Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e24 Episode Script

Kanpeki na fukuseitai

No wonder the Ruins of the King's Tomb
were impregnable.
Who knew we'd run into
something like this?
is that something you can deal with?
There's one thing I can say for certain.
If this weren't an exam,
I would've already broken my bottle.
We call the lord of that dungeon Spiegel,
the Water-Mirror Demon.
It's a monster from mythical times
that comes out
in Ewig the Sage's heroic tales.
We believe that
Spiegel reads the memories
of those who enter the dungeon
and creates a clone of them.
There are modern-day monsters with
similar traits, like the Einsam.
But the clones that Spiegel creates
are tangible
and perfectly copy people's
abilities, mana, and even techniques.
That is why the Ruins of the King's Tomb
is still uncharted.
Why did Sense choose
this dungeon as the exam location?
Fighting your clone means
fighting an evenly-matched opponent.
Calm self-analysis and teamwork
is necessary
in order to defeat the clones
without any casualties.
This exam is very fitting
for a pacifist like her.
This is bad
Let's retreat.
Well then
What shall we do?
A dead end, huh?
I guess we're cornered.
I want to hear your opinion,
as an expert in cloning magic.
Do you mind?
As I've said before, my name is Land.
Well, whatever
How perfect
of a copy is that clone of mine?
Übel, you're the type
who is talkative
even during a battle, aren't you?
It's like you'd die if you stayed quiet.
Good observation.
Yeah, I might die.
That thing is silent.
I guess it hasn't copied
my memories or personality.
No, it probably just can't speak.
During the first attack,
it pulled out the bottle
with the evacuation golem
out of my pocket.
I see.
That is indeed something I would do.
It's also knowledgeable about us.
The reason why it's not attacking us
even though we're cornered
is because it's wary of your Sorganeil.
Or it just enjoys watching people suffer.
That's not funny.
You're bleeding a lot.
Four-eyes, you're not going to
last very long at this rate.
Can I ask you one last thing?
Are you the real Four-eyes?
Who knows?
I wonder
Use my bottle.
That is for your own survival.
I see.
Well then, Four-eyes,
wait here for a second.
I'll get your bottle back.
Hey, wait
Of course, it will come towards me.
In order to use Sorganeil,
the target's entire body
must be within view.
The first one to miscalculate the distance
between us will lose.
If our abilities are equal,
winning and losing is up to luck.
Luck has never been on my side,
so I hate fights that depend on luck.
That's why I have no interest
in fighting myself.
My goodness
I'm just helplessly suicidal, aren't I?
As usual, I'm unlucky.
This is why I hate these things
it seems you were
even more unlucky than me.
Four-eyes, that was surprisingly fast.
As I thought,
the bottle was fake too, huh?
you knew that it was my clone
who was fatally injured?
Why did you put your life in danger?
I guess it's because I was convinced
that you'd come for me.
Did I come across as such a nice guy?
No, not at all.
More like, that's not relevant at all.
you didn't even try to accept my bottle.
You don't want anyone
to die because of you, am I right?
That's why I created
a situation in which I would die
because of you.
Thank you, Four-eyes.
I feel like I got to know you
a little better.
Is that right? Good for you.
Do you feel like you can relate to me yet?
I'll probably need some more time.
I'm pretty sure we're near
the innermost depths
Mistress Frieren, I see stairs over there.
Fern, show me the map.
I think we've explored
every corner of this floor.
There's a hidden room behind this wall.
I'm sure there are treasures.
Judging from this atmosphere,
there's a possibility
that a rare grimoire is hidden in here.
But there was nothing that looked
like an entrance anywhere.
But according to the layout,
there definitely should be a room here.
Mistress Frieren, this is amazing!
It depicts the achievements of the king
who was buried here.
I have never seen a mural from
the Unified Dynasty era in such
pristine condition.
This is a valuable find.
It's magnificent.
This raid is almost going
a little too smoothly.
We might just
pass the exam before we know it.
That might be.
What's wrong? Why are you gathered here?
Guessing from the layout,
the innermost depths
should be somewhere beyond this hall.
It's been half a day since that thing
stationed itself there.
Things are starting to get fun.
Now this is how dungeon raids
are supposed be.
A perfect clone, huh?
That thing
seems to be just as strong as me.
Unless we do something about that clone,
we can't make it to the innermost depth.
Do you have any suggestions?
Let's see
If that thing is a perfect replica of me,
its weakness would be the same
as a real life mage.
To defeat a mage of a higher caliber,
one would use
a restraining spell or hypnosis magic.
I'm resistant to both, though.
But it might create
a window of opportunity.
You should be able to seize that
opportunity and defeat it.
you're skilled in those kinds of tricks.
I wouldn't call myself "skilled" but
Excuse me.
How intriguing
My restraining spell won't work on you.
You smell good.
This should work on anyone unless
there's a significant difference in mana.
please look into my eyes next.
Hypnosis magic doesn't work either.
I am not able to
break Frieren's mental defense.
Oh my
I guess she really is resistant to both.
But although her mental defense
is complex and strong,
it seems to be a very old system.
An expert in hypnosis magic
may be able to find its weakness.
Can you think of anyone
among the examinees?
Edel, the second-class mage,
may be able to.
But unlike me,
she has absolutely no combat skills,
so I honestly don't know
if she can make it this far.
And first of all,
hypnosis magic doesn't have any effect
unless the target has a mind.
Who knows
if the clones are replicated
to that extent.
We don't have enough information.
Edel, what do you think that is?
Who knows?
But there is no doubt that
it is just as powerful
as Sense, the first-class mage.
We can't conceal our mana
and hide here forever.
We'll have to defeat it.
You think you can defeat it, Blei?
I know I'm out of the question,
but even you and Dünste can
barely fight inside this dungeon.
Modern magic isn't meant to be
used to fight in dungeons to begin with.
That's because most dungeons
were already done being raided
during the Demon King's era.
And we focus too much of our resources
on powerful defensive magic.
We've begun to rely more on
natural elements for offensive magic.
Because rather than creating
something out of nothing,
it takes up less mana
to manipulate or transform
elements that are already
accessible around us.
And in that sense,
that thing is very efficient.
Its hair is covered in multiple
layers of magic.
It's safe to assume
that it has numerous ways
of fighting even inside this dungeon.
In my opinion,
we can't win against that thing.
Magic is all about visualization.
The fact that it can freely
transform and manipulate
each strand of hair,
which is impossible to even count,
means its ability to visualize is
beyond any normal human being.
That in itself makes it
a far superior mage than us.
Honestly, it's a miracle that we were
able to evade it this far.
We did our best.
First of all, we aren't even fighters.
It's time to call it quits.
To be honest, I'm scared
and want to go home.
your voice won't reach it?
I may be from a clan which
makes a living off of hypnosis magic,
but there is no way
I can meet the requirements to
use high-level orders against that thing.
At best, I'd only be able
to make it kneel
and create a window of opportunity.
Even to do that, I'd have to
look into its eyes and talk to it.
So it's not impossible?
Only if it has a mind.
How much time do we need to buy?
Fifteen seconds.
You probably can't buy any more than that.
What do you mean?
You will find out soon.
Surround us with defensive magic.
In modern magic battles,
there are two ways to break through
defensive magic.
Either shatter it using sheer mass
or slip past it using technique.
Those with many tricks up their sleeve
usually use the latter.
How surprising
Who knew it would use both methods.
It's as powerful as a giant!
I thought a complete barrier of
defensive magic
would last a maximum of 15 seconds.
But who knew it would
give out even sooner.
But now we've made eye contact.
The more skilled a mage gets,
the more they look at their opponent.
I see
Now I understand.
It doesn't have a mind.
It's just imitating the workings
of a mind very precisely.
There is no way for us to win against it.
We have no choice but to rely on others.
Run with all your might and find
those who can fight.
Like I said, it's time to call it quits
and go home.
I don't want to feel any more pain.
How handy.
You're even going to protect me from harm?
We should run too.
At this rate, will anyone be able to reach
the innermost depth unharmed?
Didn't I call it?
She never intended to let anyone
pass the exam in the first place.
Since we have such little information,
we should prepare just in case
it doesn't have a mind.
In that case, we'll have to
use sheer force.
Is that possible?
I don't know.
I can't even tell what they're thinking.
But just as I thought,
we work pretty well together.
If it's a simple
head-to-head battle of mana,
Ehre can overpower Scharf and I.
I know how to win.
No matter who I'm against
or what the circumstances are.
By sheer force, huh?
Um, in that case
I might be able to kill Mistress Frieren.
Well then,
let's draft up a plan.
-It's coming together.
-Let's draft up a plan.
-So you had information.
-Shall I help?
I think you should apologize.
-It has no weakness.
-How unpleasant.
You look like you're having fun.
"A Fatal Vulnerability."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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