Roboti Aniya (I Am Not A Robot) (2017) s01e23 Episode Script

Episode 23

1 - What? - What? No.
Hold on.
I'm still inside! Excuse me! There's someone inside! There's someone inside! Excuse me! My gosh, did I seriously get locked up in this storage room with him? This can't be.
I'll either suffocate to death or freeze before morning comes.
Don't worry.
Trust me.
I'll make sure that we get out no matter what.
If we don't, I'll lose my mind.
Help will come once I make a call.
One moment.
There's no reception.
Come on.
Come on.
Please work.
There's no reception.
Don't worry.
I know how to survive on the street.
Trust me.
Oh, right.
If I leave the lights on, people will know that someone is inside.
Then someone will come Don't be scared.
I can see easily in the dark.
You won't stay locked up until tomorrow morning.
It's okay.
I'm used to being locked up.
I'm also used to the cold.
This is terrible.
Can it get worse than this? You must have indigestion.
You ate a lot of sashimi after all.
That wasn't me.
Was it me? It's me.
I didn't have lunch nor dinner.
The number you have dialed is not available.
Ji A isn't picking up.
I can't get in touch with Min Kyu's phone.
It's getting worse.
Go inside.
It's cold.
It's okay.
I'll fix it with you.
You'll catch a cold.
I'll be fine.
Listen to me.
I can't concentrate if you're next to me.
I can't do anything.
Go inside.
It's because you're tired.
Get some rest in the car.
- We don't have time.
- A little rest won't kill you.
If you stay tired and drive, you might kill us later.
I'll go inside.
Let's find something to keep us warm while we wait for someone to come.
There should be something to cover us.
I found it.
These are thick, and there are a lot.
We won't freeze to death.
Wait, wait.
You're saying we'll cover ourselves with those? Use the straw as mats and the sacks as covers.
They make pretty decent bedding.
Wait to one side while I set things up.
Let me see.
What are you doing? Let go, I'm fine.
You got a splinter.
I know.
It'll sink deeper inside.
What's your credit card for? There.
It came out.
Are you okay? About what? You wanted to get back together with Ji A.
When you found out that Ji A and Min Kyu love each other, how did you feel? When Min Kyu failed to input what he wanted into Aji 3, I felt the despair that he might have felt.
Now, I cannot find the Ji A I knew.
Whatever I said, she would smile and cheer me on.
She's gone for good.
I realized why we'd broken up, and I wanted to make up for my mistakes.
But Ji A was no longer the same Ji A, and I wasn't the same as well.
There's no going back.
It's irreversible.
That's so sad.
Doesn't it hurt? It does.
It hurts.
But compared to the pain they feel, it's nothing.
I'm standing right here My love protects you always That's nice.
I'm standing right here Let's rest until the song's over.
If you'd just look to your side Then you would see me Why don't you see it? Can't you smile at me that way? Climb up.
That's your bed for tonight.
What about you? There's only one.
I can I can exercise.
I'll do jumping jacks.
You'll do jumping jacks at night? Does he want me to lie beside him there? And die of a heart explosion? Exercising is the best way to stay warm on a cold night.
I'll stay up all night.
You can climb up and get some sleep.
Hong Joo, come here.
There's a heater.
We won't freeze to death.
And Dried anchovies, makgeolli, and ramyun.
This is amazing.
Don't these belong to someone? Can we eat these? We can and then replenish the stock.
Then shall we just have a taste? Here.
From the sound you made earlier, we could eat everything here, and it would still not be enough for you.
Can't you stop looking? It's so strange.
That I look so much like her? No.
Then what's so strange? You said you're cold, you're hungry, we ate cup noodles together, and drank rice wine.
Everything I wanted to hear and see Aji 3 do, you're doing it right now.
Of course.
I'm a human.
How old are you? I'm 28 No, I'm not.
I'm 29 now.
- Same? - We're the same age.
Shall we be friends? No.
Why not? Would you want to be? Why won't you ask me my name? I know yours, Hong Joo.
I don't want to know your name.
Kim Min Kyu.
I'm not just a customer or a guest.
I'm Kim Min Kyu.
So If you won't drink that, I will.
Why did you follow me and get locked in? I like it.
Like what? This situation.
What you just said.
Your girlfriend would get the wrong idea if she heard it.
I don't have a girlfriend.
Anyway, this rice wine's really good.
What? The headlights went out.
[VIU Ver.]
E23 I'm Not a Robot "The Truth" -= Ruo Xi =- Is it raining? Those are the waves.
And the wind.
It sounds like the rain.
Do you like rain? I have an unforgettable memory.
On a rainy day, I had my first kiss.
I want to talk to you about Aji 3 a bit more.
If you don't feel too uncomfortable, would you just listen to me talk? I've never talked to anyone about her properly.
That's because the things I shared with her are really hard to explain in words.
So it's quite hard for anyone to actually understand.
But I want to talk to you about her.
But I won't if you don't want me to.
I'll let you tell me if you promise me that you'll stop bothering me starting from tomorrow.
I honestly feel uncomfortable being around you.
I promise.
Instead, will you please ask me questions about Aji 3? I don't exactly know where I should start.
Since when did Aji 3 start feeling special to you? I can answer that precisely.
I felt that way starting from the first day she came to my house.
You'll be laughing all night if you listen to my story.
I felt dumbfounded because of her starting from the first day.
The first thing she said to me as soon as she saw me was "My goodness!" That came from a robot.
So I asked Doctor Hong about it, and he said it was because she was put on Friend Mode.
So I told him that I got it.
Then I prepared a question.
I put an egg inside a box.
She was supposed to open the lock by answering the question.
But she suddenly hit the box with her fist, and the box broke.
I was so surprised at how strong the robot was.
Anyway, she managed to take the egg out.
Oh, there's one more.
I slipped on soap while I was holding a bottle of perfume.
But she chose to save the bottle instead of What do you think would've happened if she had told him the truth? My gosh, I already told you numerous times.
If she told him the truth, Min Kyu could've died.
There's a possibility that he might not have died.
We can't calculate that possibility.
I understand.
Only the heart could be able to figure that out, not the mind.
It's all about trust.
You're completely right.
It's all in the heart.
I'm saying you didn't trust that he would believe you even if you told him the truth.
You thought Min Kyu's love for Ji A and the Santa Maria Research Team wasn't enough for him to trust your confession.
But how are you going to prove that your judgment was right? Doctors even perform surgeries on patients who only have a 99 percent possibility of survival.
And that remaining one percent sometimes makes miracles happen.
That one percent You do have a point, Sun Hye.
- But - You're right.
Doctors can do that.
They can risk everything on that one percent.
But the patient's family can't.
Can you send your parents into the OR if they only have a one percent chance of survival? We think of Min Kyu as our family now.
This guy is becoming more and more attractive.
Who? Me? Yes, Doctor Oh.
Are you there yet? No, not yet.
Our van broke down.
Oh, dear.
Give me an update on them as soon as you get there.
And if, by any chance, Min Kyu gets rashes, you should open his bag.
There will be an injection that he carries around for emergency.
That won't ever happen.
I hope so.
If he gets as shocked as Johnny did, that injection might not be enough to get rid of his allergy symptoms.
Please stay alert.
Where did she go? Why didn't you wake me up? You were sound asleep.
You still should've woken me up.
- Let's go.
- Wait.
It's okay.
Let's go.
It's okay.
We can go after I wipe your hand.
I'm sorry for not listening to you back then.
But I don't regret having stayed with Min Kyu.
You also did your best.
And that's also something you can't undo.
I ended everything by resetting Aji 3.
I was a fool.
This is the end of my story.
I don't think it's exactly the end.
It is the end.
No, what I mean is You need to tell me how you've been doing after you reset her until now for your story to fully end.
You can't just stop in the middle.
That story won't be any fun.
I'll decide myself if it's fun or not.
Do you really want to know? At first, it really hurt.
And it was hard to get by.
But after some time, I became a little better.
And I started working at my company like a normal person.
And I eat like everyone else at the cafeteria.
And I go home like everyone else as well.
I also go to the movies and the bookstore by myself.
If Aji 3 saw how you're doing right now, she'll compliment you by saying "Good job.
" No.
This is what she would've said.
You did well.
"You did well.
" See? I told you it'll be boring.
No, that's not it.
But why did you say you were a fool for having reset her? That's a secret.
Can you please tell me? I'll tell you if you agree to be my friend.
Because friends shouldn't keep secrets.
Do you want to be my friend? By the way, you're really cute.
Tell me if you're sorry.
I tried inputting my information on Aji 3 again.
I wanted her to come back.
I said everything I said to her when we first met.
I also behaved exactly the same.
I stayed up all night inputting the same information I had input before.
She never came back.
Thinking back, this is what my heart kept telling me.
Everything that I feel is real.
As I was scared, I ignored that thought.
In the end, as a consequence, I was punished.
That's why.
It's the reason why I'm rambling in front of you.
When time passes, will things go back to the way they were? If it isn't possible now, passing of time won't matter.
Min Kyu must completely believe Ji A and what we tell him.
Everything depends on that, but how can we explain such a complicated situation? Even if we explain, who would believe it? Even I can't.
You got an offer to be a professor.
Sorry, I didn't mean to see the message.
I'm not interested.
Why not? Such opportunity doesn't come often.
I'm happy where I'm now.
I hope that you'll take the offer.
- It'll be good for your future - Once it's time to leave, I'll leave quietly so that you won't notice.
Please concentrate on driving for now.
You're so stubborn.
It's dawn.
Time flies.
I talked too much about me.
Tell me about yourself.
May I ask you a question? Tell me about your family.
I have a brother, a sister-in-law, a niece and me.
They'll have another child soon.
Do you live off of your brother? Sorry.
I'm not careful with my words sometimes.
Right, it's not an easy habit to get rid of.
Pardon me? What's your next question? Who do you miss the most right now? My ideal type and a mentor for life.
Who is it? It's my late father.
When I was young, my dad ran a garage.
I played at the garage after school.
When broken and damaged cars came in, he fixed them and made them shiny.
He made them able to run again.
Dad could fix any damage on the car.
It was like magic.
I wanted to be like my dad.
I wanted to be good at something.
I see.
I can imagine it clearly.
What you hope for and your talents can't be the same.
It feels like everyone else is lucky but you.
At some point, I wondered if I was a useless person in the world.
How did anyone come up with this idea? Was it a genius? Or a master? I want to meet the person who made this umbrella.
One person reassured me that I'm useful.
He made me feel that I shouldn't give up.
I don't know who it was, but if he heard what you said, he'd feel proud.
Do you think so? The fact that you were important to someone is encouraging.
I see.
When you see him next time, you should tell him that.
I will.
Min Kyu.
Now you told me enough about you.
I listened to you enough.
As you promised, go back to Seoul without regrets.
When time passes, everything Gosh, I remember how it was back then.
Everything will remain as memories.
I hope you'll be happy, Min Kyu.
With all my heart.
Gosh, you startled me.
(Episode 24 will air shortly.
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