will
be written in history
That the great Seljuk Sultan
Defeated them without bloodshed.
And his scholars
defeated the false idea.
And the response to
them will be conditional
That this debate
Should be written
down detail by detail.
To be a historical document.
To be a historical document.
Assemble three of
our best scholars
That you trust their knowledge.
Orders of our Sultan.
We ask the esotericists about their
denial of heaven, hell, and resurrection.
For every apparent
there's a hidden.
Which can only be understood
by the infallible Imam
Which can only be understood
by the infallible Imam
Who is the one
who informed us of this.
So we're back to the same dilemma.
Who is the infallible Imam?
And who told you that the apparent
words have a hidden meaning?
Seven damned nights
of debate and discussion.
And in the end, the
victorious are defeated.
They don't debate.
They derive a smaller
detail from each detail,
And incomprehensible
twists and turns of words.
Sometimes they cry.
And sometimes they
throw their turbans.
And for every argument that has no answer.
They resort to fictional
stories and quote them.
All our words are lies.
And all their words
are truth from their perspective.
This is not a debate.
This is a sinister maze
with no beginning or end.
This is a sinister maze
with no beginning or end.
Leave in peace, our master.
My patience has run out.
It's time to
eradicate them, my lord.
I thought for a moment
you had empathy for them.
There is a bond
between you and them.
God forbid!
All I wanted was for our
master's army to win without war.
The life of one of our soldiers
Is worth more than all of them.
But now
We can't wait for
them a day or a night.
Especially after I've found
out that the delay
Especially after I've found
out that the delay
Was intentional.
The goal was to buy time
To communicate with their
followers in Isfahan itself,
And the surrounding cities.
And they have started to move?
Just because I
discovered their plan late
Does not mean I was
late in my response.
There is no follower of them
who left their house but to prison
Or to death.
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