Theodosia (2022) s01e23 Episode Script

Mummies Alive!

Previously on Theodosia
Children. Look who's back.
Come here, you two. Oh!
The best way to keep them safe from
Aapep and the Serpents is to keep
ALL: Keep all of this
a secret. We know.
Henrietta, dear, are
you quite all right?
You do look very pale.
My assistant was recently
poached by a rival,
and I was wondering if
perhaps you might consider?
Neville Devenham wants
me to be his assistant.
Will, that's amazing.
Now, though, I think
I'm onto something -
an artefact that
even Aapep fears.
We still haven't found "it".
I'm looking. Look faster.
You're not my mum!
Henrietta. You served me well.
All right, Sis?
Henry, what are you doing?
You woke me up.
No, you woke me up.
You knocked something over.
What was that?
I don't know.
Because a torch that lasts
30 seconds really isn't worth
the scrap it's made from.
Look, I'm working on some
improvements. Genius takes time.
Theo Theo.
All wrapped up, nowhere to go.
But where was it going?
I don't know, but I can guess
who it was going to see.
Did you sleep well, Mummy?
Do you know what,
Henry? I actually did.
The best night's sleep since
coming back from Egypt.
Although I still can't
actually remember leaving.
Honestly, breakfast around
here gets later and later.
You're missing the
best part of the day.
There. That's better.
Enough of the dramatics, Henry.
Fresh air is the best
medicine for your mother.
Hey, I'm OK now
and I appreciate you moving in while
I was getting back to my old self,
but you must be
missing your own bed.
It is one's duty to
support one's family,
even those only related
through marriage.
A dash more milk, dear.
It says here there's been
a spate of mummy thefts.
And I say it is rude
to read at the table.
Oh. Mother.
Where are you two
rushing off to?
Maths revision. Meeting
Safiya at the arcade.
Uh, yes, meeting Safiya
Maths revision. ..arcade.
Something important.
I've learned so
much at the museum.
It really brings history alive.
And I've made the
best friends. Guilty.
My parents arrive tomorrow.
I have to convince them not to send
me to that Swiss boarding school.
I'll put in a good word.
And guarantee a one-way
ticket to Switzerland?
Well, that's going to be
the least of your worries
if last night
means what I think.
Er, mind-reading malfunction.
What about last night?
Oh, you know, no biggie.
Just a mummy came
to life. What?
And it wasn't the only one.
Half the mummies across
England seem to have vanished.
It has to be Aapep.
Mummies? Aapep?
Can someone catch me up?
He's recruiting an army of the
undead. And we have to stop him.
How? We don't even
know where he is.
I'm not going to
like this, am I?
I put an amulet on our mummy.
That's what's keeping him here.
But take that off
Tonight, the mummy should
lead us straight to Aapep.
Yep. Not liking.
Sounds like a sleepover.
I'll get my stuff.
It's one thing finding
Aapep, but what's next?
But we have to stop him.
Like you tried at the
museum? Didn't go well.
OK, I am perfecting a new spell.
OK, I hope this is going better
than my training with Neville.
He's trying to teach
me how to pick locks
but the only thing I've been able
to pick so far is my clothes.
If it was easy,
anyone could do it.
And then there'd be no point
in locks at all. Exactly.
I guess we both have
things to work on.
We'll get there. We will.
Mighty Horus, grant me the
power to smite my enemies.
How's it going?
Aapep won't know what hit him.
Possibly literally.
Are you sure you're
ready, my dear?
Your grandfather thought he was.
He tried to stop
these ne'er-do-wells
and was never seen again.
Well, with Will
there's four of us.
Um, five, actually.
But who knows how
many more of them?
Plus all the mummies.
Wait, no, that's a good thing.
If Aapep's still using the magical
artefacts, that means he's not
at full strength yet. Now
is our chance to stop him.
I wonder, Theodosia, if your
spell might go a little better
if the bullrush balsam
were more concentrated.
I shall brew some up at once.
Think I've got grandmother
envy. She's so cool.
Audit done for another month.
It's well past your
bedtime, Henrietta.
Recuperation needs rest.
For the last time What
are you making, Mother?
Abyssinian fortification tonic.
For those with less
robust constitutions.
Be a dear and tidy up for me.
Ha I can't take
much more of this.
She creates more
work than she saves.
So, you'll tell
her she has to go?
You heard your mother. I
need rest and recuperation.
I thought you two might
like a midnight snack.
Thanks, Mrs
Throckmorton. No problem.
Just don't stay up too
late talking about boys.
Oh She's so embarrassing.
At least she knows the
rules of sleepovers -
talking about who you like.
As if we didn't know. Hm.
You and Henry.
What? Henry? Ha! Absolutely not.
The princess doth
protest too much.
I bet he's never
even kissed a girl.
Well, what difference
does that make?
Everyone's got to
start somewhere.
Are we still
talking about Henry?
Seriously? Wait, so
you, you've never
So, Will's going to be your
first kiss? No comment.
Well, you'd better hurry up.
Aapep's threatening
the whole world -
this could be your last chance.
In the finished effect,
I will be inside a box
filled with water.
Fortunately, I have
the lungs of an ox.
I can hold my breath
for a couple of minutes.
How long have we been going?
A lot longer than that.
Half an hour.
I'm late. Ah, sorry.
I promised my friends
I'd help them.
No need for apologies or
explanations. Make like the wind.
But I can't unlock you.
I am a master escapologist.
I will be free in a jiffy.
Oh, yes, no problem at all.
All I All I need
is my trusty
Will! Will! You've
taken my pick!
Let's take a little
midnight snack.
Oh, I thought you
were a burglar.
Nope. Burglars can pick locks.
You see, mummy,
London has become a second home.
It is a city like no other,
brimming with culture.
Oh, I was worried
you'd bailed on us.
Never. I got stuck. I got
here as fast as I could.
How'd the lock picking go?
I have increased the
concentration of bullrush balsam
and mixed the recipe for you
- this should do the trick.
You're the best granny.
Just be careful.
I don't want to
outlive any of you.
Right. Snap to it.
The world isn't
going to save itself.
How many of these did
you say Aapep's taken?
Maybe a Swiss boarding
school isn't so bad.
Too loud.
There. I told you
I wasn't dreaming.
Go. I'll cover for you.
Maybe we should call the police.
A woman's museum is her castle
and this woman is more than
capable of defending it herself.
Quite right, dear.
She's sleepwalking.
This is so scary.
Where have they come from?
There are a lot in private
collections. Not any more.
It must be powerful magic
to get them all here.
You can save us from a
magic mummy, right, Theo?
I don't know. Stay hidden,
we mustn't get caught.
That's reassuring.
OK, then, that's
a lot of mummies.
Where are they going?
A magician always
comes prepared.
They are going
into the warehouse.
Shssh! Mummy's the word
What are we going to do?
They say it's dangerous to wake
a sleepwalker. Especially for us.
This is Mother we're
talking about. Oh!
I think we should
Touch her? Don't!
Oh, no. What is it?
You're going to
attack him with that?
No, I'm making sure he doesn't
give us away when we get inside.
Oh, shame. Maybe they'll
be here tomorrow.
We can come back then. Or we
could use Theo's unlocking spell.
OK. Hear me, ancients.
Hathor, God of
all that is light,
may the world become witness
to your infinite wisdom.
It's no use.
Aapep must have blocked my magic
somehow. So, that just leaves
No, I haven't managed
a single lock yet.
Everyone starts somewhere.
And this would be
a great first time.
Someone's coming!
OK, let's go.
No. Will, you can do this.
Just block everything out and
focus on what you can feel.
Yes! Good job, Will. Go, go.
We're going to have to split up.
This isn't a good place to be
wandering around in the dark.
Time to shed some light
on the situation. Oh, yes.
With your 30-second torch
I made some updates.
It lasts half an hour
on a single wind, OK?
We'll leave you to it, then.
Go, go.
With tonight's haul,
we have collected every
mummy in the country.
Let's hope we've scooped
up the one we need.
The Great One has
quite a temper.
That conniving, treacherous
Now's not the time. Let's go.
Over to you, Maestro.
If Aapep's put some sort of
magic block on this place,
how come the mummies
could get in?
Did you get that unlocking
spell wrong on purpose?
You put me to the test?
OK, well, it wasn't a test.
Will, it's because
I believe in you
and you should believe in
yourself, just as much as I do.
We've just seen
Nigella and Miss Krait.
Those mummies are definitely
part of Aapep's plan.
OK, well, we'd better
find him, then.
How long is this going to last?
Your mother's such
a drama magnet.
I can't wait to have our
home to ourselves again.
You did talk to her? Oh,
ugh. Well, actually
Ali! She means well but she treats
us like children in our own home.
And you find her as
interfering as I do.
But she's my mother and I
can't And you're afraid of her.
Loser tells her.
Oh, oh!
We have them all, my lord.
Sorry, but I'm going to
Henry, no, stop, get down.
It's Aapep we're after, OK?
And I've got just the spell.
Are you sure about this?
Theo, he's so strong.
Trust her.
He must be among them.
Aapep found a new
body to hide in.
Good, then bring it to me.
I don't fancy your spell's
chances against that thing.
At least let's try and see what
he's up to before we try it.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
We can't risk it, not when
everything can go wrong.
What are they looking for?
Here. Hemiunu himself.
My Hemiunu? What
is he doing here?
How long has it been?
4,000 years?
How is the afterlife?
And here I am,
free of your prison,
and beckoning the
night of destiny.
I need just one more thing
The flail you used
to imprison me.
What's Hemiunu doing with a flail?
Aren't they for threshing grain?
They can be weapons, too.
Pharaohs carried fancy
ones as symbols of power.
And somehow Hemiunu's flail
helped imprison Aapep.
Is it just me, or does
that sound useful?
We cannot let Aapep get
his hands on the flail.
Come on, one of us has to wake
her up and tell her to go home.
One, two, three
Best of three? We should
do best of three. No?
Mum? Ooo-ooo!
Lavinia! Oh!
Where am I? What's happening?
It's not here.
No mortal will stop me again.
I must have the flail.
You have no need
of it, Great One.
Your time is coming.
Soon you will make
the world new,
crushing the old order,
raising up your loyal serpents.
My plans are greater than that.
Where did you hide it?
OK, new plan. We find the
flail before Aapep can.
Now's not the time. Come on.
There's someone up there.
I did not like the look of that
gas. Is everyone OK? We're fine.
Yeah, but let's get out of
here. My house is the other way.
Pretty awesome lock picking.
Pretty awesome support.
Find the intruders!
Meet me at the arcade in the
morning to discuss a new plan.
We have to get
that flail. Go, go!
This fuss is quite unnecessary.
A simple cup of tea
will more than suffice.
Coming right up.
Do you know, I had
the strangest dream?
You wanted me to leave.
Apparently, I was
I was an interfering drama magnet
who treated you like children.
Dreams can be so strange.
Yes, can't they?
You played rock-paper-scissors to
decide who was going to tell me.
Oh, Lavinia. As if!
You know you can stay
as long as you like.
Yes, our home is your home.
Well! Well, if you're sure.
I suppose I had better
get some proper sleep.
I'll need my wits about me if I'm
going to keep everything shipshape
and Bristol fashion
around here. Ha-ha!
Ah, Artie, my good man,
would you mind helping a fellow
out of a sticky situation?
They look so peaceful.
Not a care in the world. Hm.
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