The Longest Promise (2023) s01e23 Episode Script

Episode 23

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 23=
Master is not coming.
Now, you're gone too.
I'm the only one left here.
How can I bear to leave you alone?
The truth is, I know
why you're going to Huotu Tribe
to marry.
Until the day you're free
without any worldly burdens,
I will come to you.
I want to tell you
that you're the one
who made me wait for two hundred years.
(now the God of Dragon has awakened,)
(and my whereabouts
have also been exposed.)
(I absolutely cannot)
(let you fall into
the same predicament and danger)
(like two hundred years ago.)
After I guide the Sea Emperor
on the right path,
the enmity between the two clans
will no longer exist between us.
Then no one can hurt you anymore.
And no one
can stop us from being together anymore.
Yao Yi,
wait for me.
(Crimson Residence)
When you returned last night,
you have been holding this map.
You continue studying it
when you woke up today.
I can tell
this is the latest map.
How can you tell?
My town folks told me
(Relay Station)
that this relay station is under construction.
And it's already marked on this map.
(This map marks the Huotu Tribe's)
(main roads at each checkpoint)
(Huotu Tribe)
(so meticulously.)
(It seems someone
prepared this just for me.)
(I must be dreaming.)
(It can't be Yuan.)
Where are Xueying and Qing Gang?
Princess Xueying and General Qing
went back early this morning.
I suppose General Qing
left this map to you.
(With Qing Gang's upright character,)
(how could he possibly notice)
(what's on my mind?)
(Never mind that.)
(Who cares where this map is from?)
(I'll use it first.)
Maybe he did.
Since I'm marrying into the Huotu Tribe,
I should study more about it.
That's right.
We're leaving in two days.
Young Lady,
are you really not taking
this jade flute with you?
I've been a willful child.
I often cause trouble
and make both of you worry.
I shall never forget
your upbringing.
I'll be setting off
on a long and arduous journey
without knowing when I can return.
I won't be able to fulfill my duty
as a daughter.
I can only hope
I can be your daughter again
in the next life
and be a good daughter.
So both of you
can enjoy the happiness of family life.
(Crimson Residence)
I cut off my hair to return it to you
for the kindness of your upbringing.
After this goodbye,
we'll be separated.
don't ever say that.
It's not like we're not seeing
each other anymore.
You may be married.
But you can still
come home and visit your family.
As long as you're willing,
you can come home
every several months.
I made some arrangements for you.
I won't let you suffer
in Huotu Tribe.
This is the wedding escort
I've selected especially for you.
Among them
are those who watched you grow up.
They'll be faithful to you
and keep you safe.
And these
food and clothing.
I've also prepared them for you.
In the future
In the future, I will send you more
I want you to live the life
you have in Extreme Wind City.
Promise me
that no matter what happens
in the future,
you must live well.
Mother has bad knees.
Remember to burn wormwood.
Father, don't be angry all the time.
I still prefer to see you smile.
I'll laugh often.
Today is the big day of Yan'er.
Didn't we agree
to be happy?
Yes, be happy.
Don't worry about us.
We'll be fine.
As for you,
without your father and me
by your side,
you have to take care of yourself.
There, there.
Stop crying.
This is a good thing.
Marrying her off is a good thing.
(Salang Eagle,)
(I hope that in the future,)
(I can fly as high as you,)
(soaring in the sky.)
The Huotu Tribe
welcomes Princess Zhu Yan!
Good day, Your Highness.
Everyone, please rise.
Thank you, Your Highness.
Your Highness had a long journey.
We've prepared everything you need.
Please enter the tent and get some rest.
This is my son, Ke'erke.
It's an honor for Ke'erke to be able
to marry Your Highness.
Greetings, Your Highness.
(He's a fine-looking man)
(and somewhat heroic.)
(It's a pity I don't like him.)
I, the Principal Sorcerer
of the Huotu Tribe,
greet Your Highness.
(These people may appear strong.)
(But none of them is my match.)
(Somehow, I dreaded)
(this Principal Sorcerer.)
(I have to test his magical techniques.)
Please enter the tent to rest
for a few days
while waiting for the auspicious day.
Thank you, Great Consort.
This way, please.
(The Principal Sorcerer's skills
are just common.)
what are you doing?
Your Highness,
I just found out
a grasshopper with a broken leg.
I'm trying to take it back for treatment.
Your hands.
Empty my pencil case
and give it to Prince Shi Yu.
Yes, Your Highness.
Grasshopper bites are not serious.
But it hurts.
Let's put it in the box first, okay?
Put it here.
Thank you, Your Highness.
(I've been hoping
and my hope has come true.)
(The good news
about your safety spreads.)
(Looking back, we've been apart
for a long time.)
(The future is long,
let's have more gatherings.)
(Good news about your safety spreads.)
(I heard your disciple Princess Zhu Yan)
(is about to marry
into the Huotu Tribe.)
(If you descend the mountain
to attend the ceremony,)
(I wonder if you could come
for a visit to Jialan?)
It's getting full.
Ying, it's going to overflow.
(Don't tell me)
(he's rushing to Western Huang
to steal the bride.)
(The calmer he appears on the outside,)
(the more restless his heart is.)
(Is he suppressing his frustration?)
Chong Ming.
We'll go right away.
Are you washing my brush?
I'm thirsty.
Yes, I'm parched.
(Borrowing Record, Zhu Yan)
Do you know what my wish is?
I want to have my name,
Zhu Yan, written in the borrowing record
of all the books here.
Can you finish reading so many books?
I'm going to be here
for a long time
and stay with you forever anyway.
Someday, I'll be able
to finish reading them all.
(Borrowing Record)
How are you enjoying
the food and living arrangements here,
Your Highness?
Great Consort,
you've put in a lot of effort.
By the way,
I heard the Huotu Tribe
has encountered sand demons before.
Is this true?
Your Highness actually knows
about the sand demons?
Indeed, you have vast knowledge.
We had some troubles with them
a few years ago.
But we haven't seen them
for a long time.
Your Highness, you can rest assured.
Then I won't disturb your rest.
I'll take my leave.
Young Lady.
I want to tell you something.
But promise me
that you won't make a fuss after that.
I'm going to run away.
Young Lady,
are you serious?
I'm going to play dead and run away.
Before I agreed to marry
into the Huotu Tribe,
I've already made up my mind.
No wonder you agreed
so readily at the time.
Marrying into the Huotu Tribe
was an imperial decree.
Disobeying it would be a grave offense.
I don't want to bring trouble
to the entire Crimson Clan
because of me.
So I can only escape by faking my death.
This way,
I can maintain Father
and Mother's dignity,
and relieve the pressure
by the Azure Clan on the Crimson Clan.
I can also secure my own freedom.
Young Lady, you can't do this.
Yufei, think about it.
I was ordered
to add firewood for Your Highness.
Why does that sound like
Keeper Yuan?
It really is you.
Young Lady,
I'll go and keep watch for you.
Yuan, it's really you.
Yes, it's me.
Yuan, please sit down.
is your injury better now?
Where have you been all this time?
I've been with you all along
during this time.
you knew about my plan.
You were the one
who sent the map and nuts.
You still protect me like always.
Everything is ready now.
On your wedding day,
what's your plan?
I can take you away from here
at any time.
I can't accept your help anymore
this time.
I appreciate your thought.
But defying the decree
and escaping the marriage
is a capital offense.
Whether this plan succeeds or not,
I'll bear the consequences alone.
I can't
and don't want to involve anyone else,
including you.
all the time,
you've been sharing my worries.
But everyone has setbacks
they must face alone.
This time,
I'm fully prepared.
The First Disciple of Jiuyi Mountain's
Priest of Grand Preceptor
is not just a reputation.
I'll escape safely this time.
please don't get involved
in this matter for my sake anymore.
I know your concerns.
And during this journey,
I've heard many bad things
about the Merfolk marine force.
please don't concern yourself
with me anymore.
Go and attend to your own matters.
(The internal turmoil
in the Merfolk marine force continues.)
(If Elder Jian knows)
(I'm with Yan'er,)
(it'll be bad for Yan'er.)
you must be careful
in everything you do.
I have found a suitable horse for you.
It's in the nearest stable
to the military barracks.
the eastern side of the tribe
has strengthened its guard posts.
The defense on the
west side is the weakest.
After you leave,
head west and don't look back.
When you arrived at
Tianchi in the desert,
you'll be out of danger.
The hardship you have to face
is no less than mine.
But I can't even help you.
you have to take care of yourself.
I'll take care of myself.
After I'm done with my tasks,
I'll wander the world with you.
Is that all right?
Hey, the soldier who tends the firewood.
Why are you still inside?
The Great Consort will punish you
for disturbing Her Highness's rest.
Why are you shouting?
What's wrong with adding more firewood?
Can you bear the responsibility
if the Princess is freezing?
you must take care of yourself.
promise me
that we'll both complete
our tasks successfully.
After that, we'll meet somewhere safe.
I didn't expect there to be a barrier.
I'm sure it was the Principal Sorcerer
who set this barrier.
As expected, it's a common barrier.
It can only stop nearby herdsmen.
A warmblood horse may be fast.
But it can't run far.
A coldblood horse can travel far.
But it's easily caught up.
Only this horse
is a good horse.
That's hot.
Is this what you eat?
I understand it now.
That barrier
was not to guard against others.
But to trap you.
Who can be so cruel
as to starve this child alive?
I'll go and find something
to eat for you.
If I can,
I'll find a physician
for the child
Then what do you want me to do?
You know this?
You know Yuan?
Who are you?
You're Lady Yu,
the Old Lord's favorite concubine?
I met you when I was little.
It must be because the Old Lord
has passed away
that the Great Consort
can no longer tolerate you.
So she imprisoned
you here and tortured you.
What's the child's name?
(If I only bring a little food,)
(it'll only prolong their lives
for a few more days.)
(After I leave,)
(they still have to starve.)
(To save them,)
(unless I get them out of here.)
(But my plan)
(only allows for my escape.)
(I can't even take care of Yufei.)
(How can I bring two people)
(who can't even walk?)
You're up.
Who are you?
Don't hurt my mother.
(Zuowang Palace)
Does the White King know
that you're here?
No, he doesn't.
I came here secretly.
Is it a task for Consort Qing again?
Your Supreme Majesty, please understand.
I've never been bound
by anyone before.
I only want to serve
the strongest in the world.
According to what you said,
the incident at Nvluo Creek
is you testing the power
of Jiuyi Mountain, then.
I admit my mistake.
I take full responsibility
for my past actions.
But through this incident,
I'm completely devoted.
I've come today to redeem my sins,
to inform you
of Azure Clan's conspiracy.
That day, Consort Qing ordered me
to enter the palace.
I accidentally saw Consort Qing
conspiring with Huotu Tribe envoys.
Your Highness,
Lord Ke'erke's
marriage to Princess Zhu Yan
has already begun preparations.
Please don't worry.
will go according to your plan.
As for Great Consort Suda,
does she think this marriage
and subsequent arrangements
are all blessings from heaven?
The Great Consort obeys me.
Of course, it'll follow according to plan.
Good, very good.
People say that Azure Clan
is good with Gu.
Actually, they don't know,
the real most powerful Gu insect
isn't poisonous insects,
but people's hearts.
How could those barbarians see through
Your Highness's marvelous strategy?
With time,
Prince Shi Yu
will surely achieve great merits
and firmly sit on the throne.
The most suspicious thing in this matter
is what the envoy
of the Huotu Tribe said.
"With time,
Prince Shi Yu
will surely achieve great merits
and firmly sit on the throne."
Huotu Tribe may be a large tribe
in the borderland region.
But their loyalty
is far from being entrusted
with such an important task.
I hope the clues I provide
can be of help to you.
You're quite clever.
Consort Qing
planted this Principal Sorcerer,
an expert in dark witchcraft
in the Huotu Tribe
as early as five years ago.
This time,
taking advantage
of the Old Lord's death,
the Principal Sorcerer incited
the Great Consort.
Intending to marry off Zhu Yan
to control Western Huang
to carry out treasonous actions.
Consort Qing sent Shi Yu
to suppress the situation
and earn merits for Shi Yu.
They will take action
within these few days.
It turns out everything
has been under your control.
I was just about
to send Shi Ying
to the Huotu Tribe.
It's just up ahead.
Be careful.
This is where I rest.
It's very secluded.
Even if someone discovers your escape,
they won't find their way here.
Here's some food
to fill your stomach.
Let me help you.
Go away!
Go away!
Go away!
Go away!
Go away!
Go away!
Is he all right?
Get up quickly.
You're much older than me.
I can't accept your gesture.
Stay here.
Rest without worry
and wait for my return.
A star rises.
Could it be a sign of my new life?
(Please don't concern yourself
with me anymore.)
(Go and attend to your own matters.)
The Evil Star has already risen.
If the Sea Emperor falls into
the hands of those with evil intentions,
both Kongsang and the Merfolk
will be plunged into eternal calamity.
Then I can't feel at ease with you
by my side.
Yao Yi,
you really know me best.
Did you also see
the Evil Star?
I was about to report this to you.
Please allow me to go down
the mountain to investigate.
The fever breaks out,
and the God of Dragon awakens.
It's all indeed an omen.
Judging from the direction,
the Evil Star appeared
in the Huotu Tribe in Western Huang.
The shifting of the celestial bodies
relates to the destiny of Kongsang.
cannot just stand idly by.
In this case,
there is no need to worry too much.
The prophecy just says
the Sea Emperor would return
with the Evil Star.
But it did not mention his return
will pose any threat to Kongsang.
The defeat and annihilation
of the Merfolk Clan
happened many years ago.
The majority of the merfolks
have learned to live in peace
with the people of Kongsang.
Therefore, it's still uncertain
whether the appearance of the Evil Star
is auspicious or ominous.
We cannot come
to a definite conclusion yet.
Indeed, we cannot come
to a definite conclusion.
However, this prophecy
is deeply ingrained in people's hearts.
There will inevitably be those
who are eager to take advantage.
If they seize on this opportunity,
chaos will ensue in the world.
Your Supreme Majesty,
if the appearance of the Evil Star
is an auspicious omen,
then it heralds a peaceful
and prosperous era.
If it's ominous,
I'll take advantage to eliminate
the newly risen Evil Star at any cost.
You may go.
Yes, Master.
Bai Yan,
the rise of the Evil Star
may be a chance bestowed upon Shi Ying
by heaven.
If you're watching from above,
please bless him to rise to fame.
With the Sea Emperor's return
and the rise of the Merfolk,
I can finally obtain
the Ring of Houtu.
What's the connection
between the Evil Star
and the Ring of Houtu?
In troubled times,
the Houtu will appear.
As long as there is chaos
and calamity in the world,
the Ring of Houtu
will leave the Biluo Sea
and return to Kongsang.
Now that the Evil Star has risen,
it's an opportunity.
I just need to push a little
and stir up the conflict
between the Merfolks and Kongsang.
Chaos in Yunhuang is imminent.
Congratulations, Sage.
However, I've received information
that the Priest of Grand Preceptor
of Jiuyi Mountain
has been investigating your whereabouts.
If you do decide
to make a public appearance,
you must be cautious.
This is the descendant
who's most similar to me.
I suspect he has guessed my identity.
It could be troublesome
if he keeps pestering me.
However, since the Evil Star
has already risen,
his main task is to investigate
the evil force,
allowing me to maneuver.
When he finds me again,
I'll have my own way of dealing with him.
A group of useless people.
A disabled merfolk
and a half-dead child,
and you still let them escape.
Don't just stay there.
Bring them back to me!
If you can't find them,
none of you will live.
Yes, Great Consort.
Great Consort, please calm down.
The current priority
is for Lord Ke'erke and Princess Zhu Yan
to complete their wedding as scheduled.
I will carry out the subsequent plans
on the night of the grand wedding.
Have the materials for the ritual
been prepared?
Great Consort, don't worry.
We've recently caught more merfolks.
Everything is prepared.
(Has the Sea Emperor
already left Huotu Tribe?)
(Why can't I sense)
(his presence at all?)
That's strange.
There is not a single merfolk
here at all.
Excuse me, mister.
When I passed by a few days ago,
I saw some merfolks around here.
But these several days,
why is there none now?
How would I know?
Go and ask someone else.
Rest assured.
I won't tell others.
A few years ago,
the Old Lord was in poor health.
Soldiers of the Huotu Tribe
started hunting merfolks everywhere.
There are not many merfolks here,
to begin with.
I don't know why these two days
more soldiers are on the street.
They captured all the merfolks.
I heard they're being imprisoned
in Guwei City.
Why did they catch the merfolks?
Where is Guwei City?
I'm just a merchant.
How would I know that?
I heard it's quite far.
You should leave.
The soldiers
are still catching merfolks.
Go now.
Guwei City?
Could it be that the Sea Emperor
was taken to Guwei City
and lost my connection with him?
I need to find Guwei City first.
The Evil Star clearly shows
that the Sea Emperor is nearby.
But there isn't
even a single merfolk here.
I'll go check it out.
All right.
Excuse me, mister.
Thank you.
I got something.
They say all the merfolks are locked in
a place called Guwei City.
But no one knows
where Guwei City is.
That's odd.
Who's behind it?
There are many merfolks
in the Huotu Tribe.
Only the one with the highest authority
can imprison them all.
You mean the Huotu Tribe's
Great Consort?
Let's meet her.
Let's go.
Wait a moment.
Are you going to see her now?
Or else?
Have you forgotten
that your student
is getting married here today?
So what?
I'm not meeting her.
If you're going to steal the bride,
I will accompany you to the end.
But if you have to take
her mother-in-law away
on her big day,
don't you think
it's too cruel?
Actually, we can still wait
for a day or two.
Looking for the Sea Emperor
is of utmost importance.
To ruin a happy day,
you better do it yourself.
I'll be looking for some birds
to find out where Guwei City is.
See you later.
God of Fire above,
a feast of good fortune!
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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