Firebuds (2022) s01e24 Episode Script

The Four Door Troubadours/Moto-Polo!

(alarm rings)
-BOTH: Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or you need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our siren squeal ♪
Out the front door on the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To all our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through our rescue crew ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet and Axl, yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come, and here's our team ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
Let's roll around the bend ♪
Or else you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
BO: "The Four Door Troubadours."
Thanks for the ube ice cream
and booster shakes, Bo.
You really didn't have to spend
your birthday money on us.
It's a Filipino tradition
to take your friends out
for a treat to celebrate your birthday.
A way to show gratitude
for friends and family.
Mmm. Filipino culture rocks.
Now who wants to go to the park
to test out my new invention, the J-Wing?
Bill, do you hear that?
Oh, yeah. Come on!
Yeah we don't need a parking space ♪
We just roam from place to place ♪
So kick back and enjoy the show ♪
Before we pack it up and go, go, go ♪
(all cheer)
It's good to be back in Gearbox Grove.
For those of you
who don't know us yet, I'm Laura.
And I'm Latch. But you can call us
-The Four Door Troubadours!
-(all cheer)
I am your biggest fan!
I mean seriously, I'm huge.
That song, "Go,"
is about our life on the road
as traveling musicians.
Which isn't easy!
So if ya like what ya heard,
please feel free to give
a little somethin'
to keep us on the road.
That's how they make their living.
They travel from town to town
collecting donations from people
who enjoy hearing their music.
Your mom and I are big fans.
I like 'em too.
-They're playing our song!
Life is a journey
that we all must make ♪
But we each get to choose
which road to take ♪
You can be worried 'bout
what lies ahead ♪
Or be hopeful you will be fine instead ♪
Oh, Bill, you're such a romantic.
Mom! Dad!
(laughs) We heard this song
on our first date.
In that case, we better kick it up a gear.
Come on, take the blue sky highway ♪
Believe you'll have a bright day ♪
Set aside your doubts
It'll all work out ♪
If you start drivin' the right way ♪
And take the blue sky highway ♪
(engine starts and revs)
-Pardon me!
(gasps) Latch! Are you okay?
(groans) I don't know.
My engine just revved up
and II couldn't stop.
BOTH: Don't worry, we're here to help.
My dad's a trambulance.
He can take you to the hospital
to get checked out right away.
Well, at least that's good news.
Eh. In my experience,
good news is usually followed by bad news.
VIV: I've got some bad news.
See? I knew it! What is it, Doc?
You're going to need a new engine.
And since you're an older model,
we'll have to order it
and get it delivered to the hospital.
A new engine?
Oh, I don't think we have
enough money to pay for that.
Maybe we can help. I've got a dollar.
-JAYDEN: I've got a quarter.
-VIOLET: And two dimes!
A safety manual? Really, Piston?
You can't put a price on safety!
you can and it's not enough.
I sure appreciate your kindness, but
it takes a whole lot more than that
to buy a new engine.
We'll find a way, Latch.
In the meantime,
I made some temporary repairs.
Take it easy and don't get too revved up.
I'll try, Doc. But just thinkin' about
not getting revved up
is getting me revved up!
-(engine revs)
Please take care of yourself.
My wife and I love your music.
Yes. Everyone loves your music.
I know how we can raise money
for Latch's engine!
We'll invite the whole town
to a fundraiser concert!
Great idea. While Latch and Laura play,
we'll collect donations.
-I'll help.
-Me, too.
BOTH: We're in!
But what if it's not enough?
And where are we gonna stay?
-You can stay with us.
-We'll raise enough. I promise.
See, Latch? It's gonna work out.
FLASH: Are you sure you both
don't want to stay inside?
All we need is a little patch of grass.
We travel light.
It's not much, but we call it home.
I've been thinking,
I don't see how enough people
are gonna show up to this here concert.
We're traveling musicians, not rock stars.
(engine starts)
Oh, Latch, stop worryin'
and try to be positive.
Take the Blue Sky highway.
We'll make sure you have
a big enough crowd
to pay for your new engine.
Huddle up, Firebuds.
Okay, how are we gonna get
everyone in town
to show up to the concert?
I can make up flyers.
That we can all hand out.
And I can turn my J-Wing
into a giant billboard.
Wham bam, perfect plan.
Let's roll, Firebuds!
(upbeat music)
Toldya it would be a great crowd!
Isn't this wonderful, Latchie?
Goodness gearshift, that's a lot of folks.
What if they don't like our music?
Are you kidding? They're here because
they love your music.
But we've never played
to so many people before.
What if I forget the words to the songs?
You're gonna do great, don't worry.
I can't help but worry.
What if I don't play well?
Then people won't donate.
Then I'll never get my new engine
-(engine revs)
-Easy, Latch,
or your engine will break again!
That's exactly what I'm worried about.
That my engine's gonna break
and not ever get fixed
-(engine revs)
-Help, I can't stop!
My brakes broke too!
What are we gonna do?!
Well, first, we have to stop him
before he accidentally crashes.
I think I can redesign this light switch
so if we attach it to his battery,
it'll turn off his engine.
I'll rush it over when you're done.
Done! The J-Drain is ready to go.
-(engine revs)
-Hang on, Latch, I'm comin'!
BO: We're coming, too!
(tires screech)
Latch, take this!
If you attach it
to your engine, you'll stop.
But if I'm doin' that and not
lookin' where I'm goin',
I might crash.
And what if it doesn't work?
It's our only chance to save you.
But what if I drop it?
Or break it? Or both?
Latch, you gotta stop worrying
about what might go wrong
and think about what might go right.
Uh, I can try.
I knew I was going to drop it.
It's okay, Latch.
We'll think of something else.
Pull back, Buds!
Violet, you're our best mechanic.
Got any ideas?
If I can get under him,
I could unplug his fuel line.
That would stop his engine like that.
But how can we get under him
while he's moving?
The J-Wing! If we move it near a ramp,
Latch can grab it, jump off the ramp
and use the J-Wing to float in the air.
Then Violet can fly my J-Drone up to him
and unplug his fuel line.
But will Latch even try a new plan?
He worries too much,
which I didn't even think was possible.
(gasps) I know how to convince him.
It's time for Latch to take
the Blue Sky Highway!
Hey, everyone.
I need you all to do something
for the Four Door Troubadours.
'Cause it's time for a
good ol'-fashioned sing-a-long.
And that's the new plan.
No, no, no, absolutely not.
I'm a car, not a kite! What if I fall?
Or get blown away, never to be seen again!
-(guitar plays)
-What is that?
ALL: Life is a journey
that we all must make ♪
But we each get to choose
which road to take ♪
You can be worried
'bout what lies ahead ♪
Or be hopeful you will be fine instead ♪
They're singing for you, Latch.
For me?
You gotta listen to your song
and start thinking more positive thoughts.
If you think good thoughts,
good things will happen.
Come on, take the Blue Sky Highway ♪
Believe you'll have a bright day ♪
Set aside your doubts
It'll all work out ♪
If you start drivin' the right way ♪
And take the Blue Sky Highway ♪
Did I make a wrong turn? ♪
Always fearin' for the worst? ♪
Did my worrying
get me stuck in reverse? ♪
I'm gonna start hopin'
for the best today ♪
And when I get the chance
I'll proudly say ♪
Oh yeah! I'll take
the Blue Sky Highway! ♪
-Believe I'll have a bright day ♪
Set aside my doubts
It'll all work out ♪
If I start drivin' the right way ♪
And take the Blue Sky Highway ♪
Now we're all drivin' the right way ♪
Takin' the Blue Sky Highway ♪
Takin' the Blue Sky Highway ♪
Oh, Latch, I'm so glad you're okay.
I got a little worried there.
Not me. This time I knew that
it was all gonna work out.
Before we pack it up and go, go, go ♪
Hey everyone! Thanks to your generosity,
Latch can get his new engine!
In all our years on the road,
I've never seen such kindness.
Thank you. Gearbox Grove
is a special place
and I'm starting to feel that
good things could happen.
Hiya, excuse me, sorry to interrupt.
I'm Coach D from Gearbox Grove Elementary.
I am a huge fan.
Oh, Principal Kagan and I were blown away
by your performance
and were wonderin' if y'all wanted to be
the school's new music teachers.
I mean, that is, if you're open
to settling down in one place.
What do ya think, Latch?
But I've never taught anything before.
What if I'm a bad teacher?
Do we need to sing the song again?
Right, right.
Well, maybe I'll be
the best music teacher ever.
That's the spirit, Latchie.
So whaddaya say?
We gladly accept your offer.
Looks like the crowd wants to hear more
from the Four Door Troubadours.
An encore? Really?
Should we play "Go" again?
How 'bout we play that
new tune I just wrote instead?
Ladies and gentle-cars,
this one's called "Stay."
FLASH: "Moto-Polo!"
Alrighty, team. You have
played a great game so far.
But to make it to the
Moto-Polo championships,
you need to beat those
Tiretown Tail-Gators
by scoring one more point
in the next 20 seconds.
So let's bust out
our best play, the Alley-Oop.
Bo tosses the ball to Jayden
as Axl launches off the hill.
Then Jayden passes it to Violet for the
-ALL: Alley-Oop!
Violet catches it in mid-air
and she scores!
Now let's go out and show 'em
that the Gearbox Grove
Mighty Motors are here to win.
Motors on three: one, two, three
ALL: Mighty Motors!
(Laura and Latch chanting)
Gearbox Grove is on a roll ♪
Mighty Motors score that goal! ♪
She tipped it!
Got it! But I can't score over them now!
And we're surrounded!
I got an idea!
Toss the ball up as high as you can.
-Are you sure?
-Trust me.
-BO: Whoa!
-Take the shot, Bo!
-(buzzer sounds)
That's the way to throw it in ♪
Mighty Motors for the win! ♪
-We won!
-Sweet move!
We're going to the championship game!
Aw yeah!
Woo-wee! What a win!
Who came up with that last play?
Flash did.
Well, Flash, that was some quick thinkin'.
What would you say if
I made you Team Captain?
I'd say it's a dream come true.
What's a Team Captain?
I guess it's like how I lead
the Buds in rescues.
But you'll lead the team out
on the field. In fact
You might need this.
Whoa! So I get to tell
the team what to do?
Sure. But it's a lot more than that.
-It's also about
-Hey, Piston!
Can you pick up those cones please?
Aye aye, Captain Flash.
Great idea. Wouldn't want anyone to trip.
As I was saying
You hear that, Bo?
I'm already a great leader.
Championship game, here we come.
Watch out for our Captain Flash ♪
He will beat you in a dash ♪
(all chanting) Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!
Now, this is it, team.
If we beat the Dieselberg Dashboards,
-we win the championship.
-(all gasp)
Since I'm Team Captain now,
I came up with a new play.
Let's hear it, Cap'n.
It's called the Switcheroo.
Bo tosses the ball to Jayden.
Then Axl does a cool drift move over here
so Jayden can secretly pass
the ball to Violet
and she scores!
-I approve.
-Love it.
All right, let's do the Switcheroo.
Uh, Flash, you know I love
doing drift moves
but they're tough to do on grass.
Axl, Axl, Axl,
you gotta trust your captain.
I know what's best.
Okay, if you say so.
You're awfully big for a student.
(loud revving, honking)
(loud rev)
Axl! Do the drift!
(tires screech)
BO: Axl!
Way to score, Axl!
I knew my play would work.
But are you okay?
Not really.
Doing a drift move on grass
knocked my tire off.
Oh, don't you worry,
the school mechanic'll fix you right up.
Come on, I'll take you.
Carly, you're in for Axl.
Violet will ride on you.
(gasps) I'm in the game? Now?
Okay, deep breaths, Carly.
You can do this.
Flash, can you lead the team
while I'm gone?
Of course, I can.
Huddle up, Team!
Now we may have lost our star player,
but I've got plenty of other great plays.
The next time we get the ball back,
Piston, you drive up this hill
so you can do a quick catch and score.
But the player guarding me is huge.
Even if I'm on a hill,
he might be able to grab
the ball before I can.
Maybe we can try something else,
like, I could pretend to catch the ball
Look, Piston, my last play got us a point
and so will this one.
But your last play got Axl hurt.
Trust me, this is best.
Mighty Motors on three.
One, two, three.
Mighty Motors!
ALL: Mighty Motors?
Nice to see you again, big guy.
(loud revving and honking)
(rock music plays)
Violet, throw the ball!
Yeah! Run the play, Piston! Now!
He's big and fast? Great.
Jayden, catch!
Oh, my hoodness!
(loud rev)
-(bell dings)
ALL: Whoo-hoo!
The score is tied 'cause somehow
Dieselberg got the ball and scored.
Well, Piston said that might happen.
We need another Flash-tastic play.
Okay, you move here, you move there,
you go here, there, here, back
again, round this way,
Uh, could you repeat that?
Yeah, I am totally lost.
Okay, let's go, go, go!
Jayden, go deep.
Carly, go left.
No, your other left!
Pass it, Bo!
To who?
Carly, no!
-(bell dings)
Now they're ahead by a point,
so we really need to score.
Maybe we could run a play
the team knows better this time?
Yes! We'll do a play we all know.
ALL: Whew!
The Switcheroo.
Carly can do Axl's drift move.
But even Axl lost a tire
trying that move and she's Axl.
Yeah, but we also scored a point.
Flash, maybe we should do
a play Carly thinks she can do.
I'm really good at the Alley-Oop
'cause I can jump real high,
kinda like you just saw out there.
Look, I'm the captain, I know what's best,
so I get to decide.
And we're doing the Switcheroo.
Well, I guess I can try.
Motors on three?
Let's get out there and win!
Go, Carly, go!
You got this, Carly.
Yeah, I got this.
I don't got this!
(all gasp)
The scoreboard's gonna fall.
We gotta clear the bleachers!
Get out, get out, fast as you can.
No telling where it's gonna land.
Right this way, sir.
Nice catch, Latch!
Thanks, but I don't know
how long I can hold it.
Just think positive thoughts.
We need to lift the scoreboard off Latch!
I've got the perfect play!
-I don't know about that.
-What do you mean?
Well, so far your plays
have cost us the lead
-Injured Axl
-Smashed the scoreboard
And put our new music teacher
in serious danger.
Okay, let's be positive.
Holding up two-ton scoreboards
that can crush you is fun.
What a nice day.
It would also be nice if someone
could rescue me soon!
Thanks, little buddy.
I I think you should take over, Bo.
I don't have what it takes
to be a leader after all.
You can still be a great leader, Flash.
You just need to do
what's best, for the team.
Like, you should think about
what each player is good at
before telling them what to do.
Which one of us is strongest?
Um, me?
Then you should see if you can
lift the scoreboard off Latch.
It's too heavy.
But I can help you hold it up.
It's a whole lotta fun, you'll see!
What should we try next, Bo?
Well, a good leader shouldn't
make his team do anything risky or unsafe.
Piston, Carly, can you work
together to pull down
the scoreboard legs, safely?
Roger that!
Bo, I know how to make it safer.
Then tell your team.
Piston, Carly, make sure you stay away
from the pointy broken ends.
Ooh great suggestion.
Ah! I'm too small to pull it down.
Okay. We'll think of something else.
Wait. You said a leader thinks about
what each player is best at.
Carly is great at super-high jumps.
Carly! Can you jump and land
on the scoreboard leg?
Between that and Piston pulling,
the scoreboard should lift right up.
Yeah! I think I can do that.
Then let's roll, Mighty Motors!
I got you!
Harry, can you believe it?
I did a rescue. With the Firebuds!
Nice leading, vroomie.
Ooh! What in car-nation happened here?
Flash! I leave you in charge
for a few minutes and
we're down by one point?!
But there's still
seven minutes left in the game.
Then we better clean this mess
up so we can get back to it.
But there's a lot to do.
Who's gonna be in charge?
I want whatever's best for the team.
Maybe Bo and Flash could be co-captains.
-Works for me.
-Awesome sauce.
That seems reasonable.
All right. Let's get cleaning, Team.
BO AND FLASH: Motors on three.
One, two, three!
Mighty Motors!
(closing theme plays)
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