Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e23 Episode Script

Sanosukes Betrayal the Fateful Reunion

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
I take it you're the captain of
Sekihoutai troop one, Sagara.
I am Tatewaki Shindou, here to relay
orders from the central government!
Your work is now done.
I thank you for it.
It's finally the Sekihoutai's time again
Betrayed by Sanosuke?!
Greetings of Fate
A portrait?
I can't leave work just now
So you want me to go buy it for you?
Could you do that, please?
H-Hey now, are you trying to make
Mr. Sano run errands? Of all people
Sheesh, there's no way around a
woman who isn't afraid of anything.
I don't mind doing a few errands.
Are you sure about that, Mr. Sano?
It's all right.
I get free meals all the time, anyway.
I've just been putting
everything on your tab
They haven't been free.
L-I didn't know that
but I have no way to pay you back
I'm not expecting you to pay right now
But, I'll just add up the interest
and wait patiently for the time being.
Who charges interest on hot-pot tabs?
She really is a model businesswoman!
What is this portrait that you want?
"Swordsman Hachiro
Date" by Tsunan Tsukioka.
Red-Sash Date-hachi, the handsomest
swordsman from the Revolution.
You're a lot more
shallow than you look!
Well, I guess I'll go run this errand!
It'll be better if you just
go ahead and spit it out.
Right, little Tsubame?
It's really nothing
I see.
Then, I just need to get two copies
of Tsunan Tsukioka's Date-hachi?
Nothing less from Mr. Sano!
He's a man of a different caliber!
Now, if he only would
pay up when he should
But, you know
it's great that Mr.
Sano is a softie now
but he was cool before, too!
Yeah, Zanza, the fighter for hire!
You know, he always seemed
agitated, even if he was smiling.
It was almost like a
bomb that was ready to blow
He was always red-hot.
Oh, Sano
Hey, you two.
A portrait, is it?
This the first time I've heard of
you having such hobbies, Sano.
Are you after the
portrait of a beautiful woman?
Then, an erotic print?
Oh my!
No, no, no!
You can't!
I'm not one for erotic prints!
W-What are you talking about, lady?
You sure get lost in the moment
I was asked by Tae at the Akabeko
Mister, do you have two prints
of Tsunan Tsukioka's Date-hachi?
Oh, Date-Hachi by Tsunan?
You're in luck.
Those are the last two.
Tsunan's art is popular,
so they sell out quickly.
So handsome
Two prints, for a total of ten sen.
Oh, I don't have cash on me.
Missie, can you lend me some?
Make sure you pay me back!
Yeah, yeah.
There sure are
many different portraits
This is
Captain Sagara!
Oh, that?
That's also Tsunan's art,
but that one just doesn't sell.
Even so, he insists on drawing
the leader of that false Imperial arm
Where is Tsukioka?
Where is this Tsunan?
Tell me!
W-We're sorry
He was saying
something unnecessary
H-He's in the Dobuita row house
But he hates people, so you probably
won't get to see him, even if you go
I'll see him.
There's no way he would turn me away.
Mom, it's smoky.
Wait inside.
Oh, it smells like sardines.
Welcome back, Matchan.
Ms. Tomi also bought sardines.
Mr. Tsukioka
Are you here, Mr. Tsukioka?
I know you're there, Katsuhiko Tsukika,
former assistant Sekihoutai member!
Just as I thought.
So, it was you that drew this.
Is that you, Sano?
How did you
It was obvious when I saw it.
Both of us were
drawn beside the Captain.
Nobody else could draw this.
Yeah, you're right.
I see
But, how did you stay alive, man?
I should ask you the same.
I see
Tsunan Tsukioka, the artist, is
also a survivor from the Sekihoutai
Let's go back, Miss Kaoru
But, Kenshin
There is no need to
worry, that there is not.
Besides, the Sekihoutai
holds special memories for Sano.
Outsiders are unnecessary in
those memories, that they are.
But, to think that
you've become an artist
Well, you were always
good with your hands.
You handled the hard stuff like setting
up the cannons and mixing gunpowder.
Ten years, huh
We got some food!
It's a great catch!
A great catch!
Why don't you just give up?
Don't let go, Sano.
Captain, he let three fish get away!
Hey, Katsu, that was a secret!
Captain, he let three fish get away!
Hey, Katsu, that was a secret!
Idiot, you report
everything to the captain!
What was that, idiot?
An ambush!
The Imperial army!
Wake up!
Sanosuke, Katsuhiko
both of you
evacuate to a safe location!
You've got to be kidding!
I won't leave your side even
if I'm dead, Captain Sagara!
We're members of the
Sekihoutai too, Captain Sagara!
That's right, you are
I'm all right.
It's just a scratch!
That was dangerous, you idiot!
You're the one that's
being reckless, idiot!
Shut up, idiot!
The idiot
is still alive.
Sano, what are you doing nowadays?
Not much, just wandering around.
Well, I'm having fun in my own way
I see, you're having fun
I haven't had any fun
in the past ten years.
I can't recall laughing at
all until you came just now.
Hating those that ruined the name
of the Sekihoutai and Captain Sagara
is how I spent these ten years.
I was like that myself, once.
I was thinking that the Captain
made sure we were reunited today
right when all the
preparations were completed
would you like to reform
the Sekihoutai, just you and me?
We can crush the Imperialist
government that framed us Sekihoutai
and make the new era that Captain
Sagara was fighting for a reality!
Crush the government?
Are you
My plan is foolproof.
Look at this!
Bombs that I've made
with my knowledge of gunpowder,
learned as a member of the Sekihoutai!
Katsu, you
This is my ten years!
planned this much
I'll use these on the
Internal Affairs department.
And then
I'll bomb all the
government offices, one by one.
If the flames of
revolution start here in Tokyo
it will spread all over the country,
to everyone from samurai to farmers.
After that, we'll just wait for
the Meiji government to collapse.
That's reckless
don't you hate the Meiji government
that ruined the name of the Sekihoutai?
Don't you want to crush them?
I hate the Meiji
government just like you!
But I know that it's beyond our control!
Compared to the era of the Tokugawa
shogunate, which lasted 300 years
this decade of Meiji
government rule is nothing!
I'll blow it away into a million pieces!
Just because you blow them up
it doesn't mean that
revolution will spread over the country!
Listen up, Katsu!
There's no way you can
overthrow the Meiji government!
To you, the Sekihoutai
is just a thing of the past.
I'm not interested in involving
you, now that you have a happy life!
Sano, the idiot, is not sitting here
For the past ten years
he's been planning to clear the names
of Captain Sagara and the Sekihoutai
so he can't see the present.
Ten years, huh
Dammit, the wind is cold tonight!
W-Who are you?
We, the Sekihoutai, will take
this money to fund a new era!
Little Suzume, you're good at
bouncing the ball, that you are.
I can do that, too!
Seven places have been
attacked in the past few days
They're really
rough, using those bombs.
I wonder if it really was done
by former Sekihoutai members?
They say that Captain Sagara's
portrait is left at each scene
In that case, it might be Sanosuke
There are good jokes,
and there are bad ones!
I know that Sanosuke eats
over without being invited
and doesn't return money he borrows.
and he doesn't pay at restaurants
Oh, there's nothing good about him.
What is truly good about a person can't
be expressed in words, that it can not.
What matters is the feeling of trust
one gets after spending time with them.
That's right!
Even if Sanosuke were to do
something bad, it wouldn't be stealing!
I know that
But, he is always
bragging about Captain Sagara
That's true
Why a portrait of Captain Sagara?
Kenshin, maybe that
guy is involved in this.
Do you mean the
artist Tsunan Tsukioka?
I hope that such a thing
is not the case, that I do.
It would mean
Sano, I'm glad I saw you again.
tell me you didn't do it
l-I don't know!
Where did you go, Katsu?
Mr. Sano!
Oh, hey!
Tomo, Ginji!
Why do you look worried?
Well, Mr. Sano, we
heard a strange rumor
We thought that it might
have something to do with you
What's it about?
This guy has been rather generous
at the west-end gambling joint
He's been saying that it's
all thanks to the Sekihoutai
Who the hell is this guy?
Let's see
it was Red-Nosed Shinzou
Red-Nosed Shinzou
Mr. Sano?
Sorry for all the trouble on my account.
Thanks for the help.
We don't need thanks!
We're just your buddies
buddies of your previous
self, and your current self!
portraits of Captain Sagara?
You're talking about those incidents?
Sheesh, they don't
sell well to begin with
What about them?
Do you know anyone who sold a large
order of Captain Sagara portraits
before the incidents started?
It was big news among us dealers
someone bought a stack of 'em
at the picture shop down that way
If I ask that shopkeeper, I can
get a better idea of who did this
Mr. Tsunan just came by,
asking the same question
Tsunan Tsukioka did?
Double ones
I lost again
Well, this much doesn't
matter, it's just petty cash.
You seem to be doing
pretty well lately, right, Shinzou?
Maybe the rumor about you
finding a tree that grows money is true.
Yeah, all thanks to the Sekihoutai.
You seem pleased, Red-Nosed Shinzou.
Who the hell are you?
It doesn't matter who I am.
If I remember correctly
you're an underling for
the Shiranuitou thieving ring!
How do you know?
Just answer my questions!
Who would answer
questions coming from you?
I'll make you talk,
even if you don't want to
all about the Sekihoutai
that you're so thankful for!
He's late!
I'm sorry!
He must be gambling again.
Bring him here!
It's all right!
About who we're robbing tonight
How's Shimizuya, the oil dealer?
I see, Shimizuya
His place is rather
famous for its art collection
It looks like we'll get
plenty for our share as well
Ancient Japanese art is popular
with foreign merchants at Yokohama
It will be very good money.
the police?
They're running around, looking
for surviving Sekihoutai members
thinking it's all their fault!
The Sekihoutai is a really pitiful group!
No kidding!
You were an Imperialist, and now
you're an important police official
so we're safe as
long as you support us.
You're really an evil one, Mr. Shindou!
I have no intent to end up as
nothing more than a police officer.
From now on,
money is what's important.
I still need more money.
For that, I'll have the
Sekihoutai be the scapegoat.
Who is it?
To think that you became
the leader of the Shiranuitou
and have been
impersonating the Sekihoutai
The former military advisor who framed
Captain Sagara and his Sekihoutai
Mister Tatewaki Shindou!
You Who the
I'm Sanosuke Sagara, former
assistant member of the Sekihoutai!
What, Sagara?
Former member of the Sekihoutai?
To think that you, who got his police
rank by capturing Captain Sagara
was using the Sekihoutai!
How many times do you have to ridicule
the Sekihoutai before you're satisfied?
I won't forgive you!
That doesn't matter!
Slay him!
Hey, you incompetent twit!
Hey, come out into the garden!
I'll play with ya!
He sure is fast, that he is
Damn you!
Close your eyes!
Now, kill him!
I traced the guy that bought a stack
of Captain Sagara's portraits to here
back to this false Sekihoutai.
You're late
Hey Katsu, let's show them
how the real Sekihoutai fights!
It'll be amusing.
I'll go first!
You're no match for me!
That's all of them, Sano.
We've gotten rid of
all the small fries now.
All right, Tatewaki Shindou
your turn!
Having corpses of former Sekihoutai
members at the burglary site
will be perfect evidence, proving
that the Sekihoutai are the criminals.
How nice of you to help.
I thank you for it.
Damn you!
Damn you!
Are you all right, Katsu?
I'm all right.
It's just a scratch.
Even after ten
years, you're still an idiot!
you're still an idiot yourself!
This is the house!
Get around to the garden!
Hurry up!
I'm sorry.
I heard that bombs
we used for the crimes
You thought that I did it
You figured I'd be angry about that?
Then, don't apologize.
It makes me sick.
Sano, remember this!
I want to blow the
Meiji government apart!
Just like we did to Shindou
and those who used Captain Sagara
and his Sekihoutai for their own benefit!
I want to create an era
where everyone is really equal
and clear the name of the
Sekihoutai and Captain Sagara!
That's all I want!
Later, Sano, you idiot!
Wait, you idiot!
I won't let an idiot like you go all alone!
Let me know if you
decide when to strike!
You don't have to
force yourself, you idiot!
My new friends are
real important to me
but if I'm going to choose my
past, I have to ditch my present
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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