Three-Body (2023) s01e23 Episode Script

Episode 23

Countdown counter ♪
Hidden in eyes ♪
Explore deep dreams in the dark ♪
What is waiting for me at the end
of the mysterious space-time ♪
Don't break the hope
given to the world ♪
The sun still sets every day ♪
=Episode 23=
What extent had she traced to?
She tracked down Tsinghua University
before she died.
That's the university
Ye Wenjie works in.
Professor Ye.
Actually, we investigated
Chen Xue before
because she was
the daughter of Ye's sister
and lived on one floor above Ye's home.
You know her sister, don't you?
She is Ye Wenxue who took the lead
in exposing their father, Ye Zhetai.
Chen Xue was a top student in her class
and joined Tsinghua University's
independent enrollment,
becoming the only student
recommended for direct admission.
But she didn't receive
the admission notice
because the person
ranked No. 2 went to Ye Wenxue
and paid an amount of money
to buy the admission.
Therefore, Ye Wenxue secretly withdrew
Chen Xue's college application.
(Regard me as nonexistent.)
Are you Chen Xue?
I am teaching astrophysics
in Tsinghua University.
Has your mother told you
that she has a sister?
And then Chen Xue went to study at MI
and returned to China
in June as a graduate student.
The course of her life looks normal,
so if it weren't because of
the two homicide cases,
we would never have noticed her.
All clues point to one person.
I know.
Ye Wenjie.
I admit there are many
doubtful points on her,
but there is only one thing
that has been perplexing
and confusing me.
Yang Dong was her daughter.
Why does it perplex you?
How could you be confused by that?
There is nothing to be confused about!
The enemy we're facing now
is not a human
but the ETO, the extraterrestrials!
Can you figure it out
by a human's logic?
I know you have a strong empathy
and like to empathize with everything.
But let me tell you, Wang Miao.
When you try to
empathize with your enemy,
your judgement of right and wrong
has been overturned. Do you understand?
I'm sorry.
The reason why I said these words is that
you're going to attend the ETO's meet-up.
By then, you will face
a more complex situation than we expect.
If your judgment
is still affected by your feelings,
your kindness will be used,
and you'll be put into
a more dangerous situation.
I see.
But I have you, right?
You're affected by Pan Han.
But since he
made Mu Xing a scapegoat,
she would have posed a threat to you
if I hadn't dealt with her.
Our comrades can't be our enemies.
The reason why
I agreed to let Evans form the ETO
and be the commander
was that I hoped they could be
guided to be on the right road
instead of the anti-human one.
We shouldn't give up easily.
But they've launched the war to us.
the conference is going to begin soon,
and we're waiting for you
to send out the confirmation document
as well as your final command.
It's confirmed.
Send it out.
The former party of net citizens
was used to select members,
so the attendees of this meeting
must be from the ETO.
We just helped the Adventists
to deal with the Redemptionists,
and they're going to hold a conference?
They must have
something important to discuss,
and core members are likely to appear.
I suggest setting up a full deployment
so that we may catch some of them.
The ETO is not a normal criminal group,
and there may be
armed forces on the scene.
General Chang, you must
give me enough manpower this time.
Snow Leopard Special Forces and gunships
will be always on call,
and cooperate with the task.
You're the on-scene commander.
I don't know who I am ♪
And I don't know where I am ♪
Fly and fly ♪
Never reaching the sky ♪
Lost in the forest ♪
When I can just leave my land ♪
On my way ♪
(Subject: ETO)
Waiting for your boat ♪
Can you take me from the old world ♪
But now we can not stop ♪
All our life we'll be sailing ♪
We're stuck in time ♪
(Sending the e-mail Subject: ETO)
(Task accomplished)
We don't stand a chance ♪
That makes me cry cry ♪
Commander, you forgot it again.
It's not enough
to delete them in that way.
Look, all documents deleted
into the Recycle Bin
could be found here.
You have to shred them completely
in case they will be restored.
Documents with this tag
were restored before.
Were they restored before?
(1ETO Sophon Restored)
I might have restored them accidentally.
It's late now.
Go back to rest.
I'll do it myself.
Rest early, Commander.
(Earth-Trisolaris Organization)
(Tsinghua University)
(Beloved Daughter, Yang Dong
Mother, Ye Wenjie)
(Yang Dong)
Repeat what I told you.
try to stand by side and by the wall
because it's easy to hide
once something happens.
Second, they have armed forces.
Don't be nervous
or keep staring at them.
Third, Ye Wenjie may appear.
Don't be panicked
and try to stay calm.
What if you're caught?
If that happens,
I'll fight back desperately.
Wait for the rescue.
Since you often play jokes,
I did the same thing.
I'm not going to die.
If anything happens to me,
take care of my family for me.
It's said martyrs' children can
be arranged to study in universities.
You won't die.
Comrades, listen to me.
Pan Han.
Did you murder Shen Yufei?
The reason why the Adventists
face the crisis today
is that in the midst of us exist
some traitors like her.
Who gave you the right to kill her?
I did that out of a sense of
responsibility to our organization.
You're a person with malice!
What do you mean by that?
What has the Environment Branch done
under your leadership?
Your responsibility is to exploit and
create environmental problems
to stir up people's hate
to science and modern industry.
However, you've depended on Lord's
technology and predictions
to gain reputations
and interests for yourself.
I've never gained
reputations for myself.
In my eyes,
humans are a pile of trash.
I don't care about reputations,
but I need charisma
to channel people's thinking.
You murdered someone
and have drawn fire against yourself.
The governments of the world are in the
state of war one after another now.
In Europe and North America,
they're cracking down on the ETO.
Once we come to light,
the Redemptionists will transfer
their allegiance to the government,
so what we should do now
is to purge them from our organization.
That's something
you should not consider.
Of course it should be considered
by Commander.
But comrades,
I can tell you responsibly
that Commander is an Adventist!
You're wrong.
Commander is a Redemptionist.
Comrades, don't trust him.
Don't trust him.
He's talking nonsense
and indiscreet in speaking.
We all know Commander's prestige well.
If what you said is true,
the Redemptionists would
have already been purged.
What if Commander
knows something we don't?
Perhaps that's what
the conference today is about.
Comrades, what should we do now?
Global uprising!
Global uprising! Global uprising!
Global uprising!
You're asking for death!
Long live the spirit of Trisolaris!
We're tough grasses
that resprout after every wildfire!
Revolution can reveal our existence
in the political stage in the world.
It will mark the first public appearance
of the ETO in human race's history.
As long as the agenda is correct,
I believe it will
arouse a wide response in the world.
Global uprising! Global uprising!
Global uprising!
Commander is here!
Eliminate human tyranny.
The world belongs to Trisolaris!
Hello, comrades.
Sit down.
I've been in poor health recently
and haven't met you much.
The situation is very severe now,
and I know you're under high pressure.
Commander, take care of yourself.
Commander, please take care of yourself.
- Commander, take care of yourself.
- Before discussing important matters,
let's deal with a small thing.
Pan Han.
Commander, I'm here.
You disobeyed
the organization's rule seriously.
Commander, our organization is facing
a danger of getting swamped.
If we don't take decisive measures
to cleanse the traitors and enemies,
we'll lose everything.
The ultimate ideal and goal of the ETO
is to lose everything.
Everything humans have, including us.
do you still insist on this ideal?
If so, you're an Adventist.
Please openly announce it now.
It means a lot to us.
This request
should haven't been proposed by you.
You've seriously disobeyed
our organization's rule.
If you want to appeal, you can do it now.
you have to bear the responsibility.
I just asked Wei Cheng and Shen Yufei
to stop calculating,
which was decided by Comrade Evans
and approved unanimously in the meeting.
If we solve the Three-Body Problem,
Lord won't come,
and the enterprise of Trisolaris
on the Earth will be ruined.
Let us believe you.
After all,
it's not the most important thing now.
I hope we can continue to trust you.
Please repeat
what you requested to me.
Please openly announce
you're an Adventist.
After all, the Adventists' agenda
is also your ideal.
Then repeat the agenda.
Human society can no longer rely on
its own power to solve its problems,
nor can it restrain its madness.
Therefore, we should ask Lord to come,
and in virtue of its power,
supervise and transform
humans by force
to create a bright,
new and advanced civilization.
Are the Adventists
loyal to this agenda?
Of course, Commander.
Please don't believe false rumors.
It was not a false rumor.
Who are you?
I am Rafael.
I know you.
You used to devote
to alleviating regional conflicts.
Yes, Commander.
That's me.
Three years ago,
my son died in a car accident.
Immediately after,
I organized the donation of his kidney
to a little girl
from a neighboring country.
I wanted to show my hopes
of a peaceful
coexistence of our two nations.
Many people from revolt sites
supported me.
But I was also attacked publicly.
They said I was a traitor
of my own nation.
And on the other side,
they said I was a manipulator.
My home got cut in the middle.
We witnessed an endless spiral
of violence and vengeance.
I had dedicated all my life
for the achievement of peace,
but in the end,
I lost all my faith in humanity.
That was when I decided to join the ETO.
Desperation changed you.
Desperation turned me from a pacifist
into an extremist.
And I donated so much money
to the Organization
that it became quite easy for me
to join the core members
of the Adventists.
And today, as an insider,
I want to reveal to you
the hidden agenda of the Adventists.
The Adventists believe
that humans are an evil species.
They think that the human civilization
has committed
unforgivable crimes against the Earth.
The final goal of the Adventists
is to completely destroy our human down!
The real agenda of the Adventists
has already been an open secret.
You're right.
But what you all don't know
is that this goal was there
right from the beginning.
It was the life-long dream
of Mike Evans,
the mastermind behind the Adventists.
Evans lied to the Organization.
He fooled everyone,
including our commander.
And he turned the Adventists
into a terror, a kingdom of terror,
in bringing together
extreme environmentalists
and all sorts of madmen
that hated humanity.
I didn't learn
Evans' real thoughts until much later.
Even so,
I still tried to
patch over the differences
to make the ETO
remain united.
some of the other things
done by the Adventists
made my efforts impossible.
the Adventists
are the core power of the ETO.
Without us, there would be
no Earth-Trisolaris Movement.
But it's not the reason for you
to monopolize the communication
between the Organization and Lord.
We established
the Second Red Coast Base,
so of course we should operate it.
That was the condition
the Adventists took advantage of
to commit an unforgivable
betrayal to the Organization.
You intercepted
Lord's messages to the Organization
and passed on only a few of them.
And after distorting,
you sent a lot of messages
that hadn't been
checked by the Organization
to Lord through
the Second Red Coast Base.
There is much evidence
of the Adventists' betrayal.
Comrade Shen Yufei
was one of the providers.
She used to be one of
the core members of the Adventists,
but in the deepest bottom of her heart,
she was a firm Redemptionist.
You knew that later.
The reason why she died
was that she had known too much.
Men like Evans and you
are incurable.
In order to maintain
the agenda and ideal of the ETO,
we'll completely solve
the problem of the Adventists.
Let me introduce you the academician
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Professor Wang Miao.
He's my friend
and researches nanomaterials,
which is the first technology that Lord
wants to extinguish from the Earth.
Professor Ye, why does Lord want to
extinguish this technology first?
It starts from the Red Coast.
Many of us have heard about
the story of the Red Coast,
but many don't.
In this special moment,
it's necessary for me to review
our organization's
development and history with you.
The story of the Red Coast starts now.
The momentum of revolution
is unstoppable ♪
Advance! Advance ♪
In the direction of victory ♪
Three red flags are
fluttering in the wind ♪
(At 8:00 AM, tomorrow morning,
every department's device will be)
(The Red Coast is
in the monitoring state.)
(The target range of monitoring,
a radius of 1,000 light-years.)
(Fixed stars are about 20 million.)
(From 9:30 to 10:30)
It was hard to explore
the extraterrestrial intelligence.
Many factors in the universe
would interfere the monitoring.
Political Commissar Lei.
Are you working overtime?
How is it?
What problem do you meet?
Solar activities
plague a lot to the monitoring,
mainly the solar interference.
Follow me.
Unity means power ♪
The power is iron, the power is steel ♪
Political Commissar Lei.
But it is harder and stronger ♪
Firing at the Fascism, we fight!♪
Wenjie, come in.
We'll wipe out
all the systems not democratic ♪
Toward the sun ♪
And freedom ♪
And new China ♪
What are you looking for?
We asked to transfer Wenjie here
because of this report.
(Attempted Mathematical Model of the Sun)
We should have already used her,
(By Ye Wenjie)
We should have already used her,
but you kept her from dealing
with the problems in this aspect.
Now, Wenjie found it herself.
How much do you know
about the solar interference?
The solar interference often appears in
communication satellite technology.
When they are in a straight line,
and the reception antenna on the surface
of the Earth aims at the satellite,
its background will be the sun.
The sun is a giant source
of electromagnetic radiation,
so the microwave from the satellite
will be hugely interfered
by solar radiation.
But the solar interference
is different in the Red Coast.
The outer space
is a transmission source,
and the Red Coast is a receiver.
The sun, as the interference,
is in between.
Therefore, we'll be interfered
more severely and frequently
than the communication satellites.
the monitoring and transmission systems
share the same antennae,
so the time for monitoring
is compressed immensely.
Under this circumstance,
the solar interference
becomes a more serious problem.
You've mentioned in this essay
that the sun is simply composed
by hydrogen and helium.
Although the physical
process is violent,
it's just a fusion
from hydrogen into helium.
This kind of fusion
could be calculated.
You provide us
with a new train of thought.
In fact,
Political Commissar Lei and I
simply want to figure out
the rule and characteristics
of solar radiation
and filter it digitally
so that we won't be interfered.
You want to build
the mathematical model of the sun
to predict the sun's activities
and avoid the sun outages
from interfering the Red Coast?
But the sun's electromagnetic radiation
is only stable within
the limited range from NUV to MIR,
including visible light.
In other ranges,
it's volatile and unpredictable.
Therefore, during the periods
of intense solar activities,
such as sunspots, solar flares,
coronal mass ejections,
the solar interference
can't be eliminated.
let's put the special situation aside,
and just study the radio outbursts
in the sun's normal activities.
How is it?
Weining and I are professional,
but I focus on mental work,
and Weining doesn't study astrophysics,
so we can't develop much in our major.
That's why we leave this problem to you.
You can tell me
whatever problem you meet
in the process.
I'll try my best to solve it.
(I researched for half a year,
and the process was very slow.)
(In other words,
I saw no glimpse of hope.)
(In the monitoring scope
of the Red Coast,)
(solar radiation was unpredictable.)
(There were many phenomena)
(that I couldn't explain
depending on my knowledge at that time.)
(My research was at a standstill,)
(and I couldn't find a way.)
What problem do you have?
I couldn't figure it out
or find an explanation for it.
Normally, if solar radiation
has a sudden fluctuation,
there will be violent activities
on the sun's surface.
It's just like this.
When the surface of water waves,
there must be wind blowing or
a stone throwing into it.
But over thousands of observed data
show that when
a frequency range has a fluctuation,
the surface activities of the sun
are as calm as usual.
Do you mean
that the surface of the water waves
without being blown by the wind
or thrown into stones?
And it's a violent fluctuation.
Could this kind of radiation come from
the sun's core?
The shortwave and microwave radiation
can't pierce through hundreds of thousands of
kilometers from the sun's core to its surface.
So it means this situation could
only happen on the sun's surface.
According to the present
materials of the sun I have,
this seems to be the only possibility.
But when the fluctuation happens,
we can't monitor the corresponding
activity on the sun's surface.
(Then what could cause the fluctuation)
(to the narrow frequency ranges?)
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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