ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e23 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[laughing cunningly]
Then, finally, Jackalman turns
the log around the other way,
and the ThunderCats run right off
the cliff, falling to their doom!
It's the perfect plan!
Any questions?
- [all exclaiming]
- Yes, Monkian.
Uh, for step five,
what if the ThunderCats
check the painted wall
and realize it's not a tunnel?
Why would they check it?
They're very dumb!
Are we sure about step 14 where
"Monkian disguises himself
as a Snarf,
"and Snarf
falls in love with him?"
Do you have a better idea
for kidnapping Snarf?
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
- Is it lunchtime?
- [knock at door]
Now what? ThunderCats?
How dare you trespass on
Hey, Slithe! You guys wanna
fight early today?
Do we What?
Every week you guys attack us.
You make a big plan, we fight,
we kick your butts, you know.
Can we get it over with?
'Cause we're
a little busy today.
The Berbils built a carnival!
With games and rides and food.
It sounds awesome.
We were hoping we could just
do the fight and be on our way.
This is an outrage!
You can't predict
when the Mutants will strike.
We're unpredictable!
[both] Nobody knows
what we'll do next!
Hey, stop that!
I'm warning you!
Biggledy boggledy zip zop zoop!
Mutants, attack!
Come here! Oh!
- [groaning]
- Eat smoke, Jackal-butt!
[both exclaim]
[Vultureman] Huh?
Got you, Vulture-Jerk!
[Vultureman groaning dizzily]
No, no, no! Please don't stomp!
[mutants groaning in pain]
Thanks, guys!
Same time next week?
"Same time next week."
Stupid Ah!
We need a new plan!
Vultureman, go!
What if I invent
a shrinking ray?
Okay. And what do we shrink?
[tentatively] The Planet?
Shrink the whole planet!
- We also live on the planet, doofus.
- [knocking at door]
Oh, great, they're back for
[rat-bots chanting] Ratar-O.
Ah! Ratar-O?
No one's seen him
since he was
defeated on Thundera!
- [rumbling]
- [all gasping]
Guess he's back.
- Inside! Now!
- [all shriek]
Uh, hey, Ratar-O.
Didn't think
we'd see you again.
Listen up, losers!
You've had chance after chance
to destroy
the last Thunderians,
and you've blown it!
I'm taking over this operation!
Hey! We don't have to
listen to you, Ratar-O!
You don't have the Sword
of Plun-Darr any more!
You mean this?
[in baby voice] My one true love!
[all] All hail Ratar-O!
How do we know
this isn't a trick?
[in menacing voice]
Does this look like a trick?
Any more questions?
Hmm. Oh! How do we know
this isn't a trick?
That's a rock.
He knows what tricks are.
Listen, I think we got off
on the wrong
- Look at all these dumb plans!
- [sobbing]
There's a new boss
of the Mutants,
and there's only one plan
you need to know about.
[in baby voice] And his
beautiful Sword of Plun-Darr
[in menacing voice]
Destroy the Thundercats!
[all] Sounds good.
Sword of Omens,
give me sight beyond sight!
By the ghost of Jaga,
I can't believe it.
They have a Boingy Bouncer!
We know, Lion-O.
We have a map.
Ooh! I wanna go on
the water slides!
I wanna ride the Berbil-coaster!
I wanna eat something
off a stick!
[indistinct shouting]
Oh. How are we gonna decide
what to do first?
Don't worry,
I'll make the plans.
I've got the Sword.
That means I decide what we do.
- He's right.
- That's how it works.
We're gonna
hit this carnival fast
and we're gonna hit it hard!
[carnival music playing]
[bell dinging]
[music continues]
[chewing noisily]
[all groaning]
Why did we eat
before every ride, Lion-O?
I feel sick!
I know it seems
like I made a bad plan,
but I have the sword,
so that's not possible.
Um, I hope that's
not my stomach.
- [crashing]
- [Berbil] Oh!
Hooray! The ride got more fun!
Come meet your doom!
Gimme a second
Let me just
Hey, I know you!
You're the rat guy
Jaga told us about.
And you're the ThunderCats
that keep defeating my Mutants?
Uh, they're not usually
this lethargic.
[all groaning]
Come on, ThunderCats!
- Tell him!
- [burps]
Quiet, fool!
Watch and learn
how a real Mutant
destroys his enemies!
[chuckling] What do you have
that the other Mutants don't?
Oh, just a
little thing called
The Sword of Plun-Darr!
The most
beautiful sword of all!
What? Jaga said
the Sword of Plun-Darr
was destroyed!
[chuckling nervously]
Big deal.
What good is a shiny stick
against the fury of
the ThunderCa
- [groans]
- Whoa!
That was pretty good.
Who else wants a piece
of the Sword of Plun-Darr?
Panthro! I must avenge you!
Help me up, Wilykit!
[all straining]
Use your knees!
Wow! So close!
They're usually
much harder to defeat, I swear!
Okay, uh,
I know for a fact that
this one has super speed.
Ha-ha! [groans]
Ate too much.
What's the matter?
Afraid you're no match
for the Sword of Plun-Darr?
Maybe I'm not.
But the Sword of Omens is!
Thunder, thunder, thunder!
I probably
Should have
The fried dough!
Hey, you can't do that!
Sure I can.
I can also do this!
- Aw, toots.
- Looks like I won
the biggest prize
at the carnival
- The ThunderCats!
- [rat-bots] Ratar-O! Ratar-O!
[ThunderCats groaning]
No thanks to you clowns.
We should have left them
at the carnival.
[in baby voice]
Isn't that right, Plundy?
[kissing and laughing]
But sir!
We mutants have been
loyal subjects, yes?
Do we not deserve some reward?
- We want a reward.
- Oh, yeah,
- we helped too.
- When's lunch?
You'll get a reward
as soon as you do
anything useful.
Now get out of the co-pilot's seat.
It's reserved for the only one
who helped me today
The Sword of Plun-Darr!
[in baby voice]
Make yourself comfortable.
It's a long trip
back to Planet Plun-Darr!
Oh, I can't believe
that Ratar-O!
Doesn't he know who I am?
You're Slithe.
Is this a trick question?
I wish that rat jerk had just
stayed exploded,
like we all thought he was!
[Cheetara] Tell me about it.
He shouldn't
treat you like that.
Quiet, prisoner!
You don't know
what you're talking about!
Yeah, Ratar-O has
the Sword of Plun-Darr,
that means he's in charge.
- He's right.
- That's how it works!
I know what it's like
to follow a dopey leader,
just because he's got
a fancy sword.
But if Lion-O ever
talked to me like that,
I'd mutiny! I'd mutiny so hard,
even if he does have
the Sword of Omens!
Which I don't. I lost it.
You're just trying to
make us look dumb
like you always do.
We all looked dumb today.
But we're not jerks.
We're your worst enemies.
Worsties for life.
Yeah. Let's get that Rat-Jerk!
Worsties for life ♪
Since we're carrying
extra weight,
I might even throw somebody
overboard to save fuel! [laughs]
- [Lion-O] Hey Rat-butt!
- [Ratar-O] Huh? A mutiny?
Looks like your mutant buddies
just switched sides!
You traitors.
You can't do this to me.
I have the Sword of Plun-Darr.
What was that you said about
throwing somebody overboard?
Doesn't sound like a bad idea.
hit the eject button.
- You got it.
- No.
No! Plundy! No!
[breathing heavily]
You'll pay for this, clowns!
Rat-bots, attack!
ThunderCats and Mutants Ho!
[rat-bots] Ratar-O.
Ratar-O. Ratar-O.
[rat-bots] Ratar-O. Ratar-O.
[Slithe groaning]
Figures, I team up
with the ThunderCats
on the first day
that they lose!
That's the trick to
being a ThunderCat,
we don't know when we've lost.
[chuckles] Missed me.
[laughs cunningly]
Say goodbye.
Huh? What?
[all cheering]
[all screaming]
[all straining]
[all gasping]
Phew, that's better.
So much easier to breathe
now that we're in space.
Yep. That's how it works.
You ThunderCats
and traitorous mutants
will pay for what you've done!
- [growls]
- Sorry, Ratar-O.
Third Earth may have been
big enough for all of us
But outer space isn't!
[Ratar-O screaming] No!
[all cheering]
[Lion-O] All right!
Now, who knows
how to land this thing?
Bye, Mutants.
See you next week.
See you next week
When we destroy you!
[winces] Ooh. Ow.
Good job turning the Mutants
on Ratar-O like that.
How'd you come up with
all that crazy stuff about
how you'd mutiny
if I was ever a jerk?
[in menacing voice]
I'd tear you into pieces.
Ooh, my sword.
Wouldn't want to lose that.
Heh, gotta keep track of
your magic swords.
Ooh. I gotta get me one of those.
[cackles cunningly]
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