Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e24 Episode Script

Rehabilitation Training

Are you heading into battle?
Is that you, Kocho?
We just got some new information
about a demon,
and the Slayers who confronted him
got taken out.
We're losing rank and filers, too, now.
We can't stand by and do nothing!
Could it be the Twelve Kizuki?
Most likely, yes. It might be
a member of the Upper Ranks.
It sounds like a difficult mission,
but as long as you're going, Rengoku,
there's nothing to worry about.
Kocho, what's your plan
taking in that head-butting kid?
You said you were going to add
more Tsuguko,
but I'm sure that's not the reason.
Don't worry, it's not as if
I'll gobble him up, all right?
Well, of course you wouldn't!
Be careful.
I can't possibly take any more!
We go through this every single day!
You're the most severely injured, Zenitsu!
Take your medicine this second!
Tanjiro, your medicine is right over there.
Here you go.
Tanjiro's medicine goes down easy,
doesn't it? Right?
It's different than mine, isn't it?
I call favoritism! I call favoritism!
Zenitsu, this is a hospital ward!
Pipe down!
You seem to be doing well!
Are you all right?
Well, I came this close to getting
melted away, but I made it somehow.
But I hear you guys got really banged up.
It looks like it's going to take some time.
And Wild Boar Kid,
in your case, was it the throat?
What's the matter with him?
He went through a lot.
If you could please let him be
But for this guy of all people
to be so listless—
Who is that person?
He's Murata. He fought
with us on Mt. Natagumo.
I'm Murata! Nice to meet you!
Hey, your arm
I almost got turned into a spider,
and my arms and legs are still short
And that's why you need this medicine!
But it tastes so gross!
There's only so much gross
a person can take!
Don't come crying to me
if your arms don't go back to normal!
So cold! That's such a cold thing to say!
You don't know how good you have it!
I mean, if you take this medicine and get
lots of sunlight, there'll be no lasting effects!
I can't do it!
Gross is gross! No two ways about it!
Looks like fun. Lucky you.
I was summoned to the Hashira Meeting
to give my report on the Mt. Natagumo incident.
And it was like hell!
Those Hashira are way too terrifying!
All pissed about how the quality
of the newer Slayers has gone downhill
Because there were some of us
who didn't follow orders on Mt. Natagumo.
And they were like, "Who trained them?"
What good would it do
to ask someone of my rank anyway?
Hashira terrify me!
Hashira! Lady Kocho!
Oh hello! Goodbye!
Oh my! Goodbye!
How is your recovery coming along?
I think we're a lot better now.
Then, let's have you start
your Rehabilitation Training, shall we?
Rehabilitation Training?
Forgive me for being weak.
Tanjiro and Inosuke were taken away
by the Hashira, Lady Kocho,
and started something
called "Rehabilitation Training."
Lady Shinobu's voice is totally unique.
I don't think I've ever heard
anything like it.
It lacks regularity,
and it scares me a little.
But when she was treating the people
who got turned into spiders,
she sure seemed like a goddess.
No wonder everyone ran
to Lady Shinobu in tears.
Not only that,
but she's unbelievably cute!
I bet she could make a living
on her looks alone.
So, this cute lady has taken Tanjiro and Inosuke
to Rehabilitation Training to rebuild their stamina.
And any minute now
they'll be back in this kind of state.
Welcome back, Tanjiro, Inosuke!
How did it go today?
What happened?
What's the matter? Hey
Don't mind us.
You gotta tell me about it!
Because I'll be joining you
a little late starting tomorrow!
Scary! Scary! Scary!
I don't wanna go!
All right, since you'll be joining us
from today, Zenitsu,
I'll explain the process again now.
You'll start over there.
Those girls will make your bodies limber again
after having been bed-ridden for so long.
Next, reflex training.
These cups contain medicated water.
The objective is to throw
that medicated water onto each other,
but if your opponent blocks your cup
before you can pick it up,
you can't move that cup.
That's it!
Last up, full-body training.
In simpler terms, you'll be playing tag.
You'll be up against myself,
Aoi and Kanao over there.
Excuse me. May I ask you something?
Is there something that's not clear to you?
No, it's just
Come on, both of you.
Not going.
Just shut up and come with me like I said!
Come on!
Come on, dammit!
You lowlifes! You dirtbags!
What the hell are you doing?
Sit up straight! I said sit up straight!
You miserable bastards!
What did you say?
What were you thinking, Zenitsu?
Tell Inosuke you're sorry!
You guys say you're sorry!
Apologize to me!
How dare you act like you'd come back
from Hell when you were in Heaven!
All you did was frolic with girls all day,
so why did you look so haggard?
Get down on your hands and knees
and apologize! Commit seppuku!
How can you say such a thing?
Shut up, you goody-goody,
talking forehead!
Just shut up and listen, got that?
You're allowed to touch girls!
You get to have your bodies massaged!
When you play that cup game,
you get to touch their hands!
When you play tag, you get to touch
their whole freakin' bodies!
Each girl has two boobs,
one behind and two thighs!
They smell so nice when they pass by,
and it's mad fun just to look at them!
Heaven! Sheer heaven!
Cut the crap!
You're not making any sense!
When you lose to someone smaller
than you, it destroys your soul!
Oh, poor you! Inosuke, you've never been
chummy with a girl before, right?
Right, you were raised in the mountains!
No wonder you're a late bloomer!
I feel so sorry for you!
Oh please, I've stomped
on female kids before!
That's the worst thing you could do!
Not good, no good!
That's not gonna get you any girls!
I can get as many girls as I want!
Please train me well!
It's all good! All good!
That guy has what it takes.
I'm always fighting back tears
from the pain, but he's laughing.
I shall take you on.
I would never splash tea on a girl.
Now then, full-body training!
I win!
I won the battle but lost the war!
I'm gonna kick some butt, too!
All right!
All right!
I'm the only one
on a losing streak and soaked.
So embarrassing!
I just can't beat Kanao.
None of us can get to her cup before her
or grab it away from her.
For the next five days,
I continued to lose to Kanao.
So did Inosuke
and Zenitsu.
We couldn't so much as lay a finger
on a strand of her hair.
And then one day, the other two
stopped coming to the training room.
Z-Zenitsu? Inosuke?
Please train me!
Thank you for a good workout.
Why can't I beat her?
What gives her the edge over me?
First of all, her reflexes are way faster.
Even if I were 100 percent,
I'd probably lose to her.
Her scent is totally different.
It's similar to the scent of the Hashira.
Master Tanjiro?
Also her eyes?
Her eyes are different!
Master Tanjiro?
It seems.
Master Tanjiro, are you all right?
We've been calling to you over and over.
Sorry! I didn't hear you.
What's up?
Here's a towel for you.
Thanks! That's a big help!
You're all so kind!
Um, Master Tanjiro,
do you maintain the Total Concentration
Breathing state around the clock?
Morning, noon and night. And all through
the night while you're asleep.
Do you use the Total Concentration Breathing
technique nonstop?
No, I don't. I've never done that.
Is that even possible?
We're told that being able to do that
makes all the difference in the world!
Even just using that technique
for a short time really takes it toll on me,
but I should do it
around the clock, huh?
Some people have already mastered it.
All of the Hashira and Miss Kanao!
Please work hard at it!
I see!
Thanks! I'll give it a try!
Isn't it about time
you came to training, Inosuke?
Sulking and feeling sorry for yourself
won't do you any good.
Zenitsu, you should come, too!
For me, that was a good job!
Just tell them my injury's taken
a turn for the worse!
Hey, Kakushi lady over there!
Would you like to have
some tea with me?
Total Concentration Breathing
Morning, noon and night.
Even while I'm asleep. I said I'd try
to keep it up around the clock.
But I can't do it at all!
I can't do it!
If I try to do Total Concentration Breathing
longer, it makes me feel like I'm gonna die!
It's too painful!
My lungs hurt! My ears hurt!
My ears are ringing like crazy!
My eardrums!
That scared the heck out of me!
For a second there, I thought
my heart had burst through my ears!
I'll never make it at this rate!
When you're in trouble,
go back to basics!
You spineless fool!
Breathing is all about the lungs.
If I can't get the hang of it,
that means my lungs are too weak.
Work at it!
All I can do is work hard!
That's the story of my life!
Hard work is the sum of daily efforts!
It can be one step at a time!
Move forward!
Master Tanjiro is working hard every day!
Yes! Let's bring him some rice balls, okay?
Good idea! And also
Blow into these gourds?
That's right.
Whenever she trained Lady Kanao,
Lady Shinobu often had
her blow into gourds.
Oh, really?
That's a neat training technique, huh?
So, you make some kind of sound?
Oh no.
She blew into it
to make the gourd explode.
Oh, really?
What? You mean this?
Something this hard?
Not to mention,
this is a special kind of gourd,
so it's harder than normal ones.
A girl that petite was able to do that
to something that hard?
The gourds get bigger and bigger
as you progress.
The one that Lady Kanao
can explode right now
is this gourd.
I'll give it my all!
They're not coming today, either?
I'm sorry.
I'll bring them tomorrow.
I'm sorry.
No. You don't have to concern yourself
with those two anymore!
I'll work hard.
I'll work hard!
While throwing myself into the drills
that Mr. Urokodaki pounded into me,
I'm also maintaining
my Total Concentration Breathing state.
Imagining I'm running down a mountain,
I race all around the mansion's garden!
All of the obstacles are stand-ins
for the trees on that mountain!
Hard work!
Hard work! Hard work!
Hard work!
I've regained most of my stamina.
And now, I can run
farther than I did before,
and my lungs are getting stronger!
I'm making good progress!
During the day, I run all over the place
and put my lungs into overdrive
with swift moves.
So now, I'll breathe slow.
I'll take slow, deep breaths
and send air all the way to my fingertips.
Meditation boosts concentration.
Mr. Urokodaki said so himself.
Mr. Urokodaki
How dare you break my sword!
Please forgive me.
They're reforging my sword for me now,
but I'm really, really sorry.
Concentrate! You need to concentrate!
Concentrate on your breathing!
I can see you're working very hard.
Even though your friends
went off somewhere
Don't you feel lonely all by yourself?
No! Because once I've mastered it
myself, I can teach them, too!
You have a beautiful soul, don't you?
Why did you bring us all here?
Nezuko's existence
has been officially acknowledged,
and the three of you
were injured so seriously.
And also,
I'd like to entrust my dream to you.
My dream that we can
become friends with the demons.
I'm quite sure you can accomplish that!
Are you angry?
For some reason, I'm always picking up
an angry scent from you
even though you're always smiling.
You're right.
It might be true that
I'm in a constant state of anger.
Ever since my beloved big sister
was slaughtered by a demon.
Every time I see the tears of those
who've lost their loved ones to a demon,
every time I hear those cries of despair,
the anger keeps building up inside me
and continues to swell.
Deep down in the innermost
depths of my body,
there's a revulsion that I can't fight.
I'm sure the other Hashira
feel something similar, as well.
Well, this time,
they saw Nezuko, who's never devoured
a human, with their own eyes,
and they've memorized her presence.
Out of respect for the Master's wishes,
I don't think anyone will raise
a hand to her.
My big sister was a kind-hearted
person like you.
She had sympathy for demons.
Even when she was on the brink of death,
she still felt pity for them.
I couldn't bring myself to feel that way.
How can you feel sorry
for something that's killed humans?
I've never heard of anything so absurd.
But if that was how my sister truly felt,
then I must carry it on.
If there's a way not to kill
these pitiful demons,
I have to keep trying to come up with it.
Without ever extinguishing the smile
that my sister said she loved
But now, I'm a bit exhausted.
Demons do nothing but lie.
Losing all reason
out of self-preservation,
they murder humans
with their instincts laid totally bare.
Tanjiro, please do all that you can.
Please find a way
to protect Nezuko until the end.
Knowing that you're working so hard
in my place reassures me to no end.
I can rest easy now.
Your Total Concentration Breathing
has come to a halt.
I'll work hard at it!
Total Concentration Breathing!
Mother, Hanako
Takeo, Shigeru
I'm going to turn Nezuko
back into a human for sure!
Sniff, sniff! Lady Shinobu,
did something nice happen to you?
Yes! Because I've acquired
a precious drug.
Sniff, sniff! Are you angry?
Someone keeps swiping the candy
from the shelves.
Sniff, sniff!
You're also feeling sad, right?
There's a disturbance
in the mountain behind us.
Now, time for a Taisho secret!
Since Aoi has been training
under Lady Shinobu,
I hear she can concoct
the simpler medicines!
Nothing escapes your nose,
does it, Tanjiro? That's amazing!
Sniff, sniff! For some reason—
Because I enjoy talking with you, Tanjiro.
Thank you so much!
Next, Episode 25,
"Tsuguko, Kanao Tsuyuri."
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