Thunderbirds (1965) s01e22 Episode Script

Brink of Disaster

'Thunderbirds are go! ' Six more like 0cean Pioneer and we'll have the most modern fleet afloat.
That's if my line don't catch you up, Johnson.
My company wants to save money by getting eight tankers like this soon.
Well, sir, three men looking after certainly makes the balance sheet look good.
(Bump) What is it? The reactor's overcompensating.
Switch to manual.
I'll trim it.
On manual now, sir.
Give me your readings as I trim.
There seems to be a large amount of mist ahead.
(Captain) That's strange.
Those weather boys don't usually slip up.
They didn't mention mist.
(Foghorn blasts) (Explosion) (Crowd cheering) Yes, your ladyship, as chairman I can say the men certainly appreciate your doing us the honour today.
My pleasure, Lord Roden.
If you will just step this way, dear lady.
A thoroughly excellent vintage, Parker.
Excellent, I say.
Indeed it is, Stephens.
A toast, Parker! A toast to Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward.
A toast, Stephens! A toast to one of England's fairest hic! Roses.
Pardon me, Stephens.
'Course, dear chap, 'course! To her ladyship, cheers! It gives me great pleasure to name this ship 0cean Pioneer The Second.
May God bless all who sail in her.
(Cheering) (Horn blares) Oh, a lovely sight, Lord Roden! It's incredible how they can fit these ships before launching.
Man, she's a beauty! Just look at that! As 0cean Pioneer II hits the water for the first time, the crowd goes wild.
'Yet many people's thoughts must turn to the ill-fated 0cean Pioneer I 'that disappeared only six months ago.
' - I'll say! - Hold it, Scott.
There's Penny.
'This launch must have been a great thrill.
' '0h, indeed it has.
The flags, the people and such a wonderful ship, 'although the bottle didn't quite break with the pop that I expected.
' 'Yes.
Thank you, Lady Penelope.
And now, viewers, 'we leave the Clydeside shipyards and return you to the studio.
' Now we just wait for Penelope to report in.
I wonder if she's found anything interesting? (Parker snores and hiccups) Parker? Parker, can you hear me? (Drunkenly) Loud and clear, m'lady! Parker, where did you get the champagne? Well well, m'lady, it was such a good year, 1998, it seemed a pity to waste it.
So I slitched it I mean I snitched it I mean SWITCHED it I thought that bubbly didn't hit the ship with much bang! Parker, what DID launch the ship? M'lady, it was pure tonic water.
I'll talk to you about this later.
Meanwhile, I've a message for Jeff.
(Bleeps) Ah, there's Penny.
Go ahead, Penny.
'My plan to launch 0cean Pioneer II was successful.
' Yes, we saw the whole thing on TV.
Did anybody suspect anything? 'I don't think so.
Lord Roden was delighted I was there.
' Did you give the ship a once-over? 'Yes, Jeff, I did.
But I found nothing that indicated sabotage.
'I believe the ship is in no danger.
' I'm glad to have your assurance.
Thanks for investigating it.
'You're most welcome, Jeff.
' Despite what Penelope says I'm still worried about that craft.
I don't get you.
What's there to worry you? Boys, if 0cean Pioneer I can blow up for no apparent reason, anything can make sense.
You mean, it could happen again? Exactly, Alan.
I've just got a feeling we're gonna hear more about that ship.
Well, there's no use brooding, our worrying over it won't prevent it.
(Bleeps) - Well, I'll be - Already? OK, John.
Let's have it.
'A distress call has come in from 0ahu in the Pacific, Father.
' What's the trouble? A typhoon just hit the island and struck the hospital full force.
The foundations are crumbling.
Right, John.
Brief Scott when he's airborne.
Switching to standby.
' At least it's not the tanker.
Yes, sir! 'Thunderbird 1 calling.
Crossing the Pacific on course 3-2-4 by 0-0-7.
' OK, Scott.
Any more information? A wave has damaged the hospital's footings.
John's getting details.
We'll need Thunderbird 2 with double crew and pod 3.
Leave it with me.
- Virgil, on your way with pod 3.
- 0K.
- Alan - Yes?! You're due in the satellite.
That leaves you out.
Yes, Father.
- Gordon - Yes? You double-crew with Virgil.
Yes, sir! - 'Father? ' - Go ahead, Scott.
'I'll be landing at the danger zone in two minutes I've Gordon ' Tin Tin, get Brains up here.
Right away, Mr Tracy.
What's causing the interference, Father? Wait, Alan, Virgil's coming through.
I don't get it.
Virgil's lost contact too.
This could be serious.
Ah, Brains! What do you make of this? (Static) I'm afraid John in the satellite is out of contact too.
I think it only affects transmissions via satellite.
But it cleared itself then, didn't it? Yes, Mr Tracy, but the interference appears much stronger this time.
- Alan - Yes? You're relieving John anyway.
Can you leave now? I guess so.
Brains, you'll need information from the satellite, right? Yes, Mr Tracy.
You go with Alan, then.
We have a communications black out, and that leaves us vulnerable.
We could fail on a job for the first time.
Yes, sir.
- All set, Father.
- Ready, Mr Tracy.
0n your way, boys.
(Static and interference) Well, Brains, there's your recording of the interference, but it seems a long way to come to pick up a tape.
Not at all, for a-analytical purposes a recording made outside the earth's atmosphere is cleaner.
I'll get you back to base so you can find an answer.
See you, boy! See you! Don't forget you owe me six hours! (Laughs) See you! Stand by for blastoff! (Static and interference) Is there no news yet, Mr Tracy? No, Kyrano, nothing.
That interference is still with us.
It's terrifying to realise how much we depend on communication.
You mustn't encourage one another! It's probably nothing to worry about.
And Mr Brains? You haven't heard from him? No, Kyrano.
With all this interference, long-distance transmissions are out.
As far as I know, only transmissions over short distances are possible.
Between Thunderbirds 1 and 2, for instance.
I suppose I'd better organise lunch.
It'll be just the four of us again.
Yes, Tin Tin.
I guess so.
(Engine roars) That will be the mail plane.
No, Kyrano, that's Thunderbird 1.
Tin Tin, it looks as if Scott will join us.
No point in using the radio with this interference! Father, I'm coming in.
I just hope you're ready for me.
Hello, folks.
How did it go? Fine.
We managed to shore up the walls with hydrostats, but not before the isolation ward collapsed.
Any casualties? No.
There were no cases in the ward.
- Are Virgil and Gordon 0K? - Sure, and muddier than me.
They'll be back soon.
We could contact each other close up, despite the interference.
Well, that's something, Scott.
You'd better get cleaned up.
Mr Tracy, the inter-telecast on 0cean Pioneer II is almost due.
Thank goodness outside transmissions don't have interference.
I'll watch the programme while we wait for Virgil and Gordon.
Island dead ahead.
When Thunderbird 3 gets back, the whole team will be together again.
Yes, and let's hope Brains clears up the mystery of this interference.
(Static and interference) Er can I hear the tape once more, Tin Tin? Coming up, Brains.
(Static and interference) (Static and interference continue) R-Right, Tin Tin, keep that sound in your mind.
Now, listen.
'And with her first cargo of liquid alsterene, '0cean Pioneer II sails the blue waters of the Mediterranean.
'Just three men, one ship 'and 200,000 tons of nature's latest aid to mankind - liquid alsterene.
' (Horn blares) (Horn blares) Jensen, we're well clear of port, check your radio circuits instead of playing with that confounded siren! Yes, sir.
- Switch to auto, Number Two.
- Right, sir.
Pioneer II to Pioneer base.
Are you receiving me? 'This is Pioneer base at Port of London.
Go ahead.
' Everything under control.
All systems go.
Our next call will be at 1800 hours.
'Thank you, Pioneer II.
' Steering course 2-5-9 by 3-5-4 at 53 knots, sir.
Well, Number Two, we'll be home and dry in next to no time.
Can I see you in the lab? Trouble, Brains? 'We've traced the interference, but it presents a few problems.
' OK, I'll be right with you.
Set it up again, Tin Tin, but measure the quantities carefully.
Yeah, go steady.
- 0K, let's have it.
- Er, just setting up, Mr Tracy.
Can we have the original, Tin Tin? Coming up.
(Static and interference) Right, Tin Tin, microphone on.
Microphone on.
Our e-experiments show that the close proximity of a high density liquid fuel and a low density substance known as 0D-60, produces high impedance waves (Static and interference) Which can interrupt and cut off radio communication on our bandwidth for a given distance.
Microphone off, please, Tin Tin.
That's the cause - now the cure.
Too fast, Mr Tracy.
The experiment is not quite finished.
It sure isn't! OK, what are we waiting for? Observe the contents of the test-tubes.
By even closer proximity, further chemical action takes place, until finally they what does it all add up to? It adds up to a very large explosion in whatever area one finds both "A" and "B", "A" being alsterene and "B" being Alsterene, you say? Yes, Mr Tracy.
Alsterene, and sea fungi found close to the Gulf Stream - 0D-60.
It's used in dog food! Scott, have you got a fix? Yes, but it makes no sense! Working on Alan's orbits and the black out times, I land in the Mediterranean, miles from the Gulf Stream.
This 0D-60 is only found in the Gulf Stream? I believe so.
Lady Penelope could tell us.
How would SHE know? - She judged the Allpets dog contest.
- Dog contest?! "Allpets - the dog food that uses the food nature provides from the sea.
" OD-60! Get Penny to find out whether any 0D-60 has been found in or near the Mediterranean.
- And hurry - I have a hunch.
- A hunch? Yes, Scott, a very strong hunch that somewhere - about here - there's a great pile of 0D-60.
And 0cean Pioneer II is sailing with 200,000 tons of alsterene.
Excellent, Jensen.
'Port of London Pioneer base to Pioneer II.
'Come in, 0cean Pioneer II.
' This is 0cean Pioneer II to Pioneer base.
Our position is 3-5-0 by 2-1-0, proceeding at 60 knots.
'Good progress, Pioneer II.
A reception committee ' (Static and interference) Get rid of that noise, Jensen! Lady Penelope! How very delightful! Sir Arthur, it's so good of you to see me.
It's this doggie book I'm compiling.
In the chapter on feeding, I feel my readers will want to know more about 0D-60.
I know we can trust you.
We don't want everyone to know where to get 0D-60.
You can rely on me entirely.
Thank you, Lady Penelope.
Looking at this map, if we follow the Gulf Stream from its source here, and around the coast of Florida, we find the main sources of 0D-60.
The main sources, Sir Arthur? There ARE others, then? Well we don't know yet.
Look look at the map.
Just look at the distance that we have to transport 0D-60.
The capital costs are crippling to my company.
We've put 150,000 tons of it in the Mediterranean, in the hope that it will flourish and provide further raw material for Allpets.
There is 0D-60 in the Mediterranean? No we don't know for sure yet.
What a capital idea! I promise I won't tell the girls at the club.
You can count on me! I trust the mission was successful, m'lady? Yes, Parker.
Sir Arthur confirmed our worst suspicions.
There IS 0D-60 in the Mediterranean.
I must radio Jeff at once.
is heading straight for trouble.
from International Rescue.
from International Rescue! It's spreading to the lower frequencies.
(Static and interference) It's no use.
We won't get through.
All right, it was just a long shot.
Well, it's no use waiting for a distress call.
They can't make one.
Why are we standing around, then? Let's go! Pioneer II to Port of London Pioneer Base.
Come in Pioneer Base.
It's no good, Captain, we're not getting through.
Number Two, trim your reactor definition.
You're two points over.
Very good, sir.
(Number Two) She won't respond.
Jensen, switch to manual.
I'll trim it myself.
Right, sir.
Manual it is.
Give your readings as I trim.
We're overcompensating, sir.
Start your readings, Jensen.
Reading 0-3-9, sir, rising.
Speed rising to 80 knots, Captain! Ocean Pioneer II to Pioneer base.
This is an emergency! This reactor's gone too far! Close down the radiation shields! Jensen, steer on radar, course 3-7-0 by 2-9-8.
Boy, what a maiden voyage this is, even the weather's deteriorating! (Foghorn) Steering on course 3-7-0 by 2-9-8, at 85 knots.
They won't stand it! Jensen Jensen! S-sir? The radio, Jensen Call International Rescue.
It's our last chance.
W-We can't last long without air.
L-International Rescue M-must call International Rescue.
I've found her - drifting towards the danger zone.
'There's quite a lot of mist, which won't help.
' I can hardly hear you.
The interference is worsening.
'I suggest we keep radio contact to a minimum.
' FAB! I'm going to try to land on the deck.
Calling International Rescue.
Radiation shields in position.
Air supply failed.
Gee, it's getting real thick! I hope Virgil's not far off! Look at that! Terrifying! This is International Rescue.
This is International Rescue! 'Lf you can hear me, 'speak in the direction of the lower port bulkhead.
' We'll never find the tanker! Try to get through to Scott and home on his signal.
Thunderbird 2 calling Ocean Pioneer! Come in, Scott! (Static and interference) Nothing.
Now, where the heck is Virgil? We can't afford to split up now! That's him! Calling Virgil in Thunderbird 2! 'Calling Thunderbird 2! ' There he is! Come in, Scott! Where are you? I can hear your motors.
You're somewhere over to the starboard side.
Steer five degrees to port.
There! there's not a moment to waste! OK, John.
0n your way.
Right, Virgil.
Keep her steady.
Here goes! John hits the deck, stand clear.
- How's it coming? - I'm nearly there.
Here it comes! Say, they look in bad shape, Scott! Yeah, now come on! Just look! This can only mean one thing! We must be right over the 0D-60 now! Virgil, come in and stand by.
Step on it, or we might not be around! On my way.
How's Scott doing? He's bringing round the crew.
Captain, can you hear me? Call International Rescue It's our only hope Well, I sure hope you're right.
You're right above us, Virgil.
Start dropping.
Look out! Hold it there, Virgil! Down rescue gear.
Captain, lead your men off the ship.
I want you to know No time now.
Your ship is about to blow up.
It's what?! OK, Virgil, pull away! And make it snappy! FAB, Scott! There's no sign of him anywhere! Thunderbird 1 from Thunderbird 2.
Come in, Scott! The interference has cleared but Scott doesn't answer.
He's just G0T to have made it! Thunderbird 1! Come in, please! Do you read me? (Scott) 'Loud and clear, Virgil! ' See you back at the base.
(John) I still say that a ship is a huge capital investment, Scott.
We should have tried towing her out.
But would we have made it? Who knows? It's part of the game.
Hold it.
John, how many rescues have you been on? L-I guess about a dozen, Father.
- Scott? - All of them.
Yet you still argue.
- We weren't arguing! - We were just discussing.
For years, man has worked to perfect material things, and he's done pretty well for himself.
If a building falls down, he builds it again.
Life is different, this is why the object of International Rescue will never change.
Your job is to save lives in danger.
And that's how it's gonna be - always.
Got it? That's 0K by me, Father.
Sure, Father.
the pool.
I want to read my book!
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