ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e22 Episode Script

Safari Joe

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Whoa. [laughs]
What's up, Jency?
It's your girl, Cheetara,
coming at you
with another speed run.
Hope you enjoy today's show.
Oh, Berbil Belle, come quick.
Cheetara is live-streaming.
Gather around, young ones.
Mayor Cheetara has
much to teach us.
Oh, Cheetara thinks
she's so great,
but she's totally not.
Ah, you know, you don't have
to watch her videos.
But then what will
I complain about?
Today, I'm taking it
kinda easy.
Only gonna circle the planet three
or four times. No big Whoa!
What in the Huh?
Safari Joe does it again!
- [shouting continues]
- [all gasp]
- hardly breathe.
- No, no, no, no.
Cheetara is mad
about something.
Quick, everyone. We can hide
in the Thunder
- [banging on door]
- [exclaims]
Get the weapons.
Cheetara, maybe you just wanna
calm down and tell us
I said weapons!
- Bigger.
- Thunder.
- Bigger!
- Thunder?
- [all hesitating]
- Um, Thunder.
Bu But these are
the biggest weapons we have.
Then make bigger ones.
There's a bad guy out there
that we need to destroy.
Who, the Mutants?
This guy is worse
than every villain
we've ever fought
times a billion.
He's some weird safari man.
Wait. You mean Safari Joe?
Cheetara, there's nothing
we can do about Safari Joe.
But he caught me in a trap
and he did it
while I was live-streaming.
I probably lost
all my followers.
Getting caught in that trap just
made Cheetara seem more relatable.
We love her ever more, now.
[grunts] I'm humiliated.
Welcome to the club. Safari
Joe has been capturing us
in those dang traps
since day one here.
Wow, those Berbils
sure know how to build a lair.
Looking good,
big guy. [exclaims]
- What in the
- Safari Joe does it again.
Safari Joe does it again.
Come on, Gwen.
I know where we can get
moisturizer for those [grunts]
Safari Joe does it again!
Oh, hey, Bat Thing,
where's the nearest mini-mart?
[vocalizes mockingly]
Lion Man, Safari Joe
does it again. [laughs]
How did I not know about this?
I guess you were too fast
for his traps, until now.
[growls] Well, I'm not just
gonna take this.
Safari Joe's next safari
will be into a world of pain.
- [growling]
- Um, okay, a little intense.
Also, it's fine.
He catches us in these traps,
he runs away and we escape.
No big deal.
You just have to learn
to live with him.
No, this may have been fine
when it was happening
to people who weren't me,
but now it's happening
to someone who is me,
and it's the biggest
problem ever.
You know what? I'm in.
I'm sick of that big, bald
cage-dropping bully.
But we've tried to stop him before.
Nothing works.
He's in Cheetara's
crosshairs, now,
and she does not let
a grudge die.
Yeah, Cheetara will know
what to do. What's the plan?
I'll tell you the plan.
We're gonna beat Safari Joe
at his own game.
We are gonna capture him
[all cheer]
and then launch
him into space!
- [all gasp]
- That might be going a big overboard.
Fine. We'll just do
the first part.
[all cheer]
A trap, hey?
I don't think so.
Heads-up, Kitty Man.
Oh, no, no, no, no. [exclaims]
- Safari Joe does it again!
- Toots.
Looks like it's time
for some bad weather.
Blimey, a tornado.
Well, you know what they say
about butterflies. [laughs]
Chaos theory, baby!
What? [panting]
[laughs] Safari Joe
does it again!
[both chuckle]
- Yeah!
- [recorded voice] Safari Joe does it again!
Safari Joe does it again.
Safari Joe does it again.
Safari Joe does it again!
- [eagle screeches]
- [Panthro] He may have bested everyone else,
but nobody outsmarts Panthro.
Let's see you
get out of this one.
Safari Joe does it again!
[all groan]
Safari Joe does it again.
I can hear it
when I close my eyes.
Sa, Sa, Sa Safari Joe
Does it again ♪
Sa, Sa, Sa Safari Joe
Does it again ♪
You have to admit.
If you head him in the club,
- you would dance.
- [growls]
No one is dancing unless
it's on Safari Joe's grave!
[pants] Sorry, sorry, too much.
That was too much.
- But we are not giving up!
- Uh, yeah, we are.
At least before Safari Joe
had to work to catch us.
Now, we're setting
his traps for him.
Face it, Cheetara,
he's too good.
We're never gonna
take him down.
Anyone can be taken down.
You just need the right ammo.
His home address!
We're gonna go there
and ambush him.
We're gonna break
into his house?
That feels like
crossing a line.
You mean, like,
when he crossed through all
your "oh-so-ingenious" traps
and outsmarted you?
Let's go bust down
Safari Joe's door
- and show him who runs Third Earth.
- [all] Yeah.
Yeah, maybe we
should think this
- No time. Let's go.
- [exclaims]
[all grunt]
[tires screech]
Get ready, guys.
Safari Joe probably lives
in some big, scary
hunter's mansion
full of guard dogs
and booby traps and
Uh, I think the only traps
in this place are the leases.
[whispers] Coast is clear.
[all gasp]
Wow, he's got,
like, no furniture.
Except this.
Is that a bed or a couch?
Actually, WilyKat,
that's a futon,
and it's bad
at being both things.
This is real sad.
Don't go soft. Look at this.
He's building some kind
of ultimate trap.
The Safari Sphere.
What kind of sick
He's home. Everyone, hide.
Safari Joe
[sighs] Is lonely again.
Joe. Joe.
Well, I guess we're just
watching a grown man cry, now.
[Safari Joe]
But it's okay.
Everyone will want to
be my friend
when I build the Safari Sphere.
Third Earth's first habitat
for all its endangered species.
Oh, who am I kidding?
Safari Joe is dreaming again.
I thought practicing
my capturing
on the ThunderCats would help,
but, I guess, I'll just go home
to Space-Stralia
a giant failure.
Habitat for endangered species?
I think Safari Joe
is a good guy.
Cheetara, I know you wanted
to destroy Safari Joe,
but I think he already
destroyed himself.
We gotta help him.
What? The ThunderCats?
What are you doing here?
I'll tell you what
we're doing here, Safari Joe.
We wanted you
to stop capturing us,
but I think we just
figured out how to do it.
By making all your
dreams come true.
- What?
- That's right.
The Safari Sphere
is a really cool idea.
We'll help you make it happen,
and then you'll stop
trying to catch us.
You've you've got
yourself a deal.
- [all] Aw!
- Fine, I guess.
But building that Safari Sphere
is gonna take months.
No, it won't. The Berbils will
do it in, like, half a day.
[Berbils] All done.
[Safari Joe] I hereby declare
the Safari Sphere
[all cheer]
Of course, none of this
would be possible
without my good friends,
the ThunderCats.
- So, it's only right that they get the first tour.
- What an honor.
[all] Whoa!
[Safari Joe] Watch your
step now. Careful.
There's a special place
for every creature
imaginable in this sphere.
Over there is our river,
and over there
is an exact recreation
of tree canopies
in the Jungle of Silence.
See? We helped Safari Joe and he
really turned his life around.
Yeah, yeah.
And now for
the grand finale of our tour.
Introducing the first
official inhabitants
of the Safari Sphere,
the ThunderCats. [laughs]
Safari Joe does it again!
Was this whole dome
Another trap. Yep.
But this one is one
you'll never escape.
[all] No.
Safari Joe, how could
you do this?
How could you
lock yourself in this trap?
Me? Trapped?
I think you got a bad read
of the situation here, Sheila.
You're the ones in the traps.
- [laughs]
- No, you're in the trap.
We are in the escape pods.
The escape pods?
Wha What?
Bye-bye, Safari Joe.
Wait. No, no. No, no, no, no.
Not Safari Joe! [exclaims]
[all exclaiming]
Farewell, Safari Joe.
Ha, I told you I'd launch
him into space. Bam!
When did you add rockets
to the Safari Sphere?
I changed the blueprints
when you weren't looking.
So, you knew Safari Joe
was planning a trap all along?
I don't know. Maybe.
But what if he hadn't
tried to trap us?
Would you have still
sent him into space?
I guess so.
The important thing is,
we've all learned
a valuable lesson.
Don't mess with Cheetara!
And don't you forget it,
Cheetara fans.
Now, I'm gonna go
do a make-up tutorial.
I'll show you how
to get those Cheetara spots
- in six simple steps.
- But
- But
- Don't worry, Tygra.
I bet she sent Safari Joe home
safe and sound to Space-Stralia.
In fact, he's probably
there right now.
Those mangy ThunderCats.
They messed with
the wrong Safari
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