All That Glitters (2023) s01e24 Episode Script

Episode 24

Sis Zhenyu.
Long time no see! You've grown so tall.
Beibei, remember her?
Yes. She's Sis Jiahui.
Smart girl.
Mom, can you take Beibei
to buy color pencils?
Her dad will be here soon.
Beibei, let's go buy color pencils.
Say bye-bye to them.
What drinks would you like?
I'll make them for you.
It's okay, Sis Zhenyu.
Don't stand on ceremony.
-Liu Mu
He didn't look me up.
-Zhenyu, Liu Mu
Jintiao, as I said,
he didn't look me up.
How is that possible?
Jiahui went to pick him up,
but he was nowhere to be seen.
He didn't look me up either.
If he did not come to find you,
where could he have gone?
It's none of our concern where he is.
Please tell him to leave Zhenyu alone.
Only Zhenyu's words count. Yours don't.
He is Zhenyu's husband.
So what? He stole Liu Mu's woman.
That's enough.
Did I say anything wrong?
He stole Zhenyu
when Liu Mu was in trouble.
Don't go on anymore.
Sorry, he's not in his right mind.
-Let's go.
-Hang on.
You said only my words count, right?
Okay, here's what I have to say.
If you see him,
please tell him to stay away
from me and my family.
Thank you.
Zhenyu, how could you be so heartless?
Have you forgotten
how good Liu Mu was to you?
Liu Mu treated you so well!
You okay?
I asked my mom to take Beibei
to buy color pencils.
If he really looks you and Beibei up,
what will you do?
You've never thought of that?
I promised him he could see his child.
Then what will you tell Beibei?
I'll tell her that he's a friend of mine.
No! I won't let him see Beibei.
Lady boss, two kopi-o, please.
How could she say that?
She's already married and has a kid now.
Nothing wrong in wanting others
to leave her alone.
Others? It's Liu Mu, mind you.
That woman is so unfeeling.
She betrayed Liu Mu.
She said she'd wait for Liu Mu
to be released.
But Bro Musen told Sis Zhenyu
not to wait for him.
Jiahui, could Liu Mu have gone to Jianzhi?
No way!
He's been hiding from us
ever since Liu Mu got into trouble.
Not once did he attend the court sessions.
He must've become Richard Mo's lackey.
Liu Mu would never go to that traitor.
Thank you.
When you wrote that letter to him,
we were not yet married
and Beibei wasn't born yet.
But it's different now.
We're a family and Beibei is my daughter.
I won't allow him to be anywhere
near my daughter.
-Bro Ming.
I can agree to anything but this.
You can't be sure he won't tell Beibei,
"I'm not your uncle
I'm your dad."
A ticket for 2:30 p.m. to Malaysia.
Careful, Beibei. Don't run around.
Walk faster.
Child? Whose child?
My child.
Beibei is my daughter. She's a Wang.
I am Beibei's father.
How about you?
Have you ever done anything
for Zhenyu and Beibei?
Some things, once lost,
are lost forever.
Zhenyu is living a blissful life now.
Beibei is a happy child too.
I'll do whatever it takes to protect them,
I won't let you ruin our happiness.
I sprained my back again just now.
-So heavy
-Sis Zhu.
-Is your back better?
Yes. It doesn't hurt anymore.
That's good.
-Thank you, Sis Zhu.
-Be careful.
Lin Musen.
Any problem adapting?
So far so good.
The weather's hot. Drink more water.
Let's eat.
Here, an extra dish for you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, Sis Zhu.
Enough to eat?
-Thank you.
-Thanks, Sis Zhu.
Eat more. Then you'll have
more energy to work.
Give me back my ball.
Is there a problem with your ears?
You know who I am?
Return the ball to me.
You haven't apologized
for hitting me with your ball.
Why should I apologize to you?
Why do you think
you don't have to apologize?
Because I'm the lady boss's son.
-You are Sis Zhu's son?
All the more reason to apologize.
So others will think
you have good manners.
Good manners? What's that?
Go ask your mom.
Give me back my ball!
Just you wait!
Have you made all the arrangements?
Yes, everything's settled.
We spent less than expected.
As you said,
no one can resist women and money.
Not to worry,
I've had pinhole cameras
installed in the hotel room.
I'll make sure we've got something on them
so they'll do our bidding.
All right, bye.
It's been a long time.
I heard you went to Bangkok.
You're married?
No. You?
I'm still single.
Given your accomplishments,
you meet Zhenting's requirements.
What accomplishments?
I'm just an employee.
There are many kinds of employees.
I hear you're now
Richard Mo's right-hand man.
Not everyone can be this kind of employee.
Fancy seeing you here. What a coincidence.
There aren't that many
coincidences in this world.
I followed you here.
You believe that?
I'm staying at the hotel opposite.
I came here for tea.
I didn't think I'd bump into you.
Since you're back, why didn't you go home?
You know how my relationship
with my family is.
Now I also have
a sister-in-law to deal with.
Even my mom's intimidated by her.
Who'd want to go back to a home like that?
I'm sure you know
Bro Musen has been released.
How is he?
No idea.
You haven't seen him?
He'd already left
when I went to pick him up.
He didn't contact you at all
after his release?
Did he contact Jintiao?
Not him either.
I sent him a card
during Christmas last year.
I wrote my number in it.
I also told him to contact me
after his release.
But he didn't.
Looks like Bro Musen
doesn't want to contact anybody.
You know full well
Bro Musen
shouldn't have been imprisoned.
The one who should be
put behind bars is Richard Mo.
He ended up pocketing
tens of millions of dollars.
Bro Musen mustn't be jailed for nothing.
Richard Mo must compensate Bro Musen.
I'd advise you to give up that idea.
I know.
Richard Mo is your boss.
You owe your success and riches to him.
To you, Bro Musen
is dispensable.
I'm not surprised you chose to
defend your boss
who can give you a life of luxury.
I'm disappointed to hear you say that.
You know I see Liu Mu as my closest buddy.
Being indifferent
and not sharing joy and sorrow
is how you treat a buddy?
When Bro Musen was arrested
and taken to court,
where were you?
You were having a good time
with Richard Mo.
I was working.
I get it. Your future matters most.
People are mercenary.
Nothing wrong with saving your own skin.
But if you still speak of brotherhood,
it's revolting.
You may not know this,
but I told Liu Mu
I was willing to shoulder
everything for him.
I offered to go to jail in his stead.
But he said no.
Bro Musen is someone
who answers for his own actions.
You knew he wouldn't
agree to your suggestion.
Nothing I say matters now.
What's done cannot be undone.
I can only make it up to him.
I prepared a sum of money for him.
How much?
S$300,000 for brotherhood and loyalty?
Bro Musen was in prison for six years -
over 2,000 days.
That's only worth S$300,000 to you?
You think it's too little?
I can think of a way to raise more money.
Make it S$3 million.
You have to pay Bro Musen
S$3 million as compensation
Three million dollars?
Even if I sell all my possessions,
I'll never be able to raise that amount.
You don't have that much money,
but Richard Mo does.
Bro Musen won't take the money, of course.
So you'll give it to me.
I'll safeguard the money
and make investments for him.
He'll get to live a comfortable life.
Jiahui, what you want
is out of the question.
Aren't you Richard Mo's trump card?
He'll listen to you.
I told him Liu Mu was going
to be released from prison.
Guess what he said.
He said he didn't know Liu Mu.
That shut me up.
How am I to ask him for money?
Never mind.
I'll think of something.
Where are you going?
I'm warning you -
Richard Mo isn't someone
you can afford to offend.
Don't be reckless.
Is that so?
What can he do to me?
Have me killed?
Uncle, I'm sorry.
I know what good manners are now.
Can I have my football back?
But you kick a football, not carry it.
Not bad.
Pass it to me.
Little Boss.
They're waiting for you.
Little Boss is here.
Richard, you're here. Join us.
No, thanks. I have something on.
Dad, you asked to see me?
You're getting impudent.
Don't know how to do a proper greeting?
Sorry, Auntie Xin.
I was in a hurry,
so I forgot to greet you.
No worries, I'll get you a bowl of soup.
You're really something, huh?
You're a casino magnate
and also the head of an international
football betting syndicate.
Who told you that?
Young man.
Ever hear of this saying?
Don't do what you don't want
others to find out.
Yup, I've heard of that.
But in this Internet age,
it's out of style.
Even the most classified information
of a country
can be leaked.
There are no secrets in this world.
Richard, have some soup.
Thanks, Auntie Xin.
You need to show me proof.
You say I'm a casino magnate
and the head of
a football betting syndicate.
Where's the proof?
You found a scapegoat again.
More like a mercenary.
So long as you're willing to pay,
someone will take the blame
or go all out for you.
You've made enough money in Singapore,
Malaysia and South-east Asia, eh?
Now you're even expanding to Europe.
I must say your info is rather inaccurate.
Strictly speaking,
I do business anywhere
there are people who love football.
Bribing the referees and players,
manipulating the matches
and illegal football betting.
What kind of business is that?
It's a business all right.
Any idea how much funds are generated
in a football season?
Any idea how many organizations
want a share of the pie?
I've reminded you before.
Someone could be after your life.
Aren't you afraid?
Oh, I'm scared to death.
That's why I want to get
more and more powerful.
So powerful that
only I get to deal with others.
Nobody will dare touch me.
Auntie Xin, the soup's so tasty.
No wonder they say
"Ah Er" (mistress) make the best soups.
Excuse me?
You've never heard of
Ah Er Nutritious Soup?
Who's Ah Er?
Xuemin, let it go.
Who are you calling Ah Er? Tell me!
It's no secret anyway.
You want me to spell it out?
As long as my dad and mom aren't divorced,
Auntie Xin is the mistress.
And that makes you the mistress's child.
Have you said enough?
I'm being candid because we're a family.
I didn't know you'd be so touchy about it.
My apologies.
We're all family. Talk things over calmly.
Cool down.
Don't worry.
Your dad has high blood pressure
and he's had some wine.
Not to worry. He's my dad.
I'll take care of him.
Dad, stay out of my affairs.
I know I can't stop you.
Your businesses are flourishing,
and you're wealthy and powerful.
I'm just a little boss
who owns a few nightclubs.
Compared to you, I'm just small fry.
Be content with what you have.
You've made enough dirty money.
Dirty money?
Am I wrong in saying that?
You're right. Money is dirty.
Money is also the root of all evil.
Money poisons the mind.
You think of ways to make more money
when you wake up every day.
If you lose sight of this goal,
you'll feel life is meaningless.
Don't you think the same way, Dad?
Don't compare yourself to me.
Because the money you make is "clean"?
Have you forgotten how you started out?
How you made use of women
to make money for you?
Auntie Xin made loads of money for you
when she was young.
She was the most popular one
at your nightclub.
Forget it.
To put it bluntly,
you lived off women.
I tried to give you advice,
yet you uttered all that nonsense!
I've had enough of you!
You call Mom a nutcase everytime
when it's you that's the nutcase!
Say that again.
Would a normal man
call his wife a nutcase?
-Even if Mom is nuts.
-It's because you drove her crazy!
-Shut up!
I'd wanted to visit her, but you asked me
to come and listen to your hogwash.
If anything happens to her,
I won't let you off!
What will you do to me, huh?
Little Boss.
Careful, you have high blood pressure.
You said you'd stay calm.
Calm down. Please leave.
Hands off! You're just a lackey,
don't you ask me to leave.
-Little Boss.
-Shut up!
Get lost!
You think I like coming here?
The person I hate to see most is him!
What right have you to lecture me?
Richard, don't go on anymore.
Please leave, okay?
I'd wanted to leave,
but now I don't want to.
He wants to lecture me.
Do it now!
My mom went berserk because of you,
wretched woman!
Bro Cong
-Bro Cong.
Boss is showing signs of a stroke.
Call an ambulance right away.
Bro Cong, you're scaring me.
You wanted to tell me off, didn't you?
Do it now.
What's wrong? Tell me off.
Can't move? Why don't you hit me instead?
-Hit me.
-Hit me, come on!
-Let go!
-Come and hit me!
Relax. I'm just trying to agitate him.
Old man, here comes your retribution.
-Don't raise your voice at me!
Old man, this day has finally come.
Hey! Stop it!
You guys think I'm going overboard?
What I'm doing is nothing
compared to what he did.
He's done things to my mom
that are more callous!
Daddy, the ambulance will arrive soon.
Great, send him to hospital quickly.
Don't let him die.
Make sure he survives,
so he can live a miserable life
with his mouth drooping
and being paralyzed.
That's what I call retribution.
Gen, take him away!
Little Boss, leave!
I don't want to hit anyone. Out of my way.
I can't leave, I'm your son.
What if the ambulance doesn't come?
He'll be doomed.
I'll be an unfilial son
if I can't see you off
on your final journey.
Hey! Let go of her!
Let go!
-Let her go!
-Let go!
-Let go of her!
-Bro Cong!
-Bro Cong.
-Bro Cong.
-Daddy, the ambulance is coming.
Bro Cong.
Bro Cong!
You scoundrel!
Boss, wake up.
-Bro Cong!
-Wake up
-Bro Cong.
I hope he's all right.
He'll be all right.
Miss Xuemin.
What's the matter? You had a nightmare?
No matter how terrifying
your nightmare is,
it vanishes the moment you wake up.
I didn't have a nightmare.
You're crying?
I'm not.
Okay You're not crying.
You're not a wimp,
and you didn't have a nightmare.
What happened?
My daddy
might not make it.
Lin Musen.
What now?
What should I do?
Tell me how Mr. Mo is doing.
The doctor says
my daddy had a cerebral hemorrhage.
He's in a critical condition.
He has to undergo surgery right away.
The success rate is rather low.
We were told to be mentally prepared.
He's to blame.
It's all his fault.
I'm going to kill him.
Mo Xuemin, don't be ridiculous.
If my daddy doesn't survive,
I won't let him off.
Who are you talking about?
Richard Mo.
You want to kill your brother?
He's no brother of mine.
He knew my daddy has high blood pressure.
Yet he kept provoking and agitating him.
When my daddy collapsed,
he didn't try to help him at all.
He even said it was
my daddy's retribution.
I'm going to kill him.
I hate him so much.
I hate him!
Miss, this is a hospital.
Please keep your voice down.
Mo Xuemin, you're a fool.
You're the apple of your dad's eye.
He'd never let you do something so stupid.
Perish the thought.
Death comes to everybody.
Dying without regrets is a good thing.
Lin Musen, shut up, you jerk.
Daddy won't die.
He won't die.
Mo Xuemin, stop trying
to make yourself feel better.
Prepare for the worst.
Then when the news comes,
you'll be at peace with it.
At peace with it?
How do you expect me to do that?
He's my daddy.
He's my dearest family.
He dotes on me and loves me most.
Mo Xuemin.
You can do it.
You're not a wimp.
I can't accept that Daddy might leave me.
What's wrong with that?
Cry it out.
Then you'll be fine.
I won't hang up.
Let it all out.
When you're done crying,
you can continue ranting.
You'll be all right.
Who knows what his background is.
What's wrong with Sis Zhu?
Why did she hire a man
with an unknown background?
It's hard to find workers.
I reminded Sis Zhu to lock
the doors and windows at night.
Don't make him out to be so scary.
He doesn't seem like a bad guy.
Bad guys don't go around
telling people they're bad guys.
I brought snacks.
Take a break and enjoy them.
Thank you, Sis Zhu.
I thought you were a reclusive person.
You have someone you care about?
No, thanks.
Sis Zhu.
I have to let you know
I was just released from jail.
I didn't ask, did I?
I know the others think
I have a suspicious background
and warn you about me.
If it makes you uneasy,
I can leave right away.
Did you molest or rape someone?
Of course not.
That's good, then.
Who doesn't make mistakes?
I was sent to a girls' home.
I used to do many foolish things.
Everyone has a past.
Sis Zhu.
Sis Zhu.
What's the matter?
I'm taking you out to play.
-Come on.
-Come with me.
-I don't want to!
-Tang Dawei, what are you doing?
Taking my son out.
This is more like abduction.
You think the verdict is a joke?
The court granted you custody of our son,
but I'm still allowed to
spend time with him.
He'll stay at my place for two days.
I'll do my part as the father.
Do your part as the father? My foot!
You left him alone at home previously
and went out to make merry.
Kaikai climbed out the window as a result.
If your neighbor hadn't called the police,
I'd have lost my son.
-Come on!
I only went out to buy food.
Stop bringing up that incident
to stop me from spending time with my son.
You're not taking my son away!
Give me RM500 and I'll leave.
You're only after money, aren't you?
Yet you claimed you wanted to
do your part as the father.
Not giving me money?
I'll take our son away.
-Who are you?
-Just a worker.
Let go!
Get lost!
Grandma, you can't tell
left from right like me?
Who can't?
Why are you going this way, then?
Our place is that way.
I'm waiting for someone.
Who are you waiting for?
Granny Thunder.
-Here she is.
-Let's go home.
-What are you doing?
-Huang Jintiao.
Am I that scary?
Then why are you running away
like you've seen a ghost?
Too ashamed to see you.
I can't hear you.
Ashamed to see you.
You're a big man. Be bold and speak up.
Don't mumble.
I'm too ashamed to see you.
Close your eyes.
Head down.
What for?
You've got a way with him.
What are you doing?
You're a big man. Afraid of needles?
I'm not afraid.
Your expression says otherwise.
Look at his hands.
Is he any good?
I don't know either.
They say he's a great physician.
Pull down your pants.
Remove his pants for him
so I can do acupuncture.
Aren't you his wife?
-I don't want to remove my pants.
He has to do that
before I can do acupuncture.
I'm not taking off my pants.
Why should I do that?
-I'll help you.
Close your eyes first!
I can't take off your pants
if I close my eyes.
Then we'll close our eyes together.
Where's Jintiao?
He's inside. Here, sit down.
You went to buy a lottery ticket?
No. I went to see Lin Facai.
Who's Lin Facai?
The lawyer who always
appears in TV commercials.
-Why do you need a lawyer?
-To get a divorce.
You want to get a divorce?
Of course not me.
It's Jintiao and that witch.
You should see how that witch
treats my grandson.
If Jintiao doesn't get a divorce,
he'll die at the hands
of that witch one day.
Oh, right.
Teach me how to use this.
Who do you want to call?
Not that.
I want to learn how to "record TV."
"Record TV"?
Oh, you mean record a video?
That's right, record a video.
What do you want to record?
Evidence of how that witch
tortures Jintiao.
That's not a good idea.
Don't bother to talk me round.
I brought this upon Jintiao.
I don't have much longer to live,
but Jintiao's still got
a long way ahead of him.
What's in those two lousy bags?
I don't want them here!
What are you doing?
I'm going to throw you out today.
-Don't touch my things!
-Get out!
-Give them back to me.
-How dare you fight me!
Stop it!
The neighbors are going to complain again.
Raising your voice at me, eh?
-Darned cripple!
-Don't hit him!
Why don't you just go to hell?
Go to hell!
What's the use of living? Just die
Darned witch! Hitting him, huh?
I'll get evidence and sue you!
Who's there? Coming.
You'd better keep quiet.
Jianzhi, it's you!
-Long time no see!
-Granny Thunder.
Who is it? Don't open
the door to a stranger.
He is Jintiao's buddy.
He's no buddy of mine!
It's Jianzhi. What's with you?
I don't know any disloyal people like him.
Granny Thunder, I went
to your old place just now.
Your neighbor said you'd moved here.
That's right
I bought tonics for you.
So kind of you. Thank you.
This is?
I'm Jintiao's wife.
Hello, Mrs. Huang.
-Here, Granny Thunder.
-You're too kind.
I'll take it for you.
-Come in and have a seat.
-No, thanks.
Jintiao, can we go downstairs for a chat?
Is your injury
from that time?
Your injury is so serious.
Oi! In a hurry to get reincarnated?
It's them?
You know them?
Liu Mu went to prison because of him.
As for the other one, it's
It's Jianzhi.
He's a lackey. You know what a lackey is?
He's in charge of the business in Europe.
Liu Mu is in jail because of you.
No problem.
Why are you holding a brick?
To smash your car.
Are you crazy?
Why do you want to smash my car?
To take revenge for Liu Mu.
Liu Mu?
It's because of you Liu Mu is in prison.
And you.
You're a lackey who betrayed your friend.
Liu Mu's answering for his own actions.
I may be stupid,
but I know who the bad guy is.
He conned people out of
hundreds of millions of dollars.
He made Liu Mu the fall guy.
He should be the one
in prison, not Liu Mu.
Yup. Why smash my car then?
I'm standing right here.
Attack me instead.
Come on. Smash my head in.
You think I don't dare to do that?
Yeah, I think you don't.
What are you laughing at?
I doubt you have the guts to attack me.
Come on, smash my head in.
Huang Jintiao, I'm warning you -
you'll go to jail for assaulting him.
Don't be rash.
So be it! I'm not afraid.
You'd better get out of the way,
or I might hit you by accident.
Huang Jintiao!
I told you to get out of the way.
This isn't my fault.
You hit him.
What are you doing? Stop filming.
The lorry!
What did the doctor say?
Is it temporary, or?
He Jianzhi, drop your act.
Whether I'm temporarily
or permanently in a wheelchair,
it's none of your business.
Why did you come here? Cut to the chase.
Is this about my smashing your head in?
Grab a stone and smash my head in.
Or push me down the stairs.
I know you're mad at me.
But it's unfair to blame me
for Liu Mu's imprisonment.
I have nothing to do with it.
I know.
But where were you
when Liu Mu was in trouble?
So you ran off
to be with that jerk Richard Mo.
You knew he caused Liu Mu
to be imprisoned.
Why did you go work for him?
Someone like you
would be a traitor in a war drama
that betrays his buddy
for high positions and riches.
Did Liu Mu contact you?
You'd either be executed by a firing squad
or beaten to death
Enough of your nonsense.
I'm asking you, did Liu Mu contact you?
He didn't contact Jiahui either.
Where could he have gone?
Why are you looking for him?
I don't like to owe others favors.
When my used car business was in trouble,
he didn't think twice about
using all his money to help me.
I want to return the favor.
That's only right.
I know.
I don't have a lot,
but S$200,000 to S$300,000 is no problem.
But given Liu Mu's character,
he won't accept the money.
That's because he thinks
your money is dirty.
Say what you like.
I came here today
to discuss this with you.
I want to start a company under your name.
What are you up to?
It'll be a shell company.
I'll transfer the money
to this shell company's bank account.
Liu Mu will look you up eventually.
When the time comes,
invite him to join the company.
Spend the money however you like.
Use it to invest or do business.
Do as Liu Mu says.
-He's competent. He will
-Hear me out first.
-This won't do.
If I do that,
before Liu Mu comes to me,
someone will pocket the money.
Subtitle translation by: Youshi
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