Ghost Force (2021) s01e23 Episode Script

Bubble-Brush / Glouglux

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
This baby's the centrepiece
of the exhibition!
Hey, guys, let's take a break!
Hey, Mike, you're here
for Techno Expo too?
Yep. I've been planning
my tour all week.
Whoa! You've planned
every minute of the day?
I'm not wasting a second.
I'm down for 39 minutes
at the circuit exhibit,
then 31 checking out
"Computers from History".
- 31 sounds about right.
- Mmm-hmm.
That leaves 52 whole minutes
with the RXXTBV-3000.
The OG of PCs!
I'm following your lead.
Hey, let's wait at the doors
so we get in first.
No can do. I gotta wait
for Andy and Liv.
OK, I'll see you inside, I hope.
Knowing Andy's timing,
- he might blow your schedule.
- Oh, I planned for that too.
I told him to meet me
15 minutes early.
Ha, ha! OK. See you later, then!
they should be here by now.
- Phew!
- There!
A few repairs
and it'll be as good as new.
Great. We gotta bounce. We're
so late, Mike'll go ballistic!
(Phone rings)
- Hey! Hello, Mike! What's up?
- Where are you?
The museum just opened and
we're already in a time crunch!
Yeah, dude, we had
a mini-catastrophe at home.
I'll explain later.
We're on our way!
What? Did another racoon
eat your homework?
Hey! The racoon was real.
I promise we're on our way!
You were right. He is gonna
go ballistic. Let's boogie!
- Bye, Dad!
- Thanks for your help, kids!
- Aaah!
- Boo!
(Bubbling sounds)
- Mike, we're here!
- Finally!
Next time, I'm telling you
to come two hours early.
Yeah, super sorry, Mike,
but our washing machine
had a malfunction.
It ate all of Andy's underpants.
But we are here now!
Don't bother, the schedule
is already all messed up.
(Bubbling sounds)
- Nothing's going as planned!
- (Bubbling sounds)
Uh Anybody catch
what he just burbled?
Huddle up, guys!
MS JONES: I'm detecting a Boo
signature at the museum, kids!
We can barely hear you,
Ms Jones.
Oh! Hey, Glowboo,
a little quiet please?
I'm afraid I'm quite unfamiliar
with this fella.
Glowboo will be on his way
after a recharge.
(Embarrassed laugh)
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
No, no, no! Not the RXXTVB-3000!
The what now?
Oh, you mean that thing.
It's cool. Everything
will be back to normal,
and that jumbo calculator
will be OK too.
- It's a supercomputer!
- Yeah, super.
My point is it'll be
good as new, or old.
(Curator screaming)
And how're we gonna fix that?
Save it
for after we get our ghost!
(Bubbling sounds)
Let's go!
It's going after
our washing machine!
Your washing machine?
So, you weren't making that up?
It's gonna merge!
(Listening to music)
(Evil laugh)
Spectral gate!
Are you all right, Da
uh sir?
(Bubbling sound)
Get to safety, sir.
- ALL: Gah!
- (Laughter)
We need a plan to stop
ol' Bubbly there. Krush?
Let's neutralise its scrubbers.
Fury, you take the left,
Myst, you take the right.
I'll hang back to finish up.
By scrubbers do you mean
those firehoses of fury?
Get up real close
so you don't miss!
Um, don't you think
I can use my spectral gates?
It'd take too long. Trust me,
we gotta follow the plan.
Flexy blast!
Not cool!
Spectral arrow!
That ghost
is cleaning up big time!
Watch out!
We need to get outta here!
What just happened?
Where are they?
They seam to be trapped
under the foam.
What's the deal?
We've gotta help Myst and Fury!
You may get swept away.
A strategic retreat
is the best solution.
- (Laughter)
- It is out of soap, for now.
Let us go.
Myst, Fury, do you copy?
I said, do you copy?
I am unable
to pinpoint their location.
'cause of my failed strategy,
Myst and Fury have been hit.
How come
nothing's going as planned?
Even the simplest plans
are affected by
over 1.2 billion variables.
Conclusion. Deal with it.
I should've seen this coming!
It is logically impossible
to foresee an unforeseen event.
(Bubbling sound)
You're up, Glowboo!
You could do
with another spin cycle.
(Bubbling) Foam party's over,
Bubble Brush!
Stabilisation completed.
Back to fight.
It's the charge.
Don't let him open its gates.
Try to wash this, Bubble Brush!
Thanks, Ghost Force!
(Bubbling sound)
- Phew! No more bubble talk!
- (Chuckles)
Are you guys OK?
I was so worried!
We're fine, and sparkling clean.
Gotta say, blocking the door
was a brilliant plan, Krush!
I didn't plan anything.
Sometimes you gotta fly
by the seat of your pants.
That is what I call teamwork!
Or clean work! Ha, ha, ha!
Well done, kids!
Let's check out the Techno Expo
before it closes!
Wow, I guess they built that old
LMNOP-8000 to survive anything.
It's called the RXXTBV-3000,
Amazing, huh?
You know, they used to call it
the washing machine 'cause
it was so noisy.
Can we stop talking about
washing machines?
I'm traumatised enough!
No teasing the ghost, Glups.
That little spook
is a level eight.
Let's get to work!
We might even tame it if I can
decipher it's Boo energy.
Right after I take
a quick snooze.
Oh, gotta eat that cake
The coast is clear!
Hey, Andy's pretty hyped about
our Friday study session, huh?
Pretty sure that's not
what he's hyped about.
Ready for another
training sesh, sis?
'Cause today
I'm boo-capping a ghost!
Oh, yeah? Challenge accepted.
Watcha got for us this week,
Ms Jones?
- Huh?
- Shh!
Not now. Ms Jones' neurons
need to recharge.
Aw, she's so cute
when she's sleeping!
Uh, not sure that cute's
the right word, Liv.
Yo, check out
our training ghost of the day!
Cool, she can snooze away while
we train on our own this time.
You know the rules.
Nobody except Ms Jones
starts a training session.
Aw, come on, Mike,
it's just an egg.
The Ghost Force
can handle an egg.
I don't like
where this is going.
Hold up! We've got no idea
what this ghost can do!
So what? I know what we can do.
Crush ghosts for a living.
Huh? What's up?
Are your superhero costumes
at the dry cleaners?
Heh, heh!
Come on!
(Laughter) A ghost-chicken?
See what you guys were so,
er, chickened about?
You have no idea
how to capture this ghost!
End training session!
Er, who ordered
that chicken to go?
Oh, no! Congrats, Andy.
That thing's called Glougloux,
and it's a level-eight
loose in Central Park!
Uh I'm sorry, guys.
I didn't think it would get out.
We've gotta wake Ms Jones up.
Wait, wait.
If she finds out what I did
she'll kick me off
the Ghost Force!
Or, worse,
make me compost her Boo bin!
Well, you did unleash
a level-eight ghost.
My bad!
So let me fix this. Please?
But if this sitch escalates,
we're telling Ms Jones, OK?
- Yes.
- And
no more bailing
on our study group.
- Sounds pretty fair to me!
- Argh!
OK, deal.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Lemme see what I can cook up,
Lieutenant Calaghan.
One spicy pickle for the kick,
and a strawberry for a burst
of freshness. Voilà!
- Whoa!
- Oh, and a selection of
And Action!
I, Solarman,
the man that has no fear
- Ready to capture it, Fury?
- Bring on the Boo-cap!
It's boosting!
What? He looks exactly the same!
That boost was kinda a let-down,
Maybe it's just a lame duck!
I wouldn't count your chickens
before they're hatched, Fury.
Um, guys?
I'm starting to lose count!
- We have to call Ms Jones!
- Hold up, please!
Come on, we got this.
Right, Myst?
- We need a plan. Krush?
- If the ghost is the same size,
maybe his Boo energy
stayed the same too?
A Boo-cap oughta be enough
to capture it!
It's heading to the city centre!
Let's do it!
It's gotta be around here.
Over there! It's on 5th Avenue!
I see it!
ALL: What?
- Oh, no!
- Aaah!
Oh! Missed it!
We'll never catch it like this.
Agreed. We need to immobilise
its spectral membrane
to prevent its Boo molecules
from transmogrifying.
- Basically, I gotta freeze it.
- Oh!
Let's go pluck that chicken!
- There it is!
- Fractal power!
You're up, bro.
Boo-cap take-down, take two!
Don't even think about
teleporting, Egghead.
The Ghost Force
has got you on blast.
- Get on with it, Fury!
- Oh, yeah, right!
Whoa! That's even harsher
than my alarm clock!
(Nervous laugh)
Oh, no!
The eggs! They've hatched!
This is bad.
We should've told Ms Jones.
- You're right, but
- So,
I was having a lovely dream
about chicken and waffles,
yum, when I was woken up by
a thundering cocka-doodle-doo,
which made me wonder do you
have something to tell me?
It's my fault, Ms Jones.
I released Glougloux
into the training room.
I never thought poultry
could be so fierce.
Save it for later, Fury.
We have more urgent business!
- How do we fix this?
- Find the original Glougloux,
which won't be easy now that
it's hatched hundreds of chicks!
KRUSH: There's gotta be
some way to tell them apart.
They're all identical.
Unless the original Glougloux
doesn't follow the same pattern
of movement as the others!
You're saying
the original Glougloux
- doesn't move the same way?
- Yes, it teleports
in a spiral pattern,
like the patterns on its shell.
Wait. If we trace
the spiral of its movements
We can predict
where it's gonna pop up next!
Never thought I'd say this,
but you're a genius, Fury!
I know, right?
But let's backtrack.
After Glougloux escaped the lab
it teleported
- to Central Park.
- Then to the subway.
And then to the bank.
You tracking this, Ms Jones?
Like a hawk.
If my calculations are correct,
it should appear above
the Empire State Building
- any second now!
- Copy that, Ms Jones.
I hope we're
ahead of the game this time.
I won't go easy on you
this time!
Fractal power!
You'll have to get to Glougloux!
Krush, hold on!
I got your backs!
- Myst!
- Let me go!
Oh, no! I need to hurry!
Flexy shield!
Fury! Catch him!
Too heavy!
Got ya!
Gotta admit,
you were one hard-boiled ghost!
Ah! We were this close to a
world ruled by phantom poultry.
- Isn't that right, Andy?
- Yeah, sorry, Ms Jones.
to never let it happen again.
At least our near-catastrophe
has taught you
that even the smallest ghost
can cause a world of trouble.
So You're not gonna punish me
with Boo-compost cleaning duty?
- I'm not that cruel.
- You're the best, Ms Jones.
Now we can start training!
Ahem! At our Friday-night
study group. Remember our deal?
I reserved a table
at the library!
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