Erky Perky (2006) s01e24 Episode Script

Make Me Laugh

Life was good
on Hot Dog Stand ♪
For two bugs
with food demands ♪
Had our last meal
one sunny day ♪
They got caught
up and swept away ♪
Into Kitchen's
where they landed ♪
We're so hungry ♪
And we're stranded ♪
Finding food is
quite a mission ♪
Other bugs are competition ♪
Now just one question ♪
How do we find our
way back home? ♪
- (groans) It's going to fall!
- Don't let go!
- Erky!
- Help us, Erky!
- Help with what?
- This wall is falling over.
- Frenzel asked
us to hold it up.
- (laughs) That's classic!
- Don't stand there laughing!
You have to help us!
- Oh relax Perky, Frenzel
was playing a joke on you.
Let go.
- Are you sure?
- Trust me.
- (laughs) Good one.
I can't believe
we fell for that.
- We were pushing against
that wall for half the day.
- (laughs) I got you guys!
- Yeah you absolutium did!
That was great!
- Frenzel, Frenzel, you are
the funniest bug in Kitchen!
- Hold on there a wee second!
That joke was okay, but
I can do better than that.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah!
- Put your jokes
where your mouth is!
- Fine, I challenge
you to an all out,
no holds barred
joke competition!
- Fine!
Ooh. (laughs)
- Hey, look what I found!
No, no, this is for
my friend, Perky.
- Really?
- Oh, you bet!
- Wow, this is a surprise!
- (laughs) I got you!
That was a piece of rock
that only looked like food.
- Good one, Erky.
- There you are!
I've got a bag of
crumbs for you.
- A whole bag?
- Yeah, real crumbs for
being such a good sport.
- For me?
Everyone's giving
me gifts today!
We're going to have
a real feast, Erky.
- Oh yeah, I can see
it's bursting with flavor.
- Almost got it.
- Excuse me.
- Stinks, what happened?
- I don't know, one minute I
was confabulating with Frenzel,
the next I'm in this bag.
- (laughs) I'll give
you that one, Frenzel.
Very creative.
- Not bad but we can do better.
- (grunts) Oh, brother.
- Here you go, buddy.
Oh, you've had a hard day.
- Thanks, my tummy's acting up.
It must have been
something I ate.
Ah oh, that's much better.
(laughs) Yeah, I see it now.
- Oh no! Frenzel,
which bag did you use?
- Uh oh.
It was the one we
used to catch the cold!
- What do you
mean, catch a cold?
- Well a little while ago,
Erky and I ran into a cold,
and so we caught it in this bag.
- A cold?
In that bag?
- Yeah, hey, quick, maybe
you should keep moving
before it catches you!
- Yeah, good idea.
- Don't worry Perky, you rest.
Frenzel and I can help Sajuica.
- Sajuica?
- Yeah, she's beside
herself with grief
because she lost her necklace.
- Oh of course she
would be terribly grateful
to any bug who
managed to find it.
- Oh yeah, terribly grateful.
- Really?
Where did she lose it?
- The herb garden
but you're sick.
- No, no, no, no, I'm
feeling much better actually.
(coughs) I'm going to go look.
- We could help.
- No, no, no, I'm fine.
- Perky, what in the world?
- I'm sorry, Sajuica.
I've looked everywhere but
I still haven't found
your necklace.
- What are you talking about?
- Oh, it's Frenzel and
Erky's joke competition.
Erky gave me this rock and
then Frenzel's bag exploded
and I caught a cold
and then they told me
you lost your necklace.
But that's your
necklace which means.
They must have found it first.
- Perky, I never
lost my necklace.
- But what?
Hey, well that means if,
I, then they must've.
- Yes?
- I need your help.
- I feel kinda bad about
all that stuff we did to Perky.
- You want to forfeit, go ahead.
- I don't feel that bad!
(giggles) He's
probably still digging.
- Hey Erk, Frenzel!
I got it!
- You got it?
- But you couldn't!
- Oh yeah, it was right
where you said it was.
- [Together] Did you?
- So I need to
get this to Sajuica.
You know there's
bound to be a reward.
- [Together] A reward?
- Ah, you know, probably
something edible. (coughs)
- Perky, my dear, dear friend,
you must be exhausted
after all that digging.
- Aw yeah, I am a kinda pooped.
- Yeah, why don't we
return the necklace for you?
- But what about my reward?
- Well we'll bring
back the reward
and we'll share it together.
- Trust me, Perky.
We have your best
interests at heart.
(laughs) Your best interests.
- So how much food do
you think we're going to get?
- Enough to make us sick!
- Twice over! (laughs)
- A-ha, caught you red handed!
- What?
- You stole my necklace!
- We did no such thing!
- Then what's that?
- Your--
- Necklace?
- Nice one, Perky.
- Well, I couldn't have
done it without you.
- Piece of cake.
I just slipped it
off Aunt Margaret
while she was having her nap.
- What a terrible day.
I had to give Mad Margaret
a full Carapace massage.
No more practical jokes for me.
What are you doing?
- It's going to fall!
Give me a hand while I go
get something to hold this up.
- Oh come on!
Don't try to pull
that old joke on me.
Give it up, let's go.
- I really can't.
You gotta help me, Erky.
- Nope, you can't fool a fool.
- It's no joke, look,
I'm through with jokes.
- Now, Perky, let go!
- [Perky] See? I
was telling you!
- [Erky] I know, but I thought.
- [Perky] Now what do we do?
- [Erky] Well, if we don't panic,
eventually my super powers
will kick in and I'll
transform into a rippling mass
of green muscle and
then I'll smash this tile into
a thousand pieces
and save the day.
- [Perky] You have super powers?
- [Erky] No, Perky,
that was a joke.
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