Hawaii Five-0 s01e23 Episode Script
Ua Hiki Mai Kapalena Pau (Until the End is Near)
McGARRETT: All right, guys, come right here.
Come on in.
Listen up.
Our target's name is Wo Fat.
Thermal imaging shows one heat signature in the safe house, so we know he's alone.
But do not let that fool you.
This guy is a major arms dealer with known terrorist affiliations and over a dozen kills.
He's more than likely carrying a weapon, and he's most definitely dangerous.
So stay focused, be aware of your surroundings at all times.
All right? Let's go.
- Gearing up, huh? - Yeah.
McGARRETT: Good for you.
You forgot one thing, though.
KAYE: What are you doing with those? You're not a field agent, okay? You're an analyst.
Are you kidding? My intel got us here.
Can't believe you're gonna freeze me out.
I understand how much this means to you, but you're not gonna get hurt.
Let's go, guys.
Let's go.
Move out.
COP 1: Steve, you all right? McGARRETT: Break contact.
COP 2: Barricade.
COP 3: Stand down.
COP 4: Entry team, fall back.
Arson, explosives.
COP 5: I need an ETA on rescue.
- Boss, he's on the move.
I'm going in.
Stay here, surround the perimeter.
: I'm headed toward the back of the house.
COP 6: Rear team has been mobilized, is searching for the target.
: Boss, he's moving upstairs.
I got eyes on the target, but it's not Wo Fat.
It's Sang Min.
I repeat, Sang Min.
- Please repeat.
- I'll say again.
Sang Min.
Wo Fat wasn't in the house.
DANNY: Kaye, get down.
- You all right? Stay here, please.
- Yeah.
Okay? Hey, I got him.
He just went into a house three doors down from the safe house.
All right, he's in a white Cadillac sedan.
Plate number Charlie, tango, eight, three, two, Romeo.
Call it in, Kono, every agency.
Listen to me.
Sang Min knows that we're onto him.
- He's gonna try to flee the island.
- Yeah.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a car attached to you? - Oh, weird.
- All right, APB is out.
Okay, who is Sang Min? Fugitive, human trafficker, all-around scumbag.
Known associate of Victor Hesse, which puts him in the same circles - as Wo Fat.
- Okay, so he could've been holing up - at Wo Fat's safe house.
- Or he was taking a shot at him.
The front door was rigged with the explosive charge, right? I think Sang Min's expecting Wo Fat to be walking through that door.
- Why would he try to kill him? - I think it was a preemptive strike.
Sang Min knows Wo Fat doesn't like loose ends.
Which is exactly what he became once he escaped from prison.
- Danny.
KONO: Whoa, whoa.
Danny, are you hit? No.
Something's not right.
I can't breathe.
- Guys, his pulse is slow.
- Okay, I'll call an ambulance.
- My chest.
I can't breathe.
- We got help on the way.
Just tell me what happened.
There's a body, no pulse.
KONO: Officer Kalakaua, I need an ambulance - Stay with him.
CHIN HO: Yeah.
Stop right there.
- What is it? - I don't know.
Whatever he died from might be biological.
We have to get Danny to a hospital right now.
KONO: Steve, over here.
CHIN HO: Hang in there.
He's starting to convulse.
McGARRETT: Danny, Danny.
Stay with me, Danny.
Stay with me.
BP is 72 over 40, breathing slow and shallow.
- How long since the last exposure? - About 20, 30 minutes.
DOCTOR: What kind of toxin? - My team's working on it.
You better hurry because I don't know how much time he has.
- I need to get McGarrett on the phone.
- So, what are we looking at here? Victim inside died from exposure to a chemical weapon, - nerve agent to be exact.
- How can you be sure? I spent two years with the CIA's Biological Threat Assessment Team.
One of our case studies was the subway attack in '95.
Terrorists released sarin on multiple trains.
- Whole subway system was affected.
- Our victim has the same symptoms.
Facial ulcerations, petechial hemorrhaging in the eyes, constricted pupils.
Everything's localized around the head, which makes me believe that he ingested the toxin orally.
So someone spiked the milk that our victim drank.
But sarin is also transdermal, which means Danny was exposed when he touched the victim to check for a pulse.
- McGarrett.
KAYE: Hey, it's Kaye.
Listen to me.
Danny has been exposed to sarin.
You need to tell the doctors to get him on pralidoxime right away.
If they don't, he's gonna die.
Thanks, doc.
How's Danny? He's, uh He's okay.
He's responding to the drugs.
It's still early, but, uh, they all seem to think he's gonna pull through, so - Okay.
- Thank God.
You were right about the sarin.
And if they didn't find out, Danny would probably be dead right now.
- Does he have a family? - He's got an ex-wife and a little girl.
Danny said something about having Grace this weekend.
Oh, I bet she was staying on Maui.
- Hey, can we see him? - Not right now.
Once he's stable, they're gonna move him to a recovery ward where he can have some visitors.
Look, guys, I know this is hard and we all wanna be here.
But right now we need to ID this vic and find out where he bought that milk.
You think this could be terrorism? Or a random act of mayhem like the Tylenol scare in the '80s.
Either way, we need to make sure there's no further risk.
So you two, I need you to contact the milk distributor, find out where they sell the product and pull everything off the shelves.
Don't care if we're taking resources from finding Sang Min.
Now this is our number one priority.
We're on it.
McGARRETT: Kaye, can you coordinate with CDC, make sure nothing else is contaminated? Yeah, of course.
I'd also send a sample to a contact at Langley.
He can run chemical analysis, maybe determine the source of the sarin.
- Thanks, Jenna.
- Oh, please.
Crisis mode, down a man.
I'm more than happy to pitch in.
Besides, I don't even know if there's a job waiting for me back home.
I took three months leave to hunt the man who killed my fiancé.
The CIA wasn't super keen on the whole personal vendetta thing.
- So if you think that I can help you - Kaye, Kaye.
- Yeah.
- What I meant to say was thank you for helping Danny, okay? You saved his life.
You're welcome.
Call me if you get something.
Where are you going? Uh, I got a little something to take care of.
: You should've seen your face.
Bet I was the last person you were expecting to see, huh? I have to say, I was pretty surprised myself.
I'm guessing that bomb on the door was intended for Wo Fat.
It doesn't matter now, does it? We both missed our shot.
But I might be able to give you a second chance.
- What's it worth if I help you find him? McGARRETT: What's it worth? Not much.
Okay? Considering you've already burned us once.
- Well, the situation has changed.
- All right.
You wanna make a deal? Great.
Here's what I'm prepared to offer you.
- Hey, Gracie.
- Uncle Steve.
Hey, kiddo.
Where's daddy? Listen, Gracie, Danno's, uh, not feeling the best, okay? Gonna take you to the hospital.
We're gonna go see him.
- Is he going to be okay? - Is he gonna be okay? Let me tell you about your father.
He might not talk like it, but he's one tough guy.
And he's brave as well.
Can you be brave like Danno? Are you sure? Then we should go see him.
What are you waiting for? Come on.
KAYE: Pae'aina Dairy Products sell at over a hundred locations on the island.
We pulled all their milk off the shelves.
CDC is doing some random testing, but so far none of the samples have turned positive for sarin except for the one that our victim drank from.
So it's looking like an isolated incident.
Now the question is, was it random or was our victim targeted? Sarin seems like an odd choice for a murder weapon.
It's actually not as far-fetched as you might think.
Used to be that sarin was hard to get, but ever since 9/11, we've taken down so many terror cells that sarin brokers are looking for new customers.
Basically, anyone with cash and connections to the black market - can get their hands on it.
- Hey, I got an ID on our vic.
The guy's name is Amoka Mulitalo.
Fifty-seven years old, was arrested six months ago for misdemeanor trespassing, which is interesting, considering the house we found him in wasn't his own.
- Well, whose house is it? - Jeff and Sheila Fallon.
Paid taxes in California, but, uh, keep this home as a vacation rental.
So, what's Amoka doing in their house drinking tainted milk? WOMAN: My father was never the same after his auto accident.
He suffered from aphasia, impaired memory.
He just couldn't manage for himself.
So we had him move in with us.
You filed a missing persons report for your father a few weeks ago.
- Wasn't the first time either, was it? - Sometimes he'll go for a walk, forget how to get home.
If I couldn't find him, I file a missing persons report.
Then a few days later, the police will find him on the street or in a shelter.
But this time JEFF [ON MONITOR.]
: I'm sorry, but I've never seen him before.
I don't understand.
How did this man end up dead in our house? We believe he was squatting there.
And when he was in your home, he drank some milk from the refrigerator.
That milk was laced with sarin.
It's a compound that's used as a chemical weapon.
It killed him within minutes.
What is it? We were supposed to come to Hawaii last week.
I asked our caretaker, Gabriel, to stock the refrigerator.
But we ended up canceling the trip.
So Gabriel's the one who bought the milk? SHEILA: Yes.
When was the last time you spoke to him? A few days ago.
- We let him go.
- You fired him.
Why? We had given him a checkbook to cover expenses, bills, repairs and such.
Last week, we found he had been writing checks to himself.
I called him.
He denied it at first, but eventually he came clean.
I told him to keep the money and leave us his key.
- How did he take that? - Not well.
He was very upset.
You think the caretaker planted the sarin? Well, the man has a history of violence.
He served time for aggravated assault in several home invasion robberies.
Plus, he was just fired, which does give him motive.
It doesn't give him means.
And sarin's not exactly easy to find.
How does a local caretaker get it? Right.
I'm still running background, but Chin and Kono are on their way to ask him that very question.
Okay, I gotta go.
Okay? Just keep me posted.
Yeah, sure thing.
Hey, doc, how's he doing? - Ready for some visitors.
- All right.
Gracie, let's go see Danno.
Looks like he's sleeping.
- Danno.
- Monkey.
- I made this for you.
- You did? Look at this.
This is me.
This is you.
This is a masterpiece.
Look at that.
I mean, she's an artist, no? It's beautiful.
I'm gonna make a nice space on the refrigerator, move some stuff around.
This is going dead center.
Thank you.
How are you feeling? Uh, I don't know.
I feel like everything hurts.
My head feels like it's gonna explode.
Like the worst hangover I've ever had.
What's a hangover? It's, uh You'll figure it out.
You'll learn about it one day when you're about, what, 35? - Thirty-five, 30 Sixteen.
- Forty years old.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, don't mention it.
Listen, since you're, uh, looking so good, I'm gonna head back to the office, okay? I'll swing by, pick her up later.
She can stay with me until Rachel gets back.
DANNY: How's that sound? - What do you think? Okay.
You okay? Yeah, I got everything I need right here.
I'm good.
Pound it out.
Huh? Hmm? Hey.
Kidnap Miley Cyrus and put her in your backpack - or is there a cell phone? - Stan bought it for me.
He did? Fabulous.
Go answer it.
First boy that calls, I'm gonna whip that thing in the Pacific Ocean, okay? - Hi, Mommy.
Yeah, I'm with Daddy.
Don't tell her.
He's in the hospital.
Mommy wants to talk to you.
Hi, Rachel.
No, I'm fine.
Would you please stop? I said I'm fine.
I like hospital food, you know that.
I checked in for the weekend.
I like it here.
MAN 1: There you go.
MAN 2: Oh, yeah.
MAN 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, yeah? This place, they make a kick-ass loco moco.
Yeah? Too bad we won't be staying for lunch.
Gabriel Delgado.
KONO: Going out the front.
Stay down and don't move.
GABRIEL: Look, I told you, my son, he's sick.
He's got leukemia.
First five years of his life, I'm locked up.
I finally get out of prison, I can't even pay his hospital bill.
What kind of father does that make me? So is that why you stole from the Fallons? I got another job driving the airport shuttle.
I was gonna put the money back in the account as soon as I got paid.
But they found out before you could, right? And you knew if they reported the crime, it was back to prison for you.
That's why you tried to kill them.
What? Did you buy groceries for the Fallons last week? I did.
Well, we found sarin inside a milk carton that you put in the fridge.
Why don't you tell us about that? I have no idea what you're talking about.
I don't even know what sarin is.
Really? Let me show you.
This is sarin.
And that's what sarin does to you.
Oh, my God.
- What, you knew him? - Yeah.
Yeah, I take my boy to Blessed People's Mission.
They have a free clinic once a week.
Amoka sometimes sleeps at their shelter.
Kind man.
Even with all his own problems, he would always ask about my son.
I knew he was having a hard time there, so I told him about the rock.
What rock? CHIN HO: So the Fallons hid a spare key at their property.
We found it in the backyard, and Gabriel admitted to telling Amoka about it.
Said he stayed there for a few nights when shelter got overcrowded.
- And we believe him? - I spoke to the mission.
Checks out.
Apparently, Amoka stayed at the shelter off and on for two months.
The same dates as Gabriel's son was getting treatment.
If Gabriel planted sarin in the milk, last thing he's gonna wanna do is let a hungry, homeless guy come and stay at the house before targets return.
- So we just lost our only suspect.
- The good news is, we may have picked up a new one.
I pulled a fresh print off the spare key.
It belongs to Elliot Connor.
His fingerprints are on file with the SEC.
How does he know Jeff and Sheila Fallon? Well, Jeff's brother-in-law, he's also an employee.
He's a COO of Jeff's company.
They do big business, manufacturing industrial storage equipment.
Check this out.
According to International Business News, there have been rumors about friction between Jeff and Elliot.
Some of their board meetings have gotten contentious.
- Sounds like motive.
- You go talk to Jeff, see what he's got to say about it.
You and I will go see Elliot.
Look, I already gave you my statement.
Well, if you wanna bring me in again, you know where to find me.
I may as well tell you because you're gonna find out.
I returned the money to IA.
It's the only way to keep Uncle Keako out of prison.
Where did you even come up with $200,000? Got a loan from somebody.
Borrowed against the house.
This is crazy.
All IA has to do is run the serial numbers and they won't match the ones that were stolen.
They can't do that.
Inventory logs for the asset forfeiture locker went missing years ago.
- How do you know that? - Everybody in the department knows.
- The worst-kept secret on the island.
- I never heard about it.
That's because you never walked the beat.
Somewhere right now, there are two cops telling this story over coffee and malasadas.
Coz, you've been carrying this for a long time.
You took the blame for a crime you didn't commit.
And you lost your job, friends, and your family.
Now you have a chance to get out from under all of it.
And what? You're gonna throw it all away, put yourself into debt and go to prison? RECEPTIONIST: Here you go.
Uh, excuse me.
We'd like to see Elliot Connor.
Sorry, he's in a meeting now.
See if you can free him up for us.
Rumors of a rift between me and Jeff are nonsense.
Have there been disagreements? Of course.
But that's normal when you're managing a business with someone.
Well, just out of curiosity, Mr.
Connor, what were your disagreements about? Jeff relocated me to Hawaii to run the Pacific base of operations.
The company's planning a big push into Asia.
We had some differences of opinion on marketing strategy.
That's it.
The advantages of working with my brother-in-law is that we can slug it out at the office, but at the end of the day, it's family first.
Work always comes second.
It sounds like you're close.
That's nice.
So, uh, tell me something.
Jeff and Sheila, do they ever have you come by the house, check on the property? No.
They have a caretaker who stays there when they're away.
Why did we find your fingerprint on the spare key that was hidden outside the house? [CHUCKLES.]
You know, I did use that key once to drop off some papers.
The, uh, Q4 financial report.
I wanted Jeff to review it as soon as he arrived.
- Please don't lie to us.
- I'm not.
You shifted in your chair and touched your face as you were answering the question.
Those are both signs of deception.
Plus, you added unnecessary details about delivering the papers just to make your lie sound more credible.
Does Jeff know that you're using his house to cheat on his sister? What? That's absurd.
Mock outrage.
That's a bad one.
That tan line on your finger there.
Forget to put your wedding band back on after your last hookup? Look, here's what I think's going on, okay? Either you've been using Jeff's house to carry on an affair, and that's why we found your print on the key.
Or you were in the house trying to kill your partner.
Which is it? We haven't used the house in months.
Not since Jeff confronted me about it.
That's the real reason things have been tense here at work.
It has nothing to do with business.
Well, with all due respect, Elliot, you're using his house to cheat on his sister.
I can hardly blame him for being upset.
I know it's terrible.
Jeff asked me to break it off with Chloe and I'm going to.
Just haven't gotten around to it yet? We're gonna need to talk to Chloe, okay? - To corroborate this.
- Go ahead.
She's right outside.
The secretary? That's original.
DANNY: Can I ask you a question? So, what do you need a slingshot for? It doesn't make any sense to me.
I mean, they're birds.
Can't they fly? These birds don't have wings.
Oh, that explains it.
Now I know why they're so angry.
Thank you for clarifying.
Howzit, Jersey? Hey, big dog.
What's going on? Grace, you remember Kamekona? - Hi.
- What up, shorty? I figured you guys need some grub by now.
Hospital foods are the worst.
And the portions, very small.
That's very sweet of you.
Fried chicken? Filipino style.
Best on the island, brah.
You know, Gracie, when I was a little keiki like you, my mama used to bring me this chicken every time I was sick.
Fried chicken isn't good for you.
It has cholesterol and causes heart disease.
A little bit of grease is good for you.
Helps the insides stay lubricated.
Drumstick or thigh? Um, I'm gonna go, uh I like white meat.
Is there a breast? Sorry, all gone.
That was a long drive, brah.
I know.
I know.
I didn't call you here for the chicken.
Gracie, put your headphones on, please.
So our boy, Sang Min, has resurfaced.
I heard he bounced a few months ago.
He's back? In a big way.
Looks like he took a swing at heavy hitters and he missed.
My guess is he's looking for a way off the island.
So I need you to get on the coconut wireless, make a couple calls.
You found him for us once, you can do it again, right? Sure.
Let me use your phone.
What's wrong with your phone? I don't bring them to the hospitals no more, brah.
You heard about the signals interfering with the pacemakers? It's true.
Okay, you can use my phone.
Will you wipe your greasy paws off before you touch my phone, though? - Grease.
- Yeah, they're ugly.
That's That's sufficient.
You got something? Yeah, I got a call from your CIA contact.
They found a chemical match to our sarin.
Turns out it's the same strand used by a Chechen terror group in a botched Moscow attack five years ago.
And the Russian FSB identified the supplier as Mikhail Yursky.
And get this, Mr.
Yursky arrived in Hawaii five days ago under fake passport.
Timeline matches the murder.
Then that's our killer.
Now all we have to do is find him.
COP 1: Clear.
COP 2: Back is clear.
Hey, Mikhail's not here.
- What do you got? - Found a credit card under the same name as his fake passport.
He purchased a flight to Borneo, leaves tonight at 7:00.
All right, notify the TSA, let the Sheriff's Department cover the flight, and we'll leave a unit at the hotel in case he comes back.
Hey, I just got a fresh hit.
His card's being used at an ATM right now.
Central Pacific Bank on Alakawa.
Couple of blocks away.
We're on the way.
KONO: Okay, I'll see if I can stall him for you.
You might wanna try checking the magnetic strip.
Maybe clean it.
Oh, you're good.
KONO: Oh, not good, not good.
- Steve, he's on the move.
- Got him.
Right there.
Got it.
Please be advised.
Suspect is in a maroon sedan traveling north on Alakawa.
McGARRETT: Hey! Stay back.
The canister has a leak.
- He's been exposed.
- I'll call an ambulance.
- Get H.
and HAZMAT as well.
- Go, go.
CHIN HO: Yeah, this is Kelly, Five-0.
Yeah, we're in an alleyway behind the 1500 block of Alakawa.
- He's done.
He's dead.
- Uh, check the ambulance.
Yeah, send the ME and the HAZMAT team instead.
Yeah, all right.
CHIN HO: What the hell? - Are we ready for that extra credit? - Extra credit.
You're telling me that this guy is not from around here? No, Dad.
Spongebob lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Well, what else could be more Hawaiian than that, huh? Mommy.
Daddy's not sick anymore.
I am so happy to see that.
You didn't have to come here.
Yes, I did.
Thank you.
Get another one.
CHIN HO: All right, well, once his team's safe, have H.
process the car for evidence.
HAZMAT team just finished checking the canisters in Mikhail's trunk.
Empty with no signs of toxins.
He was about to leave the island with them.
I guess he was gonna use the canisters to traffic the sarin.
What's still not adding up though is why a bioweapons dealer with terrorist ties would target two innocent people from the mainland.
What's going on? Commander McGarrett, David Akahoshi, Internal Affairs.
I know who you are.
What are you doing here? I came to return something to Mr.
The serial numbers on these bills don't match the stolen money, which means you're trying to cover for your uncle.
Those inventory logs disappeared years ago, so those serial numbers don't exist.
AKAHOSHI: Actually, they do.
After the forfeiture locker was robbed, IA kept waiting for you to slip up and spend the money somewhere.
We figured that you were being careful.
So we had the asset forfeiture division put the word out that their inventory records had been lost.
It was all a lie.
If you thought we couldn't trace the serial numbers, maybe you would finally start spending the money.
But that never happened, because you never stole it.
Chin, this has gone too far.
You got your money back.
- Let this go.
- I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
I know you were just trying to protect your family, which is why I am not gonna charge you with obstruction of justice.
I'm not even gonna ask where you got that money, but your uncle stole from the Honolulu Police Department, which means he stole from the people of Hawaii.
And he's gonna have to answer for that.
I, myself, am gonna ask where you got this money.
The bookie? I signed the deed to my house over to him.
Return it.
Get your deed back.
- Steve, I didn't have a choice.
- Listen to me, all right? You did this for your uncle.
You don't have to explain anything else to me.
Uh You guys need to see this.
So any respectable chemist can synthesize sarin.
The trick is not killing yourself in the process.
In addition to having a short half life, sarin is also extremely volatile, making storage a challenge.
The ideal container is electropolished aluminum, double-walled with failsafe coupling valve, but those can be difficult to procure.
Right, because the FBI monitors large sales of these things to make sure that they're not used to traffic chemical weapons, right? Exactly.
Which is why it's so impressive that we found 36 of these canisters in Mikhail's trunk.
Check out who the manufacturer is.
Fallon Global.
That's Jeff and Elliot's company.
So Mikhail ends up getting his canisters from them, and his sarin ends up at Jeff's house.
That's not all.
I pulled Mikhail's phone records.
Guess who he called the day he landed? Mr.
You got a minute? I've never seen this man before in my life.
That's funny, because he called here the other day, three times.
- I didn't speak with him.
- Oh, yeah? Phone records show calls came into your direct line.
You spoke for a total of 12 minutes.
McGARRETT: We might know what you were talking about.
See, Mikhail, he wanted equipment that your company produces so he could store his sarin.
You wanted your brother-in-law out so you could run the company.
What's it called? - Quid pro quo? - No, I was thinking of something else.
Oh, yeah.
Conspiracy to solicit murder.
These calls, when did they happen? Thursday, the 13th.
I was on the big island last week.
I didn't get back until Saturday.
- You can check with the hotel.
- Then who took the calls? Only person who takes my calls is my secretary.
She's gone.
Suspect's name is Chloe Ballantine.
I need you to lock down the entire building right away.
Right now.
Steve! Put your hands on the wheel.
Put your hands on the wheel.
CHLOE: Elliot wanted to be with me.
We were happy together.
But Jeff and Sheila ordered him to end the affair, and you couldn't accept that, could you? How'd a local girl like you get mixed up with a terrorist like Mikhail anyway? Take a look at this.
Look at the photo.
Look at the photo.
His name was Amoka.
He had a daughter and he had grandchildren.
And now he's dead because of you.
Mikhail contacted our office looking to purchase a certain product we make.
But legal did a background check and they refused the purchase order.
So a couple days later, Mikhail calls the office, offers me $20,000.
All I had to do was fake some invoices.
But instead of taking the money, you asked him to commit murder.
I took the cash too.
My, oh, my.
Aren't you the opportunistic one? Let me ask you something, though.
Why sarin? There are plenty of easier ways to kill people.
That's why.
That's why, isn't it? It's big and it's bold.
You thought the cops would think it was a terrorist attack, and they'd be so busy dealing with mass panic that they'd never think of murder.
It's pretty well calculated, I gotta say.
You know what else? I don't think you ever loved Elliot.
Not at all.
He was a payday for you.
In your twisted logic, Jeff and Sheila were the only things stopping you from cashing in on that.
CHIN HO: And with them out of the way, Elliot could take control of the company, right? The two of you could be free to carry on your relationship.
He was gonna divorce his wife and marry me.
But what good was that without money? Well, you know what? Now you got nothing.
Which is a real shame, because, uh, you could do with that money right now to pay for a lawyer.
KAYE: You got another envelope? Yeah.
I found this medal inside.
It's called the Order of the Rising Sun.
It was awarded to a Japanese pilot who bombed Pearl Harbor.
How did it end up in your father's toolbox? I don't know.
My grandfather served at Pearl.
He died on the Arizona.
Maybe the same person who mailed my dad the postcards from Osaka - mailed it to him.
- Why is it being returned to you now? Everything that you've received has had something to do with Wo Fat.
What is his connection to this medal? I'll know when I find him.
DANNY: No, that's it.
The real one.
Would you go to the beach with us? I'd love nothing more than go to the beach with you.
But I'm kind of low on sick days, so I gotta get to work.
We'll hang out later, okay? All right? Come here.
Hey, thanks for taking care of me in the hospital today, okay? - I love you.
- Love you too.
All right.
My lady.
In a way, I'm glad that this happened.
Oh, you are? You're glad that, uh, I got poisoned and almost died.
Okay, not glad exactly, but grateful, because the truth is, I was looking for any excuse to come home.
I thought you liked Maui, but I'm glad I could help.
Stan only booked this trip to see if we could save our marriage.
I don't know that there's anything left to save.
That's good.
- You should get to work.
- Yeah.
- We'll talk later? - I look forward to it, yes.
Hey, I'm gone ten minutes, and everybody's just standing around doing nothing, huh? - Can't keep a good man down, huh? KONO: I'm sorry.
Do we know you? - Look at you.
- Ha, ha, welcome back, brother.
DANNY: Thank you.
CHIN HO: Yeah, yeah.
So a couple people told me, uh, I owe you a thank you.
- A hug will do.
- A hug will do? - Okay, I'll take that.
Thank you.
KAYE: Ha, ha.
What's up? You and Rachel? How long has that been going on? Uh, a little while.
- Were you ever gonna tell me, or? - Was I ever? Ha, ha.
You know, uh, we have become very close.
Did you say gotten We've gotten very close? - Yeah, yeah.
- One near-death experience and you go warm and cuddly on me? - Come on.
Come on.
- You wanna hug me now? - Good to have you back, bud.
SANG MIN: McGarrett? Put your hands in the air.
Get on your knees, right now.
- How did you get in here? - I need your help.
He's clean.
- Told you I'm not gonna cut any deals.
SANG MIN: You don't understand.
I'll plead to any charge.
Take the maximum sentence, as long as you place me under protective custody.
Oh, yeah, what happened? Wo Fat.
I tried to make things right with him.
What did he say? He told me he's not gonna rest until I'm dead.
And that when I am, he's gonna come for you next.
McGARRETT: All right, guys, come right here.
Come on in.
Listen up.
Our target's name is Wo Fat.
Thermal imaging shows one heat signature in the safe house, so we know he's alone.
But do not let that fool you.
This guy is a major arms dealer with known terrorist affiliations and over a dozen kills.
He's more than likely carrying a weapon, and he's most definitely dangerous.
So stay focused, be aware of your surroundings at all times.
All right? Let's go.
- Gearing up, huh? - Yeah.
McGARRETT: Good for you.
You forgot one thing, though.
KAYE: What are you doing with those? You're not a field agent, okay? You're an analyst.
Are you kidding? My intel got us here.
Can't believe you're gonna freeze me out.
I understand how much this means to you, but you're not gonna get hurt.
Let's go, guys.
Let's go.
Move out.
COP 1: Steve, you all right? McGARRETT: Break contact.
COP 2: Barricade.
COP 3: Stand down.
COP 4: Entry team, fall back.
Arson, explosives.
COP 5: I need an ETA on rescue.
- Boss, he's on the move.
I'm going in.
Stay here, surround the perimeter.
: I'm headed toward the back of the house.
COP 6: Rear team has been mobilized, is searching for the target.
: Boss, he's moving upstairs.
I got eyes on the target, but it's not Wo Fat.
It's Sang Min.
I repeat, Sang Min.
- Please repeat.
- I'll say again.
Sang Min.
Wo Fat wasn't in the house.
DANNY: Kaye, get down.
- You all right? Stay here, please.
- Yeah.
Okay? Hey, I got him.
He just went into a house three doors down from the safe house.
All right, he's in a white Cadillac sedan.
Plate number Charlie, tango, eight, three, two, Romeo.
Call it in, Kono, every agency.
Listen to me.
Sang Min knows that we're onto him.
- He's gonna try to flee the island.
- Yeah.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a car attached to you? - Oh, weird.
- All right, APB is out.
Okay, who is Sang Min? Fugitive, human trafficker, all-around scumbag.
Known associate of Victor Hesse, which puts him in the same circles - as Wo Fat.
- Okay, so he could've been holing up - at Wo Fat's safe house.
- Or he was taking a shot at him.
The front door was rigged with the explosive charge, right? I think Sang Min's expecting Wo Fat to be walking through that door.
- Why would he try to kill him? - I think it was a preemptive strike.
Sang Min knows Wo Fat doesn't like loose ends.
Which is exactly what he became once he escaped from prison.
- Danny.
KONO: Whoa, whoa.
Danny, are you hit? No.
Something's not right.
I can't breathe.
- Guys, his pulse is slow.
- Okay, I'll call an ambulance.
- My chest.
I can't breathe.
- We got help on the way.
Just tell me what happened.
There's a body, no pulse.
KONO: Officer Kalakaua, I need an ambulance - Stay with him.
CHIN HO: Yeah.
Stop right there.
- What is it? - I don't know.
Whatever he died from might be biological.
We have to get Danny to a hospital right now.
KONO: Steve, over here.
CHIN HO: Hang in there.
He's starting to convulse.
McGARRETT: Danny, Danny.
Stay with me, Danny.
Stay with me.
BP is 72 over 40, breathing slow and shallow.
- How long since the last exposure? - About 20, 30 minutes.
DOCTOR: What kind of toxin? - My team's working on it.
You better hurry because I don't know how much time he has.
- I need to get McGarrett on the phone.
- So, what are we looking at here? Victim inside died from exposure to a chemical weapon, - nerve agent to be exact.
- How can you be sure? I spent two years with the CIA's Biological Threat Assessment Team.
One of our case studies was the subway attack in '95.
Terrorists released sarin on multiple trains.
- Whole subway system was affected.
- Our victim has the same symptoms.
Facial ulcerations, petechial hemorrhaging in the eyes, constricted pupils.
Everything's localized around the head, which makes me believe that he ingested the toxin orally.
So someone spiked the milk that our victim drank.
But sarin is also transdermal, which means Danny was exposed when he touched the victim to check for a pulse.
- McGarrett.
KAYE: Hey, it's Kaye.
Listen to me.
Danny has been exposed to sarin.
You need to tell the doctors to get him on pralidoxime right away.
If they don't, he's gonna die.
Thanks, doc.
How's Danny? He's, uh He's okay.
He's responding to the drugs.
It's still early, but, uh, they all seem to think he's gonna pull through, so - Okay.
- Thank God.
You were right about the sarin.
And if they didn't find out, Danny would probably be dead right now.
- Does he have a family? - He's got an ex-wife and a little girl.
Danny said something about having Grace this weekend.
Oh, I bet she was staying on Maui.
- Hey, can we see him? - Not right now.
Once he's stable, they're gonna move him to a recovery ward where he can have some visitors.
Look, guys, I know this is hard and we all wanna be here.
But right now we need to ID this vic and find out where he bought that milk.
You think this could be terrorism? Or a random act of mayhem like the Tylenol scare in the '80s.
Either way, we need to make sure there's no further risk.
So you two, I need you to contact the milk distributor, find out where they sell the product and pull everything off the shelves.
Don't care if we're taking resources from finding Sang Min.
Now this is our number one priority.
We're on it.
McGARRETT: Kaye, can you coordinate with CDC, make sure nothing else is contaminated? Yeah, of course.
I'd also send a sample to a contact at Langley.
He can run chemical analysis, maybe determine the source of the sarin.
- Thanks, Jenna.
- Oh, please.
Crisis mode, down a man.
I'm more than happy to pitch in.
Besides, I don't even know if there's a job waiting for me back home.
I took three months leave to hunt the man who killed my fiancé.
The CIA wasn't super keen on the whole personal vendetta thing.
- So if you think that I can help you - Kaye, Kaye.
- Yeah.
- What I meant to say was thank you for helping Danny, okay? You saved his life.
You're welcome.
Call me if you get something.
Where are you going? Uh, I got a little something to take care of.
: You should've seen your face.
Bet I was the last person you were expecting to see, huh? I have to say, I was pretty surprised myself.
I'm guessing that bomb on the door was intended for Wo Fat.
It doesn't matter now, does it? We both missed our shot.
But I might be able to give you a second chance.
- What's it worth if I help you find him? McGARRETT: What's it worth? Not much.
Okay? Considering you've already burned us once.
- Well, the situation has changed.
- All right.
You wanna make a deal? Great.
Here's what I'm prepared to offer you.
- Hey, Gracie.
- Uncle Steve.
Hey, kiddo.
Where's daddy? Listen, Gracie, Danno's, uh, not feeling the best, okay? Gonna take you to the hospital.
We're gonna go see him.
- Is he going to be okay? - Is he gonna be okay? Let me tell you about your father.
He might not talk like it, but he's one tough guy.
And he's brave as well.
Can you be brave like Danno? Are you sure? Then we should go see him.
What are you waiting for? Come on.
KAYE: Pae'aina Dairy Products sell at over a hundred locations on the island.
We pulled all their milk off the shelves.
CDC is doing some random testing, but so far none of the samples have turned positive for sarin except for the one that our victim drank from.
So it's looking like an isolated incident.
Now the question is, was it random or was our victim targeted? Sarin seems like an odd choice for a murder weapon.
It's actually not as far-fetched as you might think.
Used to be that sarin was hard to get, but ever since 9/11, we've taken down so many terror cells that sarin brokers are looking for new customers.
Basically, anyone with cash and connections to the black market - can get their hands on it.
- Hey, I got an ID on our vic.
The guy's name is Amoka Mulitalo.
Fifty-seven years old, was arrested six months ago for misdemeanor trespassing, which is interesting, considering the house we found him in wasn't his own.
- Well, whose house is it? - Jeff and Sheila Fallon.
Paid taxes in California, but, uh, keep this home as a vacation rental.
So, what's Amoka doing in their house drinking tainted milk? WOMAN: My father was never the same after his auto accident.
He suffered from aphasia, impaired memory.
He just couldn't manage for himself.
So we had him move in with us.
You filed a missing persons report for your father a few weeks ago.
- Wasn't the first time either, was it? - Sometimes he'll go for a walk, forget how to get home.
If I couldn't find him, I file a missing persons report.
Then a few days later, the police will find him on the street or in a shelter.
But this time JEFF [ON MONITOR.]
: I'm sorry, but I've never seen him before.
I don't understand.
How did this man end up dead in our house? We believe he was squatting there.
And when he was in your home, he drank some milk from the refrigerator.
That milk was laced with sarin.
It's a compound that's used as a chemical weapon.
It killed him within minutes.
What is it? We were supposed to come to Hawaii last week.
I asked our caretaker, Gabriel, to stock the refrigerator.
But we ended up canceling the trip.
So Gabriel's the one who bought the milk? SHEILA: Yes.
When was the last time you spoke to him? A few days ago.
- We let him go.
- You fired him.
Why? We had given him a checkbook to cover expenses, bills, repairs and such.
Last week, we found he had been writing checks to himself.
I called him.
He denied it at first, but eventually he came clean.
I told him to keep the money and leave us his key.
- How did he take that? - Not well.
He was very upset.
You think the caretaker planted the sarin? Well, the man has a history of violence.
He served time for aggravated assault in several home invasion robberies.
Plus, he was just fired, which does give him motive.
It doesn't give him means.
And sarin's not exactly easy to find.
How does a local caretaker get it? Right.
I'm still running background, but Chin and Kono are on their way to ask him that very question.
Okay, I gotta go.
Okay? Just keep me posted.
Yeah, sure thing.
Hey, doc, how's he doing? - Ready for some visitors.
- All right.
Gracie, let's go see Danno.
Looks like he's sleeping.
- Danno.
- Monkey.
- I made this for you.
- You did? Look at this.
This is me.
This is you.
This is a masterpiece.
Look at that.
I mean, she's an artist, no? It's beautiful.
I'm gonna make a nice space on the refrigerator, move some stuff around.
This is going dead center.
Thank you.
How are you feeling? Uh, I don't know.
I feel like everything hurts.
My head feels like it's gonna explode.
Like the worst hangover I've ever had.
What's a hangover? It's, uh You'll figure it out.
You'll learn about it one day when you're about, what, 35? - Thirty-five, 30 Sixteen.
- Forty years old.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, don't mention it.
Listen, since you're, uh, looking so good, I'm gonna head back to the office, okay? I'll swing by, pick her up later.
She can stay with me until Rachel gets back.
DANNY: How's that sound? - What do you think? Okay.
You okay? Yeah, I got everything I need right here.
I'm good.
Pound it out.
Huh? Hmm? Hey.
Kidnap Miley Cyrus and put her in your backpack - or is there a cell phone? - Stan bought it for me.
He did? Fabulous.
Go answer it.
First boy that calls, I'm gonna whip that thing in the Pacific Ocean, okay? - Hi, Mommy.
Yeah, I'm with Daddy.
Don't tell her.
He's in the hospital.
Mommy wants to talk to you.
Hi, Rachel.
No, I'm fine.
Would you please stop? I said I'm fine.
I like hospital food, you know that.
I checked in for the weekend.
I like it here.
MAN 1: There you go.
MAN 2: Oh, yeah.
MAN 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, yeah? This place, they make a kick-ass loco moco.
Yeah? Too bad we won't be staying for lunch.
Gabriel Delgado.
KONO: Going out the front.
Stay down and don't move.
GABRIEL: Look, I told you, my son, he's sick.
He's got leukemia.
First five years of his life, I'm locked up.
I finally get out of prison, I can't even pay his hospital bill.
What kind of father does that make me? So is that why you stole from the Fallons? I got another job driving the airport shuttle.
I was gonna put the money back in the account as soon as I got paid.
But they found out before you could, right? And you knew if they reported the crime, it was back to prison for you.
That's why you tried to kill them.
What? Did you buy groceries for the Fallons last week? I did.
Well, we found sarin inside a milk carton that you put in the fridge.
Why don't you tell us about that? I have no idea what you're talking about.
I don't even know what sarin is.
Really? Let me show you.
This is sarin.
And that's what sarin does to you.
Oh, my God.
- What, you knew him? - Yeah.
Yeah, I take my boy to Blessed People's Mission.
They have a free clinic once a week.
Amoka sometimes sleeps at their shelter.
Kind man.
Even with all his own problems, he would always ask about my son.
I knew he was having a hard time there, so I told him about the rock.
What rock? CHIN HO: So the Fallons hid a spare key at their property.
We found it in the backyard, and Gabriel admitted to telling Amoka about it.
Said he stayed there for a few nights when shelter got overcrowded.
- And we believe him? - I spoke to the mission.
Checks out.
Apparently, Amoka stayed at the shelter off and on for two months.
The same dates as Gabriel's son was getting treatment.
If Gabriel planted sarin in the milk, last thing he's gonna wanna do is let a hungry, homeless guy come and stay at the house before targets return.
- So we just lost our only suspect.
- The good news is, we may have picked up a new one.
I pulled a fresh print off the spare key.
It belongs to Elliot Connor.
His fingerprints are on file with the SEC.
How does he know Jeff and Sheila Fallon? Well, Jeff's brother-in-law, he's also an employee.
He's a COO of Jeff's company.
They do big business, manufacturing industrial storage equipment.
Check this out.
According to International Business News, there have been rumors about friction between Jeff and Elliot.
Some of their board meetings have gotten contentious.
- Sounds like motive.
- You go talk to Jeff, see what he's got to say about it.
You and I will go see Elliot.
Look, I already gave you my statement.
Well, if you wanna bring me in again, you know where to find me.
I may as well tell you because you're gonna find out.
I returned the money to IA.
It's the only way to keep Uncle Keako out of prison.
Where did you even come up with $200,000? Got a loan from somebody.
Borrowed against the house.
This is crazy.
All IA has to do is run the serial numbers and they won't match the ones that were stolen.
They can't do that.
Inventory logs for the asset forfeiture locker went missing years ago.
- How do you know that? - Everybody in the department knows.
- The worst-kept secret on the island.
- I never heard about it.
That's because you never walked the beat.
Somewhere right now, there are two cops telling this story over coffee and malasadas.
Coz, you've been carrying this for a long time.
You took the blame for a crime you didn't commit.
And you lost your job, friends, and your family.
Now you have a chance to get out from under all of it.
And what? You're gonna throw it all away, put yourself into debt and go to prison? RECEPTIONIST: Here you go.
Uh, excuse me.
We'd like to see Elliot Connor.
Sorry, he's in a meeting now.
See if you can free him up for us.
Rumors of a rift between me and Jeff are nonsense.
Have there been disagreements? Of course.
But that's normal when you're managing a business with someone.
Well, just out of curiosity, Mr.
Connor, what were your disagreements about? Jeff relocated me to Hawaii to run the Pacific base of operations.
The company's planning a big push into Asia.
We had some differences of opinion on marketing strategy.
That's it.
The advantages of working with my brother-in-law is that we can slug it out at the office, but at the end of the day, it's family first.
Work always comes second.
It sounds like you're close.
That's nice.
So, uh, tell me something.
Jeff and Sheila, do they ever have you come by the house, check on the property? No.
They have a caretaker who stays there when they're away.
Why did we find your fingerprint on the spare key that was hidden outside the house? [CHUCKLES.]
You know, I did use that key once to drop off some papers.
The, uh, Q4 financial report.
I wanted Jeff to review it as soon as he arrived.
- Please don't lie to us.
- I'm not.
You shifted in your chair and touched your face as you were answering the question.
Those are both signs of deception.
Plus, you added unnecessary details about delivering the papers just to make your lie sound more credible.
Does Jeff know that you're using his house to cheat on his sister? What? That's absurd.
Mock outrage.
That's a bad one.
That tan line on your finger there.
Forget to put your wedding band back on after your last hookup? Look, here's what I think's going on, okay? Either you've been using Jeff's house to carry on an affair, and that's why we found your print on the key.
Or you were in the house trying to kill your partner.
Which is it? We haven't used the house in months.
Not since Jeff confronted me about it.
That's the real reason things have been tense here at work.
It has nothing to do with business.
Well, with all due respect, Elliot, you're using his house to cheat on his sister.
I can hardly blame him for being upset.
I know it's terrible.
Jeff asked me to break it off with Chloe and I'm going to.
Just haven't gotten around to it yet? We're gonna need to talk to Chloe, okay? - To corroborate this.
- Go ahead.
She's right outside.
The secretary? That's original.
DANNY: Can I ask you a question? So, what do you need a slingshot for? It doesn't make any sense to me.
I mean, they're birds.
Can't they fly? These birds don't have wings.
Oh, that explains it.
Now I know why they're so angry.
Thank you for clarifying.
Howzit, Jersey? Hey, big dog.
What's going on? Grace, you remember Kamekona? - Hi.
- What up, shorty? I figured you guys need some grub by now.
Hospital foods are the worst.
And the portions, very small.
That's very sweet of you.
Fried chicken? Filipino style.
Best on the island, brah.
You know, Gracie, when I was a little keiki like you, my mama used to bring me this chicken every time I was sick.
Fried chicken isn't good for you.
It has cholesterol and causes heart disease.
A little bit of grease is good for you.
Helps the insides stay lubricated.
Drumstick or thigh? Um, I'm gonna go, uh I like white meat.
Is there a breast? Sorry, all gone.
That was a long drive, brah.
I know.
I know.
I didn't call you here for the chicken.
Gracie, put your headphones on, please.
So our boy, Sang Min, has resurfaced.
I heard he bounced a few months ago.
He's back? In a big way.
Looks like he took a swing at heavy hitters and he missed.
My guess is he's looking for a way off the island.
So I need you to get on the coconut wireless, make a couple calls.
You found him for us once, you can do it again, right? Sure.
Let me use your phone.
What's wrong with your phone? I don't bring them to the hospitals no more, brah.
You heard about the signals interfering with the pacemakers? It's true.
Okay, you can use my phone.
Will you wipe your greasy paws off before you touch my phone, though? - Grease.
- Yeah, they're ugly.
That's That's sufficient.
You got something? Yeah, I got a call from your CIA contact.
They found a chemical match to our sarin.
Turns out it's the same strand used by a Chechen terror group in a botched Moscow attack five years ago.
And the Russian FSB identified the supplier as Mikhail Yursky.
And get this, Mr.
Yursky arrived in Hawaii five days ago under fake passport.
Timeline matches the murder.
Then that's our killer.
Now all we have to do is find him.
COP 1: Clear.
COP 2: Back is clear.
Hey, Mikhail's not here.
- What do you got? - Found a credit card under the same name as his fake passport.
He purchased a flight to Borneo, leaves tonight at 7:00.
All right, notify the TSA, let the Sheriff's Department cover the flight, and we'll leave a unit at the hotel in case he comes back.
Hey, I just got a fresh hit.
His card's being used at an ATM right now.
Central Pacific Bank on Alakawa.
Couple of blocks away.
We're on the way.
KONO: Okay, I'll see if I can stall him for you.
You might wanna try checking the magnetic strip.
Maybe clean it.
Oh, you're good.
KONO: Oh, not good, not good.
- Steve, he's on the move.
- Got him.
Right there.
Got it.
Please be advised.
Suspect is in a maroon sedan traveling north on Alakawa.
McGARRETT: Hey! Stay back.
The canister has a leak.
- He's been exposed.
- I'll call an ambulance.
- Get H.
and HAZMAT as well.
- Go, go.
CHIN HO: Yeah, this is Kelly, Five-0.
Yeah, we're in an alleyway behind the 1500 block of Alakawa.
- He's done.
He's dead.
- Uh, check the ambulance.
Yeah, send the ME and the HAZMAT team instead.
Yeah, all right.
CHIN HO: What the hell? - Are we ready for that extra credit? - Extra credit.
You're telling me that this guy is not from around here? No, Dad.
Spongebob lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Well, what else could be more Hawaiian than that, huh? Mommy.
Daddy's not sick anymore.
I am so happy to see that.
You didn't have to come here.
Yes, I did.
Thank you.
Get another one.
CHIN HO: All right, well, once his team's safe, have H.
process the car for evidence.
HAZMAT team just finished checking the canisters in Mikhail's trunk.
Empty with no signs of toxins.
He was about to leave the island with them.
I guess he was gonna use the canisters to traffic the sarin.
What's still not adding up though is why a bioweapons dealer with terrorist ties would target two innocent people from the mainland.
What's going on? Commander McGarrett, David Akahoshi, Internal Affairs.
I know who you are.
What are you doing here? I came to return something to Mr.
The serial numbers on these bills don't match the stolen money, which means you're trying to cover for your uncle.
Those inventory logs disappeared years ago, so those serial numbers don't exist.
AKAHOSHI: Actually, they do.
After the forfeiture locker was robbed, IA kept waiting for you to slip up and spend the money somewhere.
We figured that you were being careful.
So we had the asset forfeiture division put the word out that their inventory records had been lost.
It was all a lie.
If you thought we couldn't trace the serial numbers, maybe you would finally start spending the money.
But that never happened, because you never stole it.
Chin, this has gone too far.
You got your money back.
- Let this go.
- I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
I know you were just trying to protect your family, which is why I am not gonna charge you with obstruction of justice.
I'm not even gonna ask where you got that money, but your uncle stole from the Honolulu Police Department, which means he stole from the people of Hawaii.
And he's gonna have to answer for that.
I, myself, am gonna ask where you got this money.
The bookie? I signed the deed to my house over to him.
Return it.
Get your deed back.
- Steve, I didn't have a choice.
- Listen to me, all right? You did this for your uncle.
You don't have to explain anything else to me.
Uh You guys need to see this.
So any respectable chemist can synthesize sarin.
The trick is not killing yourself in the process.
In addition to having a short half life, sarin is also extremely volatile, making storage a challenge.
The ideal container is electropolished aluminum, double-walled with failsafe coupling valve, but those can be difficult to procure.
Right, because the FBI monitors large sales of these things to make sure that they're not used to traffic chemical weapons, right? Exactly.
Which is why it's so impressive that we found 36 of these canisters in Mikhail's trunk.
Check out who the manufacturer is.
Fallon Global.
That's Jeff and Elliot's company.
So Mikhail ends up getting his canisters from them, and his sarin ends up at Jeff's house.
That's not all.
I pulled Mikhail's phone records.
Guess who he called the day he landed? Mr.
You got a minute? I've never seen this man before in my life.
That's funny, because he called here the other day, three times.
- I didn't speak with him.
- Oh, yeah? Phone records show calls came into your direct line.
You spoke for a total of 12 minutes.
McGARRETT: We might know what you were talking about.
See, Mikhail, he wanted equipment that your company produces so he could store his sarin.
You wanted your brother-in-law out so you could run the company.
What's it called? - Quid pro quo? - No, I was thinking of something else.
Oh, yeah.
Conspiracy to solicit murder.
These calls, when did they happen? Thursday, the 13th.
I was on the big island last week.
I didn't get back until Saturday.
- You can check with the hotel.
- Then who took the calls? Only person who takes my calls is my secretary.
She's gone.
Suspect's name is Chloe Ballantine.
I need you to lock down the entire building right away.
Right now.
Steve! Put your hands on the wheel.
Put your hands on the wheel.
CHLOE: Elliot wanted to be with me.
We were happy together.
But Jeff and Sheila ordered him to end the affair, and you couldn't accept that, could you? How'd a local girl like you get mixed up with a terrorist like Mikhail anyway? Take a look at this.
Look at the photo.
Look at the photo.
His name was Amoka.
He had a daughter and he had grandchildren.
And now he's dead because of you.
Mikhail contacted our office looking to purchase a certain product we make.
But legal did a background check and they refused the purchase order.
So a couple days later, Mikhail calls the office, offers me $20,000.
All I had to do was fake some invoices.
But instead of taking the money, you asked him to commit murder.
I took the cash too.
My, oh, my.
Aren't you the opportunistic one? Let me ask you something, though.
Why sarin? There are plenty of easier ways to kill people.
That's why.
That's why, isn't it? It's big and it's bold.
You thought the cops would think it was a terrorist attack, and they'd be so busy dealing with mass panic that they'd never think of murder.
It's pretty well calculated, I gotta say.
You know what else? I don't think you ever loved Elliot.
Not at all.
He was a payday for you.
In your twisted logic, Jeff and Sheila were the only things stopping you from cashing in on that.
CHIN HO: And with them out of the way, Elliot could take control of the company, right? The two of you could be free to carry on your relationship.
He was gonna divorce his wife and marry me.
But what good was that without money? Well, you know what? Now you got nothing.
Which is a real shame, because, uh, you could do with that money right now to pay for a lawyer.
KAYE: You got another envelope? Yeah.
I found this medal inside.
It's called the Order of the Rising Sun.
It was awarded to a Japanese pilot who bombed Pearl Harbor.
How did it end up in your father's toolbox? I don't know.
My grandfather served at Pearl.
He died on the Arizona.
Maybe the same person who mailed my dad the postcards from Osaka - mailed it to him.
- Why is it being returned to you now? Everything that you've received has had something to do with Wo Fat.
What is his connection to this medal? I'll know when I find him.
DANNY: No, that's it.
The real one.
Would you go to the beach with us? I'd love nothing more than go to the beach with you.
But I'm kind of low on sick days, so I gotta get to work.
We'll hang out later, okay? All right? Come here.
Hey, thanks for taking care of me in the hospital today, okay? - I love you.
- Love you too.
All right.
My lady.
In a way, I'm glad that this happened.
Oh, you are? You're glad that, uh, I got poisoned and almost died.
Okay, not glad exactly, but grateful, because the truth is, I was looking for any excuse to come home.
I thought you liked Maui, but I'm glad I could help.
Stan only booked this trip to see if we could save our marriage.
I don't know that there's anything left to save.
That's good.
- You should get to work.
- Yeah.
- We'll talk later? - I look forward to it, yes.
Hey, I'm gone ten minutes, and everybody's just standing around doing nothing, huh? - Can't keep a good man down, huh? KONO: I'm sorry.
Do we know you? - Look at you.
- Ha, ha, welcome back, brother.
DANNY: Thank you.
CHIN HO: Yeah, yeah.
So a couple people told me, uh, I owe you a thank you.
- A hug will do.
- A hug will do? - Okay, I'll take that.
Thank you.
KAYE: Ha, ha.
What's up? You and Rachel? How long has that been going on? Uh, a little while.
- Were you ever gonna tell me, or? - Was I ever? Ha, ha.
You know, uh, we have become very close.
Did you say gotten We've gotten very close? - Yeah, yeah.
- One near-death experience and you go warm and cuddly on me? - Come on.
Come on.
- You wanna hug me now? - Good to have you back, bud.
SANG MIN: McGarrett? Put your hands in the air.
Get on your knees, right now.
- How did you get in here? - I need your help.
He's clean.
- Told you I'm not gonna cut any deals.
SANG MIN: You don't understand.
I'll plead to any charge.
Take the maximum sentence, as long as you place me under protective custody.
Oh, yeah, what happened? Wo Fat.
I tried to make things right with him.
What did he say? He told me he's not gonna rest until I'm dead.
And that when I am, he's gonna come for you next.