Three-Body (2023) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22

Countdown counter ♪
Hidden in eyes ♪
Explore deep dreams in the dark ♪
What is waiting for me at the end
of the mysterious space-time ♪
Don't break the hope
given to the world ♪
The sun still sets every day ♪
=Episode 22=
Last night, some branches
of our organization in Europe
were purged
by the Battle Command Center.
All of them were the Redemptionists.
Not a member
of the Adventists was purged.
It was led by the Battle Command Center,
but I doubt
Pan Han and his men were behind it.
They must have had something to do
with Shen Yufei's death.
Please don't go.
If you attend Shen Yufei's funeral,
the Battle Command Center
will target you,
and the Adventists
will question your stance.
I want to bid farewell to Shen Yufei.
If you knew what happened last night,
you'd be even more desperate.
I had moments of despair,
but now
I pinned my hope on unknown kindness.
At the scale of the universe,
kindness is small, like dust.
Only when you understand these things
will you give up all hope.
Buddha bless you.
What are you thinking about?
Shen Yufei.
She worked to
solve the Three-Body Problem,
but in the end,
she realized there was no answer.
She sank into despair.
She was going to renovate
the dilapidated house for Trisolarans,
but only to realize
after all these years that
they planned to invade her planet.
It seems like Shen Yufei was not bad.
In the Three-Body players' meet-up,
Pan Han was always preaching
about the coming of Lord.
He never mentioned
how to solve the Three-Body Problem.
So, within the ETO,
they hold different opinions
about the Lord.
We should
have turned Shen Yufei.
Well, last night,
many ETOs were purged
around the world.
Let's go.
Where are you going?
Get back to the game.
After being admitted as their comrade,
I want to see if the game
will enter a new process.
That's right.
Ask them to open a private server.
According to the decoded files,
it's a repair diary
from the Three-Body games from which
we managed to trace their source.
Attack it.
Which sect are other servers located in?
According to the position,
momentarily Europe.
The server isn't actually
located on earth,
but is orbiting
on an artificial satellite
24,000 kilometers in space.
Contact the Space Department now.
Contact NASA now.
(Log on Three-Body game Yes No)
(Game manager interface is opened.)
(Are you sure to close the game?)
(Server of Three-Body will be closed.)
(Free login for the rest of the time.)
(Three-Body will take you
to the last scene.)
Great Copernicus,
why have you come so late?
What's going on?
Why is everything gone?
The pyramid is gone.
The United Nations Headquarters is gone.
Even the huge Pendulum Monument is gone.
Don't feel so bad.
We will have more buildings.
What's that?
That's your delusion.
It's people.
Hundreds of millions of people.
Almost everyone
in the Three-Body world is here.
What are they doing here?
Waiting for the expedition.
Three cycles of civilizations
have passed,
and you've missed
many great enterprises.
What are these?
Are they stars?
They are greater than stars.
I have never seen such a formation.
More than 30 stars along each edge
of the formation.
A total of more than a thousand stars.
They look less like stars
and more like artificial formation.
The Trisolaran Interstellar Fleet.
It's about to begin its expedition.
Trisolaran civilization has already achieved
the capacity for interstellar flight?
All those magnificent ships
can reach one-tenth the speed of light.
One-tenth the speed of light?
That is a great accomplishment,
as far as I understand it,
but it still seems too slow
for interstellar flight.
The journey of a thousand miles
begins with the first step.
The key is finding
the right destination.
What's the fleet's destination?
A star with planets
about four light-years away.
That's the closest star
to the Trisolaran system.
Four light-years?
The closest star to us is also
about four light-years away.
The Earth.
That's not very surprising.
In most regions of the Milky Way,
the distribution of stars is fairly even.
It's the result of star clusters
acting under the influence of gravity.
The distance between most stars is
between three and six light-years.
Three-Body! Three-Body! Three-Body!
We captured the satellite as soon as possible
and began our investigations.
Execute signal search command
of satellite position.
What's going on
in the North American Combat Zone?
Help the satellite
Number 5811.
Members of the ETO have been controlled.
The email has been cc'ed.
Three-Body! Three-Body! Three-Body!
People are not willing to leave.
That's their hope.
We wouldn't know the outcome
of the launch in our lifetimes,
but four or five hundred years from now,
our descendants will receive the news
from a new world.
That'll be the beginning of a new life
for the Trisolaran Civilization.
(The Trisolaran Expedition
to the new world has begun.)
(The fleet is still in flight.)
(Three-Body is over.)
(When you have returned
to the real world,)
(if you remain true
to the promise you've made,)
(please attend the meet-up
of the Earth-Trisolaris Organization.)
(The address will be
in the follow-up e-mail you receive.)
We've managed to block all the signals
to and from the satellite.
The Three-Body game
has been shut down.
The Trisolaran Expedition
to the new world has begun.
The fleet is still in flight.
Their destination
is the Earth.
In theory,
many satellites are
four light-years away.
But if their destination is not the Earth,
are they doing all this?
The interrogation of the ETO members
has been going truly well,
and we will have updates
for you all soon.
The exciting news for a long time.
We can call this
an unprecedented victory.
This is far from a victory.
As the Chinese saying goes,
no success in the revolution yet,
so hard work is still needed.
We only knew Trisolarans
are heading for the Earth.
It's not a victory at all.
While you were playing the game,
the Battle Command Center
already attacked
their server on satellite.
At this critical moment, they kept
operating and announced the finale.
They are tough.
It showed
they weren't afraid of your attack,
or they have prepared for it.
It's the same with Chang's safe houses.
They knew everything.
In the war against Trisolarans,
we seem to have no secret to them.
How far are they from us?
Four light-years.
How soon will they arrive?
The Trisolaran Fleet flights
at one-tenth the speed of light.
It should take
only 40 years.
But they said in the game that
it would take more than 400 years.
Did you or they miscalculate?
Four light-years are the distance
light travels in four years.
The speed is one-tenth
the speed of light.
Four divided by zero point one.
Can you make a mistake?
So why?
Are they trying to mislead us?
No need.
I think,
the current time difference
maybe due to the difference
in the measurement of time
between the Earth
and the Three-Body Civilization.
We know nothing
about interstellar flight.
So now the worst outcome is that
in 40 years,
we will see the arrival
of the Trisolarans.
Only 40 years.
Will we be able to
build a strong enough defense system?
The worst outcome is that
they were in flight 40 years ago.
We don't know
when they started moving.
The members of ETO
is eviler than cults.
They are traitors.
I just talked with Wang Miao that
these traitors
are divided into different sects.
That's right.
They belong to different sects
and often disagree with other sects.
Some sects slander
and even attack each other.
Most of these arrested
were the Redemptionists.
They aim to
solve the Three-Body Problem.
So, most game players
belong to the Redemptionists.
Shen Yufei should be a Redemptionist.
Wei Cheng is still calculating for her.
But it turns out there's no solution
to the Three-Body Problem.
The Adventists believe
the Three-Body Problem has no solution.
This sect claims
human race should be destroyed.
They eagerly await
the coming of the Lord.
That is, they do this in the hope that
they will be saved from death
when the Lord comes.
The Survivors believe
the Lord won't kill them.
They are optimistic.
According to our interrogation,
it seems that the other two sects
look down on them.
The major divide of ETO exists
in the Redemptionists
and the Adventists.
Shen Yufei was a Redemptionist.
His rival, Pan Han, is an Adventist.
The information we have now
is from Pan Han's computer,
but the list is all about
the Redemptionists.
It seems like
the faction within the ETO.
How did they connect with the Lord?
So far, no connection
with the so-called Lord has been found.
The person who can connect with the Lord
should be their leader.
There are many sects in ETO.
How can there be no leader?
They mentioned a person.
I also doubted this person
has something to do with the ETO.
In ETO, they call her
What is on the flash drive?
I have told you.
We are decoding it. It's unknown.
Are you afraid that the contents of
the flash drive will bring danger to me?
The contents of it
are dangerous for you.
So I came to tell you
to stop your investigation.
Do you think I'm the one
who's afraid of danger?
You are not, but I am.
We are creatures
of backward civilization.
If the creatures of advanced civilization
want to kill you, I can't protect you,
so does the Battle Command Center.
Not to mention yourself.
Don't you see?
Last night, some of our members
in the European Combat Zone
have been arrested for no reason.
The truth must be known
to more people.
It happened in Europe.
We need the help of foreign media.
The environmental protection issues
investigated abroad last time
have been reported by foreign media.
They received a good response.
(Commander The Redemptionists
(Solve the Three-Body Problem))
(The Adventists (Destroy)
The Redemptionists)
I felt a growing suspicion that
this information was deliberately leaked
to Mu Xing by Pan Han.
Don't arrest Pan Han now.
He can help us find more information.
We should protect Mu Xing now.
I was exposed to the data
when I worked for my master's degree.
I was shocked at first,
and then I tried to change it.
If you don't save yourself,
Buddha can't help you.
Then I met her.
Commander gave me hope again.
Lord will come to create a bright,
new and advanced human civilization.
Commander is the one
who's listened to the voice of the Lord.
I'm sure you'll meet her one day.
Thank you.
Has anyone ever heard
the voice of the Lord?
(The waves traveled alone
through the galaxy,)
(messaging our confusion to the Lord
and bringing back hope for us.)
(How great it is!)
(I'll never forget this moment.)
Stop it.
- What are you doing?
- You are an unlicensed driver, right?
- Forget it.
- Stop it.
- What are you doing?
- Doing my duty.
- Work with me. Please!
- Let me go.
Come here.
What are you doing?
- Get on. Get on.
- What's wrong with you?
Listen to me.
Since you continued to investigate,
I can only detain you.
Are you being stubborn?
I'm useful to them.
If I suddenly disappear,
he'll be suspicious.
Just give me 24 hours.
After I do what he asked me to do,
I'll find an excuse to disappear.
24 hours is too long.
Tell them.
It's hard to do it.
What's the exact time?
Noon tomorrow.
8 o'clock this evening.
After your hand-off,
I will come to get you.
How about 10 o'clock tomorrow?
10 o'clock this evening.
Report your work.
After your hand-off,
I will come to get you.
Okay, okay.
Hand off.
You can go.
10 o'clock this evening.
I'll buy you coffee.
I'm not a coffee guy.
Get off.
I heard you're powerful.
But I can't repel your bullet.
We are not enemies.
I invited you here
for Commander.
Many members in Europe were arrested.
I found that it had something to do
with a journalist, Mu Xing.
Nothing to do with you, huh?
Did you have anything to do
with Shen Yufei's death?
I know you doubt me.
But it doesn't matter.
I will report all these things
to Commander in the conference.
You called me for Commander?
The journalist, Mu Xing,
should have found the information
that Commander was present
in the Second Red Coast Base in 1996.
The conference is coming.
Protect Commander.
(I was exposed to the data
when I worked for my master's degree.)
(I was shocked at first,
and then I tried to change it.)
(I've tried various methods)
(and even participated in the march
on environment protection abroad.)
I participated in the march)
(on environmental protection
in Country T,)
(a police car passed
every 48 minutes on the street.)
(Documentation of BSE)
(OS: The hospital was full
because of BSE.)
(File of Researchers)
(OS: In Jinsi Wharf,)
(many people were killed
or injured in the explosion.)
(Smoke overhead,)
(obscuring the blue sky.)
(I thought human race would go die.)
(But she appeared.)
(Registration form for basic information
of researcher, Ye Wenjie)
(OS: My friend took me to a party)
(to listen to the message
of the Lord brought by her.)
(At that party, I first learned that)
(the Lord was coming
to change the world.)
Commander has listened
to the voice of the Lord.
Have you seen her since then?
The last time I saw her was
at a lecture at Tsinghua University.
She was as kind as ever.
Kind but powerful.
(Ye Wenjie)
(OS: Mr. Pan.)
(OS: It's not often you admire someone
that much, right?)
(Professor of astrophysics)
(OS: I worship the coming of the Lord.)
(Lecturer of Tsinghua University)
(Awards and punishments)
(OS: As you learn more about the organization,)
(OS: I'm sure)
(File of Researchers (1996))
(OS: you will become more powerful.)
(OS: This is also the greatness of the Lord.)
The Lord will come.
(1996 Country T Radio wave
Astronomy Tsinghua University)
Excuse me.
Is there any other information
about this file?
It's over there. Please.
- Okay. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I think that girl
took my file by mistake.
Did she return the research report
of Geology Department
of Tsinghua University in 1999?
It's a file of researchers
for the expedition to Country T in 1996.
Captain Shi.
The body was dumped over there.
Captain Shi.
The victim's neck was wrung.
She was dead when we found her.
The forensic expert
has taken the body away.
That's it.
What else can you think of?
That's the crime scene.
Cabling revamp work is underway
on this road.
The surveillance was all dismantled.
It wasn't an accident,
but an intended crime.
In addition,
Mu Xing's digital recorder was gone.
She always brought
several digital recorders.
Sir, sugar in your coffee?
Or milk?
Sir, your coffee is ready.
I have a question.
Do I have to take milk and sugar
with my coffee?
It's up to you.
Some people like it,
and some people don't.
It's so bitter.
Can I help you?
No. Thank you.
I called the police.
(Who are you?)
(What do you want?)
(I'm sorry.)
(I must protect Commander.)
(You followed me
when I searched for the information.)
(Is it because
I traced Tsinghua University?)
Captain Shi.
(Who are you?)
(What do you want?)
(I'm sorry.)
(I must protect Commander.)
(You followed me
when I searched for the information.)
(Is it because
I traced Tsinghua University?)
Mu Xing's last words
were sending messages to us.
She found their Commander
and tracked down to Tsinghua University.
She was on the right track.
(Ye Wenjie, Astrophysicist)
Is this another coincidence?
The suspect's voiceprint was identified.
It's a woman.
20 to 35 years old.
Between 1.65 meters and 1.7 meters tall.
She's slim.
There's no match in our database.
(No copyright without written approval)
The suspect is an expert
in anti-tracking.
She deliberately avoided surveillance.
What's it?
It's from CVS.
When someone enters or exits a CVS,
there will be this opening tone.
Mu Xing bought something on the way.
According to this record,
Mu Xing was killed
in two hours and 17 minutes.
This sound rang
in two hours and three minutes.
This CVS is only a dozen minutes' drive
from the spot.
(July 16th, 2007, Monday)
This woman matches the profile.
She was in heels.
Well, back up.
Back up.
Play it.
Stop here.
Have you seen this car?
Before it came along,
this was the only lane that had traffic.
After it left,
other cars began to drive in this lane.
It has been parked
outside the monitoring.
- I'll get the owner's information.
- No need.
It must be a fake-licensed car.
I need you to check all the traffic cameras
on this vehicle.
(Ye Wenjie)
I see. Thank you.
The autopsy report is out.
(Beijing Institute of Forensic Medicine
Autopsy pathology report of Mu Xing)
Who are you?
What do you want?
Someone wrung her neck.
It's the same on the K1303 train.
- Investigate this case with K1303 murder.
- Yes, sir.
Captain Shi, we found the car.
On the West Side Highway,
the camera pictured the driver's face.
It's a blurry version.
The technician is
restoring the portrait.
I think I met her before.
Captain Shi.
Chen Xue also bought
the ticket for K1303.
That much seems to be clear.
She's the suspect in both murders.
Arrest her now.
The action group is ready
for arresting her.
(Incoming Call from Wang Miao)
They sent me an email.
ETO will hold a conference tomorrow.
(Conference of
the Earth-Trisolaris Organization)
Don't arrest Chen Xue now.
(National Center
for Nanoscience and Technology)
What's wrong?
The journalist who found the list for us
was killed last night.
Didn't you ask her to stop investigating
the other day?
The suspect is Chen Xue.
She's a member of ETO.
How do you know
she's a member of ETO?
Mu Xing had the habit of recording.
We found a digital recorder on the spot.
Chen Xue said
she must protect Commander.
Do you remember the murder in K1303?
A man was killed in the toilet.
His neck was wrung.
Mu Xing died the same way.
Chen Xue also bought a ticket for K1303.
Mu Xing died because she found
who's the Commander of ETO?
What extent had she traced to?
She tracked down Tsinghua University
before she died.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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