The Assassins (2024) s01e23 Episode Script

Hell Fire

Sultan Berkyaruq
A stubborn and strong man.
After breaking his
siege of Alamut castle
Hassan Al-Sabbah returned to
commit assassinations of state officials.
To rectify her position
and attack again.
Hassan began to notice that
the voice of his castle diminished.
You'll be at the head of a group of the
guerrillas to save our believing brothers
In Bin Al-Hafiz's castle.
And it must be loud again.
Why are you doing this?
Why are you doing this?
You want to get rid of me?
I'm too big to use
tricks to kill you, Zaid.
And the poor Sultan
Trusted the devil.
It's time for revenge again.
But this time he decided to start
with a small castle of the esoterics
Achieving victory.
We will conquer one
castle after another
Until I reach the castle of their
biggest devil, bin Al-Sabbah.
The castle where Zaid bin
Sayhoon and Yahya bin Mu'athin are.
Who appear as one of the Assassins
Who appear as one of the Assassins
But internally
A Seljuk fighter.
The knights.
Allah is greater.
Send them to hellfire.
Allah is greater.
My lord!
Behind the sultan!
Bad news.
They demolished the
castle wall and entered.
And there's no news
about bin Al-Hafiz.
And Zaid and our knights?
There is no news about them.
Thank God you returned safe.
Yahya bin Said tried to
kill me more than once.
And joined the Seljuks
against us and killed many of us.
The traitor!
Haste, Barzek.
More hasty than Zaid bin Sayhoon.
Yahya saved me.
He bled a lot but I couldn't
leave him to the dogs.
He bled a lot but I couldn't
leave him to the dogs.
Zaid bin Sayhoon ran and
left us alone in the battle.
Liar! Liar!
Be quiet.
You side with the infidel
Against Zaid bin Sayhoon?
I side with the brave
against the coward.
I side with the one who
fought over the one who ran.
You know who he is and
you're siding with him against me!
I forgave you,
Zaid, many times before.
But to make my son drink wine!
And you run while your
brothers are being slaughtered!
The time for forgiveness is over.
Who will you forgive?
Who will you forgive?
You thought you became a god?
Do you know the punishment for
betrayal during the battle, Barzak?
And what's the punishment for betrayal
of the ruler and betrayal of trust, Barzak?
Murder, my master.
He spelled his
magic on you, Barzak,
Just like he did with the others.
Hassan Al-Sabbah,
who speaks to the sky.
Hassan Al-Sabbah,
who has the key to paradise.
Wants to kill Zaid bin Sayhoon.
You don't qualify lead us,
For you are a disbeliever.
You deceived the young men with
paradise and sent them to death.
You have lied about God and claimed
that He gave you the key to His paradise.
You have committed
disbelief, bin Al-Sabbah.
The castle's men
must know your truth.
And choose someone else,
trustworthy for their lives.
You have committed
disbelief, bin Sayhoon!
You have committed disbelief!
And this is not my
judgment against you.
It is the judgment of the
preachers in your fair trial.
Take bin Sayhoon
to his cell, Barzak.
And treat him
until his trial comes.
You have committed
disbelief, bin Al-Sabbah.
You have committed disbelief,
holder of the paradise key.
You have committed
disbelief, Hassan.
You have committed
disbelief, Hassan.
Command me, my mother.
You requested to see me.
I had two sons.
After your brother's death,
I have only one son.
Do you remember Hussein?
How could I forget him?
I miss him.
I feel your sadness.
It isn't enough.
You need to help your mother.
What can I do?
What can I do?
Your father killed your brother.
He killed him without
even letting me know
Where is his grave?
Please calm down.
Hadi, you are my
only hope in this world.
I am with you.
Do you want your mother
to be at peace and relax?
Get me and your sister out of here.
How can you leave?
You are our only hope.
Help us escape the castle.
Then, I can reach your brother's grave.
I beg you.
Save your mother and sister.
Do you know what my
father can do if he finds out?
He might kill me.
Don't be afraid!
No, I should be.
He is Hassan Al-Sabbah.
And I am your mother.
And I'm begging you.
And who will save
me if he finds out?
He won’t find out.
You're the only one who
knows the secret passages here.
And you can
also control the guards.
Then you will escape with us.
Escape with you?
And leave the castle?
Leave my kingdom?
Not a kingdom
This is hell.
I can't
Your request is
beyond my abilities.
Excuse me, mother.
I once saved you when
you were Omar the Lame.
And when you grew up and became
the first follower of Hassan Al-Sabbah.
You returned the favor.
And led my son to drink wine.
What do you think is
your fair punishment, Zaid?
You saved me in order to turn
me into a slave for Hassan Al-Sabbah.
You saved me in order to turn
me into a slave for Hassan Al-Sabbah.
To give my soul to Hassan Al-Sabbah
like the rest of the castle's youth.
You were a humiliated
and degraded man.
Your back bore the signs
of torture from all the tribes.
I believed you.
I was the tongue of your dawah.
I believed you and believed
that you're a divine man.
Until I realized that
you are a devil
Driven by his whims and desires.
Driven by his whims and desires.
I am saddened.
My sadness over your deviation
and abandonment of your faith
Is much greater than my
anger at you for hurting my son.
Hassan Al-Sabbah lost a believing
soul and one of his closest companions.
Your heart has become
a heart of an infidel.
And the devil controls it.
You are the one who
has disbelieved, Hassan.
You disbelieved when you
claimed a rank above yourself.
You disbelieved when you believed
you held the keys to paradise.
You disbelieved when you believed
you held the keys to paradise.
You disbelieved when you felt that
from the top of the castle, you were God!
Do you know how many times
I heard our Imam
whispering in my ear
Telling me to beware
of Zaid bin Sayhoon?
I tried to ignore his voice
and escape it many times.
Until the last time, I felt
that he was upset with me.
And reprimanded me clearly
Telling me to kill
the devil of the castle.
I am sad.
A deep and profound sadness.
For the loss of a dear friend.
Usually, condolences
are taken at the grave.
And since you likely
won't have a grave
I will take your condolences now.
And it will be a condolence
without even a prayer for mercy.
Because you've
disbelieved, bin Sayhoon.
Breaking the Esoterics and
crushing their castle pleased me.
Their punishment
was horrifying, my lord.
Their followers left their homes and
increased their caution and hiding.
And there's more.
Breaking bin Al-Hafiz was the beginning
of the end of Hassan Al-Sabbah's myth.
But as long as he
is fortified in Alamut.
The great victory
hasn't happened yet.
What do you think will be the
end of your friend, Omar Khayyam?
I pray to God to guide him.
You pray for our
enemy to be guided!
In front of the Sultan's greatness!
What arrogance is this?
No it's not arrogance.
If God guides him and
he recognizes the truth
He will leave his castle
and surrender to our Sultan.
Then the Sultan will
easily cut his head.
Then the Sultan will
easily cut his head.
So, praying for his guidance
is like praying for his doom.
A poet is impossible to be
beaten in the game of words.
Let's go.
Let's go, Hadi.
If you go back, they
will kill us and kill him.
Life is boring, Sahban.
Well, it has to be
boring for you, Omar.
You are a man that the time and the
universe is narrower than his dreams.
You are a man that the time and the
universe is narrower than his dreams.
Also, reading and knowledge
have made you live in a fantasy.
So, our real life
has become hard for you to accept.
How can I be pleased when time is
passing and we are still in our place?
We can't escape it nor
be content with it.
You know why, Omar!
Because you are pampered.
What's the roughest
thing your hand has held?
A glass of drink? A maiden's
rough hand? An old book's page?
A glass of drink? A maiden's
rough hand? An old book's page?
But Sahban, the miserable one,
who's worn out with
dirt rubbed on bodies.
He ends up exhausted.
Not able to think.
He hasn't complained from time
nor a place.
Why can't there be something
new to entertain humans?
A big mirror, for instance.
We could see
stories and tales on it.
Instead of reading them in books.
Or I could be in my home and you in yours,
and I wish to spend the night with Sahban.
There could be a way to reach you.
And you come to me.
It's easy for that to happen.
How easy?
To befriend a genie!
Yes, lestin
Genie is lighter
and faster than us.
A genie could make
you the mirror you want
and it'd have tales on it.
A genie can hear from you and
reach me when I'm in my house.
And also, it can take you on his
shoulder and fly from one place to another.
What's missing the humans?
Why can't they do that?
Humans are extremely
intelligent creatures!
Humans are extremely
intelligent creatures!
And saddening.
Being with you has become
the source of all my sadness.
Your words just drift away
and only return to bring sorrow.
I'm feeling sad tonight, Sahban.
You're always sad, Omar.
I'll tell you something!
Your mood changes every day.
Do you think if I
abandoned the books
and stopped my mind from thinking
and did some physical work
and did some physical work
that exhausts the body.
Like farming, for instance.
Or become a masseur like you.
- Would I find peace?
- You'd find peace!
You'll find great peace!
Eternal peace.
Death, because those like you
can't bear even one day of
hardship like what I experience.
physical hardship is much easier
than what I'm going through, masseur.
Does anyone work as a masseur?
The job is filled with idiots now.
Did you tempt the boy, Al-Hadi bin
Hassan Al-Sabbah, to drink wine?
Satan and self desire
beautify sins to people.
Yet, the one who commits the sin is held
accountable, not the one who beautified it.
Did you ran from the battlefield
and let the believers be killed?
It was not a battle.
It was a massacre.
And a wise man is not
punished for his wisdom.
But I would be if my actions led to my
destruction and the destruction of others.
And our Lord said Do not throw yourselves
into destruction with your own hands.
You consumed the narcotic Cannabis.
And you drank wine.
And as a respected preacher
it is inappropriate for
you to consume intoxicants.
it is inappropriate for
you to consume intoxicants.
Your people of
paradise drink it.
By the order of our
master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
So why am I being punished for it?
And what do you think about
Imam Hassan Al-Sabbah?
A man who is lost and misleading.
He disbelieved in God
and assumed he was God.
He allows whom he wills into paradise
and forbids it from whom he wills.
Zaid bin Sayhoon has left the faith
and refrained from fighting
and refrained from fighting
and drank forbidden things.
And accused a man, known for his
righteousness and piety, of disbelief.
The sentence I see
is to kill that renegade
to avert Fitnah.
And to serve as
a lesson for others.
And will any judgment against Hassan
Al-Sabbah's servant be different than this!
And as you're like him,
you ruled his judgment.
This is Hassan Al-Sabbah's judgment for me.
As he will judge you all One
by one, according to his whims.
You know that I am not a traitor.
But my days are over.
Thanks to the just preacher.
So you know, Zaid bin sayhoon
Our Lord, his verdict is justice
And those who kill should
be killed even if later.
I'm going to grant the honor of
executing your death sentence
To the young man
whose parents you killed.
Your command, master.
I killed your father and
mother on his orders.
He is the one who
ordered me to do so.
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