Thundercats (1985) s01e23 Episode Script

024 - The Crystal Queen

- Panthro, did you see that? - Sure did.
We'd better try to follow.
See if we can find out what it is.
It's turning, Panthro.
I'm keeping it in sight, Lion-O.
I think the ThunderTank can match its speed.
What happened, Panthro? - The engine break down? - No way.
When I build them, they don't dare break down.
- Well, of all the - What is it? Snarf was supposed to recharge the Thundrillium module.
- He must've forgotten.
- He's getting a bit absent-minded.
Well, he's not getting any younger.
Snarf getting old? I never thought of that.
We'll just have to cut down on his responsibilities.
Well, we're near the Ro-Bear Berbil village a fair hike from the Cats' Lair.
- Better get started.
- No.
You stay with the ThunderTank in case that thing we saw in the sky comes back.
It may not be friendly.
Look at that.
It's been dark for an hour.
What's the use of my slaving over a hot stove all day when nobody shows up to eat? I'm sure there's a good reason why Lion-O and Panthro are late, Snarf.
Now what's the matter? Nothing, nothing.
It A bit too highly seasoned for me, I'm afraid.
Snarf, let me taste that.
There isn't anything wrong with it.
Maybe I did go overboard a teeny little bit.
Sorry I'm late.
You're back alone? Where's Lion-O? He's standing watch over the ThunderTank.
The Thundrillium module ran down because Well, it's nothing to worry about.
Did you reenergize the spare module, Snarf? Snarf.
Of course.
I know my duties.
It's right here in the I put it in the That's funny, I could've sworn Let's see, I was cleaning up while the module was in the energizer and It's right here in the broom closet.
Watch it! That's our only spare.
No harm done.
It's perfectly okay.
I'd better get going.
Lion-O will be wondering what happened to me.
I'm coming with you.
There's no need.
We'll be back before you know it.
"There's no need.
" "Don't bother, Snarf.
" No good for anything anymore, that's what they think.
Suddenly I got I got, like, a feeling.
A bad feeling.
I have to get where he is, and nobody can stop me.
There it is again.
Went by too fast to make out its shape.
Another one coming? No, that's a different sound.
Music? It seems to be coming from somewhere around the Berbil village.
It's coming, it's coming.
Oh, yes.
Just listen.
Ro-Bear-Bill, what's going Wait.
There it is.
It's magnificent.
What is it? The Arrietta bird.
Now we know we'll have a good harvest.
There can't be many of these wonderful birds around.
They're very scarce.
We may be listening to the last one.
What is that thing, Ro-Bear-Bill? It's Queen Tartara again.
She's always trying to steal the Arrietta bird for her Crystal Kingdom.
She wants the bird to sing for her alone.
Why, that's the most selfish thing I ever heard.
Yes, isn't it sad? She never learned that the greatest pleasure comes from sharing.
Well, I'm not about to wait until she learns.
At last.
It's mine.
The bird is mine.
No! Lion-O? Lion-O.
I knew it.
I just knew it.
Some sort of commotion in the Berbil village.
Ro-Bear-Bill, what's happening here? Have you seen Lion-O? Oh, my, Panthro.
Yes, we have.
Lion-O was here.
Was here? Explain, Ro-Bear-Bill.
And fast.
Can't hear what they're saying.
I gotta get closer.
Queen Tartara? Who on Third Earth is she? She rules the Crystal Kingdom, Panthro.
Beyond the Gragasian Mountains.
I'm going with Panthro, whether he likes it or not.
Fingers frozen.
No feeling left in my fingers.
Sorry, fella.
Oh, come on, now.
Neither of us needs an avalanche.
Two more.
I should've looked before I leaped.
I've got you.
Hang on.
I'll try to grab your hand.
Jaga says that there is always a benefit to be found in misfortune.
Hard to see what benefit that poor devil got out of this.
But at least I won't freeze.
A hat too.
Sword of Omens.
Give me sight beyond sight.
Show me the Crystal Queen's kingdom.
Two trails.
Which one to take? Better check them out on foot.
We've stopped.
Has Panthro found the Crystal Kingdom? Maybe I can sneak a peek.
It doesn't open from the inside.
Panthro! Panthro! Here in the trunk.
Come on.
Let me out.
- Hi.
- Snarf.
What in blazes are you doing there? I figured you'd need help.
The best help you can give me is to stay right here while I see where the paths lead.
- Okay? - Yeah, yeah, okay.
No wandering off now, you hear? I hear you.
That Panthro thinks he doesn't need anybody.
Some going this way, and some Lion-O's boot prints.
He was here.
And he went this way.
Here goes.
They can't see me.
They're both blindfolded.
Those sensors tell them someone's here but not exactly where.
What? A statue.
Sing, I say.
I, Queen Tartara, command you.
So you'll sing for those wretched Ro-Bear Berbils but not for me? Very well.
Your feathers will enhance my own beauty as a headdress.
Guard, destroy it! No.
Stay back.
He has seen my treasures.
It is for me to punish him.
Not tonight, Tartara.
I'm leaving and taking the Arrietta bird.
You'll never leave.
My treasure chamber is my pleasure alone.
Even those who guard it are forbidden to look at it.
Any who have seen it are doomed to remain here forever.
I'm the exception, Tartara.
Thunder, thunder, thun Snarf.
Where'd he get to? Snarf.
Lion-O's boot prints lead to that entrance.
But that's not for me.
By Thundera.
Look at this place.
Mighty peculiar statues.
What happened? Snarf.
Is he? No, he's still alive.
Not to worry, Lion-O.
Snarf is here.
No gain there.
A bird.
Hey, you're the bird, aren't you? The one that caused all this trouble.
No use trying to win me over.
I'm tone-deaf.
Hey, can you sing real high? Okay, you're on.
Give it your best shot.
Not good enough.
Those top notes gotta go through the roof.
The Arrietta bird.
It's singing.
You're free.
It's not possible.
Guards! Guards? Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! Destroy them.
The Thundercat signal.
It's Lion-O.
Get in, quick.
They'll be back with reinforcements.
How do we get out of here? No point in taking the long way.
The Arrietta bird.
It's free.
Yes, and going home.
Beautiful, isn't it, Panthro? - Yes, it's pretty, all right.
- Look.
Oh, thank you, Lion-O.
Actually, it's Snarf you should be thanking.
He saved the day.
Oh, well No, it's true.
We couldn't have done it without you.
See, old Snarf just gets better with age.

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