The Flash s01e22 Episode Script

The Trial of The Trickster

"In your guts, you know he's nuts.
" Trickster T-shirts on sale here.
Get your Trickster T-shirts.
Come wear a piece of Central City's most scintillating scandalous, sensational trial.
The trial of the Trickster.
Get your Trickster T-shirts right now.
Exclusive edition.
Prove to your grandchildren that you were a part of this incredible event.
Let me in! You have to let me in.
I have evidence for the defense! This city's gone absolutely nuts.
I tried flowers.
Maybe I should get something else.
Everywhere you go, you hear about the Trickster.
Sabrina bitches how I work all the time.
So we go out, right? Bump into an ex-girlfriend, now she thinks I'm cheating.
Today begins the trial of James Montgomery Jessie.
A multiple personality wanted for murder Jessie adopted the persona of the costumed psychopath known as the Trickster.
His days of violent mayhem in Central City were ended by fem private eye Megan Lockhart.
Accept no substitutes, ladies and gentlemen.
I am the genuine article.
I'm gonna make this city very sorry it ever crossed me.
Well, Barry Allen.
I'm gonna make you pay too, Allen.
You and your little cupcake girlfriend, Megan Lockhart.
And the Flash, the big red freak he'll pay the going rate 10 times over because nobody tricks the Trickster.
Nobody! The last time we pulled this kind of duty was at that concert at Crystal Beach.
No kidding.
I hear they're scalping tickets for seats outside.
They're welcome to mine.
There's lots of places I'd rather be.
Don't worry, there's no way the Trickster's gonna walk.
I'm not so sure.
He's got this hotshot lawyer defending him, Denise Cowan.
Cowan? Didn't she get that Wall Street guy acquitted of murder? - And they had videotapes of him doing it.
- Well, I'm glad I got front-row seats.
Well, at least Megan will be back in town.
I just want to testify and get out of here.
- I don't think it's gonna be that easy, man.
- Barry Allen.
You were nearly drowned by the Trickster because of your involvement with private eye Megan Lockhart.
Any comment? - No.
- Are you gonna stand in the way of journalist inquiry, of the people's right to know? - It's un-American.
- Kline, you're making me nauseous.
Hey, Bar, if you don't tell your side of things Kline will put words in your mouth.
It's self-defense.
Come on, Bar.
Well, it all came to a head in the prop warehouse.
- Where Jessie knocked me out - Forget about him.
There she is! Megan Lockhart.
The detective responsible for bringing the Trickster to justice.
She was kidnapped and forced to wear the costume of the Trickster's fantasy sidekick, Prank.
How does it feel to be the woman who stole the Trickster's heart? I didn't steal anything.
It just kept coming gift-wrapped COD.
And I had help taking Jessie down There must have been something to make the Trickster so hot to trot.
- How far did you go to get your man? - You have got to be kidding me.
I never kid, babe.
Look, I'll try to squeeze you all in, okay? - Think you can squeeze me in? - Get in line, fella.
Hi! - You look great.
I've never seen you - Oh, my secretary again.
- You have a secretary now? - It has been insane since we brought the Trickster in.
I have been turning down clients.
Which is why I haven't written lately, and I'm really sorry.
Can this reunion take five, because we have a deadline.
- Thank you.
- Later, boys.
We'll have time for pictures and statements after the hearing.
- Look, just get Megan - I'll see you inside.
- On how this case is going to shape up? Not quite the reunion I'd imagined.
You have to You have to let me in.
You just have to.
I'm carrying the Trickster's child.
You're just gonna have to carry him right back where you came from, lady.
You call this a trial? This is nothing more than a kangaroo court without the hoppy, furry guy.
- Order, order! - Lf I were behind the bench, maybe Jessie, please! Ms.
Cowan, if you cannot control your client l'm gonna have him restrained.
- Restrained? What do you call these, costume jewelry? Jessie, shut up! It's bad enough you insist on wearing this ridiculous outfit in court.
Don't blow this for both of us.
What, and disappoint my loyal fans? You don't have loyal fans.
The only person on your side is me! And that's starting to look like a real bad career mood.
Your Honor, defense requests a change of venue.
- Are you nuts? - I see no way that my client can get a fair trial in Central City.
- Leave Central City? You are crazy.
I love this town.
- And it loves me.
Look what I've done for it.
- Your Honor.
That is it.
You are in contempt of this court.
No! I'll tell you who's in contempt.
This courtroom is in contempt.
The entire judicial system is in contempt.
North America, the land mass, is in contempt.
Jessie, get a grip! You're losing it! I'm perfectly sane.
I am the Trickster.
And you! Pretending to be Prank when you were never my loyal sidekick.
Bailiff! This is all your fault! You're getting to be a drag, Jessie.
And I am bored stiff.
Megan attacked The Trickster.
He's down.
If I don't get complete silence, I'm going to empty this courtroom.
I'm gonna wave bail pending psychiatric evaluation.
This court is recessed until 9 a.
Monday morning.
- Get him out of here! - A few questions for the people out there - I'm sorry, not now.
I'm sorry.
- He's too good for you, tramp! - No, not now, really.
- Megan! With Jessie in custody and Megan in town, no one's talking about the Flash anymore.
I'm not sure I like that.
- Joe Kline would kill for an interview.
- I don't want attention that much.
- Would you like another? - No.
- It's funny, don't you think? - What? A year ago, you came to me wanting to get rid of these powers.
Who'd have thought we'd be sitting here now, talking about the Flash's publicity? Well, one thing hasn't changed.
I'm still a bottomless pit.
In the last year, I've gone near bust on food alone.
I'm lying to everyone I know about my nights.
But, Barry, look at the good you've done.
You stopped the Trickster's rampage.
Well, I think I'm a little fed up with my own multiple personality.
Maybe I'll go public.
Make us both famous.
I and my faithful and beautiful companion Christina McGee, am in reality Megan.
Barry, Tina.
Small town, huh? I saw you on the news.
I wish I had my autograph book on me.
- You really charmed the press.
- I'm sorry about that, Barry.
- But they just won't leave me alone.
- Well, when are we getting together? You know, I really wish I could say, but I am buried.
L I'm meeting my agent for a drink.
Your agent? This is a new you.
I'm getting book and movie offers out of nowhere.
As soon as things lighten up, I promise we'll get together.
- Yeah.
I'll check my schedule.
- Great.
I've gotta go.
I'm busy too, you know.
What's that about, McGee? Megan, for a detective, sometimes you miss some pretty big clues.
I've already told you, counselor.
No! Damn it, Jessie.
You are going to have to listen to me and follow my lead, or you can kiss any hope of acquittal goodbye.
So who the hell needs you anyway? I've got law degrees too, you know.
- A whole trunk full of them.
- Mail call.
You're some lucky guy, Tricksy.
You've got a secret admirer.
And one who's dead set on using up all the cheap perfume in town.
Is this the police department's idea of a joke? No.
These were delivered by a bona fide representative of the U.
Post Office.
Oh, boy.
This is disgusting.
- She's crazy about me.
- Yeah, well, you're half right anyway.
Counselor, visiting hours are over.
- Jessie, remember what I said.
- Yeah, yeah.
Maybe I should be defending myself.
Don't be a fool.
I can't help it.
"I'll get you out.
" Prank? - You brought Sabrina here on a date? - Well, at least I'll be seen with her.
Maybe we'll run into one of his other old flames.
Look, I keep telling you, Sabrina.
Baby, Jinx and I are old news.
- Jinx? - When I walked into that club she was all over him like a cheap suit.
- You had a girlfriend named Jinx? Oh, what's in a name? Mr.
You understand that another outburst like Friday's will not be tolerated.
Your Honor, before we begin, my client would like to address the court.
- Lf the people have no objection.
- The people have no objection.
Your Honor you can't imagine how sorry I am for what I've done.
But I am under the influence of demons inside me battling for my very soul.
I swear to you, if I could have stopped the killing, I would have.
But I'm so weak.
The others inside me are so strong.
This is a load of But I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Your Honor, my client can't What the hell is that? I will not have my courtroom turned into a circus.
Bailiff, get rid of that teddy bear! Laughing gas.
You can't go.
- You're gonna blow this case.
- Whose side are you on anyway? Sacrificing yourself for a lawyer? - Time to rethink your priorities, bub.
- No time.
Let's go.
- He's gone.
- No, not again.
What happened in there? I'm sorry.
Please, just try the pound.
I'm sure they'll be able to find - Mendez! - Yes, lieutenant.
I want everything on Jessie's love letters from his secret admirer.
- Chemical analysis, the works.
- I'm on the way.
I want you to get ahold of your girlfriend.
This time, she gets police protection.
Well, Jessie's got a better shot at getting to Megan these days than I do.
- Here we are.
Home sweet home.
- Home? After Daddy died, I moved out of the estate and into the apartments here on the top floor.
Zoey Clark.
Clarx Toys' Clark.
I love your stuff! GI Johnny, OMA.
- One Man Army - One Man Army When I saw you on TV, I knew I had found a kindred spirit.
No one gets you but me.
I've spent my entire life looking for bigger and bigger kicks.
Weeklong parties joy riding shoplifting burglary, arson grand theft.
An impressive résumé.
And you are the ultimate thrill.
There's no denying that.
I can't believe I finally got the Trickster.
Forget the Trickster.
He's old news.
Perhaps next time I'll become Vladimir Jessinsky, concert pianist, da? Forget Vladimir! I want the Trickster.
That tramp Megan Lockhart never deserved to wear this.
But I do.
Aren't you glad to see your little sidekick, Prank? Prank.
Prank! Prank? Yeah, baby, it's Prank.
And you're the Trickster.
Thank heaven you got here in time.
Oh, Trickster, you're the best.
Forget the mushy stuff.
There is so much I have to do.
And I won't make the same mistakes twice.
Whatever you need, I can get for you.
- Anything? - Anything.
I have always wanted one of these.
Perfect! The gall of this third-rate metropolis, putting me on trial.
I'd do anything for you, Trickster.
It's time we made that red-suited goon pay.
And Megan too.
This time I take no prisoners and post no bills.
Guess what, Central City, the Trickster's back.
And I've got him.
Don, can this not wait till I get back? Wait.
Just hold on one second.
Hello? Danny, I told you, quit bugging me.
Hello? Yeah, Paul, I need to speak with you.
Hold on.
Hello? Don, I'll get back to you.
Melanie, where is that package I asked you for? - This must have cost a bundle.
- Comped by the hotel.
Yeah, Paul.
I got that fax you sent me, and the terms are totally unacceptable.
Hold all of Ms.
Lockhart's calls, please.
Thank you.
- Hey, what's the big idea? - All I've gotten from you is a busy signal.
I am trying to handle the agency in San Francisco and juggle the media at the same time.
- I'm delighted.
You've got a bigger problem than your career.
The Trickster? Don't I know it.
This came for me special delivery this afternoon.
And you opened it without calling the bomb squad or me? Relax, Barry, I'm a pro.
I made sure it wasn't a bomb.
Check it out.
Dead rat? "Some discoloration may occur after dying.
Love, the Trickster.
, give my best to the Flash.
" - Cute, huh? - We'll get you round-the-clock protection.
I have all the protection I need, thank you.
Megan, save the Sam Spade crap for the press, all right? - Jessie almost killed both of us.
- Barry, I can handle this.
Oh, so you don't want me around.
Actually, I've given it a lot of thought.
How would you like to move to San Francisco? - What? - I mean, go into partnership with me in the agency.
- The agency? - Well, think about it, Barry.
No more being stuck behind test tubes in the lab.
All the hyperspeed street work you want.
- Plus you get paid really well for it.
- I like those test tubes.
Well, think about it.
Let me know.
So now on to Jessie.
Look, no offense, but the cops don't seem to be getting results.
Here's a list of possible hideouts.
Warehouses, theaters, amusement parks.
You do the legwork, and I'll track the phony stenographer.
If I need to reach you, I'll call you.
And I need a national check on all female mental patient escapees.
- You have better access at the station.
- I'm working for you? I figured if we're tracking the Trickster, I should coordinate.
You assume a lot.
This has to do with the fact that I left town, doesn't it? Look, Barry, I know we have a lot to talk about.
I'll find him myself.
You did it again, Megan.
Okay, ready in the booth.
Ready on cameras.
Four, three, two - You're on the air.
- And we are back.
So, what you're saying, babe is since your partner died, things have just not been the same.
Let's face it, babe, this dog pile of a city refuses to recognize genius.
Now let's cut to the chase and get down to the heart of the matter.
Come on, speed-o, let's forget about the little Lockhart twist.
We both know I'm gonna kill her sooner or later.
Unless I decide Jessie, you are unbelievable.
So I'm calling you out, babe.
Just you and me.
The final showdown.
The Thriller in Manila.
- She said what to you tonight? - That woman aggravates me.
- I don't work for her.
- At least she's mistreating you.
Sabrina won't even talk to me.
The Flash versus the Trickster in a final ground-pounding asphalt-churning, nitro-burning duel of the titans.
You know where, babe.
It's time Central City started recognizing its real heroes.
You know what I mean? Good.
Now get out of here.
I love you.
You're beautiful.
Man, does Kline need a new makeup man, or what? Not now, babe.
How reality stinks.
That's why I try and improve on it whenever I can.
Well, what do you think? Not too subdued? Cheap harlot! Hey! Get them off me! Get them off me! - Who wants gum? - I do.
I do.
- Are you okay? - No.
But go get them.
You see, it's that little touch of epoxy in the gum that does the trick.
Are we gonna kill him? No.
I have a much more interesting idea.
Right, old buddy? Right.
Good morning, sunshine! It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood.
Won't you be my neighbor? - Stop it, Jessie.
- The Trickster to you.
And I'm Prank.
- I thought Megan was Prank.
- I'm Prank! Me! And don't you forget it.
- But don't you wanna see who? - He is the mask.
Without the mask, he's nothing.
Bupkes, nada, zip.
Just some boring, average, insignificant jerk nobody cares about who'll die alone and forgotten watching game shows in an empty apartment with cats.
So you touch that mask again, I'll murder you! Okay? Women.
So, what are you gonna do, kill me? The last thing I want is you dead.
With a little help, you'll come around to my way of thinking.
We're gonna have so much fun together once I reprogram your brain.
Come to me.
Yes, you are.
Come, Flash.
Oh, Flashie-poo.
Oh, stop it, stop it, stop it! He is such a baby.
- What are we gonna do now, Trickster? - We? As in, you and me? Hey, reality check, sweetie pie.
You can't begin to understand the depth and genius of my plans.
Besides, it's guy stuff.
I will make this bug house of a city pay for the indignity it's laid at my feet with the help of you my pal the Flash.
I blame myself, Tina.
I blew it.
I was so caught up in paperwork and promotions, I lost my edge.
Don't be silly.
We're dealing with a dangerous lunatic here who seems to be getting help from this Prank.
I'm so stupid.
I mean, I care about Barry.
And somehow we never even got a chance to talk.
And now Jessie's got him.
He's got radios in those wings of his, doesn't he? The transceivers proved too sensitive for hyperspeed.
- And Barry hated them anyway.
- Hated being on a leash, I bet.
I could track his heat patterns.
I'd have to tap into the satellite system.
It would take time, and it's not legal either.
Maybe I should have offered you the partnership.
- Partnership? - Tina, Barry is bigger than forensics.
And I could really use his help in San Francisco.
- He's considering the offer? - Besides you, what's keeping him here? Barry does not stay in Central City on my account.
We are just good friends.
It's not like that.
Face it, McGee, you two are a team, romantic or otherwise.
Hey, dude, your hand is, like, smoking.
Thanks, partner.
That's enough.
You're under arrest.
You too, Flash.
Don't move, or I'll shoot! What are you wearing? - Put it down.
- Come on.
Come on.
It's not guns that kill people, it's these little hard things.
Hey, partner, got a match? - Left them in my other suit.
- No problemo.
Yes! Yes! Go! Go! Go! Too safe and too sane.
Wrong one.
Murph, come on.
Come on, Murph! Murph! Beautiful.
Wait till you see what else I got lined up.
I love that guy.
I can't believe it, Murph.
The Flash has gone bad.
I thought you guys were gonna wait for me.
- We were having way too much fun.
- You got that right, partner.
You said I could fire the candle.
Whine, whine, whine.
You're getting to be a real drag.
I've had enough of your mewling and puking.
Hey, forget about the ball and chain.
What next? Well, I figure we drop the little woman off at home, then it's boys' night out.
Yes, Madam Mayor, I know he's fast.
I don't know how.
I promise you, I am doing everything I can.
Everything! Okay, the Flash and the Trickster have defaced a children's mural at the Civic they let out the poisonous snakes and dynamited the River Street Bridge.
Traffic's backed up to the state line, sir.
I have had better weeks.
Roberts, I want an APB on the Flash out on the wire now.
You notify the SWAT team we need heavy firepower.
Come on, Murph.
What? We dig a trench, we put tar paper over it.
The Flash hits that, boom, we got him.
Murphy, Bellows, how about earning your pay and hitting the streets! - Yes, sir.
I'm driving.
- Yes, sir! Hey, has anybody seen Barry? You and me, pal.
We'll make this city pay.
They called us crazy, drove us out on the streets - Hey, this is great! - They put us on trial.
- Now we'll make them think twice.
- Hey I could vibrate my fingers through somebody's brain.
Well, maybe later.
But seriously, we are gonna put Central City on trial.
I'm ready to paint this town red.
Paint the town red! Believe it or not, the Flash has joined the Trickster spreading violence and vandalism through the city.
Citizens have been asked to stay off the street.
The mayor is said to be requesting the National Guard to quell this crime wave.
Sorry, Al.
The MAC 11 s, did you trace them? Bought by DLC Corporation.
A subsidiary of Clarx Toys.
Thanks, Al.
Everything the Trickster and this Prank nut have used comes from Clarx Toys.
How's your search going? Getting into the tracking system is more difficult than I thought.
But there's a bigger problem.
He's done something to Barry's mind.
Maybe brainwashed him.
When we do find him, he won't be happy to see us.
Oh, great.
Not only are we up against the Trickster, but the Flash too.
If we're lucky, the Trickster's programming won't be anything but superficial.
I think I can override it with an Army technique: A shot of adrenaline to countermand the programming.
Good Lord, is there anything you don't know? I wish I knew more.
Because if this doesn't work, Barry could die.
I think we should visit our local Clarx toy store.
Well, if it isn't the girl from court.
I'm not laughing now, babe.
- Who are you? - Prank.
Your real name.
- Zoey.
- Zoey what? - Clark! - Where's the Trickster? - I hope he's all right.
- After what he's done to you? Oh, brother.
Let me clue you in, honey.
I am way more unstable than you so you better tell me where he is right now.
Don't tell him I told you.
- He's putting the city on trial.
- Let's go, McGee.
Forget about her.
We gotta get to the courthouse.
The court of no recourse is now in session.
Could we have the theme, please? Will the accused come on down? All right, kill the music.
What is the meaning of this outrage? Jessie.
James, as your counsel, I strongly advise you against taking this action.
You're just like all the rest: Manipulative, faithless, self-serving.
No use to me at all.
You're fired! Bailiff, read the charges.
"Central City and you, its representatives, are on trial for crimes against good taste.
" And me.
- This is absurd! - I'm sure I can get a continuance on this.
Was I talking to you? Has the jury reached a verdict? We have, Your Honor.
They're guilty! Guilty.
Any last words before I pronounce sentence? And especially you! Speechless with contrition, eh? I find every last one of you guilty as sin and sentence you to death.
Are you prepared to carry out sentence, Mr.
Executioner? No.
I can't decide which to use.
Well, that's why they call me the hanging judge.
Well, what's stopping you, palomino? I can't move.
An attack of conscience, eh? This had to be sooner or later.
I'm taking you in for good this time, Jessie.
You never let us have any fun.
You know who I am, and I know you're not a killer.
Of course you're a killer.
You're a freak of nature.
You can do whatever you want because you can get away with it! Don't do it, red.
You're better than that.
You ruined everything! Kill her! Kill her already! - You shot my partner! - Barry, listen to me.
The Trickster tried to kill you and Megan.
He is not your partner, I am.
You know that! We've been through hell together.
And I've always stood by you.
And I always will.
For as long as you want me to.
- Tina? - Yeah.
- Help! - Jessie.
Body armor.
I'm not crazy, you know.
I've got a bomb and I will use it.
Let her go! Megan, go after Jessie.
The Flash needs a few seconds to recover.
- Like hell I do.
- Relax.
Tina rewired that scooter of his.
Get in! I like it.
- What is this? - I had it made for you.
It's the great Trickster escape mobile.
For me? Gee, after I treated you like dirt.
Hung you out to dry.
I love you madly.
That's why I had it equipped with all the options.
Oh, darling, it won't work.
I'm no good for you.
Besides, how can I miss you when you won't go away? Good evening, my dear.
I'm Officer Murphy, and you are under arrest.
Damn! Give it up, Jessie! Join me in hell.
Where's the Flash when you really need him? Might break me out of here.
They think a padded cell can stop me.
How wrong they are.
This will be my polyfoam fortress.
They're in for such a big surprise.
Because nobody tricks the Trickster.
Nobody! Thanks, Tina.
If you hadn't shown up, I'd still be running around in those crazy boots.
What would I do without you? Oh, I don't know.
Supermarket openings maybe.
Wow, I wish I'd have been in court.
No, you wanna stay far away from guys like Jessie.
- Hey, guys.
- Hi.
- Caught them out in the hallway.
- Julio left the concert tickets here.
Tickets? I thought you were breaking up.
Well, we had a mature discussion about the direction of our relationship.
Yeah, he came back groveling on his hands and knees.
- Well, we'd love to stay, but we got a date.
- Bye.
Bet those two don't make it out to the parking lot.
- So you're off to San Francisco.
- Yeah.
We have way too many goodbyes.
I left something burning at the lab.
I'll see you later.
We make a great team, Lockhart.
See you around.
Yeah, you too, McGee.
She's great.
I mean, not your average science type.
Tina's the best.
Look, before I put my foot in my mouth I think I owe you an apology.
I've been a little preoccupied lately.
- This I noticed.
- I'm really sorry, Barry.
I've just been trying to keep my head above water.
So have you thought about my offer? Megan, I would love to come to San Francisco with you.
- God, that's terrific! Great, Barry.
- But But I can't.
You can't? No.
Central City's my home, you know? My family is here.
My friends are here.
I'm just not ready to say goodbye.
My loss.
Well, I still have a few days before I have to head back.
Some of those long goodbyes.
More goodbyes? Hey, Allen.
We got work to do.

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