365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e24 Episode Script

Hyeong Ju Finally Takes Control of the Reset

(Final Episode)
How did you know I was here?
Today is your daughter's death anniversary.
You and I have repeated
the year several times now.
Were you
really going to kill Young?
Did the professor order you to do it?
Is that so?
I'm sorry.
You know how much pain
she suffered from better than anyone.
How could you do this to her?
That was the only way for me to see my daughter too.
What did you say?
He promised to take me with him
for the next reset.
But your daughter died three years ago.
You can only go back a year.
Did he leave that out to you?
All clinical tests
come with side effects.
What do you mean?
Wait, will you do that to Young?
No, I can't do that even if I knew the reason.
I can't take things this far.
You will
end up doing it,
because you always have.
(Ms. Song)
Have you been killing Young all this time?
Every single year?
Because you need me for the reset,
did you sacrifice my daughter?
I only did it for you, Shin.
For me?
How long do you think your daughter can live?
Just because she's alive now,
does it mean she'll last one more month or year?
Before she dies, do you think someone will develop the cure?
As a doctor, you know the answer better than anyone.
I didn't want you to make a difficult decision.
I didn't want you to rely on an uncertain future
and be foolish enough to give up
living the perfect year.
You should have at least given me a chance to decide.
About Detective Ji.
Aren't you curious about how he'll die?
You know, Samo Pharmaceuticals where Professor Hwang is working at?
I looked into it, and this company has a lot of problems.
It's about the clinical trial they conducted at the sanatorium.
They requested to develop a new drug with rigged data.
And there's a record that they were investigated by
What's wrong? Did something happen?
Something is up.
What about Ms. Song?
No. Not yet.
I see. Okay.
Just because she's alive now,
does it mean she'll last one more month or year?
Before she dies, do you think someone will develop the cure?
There are 13 days left until the reset.
This time, you'll decide.
You made the right decision.
I knew you'd make the right decision.
But under one condition.
Please keep Detective Park Sun Ho out of this.
He's too dangerous.
Of course.
I wasn't going to go through the reset with him, to begin with.
I was just playing along
until Detective Ji was eliminated.
Right about now, he's probably
preparing to take his role diligently.
Arrest warrant?
On what grounds?
On the grounds of attempted murder and instigation to murder.
Song Ji Hyun reported it to Seoul Makang Police Station.
I asked you to be a bit more patient.
I thought you'd be happy with my decision.
Isn't that why you told me the truth about Professor Hwang?
Back then
Things have changed now.
The same goes for me.
I no longer have a reason to obey his orders.
An arrest warrant for Hwang No Sub has been issued.
That's a relief.
We can detain him for at least 48 hours.
We'll catch him before the reset and stop it.
We'd be able to put an end to this if Park Sun Ho is with him.
Professor Hwang said that Mujin was his hometown.
The resetting place was about two hours from Seoul.
Mujin is about that far as well.
Maybe they're hiding there.
Sa Kyung, did you receive any reports about Park Sun Ho
being spotted in Mujin?
Hold on.
Yes, there was one.
But the CCTV footage was too poor
to verify it.
And one more thing.
Can you check if Hwang No Sub lived in Mujin?
- Text me. - Okay.
I should go right now.
Right now?
We need to catch Park Sun Ho before tomorrow comes.
I'll tell Sa Kyung to come here just in case.
Don't go anywhere and stay at home.
Hyeong Ju.
About Detective Ji
Aren't you curious about how he'll die?
He dies while trying to save you.
And it's extremely gruesome.
Will Hyeong Ju die because of me?
Is this true?
Will he die while trying to save me?
You must know.
Tell me.
I'm sorry.
You and Detective Ji are going to do everything
in your power to stop Professor Hwang.
But you see, I need him.
Are you saying you'll go through the reset once again?
I've thought about it, and that's the right thing to do.
Once January 11th passes,
I won't be able to bring Young back to life anymore.
I decided to choose the safe path
over the unseen future.
How do you know if that future will happen
in a year or a decade?
You could be stopping her
from turning 10 or even 20.
The fate of death
can never be changed.
You're wrong.
It can be.
I'll show you.
If he dies while trying to save me,
then we just need to stay apart.
If that's what it takes,
I'll do it.
I'd like to report something.
I think I spotted Park Sun Ho, the escaped criminal, in Mujin.
Hyeong Ju.
Let's stay alive
no matter what.
Of course.
(January 9, January 11 Reset)
(January 9)
We need to hurry.
If something happens to me, you won't be able to reset.
Don't forget that and make sure to do your job.
You two are acquainted?
Young lived thanks to her.
Will Hyeong Ju die because of me?
Is this true?
Will he die while trying to save me?
You must know. Tell me.
Why aren't you arresting Professor Hwang?
We're investigating. First, you should turn yourself in.
He's at Zian Clinic right now.
(Psychiatrist Lee Shin)
(Ji Hyeong Ju, Shin Ga Hyeon)
(Ji Hyeong Ju, 32 years old)
(Shin Ga Hyeon, 28 years old)
- Hello? - Get out of there right now.
This is the first and the last time
you'll be getting my help.
We're back here again, Professor Hwang No Sub.
I wonder if you knew everything that happened to us
from the moment we first gathered here
until now.
If everything was predictable,
that'd be boring.
Where is Park Sun Ho?
Fine by me. You can take your time.
I was going to detain you first anyway.
Why do you think there was only one card?
That's because you and Ga Hyeon
died on the same day and at the same place.
She already knows this.
Did she not tell you?
What did you say?
Ga Hyeon.
Ji Hyeong Ju.
Touch her, and I'll kill you.
That all depends on your actions.
First, rip that arrest warrant.
And come here right now
- if you want to save her. - Where are you?
Where am I?
I'm at your headquarters.
You know what will happen to her if you bring others with you, right?
- Hyeong Ju. - Ga Hyeon.
Don't be afraid. I'll be there soon.
I'm okay, so please don't come. Please.
Ga Hyeon. Ga Hyeon.
He still has the arrest warrant.
He wants you to rip that up
if you want to save her.
Keep her alive for now.
I'm curious
about how you two will end up.
You should hurry.
There's not much time until everything is over.
When he arrives, eliminate both of them without a trace.
That's your ticket to the reset.
The reset ticket.
Ga Hyeon.
Ga Hyeon.
(Detective Jin Sa Kyung)
Tell her that you're at your friend's house,
and not to worry about you. Then, send her back.
(Detective Jin Sa Kyung)
We should go to somewhere else.
Yes, Detective Jin.
Hyeong Ju, see you there.
Do you know
how you two died in your previous life?
(I sent you the episode about Samson.)
(Please review it and send me your comments.)
(Please review it and send me your comments.)
(Detective Ji Hyeong Ju)
(Seoul Makang Police Station)
The person you have reached is unavailable.
You'll be connected to the voicemail box.
(Let's meet here. Don't tell anyone. Come alone.)
I wouldn't have run away if I was only going to kill you
just because you caught me.
Let's leave Ga Hyeon out of this.
This webtoon artist, Maru,
is dying because of you.
Detective Ji.
Detective Ji.
Detective Ji?
Do you know why Hyeong Ju went through
the reset?
It was because Oh Myung Chul killed you.
To save you, he went through the reset.
I regretted like crazy
that I came
to save a scumbag like you.
If you cared about Hyeong Ju even for a bit,
turn yourself in now.
And stop this now.
I know how deeply he cared about me.
So after I go through the reset,
I will be careful not to get caught.
Then, I might not kill you.
He's late.
He must be here about now.
You won't be able to kill Hyeong Ju.
I won't let you.
I can't kill?
The only person I couldn't kill was Professor Hwang.
And I'll kill that old man once I'm done with the reset.
As long as I put my mind to it,
I can kill anyone.
Did you get that?
Ga Hyeon. Ga Hyeon!
Hyeong Ju.
Ga Hyeon.
Let go!
Ga Hyeon.
Hang in there.
The ambulance will be here soon.
Hyeong Ju.
The autograph
I'm sorry
for not signing your book.
I will
sign it
next time.
Ga Hyeon.
Hyeong Ju.
Our fate today will affect our fate tomorrow.
I'll make sure to catch the culprit,
so it doesn't come to that.
You're wrong.
It can be.
I'll show you.
Ga Hyeon truly changed your fate.
And I plan to do the same.
I must go through the reset.
I won't do it.
I decided to stay in the present.
I want to believe in the present my daughter has.
And I'm also curious
about her future I've never seen before.
It's all thanks to you two.
I know I can't earn your forgiveness.
But I will remember
all of my wrongdoings
and plan to accept and face all of my punishment.
I must go back.
Another set of painful memories
might be waiting for you there.
You may repeat the mistakes I have made too.
I don't care.
What do I need to do?
As you already guessed,
only the professor knows the way.
Are you sure there's no other way?
I only know the way up to the tunnel.
He told me that there's a forked road
at the end of the tunnel.
One way leads to the reset.
And the other way
leads to death.
Good luck, Detective Ji.
Our fate today will affect our fate tomorrow.
I don't think I have a friend like you.
A friend who's willing to travel back in time to save me.
I can at least make one friend who would before I die, right?
You have me. I'm on my way.
- Are you leaving now? - Yes.
- Are you sure you can go alone? - Of course.
How did you
It didn't matter which road I took. They both gave me a chance
as long as I wasn't afraid.
Mr. Hwang No Sub.
You're under arrest
for violating Article 34 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
and committing an illegal activity
regarding the approval of a plan for a clinical trial.
Do you think I'll be punished for something like this?
To get out on parole, you will rot in prison at least for a year
no matter how hard you try.
It means you won't be able to do the reset.
You will never
be able to play with other people's lives.
Mr. Park Sun Ho.
Hyeong Ju. How did you find me here?
You're under arrest for murdering Hwang Seok Man, Lieutenant Kim,
Kim Moon Hong, and Park Hyun Jae and abandoning their bodies.
You can hire an attorney, remain silent
Stay there.
Don't come near me.
It's all over.
This is where the masterpiece was born.
Let's go, Maru.
Let's go. My gosh.
Excuse me. I'm sorry. Sorry.
I'm sorry.
Detective Ji.
Aren't you Detective Ji Hyeong Ju?
Can you
recognize me?
Of course.
Aren't you the detective who caught
the serial killer detective at Seoul Makang Police Station?
I saw you on the news.
By any chance,
are you the webtoon artist of "Hidden Killer"?
Do you know me?
You are her, right? I wasn't sure.
I had been waiting to get your autograph for a year,
but I couldn't get it in the end.
My autograph?
Well, yes. It's nothing.
it's nice to see you again.
I'll be looking forward to finding out who Samson is.
Good luck, Maru.
Detective Ji.
Can I
consult you about my work?
If you keep your promise.
The autograph.
Of course.
(We will remember our viewers for 365 days a year.)
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