Little Einsteins (2005) s01e24 Episode Script

Knock on Wood

We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five, four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
Shh, shh, shh.
Knock on Wood.
Art by
George Inness.
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Music by
Johann Sebastian Bach.
[snare drum beating]
-[drumming stops]
-Hi, I'm Leo,
and I'm playing with my friends--
[ballet music plays]
-[plays drum]
And Rocket.
[xylophone plays notes]
Do you like to play with your friends?
Me too.
We're playing in the big woods
of Arkansas.
Someone is drumming just like Quincy.
[tapping to Quincy's tone]
I hear it, too.
I wonder who's doing that.
Who's making that music?
Yeah, that bird.
It's a woodpecker.
-[flute plays notes]
There he is.
Now he's over there.
Now he's on that tree.
[flute plays notes]
Now, that's a funny woodpecker.
He's not just any woodpecker.
He's an ivory-billed woodpecker.
[flute plays notes]
Whoa! He's a good tapper.
Come on.
Let's wave hello to him.
Say, "hello, Tapper."
Hello, Tapper.
[flute plays notes]
It's nice to meet you, Tapper.
[flute plays notes]
My name is Leo,
and these are my friends.
[xylophone plays notes]
Where are your friends, Tapper?
[flute plays notes]
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Tapper is trying to call a friend.
That must be his friendship song.
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
He's calling for another
ivory-billed woodpecker
to come play with him.
Uh-oh. Nobody is answering.
Maybe Tapper doesn't have any friends.
[flute plays notes]
Leo, do you think Tapper has any friends?
Of course Tapper has a friend.
Everybody has friends.
[flute plays notes]
Tapper, you need to play
your friendship song
someplace where everyone can hear you.
Someplace like
up there,
at the top of the Ozark Mountains.
[flute plays notes]
If you play your friendship song up there,
I promise a friend will hear you.
-[flute plays notes]
-[all laugh]
Tapper has never had
another ivory-billed woodpecker
to play with before.
Will you help Tapper find a friend?
You will? Great!
-We've got a mission.
We're going to help Tapper get
to the top of the Ozark Mountains
so he can call a friend.
Look! Tapper is going to lead the way!
We better hurry and blast off.
-Let's go!
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
Come on.
Welcome aboard.
Buckle your seat belts.
Seat belts buckled.
Prepare for blast-off.
We're going to need a lot
of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Faster! Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "blast-off!"
Hold on tight 'cause here we go!
[all shout]
[Leo] Now, let's get to the top
of the Ozark Mountains
so Tapper can call a friend.
Look, Rocket-- there's Tapper.
[xylophone plays notes]
You will find a friend, Tapper ♪
You won't be all alone ♪
Help us find a friend ♪
Oh, help us find a friend ♪
Yes, help us find a friend for Tapper ♪
Way to go, Annie!
You made up words
for Tapper's friendship song.
That's what I do best!
[all inhale]
You will find a friend, Tapper ♪
You won't be all alone ♪
Help us find a friend ♪
Oh, help us find a friend ♪
Yes, help us find a friend for Tapper ♪
[xylophone plays notes]
Uh-oh. Rocket can't find Tapper.
Can you find Tapper?
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
You found him!
There he is!
[music continues]
[Leo] It sounds like Tapper
is trying to tell us about a problem.
A problem?
What problem?
-[wood creaking]
That sounds like
falling branches!
Rocket, look out!
Phew! Thanks for warning us, Tapper.
[xylophone plays notes]
Oh, no!
Tapper, watch out!
[Quincy] Uh-oh! Tapper is trapped
behind those branches!
[flute plays notes]
Don't worry, Tapper,
we'll get you out of there.
[violin plays notes]
I hear music.
Do you see who's making that music?
Oh, yeah.
It's coming from that
A rattlesnake?!
Tapper, be careful!
[flute plays notes]
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
I cannot believe it!
Tapper is trying to break
through the branches.
Hurry, Tapper!
Here comes the rattlesnake!
[violin plays notes]
Tapper needs our help.
Let's play the drums to help Tapper
break through the branches--
like this.
[drumming to "Minuet and Badinerie"]
Ready? Drum that rhythm on your lap.
That's it. It's working.
We're helping Tapper
break through the branches.
But here comes the snake!
Drum louder!
[drumming louder]
[music continues]
We did it!
Tapper is safe!
Thanks for drumming with me.
Look, look, look!
The rattlesnake has a friend.
[June] Aw, rattlesnake wasn't coming
to get Tapper.
She was looking for her friend.
[violin plays notes]
Rattlesnake found a friend,
and now we're going to help you
find your friend, Tapper,
just like I promised.
[flute plays notes]
-Let's do it!
[flute plays notes]
Let's get to the Ozark Mountains!
You will find a friend, Tapper ♪
You won't be all alone ♪
Help us find a friend ♪
Oh, help us find a friend ♪
Yes, help us find a friend for Tapper ♪
Whoa! Check it out!
It's a swamp!
[xylophone plays notes]
Rocket has a plan.
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Rocket turned into a swamp boat.
Good thinking, Rocket.
A swamp boat can take us all
the way to the Ozark Mountains.
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Go, Rocket, go!
[flute plays notes]
[June, chuckling]
Tapper loves tapping on the logs.
Hmm. That log looks kind of strange.
[timpani plays notes]
And it sounds strange, too.
I don't think that's a log.
What is it?
It's an alligator! Yes!
[flute plays notes]
Don't tap, Tapper!
It's not a log!
It's an alligator!
[flute plays notes]
[timpani plays notes]
Hurry, Rocket.
The alligator is trying to get Tapper.
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Oh, no.
The alligator is getting closer!
We have to go faster.
[flute plays notes]
That's a great idea, Tapper.
We can do a dance to make Rocket's fan
spin faster and faster--
a fan dance.
There, there, there, there.
We need your help.
Can you make circles
with your hands to the beat?
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Yes, that's excellent.
The fan is spinning faster.
But we need to go even faster
to get away from the alligator.
Come on. Let's make bigger circles.
Even bigger!
-You did it!
That was excellent fan dancing.
[flute plays notes]
Oh, no!
There is a big pile of logs
blocking the swamp!
It's a logjam!
But how will we get Tapper
to the Ozark Mountains?
Nobody can get past a logjam.
[timpani plays notes]
I know that sound.
It's the alligator.
[flute plays notes]
Tapper, what are you doing?
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Tapper is trying
to break through the logjam.
Go, Tapper!
You can do it!
Tapper is going to need extra help
to break through that giant logjam.
What can we do to help Tapper
break through the logjam?
We can drum with him on our drums.
Let's drum the rhythm with Tapper.
["Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Drum with me.
We're doing it,
but we have to drum louder.
Here comes the alligator!
[music continues]
[timpani plays notes]
Even louder!
We did it!
We broke through the logjam!
Hurry, Rocket.
Go through the logjam
before the alligator gets here.
We made it through just in time.
[timpani plays notes]
[June] Uh-oh. The alligator
followed us through the logjam.
But, look.
The alligator isn't trying
to catch Tapper.
[timpani plays notes]
He wants to play with his friend.
[timpani plays notes]
Aw, alligator looks happy
to be back with his friend.
[flute, timpani play notes]
See you later, alligator.
[timpani plays notes]
Okay, Tapper,
alligator is with his friend,
and now it's time
to help you find your friend.
[flute plays notes]
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
Here we'll find a friend, Tapper ♪
You won't be all alone ♪
Help us find a friend ♪
Oh, help us find a friend ♪
Yes, help us find a friend for Tapper ♪
[flute plays "Charge!"]
I think Tapper found the Ozark Mountains.
Do you see the Ozark Mountains?
Yes, there they are.
We found them!
[flute plays notes]
Get ready for blast-off, team.
We're going to the top
of the Ozark Mountains
so Tapper can call a friend.
Buckle your seat belts.
Seat belts buckled.
Prepare for blast-off.
We're going to need a lot
of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "blast-off!"
Yay, Rocket!
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
We made it!
A friend will definitely hear you
from up here, Tapper.
This is it, Tapper.
It's time to play your friendship song
to call a friend.
Are you ready?
[flute plays notes]
I'll use my baton to conduct.
[inhales deeply]
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
[flute plays notes]
Uh-oh. Nobody is answering.
Tapper's song isn't loud enough.
We need to help Tapper play louder.
[violin plays notes]
Wait, I hear someone.
[violin plays notes]
Who does that sound like?
It's the rattlesnakes! Yeah!
The rattlesnakes are going to help Tapper
play his song louder.
Yay, rattlesnakes!
That's very thoughtful.
[timpani plays notes]
Hey, guys, I hear another animal.
What animal does that sound like?
[timpani plays notes]
It's the alligators! Right!
The alligators want to help Tapper, too.
And I know how we can help Tapper.
We can sing the friendship song with him.
-Great idea, Leo!
But we're going to need your help.
Will you sing the friendship song with me?
[flute plays "Charge!"]
Okay. Get ready.
Now, sing!
You will find a friend, Tapper ♪
You won't be all alone ♪
Help us find a friend ♪
Oh, help us find a friend ♪
Yes, help us find a friend for Tapper ♪
Tapper wants us to be even louder!
Sing louder!
[inhales deeply]
You will find a friend, Tapper ♪
You won't be all alone ♪
Help us find a friend ♪
Oh, help us find a friend ♪
Yes, help us find a friend for Tapper ♪
Now, let's listen for Tapper's friend.
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays faintly]
[flute plays notes]
It worked!
We called another ivory-billed woodpecker!
We did it!
Tapper looks so happy.
He has a friend.
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
They're playing Tapper's
friendship song together.
Hello, Tapper.
Hello, Tapper's friend.
[both play notes]
I'm very glad you two found each other.
[both play notes]
Look, they're saying "thank you."
You're welcome.
-All right!
Yay, Tapper!
-Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
Let's clap for our team!
Clap with us.
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June!
[Annie, Quincy, June]
[xylophone plays notes]
Clap for Tapper and his friend.
[both play notes]
Let's clap for the art!
Clap for "Pool in the Woods,"
by George Inness.
And now the moment
you've all been waiting for--
let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today.
["Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie" plays]
"Orchestral Suite N°2 in B minor:
Minuet and Badinerie"
by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Yay, Bach!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on. Clap for yourself.
-You rocked!
-Yay for you!
See you on the next mission!
[both play notes]
[all laugh]

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