Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e22 Episode Script

Episode 22
He still has a pulse.
He still has a pulse!
He's still alive. Hace, he is still Alive.
We'll take him to the palace
immediately. Hang on, son.
Be prepared! We'll take Melik
Tapar to the palace! Come on!
Come on!
Son, hang on! We are taking you, hang on!
Son, hang on! We are
taking you, hang on!
Hang on, my brave son! Hang on, my lion!
There is Turk's blood on our sacred spear.
Soon, I'll shed the blood of others
just like Tapar's blood.
Come on.
Let's take this good news to Isakios now.
From now on, you will
be on guard with Turna
Hatun's soldiers before
the gates of Selemzar.
And you'll be on patrol inside the city.
Never stop following Turna Hatun's orders.
As you command, my Bey
Sencer Bey.
Markus and the crusaders
raided the workshop.
So, we took the
equipment back to the tribe.
What is the situation?
It is been destroyed and Melik Tapar
What happened to Melik Tapar?
He's badly wounded. They said it it
was so hard for him to recover from that.
We'll go the palace
right away, warriors.
We'll both learn the state of Melik
Tapar and take action for revenge.
You stay here.
I'll let you know.
Okay, Sencer Bey.
My Allah
grant my Tapar to us.
Don't open an unhealable wound on my heart.
Sultan Meliksah made our
soldiers hand over their swords.
He also made his own soldiers retreat.
Yet, he forbade hunting to us.
Your uncle told us to establish our
tent at the back of the hunting grounds.
He didn't tell us not to hunt.
He also knows quite well that
no one can prevent me from hunting.
Melik Hadrath!
What is it?
I have important news.
If it is not important enough to
scare my hunt away, I'll shoot you.
The crusaders raided the military workshop.
They slaughtered everyone. And
Melik Tapar was heavily wounded
They say it is hard for him to recover.
How can it be?
How can the heathens raid
the military workshop of Seljuk?
How can they try to kill a Melik of Seljuk?
Obviously, the ones ruling
us cannot deal with the enemy.
They can't even protect the dynasty.
The great Seljuk is ruled by such people!
I am also a son of the dynasty.
I can show the power of the Seljuk to all
the enemies and friends, it it is needed!
Go right away!
Find the crusaders, who
raided there, and kill them!
Only, we can be the ones, who
can take the revenge of this state!
We'll go to the palace, too.
So, we can both check
the situation of my nephew
and call them account for putting
the state in such a weak situation.
Prepare the healing
room! My son is wounded!
Hang on, son! Son, hang on!
My Tapar!
What did they to you? How
could they do this to you?
Daughter, you are pregnant. Go
back to your room. We'll let you know.
I can't leave Tapar.
I need to be with him.
Gevher Hatun! Gevher! Gevher!
Allah forbid, something
will happen to you child.
Don't forget the child you
carry, Gevher Hatun! Help!
Call the doctors! Prepare her room!
- Take her! To the room!
I raise my pot to the one,
who devastated Tapar
and destroyed Meliksah’s
military workshop
Long live Markus!
This has been our
greatest attack until now.
And Emperor had better take action
by exploiting Meliksah's weakness.
Don't worry.
I'll let him know.
Our soldiers in Constantinople will
infiltrate Anatolia as soon as possible.
They'll massacre the tribes of Turks.
Meliksah will certainly
try to take revenge.
We need to shackle him one or another.
As far as I heard, Meliksah's
brother Tekis is around.
He had always problems with Meliksah.
Tekis has a greedy love for the throne.
We need to provoke Tekis
against Meliksah, Isakios.
Then he will stop coming after us.
And maybe, it will be his own
brother that dethrones Meliksah.
Don't worry, I know well
how to impress men, like him.
When the time comes, it won't
be hard to get him on our side.
Now, let's drink for the blood we
spilled from the Meliksah's son Tapar!
For the blood spilled from Tapar!
Hold on, my son!
Hold on, my Tapar.
Stay strong.
What's his situation?
His wounds are deep, his
internal organs are damaged.
He is getting worse.
But we will do our best to
keep our Melik alive, my Sultan.
Bring new cloth and heat up the needles!
Hold on my lion, you got worse wounds than
these, you will get over these as well.
Hold on my tapar.
My Sultan, we need to get out
for the doctors to start the surgery.
We have more a than
father and son with you.
You are my arms, my wings, and my eyes.
If anything happens to you
I would lose my arms and wings.
The whole world would
fall into a darkness for me.
My Sultan, the surgery needs to start.
You will stay strong.
For your father!
For me, you will stay strong!
Come on son, come on.
-Hold on
- My Sultan.
My tapar
The doctors are taking
care of him, my daughter.
You should stay strong, he
will get well with the help of Allah.
Tapar, I want to see Tapar!
Gawhar, calm down!
I cannot stay away from him.
I cannot do it while he is
fighting for his life there.
Gawhar, come.
Let go of me.
Come now, calm down. Calm down.
He has a fever.
She is losing her
consciousness, midwife, hurry up!
She needs to drink this.
Here you go daughter, open your mouth.
Open your mouth.
She has a bleeding, if we
cannot stop it, may Allah protect,
she might lose her child.
Do everything necessary, come on!
My Allah, protect them.
Girls, hurry up, bring clothes.
Gawhar Hatun, you are
a hatun of the dynasty,
stay strong! Don't
let go of yourself.
Think of the child
you are carrying.
This is the time for you to
think of your child, my daughter.
Don't tire yourself and harm him.
My tapar.
Sencer killed every rebel
in the Selemzar Mansion.
And he took over the
security of Selemzar too.
It will be harder for us to
spread to Selemzar now.
Those who believe in our cause
do not know what is "hard" my son.
We destroyed the workshop of the military.
Melik Tapar is almost dead.
We will make our new move in
this chaos to take over Selemzar.
Our companions will move into
Selemzar under the disguise of merchants.
Faysal will buy shops for each of you.
You will do charity work for the folks.
First of all, you will earn their favour.
Then you will bring them in our cause.
-As you command, Seyuduna.
- As you command, Seyuduna.
You will place our doctor
companions into the hospital.
As you command, great Seyuduna.
The hospital, the trade,
and the madrasah
we will take over each of them.
You will act like pious with
those who are pious and you
will act like non-believer with
those who are non-believer.
Until our cause comes out victorious,
I allow you to do anything necessary.
How is Gawhar Hatun, Zubeyde?
Allah protected her, my Sultan.
Doctors are taking care
of her, they are doing
everything necessary for her,
and our grandchild's health.
My Sultan, you haven't
sat down since you came..
Even when he was lying
on the ground, wounded
he was talking about his mother.
I slapped a child that
longs for his mother.
I wish my hand was cut off
and I couldn't slap you.
I am the Sultan of the world.
But now
I have no strength to heal my son.
This is
our helplessness
in front of the Creator.
It is haram for me to stop and rest
before my son is healed, before
he becomes healthy again
..and before I avenge him.
Sencer Bey wishes to
appear before you, my Sultan.
Excuse me, my Sultan.
My Sultan.
I heard what happened.
I came here to learn
about Melik Tapar's
situation and to take
your orders for revenge.
The doctors are treating
him His situation is not good.
-We'll pray and wait.
- You were also at the workshop, my Sultan.
How could they dare such a thing?
I left there because I
was angry with Tapar.
Those inglorious dogs took advantage
of my absence and attacked there.
It's good you're here,
Sencer. As you said
we will avenge the blood
shed by Tapar and all our martyrs.
We have no choice but to find Markus,
who is responsible for this, my Sultan.
Meet Count Albert
for this and tell him to
learn if there's any way
we can reach Markus.
Then, we'll immediately take action.
Markus is not the only responsible
one for what happened.
Whoever sent him here, who rejoices
in the things that happened, will be sorry.
We'll make those oppressors who cause
great distress for humanity pay for this!
We'll leave them breathless!
Is he being treated in this room?
-How is he?
- His wounds are deep.
We are still trying to close the
wounds and stop the bleeding.
-You should be prepared for anything.
- What does that mean?
Melik Tapar is unlikely to survive
Don't say this to our Sultan
until the treatment is completed.
As you order, Hace Hadrath.
Our father's hope, our
mother's secret wound.
My brother who is a part of my heart
if you fall, our hearts
will bum with pain.
Hold on for the days we'll call each
other brothers and hug each other
and for the days that we'll relieve
my longing for having a brother.
What was our Sultan angry enough to
leave Melik Hadrath there and left, Hace?
He's obviously in deep sorrow.
Tapar wanted to open the grave which
he thought belonged to Basulu Hatun.
I heard the news when
he was at the workshop.
I had to tell it to our Sultan.
He got angry and slapped Tapar.
Why did you say that to him, Hace?
Father and son got resented at each
other and this happened to my brother.
You shouldn't have
When our Sultan insisted,
I had to say it.
What should I have done?
He should've known
this and taken precaution.
You kept the most important
secrets all these years.
You could have kept this too.
You did an unreasonable thing.
I don't know if you speak this
way because of your brother.
But I did what I did for his secret.
I'm sorry Hace.
You didn't do the right thing this time.
I don't know how many people
will get hurt by this secret.
But we're almost out of strength.
Mother Basulu?
You're not yourself since
we heard about Melik Tapar.
Did you love him a lot?
He is a brave man.
He walked together
with Sencer
and fought with him.
I'm sad he's hurt.
I remember his feast at the tribe.
I saw you hugging Melik Tapar.
It wasn't a regular hug.
Obviously you have
a different love for him.
He grew up without a mother.
He felt the mother's warmth in me.
He sees me as a mother.
And I love him as a son.
Is Sultan inside?
I'll let him know you're
here. He awaits you.
You wait. Our Sultan will
speak to Melik Tekis alone
My Sultan.
I am so sorry about the
incident that befell to my.
nephew Tapar-
I told you not to talk
about Basulu again.
How dare you tell my son Basulu
is alive and provoke him?
I told him I had doubts.
I didn't do anything wrong.
I hit my son because of
this and I left the workshop.
Now my son is fighting for his life.
If anything happens to him
I will make the whole
world collapse on you.
If the great soldier workshop
couldn't be protected
while the Sultan was
gone, how is this my fault?
I didn't come here to take
revenge or ask questions.
I'm here to support.
Just don't block our
path with your evil acts.
This raid has left the
state in a bad position.
As a member of the dynasty I'm doing
my part to help and I will keep doing so.
You've turned the state matters
into your personal ones Melik Tekis.
You've forgotten quickly
how you ignored the
state for your personal
matters Nizamulmulk.
And now are you giving me advice?
You must remember Tugrul
Bey's vizier Amudulmulk.
He served the state for
years next to Sultan Tugrul.
However the moment my ancestor
Alparslan came to the throne
you worked along with
the provokers and killed him.
Just to take his place, you wasted
one of the founders of this state.
Sultan Arparslan had decided
he was doing wrong things
and he gave the proper punishment.
He was killed months after my
ancestor Alparslan punished him.
Because you provoked my
father for your personal gains
and for that position
and you finally made it.
You are the last person to give us
advice about the state Nizamulmulk.
These poisonous words are nonsense.
I made this sword for Tapar's
unborn child with my own hands.
Tapar's child loses his father
and I lose Tapar..
know that this will be the
sword, which will take our head.
And don't come to my palace
without my knowledge again!
Get out!
I've seen these students for
the first time. Do you know them?
The madrasah also got damaged
in the explosion in Selemzar.
These are the students,
who came from there.
They will stay here for now
not to fall behind in their studies.
After the death of Emir llteber, Selemzar
will have a hard time in recovering.
However knowledge it needs to revive
that much ignorance
is enough to destroy.
Our Sultan and warriors keeps the order
with sword and politics.
And what we need to do
is protect it with knowledge.
You said well.
Selemzar is the most crucial now.
We shouldn't neglect there.
I'll go to Selemzar and check
the situation there tomorrow.
If we don't establish the order of
the knowledge in the Islam world
Allah forbid, it can be
turn into a source of disorder.
So, my nephew
is struggling for his life in this room.
My nephew, whom you let him
be assaulted by a few heathens.
You weren't saying that, when
you spread your poison on him.
I'd ask you, with which face
you've come to the palace but
we couldn't count how
many face you got, Tekis.
I have only face
and it is the son of
Seljuk blood's, Tekis' face.
And I am the one, who is going to
clean the taint you put on the dynasty.
You clean your own taints first.
This dynasty is not that incapable
to need your help, thank Allah.
How much more can you be incapable?
My nephew blood was
spilled by a few heathens.
Is this noble blood that cheap?
Or, do you forget its
essence and nobility
my cousin?
Tekis. If the blood of our
dynasty gets cheaper
it will only happen because of you.
The greatest help you can present
would be staying away.
I'll be the one, who let the
dynasty take its reputation back!
I'll take the revenge of my nephew.
Then, you will understand, who is the
one worth of this bloodline and state.
My Sultan Hace Nizamulmulk
and our Emir, who is responsible
for the treasury, are
waiting for the admission to
My Sultan.
Our Emir, who is
responsible for the treasury,
says there is a
problem with the taxes.
What is it?
My Sultan. I'm sorry to hear what happened.
You sorrow is our sorrow.
I wouldn't want to
occupy you in such a time.
Even if our pain hurts our heart
the affairs of our state
and people cannot be hindered. Tell me.
According to the calender we use..
the time, in which the
taxes should be gathered
coincides with a time, when our
people can't reap what they sow yet.
Therefore, they have a hard
time in paying their taxes.
This has been like
this for a long time.
We need to find a solution.
This difficulty is not special to Seljuk.
In the times of the old states in these
lands, there were also such problems.
The reason of this the calender,
which we also depend on and
has been used since Great
Alexander and Sasanians.
The state exist to secure the
people's happiness and peace
who were gathered
around the sacred values.
This assurance
is needed for the protection
of the sacred religion,
who is respected by everyone
and establishment of an
order, which involves everyone.
If the calenders of the old ones
are making people's life harder
rather than making it easier
our duty
is making a new calender.
Hace. Let's go to the observatory.
We need to meet Hayyam,
Isfizari and the other scholars.
As you command, my Sultan.
How is Tapar's situation?
We did everything we
could for his body to heal.
But Melik Hadrath is
still in critical condition.
Isn’t there anything else to do?
Let's call doctors from
all around the world.
We will do our best and
Allah will grant him health.
We did everything that can be done.
Maybe a spiritual healing
would be better for him.
He was repeating the
word "mother" all the time.
I'm sad about what
happened to Melik Tapar.
I hope he will get better
as soon as possible.
We have to find Markus to take his,
and our martyred soldiers' revenge.
Our Sultan waits for
your help in this regard.
I want to take revenge from
Markus as much as you do.
But Markus knows that I'm on your side now.
It is hard to reach him
through my connections.
Not all Crusaders know
your situation, right?
Isn't there anyone that we
could bait and learn Markus'
There is a Crusader group that
Markus has little contact with.
If we can reach him, we can
only reach him through them.
Send them word quickly then.
We will follow you
until the meeting
location and learn
Markus' location from them.
I will do that.
I hope they had not learned
my situation, if they did
they won't either come
or they will kill me when they come.
Don't worry.
When the time comes, we will protect you.
No matter the result,
for Sultan Meliksah
I can risk going under any danger.
We will do our best and
Allah will give his health.
We did everything that could be done.
Maybe a spiritual healing
could be better for him.
He was repeating the
word "mother" all the time.
I slapped a child that
longs for his mother.
Tapar was talking
about his mother even
when he was wounded
and lying on the ground.
Tell the soldiers to prepare the cart.
We are going to Selemzar.
The spiritual healing he needs, can only
be given by the kindness of his mother.
A group of Crusaders have
gathered around Taskice.
Did you call them?
We did not.
Albert must have called those soldiers
The Crusaders that went
there don't know Albert
is a traitor, but they
know the road I will use.
They are planning to
capture me through them.
We need to stop that meeting immediately.
It is time to use the leverage we have.
We won't stop this meeting,
but Meliksah's brother Tekis will.
Tekis, to gain reputation
has been looking for Crusaders.
I will make him kill the
soldiers called by Albert.
That way, he will get on
bad terms with Meliksah.
There will be Seljuk soldiers
waiting for ambush too.
I will send my warriors
to have them killed.
Zubeyde, when I learned you called
me, I was so scared. Did Tapar
Tapar is alive, don't worry.
his condition is bad.
The doctors said spiritual
healing would be good for him too.
When he was struck, he was
repeating "mother" all the time.
I thought that spiritual
healing could come from you.
My son, my Tapar.
So he was repeating the word "mother" huh?
Maybe he will feel your
presence, and get better.
And you will see your son.
know very well what a mother
feels when her son is in this condition.
There are many battle
scars on Berkyaruk's body.
Each wound he has on his body, is
inflicted 10 times more on my heart.
Maybe seeing your son will
put your heart at ease too.
I have taken the necessary
precautions in the palace, but
we have the possibility to be caught.
I can take any risk for myself.
Are you ready to do that too?
To see my son
for him to get better,
I can take any risk.
I want you to prepare a new
calendar, master Hayyam.
It should be such
a calendar that it
should be better than
all the previous ones.
It should always give the right result.
It should make people's lives
easier from now on to forever.
My Sultan
in order to prepare
such a calendar, we need
to observe the sky
for exact thirty years
and prepare detailed tables in
which we record the movements of
the Sun, the Moon and
the planets without error.
In addition, we must have
observation instruments
that will enable us to
make these observations.
Instruments that will allow
us to observe the sky on
such punctuality doesn't
exist in any observatory on
I have full faith in you
and your knowledge.
I am sure you will finish
this calendar much sooner.
About the instruments
Master Isfizari is unique
in the science of Hiyel.
If we cannot supply the instruments
we'll manufactlire them
ourselves here at our observatory.
The doors of the Seljuk
Treasury are wide open to you.
Here is the endless sky.
You will look there, collect its secrets..
You will look there, collect its secrets
and grant us the key to time.
Don't ever forget that
the ones who can't reach the sky
can't rule the earth.
We'll do our best, my Sultan.
We will bring this calendar
and detailed observation charts
to you as soon as possible, my Sultan.
We'll use every means available for this
observatory and observations, my Sultan.
The calendar to be
created will be remembered
with the name of
Celaleddin Meliksah for
And it will be called as Celali Calendar.
These are the soldiers we
sent to search for the Crusaders.
Let my soldiers go, now.
Otherwise, I'll kill all of you.
Of course we'll let them go, Melik Tekis.
I came here to be friends
with you, not enemies.
Who are you?
Why would I be friends with you?
I'm Prince Isaakios.
Your soldiers are searching for
the Crusaders in the wrong place.
I can tell you where they are.
That's why you should be friends with me.
You are the Byzantine Prince.
Why would you tell me the
location of the Crusaders?
Do you think you can fool me?
We don't like the Crusaders.
They are Catholics and we are Orthodox.
They are enemies to us as well as to you.
And if my aim was to do you harm
I wouldn't talk to you like this.
I would ambush and kill you.
Why do you want to cooperate with me?
Because the big obstacle
for both of us is the same.
They put you in the
background in the dynasty.
I'm a prince too. My
brother is the Emperor.
The same thing happens to me.
If you kill the Crusaders
you'll avenge your nephew.
You will achieve what Meliksah has failed.
Then you'll get in everyone's good books
When the time comes, you will
have great support behind you.
You will dethrone Meliksah
and take the throne.
Have the necessary
precautions been taken, Hace?
Basulu is waiting at the door.
The necessary precautions
are taken but it's not
good that Basulu Hatun
is here, Zubeyde Hatun.
Her son is on his deathbed. Maybe
this will be the last time she sees him.
Maybe his son will feel his
mother and find spiritual healing.
They have been separated for years.
At least she should see his son now.
What would we do if anyone sees
or hears that Basulu Hatun is here?
You're playing with fire, Zubeyde Hatun.
I know this secret now, Hace.
If this secret is revealed,
Meliksah will punish me too.
I take that risk, however
If there is a child longing for his mother.
If there is a child
longing for his mother
none of these are important to me.
Don't let anyone in the room. Be careful.
Who's that Hatun going
to in the healing room?
Her face was covered.
It wasn't noticeable.
Because of safety concerns Zubeyde
Hatun prohibited entrance Terken Hatun.
Melik Tapar is my son too. Move.
We obey the rules Terken Hatun.
Hace Hadrath has strict orders.
What's wrong mother?
If they don't even
want me to go in there
maybe Nizamulmulk and
Zubeyde Hatun is up to something.
I will get into that room eventually.
My Tapar.
The top of the highest of mountains.
The light to my darkness.
My heart was torn while I missed you..
You were just a baby.
And I left you alone.
I let a part of you be empty.
All these years
I always met you in my dreams.
But now I'm here. See?
Your mother's with you.
I will sacrifice my life
for yours my son.
I just found you.
I need more time with you.
But you'll wake up.
You will hug your own child and hold him.
You won't leave us childless
and leave him fatherless.
My Sultan. Terken Hatun is waiting
for the admission in your presence.
My Sultan
I wanted to get inside
the healing room, for
I wondered about the
situation of Melik Tapar.
Yet, the soldiers of Nizamulmulk
took strict security measures.
They let no one get closer to the room.
They do whatever it needs.
What is the thing that
surprises you this much?
Did I deserve this treatment, my Sultan?
Zubeyde Hatun doesn't
let me get in the room.
What did I do that I couldn't even
get inside the room of our Melik?
I've started to become confused
if I am your Hatun
or a simple servant now.
What kind of words are these, Terken?
Of course, you are my Hatun.
Come on.
Let's go and check him together.
May my life
and my breath be
sacrificed for you, my son.
If you need to get the spiritual
healing you need from me
may everything I have
be sacrificed for you.
Attention! Sultan
Meliksah Hadrath!
Who is inside?
There is Zubeyde Hatun, my Sultan.
Where are the doctors?
Why is there no one with Tapar?
Doctors has gone to prepare
a new mixture, my Sultan.
And I've been waiting for them with Tapar.
My Sultan.
Melik Tapar's situation gets
better rapidly than we expected.
Thank Allah.
Thank Allah.
I thought you got inside with a
hatun with you, Zubeyde Hatun.
Where is she now?
My son.
My Tapar.
Thank Allah.
Your mother loved you by
saying "the peak of my mountains
the light of my dark eyes"
If she was here now
she would hold your
hand and give you strength.
You will get up for your mother, son.
It must be the grace of
Allah. It surprised me too
for him to get better
this quickly, and uttering
Thank to my Allah.
My son.
My Sultan, we got word from Sencer Bey.
Count Albert had sent
word to the Crusaders,
and they are going to
the meeting location.
Prepare the horses quickly, we will go too.
You will get up, son.
Let's get out, so the
doctor can do his job.
Come on.
So you called our Sultan.
Why did you do that?
Tapar is my son too,
I was worried about him.
When I was not taken into
the room, I went to our Sultan.
Also, you entered there with a hatun,
to the room even I was not taken into!
Where is that hatun now?
She is one of my servants,
do I have to make explanations for you?
I don't know how, but when our
Sultan came, she was not there!
What a coincidence.
You are evil.
That's why you suspect everything.
don't let these suspicions
of you bother me further.
If you don't want to be
bothered, Zubeyde Hatun, then
don't act like you are hiding something.
This palace does not belong
only to you, remember that.
I have the authority over
all the hatuns in this palace.
Now, go to your room,
and do the tasks I have
given to you, together
with your daughter.
You have the authority for now.
every ascension has a descension
and every descension has an ascension.
Don't forget.
Both eagles and snakes can
reach the peaks of mountains.
But eagles reach by flying
and snakes reach there by crawling!
Don't forget that!
Thank Allah we were not
caught. Let's leave quickly.
Come on.
Where are they?
My God, protect me.
We are about to arrive
at the meeting place.
When the Crusaders arrive,
they may want to harm Albert.
We will protect him on the
one hand, and on the other
hand we'll wait for our
Sultan to come here before we
Where did they come from?
They understood the plan we
made with Albert and ambushed us.
We’ll kill them and reach Albert.
We'll kill them and reach Albert.
It's nice to see that
you're alive, Count Albert.
Thanks, my friend.
How are the situations around here?
When was the last time you met with Markus?
We haven't seen Markus in a while.
I wanted to see Markus.
Where can I find him?
Today, Markus
Kill the infidels!
Damn it!
-Where did they come from?
- Attack them for revenge!
Where are you, Sencer?
They'll attack Albert.
Let's go, soldiers!
Don't hurt me. I am
helping Sultan Meliksah.
I'm here because of that.
Tell these lies to someone
else you lying infidel.
What have you done?
What's he doing here?
We brought them here on purpose. We
were going to find out where Markus was.
How dare you question me?
I speak on behalf of our Sultan.
This was his plan.
You ruined the Sultan's plan.
Aren't these the crusaders
who hurt your nephew?
We heard they'd be here
and we came for revenge.
If you had such a plan the
Sultan should've let us know.
Where should our Sultan know you'd do this?
And why should he let you know?
You're standing before a Melik.
Know your place as a Bey Sencer.
Or what?
You'd kill me too?
Pray that you're on Sultan's duty.
However after this duty is over
know that you're my enemy Sencer Bey
And you pray that this isn't my plan.
If it was I'd make you pay.
But now our Sultan will.
Let's see who'll end up where.
We're going to the tribe.
Hang on.
I told him.
He didn't believe me.
I failed Sultan.
You have no fault. Don't worry.
The ones who are wrong will
be punished by our Sultan.
Now we'll patch your wounds.
Help him. Patch Albert's wounds.
Take these.
And these.
They will last you for a while.
Take this.
And you'll have an apple.
But don't worry. I will bring
you more before they're done.
Allah bless you my Bey.
But why are you helping us?
When the owner of the skies gives trouble
to someone he doesn't just test them.
The ones who help and the
ones that don't are also tested.
Nowadays, people in the town, like you..
are suffering because of poverty.
Even if it's a ruler
who caused this, they
shouldn't forget about
the day of reckoning.
It's obvious you are
a kind hearted man.
May Allah bless people like you.
Are these kids working on the fields?
Small hands shouldn't be
crushed under such big jobs.
My sweet child.
Don't you worry Hatun.
From now on these kids will go to school.
I will do whatever it
takes for their education.
Allah bless you my Bey. May
Allah bless you a thousand times.
May all of us.
You'll get better. Don't worry.
What's happened here?
My Sultan.
Melik Tekis went after the crusaders.
He learned the meeting spot
somehow and killed everyone.
We saved Albert but he's injured.
I was going to take my son's
revenge, not him. He ruined everything.
I'm sorry this happened.
You did your part Albert.
Don't upset yourself.
Albert told the truth but
Melik Tekis didn't listen.
He is obviously after revenge my Sultan.
He crossed the line despite my warnings.
I will make him pay with my own hands.
He will learn what it means to disobey me.
Make sure Albert is taken care of, Hace.
As you order, my Sultan.
I know what Tekis
has on his mind with
the excuse of revenge.
He wants to show me
weak and himself powerful.
I'll make him pay for his
plan and carelessness now!
You deal with the security of Selemzar.
My Tapar.
We've come.
Open your eyes, the light of my heart.
Hang on for your child.
Don't leave him without a father
and me without my husband.
You've been longing
for your mother for years.
Don't hurt your child with
the longing of his father, too.
Don't open a wound, which he bleeds every
time he touches, on your child's heart.
Open your heart.
Look warmly at me again.
Ease my heart, which is
in pain with your sorrow.
My Allah. Bestow Tapar to us.
Come on. That's enough.
Standing is bad for you.
You need to have some rest, too. Come on.
Come on, daughter.
What will my uncle do to us, when
he learns we killed the crusaders?
Stop thinking about it.
What can he do?
Is he going to call us accountable
for killing some heathens?
Sultan Meliksah Hadrath!
He's come.
My Sultan.
Which soldiers did you have
in the raid of the crusaders?
Take their swords!
I've expelled all of them!
The command of my soldiers
belongs to me, my Sultan.
Nothing belongs to you in these lands.
All of them under my command
including you! Take their swords!
We shouldn't argue in the
middle of the tribe, my Sultan.
Let's go to my tent.
You've disgraced yourself enough anyway.
Let all of your tribe be
witness how a vile man you are!
Is this all because I
killed a few heathens?
Didn't Sencer Bey tell you that I
did it for my nephew's revenge?
Or, he filled you with his lies?
So, you bit more than you chew.
Albert is with us!
Why did you attack him, even
though he said it was my plan?
How could I know you would take your
son's revenge with the help of a heathen?
What you call a heathen is much
more beneficial to us than you.
I warned you many times.
You made another
carelessness in every time!
Obviously, you won't come to
your senses until you get punished!
Don't give the punishment to me
but to the ones who attacked you son.
You have a grudge against me because,
you couldn't take the revenge of your son?
You are just a fool that stopped
me from taking my revenge!
I have been patient until today!
But from now on, my wrath will speak!
The sword I put on your neck, will
remove your head at your first mistake!
Now there is blood
between us, brother.
Only blood can cleanse it.
With the news brought by Livia,
Tekis and Meliksah fought each other.
While they are fighting each
other, we will get closer to our goals.
And I sent word to the Emperor.
The soldiers in Constantinople
are about to sneak into Anatolia.
Soon, we will hear about
the slaughter of the Turks.
After all that success, you
got more reputation, Markus.
Both among Byzantine and other Christian
Kingdoms, you are now in a higher position.
That's right.
Now no one can stop
me from doing what I want.
Even you Livia, you are just the leader
of a group of warriors compared to me.
What does that mean?
It means that even you have
no value compared to me.
It means I can do what I want even to you.
Don't even think about it.
I have earned all that
success to take what I want.
You are one of them and you will be mine.
You will never do it!
If not willingly, then
I will do it by force!
What are you doing Markus?
She is my adopted child.
Don't you know?
Stop me if you want.
Come on, try it.
Prince Isakios!
Won't you stop him?
He is more valuable to
us than you now, Livia.
He is the protector of the Holy Spear.
I cannot interfere in the things he does.
You disposed of me like this, but
I will kill him with my own hands!
From now on, I will not wait for
anyone to give me something!
I will take everything I
want myself, including you!
And we will make up for
the past days with you, Livia!
Take her away.
Let go!
Just to make himself shine
he did not let me
take Tapar's vengeance.
The mistakes he has done has come
to the degree, which cannot be forgiven.
In the end, he will cause me to kill him.
It is obvious that Tekis'
intention is not a good one.
But it is wise to be patient, Meliksah.
If you kill your brother now,
the state will go into chaos.
And this will make things
easier for the enemy.
My Sultan, Hace Hadrath
wants to come into your presence.
There is an important news.
Let him in.
Excuse me, my Sultan.
My sultan, the Imam of Arabian
Mosque in Constantinople,
Kasim El-Horasani has
sent an important word.
Things are not looking good.
There is a movement in Byzantine army.
As I learned, the
Byzantine forces are going to
sneak into Anatolia, and
slaughter Turkish Tribes.
They are benefiting
from the destruction of the
workshop and regression of
the campaign preparations.
With ambushes, they will make
way for the Crusader armies.
Hajj groups will start going too.
We need to stop the enemy immediately.
I know how to ruin their plans.
What's on your mind, my Sultan.
My Atabey.
It's time to send Kilicarslan to Anatolia.
Byzantines will learn
that we have an agreement
with Kilicarslan and
they will be alarmed.
They will think that
we'll send Kilicarslan to
Anatolia witn my order
and end the dichotomy.
They will give up sending the
Byzantine soldiers to Anatolia.
And most importantly, they'll
try to kill Kilicarslan on the way.
Markus, the puppet of the
Crusaders, will take on this task.
We will set up a trap in the trap and
hunt Markus while he's after his prey.
Spread the news that
Kilicarslan will be sent to Anatolia.
Markus should hear that.
Tell Sencer to get his Alps
ready and wait and be prepared.
He will accompany the caravan
that Kilicarslan will go to Anatolia.
I'll go to meet with Kilicarslan.
As you order, my Sultan.
You'll get cold, my Turna.
I wanted to get some fresh air.
It makes me feel good.
I always feel sorry that I
cannot be with you all the time.
I always think about you.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. Don't worry.
How is Melik Tapar?
He is getting better. Thank Allah.
I'm worried about Basulu Mother.
She has been in a very bad state
since she heard that Melik Tapar was hurt.
My mother is sensitive.
She feels sorry for him because she
knows what Melik Tapar has done for me.
She cares about him as she cares about you.
When I fell off the cliff
while I was walking on the edge of
death, Melik Tapar was always there for me.
He didn't give up on me.
My Turna.
There are ominous crows
flying over our state but
we made a promise to each other.
We said we'd start a family.
You can't live in this
mansion all alone anymore.
It is not appropriate for me
to come here all the time.
We should have our feast.
You're right.
We can have our feast
whenever you think is appropriate.
What about Selemzar?
Our state took precautions for Selemzar.
Don't worry.
There is news from our Sultan, my Bey.
He wants you to gather
the Alps in tribe and
be ready for the Kilicarslan
mission tomorrow.
I need to go to the tribe.
The Alps will ensure
the safety of Selemzar.
Don't worry.
Be careful.
Tomorrow, we will be in the caravan
that will take Kilicarslan to Anatolia.
Get ready.
What's this, Sencer Bey?
Did you take Selemzar too after the
Kinik Tribe? Are you crossing my way?
If you keep exceeding your
limits, I'll cut your head off.
What are you talking
about?\N-You wanted to marry Turna.
Couldn't you find any other
way to get yourself killed?
It's not a shame or sin. She didn't
have a promise to marry you back then.
So I wanted to marry her. Should
have I asked for your permission?
Turna is mine ever
since I saw her.
Everyone knows it
except you! You inglorious!
First you got his father in debt,
then you tried to get his daughter.
Did you think you could get away
Since she's been yours
since you saw her, then
you should have been a
man and made her your
Are you so angry because
I'm more manly than you?
If you ever look at Turna by chance
again, I'll scratch your eyes out.
If you mention her name,
I'll cut off your tongue.
I'm losing my patience.
You will not be able
to enter Selemzar soon.
We'll see who won't be
able to come to Selemzar.
I will not let you step into here soon.
Finally it's time.
Tonight will be a very
special night for you, Livia.
You'll be my woman finally.
From now on, I can only be your death.
There's hate inside you
for the days I humiliated you.
But this will never change.
You'll always be an inglorious man for me.
Markus! Stop!
Get out of here! You won't
like the things you'll see here.
You're such an inglorious man.
-I'll kill you.
- Come here.
Uncle Nikolas!
Uncle Nikolas!
Why are you all here like this was a plan?
Damn it. Why did you kill Nikolas?
Are you questioning me
because of a Sahbender, Prince?
Send a new Sahbender. It's not a problem.
Our spies sent word.
Meliksah will release Kilicarslan
and send him to Anatolia tomorrow.
Right when we think we stopped
Meliksah, he makes a new move.
So he released Kilicarslan.
That means they made a deal.
If Kilicarslan obeys Meliksah
and goes to Anatolia
the crusaders can never enter there.
And our dreams of
Jerusalem and Anatolia fails.
Nothing will fail Markus.
Because we will kill
Kilicarslan. That's the only option.
And you will do that. I
know where he's being kept.
I didn't stay at the palace
for years for nothing.
Send your men at once. And
when Kilicarslan is released
you will trap him wherever he goes.
I made Meliksah suffer by attacking Tapar.
Now I will make all of Seljuks
suffer by killing Kilicarslan.
Get your men and be ready.
Get this carcass out of here.
And take care of this
pretty girl while I'm gone.
I know you've been trapped with rage
like a lion in who's been chained.
Now you will strike the crusaders
with your fierce claws.
Now it's time Kilicarslan.
Markus has made his
biggest attack til this day
by raiding the army
workshop and hurting Tapar.
Now we will set the
biggest of traps for him.
Don't forget
we must take revenge
on Markus for our tribe.
We will avenge Korkut
Bey and all the martyrs too.
Tomorrow's attack will be big.
We will plan in accordance.
The meeting spot will become hell.
Some of us will get hurt and
some of us will be martyrs.
But Allah is my witness
that this will be the
last attack on Markus.
We will fight side by side.
And we will be victorious
And we will be victorious.
Peace be with you Yigits.
Peace be upon you Ak
Bilge (Wise Man in white).
The war preparations have begun.
The dark nights are lit with
the weapons of the skies.
Tell me Sencer Bey.
What news do you have?
Our swords are sharpened for a great war.
We will set such a trap
fro the infidels that
if we can't defeat them
they have to fight with power.
So we're at the brink of death.
One time the Turks were
captives of the enemy.
They fought for their freedom.
They grew in numbers by the thousand.
The enemy around them was like fire
but they overcame them.
The enemy was the sheep
herd, but they were wolves.
They didn't worry or get frightened
because they were few in numbers.
Great Allah says in the
Quran that "There are those
The people gather an army against you.
When they said you must fear them..
this word strengthened
their faith. And they said
Allah is enough for
us. What a great trustee."
In short, the bigger the infidels are
the bigger the faith
and bravery of the Muslim.
No one can touch the ones who
walk in Allah's path and trust him.
Sencer Bey.
May Allah
be the guidance
of your Alps
..and the soldiers with you.
May your war be blessed.
Long live, Ak Bilge.
You've taken care of
everyone since the morning.
You haven't stopped and rested at all.
Do I have any other duty?
Of course, I take care of them.
You should have some rest, too.
You haven't eaten or drank
anything since your arrival.
My heart
is burning with the flame of revenge.
And I hold the fire of my son in my hand.
The hands, with which I
raised him, are burning.
This is the fire, which
is burning all my body.
You are a great mountain,
which we all lean on.
Among all these troubles,
you lead us as a father.
Both your love and
hate are welcomed for us.
With the permission of Allah
our revenge will be taken
and our son, Tapar, will be healed.
Don't worry.
Don't worry, so, we can
brace up with your tenacity.
Come in.
My Sultan.
Good news has arrived from the doctors.
Melik Tapar has opened
his eyes and come round.
Thank Allah!
Why did Meliksah get
angry with Tapar, Taculmulk?
Could you learn the reason why
he raised his hand against him?
I could.
Melik Tapar wanted to have
his mother's tomb opened.
And when our Sultan heard
this, he got very angry, and
just before the raid of the workshop
he slapped Melik Tapar among everyone.
Why did Tapar
want to have his mother's tomb opened
after all these years?
Obviously, he suspected something.
Melik Tekis
told Tapar his mother was
still alive and he had a brother.
After that conversation, he decided
to have his mother's tomb opened.
Besides, according to Tekis
our Sultan knows Basulu
is alive and she has a son
but hides it from everyone
to keep his sultanate.
Yet, we can't trust Tekis.
His eyes are set on the throne.
He might have rumored such a thing
to trigger a chaos among the dynasty.
What if what he said was true?
When he heard that
we investigated Basulu
in the record books before
our Sultan got angry so much.
There must be a reason for the matter of
Basulu to make our Sultan uneasy this much.
We also saw a cradle in
the musty house we went.
Could there be this much coincidence?
We'll continue our investigation
tomorrow, Taculmulk.
And we won't stop
until we reach a conclusion.
Let's see
what the truth is.
The servants could have done it, father.
My hands caused you to get upset.
If I don't heal you with these
hands now, I will be always troubled.
When I was little, you always fed me
and let no one else do it.
Do you remember it?
They said you were going to
a campaign, father. Is it true?
It is, my son.
I wanted to feed and take
care of you, before I leave.
Come here.
I want to be a brave warrior
like you, when I grow up.
You will.
You will mount up and
have many victories
with your sword, when
the time comes, my son.
You told me about Oguzhan once.
He did many thing at my age.
Can you tell him again, father?
Great Allah
bestowed a son
who has the sky as his
face and fire in his mouth
with hazel eyes
and with hairs like
lion's mane, to Aykagan.
They named him Oghuz.
He ate when before he was as old as 40 days
and he started walking when 40 days passed.
When he was around your age
he started riding a horse,
and take up a sword in his hand.
He hunted preys, and caught birds.
And when the the time came, he became a
great ruler that conquered all the land
from China to Frenk lands.
One day, you will be a ruler that walk
the path of our ancestor Oghuz Khan.
It is not time for me to go
on our campaign, my son.
I should go, so that I can
conquer lands to glorify our Sanjac.
I should go
you can carry that
Sanjac to further after me.
Don't go, I will be left alone.
Why would you be alone, son? Seferiye
Hatuh and your brother Berkyaruk are here.
None of them are like you.
My mother is not here either.
What would I do if you don't
come back from the campaign?
I will be back.
I won't leave you alone.
I promise you this.
Every time I went on a campaign, you
would be scared that I wouldn't come back.
You would hug my hands tightly.
I had no one else but you.
You always wanted to
be a brave warrior like me.
You became one, my son. You
became my companion in battle.
You made me proud,
and put my heart at ease.
I give you my blessing.
May Allah bless you too.
Now I will go again.
This time, to take your revenge.
I swear that I won't come back to
this palace without taking your revenge.
What about the preparations
for the campaign?
I couldn't protect the military workshop.
Now the preparations will take a blow.
They won't, my son.
We have overcome many hardships.
The preparations will continue.
First of all, I will take your revenge.
Then you will get up like a lion.
We will fight side by side with you again.
We will plant our Sanjac on Kuvel together.
Come on son, drink it before it gets cold.
Have it easy.
Thanks, Turna Hatun.
Who are they?
Where are our healers?
Word came from their homelands.
A plague broke out, and
their relatives got infected too.
That's why, they wanted to go.
I wonder how they are.
Since that's the situation, I
took a doctor and a healer here.
Turna Hatun, I know the
importance of this place for you.
So I tested both of them, they proved
that they are skilled in what they do.
The patients were waiting,
so hired them quickly.
Efruz Hekim, I know you, and trust you.
If you see it fit, then it's okay.
Peace be with you.
-Peace be upon you.
- Welcome.
Turna Hatun, I want to talk to
you about something important.
Of course.
Father, soldiers are
looking for you everywhere.
Why are you endangering yourself?
If you do not risk your life, this
cause will not get stronger, my son.
While Seljuk and Byzantine are fighting,
each other, we need to take over Selemzar.
What are our companions that
came here as merchants doing?
As you ordered, they are helping
poor people and chatting with the folks.
Very nice.
Now, tell them to make copies
of the books of our cause.
Because we will establish
a Madrasah here and
we will teach kids the
teachings of the Batinis.
We will take roots in these lands.
Even when a tree dries up and
dies, its roots stay in the ground.
Our silence will be echoed
in people's mind that
even when we leave here,
we will continue to be here.
After the catastrophe in Selemzar, the
students were left without a madrasah.
The Great Allah, in
His book, show the wise
people as witnesses to
his being One and Only.
We would like to build a
madrasah so the students
will not believe into wrong
teachings in the absence of
You thought well.
My father also gave great
importance to the madrasah
I'll do whatever I can about it.
The caravan is waiting
for you, Kilicarslan Hadrath.
He's out. He's Kilicarslan.
I saw him in war in Anatolia
before Meliksah detained him.
For your safety, we will take you with
this vehicle and we will accompany you.
Come on, brave soldiers! We'll leave!
Let's go.
Take it. Dress up your children with this.
-May Allah bless you.
- You too, brother. You too.
- Fabric? -Here.
Your generosity is admirable.
We opened a new shop here. We wanted
to help people so that it'd bring us luck.
May Allah accept your charity.
It brings good fortune to give the
blessings bestowed by Allah to the poor.
May Allah increase your
prosperity and fortune.
Let us be among those who have access
to the secret of truth from the heart.
It's enough for us.
We all cross cities and
roads to reach the truth
It is because of not
knowing whether the
secret we are trying
to reach is far or near.
However, the truth is in the
hands of the competent person.
Truth is one and it can only
be learned from one person.
Who is that person?
It is our Great Imam
who has gotten rid of his mistakes
and who knows every science.
Obey the Great Imam. Get rid of the
endless fight and the traps of the mind.
May your business be blessed and prosper.
What happened? What are you thinking about?
I thought about it again
when I see the folk.
We'd better hurry to open the madrasah.
Ghazali does not wander
around here in vain.
Things will be difficult for us as
long as his shadow is around here.
We should hurry and
engrave our cause in
the minds of the people
as soon as possible.
Meliksah released Kilicarslan.
Is that so?
They take the great road in the West.
As Meliksah wants to move against
us, he will face a much greater disaster!
We'll kill Kilicarslan!
Anatolia will be torn into pieces!
Seljuks will dissolve!
We'll make them experience hell!
Now it's time to attack!
For blood and war!
Blood and war!
How many soldiers do we
have on alert in Horasan?
Over forty thousand, father.
It's enough to
dethrone my brother
Meliksah and take the throne.
There will be a revolt soon, son.
After seizing the city of the throne
we will destroy my brother Meliksah
Zubeyde Hatun
Terken Hatun
and even the child in Gevher's belly.
Some of the soldiers will
go to Berkyaruk's lands.
We'll destroy Berkyaruk too.
What about Sencer?
When the revolt starts
we will destroy the Kinik
Tribe and hang Sencer.
The soldiers are waiting for you
in front of the tent, Melik Hadrath.
It's time to
light the fire of rebellion.
Time is now brave men.
The Sultan of the Seljuks
have ruined our state.
He couldn't stand up to
crusaders and the Batinis.
Now curses have surrounded our land.
Know that the state
is at the hands of the incapable.
However we will not
leave the state unattended.
We will not let the infidels
and traitors run over it.
We will not dishonor the past and its fame.
Now, is the time to draw
our swords for the sultanate.
From now own we will own the state.
Sultan Tekis.
Sultan Tekis. Sultan Tekis
Here is Kilicarslan
Sencer is with him. We will
spill more blood than we thought.
The lambs are trapped. Attack brave men.
The lambs are trapped.
Attack brave men.
Kill Kilicarslan.
Kilicarslan knows about the trap.
We showed him to everyone before he left.
Now he is hidden among the soldiers. Take
him back without letting the guards know.
Attack my brave men.
It's a trap.
I will seal my revenge with your blood.
You can't end this by killing us. We will
come after the Turks till the end of days.
As longs as I hold this sword,
you will all die by my hands.
For my son.
For all our martyrs.
I swear not to leave any cruel
ones who are against Allah's way
to destroy the crusaders
who attack the holy crescent
to fight till the end of days
in the name of Islam and the Turk's law.
We swear!
Allah is the greatest.
- Allah is the greatest
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