Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e23 Episode Script

Episode 23

Ye Qingyu.
You're awake.
You were drunk last night.
Do you have a headache?
I was being impulsive
after drinking last night.
Please don't take it to heart.
I can tell the difference.
That's good then.
Ye Qingyu.
You're here to ask me
about the antidote, right?
You can be frank
with me.
I can't stay here any longer.
Give me the antidote.
I'll leave the capital by myself.
Is it because of me?
I really don't know
if I should feel honored
or unfortunate.
Ye Qingyu.
It's impossible between us.
What do I have to do
for you to give me the antidote?
There's no antidote.
His Majesty told me
that the pill he forced you to swallow
was just a regular tonic pill.
Tantai Jin.
So you're free.
Tantai Jin said
he gave the antidote to you.
As long as you use that excuse
to keep me around,
I can never leave your side.
Why did you tell me the truth?
You're a woman of your word.
I also enjoyed
the momentary pleasure with you,
so I dare not expect
the gods to favor me again.
encountering you
was the most fortunate event
that had happened to me.
What if I feel like staying
in the capital again?
It's all right.
You can go wherever you want.
If you don't wish to see me,
I can write to His Majesty
and leave the capital myself.
Ye Qingyu.
Are you truly a fool
or are you pretending to be one?
Forget it.
I can't bother to explain it to you.
Anyway, I'm free now.
I can go wherever I want.
Now, I feel like staying
in the capital again.
we can spend time with each other again,
I guess so.
It depends on your performance.
have you two reconciled with each other?
There's nothing to reconcile about.
There are no overnight grudges
between spouses.
you must tell me if you feel troubled.
Don't hold it in and suffer alone.
I'm perfectly fine.
How can that be?
Tantai Jin is the king now
and our family has fallen from grace.
You may inevitably
be subjected to humiliation
in front of him.
What humiliation?
I made him sleep on the floor last night.
You're excellent at taming your husband.
Speaking of which,
Bingchang hasn't returned home yet
after she arrived in the capital.
Now, Bingchang
is the noble Madam Xuancheng.
Tantai Jin lets her live in the palace.
I think he's afraid
that Xiao Lin may snatch her away.
It's always safer
to hide her in the palace.
When she's in the palace of Jing,
Xiao Lin will have to hold back.
They won't neglect her.
Has Bingchang suffered
any grievances then?
Don't worry, Grandmother.
Tantai Jin isn't that kind of person.
If you're still worried,
I'll visit her after dinner
and ask her if she's willing to move back.
Come on. Eat up.
That's the gist of it.
You must have suffered
for the past few days.
I'll apologize to you
on Tantai Jin's behalf.
There's no need to say that.
How could I make the king apologize to me?
I'm happy for you
that you two have reconciled
with each other.
That's typical of Tantai Jin.
He's so capricious.
Just don't take it to heart.
If you can't get used
to living in the palace,
I can speak with Tantai Jin
and tell him to let you leave.
You can go home
and live with Grandmother and Father.
No need.
I mean,
His Majesty must have his reasons
to let me stay in the palace.
Besides, I've already gotten used to it.
I shouldn't go home
and disturb Grandmother and Father.
We are both married women.
How can we keep living
in our parents' home?
It's good for you
that you can stay by His Majesty's side.
But me?
Prince Lin is still missing.
If I live at home,
I'll look like a divorced woman instead.
Our neighbors will criticize us.
It's better if I live in the palace.
All right.
However, Grandmother and Father
do miss you very much.
Please visit them when you're free.
All right. Thank you for your concern.
Then I'll head back first.
Tantai Jin still loves her deeply
despite how Xiwu treated him.
If I stay in the palace,
I might still have a chance.
If I move home,
it'll be difficult
to see Tantai Jin again.
I didn't expect
that he had no desire for me.
If I want to live off him,
I must be of use to him.
Your Majesty.
You may speak over there.
I don't know
what I have done wrong
to make you dislike me.
You have done nothing wrong.
Once I capture Xiao Lin,
I'll let you two reunite.
Your Majesty,
do you have to capture Prince Xuancheng?
Why do you think
I allowed you to stay here
in the first place?
Your Majesty.
I have something to discuss with you.
The rations I borrowed two days ago
will run out in two days.
We're out of medicine too.
What should we do?
Any nearby county
we haven't borrowed rations from?
There's none.
Try again then.
Your Highness, you're now a rebel.
We're all wanted criminals.
Forget about borrowing rations.
They have already done us one last favor
by not reporting us
to the local authorities.
Mr. Pang,
what are our odds of winning
if we keep this up?
Well, you see…
We have no chance of winning, right?
There's nothing we can do about it.
Do you still remember you, me, and Qingyu
used to discuss state affairs
in the capital?
Common folks always suffer
no matter how the state does.
It has always been like this.
I've engaged in battle
on numerous occasions.
Although the Jing Kingdom is our enemy,
their soldiers and people
are made of flesh and blood too.
Qingyu was right.
To common folks, war is detrimental
no matter if it's won or lost.
Now, Tantai Jin fights for peace.
People want him to unite the world.
Maybe I should lead
our remaining people southward
and leave this place.
-How could you think so?
-Your Highness!
Your Highness,
the spy we planted in the Jing Kingdom
sent us a secret letter.
It's for you.
It's Bingchang's handwriting.
No wonder
Tantai Jin allowed her to write to you.
The letter praises his benevolence.
Looks like Tantai Jin
is still bent on making you surrender.
Something is not right.
What do you mean?
Court dismissed.
General Ye.
Your Majesty.
Disaster relief involves many aspects.
You're from the Sheng Kingdom.
I feel most reassured
to let you help
the refugees to settle down.
I shall not fail you, Your Majesty.
Now, the world is united.
I desire for the people
of the Sheng Kingdom
to settle down and recoup their losses
more than anyone else.
I also appreciate your kindness
more than anyone else.
Today is the Qixi Festival.
I heard that the night of Qixi
in the capital of Jing is the liveliest.
Why don't you
go for a stroll with Pianran?
Go ahead.
Ye Xiwu.
Let's go.
Now that both kingdoms are united,
the state is in peace,
we can finally have a proper festival.
-That's right.
You accomplished a good deed.
I just did what a ruler should do.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
It's crowded here.
Today is the last day
of the Water Festival
and also the Qixi Festival.
The townsfolk are all out on the streets.
The liveliest day of the year is today.
Tantai Jin,
why are they all wearing masks?
It's for the deity parade
during the Water Festival.
It's said that
it would help exorcise demons.
You'll understand
-if we run into one later.
-Masks for sale.
Masks for sale.
Sir, pick one.
Let's get one and follow customs.
All right.
Don't just agree verbally.
Pay up.
Here. This one suits you.
I want this one.
-All right. Thank you.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Masks for sale.
Masks for sale.
Sir, take a look.
So we're already inside
the capital of Jing?
Keep your guard up. Stay cautious.
This is our enemy territory after all.
-All right.
Let's go.
You scared me.
Please feel free to try.
Try this one. It's freshly made.
-Thank you.
-All right.
-Does it taste good?
Take a look at this.
Exquisite craft for sale.
It brings you good luck. Take a look.
It's so pretty.
It's a white jade scepter.
Excuse me.
-Pick me.
Tantai Jin, what is this?
This is a custom of the Jing Kingdom.
When you're picked by the arch wizard,
you'll be the goddess
of this year's Water Festival.
Go now.
You'll be blessed with good luck.
Why did he pick you then?
Are you a goddess too?
No, a god?
Miss, what's with the question?
Have you not celebrated
the Water Festival before?
I'm from the Sheng Kingdom.
No wonder.
Since the wizard pointed at him,
he has been chosen as the Devil God.
Have you heard of the battle of Gods
and Devils from 10,000 years ago?
He has been chosen as the Devil God
to join the parade with you.
Go now.
You were picked by the wizard
to pray for the world.
You'll be blessed
with peace and happiness too.
You need to finish the sword dance rite
with the Devil God.
Then you have to kill the Devil God.
Are you the Devil God?
Or are you Mingye?
Are you my enemy
or my lover?
-His Majesty?
-His Majesty!
Why is His Majesty here?
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-It's His Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
It's His Majesty himself.
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
You're no one else.
You're Tantai Jin.
It's such a beautiful night.
Wouldn't it be a waste
if we were to get drunk?
How about…
What were you thinking?
The moon is clear and bright tonight.
It's perfect for fox demons
to cultivate their powers.
I actually forgot about it.
If I don't absorb
enough moon essence in time,
even demons like us will grow old.
By then,
my hair will turn gray
and my face will be full of wrinkles.
You'll be scared to death.
Even so, to me,
you're still the cutest.
However, I'm a mortal.
At most, I can live 100 years.
I'm afraid I have no chance
to witness that moment.
Actually, there's a simple solution to it.
There's a legend among fox demons.
Legend has it that
if you're married to your true love,
with a bite on the arm
and a drop of blood as a vow,
even if one of them dies,
the soul won't head to the underworld.
This way, they can be together forever.
I haven't tried it before.
How would I know?
Even if that day does come,
I won't give it a try.
I'll drink a lot of wine,
find another man,
and forget about you completely.
If so, I can rest at ease.
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
Do you want to buy some candy?
Little girl,
are you separated from your parents?
You're so young.
Why are you selling things alone here?
Stop right there.
What are you doing?
I'll buy the whole basket.
Where are your parents?
They're dead.
Take this pouch
and go to the new orphanage
on the east side of the palace.
Find the manager there.
He'll find you a new place to live.
Thank you, sir.
Go now.
Why did you buy so much candy?
To eat.
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
Let's go.
Your Highness, Tantai Jin
hasn't returned to the palace.
All right.
Let's split up and execute the plan.
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
Over there!
-Your Majesty!
-Your Majesty!
They almost found us.
Why were they chasing you?
I guess they want to see me.
See you for what?
I heard Tantai Wuji
was deserted by his people.
Tantai Minglang was tyrannical
and killed by a swarm of mice.
The day I entered the capital,
countless mice fled and the tyrant died.
The news spread
and people regarded it
as an auspicious sign.
they even said
that I was a god sent from above.
See. Everyone does love you.
They're just following the herd.
they see me as a god,
but they might see me as a devil later.
Why are you belittling yourself like this?
You deserve to be liked by people
after accomplishing a good deed.
I think you just lack compliments.
You'll get used to it
after being praised by us
for a few more years.
I'm afraid his time is running short.
I must destroy the evil bone
within one year.
I don't care
whether people like me or not.
It's enough as long as
you like me.
You should have this.
I don't like it.
Then why did you buy so many of them?
Do you still remember
the previous New Year's Eve?
That was my first time
hanging out on the street.
You bought me a new coat.
It was snowing that day
and it got dark pretty soon.
On our way home,
we met a woman selling firecrackers.
please sell all your firecrackers to me.
My firecrackers are homemade.
They're not very nice.
It's fine. I like such firecrackers.
-Miss, well…
-And this. Take it.
Happy Chinese New Year.
Hey, miss…
Back then,
I couldn't understand why you did so.
now I understand.
Understand what?
How tough it is for the sick.
How miserable it is for the poor.
I understand sympathy
and the desire to do good.
I can feel their pain and hardships.
I just want to do everything I can
to help more people.
For some reason,
ever since I came back from the Mohe River
and had you by my side,
it seemed like
I was able to feel more and more emotions.
I'm able to appreciate
how beautiful this world is.
What will happen if I tell him
about the evil bone?
Maybe he won't turn
into the Devil God on his initiative
once he knows the truth
and I'll be able to be with him forever
and protect him.
I won't need to turn
my Soul-Slaying Teardrop into spikes
and stab his heart with them.
What's wrong?
Tantai Jin.
I think
there's something
you have to know.
What is it?
-Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
There you are.
How could you
leave the palace without telling me?
Even if you forbade me from following you,
at least you should notify me.
Ms. Xiwu, you're also here.
I guess
I'll make a move.
Never mind.
It's getting late.
I'll return with you.
Forget it.
I'll find another chance to tell him.
Your Majesty.
I have something to discuss with you.
Will you let me stay by your side
if I assist you
in capturing Prince Xuancheng?
The gates are open
on the night of the Water Festival.
Tonight is the only night
Xiao Lin can enter the city.
If he succeeds,
my safety will be guaranteed.
If he fails,
this will be my gift to Tantai Jin.
Either way, it's my win.
It seems like
the show is about to begin.
There's no need to hide. Show yourself.
Don't make a sound.
It's me, Ms. Bingchang.
Mr. Pang?
-The time is running out. Let's go.
-If Pang Yizhi is here,
that means the plan worked.
Xiao Lin is definitely here.
Xiao Lin.
Now, you're the only survivor
of the Sheng Kingdom.
You should cherish your life.
My life means nothing
compared to the calamity
our kingdom is facing.
The calamity your kingdom is facing?
It seems more like personal affairs to me.
-Ms. Bingchang, what's wrong?
-The final winner is still unknown.
I can't leave yet.
Mr. Pang, I can't walk.
You guys can go on without me.
His Highness entrusted you to me.
How could I leave you behind?
Zhong Tai.
Mr. Pang.
Escort Ms. Bingchang out of here.
Yes, sir.
-Someone! Help!
-Stop right there.
What happened?
There are assassins in the palace.
You must be careful.
Is someone trying
to assassinate Tantai Jin?
Let them go.
Are you going to kill me?
Xiao Lin.
The conflict between the two kingdoms
just ended not long ago.
Peace is gradually regained.
If you kill me today,
the two kingdoms
will descend into chaos again.
Countless people will die.
You know that
better than anyone.
That's why
you won't kill me.
Why are you here today?
I want you to pull back your troops
and end the war.
A fair request.
you don't get to bargain with me.
You knew I was going
to assassinate you tonight?
Every inch of land is my territory now.
my eyes and ears are everywhere.
My informant will tell me everything,
including when you made your plan
and when you will set off.
Today, Prince Xuancheng,
you came here uninvited.
It would be rude of me
not to give you a warm welcome.
I admit defeat.
Xiao Lin.
Is this all that's left
of the Dragon Guards?
Where are your two trusted followers?
Madam Xuancheng.
Where are you going
in the middle of the night?
Seems like Xiao Lin failed.
How dare you kidnap me?
Captain Pianran, they wanted to kidnap me.
Please save me.
You guys heard that, right?
What a bunch of foolish men.
You all can't even figure this out?
Tantai Jin!
Tantai Jin.
Why are you here at such a late hour?
Are you all right? Were you hurt?
Don't worry. I'm fine.
I was terrified.
Look at you. Your hands are freezing.
Do you feel better now?
Xiao Lin?
Xiao Lin actually tried
to assassinate him?
What should I do?
It has been a long time, Ms. Xiwu.
-You'd better not ask me
to show him mercy at this moment.
Thank you for your kindness, Ms. Xiwu.
I was aware of the consequences.
Captain Pianran has intercepted
the rebels who kidnapped Madam Xuancheng.
Your Majesty, don't worry.
Madam Xuancheng is fine.
Good. Tell Pianran to bring her here.
I need to ask her something.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Don't tell me you want me to help you up.
I wasn't on their side.
Please clarify the truth
in front of His Majesty
on my behalf.
Is that so?
Why do you possess it?
What do you mean?
Why do you possess
this love line?
I don't know.
Let go of me.
I'm a distinguished guest of His Majesty.
I'm going to ask you one last time!
Where did you get that love line?
Do you really think I'm as stupid as them?
Do you think
I can't do anything to you
if you don't talk?
-Let go.
-Pianran, calm down.
Don't do anything silly.
Qingyu, she's trying to kill me.
No matter what my sister has done,
I'll apologize to you on her behalf.
Let's straighten things out first.
Not with you.
Step aside.
Get lost.
You mentioned something
about a love line just now.
What exactly is going on?
It's none of your business.
How could that be?
His Majesty
wants Madam Xuancheng at the main hall.
Sir, I failed to complete my mission.
What happened?
Ms. Bingchang claimed
that we kidnapped her.
She was unwilling to leave with us.
Why would Xiao Lin
fall for someone like her?
Mr. Pang, what should we do now?
Leave the capital in small groups
as per His Highness's instruction.
Then join up with Chen Xian.
Yes, sir.
Let's go.
Prince Xuancheng.
It might be too sentimental
for you to meet your wife
in a foreign land.
Why don't you wait
behind the hall for a while?
What's the matter?
I'll keep an eye on him for you.
Were you hurt?
Of all the things to do,
why did you put your neck into the noose?
Captain Pianran, General Ye,
and Madam Xuancheng are here.
Let them in.
Yes, Your Majesty.
In the end,
Bingchang still couldn't make it out.
Madam Xuancheng contributed the most
to the assassins' capture tonight.
She deserves the highest award.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
I'm honored
to resolve your troubles for you.
dare not take credit for it.
What does that mean?
What has Bingchang got to do with this?
You sent Xiao Lin a letter
with encrypted messages
to make him believe
that your life was in danger.
You asked for his help urgently
with the letter.
A chivalrous man like Xiao Lin
would definitely come
to your rescue personally.
This is a devious scheme
that takes advantage of human nature.
You have outdone most of my advisers.
I'm flattered, Your Majesty.
However, I'm curious about something.
What if Xiao Lin succeeded
in assassinating me tonight?
Would you swim with the current
and leave together with him?
Your Majesty, you're wise.
I had cut off all ties with Xiao Lin
ever since I came back
from the Sheng Kingdom.
Bingchang, you…
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