Thundercats (2011) s01e22 Episode Script

The Forever Bag

Salutations, my young friends.
The name's Tookit.
Hey, my fluke's gone! My flank, too! He's still got our stuff! We've searched everywhere for that little thief.
Something tells me we're not going to find Tookit unless he wants us to find him.
Excuse me, good sir.
Have you by chance seen two mischievously adorable kittens? Of course you haven't.
Oh, my.
What a lovely watch.
Might I inquire as to the time? Time for you to move along.
Very clever, sir.
Never let it be said I can't take a hint.
Good day to you.
My watch! Hey! Get back here! Let's face it, we'll never find him before the others return.
Tookit! I've been looking everywhere for you two.
And we've been looking for you.
Then you've reconsidered joining forces to become the greatest pickpocketing team of all time? No.
We want our stuff back.
And nothing to do with you.
But can't you see? The fates have brought us together for a reason.
As a kleptovoyant, I understand everything in this universe happens to serve a greater purpose.
Take this pin.
Worthless, right? Except I wouldn't have took it unless it was destined to come in handy one day.
And the same is true of our pairing.
Not a chance.
Just get me back my fluke.
And my flank.
And you shall have them.
I'm keeping your music maker and your trusty key grappnel back at my humble abode.
Follow me.
I better not lose this.
Who knows when I shall need it? Your belongings are right here in this bag.
I don't see anything.
Why, to use a magic bag.
You need a magic word.
That's impossible.
Is he in there? It's too dark.
I can't see anything.
Come on.
Go in.
You go first.
We'll go together on three.
All of this in a little bag? Not just a bag.
A forever bag.
The inside of which exists on the astral plane.
Where'd it come from? Long ago, it was stolen from a great wizard by the fabled king of thieves Nezzchabaa.
Then, stolen from him, and stolen again, until finally, stolen by its present owner, me.
As promised.
Who are you? Who are you? Meet Albo, Jenyo, and Gusto, youngsters just like you without anywhere to go.
I offered a safe haven from the mean streets of the city.
This place is amazing.
I'd invite you to stay, but I'm sure you're eager to leave my despicable presence.
This place is better than El-Dara! Indeed, it is.
But now, off you go.
What? We have to go? I don't want to be a bad influence on you.
And just to show i'm truly sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused, a parting gift.
Come back whenever you want! Something tells me we haven't seen the last of our furry friends.
You know, maybe Tookit isn't such a bad guy after all.
He even gave us these gifts.
What do you think they are? Hold it, you two.
We were looking for those.
They're stolen.
I bet you're the same kids responsible for all the other robberies, too.
If you'd just listen, we can explain everything.
Don't bother, 'cause it won't save you from the pit.
I'll take those.
Excuse me! Try this on for size! Get this off me! This way! Hurry! Stop! I'll get you, little street urchins! You're cornered now! Where'd they go? That was close.
I heard you were harassed by the constable, so I thought I'd send some help.
Thanks for the save.
We pickpockets have to stick together.
You think he's waiting up there for us? I'm afraid you're in quite the pickle.
You know, maybe we could hang out here for a little while.
Just until our friends get back.
Splendid! We love to have guests.
This calls for a celebration.
You mean Is there a better way to celebrate, Gusto? Good day to you, sir.
Afraid I'm about to close for the day.
Is it that time already? Perhaps you could spare me a few moments.
I was already on my way out.
Then I shall just have to satisfy my sweet tooth another time.
A snack shop! Hey, you two! What are you waiting for? Isn't that stealing? No one's going to miss this stuff.
Do you see what I see? Are those glob-o-gooies? You mean the hard-to-find, secret recipe, 7 layers of mouth-watering, flavor-changing, super sour sweetness glob-o-gooies? Yeah.
That's them.
That's the spirit! Everyone back in the bag.
I'm embarrassed by my forgetfulness.
Thank you so much for allowing me to retrieve my bag.
Everything I have in the world is in it.
My shop! Everything's gone! Oh, my! I do believe you've been burgled, my good man! Here's my bag.
Thieving scoundrels.
Can't trust anyone these days.
That was great! And these treats are so delicious.
I believe the fun has only just begun.
What a run! Now, enjoy the fruits of our labors.
I must retire to plan our next adventure.
I've got you now! Where do they keep going? This is the life! You said it, sis.
Snacks, toys, games Money's not bad, either.
You stole money? It's Tookit's cut.
It's what he gets for letting us have all this fun.
Don't feel bad.
The same thing happened with us.
And it's not like we can stop.
Because if we left, we'd end up in jail.
We never wanted to be a part of something like this.
Tell Tookit we had to go.
Come on, Snarf.
Good thing we got out of there before getting into real trouble.
I'm not so sure we did, Kit.
Well, if it isn't my two favorite pickpockets.
Run! Back to the bag! It's our only chance! These 3 tried to leave, too.
But they learned what you just did.
Life isn't so easy without the help of good ol' Tookit.
You tricked us! On the contrary.
I did what was best for you.
You mean best for you.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you two seemed to be having fun.
And I finally know why my kleptovoyance drew me to you.
A heist for a precious jewel that can only be pilfered with the help of your skills.
So that's why you need us.
You've had this planned from the very beginning.
Now, you can join the crew, or try your luck out there on your own.
It's up to you.
Splendid! Then I shall make preparations immediately.
Guess you're stuck, like us.
We're not licked yet.
We have an idea.
But we'll need your help, along with some fabric, scissors, and a bit of thread.
Think we can find that in here? Of course.
But why? You'll see.
This is our next job, and there, kitties, is our target.
Look how it sparkles.
I simply must have it.
Don't worry.
We know what to do.
Seems like a pretty easy job.
Why would Tookit need us for this? I'm guessing that's why.
I'll take care of 'em.
Got it.
Let's get out of here! Where is everyone? Who cares where they are? It's absolutely beautiful.
Not so fast.
If you want it, we're going to have to talk fair compensation.
But you're already paid in snacks and toys.
Snacks and toys aren't enough anymore.
Come on, now.
We don't have time for games.
The police will be here any moment.
You turned us into criminals.
And kept us from our families.
Don't forget, you chose this life.
But you're the one who took away any chance of an honest life.
I don't care.
I'm the kleptovoyant here.
I recruited you.
I turned you into master thieves.
And it's because of my brilliant planning that you stayed out of the pit.
That's a very interesting story.
Taking advantage of children for your own gain.
It's all true, but it doesn't matter, because you're still going to have to catch me.
You won't get away this time! And yet, I always do! It's over.
I don't understand.
Thanks for hiding the real bag.
Looks like the fake forever bags we made fooled ol' Tookit.
Tookit's kleptovoyance was wrong about us being brought to him for a reason.
There was a reason, sis.
It was to make sure they could have a different life.
It's all been a big misunderstanding.
You look like you could use a nice pocketwatch.
I know it's his own fault, but I kind of feel bad for Tookit.
Hopefully, he'll finally learn his lesson.
Nothing can save you from the pit now, so don't even try to get out of that cell.
How would I? I could only do that with a pick.
Where in the world would I get one of those? Where, indeed.

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