Enheraf (2022) s01e24 Episode Script

Episode 24

Hello, sir.
Who is it?
I'm calling you about the down payment
of the villa you reserved.
-You have to pay it today.
-What villa? I didn't reserve anything.
The villa you reserved.
Clearly you got things mixed up.
The villa is 450 square meters
and open on three sides.
It's amazing.
Don't tell me you're backing out
on your offer.
A lot of people want to buy it.
Who's the person you're calling?
Aren't you Mr. Husam Abdul Aziz?
No, I'm Tarek Refaat.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, sir.
I must have the wrong number.
Thank you.
Take care.
Wait a second.
Are you talking about Husam Abdul Aziz
who owns Al Aziziyah company?
Exactly, sir.
The property has great specifications.
Did he buy it?
No, he should be giving us
the down payment today.
Very well.
I need that property.
No, sir. It won't work.
He has it reserved.
It's ok, it'll work.
I'll buy it and reward you with a gift.
The truth is
The truth is,
I don't know what to tell you.
Ask me when I'm coming for a viewing.
Is today at 7:30 p.m. good for you?
7:30 p.m. works just fine.
I'll be there.
It's settled then,
I'll send you the location.
Ok, I'll be waiting for you.
Hey, Taghreed.
How are you?
I'm calling you today about the party.
Yes, exactly. I need you
to be there at 7:30 p.m. tonight.
Yes, Taghreed. Ok.
I'll send you the location
before you get going.
See you.
What do you mean you lost her?
Hang up!
Yes, Wael?
Find out the last location of Hor's
phone before it was turned off.
Get back to me quickly.
I'm on my way to them now.
Send back-up there.
Hurry, Wael!
Who are you?
Why am I tied up?
I'm talking to you.
Are you insane?
You don't know who I am
or what I can do to you!
Something is wrong with her.
Surely she's insane.
Untie me.
I said, untie me!
Or else by God
I'll make you regret this!
Do you know each other?
Or you're meeting for the first time?
What the hell?
What do you want?
I'm seeking justice.
What kind of justice are you seeking
from us when you don't know us?
Justice for Mido.
I wondered
why would Taghreed kill Mido?
What's in it for her?
Surely someone is inciting her.
I kept wondering, who could it be?
Who could it be?
Who could it be?
Who could it be?
Until I showed up
at the 40th day of mourning,
and found out you're the only one
who'd benefit from Mido's death.
Are you insane? Mido was like
a son to me! I'd never kill him!
Would you like to say
something, Taghreed?
You must've forgotten
so let me remind you.
-Hello, Taghreed.
-Hello, Mr. Tarek.
Hey, Mido!
-Hey, champ!
-I'm upset with you.
-Because you haven't visited in a while.
I was busy getting you this gift,
that's why.
See? You're being unfair to me.
-Hello, Tarek. How are you?
-Hey, Sanaa, how are you?
-All is well.
-Open your gift.
So, did you thank him
for the gift or not?
Why should he thank me, Sanaa?
We're family.
He really loves you.
-Perhaps because I'm his uncle.
-Could be.
-Open it, champ.
-No need for this.
It's too much, you shouldn't have.
No, it's nothing.
What do you think?
At the 40th day of mourning,
you did not say hello to him
so no one would notice that there's
something between you two.
Stupid girl! Nobody knows
there's something between you!
But this is a defense mechanism
in psychology,
we resort to it when we want to avoid
suspicion, so instead, it implicates us!
It's like when I tell you
"Taghreed! I'm not a thief."
What's the first thing you'll think of?
That I'm a thief.
And you
you were tired and exhausted,
but not because of work.
You were tired of feeling guilty.
Thus, you held the 40th day
of mourning at your place.
No, surely you're insane!
Which one of you killed Mido?
Who killed Mido?
I did!
I did, but he put me up to it!
I swear he did!
-She's lying, I didn't do anything!
-I swear to God he made me do it!
What did he tell you?
He asked me to kill him
in a way that seemed natural.
I didn't!
Come on now.
Are you going to lie
to each other's faces?
This way, we won't get anywhere!
What did he tell you?
He asked me to kill him
in a way that seemed natural.
Asphyxia due to gas inhalation. Right?
If you weren't adamant
about not marrying me,
I would be living with Mido now,
and we would do everything together.
At least I would take care of him.
Come on, Tarek.
Won't you give up this idea?
It's not you at all,
you're the best man ever.
It's me.
I cannot imagine someone
replacing Ameen.
I really can't.
I'm not just anyone, Sanaa.
I'm his brother.
That's exactly the problem.
Whenever I see you,
I'll see him in front of me.
You'll remind me of him the entire time.
That's why I said no.
How are you, Mr. Tarek?
-How are you, Taghreed?
-I'm fine.
This bag is yours.
It's mine?
How can it be mine?
There's 50,000 EGP in it.
You'll get the same amount
after you finish the job.
What job?
Instead of saying:
"It's wrong
it's wrong to kill an innocent child
and bite the hand that fed me."
You contemplated how to commit the crime
without leaving incriminating evidence.
You came up with the gas leak problem.
So you ran up to Mrs. Sanaa.
"Help, Mrs. Sanaa
We have a gas leak."
Of course,
since she wasn't paying attention
she didn't think much of it.
You made her feel guilty
about not taking action.
Bravo, Taghreed.
You're a lowlife.
Investigations showed
that it was a natural death.
Who would suspect you?
You've been working for them for years
and you never stole anything,
so how could you kill an innocent child?
It isn't right anyway.
And for what?
For a few thousand pounds?
Is this true or not?
Is this true or not?
-You're late, Sanaa!
-Are they here?
Yes, and they're waiting for you.
Let's get this over with.
Hey, Tarek, let me focus.
Anyway, do we have the contracts
and what we agreed on laid out?
Everything is laid out
and they did as you asked.
-Ok. All right.
-Come on now.
We'll see.
Would you like to sleep, dear?
Here we go.
-Hey, girl.
-How are you?
There you go.
-Here's the money.
-Why the hurry?
-The money isn't going anywhere.
-You don't say!
You called me countless times!
You were being so dramatic
about not giving you the money on time.
I can't help it.
You know how bad things are.
I know you can't help it.
I'll get back to work.
No, have a cup of tea with me first.
-Work isn't going anywhere.
-I don't want to leave Mido alone.
-Take care.
-Take care.
Mohga, help me!
Mido, what happened to you?
Answer me!
Mido please answer me!
The two of you
The two of you
have Mido's blood on your hands.
Mohga, help me!
-What is it, Taghreed?
-Help, Mohga!
-Oh, God!
-Help me.
-What is this gas smell?
-I don't know!
-I don't know!
-I'll lock the gas can!
Call an ambulance, Mr. Abdo!
My darling!
Mido please answer me.
Please answer me.
My son!
Where is my son?
What happened to him?
Mido! My darling son!
I'm here, darling!
Mido, wake up! I'm here now!
I'm here.
What's going on?
What's going on?
What happened to him? My son!
My son!
My son is dead! He's dead!
My son is dead!
My own flesh and blood!
My dear son!
My own flesh and blood!
My own flesh and blood!
My dear son!
My dear son!
I did not kill him, she did!
You incited her to kill him.
If it wasn't for you,
he wouldn't be dead.
We never met, ok?
And you committed the crime.
You're his right-hand woman.
If you didn't do this,
that poor child wouldn't be dead!
Both of you
both of you are equally vile!
You killed your nephew.
Your nephew!
He's exactly like your son.
You were responsible for him!
And for what? For the company?
Out of greed?
And you
you betrayed the woman who trusted you.
She entrusted you with her son,
and what did you do to her?
You made her lose her mind!
Even animals would be
ashamed of what you did!
You're absolutely loathsome.
What are you doing, crazy woman!
Let's talk about this.
Do you smell that?
Do you smell the gas?
It takes 30 to 45 minutes
for the gas to fill up your lungs
just as it filled Mido's body.
Remember that or not?
By the way, I'm not scared of death.
Death could be better
than this miserable situation.
Well-said. Good girl.
You better die,
so as not to hurt anyone again.
But I don't want to die.
I confessed to my crime
and owned up to it.
Will your confession
bring Mido back to life?
Come here.
-What are you doing?
-Come close.
Let's talk about this.
Stop it, don't resist.
Don't resist.
It's so easy to kill.
Excuse me now
because I'm allergic.
Take care of each other.
Hey, Taghreed.
Stop everything you're doing.
You killed him?
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