Vinland Saga (2019) s01e23 Episode Script


1014 A.D.
What's in there?
It's wine.
-There's so many soldiers here.
-Of course there are.
The elders are going to gather here today.
Wow, the elders are going to eat all this?
What do you think?
That's not true.
Anyway, when he was about to get stabbed,
he didn't even notice!
What do you think about what happened the other day?
Do you mean the assassination attempt
on the prince?
I know it's awful to say this,
but we can't ignore the rumors.
I guess this means the king
has chosen Harald, not Canute.
Surely Canute's supporters are upset.
You're talking too loudly!
It's still just a rumor.
It looks like we must reconsider our plans.
No. Thorkell has joined Canute.
This more than compensates for the loss of Ragnar.
Thorkell doesn't know how to govern.
He's too much for Canute to handle.
By the way, there's someone else who joined
Canute, too.
His name was Askeladd, "covered in ash."
Well, I've never heard of him.
His Highness the king and His Highness the prince
are about to enter the room.
Well, lots of good food!
Where's Thorfinn?
There's no need to feel worried for your safety.
No one here is so foolish
as to shed blood in this place.
Hurry up and walk! Don't drag your feet!
You're a stupid kid.
Whoa, hey!
Hey, what's wrong with you?
What? It's just a kid.
Hey, wait!
How dare you touch me
with those dirty hands of yours!
What's wrong with this kid?
Hey! Don't ignore me.
Hey! Say something!
Hey, hey!
Are you making fun of us?
Pay up, you!
Hey, you--
Out of the way! Let us through!
You idiots!
You again!
You will be notified of your punishment later!
What a time to cause trouble!
Are you sure this is okay?
I heard he's the prince's guard.
The prince is attending
the imperial council right now.
There's no way his guard would be
walking around town.
Elders of Denmark
thank you for gathering here today.
My long-awaited wish has finally come true.
This land, England,
has finally come under my control.
This achievement is all thanks to your
valiant efforts in battle.
In addition, my old friend Thorkell
and my son, Canute
have returned to us,
thanks to the protection of the gods.
This is an unexpected stroke of good fortune.
I'm glad you've returned, Canute.
Your father is happy.
I'm going to put Mercia, part of our new territory,
under your rule.
Let's make this land a good country together.
Support my son.
This is my wish.
That's the most prosperous land within England
Maybe the rumors were just rumors after all.
No. You don't know that for sure.
If the rumors really are true,
then of course he'd say that.
I shall reward you as well in accordance with
your achievements in battle.
Let us continue to fight with valor
in Ireland, our next battleground.
Ireland is the land
where our previous king, King Harald,
was humiliated by Brian Boru, that insolent tyrant.
Victory is mine!
The king is reacting just as I had expected.
This proves he has no counter to my strategy.
If it's a battle of wits, I'll come out ahead.
Floki, I like that look on your face.
Sorry, but I'm going to have you
draw a losing ticket this time.
I'm the one who's going to be in control of this fight.
I have all the pieces. I can do it!
this land still harbors impudent fools
who show no respect for their king.
I wanted to let you know about this matter.
I sent a messenger to urge them
to become my vassals.
However, despite that, they refused twice.
If they are sowing seeds of rebellion
that would threaten our new territory,
then we must do everything we can
to nip it in the bud!
We shall show the inhabitants of Wales
the power of the true king.
We shall attack in the coming spring.
Be prepared.
Get up.
Do you hear me?
Get up!
You have a visitor.
Is it one of Canute's men?
Send him away.
It's not one of the prince's messengers.
It's just a sailor.
I heard from one of the traders
that someone who looked like you was taken away.
I was in a panic, Thorfinn.
It's none of your business.
So, it's been 11 years?
How hard it must have been for you
It's just as you say.
I don't understand.
As long as that man is still alive,
your heart will never be at peace.
If you say it's still not enough
then you're probably right.
I still remember it as if it were only yesterday.
The sound of the crackling fire in the hearth.
The delicious smell of the soup.
the smile on your face when you were a kid.
I was telling you the story
of how I got trapped in an ice floe
a long time ago in Brattalihd.
I had run out of food
and my ship had been destroyed.
My six friends had all died.
But I still kept walking across the ice.
Do you know why?
No matter how stormy the sea is,
no matter how frozen the sea gets
a sailor is always fighting a battle against the sea.
Just like a warrior
with their own honor at stake.
When Thors died
when you disappeared,
I swore on my honor.
So, Thorfinn, I'm not saying this for you.
I'm saying this for myself.
No matter what happens,
I'm going to bring you back to Iceland, your home.
It's my responsibility to Thors.
Next, the lords of Schleswig.
Son of Eirik, Ivar.
Come forth.
In appreciation of your achievements on the
battlefield, the king is granting you silver and land.
Accept his offering with gratitude.
But he looks normal.
Just now. It was only for a moment.
He turned pale when he heard Wales mentioned.
There might be something in Wales
that turns out to be his weakness.
Please take note.
Don't be such a pig.
What a disgrace.
Shut up! I'm expressing my gratitude
towards the god of harvest.
Do you intend to get bigger
than you already are? Unbelievable.
What is it? What's going on, King Sweyn?
Do you know about the connection
between me and Wales?
No. That's not possible.
I've never told Floki about it.
Even if he did know, he wouldn't mobilize
his entire army just to piss me off.
So, it must be a coincidence.
No. It doesn't matter.
The real problem is that Wales
is going to turn into a sea of fire in the spring.
Think. I don't have time.
How can I solve this before spring?
Should I lead a revolt with the prince?
No. Thorkell's army of 500 men
are the only ones who I could count on.
Our army doesn't have enough men.
It would take some time to convince
some of the generals to join me.
I could instigate a rebellion among the English again.
No. Wales would end up
becoming the main battlefield anyway.
Stop trying to think of a plan that involves a fight.
One of the king's assassins might try to go after
Canute in the midst of the confusion.
Don't talk to me about home now.
Far, far to the west, across the sea
there lies a new world
where the trees are laden with fruit
and grassy plains cover the land.
It's Vinland.
It's Vinland!
After you go home and things have settled down,
let's head for Vinland together!
You said it too, right?
You said that Thors wanted to go, too.
Thors came to Iceland to escape battle.
If he were still alive
I'm sure he would have tried to go there, too.
A place without slaves or war,
where everyone can live in peace.
A warm and fertile land.
Let's build a country like that.
If it's in Vinland
If it's in Vinland, I'm sure we could do it!
By the way, speaking of Wales
that's where you went when you were
running away from me, right?
What was your trick?
Why did the people of Wales help you Danes?
My mother's grave is there.
That land
is my home.
It's my country.
The land is poor but the people are full of pride.
It's the country my mother loved.
I see.
Well, you know, sorry to hear that.
That information is just between us, tell no one.
I know.
His Highness Canute's vassal.
Askeladd, son of Olaf.
Come forth.
Now what?
is luck never on my side in the 11th hour?
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