Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e23 Episode Script

Episode 23 / b
Sultan Meliksah Hadrath!
The heathen, Markus and the crusaders
have been defeated by our swords.
We've taken our revenge
for their actions now.
May your sword be never damaged, my Sultan.
We have also a good news for you.
Melik Tapar has finally stood up.
My son.
My brother has stood up, thank Allah.
Thank Allah
I promised a wedding to
Turna a long time ago, Hace.
We've taken our vengeance now.
And we don't have an urgent duty.
It is the right time for the wedding now.
Turna Hatun worries about
the security of Selemzar.
Our Sultan assigned me
the matter of Selemzar to me.
Don't worry.
Until a new order is assigned
Selemzar is under my responsibility.
The wedding is my happiest day, but
I know I can't invite my father.
Because, if he comes to
the tribe, he sees my mother.
He is the man, whom I want him to
be with me most in my happiest day.
My heart won't be at ease, Hace.
Keep your heart at peace.
Whoever had your position,
his heart would be broken.
Of course, one day..
you will get the reward
of your perseverance, son.
Now, well wait for the
suitable time for the wedding.
I'll let you know.
Thank Allah.
You've stood up safe and sound.
Try to get better first.
Then, we will crush the heathens
back to back, shoulder to shoulder
and together again.
I know I made you angry by having
my mother's grave opened, father.
I didn't do it because,
I wouldn't believe you
but because, I couldn't control
the pain of mother inside me.
I know that pain inside you best.
I suffered so much
while your heart was burning.
We had no choice, son.
Except taking up our
pain and trusting in Allah.
You mother
always caressed you by saying
the peak of the black mountain.
You are standing up like
that black mountain now.
I'm sure her soul rests in peace now.
Don't do anything that causes us
set against each other again, son.
Don't do do such a thing
and don't let her soul get hurt.
Markus was someone, whom
our Emperor cared so much.
With his death
we lost the sacred
spear and it was a disaster.
If we can't get that spear, which
touched the Jesus Christ's holy body
the Emperor and Christian
Kingdoms never forgive us..
Did you send our meeting offer to Meliksah?
We did, sir.
We must get the sacred spear by
making an agreement with Meliksah.
Otherwise, it will be so hard for us
to make our
Emperor forgive us.
We've learned that
Seljuk soldiers keep
searching for the
remaining soldiers of Markus.
Tell our men.
Let them find Markus' men
and tell them run
away from where they are.
Livia was with them, too.
If Seljuk captures her
she can tell everything she
knows about us with anger.
-Make sure they kill Livia, too.
-As you command, sir.
I wish you rested a bit more, Tapar.
Why are you going to the council room now?
My father will talk about
the campaign preparations.
And I want everyone to see I am healthy.
I heard your father hit you,
while you were in the workshop.
You didn't tell me its reason.
Why did he hit you?
I wanted to have my
mother's grave opened.
He learned that.
He got angry by thinking
that I didn't trust him.
You never do such a thing in vain.
You never do such
a thing in vain.
Why did you want to have
your mother's grave opened?
My uncle, Tekis.
When he came to the palace
he said that I had a brother
that my father hid from everyone.
And he told me that my
mother could still be alive.
Because all of this happening,
I couldn't control my curiosity.
Why did your uncle say
you had a brother anyway?
He said my grandmother,
Seferiye Hatun told him.
Yet, you know my grandmother's
consciousness was poisoned.
I made a mistake by
believing all of these, Gevher.
What is it?
Tell me, what happened, Gevher?
Seferiye Hatun is not sick, Tapar.
Seferiye Hatun is not sick, Tapar.
What do you mean?
Wasn't my grandmother poisoned?
Didn't you, Elcin Hatun and Turna
Hatun come together and reveal that?
We did.
But we had had all
the lamps collected.
The effect of the poison
must be gone by now.
There may be something
hidden behind this matter, Tapar.
Seferiye Hatun is not sick, Tapar.
The effect of the poison
must be gone by now.
You are alive
I What does that mean, Hatun mother?
Your mother didn't die.
Can't you recognize her?
Melik Hadrath
When I saw you in the
palace, it was not without
a reason that I resembled
you to Alparslan.
You are Meliksah's son too.
Are you okay, Melik Hadrath?
This can't be truth.
My Allah, let me see the truth.
Are you okay, Melik Hadrath?
I'm fine.
Getting up after a long time made me dizzy.
Okay then, let's go to the council room.
You are some of the most
important Beys of the Turkmen Tribes.
I wanted to gather you
around my hunting table
and talk about the
situation of our state.
And stop this dire situation.
Sultan Meliksah has achieved a victory just
today and killed the head of the Crusaders.
What dire situation are you
talking about, Melik Hadrath?
Konur Bey.
Do you think that the Crusaders,
Byzantine and the Batinis will stop?
They will strike us harder.
The existing system is inadequate.
Oghuz's linege established this state.
We need to save it by
gathering around a strong leader.
This state was
established with blood. And
when necessary, it will
be protected with blood.
The cause our Sultan carrying over
his shoulders require big sacrifices.
And we have no fear
to make these sacrifices.
You are saying that you
call us here with good
intentions, but your word
is almost a rebellion to our
Know that we won't be a part of it.
The reason I called you here is for you
to speak logical and act well-behaved.
But you are acting against our
tradition and being disrespectful.
Melik Tekis stands before you!
What is really
against the tradition is
talking about uniting,
but calling for disorder.
When it's about disorder, no
one is important, let alone a Melik!
Who are you to teach me
about our traditions and law?!
My word is listened to on my table!
And those who speak loudly are
made sure to not speak loudly again!
You feed people with discord on your table.
Know that what you feed
on this table, is haram for us!
And this is our answer
to the discord you offer us!
Know that Sultan
Meliksah is greater than you!
If the state is going to be saved,
he will be the one to save it!
And we will stand by his side always!
When the time comes
I'm going to make you pay dearly for this!
We will establish the
military workshop again.
The production of the
catapults I ordered will begin.
Master Hayyam and Isfizari, I want
you to work in the workshop as well.
-As you command, my Sultan.
-As you command my Sultan.
I sent my alps to get rid of the
remaining soldiers of Markus.
You have the responsibility
of this matter, Sencer Bey.
Do not leave a single thing about the
Crusaders in our lands. Destroy them all.
Prince Isaakios sent
you a letter, my Sultan.
What did the infidel say?
He offers a deal about the Holy Spear.
He wants to meet you somewhere
you find appropriate for this.
So he panicked because we killed Markus
and took the Holy Spear.
How will you answer him, my Sultan?
Having the Holy Spear will cause
indignance in the Christian world.
Apparently he's ready to give
whatever we want to take the Spear.
Good. We'll want something
really important from him.
Are you going to meet him
at the palace, my Sultan?
I'll meet him at the
border, not at the palace.
If he accepts my conditions
he'll go to Kuvel and
prove me that he fulfills them.
Start the preparations, Hacip Kamac.
My Sultan.
We have good news for you before we go.
Sencer Bey has a feast today.
So you'll attain your
desire and become the man
of your house and the
father of your children.
May it be fortunate.
May you live long, my Sultan.
I wish you could attend and
witness our happiness too, but
it has to be like this.
If you approve, I want to invite all
of the Turkmen Beys, my Sultan.
Good idea.
Turkmen Beys are really important.
We need to keep them united.
And the Bey of the
Kinik Tribe should do it.
May your feast strengthen
our unity, Sencer.
I would like to join the feast on behalf
of our dynasty, if you allow me, my Sultan.
You just got better, son You need to rest.
I'm okay, my Sultan.
And we shouldn't leave
Sencer Bey alone on such a day.
And I haven't seen his
mother for a long time.
It will be good for me to chat with her.
As you said.
You can go too.
You may leave now.
Yes, my Sultan.
You have suffered a
lot for being fatherless.
InshAllah, you'll have
children in a short time.
I hope you will never be
separated from your children.
And they won't be separated
from their father for a lifetime.
Both our state and you
have become a father to me.
I'll raise my children with
what I learned from you.
I wish
as a father, you never
suffer from the pain that I did.
I had a son.
I lost him years ago at
the turn of my destiny.
I made that coat I gave you for him.
when I heard about your feast
I felt happy as if I
heard the news of his feast.
Obviously, you missed him so much.
You warmed my heart in
the absence of my father.
And I will try not to make you
feel his absence, my Sultan.
Go to your feast now.
One shouldn't be late for good deeds.
May you have an army
with your sons to be born
and a huge tribe with your daughters.
All of you
have been performing ablution, fasting
and giving zakat(muslim charitable donation).
But this is all for show.
What is the truth to it?
The truth is this, to perform ablution
is to cleanse the batin truths with
ignorance of wise man who care for appearance.
To perform salaat is to
obey Imam and his agent.
To fast to keep the secrets of Imam.
To give zakat is to grant
knowledge to Batin members.
To go to Hajj pilgrimage is to
to visit the proxy
of The Great Imam.
They forbid it for Batin is.
They told us it was harmful.
They did it on purpose for you to
always stay ignorant and uninformed.
Take this food.
These are a gift from the
wise members of Batini.
We will never be poor.
If you are on path to
be familiar with Batin
you'll be just like us.
You won't be uninformed and poor.
I better leave.
You keep going door to door to gain
members but Ghazali doesn't stop either.
He meets with everyone here.
Then try to gain his trust.
Always be on his side so we can
know what he will do and stop him.
So we can rise up like a wave in Shalamzar.
What if you can't?
Meliksah releasing
Kilicaslan was a game.
He killed Marcus and took the holy trident.
Now his reputation in the
Islam world is through the roof.
But this wasn't good when we were
trying to invite the people to our side.
But I have such an
important information that
we can ruin Meliksah's
reputation with it.
To do that we must
acquire Isakius support now.
Okay then.
We killed the devil called Markus.
We defeated the crusaders Turna.
This is a great news.
May your wrist be strong,
and your sword be sharp.
I came here to give you great news.
Now we have no obstacles in our way.
I say we should have a wedding feast.
I've always wanted to be with you.
But you know
that after my father's passing
all I think is Shalamzar. .
What will happen to Shalamzar
when I start living in the tribe?
You be at ease. Until there
is a new Emir in Shelemzer
Hace will handle the safety.
You relieved me.
I am at ease.
We braved such hardships
and went through so much.
I always carried you as
the crown of my heart and my happiness.
Now you will be my home
the hearth of the house
and the mother of my kids InshAllah.
All these troubles and darkness
always brought us to each other Shukur.
Our love gave us strength.
The gift of all these
troubles and hardships
is to be around the hearth
of the home and be happy.
I will deal with the wedding
feast's preparations.
All the Turkmen Beys will come.
We will have a glamorous
wedding feast InshAllah.
My mother and Alps will come to get you.
You have always been in my heart.
Now your place will be my tribe.
My Sultan
Hajji candidates who
will go to the holy lands
to complete his
Hajj pilgrimage
awaits your order.
Prepare the Hajj caravan.
Take the safety precautions
on the way of Hajj.
The caravan's safety is very important.
They must get to the
holy lands safely so that
all the Muslims will not
lose their faith on our state.
The order is yours my Sultan.
When I get back from my meeting with
Isakios all the preparations will be complete.
Ebuhamit Ghazali.
I want to benefit from your
conversation, if you allow me
Excuse me, I couldn't recognize you.
I am a trader, who dedicated
himself in rebuilt of Selemzar.
My name is Faysal.
I heard your name before,
trader master. Please.
It's better being two people
instead of being alone.
Selemzar future is obvious.
I worried the school,
which is about to be built
will stay as just a dream.
Everything starts with a dream first.
Whoever tries to do something
good is supported by Allah's help.
What a great insight.
We are glad that we have someone
who says such things, in Selemzar.
Scholars and students
come with their blessing.
I We know that countries having many
scholars always becomes prosperous.
And the unfortunate fate of Selemzar
will change with a scholar like you.
However, the scholars, who
reach the truth with reason
calculate the notable
people of their city, too.
If you also allow me
I want to help you
in building this school.
The students, who
are going to be raised in
the school that is to
be built by these golds
someday might stop
walking on the right path
and go towards to the direction
that these gold-giver hands point
Our code doesn't include
going towards to the
direction which the hands
we don't fully trust points.
Therefore, trader master we
never want water from a spring
that we don't know its source.
Then, how are you going to build it?
The help of our state, which we are
sure that its treasure is pure and clean.
So, you can keep these golds.
Take care, trader master.
My thunder flowers!
My gallant girls.
Welcome all.
You've raised us as bold
Hatuns since we were little kids.
You became a mother to all of us.
We are always under you command
with our hearts and swords, mother.
Zubeyde Hatun is gathering his
army around herself and getting strong.
And you still couldn't find loyal
soldiers to us among the army.
I'll handle that matter as soon
as possible, Terken Hatun.
We'll have an army inside
the army. Don't worry at all.
Thank you, Taculmulk.
What about the matter of Basulu Hatun?
The only thing I know for now
Hace's solider are on
watch around the grave.
There are great secrets inside
that house and the grave, Taculmulk.
Get information one way or another.
Zubeyde Hatun.
They are my thunder flowers
I raised them in the lands of Berkyaruk.
They are going to be
with me here from now on.
Seljuk Hatuns are the steel
fists, which are wrapped with silk.
May Allah protect them.
Sencer Bey has his
wedding in Kinik Tribe today.
Our Sultan won't be able to attend.
It would be suitable that you
attend the wedding with Melik Tapar.
You thought well, Hace.
The son of our Sultan
and the child
of our dynasty
is getting married.
He should feel this
in his happiest day.
Don't worry.
I'll congratulate him as a
way fitting to our dynasty.
I'm so glad that Turna Hatun
and Sencer Bey is getting married.
Yet, do you really think we should
go, before you are fully healed?
Why did you insist on attending
the wedding this much?
Taking in some of this tribe
air will be good for both of us.
And how can I get
better without walking?
We should go.
Let's go.
We didn't find the words Melik
Tekis spoke as a good sign.
His intentions are not good.
It looks like he is going to create more
trouble for our Sultan in these lands.
The attitude you showed to Melik
Tekis was spot on, Konur Bey.
You are a strong and
important Bey, be at ease.
With the help of Allah,
as long as we stand
together by our Sultan,
there is no trouble we cannot
That's right.
I want all of you to know that from now
on, Kinik will be a much stronger tribe.
Whatever problems you face,
you are always welcomed here.
Both in the eyes of
our state and in between
each other, there is no
problem we cannot solve,
A sword is beautiful, as long
as it cuts through a strong armor.
A state is beautiful, as
long as it stands strong.
A mind is beautiful, as long as
it does not forget what it knows.
As you know, when Turkmens have
gathered around Kiniks years ago
they first became a state.
Then it became a
Sultanate that ruled the world.
We need to follow the
path without forgetting these.
We need to follow,
so that our sword will
be always sharp, and our
state may conquer the world.
Be more tough, and agile!
You are going to fight against Sultan
Meliksah's soldiers soon for our rule!
If you be this lazy
they will crush you!
Come on!
Melik Hadrath, Sencer Bey
has a wedding feast today.
All of the Turkmen Beys
have attended the feast.
They acted rebellious on my table
but when Sencer Bey invited
them, they went right away!
Turkmen Beys are showing their side!
And it looks like Sencer
wants to unite them around him.
Someone that does not
unite Turkmens around
him in these lands,
cannot do anything, father.
If Sencer Bey manages
to keep them by his side
it won't be good for the
rebellion we will attempt.
All our plans will be for nothing.
Also, their fault is also great.
What does it mean to not
invite someone like me, who
is from pure Kinik bloodline,
as the Bey of Kinik tribe.
It means that he is
taking a stand against me!
I'm going to make Sencer
Bey, and Turkmen Beys
pay for this!
When I was thinking I have been
left without a mother and father
I found a warm place in
the hearts of Sencer and you.
I cannot be grateful enough to my Allah.
From this day on
Sencer Bey and you, Turna Hatun
will be two pieces of a
power that complete each other.
Beys, and also Sultan
while walking on the path of righteousness,
their path is lighted by their Hatun.
In our tradition, Bey and Hatun
are separable halves of strength.
While Sencer gathers the brave
soldiers around the fire of Beylic
and warms the poor people
You will be the one
to add wood to that fire.
You will be a Hatun that rides horse
near his Bey, and fights with a sword
and who is not afraid of
fighting against the enemy.
I will not let you down
and disappoint you, mother.
While Sencer walks the path
of Beylic, I will be his strength.
You speak so realistic, so deeply that
one thinks that you are
the Hatun of a Bey or a Sultan.
It's life experience, daughter.
Welcome. You cheered
our tribe with your presence.
You are really important
for our state, Sencer Bey.
Accompanying you on your
glorious day has cheered us up.
We always draw our swords
and fight together in battles
but this time we'll celebrate
your wedding feast together.
I hope our children will also have the
sincerity and loyalty we have for each other.
InshAllah they will be companions
on the road and brothers in the war.
InshAllah they will always be brothers.
Like us.
May your feast bring you
happiness, Sencer Bey.
I'll go see the bride Turna Hatun.
Of course.
I'll see the bride with my own eyes, who
will bring happiness to our dynasty and..
and who will bring
abundance to the Seljuk lineage.
Sultan Meliksah.
Since we are not equal with you
you're on a horse and I'm on the ground
But the deal we're about to make
will be in equal interest to both of us.
The spear you have
is sacred for Christians.
It's very precious to all Christians.
What are you going to do with it?
I have a great offer for you
in return for the Holy Spear.
What is it?
Do you estimate the price of
your sacred possessions with gold?
Do you think three crates
of gold is enough to stop me?
What do you want in return?
You acted impertinently and broke our deal.
If you want the Holy Spear back
you will get out of your occupied
lands from the Black Sea to Kuvel.
You will also restart the construction
of the mosque you stopped in Kuvel.
I'll see all that with my own eyes.
That's not possible.
it's not possible for you
to take the Spear back.
I made an offer to you to stop our war.
But you're making things difficult.
If I were you, I wouldn't
be so tough on us.
If I were tough
I would have already took your head.
Pray that
I act according to our manners
since I'm the one who invited you here.
You will retreat from the lands you
occupied and you'll build the mosque.
If you don't accept it
every Christian in the world will
learn that you lost the Holy Spear.
You'll be disgraced.
They will take your head instead of mine.
Do your worst then.
Don't forget that we will always wander
around your lands like a nightmare.
You’ll never be at peace.
You'll never be at peace.
Just as I destroyed
that dog called Markus
I'll destroy every bit of
you that's on our lands.
Then it will be our turn.
We will be your nightmare.
A great nightmare that first haunts
Kuvel and Constantinople later.
This sword
is the sign
of our everlasting war with you.
It will be between us
until one of us is destroyed.
When I take this sword out,
I'll put your head on the tip of it.
When I get to Constantinople's borders
l will greet your brother emperor
with your head on my sword.
Does our soldiers have an
ambush on Meliksah's path?
Yes sir.
Now we will get to him
through the short cut
and kill Meliksah on the way.
You will never make turn
us into a fool Meliksah.
I will stick your head on my sword.
May it be easy.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
Sencer Bey ordered for you to send
food from the feast to the poor. Did you?
Yes Basulug Hatun.
How's it going? Will they be ready.
Yes they will.
May it be easy.
Thank you Melik Hadrath.
I was so sad when you were wounded.
Shukur you are well again.
Thank you.
You worry about me like always.
I feel it.
You always are side by side with my Sencer.
you suffer the absence of a mother.
That's why I feel colse to you.
You seem like you suffer the
absence of a child Mother Basulug.
Sencer is one thing.
.you seem to heal the wound you have
because you long for your child
 by caring for those
you feel like your child.
I was always afraid of losing Sencer.
It's like losing a child.
I felt that fear of losing a
child when you got hurt.
Thank Allah.
You are standing tall like the Karadag
mountains that stand in front of us.
My heart is happy.
Your mother loved you..
and she said you are like the Karadag
mountains that stand in front of us.
you are standing tall like
those Karadag mountains.
She must be very happy.
Are you okay Melik Hadrath?
I am. I am.
I will send you corpse
to Isfahan, Meliksah.
Don't you do this.
Where did you come from?
You can't stop me when
I'm so close to Meliksah.
It's not the time to act delirious Isakios.
If you attack, there is no
guarantee that you can kill Meliksah.
And even if you do, Meliksah's
reputation among the people
will increase and the people of Seljuks
will be even more faithful to their state.
He will ruin my reputation
using the holy trident.
Maybe he will even kill me.
Don't worry. We will ruin his reputation.
And this will be one of the biggest
wounds we can inflict on him.
How will that be?
We will hit him so hard that
all the world of Islam will
turn their backs on Seljuks.
and Meliksah will be destroyed.
We declare you husband and wife
with the will of our daughter Turna
and our son Sencer
and in the presence. of the people here.
May Allah grant you a blessed future.
My Allah.
We are the witnesses of
the oath of our children.
May you be their witness, too.
My Allah. Bless this marriage oath.
May my Allah bestow this couple
the devotion and affinity
of Hadrath Adam and Eve
Hadrath Muhammed Mustafa (PBUH) and
Hadrath Hatice mother
Hadrath Ali and Hadrath Fatima..
who they never stopped
having their belief in each other.
My Allah. May you bestow to these couple
healthy children, long lives,
and a prosperous livelihood.
May our Allah bestow
us goodness, kindness
and blessing in the world and afterlife.
And protect us from
the suffering of the fire.
I've solemnized you.
Giving advice must belong
to the master of the words
Eyvallah. Astagfirullah.
You, Sencer Bey!
Know that Turna Hatun
firstly isn't your wife
your companion or confidante
but someone you need to protect
with the order of Allah.
Don't hurt the one, whom
you are supposed to protect.
You are a Bey of a great tribe.
Yet, the hearth of your tent
isTurna Hatun.
Keep you hearth alive.
You are a warrior with a great sword.
Yet, the sheath of your
sword is Turna Hatun.
Don’t let your sword
cut through its sheath.
You are strong. You have authority.
Yet, Turna Hatun is the
support of your strength.
Don't hurt your support.
You, Turna Hatun.
Sencer Bey is both your Bey
and your husband.
Keep his lineage alive
and his tribe prosperous.
Your are his happiness in good days
his support in bad days and the
light of his heart in the difficult times.
May you become his Hatun of his
tribe, the mother of his children
and his constant support
in everything he does.
The caravan of the
pilgrimages is setting out today.
We'll raid the caravan and
kill all the Muslim pilgrimages.
This disaster will cause a
chaos among the world of Islam.
The trust towards Meliksah
and Seljuk will vanish.
So that he won't be able
to take action against Kuvel.
He won't be able to pull it together again.
I know that the pilgrimage caravans
choose a different route
every year for security.
How are we going to find the
current pilgrimage caravan?
I didn't spend all these years in
the palace of the devils in vain.
I know the route that
the caravan will take.
There is something I wonder.
Won't you get upset at all
with the death of all those Muslims?
They are people, who don't
obey the cause of Batini.
They can call themselves
Muslim however they want.
They ones, who doesn't share our belief
are nothing but mutes to us.
Then, we should take action immediately.
I'll kill all the people inside
the pilgrimage caravan.
This will be the most painful
retaliation we make against Meliksah.
Come on, warriors!
Come on!
-Live long, brave ones!
Live long brave ones!
You are holding a wedding feast here
but can a Bey without Tore (laws
and tradition) hold a feast, Sencer Bey?
Pick your words wisely before
you speak them, Melik Tekis!
Entering this tribe without any
notice is what is against the Tore.
You are of the Kinik blood to,
you must be the one to know it best!
Even if I was an enemy, you
should have sent an invitation!
Who do you think you are?
The feast is mine, and the tribe is mine!
And I let those who deserve
to sit on the Bey rugs.
If you respect Tore this much
then you must know evil
words bring evil in a feast!
And it is a part of the Tore to do the
necessary thing, no matter who it is.
Melik Tekis, you are a
member of the dynasty.
Creating disorder like
this does not suit you.
Do not lecture me about
etiquette Nizamulmulk!
You stand back!
Meliksah's son Tapar is here!
I am the Tore, the state
and the etiquette here!
How dare you to come
to the place I am in like
this without a notice,
and speak like this!
You might be Meliksah's son Tapar
but I'm Alparslan's son Tekis!
Even if we both are
Meliks, I'm older than you!
Know that where there is
no respect, grudge comes in!
Wisdom doesn't come with age!
But it looks like you are out of your mind.
Or you wouldn't come without a
notice to where you were not invited to.
And you know how to go back since you came!
I didn't come here to
feast and and have fun!
I came to make those
disrespectful ones learn their place!
You left my table in a
disrespectful manner!
But when Sencer Bey called
you, you came here obediently!
It looks like you are coming
together to stand against me!
I will make you pay for that!
There is no need for all
of us to come together.
I gave the necessary
answer to you alone.
Oghuz are 24 tribes in 7 regions.
And you are just Melik Tekis all alone.
I advise you to not try our patience!
If you are coming together,
and aim your arrows against me!
Then this is the sign of my answer!
And this is my answer to you, uncle!
This insult
is the last straw, Tapar!
Then you'll drown in your anger.
Now take your soldiers
and go back to your tribe.
There isn't a place for you here.
I'll make you regret this.
All of you!
Come on.
We have sent the one that doesn't follow
the Tore away. Let the feast continue!
Come on. Come on.
My Sultan.
The Hajj caravan that
will leave Isfahan is ready.
The Hajj Emir who's with
them is waiting for your firman.
The Byzantines have completely summoned up
their courage. They may play a trick on us.
If something happens to the Hajj caravan,
we can't explain it to the world of Islam.
You should accompany
the caravan until they
get out of Isfahan Taculmulk.
That's your duty.
Thank you for giving me
such a divine duty, my Sultan.
Don't worry.
I'll get the caravan out of Isfahan safely.
Take a gift to Hajji pilgrims from us.
Isaakios is trying to scare us.
He said that he'll be a
nightmare in our lands.
Apparently, there are still
Markus' men in our lands.
Sencer was going to send soldiers
to find them. Are there any news?
Not yet, my Sultan.
Find those man as soon as possible
and scrape them from our lands.
You must be thirsty.
You won't have food or water.
You won't have food or water
until you please Commander Markus.
The dog called Markus is dead
Now it's your turn, you inglorious men!
So you killed Commander Markus.
Then it's your turn to die!
This is enough. Apparently
they are after us after Markus.
-We need to go.
-What are we going to do about her?
We'll tell Prince Isaakios about her
treachery. He'll do what's necessary.
You grew up like a young
tree right before my eyes.
I felt sorrowful with your
sadness many times.
I always protected you.
Now that I saw that you got married
nothing can fill my
heart with sorrow anymore.
Thank you Hace.
You helped with my sufferings
and my longings for many years.
May you live long.
I know you wanted your father to be here.
the secret we keep prevented this.
This secret surrounds your life.
But there's also a truth to it.
You have the blood of Seljuks.
You are the son of Sultan.
This truth is above all secrets.
This is one of Seljuk Gazi's thumb rings
Your brother Berkyaruk
and Tapar have the others.
You have a right to have this.
This is so valuable.
And now it is where it belongs.
Always remember your family
and appreciate its existence.
May you live in peace.
Even though my uncle clouded it
it was an amazing wedding feast.
It suited our tribe Kinik
Bey and our family.
When my uncle Tekis came to the tribe
you disappeared Mother Basulug.
I took care of the
wedding feast preparations.
May Allah make your child healthy.
Thank you Basulug Hatun.
Tapar always talks of you with love.
Now that I met you I feel the same warmth
Take care of yourself.
May you build an army with your sons
and a tribe with your daughters.
Thank you Melik Hadrath.
Attack for revenge
Sultan Meliksah won't
let you get away with this!
All of them died. It's enough.
Let me kill him.
He is the Emir of the state.
We should leave someone alive, so, he can
tell the horror he had here to Meliksah.
Let the horror spread among their hearts.
All the pilgrimage caravan died!
This disaster will ruin Meliksah!
Come on! Let's go!
Don't dare die Taculmulk.
Don't die.
My Sultan.
We are making the
necessary calculations and
observations for the new
calender with your order.
We'll make the calender, which
has the most accurate time line.
As Hace indicated and you saw fit that
we will name the
calender Celali referring
to your nickname Celal-u Devle.
My Sultan.
According to our
calender, the start of the
year is the day the sun
overlaps with the Aries.
So, it is the day of Nevruz.
The start of the spring.
The day that our ancestors melted the
iron mountains and take their freedom.
We will refer every year
as a year of Meliksah.
We'll enter a new year
of Meliksah every year.
Every Meliksah year will be
added with 12 month and 5 days.
So, it is 365 days.
This calender will be more accurate than
the calender of Julian, Gregorian and Egypt.
Our calender
will end the troubles of our people
about the harvest and tax, InshAllah.
The state will gather the taxes
in the accurate days and times.
And the people will be
in prosperity and peace.
I give no importance to
naming the calender with my name.
There is no need in my
name, Master Isfizari.
It's enough that
if they say Sultan Meliksah
had a new calender made just
for the well-being of his people
and became the state more just
and his people more
happy after centuries.
There is no worthiness in the things
that don't touch the hearts of people.
Something is valuable
as long as it touches the
hearts of people by
serving them with science.
Thank Allah, we have a sultan like you, who
dedicates science in the service of people.
Be sure that your name will live on the
hearts of those who understand you forever
instead of calenders,
firmans and documents.
We have overcome many bad things together.
We have lost our ways
in darkness many times.
We have suffered, were separated.
But still reunited.
From now on, we will
always be together, my Turna.
I have come to be a wife, a
confidante, and a companion to you.
I have come to share a lifetime with you.
As long as I am alive, I
will stand by your side
and never let go of these hands.
These hands hold weapons
for our religion, for our state.
They are claws against the oppressors,
and protecting wings for the poor people.
Now these hands hold
mine with a great love.
From now on, you are not only my
Bey, who loves me with these hands
but also my Bey who protects
me with the might of these hands.
Disrespectful Tekis!
So he came to the feast without
notice, and acted against the Tore!
He always had a bad reputation.
And now, the reputation of our
dynasty is damaged because of him.
Melik Tapar did not let him damage
our dynasty's honour, my Sultan.
He gave the necessary
lesson to that disrespectful man.
One of my two eyes, my lion.
I would like to see Sencer's happiness too.
Until today, he went through many
hardships. We also pushed him too.
Now, like he got the reward of
the hardships he went through
both his heart and
ours are filled with joy.
You have only become this happy in mine and
my brother Berkyaruk's marriage, my Sultan.
It looks like, there is something
about Sencer that touches your soul.
He grew up without a father. He
was brought up by a lonely mother.
He came these days with his hard work.
But he never experienced the
happiness of a family to the fullest.
Whenever I look at him
I see that sadness in his eyes.
Now he has a hatun,
InshAllah he will have children.
For the first time in his life, he will
experience the happiness of a family.
This "halfness" about him
is what makes me sad, son.
When I saw her marriage
I got happy as if he was my son.
My Sultan, there is bad news.
The Hajj group was attacked on the road.
The civilians?
Unfortunately, my Sultan.
They are all martyred.
Only Emir Taculmulk has been
brought to the palace as wounded.
It's Isakios that did this!
He is repaying us for the Holy Spear!
I told you that group was important!
How could they let it happen?
How are we going to
answer to the world
of Islam for this now?
Sultan Meliksah trusted you and
gave you such an important duty.
But you, instead of fulfilling it
and, get on his good side, failed.
Meliksah's wrath will be great this time!
Attention! Sultan Meliksah Hadrath!
I hope you get well soon, Taculmulk.
Thank you, my Sultan.
How dare they do this?
I repeatedly told you to take precautions.
It all happened so suddenly.
We couldn't understand it either.
They were more higher in number than us.
I lost my consciousness when I got injured.
They must have thought that
I was dead and left me.
I woke up in the palace, my Sultan.
What about our spies, Hace?
How couldn't they realize when
the Byzantines ambushed us?
I will make those who
responsible pay for this, my Sultan.
Either they will fulfill their duties
properly or I'll dismiss them all!
And I'll give someone
else the duty of ruling them.
I'll make them pay for this treachery.
You should rest. Get well soon.
I was so scared.
Fortunately our Sultan didn't punish me.
Don't be too happy, Taculmulk.
We were going to put our
loyal soldiers to the army
but this became harder
after this situation you're in.
And there’s also
Basulu Hatun issue.
It's interrupted too.
Don't doubt that I will take care
of that as soon as I get better.
This issue cannot wait
for you to get better.
I will continue the investigation myself.
The Alps that Sencer Bey sent
to find Markus' men were killed.
They searched the area but
they couldn't find Markus' men.
Our Sultan made our
Bey responsible for this.
We need to find Markus' men no matter what.
We'll trace them from the point there the
Alps were killed and find those heathens.
You'll explain the situation
to our Bey, Bozkus.
Let's go, brothers.
If Isaakios did this treachery
in return for the Holy Spear
we should respond to him in a
much more tougher way, my Sultan.
We'll give him a permanent
response this time.
We will place the Turkmen
Tribes around Kuvel.
The tribes will blockade Kuvel
like a claw strangle their throats.
Our striking forces will
always be deployed there.
Speed up the army preparations
and send news to Sencer.
Tell him to meet with the Turkmen Beys
tomorrow and explain this issue to them.
I will appoint Sencer
as the head of the Beys.
He should definitely convince them
and place the tribes around Kuvel.
As you order, my Sultan.
I know how to respond to
Isaakios when the time comes.
-Did you find Markus' men?
-Not yet, my Sultan.
Find them as soon as possible.
Increase the number of the
soldiers and intensify the search.
I don't tolerate even a
single Crusader in my lands.
As you order, my Sultan.
How's my brother Berkyarug, Zubeyde Hatun?
I haven't seen him for a long time.
He always sends you his greetings
and says that he misses you.
He longingly told about the hunts
you went together while I was there.
He missed you very much.
I missed him too.
Even today, when I was in Sencer's feast
I remembered mine and
my brother Berkyarug's feast.
You gave us the heirlooms left
from my ancestor Selcuk Ghazi.
You always keep those heirlooms, right?
Since I became the Head Hatun
when your father became the Sultan
Seferiye Hatun wanted
me to take care of them.
They are given only to
the members of the dynasty.
So, you will personally give them
to every member of the dynasty.
Of course.
Apparently, we can easily recognize
the members of the dynasty
just from the entrusts you give them.
Seljuks are in the forest looking for you
Prince Isakius sent a
messenger but they killed him.
-I brought you the news.
-What news?
Prince Isakios orders you to
kill Livia and get out of here.
So he ordered us to kill her.
What a shame to that beauty.
The clerk of Sahbender, Livia.
What have they done to you?
They killed him.
We cleared the crusader dogs.
We must take Livia to the tribe.
Sencer Bey will decide what happens to her.
Come Aydogdu, my brother.
Let's go brothers.
They attacked the Hajj caravan because
we killed Marcus and took the holy trident.
My Bey.
Sultan orders you to gather
Turkmen Beys and convince them.
Shall we send word to Turkmen
Beys about the meeting?
Send word immediately Bozkus.
This is very important. We will strengthen
our unity and take over Kuvel Abluka.
I want every single Bey to attend.
Only we and them will
know about the meeting spot.
We must take into account all the
dangers because they're important people.
When Aslantas and the men come
back from the search let me know.
As your order my Bey.
If my father has a son as
you said, why would he hide it?
Wouldn't he look after
his son of Basulug Hatun
like hedoes With my
brother Tapar and Berkyaruk?
There might be reasons..
we know nothing about
in this matter Mahmelek.
I will figure this out
one way or the other.
I'm scared If my father finds out you
are looking into this he will punish you.
Wait until Emir Taculmulk gets better.
He knows how to properly deal with this.
And maybe it's not true
and a lie by my uncle.
What if it's true?
There is only one way
to find out if it's true.
That is
to open up the the grave of Basulug.
My father was mad at my
brother Tapar because of this.
Now if you'll attempt to do
this my father will be very angry.
My sweet daughter, don't you worry.
I will figure this out without
a soul hearing about it.
Don’t you know your mother?
I'll walk in the snow and leave no traces.
I must talk to Gevher.
What happened Sencer?
Our Sultan decided that the Turkmen
tribes will be located around Kuvel.
He ordered me to see it through.
-I will gather the beys tomorrow.
-Will the beys accept this?
Will they leave their summer
and winter pastures and leave?
It will be hard to convince them
to leave their place of settlement
despite them being loyal to
our Sultan and their respect for me.
But I must find a way to convince them.
A hard mission awaits you.
But you were victorious in every fight.
Haqq will protect you
on your path to reach it.
That's why I am at peace.
I know you'll be victorious.
And we are always side by side.
We will share all your
troubles and hardships.
We will fight all the
evil and fix all of it.
Now you don't only walk my path with me
you are also my confident Turna.
Our troubles will grow weak as we share it.
And our happiness will
grow bigger as we share.
Maybe one day.
I will share with you my biggest secrets.
Tapar crossed the
line far too much, father.
I'm looking forward to our
rebellion to take his head.
Don't worry, son. It's so soon.
I'll dethrone my father
and throw Tapar before you.
You will take his head.
I will become Sultan
and you will become Melik.
Yet, we need to win the
Turkmen tribes over
by finding a way.
Can I come in, Melik Hadrath?
I'm eating sheep head. Come later!
Yet, it is so urgent.
Come, then!
We've received news
from our men in the tribes.
Sencer Bey sent news to all Turkmen Beys.
They are going to be
urgently gathered tomorrow.
What is the matter?
Sultan Meliksah wanted the
Turkmen tribes to settle around Kuvel.
And assigned Sencer Bey as their leader.
He will prepare this campaign.
Who is this Sencer
that he is assigned with such duties?
While I am available here
are the Turkmen tribes
being gathered around him?
Sencer Bey mentioned a
secret place for the meeting.
Yet, our men learned it.
If Sencer gathers the Beys behind him
both Sencer
and Sultan Meliksah's
power will increase.
I won't let this happen.
The matter of Basulu and the
secret son worries me so much.
What does Tapar think about it?
He seems he closed the matter.
Yet, I am also so worried.
Seferiye Hatuns has been healed.
The words he told Tekis-were
with his healthy mind
Tapar had been troubled
by that matter for so long.
If there is such a secret,
I I want to try to reveal it.
And if there is Basulu
Hatun and the secret son
the dynasty rebel
against Sultan Meliksah.
His sultanate can be in danger.
Basulu Hatun and the secret son
can be regarded as
a threat for our Sultan.
If it is needed
Basulu Hatun and her secret son
are needed to be killed.
Even Meliksah's sultanate
might be in danger.
And this matter can even
put Tapar's future in danger.
We need to solve this
matter one way or another.
If there is such a secret
we should take whichever
precaution is needed.
Firstly, we will have Basulu's
grave opened tomorrow.
If there is no corpse inside of it
then, it means
Basulu is alive
and she has a secret son.
They are only given to
the members of the dynasty.
I hope that our children have
the affinity and loyalty we have.
May they become companion on the
road and brothers in the battle, InshAllah.
You are standing up
like that black mountain.
I'm sure her soul is
resting in peace now.
Thank Allah. You look just like
the black mountains lying ahead.
My heart is in peace.
I was an enemy against you yesterday.
You are welcoming me
at your dinner table now.
I am honored with your kindness.
Enmity was in the past,
Albert. You are our friend now.
I've called you to have a
conversation as two friends.
How is your wound?
InshAllah, it will be fine.
It is fine, my Sultan. Thank you.
We need to have information about
Kuvel Castle and crusader armies.
Do you know anything about it?
Byzantine Emperor,
princes, counts, barons
All of them have enormous
trades in the world.
They are forming big caravans
going through China to Rome together.
They got their money from there.
The key point of this is Kuvel.
And if you join this great trade
You take their most
important source down.
Allah protects his subjects
who doesn't wish
anything but justice and truth.
Our only wish is saving the
innocent people from the cruel ones
just for the blessing of Allah
and letting them
come together with Allah.
We don't have any plans
about heathen's lands or treasures.
The only treasure of
our state is state treasury.
And there are
shares of our orphans
in that treasure.
We can't put any money
in such a business.
The feudal lords, who
are in this business
use their personal treasures for it.
Your personal treasure.
must be more wealthier than any of them.
My only personal treasure
is my horse
my sword
and my ablution
pitcher and my prayer rug.
And I don't have anything else.
How can it be?
You are the greatest ruler of the world.
How can it be that you
have only sword, horse
pitcher and a prayer rug?
The rulers don't collect goods or
accumulate treasury in our custom.
Everything exists for the state and people.
The throne and palace
are left to us from our
ancestor to protect them.
And we leave them to
the generations after us.
This always happened like this.
What is the source of this honorable act?
It is the master of the worlds,
Hadhrat Muhammed. (PBUH)
The angel of oracle Jebrail came to
our prophet one day and said this
"O Mohammad, Allah says salaam to you.
If you wish, I can turn these
mountains into gold for you..
and they can follow
you anywhere you go."
Our Prophet Afendi
"O Jebrail,
the earth is the home of
those who don't have a home.
.. .the earth is the wealth of
those who don't have any wealth
People without a mind save
their wealth for this earth."
He answered.
Our Prophet
showed this to us
with his lifestyle too.
When he passed away to the afterlife
he only had a robe
made out of goat wool
and a piece of barley at his home.
Our connection to this world..
comes from the virtue we
have learned from our Prophet.
For years
we have seen the people
working in our lands as slaves.
But you, with this high attitude
become the greatest state in earth,
and your people become the happiest.
Our state and our people
are strong not because
we are defeated by great armies,
but because we are not defeated by
gold and silver.
For us, home is and state are
are the afterlife.
Those who don't think of afterlife
as his home, takes earth as his home.
Because our ancestors were not
deceived by earthly good in the past
we are living in this state today.
In future, if next generations
do not get defeated by gold
and silver and earthly goods
they will continue
to rule the world.
Kinik Tribe
While you meet with the Beys,
I will take a walk around the tribe.
I need to learn who people
are, and what they do.
While you are away, I
will take care of things.
You thought well, my Turna.
InshAllah I will convince the
beys, and come here with success.
Come on, let's go.
-May you have a good morning, mother.
-Thanks son, you too.
Why did you bother,
mother, I could prepare.
I wanted to prepare it
myself on your first morning.
Come on.
Can I come in, my Bey?
Come in Arslantas.
We found and killed all of
Markus' men last night, my Bey.
Let's inform our Sultan as soon as
possible. He will be glad to hear it.
But there is also something else.
She was a prisoner at the
camp of the crusaders we killed.
They beat her real bad.
We saved her life at the last moment.
Now she is wounded.
She is waiting outside the tribe.
We wanted to ask you before
we brought her to the tribe.
We know what kind of discord
that girl tried to sow before.
Who knows what she had to do with the
crusaders, that she was captured by them.
If she is in a bad state now, it's
not our responsibility to heal her.
She can get treated in
a nearby healing center.
Turna Hatun is right.
There is no need to bring
that evil woman into the tribe.
Take her to a hospital, Arslantas.
Mother is right, Arslantas, take her.
What do you think you are doing?
Are you going to make a
decision by disregarding me?
We just don't want her
to be taken into the tribe.
I'm the Bey of this tribe, mother.
I will execute the Tore
and make the decisions.
It looks like Livia is in a bad state.
Are we going to reject someone that
came to our door and took shelter in us?
What are you going to do, my Bey?
I will do what's necessary.
Take Livia to the tribe.
As you command, my Bey.
What does Caliphate
Had rath say, my Sultan.
The attack to the hajj group.
It created unrest in Islam regions.
Their trust in us is shaken.
Everyone is worried.
If we cannot regain the lost
trust back, it will be worse.
May Allah protect, the world of Islam..
can leave our shade.
A separation and distrust at the time
when we need the unity most, will
end up in a catastrophe, my Sultan.
To regain our reputation
and have everyone trust us
again, we will do what's necessary.
The Holy Spear will go to
Kuvel as soon as possible.
And we will make a pact of
non-aggression, and secure our lands again.
My Sultan.
Since the situation is like this, if
we send the Holy Spear back
people think that we retreated
in the face of the Byzantine.
And this would worsen our reputation.
Do as I command, Hace.
The Holy Spear will go there.
Everyone will see how
we regain our reputation.
As you command, my Sultan.
Why did they torture you,
and kill Sahbender Nikolas?
Markus wanted to use us for his dirty jobs.
Since we did not obey
his wishes, he did these.
If you didn't save me
Hold on
You saved me but you don't have to help me.
I don't want to disturb your tribe's peace.
Now that Sahbender is dead,
you have no one to protect you.
The Crusaders will go
after you and want to kill you.
You've done bad things in the past.
However, according to
our Tore, you should live.
Tell the Alps to set a
tent for Livia, Arslantas.
She'll stay at the tribe
until she wants to leave.
As you order, my Bey.
Thanks, Sencer Bey.
Come on.
There may be something else behind this.
We'll understand what's going
on better as she stays at the tribe.
I'll meet the Turkmen Beys now.
You should take care of Livia's situation.
You became a healer to be a
remedy for those who seek it.
It would suit you to help Livia now.
But if you say that you won't
I'll find other healers from the tribe.
I'll do what I should do
both as a healer and
the Hatun of the Bey.
Tapar may have seen the thumb ring
I gifted Sencer and got suspicious.
He wouldn't ask so many
questions without a reason.
He wanted to open the grave because
of Tekis' words before he was injured.
What if the curiosity in
him still has not passed?
If he has such a suspicion
.. .this means that Tapar is
approaching the secret step by step.
Still would be a mistake to test Tapar
 before he makes an obvious move.
Even if he wasn't suspicious before, we
would make him suspicious by doing this.
Still, I should talk to Sencer
and Basulu Hatun soon.
Let's see if there is anything
that made them suspicious.
Gevher may know something
too. I'll keep an eye on her.
Sultan Meliksah appointed Sencer
Bey as head of Turkmen Beys.
Turkmen Tribes will
settle around Kuvel Castle.
Do you know what this means?
Meliksah made a move
I didn't expect at all.
If the tribes settle around Kuvel
they will take a hard line with us.
Kuvel Castle will fall
into Meliksah's hands.
To eliminate this move
you'll take the heads of
Sencer Bey and the Turkmen Beys.
I'll tell you the secret
place they'll meet
your soldiers will ambush
there and kill them all.
What will happen then?
We'll both eliminate
Sultan Meliksah's move
and he'll lose his reputation
in the eyes of the tribes.
And the tribes will take my side.
Hace sent news.
He wants to talk to us about the secret.
Why? Has something bad happened?
I don't know. I was going
to meet the Turkmen Beys
but if this weren't important,
Hace wouldn't have
I'll get my horse ready.
I have something to do urgently.
Go to the Turkmen Beys
and say that I'll join them later.
As you order, my Bey.
Open up the grave.
Don't you dare.
Zubeyde Hatun.
..Sencer Bey will be late because
of a very important and urgent issue.
If Sencer Bey said it's
important and urgent
we will of course wait.
However the meeting shouldn't
be late so we can make a decision
and know what's going on.
Did you follow us Zubeyde Hatun?
Did you think when both
of you left the palace
I wouldn't be suspicious?
I My eyes are always on you.
What kind of a disaster is it to
open up the grave of Basulug?
You have lost your
minds because of ambition.
You are the Hatuns of Sultan and Melik.
Both of you are pregnant
and what are you doing?
How could you dare to do this?
Didn't Tapar go against
his father because of this?
Answer me.
Melik Tekis
said Basulug Hatun might still be alive.
And our Sultan had a son with her.
He says he's keeping his son hidden.
Do you believe in Tekis's words?
He said that to break
the peace of the dynasty.
Don't you have a clue how
much what you've done can
harm Meliksah? Don't you?
Zubeyde Hatun
Why do you want to keep this hidden?
If Basulug is dead we'll
find her bones in the grave.
If she isn't
then there is a secret.
and a hidden boy out there.
This concerns you
as much as it concerns me.
We are a part of the dynasty.
We have a right to know the truth.
Let's say there is such a secret
and you found out.
What will you do?
Will you get rid of Basulug and her son?
Be careful about your
accusations Zubeyde Hatun.
We only
wish to know the truth.
Meliksah told everyone the truth.
If there's a secret it is
not your place to know.
unless he tells you.
You made a mistake towards
Meliksah with what you did.
When we get back to the
palace, you will pay for this.
Prince Isakios. Great news.
Meliksah sent the trident.
Our lord in the sky. You've
answered our prayers.
Our enemies drenched in fear
because of our wrath have finally
 bowed down to us.
May god be on our side as always.
We are victorious.
We sent the holy trident to
Kuvel. It must've arrived by now.
It is not my place to question your will
..but I wonder. How will sending
the holy trident back to
them increase our reputation?
Our reputation
will increased with revenge.
You put poison on the trident?
It isn't right to be this
late to the meeting.
He should've told us to back to our tribe.
This was not right.
What does this mean? The
spot was supposed to be secure.
Sencer was responsible for security.
How did they find us and ambush us?
Hace isn't here yet.
Whenever he called he
would be here right then,
I wonder what this secret matter is.
Melik Hadrath?
Hace didn't send you word.
It was me.
Why Melik Hadrath?
Not Melik Hadrath
your own son Tapar, mother. / b
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