Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e23 Episode Script

Episode 23

I'm not young anymore
in this industry.
I've been playing professionally
for many years.
I've seen a lot too.
In that case,
Cheng has no objection
to players falling in love?
If it's not over the top,
then I'm not against it.
I've heard the legendary story
of a boy and a girl
getting into Tsinghua University
and Peking University together.
Do you want to do the same, Cheng?
I already have someone I like.
(Cheng has someone he likes?)
(I can't believe the E-sports Industry Farm
didn't catch the news.)
(E-sports Industry Farm:
That's impossible, fake news)
(There's actually something
you don't know about for once?)
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 23=
(I know that being forced to
make up a couple should be condemned.)
(But I still want to say)
(when Cheng was saying those last few words,)
(he put his right hand under the table.)
(At the same time,
Smiling's hand was also under the table.)
(Cheng's hand moved.)
(So, what did you do?)
I already have someone I like.
What's wrong?
Are you shy?
Look at this.
(Look at the details of Cheng's hand.)
(I bet 5 cents on that
they were holding hands.)
Good for her.
What the hell is with your reaction?
This person was so observant
that she almost discovered us.
What are you so nervous for?
Back in the time when the E-sports were going on,
I knew they could be a couple.
What's the hell?
Cheng wouldn't fall for her.
She's just a gaming slut.
Cheng is giving up on himself.
I'm afraid she's just trying to
steal Cheng's thunder.
I don't care.
I won't agree with them to be together.
If they're together,
how could they play games in the future?
I won't watch them anymore.
Now you know why I covered it up.
Once exposed,
Your Majesty,
you'll lose half of your popularity.
And do you know
why I agreed to cover it up?
It's for the sake of half of your popularity.
Do you dare say that again?
I wouldn't dare.
I'm afraid those crazy people
will make a slander on you,
saying you didn't show your best in the games
because you were in love
and questioning your motives
for being a pro or something like that.
I don't care.
I do care.
It's true.
It may not happen, though.
Even if it does,
I'm confident that I can prove them wrong
with my gaming results.
But I don't want you
to think about those things.
You're a person who likes to
see gossip on the internet.
I'm sure you'll be affected.
It was also because of this
that I was hesitant about
whether we should be together.
After all, if a male member of another team
came after you,
I'd definitely be the first
to come up and say no.
I would warn that person
not to bother her.
She needs to focus on her profession.
Then what?
What are you laughing at?
Leave me alone.
And then?
To celebrate winning the game,
I'll treat you guys to breakfasts tomorrow.
KFC or anything you want.
I'll have the pork tenderloin
with cheese and panini latte.
- Grilled Chicken Panini.
- Thank you. Love you.
And a cup of soy milk.
And I'll have the beef congee.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
What are you having, Cheng?
I'm not eating.
I'm a little sleepy. I'm going to rest.
Why am I a little hungry now?
Tong Yao.
Did you leave something in my room
during the past several days?
I'll also have a tea egg, please.
You're a good eater.
(A new message from a contact)
(Are you sure
you didn't leave anything in my room?)
I think I did leave something
in Cheng's room.
I think it's my mobile power source.
Don't be nosy.
Where is he?
Do you want some breakfast?
I can order it for you.
Panini or congee?
I want to eat you.
I'm not flexible enough.
My waist is going to be broken.
What are you hiding?
I'm not going to do anything bad to you.
You're dangerous.
Do we have to stay in this position talking?
You can lie down too.
I just wanted to thank you.
You worked so hard
to play the four-preserving-one tactic,
showing a textbook-style performance
in an inferior game.
And thank you for saying
in front of the whole country
that you're already in love with someone.
I don't feel your sincerity.
are you free tomorrow?
Let's go on a date then.
before the date,
shouldn't we kiss first?
See you tomorrow.
Chubby, I'll bet with you for a panini.
In less than three seconds, Cheng will appear.
Where are you going?
There's KFC breakfast
on the table for you.
You guys eat first,
I'm going out for shopping.
I'm going shopping with her.
Why do you always look like
you're going to the Civil Affairs Bureau
every time you go out alone?
I look like this every day.
So do I.
Forget about it.
The last time I saw you go out dressed up was
when you went out to the pet market
to buy goldfish with my brother.
And it seems to me
there was no time before that.
What's wrong?
People from the countryside
have to dress up when they go to a big city.
What's wrong?
When did you two get together?
I've been cheated on?
The shooter I raised up for so long
actually left me and went to the middle lane.
I'm just kidding.
But I can't accept
my brother's future son
is as short as his mother
who'll be ridiculed for the rest of his life.
Shut up!
Don't laugh.
Let's go.
Normal people like us
can only grasp metal shafts all by ourselves.
What's wrong with you, all blue?
Lu Sicheng.
Why didn't you refute him just now?
Do you also think he has a point?
I'm so angry.
The perfect genes of your Lu family
are about to be tainted by my inferior genes
of "five feet tall".
Come and taint them.
He was teasing you.
You're of the same height as my mother.
Neither of her sons are five feet tall.
When our son plays basketball in the future,
he'll grow taller.
Don't worry about it.
Who will have a son with you?
A daughter is also good.
Just like you.
Then she'll abduct a tall boy.
I actually like girls.
Boys are too naughty.
Shut up.
Can't I even fantasize about it?
Can you fantasize about something normal?
Why do I feel that
you sound like you're laughing?
I'm not.
Do you feel that
your persona has been
crumbling tremendously lately.
As far as I remember,
Chessman is a calm and collected person,
sharp and wise.
I didn't expect you to be
a shameless and glib-tongued
old rascal.
I'm very sad.
Do you still remember
what you thought
when we first met,
I took you for a delivery girl
and shut the door in your face?
You were retarded.
At that time,
I was already far from the persona
you thought I was.
But being retarded
is not the same as being a hooligan.
I'm a decent guy
in front of the other girls.
Isn't that nice?
You can enjoy my inner personality
alone without restraint.
Yes, yes, yes.
That's it.
- I tried everything.
- Almost there.
I missed it.
That one.
Forget it, I don't want to play this.
The money I spent here
has been enough to buy
a bunch of the same toys online.
That's right.
But this one is really cute.
- I want it so bad.
- I want this one.
Let's buy ten of this.
I want the beige one.
I've made up my mind.
- So handsome.
- He's so cute.
So hot.
Which one do you want?
Don't we have one already?
This one with the hat, okay?
It's not the same.
The rabbit is difficult to clip.
That's right.
We had played for so long
and still couldn't even get it.
Yes, it's too hard.
Oh, my God.
That's amazing.
- He got it.
- He got it.
- Good, good.
- Awesome.
Another one.
- That's terrific.
- That's so cool.
So cool.
I want that doll too.
Which one is cuter?
That doll is so cute.
I also want it.
The one in the middle.
- I'm so jealous.
- It's okay.
I want to fall in love.
So romantic.
In the past when I was duped
by all kinds of doll machines
at the amusement park, I was thinking,
"I must find a capable boyfriend
in the future who will come back
and get them all, until they go bankrupt."
You did it.
Found a capable boyfriend.
Which amusement park is it?
Let's go buy tickets.
I'll go make them closed down.
Tokyo Disneyland.
What do you want to eat later?
The ice cream store down there is not bad.
Ice cream for lunch?
Why can't we have ice cream for lunch?
Are you three years old?
Am I not three years old in your mind?
You must love me,
pamper me and not cheat on me forever.
You guys go over there, we'll go this way.
Bye, we'll see you next time.
I want to go to the bathroom.
See you at the cinema later.
I'm going.
I'm going. Bye.
Bye, bye-bye.
No, nothing. Let's go.
Why didn't you wait for me at the cinema?
Why did you run away?
I saw our fans
in front of the sushi restaurant.
That's why I shook off your hand.
I see.
What are you doing?
What's wrong with you?
Why did you buy a mask?
For being considerate,
I can't reveal myself to others.
Lu Sicheng, say something.
What on earth is wrong with you?
Because I'm ugly
and don't deserve to show my face.
Lu Sicheng, don't be upset.
I didn't mean that just now.
Okay, okay.
I'm sorry, okay?
Can you let me go this time?
The fans were there.
If they see us walking around
hand in hand like that, what will they think?
Remember when I showed you those
fans' comments?
They don't accept that you have a girlfriend.
They don't accept.
I don't care.
Give me back my mask.
You don't care, but I do.
I'm not afraid of them
treating me like they did to Chen Jinyang.
And I'm not afraid that they'll say
I don't focus on my career and
all I care about is seducing their idol.
I just know that
since you played as a professional player,
no one has ever said anything bad about you,
even the E-sports Industry Farm,
which specializes in
digging out scandals of the players.
So, I will not allow myself
to become an excuse for others to condemn you.
You are.
Everyone has his own weakness.
Me too.
It's you.
I don't care what people say about me.
If they say something positive about me,
I'm happy about it.
But I won't act differently because of
their moral abduction.
"Word of mouth"
is generated by my actions,
and it not because I generate
the corresponding behavior
for it.
Do you understand what I mean?
I just fell in love with a little girl.
I'm not doing anything wrong.
Why are you always so concerned to protect me?
Let's go.
That was too fast just now.
I didn't get to savor it.
Why don't we do it again?
What's with your reaction?
Expressing my disappointment.
I should tell you
Xiamen is a really good place.
We have so much time to play
and so little time to work.
There are big waves, and gyms
where you can take great pictures,
and there is even spa.
Really, that's terrific.
You two went to Las Vegas
to get married, right?
You're back so late.
Cheng! Cheng! Cheng!
Since you two are back,
I have to tell you something.
The club has arranged for us
to attend an event.
It's very simple.
It's just a fan meeting.
Just take a video
and regard it as a kind of entertainment.
If you don't want to go,
I'll have to cancel our tickets to Xiamen.
- Canceled.
- What?
Where to?
If we don't go,
we will miss out on
a chance to get in touch with the great food,
and to
have close contact with a beautiful city.
What a pity!
Such a pity.
No, no.
Is our hotel far from the night market?
Did you get the event schedule?
What time is the meeting?
What time do we get off work?
It's not good if the night market
closes before we get off work.
Don't drag on when we are there.
Say whatever you want,
it's up to Cheng
to decide whether to go or not.
Cheng, are we going?
It looks really good.
- That's right.
- Why can't we go?
Hurry up, don't indulge in playing.
- I see.
- I wonder when the afternoon activity
- will end.
- Let me finish this game first.
You suck at it.
Not as much as you do.
My playlist?
There's a problem with the club booking.
The room will not be ready
until eight o'clock.
Don't worry, guys.
I just read the reviews.
The restaurant at this hotel
is of a very high rating.
How about we go get something to eat?
Yeah, sure.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Good idea.
- Let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Take my suitcase upstairs for me.
I'll go make a phone call
to my mom saying I'm safe.
Say hello to mom for me.
Hello, Mom?
Yes, we've arrived in Xiamen.
It's fine.
It's just a bit rainy.
You don't have to worry.
I have to go now.
Miss, are you Smiling?
Yes, you are?
It's really you.
I'm a fan of yours, a fan.
Before you played as a professional player,
I already liked your live streaming so much.
I also play midsolo.
I've learned a lot of skills from you.
My current ranking is not bad.
If it gets a bit higher,
I think I may run into you in the game.
My dream is to play a game with you.
Miss, can I get your autograph?
You wandered off again in my negligence,
and talked to people you don't know.
Can't you just let me rest assured?
I didn't wander off.
I didn't talk to a stranger either.
She is
my favorite e-sports player.
What player?
E-sports player.
Okay, okay. What e-sports?
It's just playing games.
You kids
are not only get addicted to games
and lag behind in your studies,
but also make high-sounding excuses.
Let's go.
I also want to play pro
and want to win the championship.
I'm counting on you
for this year's national finals championship.
See you later, Smiling.
All right, let's go.
All right, don't wander off anymore.
Why are you here?
You have disappeared for 30 minutes.
I thought you'd been kidnapped.
I don't have any money.
I've just played professionally
for three months,
with three months' salary deducted.
I have a debt.
I have money.
What if you're kidnapped
and I'm being asked for the ransom?
I'd have to pay
even if it's five million yuan.
Who was that kid?
A little fan.
What did he say?
He wanted an autograph.
He said he wanted to play professionally too.
But his career was ganked by his mother.
Let me ask you a question.
Do I pass my probationary period?
I'm just having a yogurt and taking a walk.
Why do I have to reveal
the mystery of the century,
so unprepared?
What's wrong with you guys?
I'm just a cute, fat guy.
You want to kill me?
Actually, I don't have anything to ask.
How long have you two been like this?
For a while.
You've been hiding it well.
No one has found out.
who escalated your pure friendship first?
I threatened her.
If she didn't accept,
I would throw her cat away.
So she gave in.
Are you satisfied with my answer?
That's not right.
She's the only girl on the team.
We pamper and protect her.
As the captain of the team,
you just came onto her alone behind our back.
Should I leave her to you instead?
I am the captain,
not Lei Feng.
And you, Tong Yao.
I thought you agreed to
focus on your professional career,
not to fall in love with
a professional e-sports player
and accused all professional players
of being scumbags.
You just go back on your word like this?
Captain is not Jian Yang.
He doesn't lie.
Usually, he just watches game videos
and plays rankings or something.
Now I can feel more and more
public display of affection atmosphere.
How did you two fall in love?
I don't know.
Just started to feel good about
each other while cursing at each other.
Have you heard of the Stockholm syndrome?
It was cute
when you stood on your tiptoes
to hide water in the supermarket.
It's cute when you play games.
It was cute
when you sat alone, crying all night,
and practiced the Shikigami all night long
after you were defeated by
Tai's Tamamo-no-Mae.
It was cute
when you talked nonsense
to Yang rudely
after winning the game.
It was even cuter
when you beat me in the Solo game
and looked arrogant.
I'm just asking.
I can list many more.
Save it for your officiant
in the church.
Don't you want to hear it?
One last question.
How intimate
have you gotten?
Just a kiss as you saw, nothing more.
What else do you want to ask?
I'll tell you everything.
No more, no more.
leave me alone for a while.
Go, go, go.
You guys go first.
Go far away.
By the way, I've run out of spray.
I'm going to buy some spray.
No way.
From now on,
if you want anything, just tell me.
I'll go buy it for you.
I've been your support for two years.
You didn't even buy me a face cleanser.
- Don't be late tomorrow morning.
- I'll go to my room first.
- Okay.
- Don't be late in the morning.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Where are we going to play
after the video shooting tomorrow?
Where do you want to go?
Let's go eat some nice food.
Tong Yao.
Are you going to share one room tonight?
(Lu Sicheng)
What's wrong?
What are you doing?
I just finished applying a facial mask.
I have to get up early tomorrow.
I'm so sleepy.
I feel like I'm going to
fall asleep any minute.
Lock the door.
Put a stool at the door.
Is it to protect against thieves or you?
Against me.
All right, I have to go.
My private life
is entirely filled with
your public display of affection.
I'll just eat my dried pork.
Are you done?
Thinking of
the scene that shocked my heart
today in the hotel lobby,
I couldn't calm down for a long time.
I can only take it out on you.
I regard Tong Yao as my teammate
while you want to take her
as your girlfriend.
Tong Yao is a good girl.
Look at Yang,
Guang and Lee Hang Suk.
They all like our midsolo.
If they didn't want to win the game,
they probably wouldn't have even come to gank.
If you don't treat Tong Yao right,
half of the twelve teams' junglers
in the Onmyoji Arena Pro League
will live in our bottom lane.
It doesn't matter if they hurt you.
Don't forget that there's a cute me
in the bottom lane as well.
Two lives lost at one time.
What are you trying to say?
You have a lot of competitors.
Don't become arrogant
just because you're handsome.
I wouldn't.
When we first got together,
I wanted to tell the world that
I already have a girlfriend.
But she wouldn't let me.
Why not?
At first, I thought it was better
not to make it public.
I was afraid that it would affect
her performance in the game.
But then I realized
her skill has been recognized.
Now if someone comes out and says
she can't do this or that,
that'll be a slap in his own face.
The record of winning
all the group matches so far
means that Tong Yao is perfectly qualified for
our midsolo position
and has kept up with our pace.
However, while I was wondering
how to make the story public,
there was an accident between
Ai Jia from next-door's team and Jinyang.
It was quite severe,
so severe that my fans
also went to the E-sports Industry Farm
to join in on the fun.
And she saw it.
Now she always thinks
if I announce our relationship,
I will have no fans.
Young girls love to think wildly.
Does the new face cleanser work well?
Yes, it works.
You're even jealous of the face cleanser?
You jealous husband.
It was sent to me for you.
What do you really like about Tong Yao?
Frankly speaking,
Tong Yao
is only average looking,
compared to your pretty fans
who could form a company of their own.
Because she is capable.
She is also very cute when she cries.
I'll definitely try my best.
So can I call you Cheng?
Who are you thinking of?
That's the smell.
I don't know where it comes from,
but I'm deep in love.
(Roly Poly)
(The sound of your man evaluating you.)
(Listen to it.)
(It's very flirty, thank me now.)
(I don't know where it comes from,)
(but I'm deep in love.)
(I don't know where it comes from,)
(but I'm deep in love.)
(Amao's mom)
You're really getting up?
Make me look around your room.
Let me see if there's anyone else.
No, no.
I'm all alone.
Then why is your face
looking so flushed and soft?
It's like you've got something going on.
That's because of the facial mask
I put on last night, okay?
You look radiant because you're in love.
Keep it up.
Aren't you going out with Ai Jia today?
Why aren't you dressed up?
I'm not going.
Well, actually
I've been thinking about it a lot these days.
I think what they said about this problem
is actually correct.
Which one?
Who do you want to mock at and attack?
I'm serious.
I'm really not as good as you are
at being on the same page with the boyfriend.
In the eyes of the fans,
I'm just a character to Ai Jia
with no support functions.
Do you even play the game?
What kind of support are you?
Forget about playing games.
But I can do something else.
For example?
For example, buy his team for him.
Give him a salary increase or something.
Then when his fans
see him, they will think
even the shampoo for each strand of
such a handsome man's hair
is bought with his salary
paid off by that annoying woman.
But he can't live without the salary.
What can they do?
They can't help it.
So angry.
I don't deserve to experience
rich people's happiness.
I just like this kind of feeling,
that they hate me
but can do nothing about me.
You can't be serious.
By the way,
aren't you going to make a vlog today?
Go get dressed up.
Don't make me look bad.
Okay, okay.
We just finished the fan meeting.
The fans in Xiamen are really enthusiastic.
Now we're on the food street.
We're going to eat.
I don't know where they all went.
Let me look for
your favorite Cheng.
Where's Cheng?
Where's Cheng?
Our Cheng is…
It smells so good.
What's that smell?
It's dried pork.
Chubby shot us. What should we do?
It's not a live stream, don't worry.
I'll have him delete it later.
Delete it.
Delete what?
I'll keep it for myself, won't I?
Tell me, how are you going to shut me up?
What do you have up your sleeve this time?
I think it's not going to pass
without dried pork.
Hundreds of high-end snacks for you
to choose from.
What would you two like to have?
We'll choose ourselves.
This one.
- Get it, get it.
- Get it, get it.
We're here to buy snacks for Chubby.
Aren't you afraid
you're gonna get fat from this?
Don't worry, sir.
Our snacks are all made from
the best ingredients.
They're tasty and won't make you gain weight.
Did you hear that?
Get us two boxes of dried pork, please.
Dried mangoes.
I want some.
You're like a rabbit.
- Give it to me.
- I won't.
- Give it to me.
- I won't.
You're a bully because you're tall, right?
A rabbit bites when it's desperate.
- No.
- Give it to me.
- I won't give it to you.
- Give it to me.
I won't.
Lu Sicheng.
Here's the dried pork for you two.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Then take your time.
Call me if you need anything.
Give it to me.
Mind your appearance.
See? They're coming out.
Hello, who are you looking for?
- Is he the one?
- We're looking for him.
Get your ass over here.
Why didn't you answer your phone?
How dare you not answer my call?
I've called you so many times.
Where are you going?
- Why are you running away?
- You dare run away?
Uncle, aunt.
Did you hear me? Come back here!
- Calm down.
- I told you to come back to me.
Get in first, uncle.
- I'm so pissed.
- Let's go.
How dare you run away?
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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