The Longest Promise (2023) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 22=
How dare you humiliate the Princess!
Don't blame Yuan.
It's all my fault.
This marriage alliance
is too good for the Crimson Clan.
Sarcastically, your princess
has disgraced herself
and fraternized with a Merfolk slave.
And that puts paid
to the marriage alliance.
Wait, wait.
- Please listen to me.
- Shut it.
You can insult me but not Yuan.
To me,
Merfolks are nobler
than the arrogant Azure Clan like you.
I've heard that
the chief of the Crimson Clan
has been tight with a lowly Merman.
Crimson Queen.
Do you want
to turn down the proposal
from we Dark Clan
for a lowborn Merfolk slave?
If you take his life,
we, the Dark Clan,
may forgive you
and our clans can still make up.
That's right. Kill him.
He's right.
Kill him.
Kill him, Crimson Queen.
The reason
why I rejected your proposal
because I don't want to marry
someone I don't like.
It doesn't concern Yuan.
So what if he's a Merfolk?
In my eyes,
the Merfolks are way nobler
than the arrogant Dark Clan like you.
Do you hear yourself?
This is outrageous.
Special Envoy, there must be
a misunderstanding in this.
I take this pearl
because I want to share your worries.
We, the Kongsangs, reincarnate.
Please wait for me here.
I'll return to you.
We will recognize each other with this.
Please help me
to protect my clan.
Wait for me.
I will.
I'll wait for your next reincarnation.
Once we recognize each other,
the pearl will respond to its owner.
(The pearl found its owner.)
(You're the reincarnation of Yao Yi.)
I'm sorry.
I don't know what's going on.
The pearl disappeared out of a sudden.
Lowly slave.
My lord.
What evil spell
did you cast on my daughter?
- Tie him up!
- Your Lordship!
- Yes.
- Yes.
No one is going to touch him!
If you want to tie him up,
tie me up first.
This is ridiculous.
Let's go.
Yao Yi.
You're finally back.
I didn't realize
you'd been with me all along.
I must destroy this slave.
No, Father!
Your Lordship.
It's my fault.
I transformed into the woman
in his mind
because he was so upset.
I wanted to comfort him.
He did that
because he mistook me for someone else.
How dare you plead for him?
If it wasn't for him
who offended you,
you wouldn't have
had that ridiculous thought.
And you wouldn't have
disgraced yourself like that.
Get off.
I'm going to kill him.
And I'll deal with you later.
Please say something.
My lord.
Keeper Yuan has contributed a lot
for the Crimson Clan
as he has been looking after the clan
for several generations.
Please show mercy on him.
He must leave the Crimson Residence
or I will kill him.
No, he can't.
Yuan has already badly injured.
You can't chase him away.
No, my lord.
Yan'er. Stop infuriating your father.
Don't you know what will be awaiting us?
If he doesn't leave today,
everything is going to mess up.
The rumor about
the Princess of the Crimson Clan
fraternizing with a Merman
will be making the rounds.
This is humiliating to our family
and your reputation.
How are you going
to live with yourself in the clan
in the future?
My lord, my lady.
I'm to blame for what happened today.
As everyone saw,
I have cast an evil spell on Princess.
No, you didn't.
I don't know what's that,
but it's definitely not an evil spell.
Father, please.
No need to plead for me.
We need a conclusion
for today's incident.
As the keeper of the Crimson Residence,
I've ruined the reputation of Princess
lest I protect her.
I've failed you.
The marriage alliance between
Crimson and Azure Clans fell short.
I have disappointed you, my lord,
and the entire Crimson Residence.
don't deserve to be the keeper.
I, Yuan,
appreciate the kindness Crimson Clan
extended to me over these 200 years.
I never expected
I'd bring ruinous harm to the clan.
I'm ashamed to face you,
my lord and my lady.
I only wish
you won't blame Princess
after I leave.
bid farewell to you.
Father, please.
Keep this.
- Yuan!
- Chi Song, stop her!
- Yuan!
- Princess.
Let go.
♪That's the proof
of my regretless devotion♪
♪Lingering in the mortal world♪
♪Never forgot my promise♪
- Young Lady.
- Yuan!
Young Lady.
♪I'll reverse the fate to pursue
even if it's a lonely road♪
Don't go.
♪Should Heaven senses me
and responds to me♪
♪I'll return to the dream one day♪
Young Lady, please eat something.
you'll collapse.
Yuan is badly injured.
What is he going to do?
Our last farewell was
over 200 years ago.
the lady who's deeply rooted in my heart
has been by my side all along.
Now that the pearl
has responded to its owner.
My Yao Yi
is back at last.
Go over there.
Go over there.
Get up.
Are you all right?
It's so tiring
to bring you back here.
You can't die.
Your wound is serious.
Lie back.
What's your name?
I'm the chief of Extreme Wind City,
Chizhu Feili.
You can call me Yao Yi too.
How should I address you?
I remember someone called me Yuan
and that's all.
Are you a bad guy?
Maybe yes, maybe no.
I can't remember anything.
Since you've lost your memory
after the war
and now you met me,
I won't allow you
to commit to anything heinous
for the rest of your life.
Starting today,
I'll give you my surname.
And your new name
is Chi Yuan.
What do you say?
Are you willing to teach me
the robust swordsmanship skills
of Kongsang?
I will
if you call me Master.
You've become my disciple.
You should remember
the rules of the sect.
(When the disciples of
the Extreme Wind Swords Sect)
(are roaming around
the chaotic world out there,)
(they must treat the Kongsangs,
Merfolks, and the Ice Clan)
(and help those in need.)
The reason
why I rejected your proposal
because I don't want to marry
someone I don't like.
It doesn't concern Yuan.
If you take his life,
we, the Dark Clan,
may forgive you
and our clans can still make up.
He's right.
Kill him.
Kill him, Crimson Queen.
(He's a lowborn merfolk)
(of an unknown origin.)
(This is outrageous.)
(I won't let Yao Yi stay beside him.)
Are you all right?
You've become a man now.
Today, I take you here
because I want you to make a choice.
I kept it secretly.
I've already known
that you're not an ordinary merfolk.
When I first saw you,
I took you as my disciple
and gave you a surname
because I want you to be good
and I want to keep you with me.
Am I
too selfish?
I don't care who you were in the past.
If you choose
to return to the Crimson Residence,
I'll travel alongside you
despite the thorny path ahead.
It's just that, you know,
the lifespan of the Kongsangs
is much shorter than the Merfolks.
I can't stay with you for too long.
If you can't let go of your past
and want to return to your clan,
I won't stop you.
I know.
Our future might be tough.
Still, I want to be with you.
you've made your choice,
I'll make mine too.
Yao Yi.
Yao Yi.
Yao Yi.
Yao Yi.
I need your word.
Please protect my clan
and wait for me.
I'll wait for your next reincarnation.
But before our reunion,
please forget about me.
My wish doesn't fail me
and I won't fail you too.
Yao Yi.
From today on,
I'll stay
by your side.
Come what may.
Please forgive me for lying to you.
I was cursed with the Ice Clan's spell.
I couldn't reincarnate.
So, I left a wisp of my soul
in the Crimson Pearl
to keep you company.
Because I hate to leave you
and I don't want you to be lonely.
It's fine
if you can't remember
our past.
I'll wait until you remember me
and I'll tell you.
It's been 200 years.
Finally, someone
could lift your obsession with me.
I'm so fortunate
to have stolen these 200 years.
Now that the Crimson Pearl is shattered,
I should leave too.
In time,
when everything returns to peace,
we'll be together forever
like what we used to be.
May you be with her
for this whole life.
I I'm done.
Shi Ying.
I'm tired
and I can't fly anymore.
Why don't we find an inn in the city
and continue the journey tomorrow?
There's a relay station
about two hours' walk from here.
We can rest there today
so we can reach Riyue Lake
before tomorrow night.
I'm hungry.
I can't take another step.
No, we must move now.
Are you afraid of running into her
in the city?
The Princess of the Crimson Clan
is so embarrassing.
Shame on her.
Since ancient times,
only the Crimson Clan
would reject the proposal
of other clans.
the Azure Clan turned down this time.
We have no idea
what has happened, though.
I heard
that she and the keeper
Shi Ying, wait for me.
Didn't you hear them?
They were talking about Yan'er
It's none of my business.
Can you not be like this?
Why do you always deny
your care for her?
You ignore me again.
It's been a while
since I last saw Sumo.
How's he doing now?
Thank you for your grace.
Sumo and I have been doing well
in the Huotu Tribe.
(Old Lord, Huotu Tribe)
You've been doing well?
(Lady Yu, Merfolk)
Do you think I'm clueless about
how badly Great Consort
has been treating you all these years?
Sometime, I'd stop her.
But sometimes all these happen
behind my back.
You have been suffering.
Please don't say that, my lord.
My son and I
can live a peaceful life now,
which I truly appreciate it.
We didn't suffer.
Sumo should
start school this year, right?
Don't worry.
I'll take care of this well.
He can study
and learn shooting
with the royal descendants
of the Huotu Tribe.
There are many Merfolks
who make achievements in Kongsang.
As long as he can stand on his own feet,
you can rely on him
for the rest of your life,
even if I have passed off.
Long live, my lord.
Please don't say anything ominous.
Long live?
may live well today,
who knows tomorrow
My lord!
- My lord!
- My lord!
My lord!
Lady Yu,
you're indeed shameful.
How could you cozy up to His Lordship
without concerning his weak health?
You've seduced him
and caused him to die in lechery.
Yet you shift the blame
to shadow or such.
This is ridiculous
that shadow can murder.
Bludgeon her to death.
Hold on.
His Lordship
gave me this death-exemption token.
(Death-exemption Token)
Death-exemption token?
I don't see it.
Give it back to me.
Let go of my mother.
Give it back to me.
Bludgeon her to death.
Let go.
Drag them out.
- Sumo.
- Don't come near.
Back off.
Or I'll kill you.
Don't you dare to touch my mother!
I'll kill you.
Back off.
Don't touch my mother.
No one is coming near.
Stop it.
Mother, what are you up to?
This woman killed your father.
(Sumo, Merfolk)
Are you going to plead for them?
Father just passed away.
Mother, you shouldn't use
any punishment.
As of now, it's imperative
to deliver the message of Father's death
to Jialan City and Extreme Wind City
to prevent Huotu Tribe
from falling into unrest.
Lord Ke'erke is merciful.
He's right.
(Principal Sorcerer, Huotu Tribe)
Great Consort, please do
what he said.
I'll listen to you.
She won't have to die,
but she must be punished.
I'm going to silence her
from spewing any lies.
Stop pleading for them.
Men, take them out.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Let go!
Let go!
Let go of me!
I didn't kill His Lordship. Let go!
Let go!
Principal Sorcerer.
How's the capture
of those Merfolks going?
Everything's all set.
The only thing left
is the marriage alliance
with the Princess of the Crimson Clan.
Crimson King, accept the decree.
By the mandate of His Majesty
in Jialan Imperial City,
"I heard that Zhu Gaozhao,
the Crimson King
has a daughter, Zhu Yan,
who's of meritorious origin
with unparalleled beauty
and virtuous character, worthy of
being a decent spouse choice.
I hereby grant her
as the consort of Lord Ke'erke
of the Huotu Tribe.
The responsible authority will select
an auspicious date for the wedding.
Hopefully, the boundary will be in peace
and further enhanced by this union.
Any disobedience of the mandate
will be accused of deception crime.
That's all."
I accept the decree.
Young Lady.
Young Lady.
The Emperor issued an edict
to marry you to the Huotu Tribe.
Young Lady, get that off already.
I'm so freaked out now.
If we knew we were going to end up here,
it'd be better to marry
into the Azure Clan.
Huotu Tribe is far away
at the frontier in the desert
and the environment there
is extremely hostile.
Huotu Tribe?
Young Lady.
Consort Qing is indeed cruel
and determined to oppress me
by requesting this decree
from His Majesty.
If I disobey the decree,
I'll be accused of deception crime.
Yan'er can't just marry to that desert.
Are we really out of depth now?
I'll go.
Father, Mother.
I think this marriage
is what I want
and more suitable than
the one with the Azure Clan.
Huotu Tribe
is under the jurisdiction of Father.
I'll be revered over there.
No one would dare to walk over me.
Besides, I was told
that this Lord Ke'erke
is a nice man.
He's the hawk on the grassland,
while I'm the flying pearl from Heaven.
It sounds like
we're compatible with each other.
Are you really willing to marry there?
if I have to marry someone,
this is the best choice.
you've pampered me
since infancy
and I've lived carefreely
in the Extreme Wind City
without worries.
Now that the Crimson Clan
is under duress
and both of you have toiled,
as the Princess of the Crimson Clan,
I should do something
to relieve my parents
and the Crimson Clan.
My Yan'er has grown up.
Your Supreme Majesty.
Have you found any record
of the death of Emperor Xingzun?
In all official historical records,
ancient books or confidential accounts,
they only recorded
that after Emperor Xingzun
attained the real state,
he relinquished the throne
and traveled to the Eastern Sea
with a raft
towards the Celestial River
and ascended to immortality.
Perhaps you've overthought.
(Wu Zhen, one of Ten Sorcerers of Ice Clan)
The Cangliu Kingdom
will return to the land of Yunhuang.
You knew about the identity of the Sage.
What's his identity
in the Ice Clan?
We received a secret formula
from the revered Sage
which needs the fresh blood
of Kongsang's children.
This is madness.
You can never
stop the revered Sage.
No one can.
The world created by him
must be destroyed by him too.
No one can stop him.
The Ice Clan possesses a heinous spell
to refine a longevity pill
from human blood.
he didn't ascend
as an immortal back then.
Mind your word.
Don't judge your ancestor.
He's the founder of Kongsang.
I hope I'm wrong.
I know you have many doubts
about the actions of the Ice Clan.
But never take the prophecy
given by Merfolk Clan lightly.
Before the evil emerges,
we need to plan ahead.
I've come across something
in the ancient record.
If the Sea Emperor comes to contact
with Dragon Blood Jade,
the sacred relic of the Sea Kingdom,
there'll be a reaction.
If we can
locate Dragon Blood Jade,
it'll be much easier for us.
Don't bring this.
you use this every day.
Only pick light and valuable things
from what I usually use.
Don't take all.
we have a convoy of horse carriages
to carry our things.
If we don't bring them all,
I'm afraid
the place will be too harsh for us.
If so,
are you not taking this too?
I remember your hometown
is around Huotu Tribe.
(Huotu Tribe)
You haven't returned home for years.
Do you miss your home?
Perhaps you can go home
when we head for Huotu Tribe this time.
Young Lady.
Do you lose your head in anger?
I can't understand
what you're saying now.
It's a shame that this map is too old.
The defense deployment at Huotu Tribe
must have changed
after so many years.
(Jiuyi Mountain)
I brought you here
because I have a present for you.
I want to thank you for not running away
and you've been accompanying me.
I'd say that it's you
who has been accompanying me
all this time.
No matter
how tough the road is,
I'm willing to take the risk
together with you.
We won't know how stunning
the scenery here
if we don't overcome obstacles.
Since the scenery is stunning here,
why don't you call me
by a different name?
Yu Yu.
♪I can't contain my love
that I forget the time♪
♪The fluttering candle flame
set the night alight♪
♪You outshine the lights
opposite the shore♪
♪Stardust fills my eyes♪
So beautiful.
Did you prepare this for me?
♪No one knows you like me♪
♪Like a constant bright moon,
undeterred by the passage of time♪
♪Amidst the starry sky,
my heart remains devoted to you♪
Your Highness.
Why did you call me that again?
Are you angry?
I'm sorry.
I was too nervous.
Next time,
I'll ask for your permission first.
Next time?
will it be?
♪In this fleeting world
of countless enchanting landscapes♪
♪No one knows you like me♪
♪Like a constant bright moon,
undeterred by the passage of time♪
♪Amidst the starry sky,
my heart remains devoted to you♪
Princess, please enjoy.
These dishes
are my new recipe.
I'm sure you'll like it.
A while ago,
Keeper Yuan left
and you never visited here since then.
Otherwise, you could've tried
these new dishes earlier.
It's fine.
These dishes
are enticing enough
just to look and smell at them.
I like them so much.
Sadly, I can't taste them afterward.
So, the rumor is true.
You're marrying down to Huotu Tribe.
If so, I shall congratulate you
in advance.
We must celebrate this with some brew.
Get me the brew.
Come on.
This is the pear blossom brew
fresh from the jar.
I'd like to offer this to you
for tasting, Princess.
Thank you, Mr. Wu.
Qing Gang.
Thank you for coming all the way here
to bid me farewell.
Do you truly want to marry
Lord Ke'erke?
It's better
if you accept
General Qing's proposal, though.
Please don't say that.
Anyway, Huotu Tribe is far away
and you have no family there.
I'm worried
that you might be mistreated.
Rest assured.
Lord Ke'erke is a nice man.
Don't worry about me.
You must take good care of yourself.
you're upright
and carry yourself
with an imposing aura.
In fact, you're genuine.
Yet, you're wasted on Bai Xuelu.
You know what,
you should watch yourself around her.
She might trick you
into her target.
If it's true, I'd love to.
I'm worried about you the most.
You're soft-hearted,
making you a punchbag.
If you marry into the palace
in the future,
your days won't be easy.
If Consort Qing bullies you,
don't endure it on your own.
You must tell Prince Shi Yu
and ask for his help.
As for what I've told you today,
please promise me.
All right?
All right.
Yan, what's wrong with you?
You sounded like
this was our last farewell.
Not at all.
Because I'm happy for you.
Look at you two.
has found someone you love mutually,
while the other one
has someone you miss.
You're happy.
Are you not happy?
Of course, I'm happy.
I have you two.
Naturally, I'm happy.
By the way,
have you informed Priest
about your marriage?
Whether I inform him or not,
it won't make any difference.
I've sent him
a wedding invitation
to invite him over.
It's a reply
to his wedding congratulatory letter.
Don't need to worry about me.
Come on.
Let's not waste the delicacies today.
Fill it up.
Come on.
Let's celebrate my upcoming big day.
Yan, you must be happy.
Is that you?
When we got drunk back then,
you had someone to escort us back.
we're drunk again,
but you will never come again.
This is the last farewell.
But why do you pretend to say goodbye
as if there will be a meet again?
Is that you?
Master won't come,
and you've left too.
I'm all alone now.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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