Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e23 Episode Script

The Last Kid in the Creek

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride? ♪
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek ♪
[ Coughing ]
Hey, Kit.
Let me get one of those Yo Gos.
You got
barbecue flavor?
[ Sneezes ]
[ Sighs ] Next.
Whoa, Kit!
You don't look so good.
You need to go home.
And let everyone
at the creek starve?
Or worse -- Let somebody else
in on my turf?
No -- Ah! -- way.
[ Sneezes ]
Forget it!
This ol' trading tree
never sleeps!
Well, if you're
sticking it out,
would you mind sticking me
on a flight to Flavor Town?
Here's the deal, Kit -- My
food reviews are off the charts.
So, tell me --
What's the weirdest
flavor of chip you got?
oh, here you go!
Hot-cabbage and clams.
One for you,
too, Craig?
Thank you,
but, ew, gross. No.
All right,
you ready, Craig?
Uhp, don't forget
to make it landscape.
Oh, right.
Welcome to Taste Test
with J.P.
I'm J.P.
The Yum Yum Snack Corporation
is at it again
with another
fan flavorite contest.
This time, we got a submission
from Kathy from Massachusetts --
hot-cabbage and clams.
[ Sniffs ]
Oh, that smells like
a nursing home by the docks.
[ Retching ]
Let's give it a taste.
[ Munching ]
[ Strains, burps ]
It's funny.
I thought "hot cabbage"
meant spicy,
but it's more like cabbage
that's been sitting
in the back of a car.
I'm gonna give it three out
of five belly freckles,
but let me know what you think
in the comments below or don't.
I don't base my happiness
on the opinions of others.
All right, I'll catch you
on the next one.
Those chips seemed kind of weird
for three belly freckles.
Hey, you want
to try one, Craig?
No, thank you.
I've got my Choco-Roll.
It was locally traded
and not weird.
Wow. Somebody's got
a real snoot in their patoot.
[ Whispering ]
Craig is a picky eater.
I am not.
Hi, food-video boy!
Oh, bye, picky-eater boy.
[ Giggles ]
I'm Craig!
All right, Craig, what about
the time you came over,
and you wouldn't eat
my dad's liver dumplings?
That's what we're going by --
liver dumplings?
In Hungary, they're the
equivalent of French fries!
Look, I think kids
should be able to eat
whatever they want
at the creek,
but also, they shouldn't because
they eat super gross stuff.
[ Munching ]
[ Bubbling, squelching ]
[ Shhhhlop! ]
[ Munching ]
Uh, don't knock till you made
a video review about it.
Yeah, just because
something's new and different
doesn't mean it's bad.
I mean, I've discovered sci-fi
can be just as compelling
as young-adult fantasies.
And, oh, boy,
when you combine them,
you can have centaurs
piloting spaceships.
You got to
open your heart, Craig,
or your life
will be boring.
I'd rather be boring
than surrounded every day
by a bunch
of gross-snack-loving kids!
Do you hear that,
Welltough break 'cause
I'm coming to the creek forever.
Guys, I can't come
to the creek today. I'm sick.
Oh, no! But we were gonna go
to the mud spa.
And you were the only one
with coupons.
We can't afford the rocks
it costs to go without you.
We'll have to save it
for another afternoon.
For now, y'all, enjoy your day
and don't forget to watch
my amazing food reviews
and hit "subscribe."
[ Beep ]
Guess its gonna be
a J.P.-free creek day.
What should we do?
All right, Craig!
Come at me!
But I don't want
to come at you.
It's easy. It's like --
It's like dancing!
You know what else
is like dancing?
Do, do,
da-do-do ♪
Do, do, do, do,
da-daah ♪
Ah, dah-doo,
dah-doo, doo ♪
Dah-dee-dah, do, dah-dah-dah,
dah-dah-dah, dah-dah-daah♪
Wow! Looks a lot like you.
[ Chuckles ]
But I did not include
those gross chips.
You know what?
I had my doubts,
but these are pretty good.
Mmm! You sure you don't want
to give them a shot?
No way!
[ Horn blowing ]
Guess that's dinner.
See you tomorrow?
Only death
could keep me away.
"Dearest Craig, a plague
has fallen over me.
As such,
I regret to inform you
that I cannot make it
to our beloved creek today.
Perhaps, not ever."
Honey, you have a cold.
You're not dying.
[ Coughs ]
Just say it!
"Enjoy what little time
you have left."
Okay, now it sounds
like I'm threatening a child.
What am I gonna do now?
I feel like it could use
What do you two think?
[ As J.P. ] "Oh, I think
you should draw a ninja cat."
[ As Kelsey ]
"A cat would never be a ninja.
Cats are either paladins
or self-serving aristocrats."
[ Normal voice ]
This got weird fast.
I should see if anyone else
is around.
Hey, 10 Speeds!
Want to see
my new ghost bike?
[ Echoing ] Hello?
Horse girls?
I found one of your shoes!
[ Sighs ]
[ Clang ]
Wish there was someone
around to see that.
All quiet on
the rainbow front, too.
I mean, there's nothing here
but old duds.
[ Splort! ]
Got any juice, Kit?
I could use a cold one
right now.
Are there no kids
left to play with?
Voice: Craig!
Craiw! Caw!
[ Sighs ] It's like
I'm the only kid in the creek.
[ Echoing ]
I'm the only kid in the creek!!
The only creek kid is me!!
This is just
some ordinary sick day.
Some evil malediction
has cursed our precious creek.
Luckily for me,
I know a couple of gals
who know a thing or two
about curses.
I cant believe you have to work
at Smoothie Groovy.
Yeah, but it's
just for three months,
and then I can make
a down payment on that hearse
from the funeral home
or the hatchback.
I can't decide.
Can you imagine showing up
to my dorm in a hearse?
Witches, I come seeking
your guidance
and maybe
even your magic.
What's with that outfit?
She got a jo-- um
promoted to high priestess
of potionsor whatever.
Turns off your lights.
Sorry. The other creek kids
have disappeared,
and I fear an accursed illness
may be the cause.
I'm the last one left.
Whoa, really?
Every kid gone?
It's like something out
of that show,
"Tales from
the Shadow Zone."
Oh, yeah, definitely.
You are clearly in the middle
of a classic
supernatural morality tale.
W-What's that?
Oh, it's like when someone in
a stories wishes for something,
but then
they get that wish,
but it's bad and teaches them
a dumb lesson.
Like you say, "I hate school!
I wish it didn't exist!"
But then you wake up in a world
where everyone's dumb
there's no school,
and you raise your fists
and yell at the sky.
[ Gasps ] I did that!
I yelled at the sky!
[ Sputters, laughs ]
Okay, run us through
what happened,
the last day
everything was normal.
Well, like usual,
we met at the stump.
Kelsey thought
that she'd grown a bit,
so we measured her.
Then, we helped out J.P.
with the zits on his back.
Ugh. Skip
to the yelling part.
Later, J.P. offered me
a hot-cabbage and clam chip,
and I was like, "No way!
I'd rather be boring
than surrounded
by a bunch
of gross-snack-loving kids!
You hear that,
Oh, no!
You really did it.
You questioned the universe,
like, exactly.
To its face!
You said you wanted to live
in a boring world
with no weird stuff,
and you got your wish.
Okay, so, how
do I bring everyone back?
In order for the universe
to return your friends,
you need to prove to the
universe that you've changed.
You needto eat
those gross chips.
In front of us.
We want to see.
[ Sighs ]
I'll do it.
evil witches.
That little dude
is a riot.
I love him.
Ugh. If I want to bring back
all the kids in the creek,
I'm gonna need
more than this.
"What about us, Craig?"
[ Laughs ]
Oh, don't worry!
When the real Kelsey comes back,
we'll still be friends.
Better bury them deep.
I did it!
Get out of here.
We're closed.
You don't even
work here.
Will this work?
We can only hope.
Clean the blender!
Wait. Don't.
Mushy meat fit
for a warrior,
hot-cabbage and clam chips --
the root of the problem.
Oats of the equine to send you
along on your journey.
Ye old sports
sludge elixir.
Just a touch of this
should do the trick.
And a splash
of orange juice.
Oh, that's
not very spooky.
Well, yeah.
Well, we put it in everything,
and it helps it
all blend, so
[ Thunder crashes ]
Oh, foul stank,
release from your tank
all the little pests
back to their nests!
Okay, drink up.
[ Gags ]
Hey, kid, you okay?
Uhyou work here,
you clean it up.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Both: Hey, Craig!
It -- It worked?
Aw, Craig!
We missed ya.
Oh, I'm so glad
you're okay!
I really thought I'd never see
either of you again.
What are you
talking about?
It doesn't matter.
All you need to know
is that I will never turn down
another chance
to try new things
Hey, welcome to Taste Test
with J.P.,
and today,
me and my friend Craig
will be trying
powdered fish straws!
[ Gags ]
[ Strained ]
Two belly freckles.
When it's time to go to bed ♪
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow ♪
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