365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e23 Episode Script

Lee Shin Finds out That Hwang No Sub Was Using Her for the Reset

(Episode 23)
KTX 738 from Busan bound to Seoul derailed
and the wounded are currently sent to nearby Daejeon Hospital.
There were 387 people on board,
and we do not have the number of casualties yet.
- President Baek Gyeong Ah - How did you know
about the train accident?
said the cause of the accident has not been confirmed yet.
Can I really go back in time?
December 21, 2019
at 11:11pm, she has passed away.
No. No!
I thought I'd be able to save her if I reset.
But it's tormenting to watch Young die
every single time.
There will come a day
when Young will fully recover,
if you endure through time.
Enjoy it. Enjoy your time.
You can enjoy watching people
within that time that only you know.
Nothing is more fun than that.
These are
the people I'm interested in.
("Incumbent Detective Arrested as a Serial Killer")
The culprit will run away soon,
and two more people will die.
this person disappears
If that's made possible,
what do you think will happen?
What if you bring back the 10 victims alive
and reset together?
Are you acquainted with Ji Hyeong Ju?
I know a lot about you too, Mr. Oh Myung Chul.
And that you'll kill Detective Ji Hyeong Ju today.
do you know what true revenge is?
It's way too easy
to simply kill him.
True revenge is
making him live in torment
until the day he dies.
Everything has begun again.
It'll be an interesting year.
(Advisory Director Hwang No Sub)
What's this?
I was told to give you this when you two make a visit.
So he must have known that we would come to him.
(The clockwork of time disturbs the silent dawn.)
(The clockwork of time disturbs the silent dawn.)
What's wrong?
Park Sun Ho escaped.
It's not over yet.
What happened?
The vehicle overturned while trying to dodge a motorcycle.
He got out and took the motorcycle.
He even took the weapon inside the vehicle.
- Where's Captain Heo? - He's in a meeting.
We need to wait until the RIU asks for our help.
Do you have any idea where he could be?
(The clockwork of time disturbs the silent dawn.)
Don't you think
it's time for us to prepare for the next reset?
You were always busy around this time of the year
because of Young.
That's why
I'm thinking of getting help from someone else.
Someone else?
I hope you'll be able to remember something now.
Do you still have the photo
that Ms. Lee Shin gave you?
If you succeed,
come to Zian Clinic to meet with me.
- "Succeed"? - I'd like to offer you
the one and only opportunity
to wash away your sins.
I'm talking about the reset.
Who are you?
If you were to kill me right now,
keep in mind
that you will never get to reset.
You'll understand everything soon.
We three will go through the next reset.
But sir
("Pieces of Destiny")
(The clockwork of time disturbs the silent dawn.)
(Chapter 1, The Signal of Fate)
(Volume 9, Two Memories)
It's January 9.
That's two days before the reset.
One of us
will die then.
And Park Sun Ho would still be at large.
Do you think they knew
that he'd escape?
Yes, if this had happened before.
It's just like how they knew when we'd die.
Then why did he go to the café that day?
Do you think he went there to kill Professor Hwang?
If that's the case, he spared his life.
What if Professor Hwang offered a deal?
The reset?
If Mr. Park goes through with the reset,
he'll no longer be a serial killer
who has run away.
I know Park Sun Ho was here.
Didn't you arrest him?
I was curious how you bought this place
immediately after the reset.
It turned out the former director of Zian Clinic
was an advisory director at Samo Pharmaceuticals.
I bet Prof. Hwang led and planned
the experiment.
What's your role in all this?
Are you an accomplice?
Or his puppet?
I don't think you should be worried about me.
If Detective Park Sun Ho escaped,
aren't you and Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon
in grave danger?
Yes, we know.
We can talk more about him back at the police station.
You are under arrest for concealing a criminal.
You have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.
What are you doing?
It was such a large-scale case, so we received many tip-offs.
I suppose these aren't necessary.
(Temporarily closed due to personal reasons)
Have you given it some thought?
It's true that Mr. Park Sun Ho visited the clinic.
I didn't want to get involved, so I told him to leave immediately.
I have no idea where he went.
And there's no reason for him to have told me.
Then why are the CCTV footages from that day missing?
Maybe the cameras had an error.
- I don't do those things. - You're right.
Ms. Song does.
Professor Hwang was with you two, am I right?
That's why the footages were deleted, right?
You can take your time.
We can detain you for up to 48 hours.
Detective Ji.
I promise to come back for the next interrogation.
So please let me go.
I beg you.
Tell me where he went.
That's all I want to know.
I beg you as well.
My daughter
will die tonight.
I need to be by her side.
So your plan is to make me stay here until January 11.
Is that right?
That's correct.
You need to arrive there safe and sound
in order to go through the reset.
How did you find that place?
I was very desperate.
I wanted to die.
But when I woke up,
I found myself at this spot again.
I travelled back exactly a year back in time.
I can't imagine
what that feels like.
You'll experience this yourself very soon.
I'm sure we'll be great partners.
Are you using your child now?
No, Detective Ji.
I mean it.
I ask of you, please.
Where is
Park Sun Ho right now?
I really don't know.
Please believe me.
What about Professor Hwang?
You know where he is, don't you?
Isn't tonight the last day you'll spend with your child?
Yet you're still trying to defend Professor Hwang?
You don't know
how to reset, do you?
That's why you're trying to protect him.
If something happens to him, you won't be able to reset either.
Even if your child dies,
all you have to do is reset.
Is that so?
You'll find a tiny medicine bottle in that box.
You need to
administer the drug tonight.
What if something goes wrong?
All clinical tests
come with side effects.
What do you mean?
Wait, will you do that to Young?
But why?
No, I can't do that even if I knew the reason.
I can't take things this far.
You will
end up doing it,
because you always have.
(VIP Ward)
(VIP 2: Lee Young, female, 7 years old)
Ms. Song! What are you doing?
Over here. Is there anyone around?
She injected something into her body. Hurry!
Ms. Song!
Charge to 150 joules.
Charging to 150 joules.
Doctor, we're ready.
1, 2, 3.
Cleared. Shock.
Charge to 200 joules.
Charging to 200 joules.
You need to prepare yourself for the worst.
December 21, 2019
at 11:11pm,
she has passed away.
Is Young all right?
Are you sure she's okay?
Her vitals look stable.
She'll wake up soon when we give her a few more drugs.
Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon suddenly showed up.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
You better hide for a while.
I'll contact you again.
Hey, you're here.
Come in.
What brings you here?
You two are acquainted?
Young lived thanks to her.
What do you mean?
(Best outpatient clinic in the country)
Thank you.
Did it always happen
on the same day at the same time?
But this time, she lived,
although the fate of one's death was never supposed to change.
If I hadn't seen her,
your child would've died again.
And you would've believed that it was her fate.
Professor Hwang wouldn't have done that.
He's the one who always helped Young
with those clinical tests.
Why would he do this?
He probably needed you to reset.
In order to make you reset time,
he needed the child to die.
Do you still have no idea
who really had been
making your child suffer?
In order to make you reset time,
he needed the child to die.
Do you still have no idea
who really had been making your child suffer?
Was it all because of me?
Did you have to live through that much pain because of me?
Hyeong Ju.
Did you finish giving your testimony?
I got Ms. Song on the wanted list.
I'm sure we'll hear about her soon.
Her child lived
thanks to you.
She was never supposed to die.
I'm glad I got to save her like this.
How can he kill that little child
six times?
Do you think Ms. Lee Shin
began to understand how we felt?
How it feels to have someone else toy with our lives.
(January 1, KTX car 738, January 9, January 11, reset)
(January 9)
Come in, Ga Hyeon.
Take a seat.
Ms. Seo Yeon Soo died.
Died? I can't even believe
that he committed suicide.
It must be a coincidence. They might be lines from poems
or just common celebratory messages.
Do you think someone who knows everything
thinks this is nothing but fun entertainment?
I was starting to get attached to you, Ga Hyeon.
I'm sorry things ended up like this.
"Attached" to me?
You lied about everything and put up an act.
Yet you were "attached"?
When you give this your best,
you end up forgetting that you're acting.
You were at Ms. So Hye In's flower shop
on purpose, weren't you?
You're right.
That flower shop was the least dangerous place,
so I went there myself.
It's a pleasure
to watch something that only I know unfolds
at the time that only I know.
It was thrilling.
Why do you do this?
When you become my age,
most things don't seem that amusing.
Ever since I knew I could reset, I was never bored.
This reset was more special than ever.
I got to witness even the sound of your breaths
right by your side.
So after you used Ms. Lee Shin as your front
and watched everything unfold,
did you feel like you became a deity or something?
A deity?
No deity will tell you your fate before it happens.
I already told everyone about their fate.
You received the card.
Who do you think it'll be among those two?
About Detective Ji.
(Episode 24 will be aired shortly.)
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