Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e23 Episode Script

Episode 23

Ruby's Ring Say, when are you tying the knot with my sister-in-law? I don't have everything ready.
I need to at least get a small apartment before we get married.
How is it? Are you happy with married life? Now I know what people mean when they say that marriage is reality.
I don't know if my expectations regarding marriage were too unrealistic, but things have gotten so different since we got married.
This may sound strange, but it feels like I'm living with a completely different woman.
Right? She could be a different woman.
Pardon? What do you mean? Well, they say women have 1,000 faces.
Hook it on the loop, and pull like this.
Oh, okay.
Like this? Don't hook it from the inside.
- Oh, I see.
- That's right.
Then I do this, twist, and like this.
- That's right.
- Is this it? Yes.
You're better than I expected.
I'm actually very smart, you see.
My only drawback is this trap.
And that I'm a bit ugly.
My goodness.
You're not ugly.
You just look a bit odd because of all the plastic surgery.
You would've looked a lot better had you not gone under the knife.
That's not true, ma'am.
That's not true at all.
Although I didn't get it done at a licensed clinic, plastic surgery really improved my looks.
People used to say I was ghastly.
Who said such a thing? My ex-husband.
He said I made him lose his appetite.
In my next life, I want to be beautiful.
I want men to fall in love with me as soon as they lay eyes on me.
I want to be a renowned beauty.
You're really obsessed, aren't you? Beauty brings ill fortune.
Being pretty is not always a good thing.
Oh, Ruby.
You're home? - I'm back.
- Welcome home.
People are hard to read.
She used to be so sweet and charming.
I wonder if she's had dinner.
Oh, right.
I can come in, right? I'm changing.
Don't be such a prude.
What is it? You have a secret, don't you? What do you mean? You were pregnant, right? I know everything.
I know what you did last night.
What are you talking about? I'm busy.
Please leave.
What are these? Why were they in the trash? They're brand new.
So what about it? It's just weird.
Were you pregnant and then miscarried, and threw these away out of anger? Yes, I did.
Happy now? Oh, okay.
Ma'am! Ma'am! What are you doing? This is huge.
How can I keep my trap shut? Your grandmother-in-law is so anxious for a great-grandchild.
I got those for a pregnant friend, but she didn't like them, so You should've saved them to send to Africa.
You know how much your in-laws care about the poor children in Africa.
Okay, fine.
I made a mistake.
Right? I'll let this one slide then.
So along with that night you were drunk, you owe me two.
This is gorgeous.
It's so nice.
I'm not asking you to give it to me.
You have can it.
Oh, wow.
Really? Wow.
Thanks, hon.
I love you, Ruby.
I love you.
I think you've had enough.
Ruby Hello? Hon, where are you? It's me.
Surprised? What's going on? Why did you answer my husband's phone? Are you two together? Yup.
I'm about to reveal our secret to Vice President Bae Gyeongmin.
What? Well? Does it pique your interest? No? Then I'll hang up.
Hello? Hello? The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting No.
Na Insu wouldn't be that reckless.
What if he does tell him? Focus, Jeong Runa.
You're Jeong Ruby, no matter what anyone says.
So? You were interested after all.
Where are you? I'll be right there.
But of course, ma'am.
Gyeongmin! Gyeongmin, wake up.
Hello, ma'am.
What did you do to him? That doesn't sound like a thank-you, Mrs.
Who are you to drink with my husband? What did you tell him? Nothing stupid, I hope.
You're the one who's being stupid right now.
You should be careful.
Have a good night then.
Thank you.
How much longer will you do this to me? What did I do? Is this revenge? Why did you give these to me? What did you expect to get out of giving these to me in front of my family? I wanted to give you one last chance.
A chance to tell them the truth yourself.
Tell them the truth? Me? I wouldn't have gone this far if I was going to do that.
I risked everything to get to where I am.
You think I'll give up? Did you think I'd be scared by something like this? Revenge? You don't scare me.
Watch what you say.
I'm willing to risk everything to get revenge on you.
I'll ruin you completely, no, even more completely than I loved you.
You're insane.
You're a psychopath.
Jihyeok, have some watermelon.
Thank you, dad.
How's studying going? It has to go well, right? I have to get into Seoul National University this time no matter what.
That's right.
It'll be the greatest thing that's ever happened to this family.
Dad, who was the lady who came over yesterday? Oh, that lady.
She's a colleague.
But why did she come to our place, and why did you stuff me in the closet, and Okay, okay.
I'm sorry.
Sorry won't cut it.
I need to know what happened.
Well, you see, what happened was I know you pretend to be a bachelor.
But you shouldn't have given her our address.
Why did you make her come over in the middle of the night? You know how popular I am with the ladies.
You won't do anything stupid and end up like this again, will you? Hey.
What do you take me for? What do I take you for? You were arrested for fraud twice.
Come on.
I've turned over a new leaf.
So you have to be careful.
If that lady comes over again, I'll tell her everything, not go to college, and become a con artist like you.
No swindling, okay? No swindling for you, dad.
Double-check the sound, and mop the floors.
We're going to do a camera test.
Get ready.
The lights have to be brighter.
The show host doesn't come off as radiant and lively.
Jeong Ruby is our network's star.
She can't look like that on screen.
If the lights are too bright, the product will look unnatural.
That's why we have a producer.
You have to make the host and the product shine.
Readjust the lights.
Jeong, you must not have slept well.
Let's redo your makeup.
Break a leg, everyone.
Check the lights again.
Here's the receipt.
- Thank you.
- Number 5.
Come again.
This way.
Soyeong, set a table for them.
Three servings of grilled chicken.
Thank you.
You must be tired.
Have an energy drink.
I only got one, just for you, so drink it here.
Really? Yup.
Only for me? Yup.
Thank you, Dongpal.
What a con artist.
Show me that one.
Of course.
Excuse me.
Are you Ms.
Jeong Ruby, the show host? Oh, you really are her.
I'm a huge fan.
I should've known.
You caught my attention as soon as you walked in.
Really? Thank you.
Jeong Ruby? May I have your autograph? My brother's a big fan.
Promise me.
No matter what happens, you won't remove this ring.
Even if we separate, no, even if we die.
Can you promise me that? What a beauty.
But This nose is the problem.
I wish the bridge was more defined.
Plastic surgery is just another method of self-development.
All I need is another $1,000.
Coming, Gyeongsuk.
You're home early.
It's a present.
Aren't you opening it? It's very high-end.
Aren't you going to thank me? Ruby.
Yes? What is this ring? This? Given how well things went, I got myself a gift.
Did I slip up again? What about the ruby ring? Something's wrong with the setting.
It kept getting caught on my clothes.
Have you forgotten what you promised? Of course not.
I know how meaningful it is to us.
You proposed to me with it.
But as a woman, I get tired of the red of the ruby.
I thought of wearing the diamond wedding ring, but it's a bit much.
Please don't be mad at me.
I wasn't being extravagant.
It's not vanity, either.
I just wanted to give myself a gift for a job well done.
You understand, right? It looks great on you.
You look so handsome.
Hon, I'm sorry I've been so edgy as of late.
Forgive me.
Like you said, I'll go back to being the old Ruby.
You won't stay mad, right? Ruby, what I'm saying is Shh.
Wear this to work tomorrow, okay? You'll look very sexy.
Come have dinner.
Let's go, dear.
Jang, more soup, please.
Sure, my dear niece.
How's the soup? It's delicious.
It's in my name, Jang Geumhui.
I'm not the great cook Dae Janggeum, but I'm Jang Geumhui.
I think you're a better cook than Dae Janggeum.
My dear nephew, you always know just what to say.
You're the man of my dreams.
Oh, right.
Do you know that I've started taking baking classes? Oh, wow.
You just wait.
I'm coming up with a breakfast menu full of fresh, delicious homemade breads.
Milk toast on Mondays, morning rolls on Tuesdays, garlic bread on Wednesdays Ms.
We'll get indigestion.
Why? It was fun.
Are you enjoying your dinner, Gyeongmin? Yes, grandma.
It must be tough at the office these days.
You've lost weight.
Jang, we need more rice.
Yes? Yes, ma'am.
That one night out must have made her bolder.
She goes missing all the time.
The recipient is unavailable.
Good grief.
What are you doing? My goodness.
Go on home then.
From here? Okay.
Get up.
Get up.
You're out of your mind.
Good night.
Good heavens.
Gilja, I'm home.
Don't drag it out.
Set a date.
What? What are you talking about? An old sister-in-law's nagging isn't effective anymore.
Looks like Noh Dongpal has a much greater effect on you than someone who spent 30 years with you.
Nevertheless, do you have to cuddle up so close that you look like Siamese twins? Did you see us? Of course I did.
How could I not? Love was certainly in the air.
Discuss the matter with him.
If not Noh Dongpal, who'd be interested in you even if we offered a large dowry? Finish that up and have a good night.
See you.
You startled me.
What? How was it? Sweet or electrifying? You wretched thing.
What are you talking about? Go to sleep.
I've been there, done that.
Done what? I'm more experienced on that front.
Give me a break.
Why's my heart beating so fast like I've done something wrong? Mom! Mom! I risked everything to get to where I am.
You think I'll give up? Did you think I'd be scared by something like this? Revenge? You don't scare me.
Watch what you say.
I'll ruin you completely, no, even more completely than I loved you.
You're insane.
You're a psychopath.
The class was just hilarious.
He had bad breath.
Bad breath.
Did you get a whiff, too? Yes.
I thought I was going to gag.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Yes? May I interview you? An interview? Yes.
I have a few questions I'd like to ask you.
Go ahead.
I'm in a rush.
Then if I may, I'll proceed.
Go ahead.
Are you alone? Pardon? It looks like you might live alone.
You give off that vibe.
I live with my son.
So it's you and your son? So No wife, right? Right.
I knew it.
I'm single, too.
I don't even have children.
Not bad, right? I'll give you my business card.
You're a chef? So am I.
You know I'm not a chef.
Call me.
My popularity hasn't waned.
I still have it.
Noh Dongpal reporting to work.
Good morning, Mrs.
You seem to be on cloud nine this morning.
Is there good news, Dongpal? This morning, it hit me once again.
I think I must be pretty handsome.
Some woman even gave me her business card.
What? Some lady hit on you on the street? You? I bet she was a weirdo.
Right? Not at all.
She was gorgeous.
Her plastic surgery was a bit much, but in this day and age, a little tune-up as one ages is considered proper etiquette, right? What's so great about botched plastic surgery? It's better than looking weird surgery-free.
She was petite but curvy.
I'm in a great mood today.
You should be on your toes.
What for? Don't take this lightly.
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
I saw this thing on the Internet called the "Other Women's Men Series.
" What? "Other Women's Men"? A woman in her 50s can never seduce another woman's man.
Her only wish is for someone to free her of the man she has.
For a woman in her late 40s, another woman's man is just some man she knows.
A woman in her early 40s will take another woman's man if he's interested in her.
A woman in her late 30s steals a man from another woman even if she feels bad.
A woman in her mid-30s doesn't feel bad.
No man is off limits.
Every man is up for grabs.
Really? To have hit on Dongpal, the woman has to be in her mid-30s or late 30s.
So she would have no qualms about taking someone else's man.
That's it.
You don't know anything.
Stop yapping and get back to work.
These smell amazing.
Yes, and they look tasty.
Ma'am, please try some.
This is really good.
What do you think, mom? She could open a bakery.
I'm so happy that you like them.
What's Gyeongsuk doing? Tell her to come and have some.
I'll get her.
Gyeongsuk, try some cake.
I baked it.
They say it's really good.
I'll have some later.
My stomach doesn't feel good.
But they're yummy.
Gyeongsuk What is it? I've thought about this long and hard, but I'll have to ask you a favor.
Can you do this one thing for me? What is it? I'm sorry, but could I get a $1,000 advance this month? An advance? Why? Do you need money urgently? The thing is, I need surgery, Gyeongsuk.
Surgery? Are you unwell? What's wrong? It's not that.
It's this nose.
Nose? Do you mean another rhinoplasty? You have it all wrong.
It's not plastic surgery.
It's an optional procedure I'm going to add to the treatment for my nasal infection.
They do that these days.
I swear.
It's an infection.
I have a nasal infection.
Since it's come to this, look, Gyeongsuk.
Isn't my nose weird? I need to get something done quick.
An unlicensed doctor did this, so it didn't come out well.
I want to get it done right this time.
Gyeongsuk, I read in a magazine that with this new technique, they don't just use silicone, but also the cartilage next to your ear to make the end of the nose round Jang Geumhui.
What? I can't give you an advance.
You don't have a paltry $1,000? I don't.
I don't have the money.
What is the matter with you? What did you tell me? That you'd save up to open your own bakery, right? But plastic surgery? Good grief.
You got that nose done twice.
And you want another procedure? Why is it so loud in here? Ma'am, all I did was ask for a $1,000 advance, and she got upset at me.
$1,000? Yes.
Would I ever rip her off or run away with it? It's so upsetting that she said no flat out.
Mother, it's not about the money.
She wants to use it on plastic surgery.
What? My goodness.
I'm flabbergasted.
Hey, you Ms.
Jang, are you out of your mind? No.
Absolutely not.
Don't give her the advance.
No way.
You're both so mean.
I'm so upset.
My goodness.
Is she serious? What brings you here? Isn't the vice president too busy to visit our humble studio? I've come to keep an eye on you.
To make sure I wasn't playing hooky? Bingo.
I bet you're here to earn brownie points from the missus.
How's Runa on the job? She's quite good.
But given how successful Ruby is as a host, we couldn't fire her sister even if she were bad.
Be nice to her.
She's family.
Of course.
I am nice to her.
I'm just jealous, okay? Everyone on standby.
Watch out! Ruby! Ruby! Are you okay, Ruby? Runa, are you alright? Yes.
Up here.
She's bleeding.
I'll do it, Gyeongmin.
Hold still.
You need to see a doctor.
I'm fine.
Are you okay, Ruby? I'm fine.
Go get that treated.
Come on.
Let's go.
It looks like an ultrasound of a baby.
Do you know anything about this? Na Insu, did you have to take it this far? It's tough being your sister's assistant, isn't it? Nothing comes easy in life, does it? You just have to do your best.
You slipped up today.
You were only focused on Runa.
He got a business card from a woman? Is he really a womanizer? What are you talking about? I'm here to give you what you want more desperately than money.
See you next time
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